O 045 f' -- .- ~ .' .~ .- ''. QRDINANCE. NO. 45 An ordinance of the .,City of ' Arroyo Grande, regulating the opening conducting and carrying on of public dances, public dance .halls, and dancing clubs, in the.City of Arroyo Grande. The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande do ordain as follows: SECTION .1 It shall be unlawful for any person, asso~iation of persons or corporations to,:donduct or ass,ist in conducting. anypuhlic dance hall, dancing c1ub or. any public dance in th.e City of Arroyo Grandeyn1ess under and by authority of. a written permit from th.e'City Council of said . , City, and no permit issued under this Ordinance shall be transferable except by th.e consent of .the .City Council. Such permit sh.all be posted in a .conspicuous place on ...the .pre- mises where the dance for which permit was issued is ,conducted, and shall remain .so posted during all the time dancing is taking place. SECTION 2. Permits to conduct public dance h.alls, dancing clubs or publ'ic dances in the City of Arroyo Grande, will be issued by the City Council only upon the written application of ,any perBon for himself or on behalf. of.. any association of persons or. corporations. ,~, ,Every suchwri tten. application for permit sh.a11 be presented . to the City Council and shall set forth the following facts: (a) The name.and residence of the applicant or. applicants, and if any. applicant be. a firm, the names and residences of the parties th.ereof; if any applicant be an ,association, the names ,and residences of the officers thereof, and if an applicant be a corporation, the ,names Of th.e officers and .directors thereof; :(b) . The place for which. the permit is desired or in which any dance is to be or dances are to be h.eld, (c) The number.anddate of the dances to be,h.eld under the permit. Said City Council before issuing ,any permit ,will first .satisfy itself that the ,conduct of .such. ~nce h.all, dancing club or public dance , , , /; -- ---.- -_.~----- - will comport with the public welfare, and for the purpose will consider any fact, or evidence bearing on the ,place where the proposed public dance hall, dancing club or public dance .is to be .located, and shall also satisfy itself as to the character and moral fitness of those who',) will be in charge.of it, and any other facts or evidence t~nding to enlighten said City Council in this respect. SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the Chief. of Police to investiqate and report to the. City Council all facts or evidence bearing on the place where the proposed dance hall , dancing club or public dance is to be located and the character, reputation ,. and moral fitness of those who will be in charge. SECTION 4. The follow~ng license fees shall be .chargedand be collected for permits granted as herein provided. PDrpermit for singel dance- - - - - - - - - $ 1.50 For permit for. a series of dances, e~tending over.a period of a month or over, or less than three months- - - $ 2.00 For permit for a quarter or three months -. - - 3.00 SECTION 5. When the City Council shall. issue any permit under the terms I .of this Ordinance, the s~,'1t\ay be revoked at any time thereafter by said City. Council if said CitYeouncil becomes dissatisfied with the ,. conduct of such ,dance hall, dancing club or public dance which does not or will not comport with the public welfare for any reason, or that the same has been conducted in an illegal, Xmproper.or disorderly manner. ,Said ,City Council may make rules governing the public dance ,halls, , public dance halls, public dances and dancing clubs,. and revoke or suspend permits issued for. any public dance .hall or dancing.club where the pro- p~oprieter or person or persons in charge thereof violates or permits any infraction of ,any law of the-State of.California or any Ordinances of the City of Arroyo Grange, ppov~ded however that no permit for public dance hall or dancing suspended under the terms of this Ordinance. SECTION.6 ,For the purpose of this Ordinance a public dance hall is de- fined to beap~acewheredancing is conducted for .profit and to which' the public 'is admitted whether with .or without charge. For the purpose of thisOrqinance the term public dance is de- fined to be a gathering,ofi.,Person&,ih prupon.:anyprem:l;ses:,where dancing -- ---~_.- ----- ,_.~ is participated in as the main purpose for such gathering, and to which preaisesthe public is admitted. :'SEe~ION7 , It shall be unlawful for any person in charge or assisting in the conduct of any public dance hall or any public dance or club dance to permit any intoxicated, boisterous or disorderly person to enter, be or remain in, or to assist in any such. public dance hall, public dance or club dance; and it shall be 1iInlawful for any person in an intoxicated condition to enter or remain in any public dance hall, public dance or club dance or for any person to conducthi himself in a boisterous or disorderly manner in a public dance hall, public dance or club dance, SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall not apply to any fraternal or social orgamization giving a dance to their members to which the public is not invited, nor to their memberB to which the public is not invited, nor to any dance given by any organization or individual, for the purpose of.which is to raise funds for charity. SECTION9. Any person, association of persons or co~po~ation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordi~~nce shall be deemed 1 ,- guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punisheDl~lby a finei; not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprison- ment in the, County, jail ,for a period notexceEiding ..j'ix:,:months, . or by both such fine and imprisonment. And upon conviction any permit which may have been granted to such person, association of persons or corporations to conduct, maintain, or persons or corporations to conduct, maintain, or carry on any public dance hall or public dance or club dance shall be rendered void; and the City Council shall declare such permit to be revoked. And no permit shall be issued to such person, association of persons or copporations to conduct'any public dance hall, public dance or club dance for at least one year thereafter. - , , ---- ____n___ -------- '~ r"'. . , . ~ '- SECTION 10 It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, in addition . ' to his several duties, to inspect any and all dance ha~ls, and he will be permitted to enter free of charge any dance hall for the purpose of inspection. SECTION 11. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this Ordinance , to be published onee in the Herald-Recorder a newspaper printed and published in the City of Arroyo Grande, and of general circulation therein. SECTION12. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirty-first day after its final. passage and approval. Introduced passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular'meeting thereof, held on the fifteenth day of March, 1933 by. the following vote: (See Ordinance Book) " RESOLUTION NO. 320 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO SET THE CITY LICENSE FEE FOR P~~IC. DANCES AT $1.50 PER ~ANCE OR $12.50 PER QUARTER. BE IT RESOLVEOD THAT THE CITY LICENSE FEE FOR THE PUBLIC DANCES WILL BE $1.50 PER DANCE, OR $12.50 PER QUARTER UNTIL FUR'l'lmR NOTICE. RESOLUTION NO. 350 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO EXTEND THE CLOSING TIME FROM 12 MIDNIGHT TO 1 A.M. ----- ----.--.----...