O 044 !- '"t" 'I \ /" : \ \ ,\. ' -.j, , ~~ . . .o'k" ORDINANCE NO. 44~ AN ORDINAHCE I'ROHTI3ITING CERTAIN. BUILDINGS AlJ]) US:II:S OF PROPERTY IN CERTAIlr PARTS OF THE CITY OF .It.BRGyo, GRANDE.. WHEREAS, public convenience, hea,lth. safety and general. I welfare require that a general zoning ordinance be prepared a,nd a,dopted for the City of Arroyo Grand~, and WHEREAS, such an ordinance is in the cours'e of preparation, and 'f.HERF~S, the studies and reports and geheral procedure required by law involve a substantial period of time before the same can be consun~ted. and WHEREAS. the construction of the new State highway through the City of Arroyo Grande introduces new conditions requiring official attention pending the final pas,sage of the gene.ral zoning I o.rdinance, therefore ! The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande. do ordain as follows: SECTION I, That within the following described portion of the City of Arroyo Grande, to-wit: peginning at the intersection of the lTortherly line of Poole Street 1'1th the Easterly line of Bridge Street; thence 'Northerly along the Easterly line of Bridge Street and continuing in the s:azue course to its intersection with the Northerly line of Branch Street; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of Branch Street to the Westerly line 01' Wesley Avenue; thence Southerly and parallel to the Westerly line of Bridge Street to the Northerly line of Valley Road; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Valley Roa,d and continuing in the same course to its intersection with the ~asterly line of Bridge Street; thence " Northe~ly;along the Easterly line of Bridge Street to the point of begin~ing. it shall be unlawful to erect, alter or re.pair any \~, building! or other structure. or to use any building or other It:..r'!'i~'j f , -_._._~---- - -.--- , ,. ,1 ' ( , i - - I , ! ' , . structure or lot, for any of the following specified purposes" to- wit: Assaying by the furnace,: method with more tha,n one furnace of a capacity of'two (2) cubic feet; automobile wrecking or wrecked and disassembled car s.to.rage; blacksmithing; harseshoeing; boiler making or repairing; brick. tile or terra, co,tta manufacture. or storage; carpet cleaning; creamery employing over five (5) persons; crematory; stone crushing yard; stone bunker; dog pound; coal yard; construction material yard or s torEige; dyeing or dry , clea,ning; f at rendering; foundry; gas ms,nufacturing or storage; employing a truck or trucks with a capacity of over f1vechundred (500) cubic feet of gas; hay or grain ba:r;n ,or warehouse; hides or skins (uncured) ; incineration or reductiQn of garbage" off,al. dead animals or ref use; iron, steel, brass or coppe'r Vlorks;ljunk. I , scrap paper or rag storage or baling business or yard; lamp black manufacture; laundry or wash house; lumber yard; machine shop. (not including garage); milk bottling station; packing house or plant; railroad :freight yard, team, track.. freight depot or shed. shop or roundhbuse; raw hide or skin storage,. curing or tanning; riding academy; rock. sand or gravel loading, distributing or receiving station; storage of commodities or vehicles upon or on lot or lots, or a portion or portions thereoft,\no,t occupied by a building msed for the purpose of such storage;. scrap iron works or storage; slaughtering of animals or fowl; stable; stone o,r monumen t works; s time crusher or, quarry; storage warehous'e;. and wood yards' or other similar uses which by reason of smoke.. dust. odor.. or noise constitute a nuisance, SECTION II.. Violation of the terms of this ordinance shall be puni- shable by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500~OO, or ! 2. _._----------- """ , / \ , by u1pr1sonment for not more than six (6) months and each day such violation is continued shall be considered a aeparate offense and subject to the S~Jme penalty. SECTIOI-T III. ,The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published once in the Arroyo Grande Herald-Recorder, a newspaper printed and published in tile City of Arroyo Grande, Cali- fornia, and of generaJ. c irculat10n therein. SECTION IY. \ \, , " ." .. This ordinance is hereby:.,'1ie~la'\.ed\'to be urgent and imme- .~'~"'- \ ".,. 8"~, ',' ,.... diately necessary to preserve the'tpubll,c peace,. health and safety and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. I I1JTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the ] City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th , day of July, 1932. by the following vote: \ \ AYES: Councilmen Moore, Poole, Gibson, Phillips and Bria~o NOES: None l ABSENT: None ,-. I I , Ci ty Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande. :(~. ;Presented to and approved by me this ,6th da,y of July.. 1932. " Mayor, of the City of Arroyo Grande. ATTESTt City Clerk of the Oi ty of Arroyo Grande. I ..