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WHEREAS, the State of California, acting by and through the
Department of Public Works"Division of Highways, has laid out, '
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within the City of Arroyo Grande, a highway as part of the State
Highway System of the State of California, has awarded contracts
for the improvement of said highway by paving a portion thereof,
erecting a bridge and other incidental work, and such work of I
improvement is now being done; !
'. AND WHEREAS, said State'of California desires to obtain
jurisdiction over and control of. said highway;
AND WHEREAS, a portion of .said highway is being construc~ed
over public streets within the City of Arroyo Grande;
t, NOW TH~FORE? the City ~ouncil of the City of Arroyo Grande ,
.does ordain as follows:
Se'ction 1- The State of. California, acting by and' through
the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, is hereby
granted jurisdiction over and control of such portions of the real.
property hereinafter described as are public streets situated with~
in :the City of Arroyo Grande for the purpose of constructing, and
maintaining thereon a highway as part 'of the State Highway System,
The City of Arroyo Grande hereby relinquishes all jurisdiction over'
and control of said highway except as hereinafter provided.
Section ,2. The City of Arroyo Grande reserves the right to
operate, maintain and repair the present sewer and water lines now
owned by it over and across such por1iions of said property as are,. ,
public streets within said City, with the right tolay such additional
pipe' lines and service pipes as may become necessary; provided,
however, that before any such work shall be done, a permit therefor
shall be first secured from the Department of Public Works, Division I
of Highways, ).
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Section 3. Said real property is described as follows: ,I
Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly line of Lot
91, Rancho Bolsa de Chamisa1 as delineated upon a map entitled nparts
of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chamisalu, by
James T. Stratton, on file in Map Book nAil, page 65, Records of said .(
County, with the Department of Public Works' centerline survey for I
the State Highway, Road V-8LO~2-F, which said intersection is at
En8ineer's Station 636+81.03 on said centerline survey and bears N~
34 04' 30" E., 141.87 feet from the intersection of the northeasterly
. right of way fence of the existing State highway right of way as
shown on IIState Highway Layout No. 311", with the fence which marks
the. southeasterly limits of the City of Arroyo Grande and the south-
easterly boundary line of said Lot 91; thence, following the said I
southeasterly boundary line of Lot 91 and the projection thereof S. ,
34G 04' 30" W., :201.52 feet to an intersection with the southwesterly
boundary line of the existing State highway right of way as shown
on UState Highway Layout No, 31111; thence, following the said exist- ,
. inS State highway right of way line from a tangent which bears N. I
. 58 57' 07u W., along a curve to the right with a radius of 937.77
feet, through an angle of 170 24' 3711, a distance of 284.96 feet;
thence" N, 41.0 32' 3011 W, 434.63 feet to an intersection with the
southwesterly boundary line of the propo~ed State highway right Of way,
which intersection bears S. 370 16' 30n W, 50.00 feet from Engineer's
Station 643+83,23; thence, following the proposed State highway right
of way N. 5:20 43' 30n W" 1380.02 feet; thence, along a gurve to the
right with a radius of 2050 feet, thro~h an angle of 19 32', a
distance of 698.89 feet; thence, N, 330 11' 30n W., 1440,66 feet;
thence, along a curve to the left, with a radius of 1750 feet, through
an angle of 650 59', a distance of 2015,35 feet; thence, S. 80G
49' .30" W., 499.00 feet; thence, along a curve to the right, with a
radius of 2550 feet, through an angle of 26039', a distance of
1186.08 feet; thence, N, 720 31' 30" W., 94601 feet; thence, S. 67~
10' 30n W, 80.21 feet to a point on the easterly boundary of Cienega
Avenue, being the westerly city limits of Arroyo Grande; thence, N. ,
00 07' 30n E, 106,73 feet to Engineer's Station 0+01.99 on the center-
line survey for Road V-SLO-2-E; thence, aongsaid centerline survey,
N, 720 31' 30" W., 141.86 feet; thence, along a curve to the right
with a radius of 2000 feet, through an angle of 140 50', a distance
of 517.78 feet to' Engineer's btation 6+61,63; thence, leaving said I
centerline survey and running N. 320 18' 3011 E, 50.00 feet to a
point on the northerly boundary line of the State highway right of '1
way, Road V-8LO-2-E; thence, along said right of way line from a ,
tangent which bears S. 570 41' 30:U E, along a curve to the left with !
a radius of 1950 feet, through an angle of 140 50', a distance of 504.84
feet; thence, S. 7P.o 31' 3011 E, 143.85 feet to a point which bears N.
17028' 3011 E, 50.00 feet from Engineer's Equation Station 726+69.90-
SLO-2-F = 0+00-SLO-2-E; thence, along the northerly boundary line of
the State highway right of way, Road V-SLO-'2-F, S, 7:20 31'. 30n E,
1037.02 feet; thence, along a curve to the left, with a radius of 2450
feet, through an angle of 190 57', a distance of 853,07 feet; thence,
N. 870 31' 3011 E, 229.11 feet; thence, N. 800 49' 30J1 E, 617.30 feet;
thence, N. 820 25' 30" E, 455.78 feet; thence, S. 320 49' 20n E, 63,51
feet; thence, from a tangent which bears S. 820 10' 09D E, along a
curve to .the right, with a radius of'1850 feet, through an angle of
260 47' 0411& a distance of 864,83 feet; thence, from a tangent which
bears S, 55 23' 0511 E, along a curve to the left with a radius of ,
6 feet, throu8h an angle of 670 33' 25u, a distance of 7.07 feet; I
thence, N. 57 03' 30" E, 48.51 feet; thence, along a, curve to the
left with a radius of 3 feet, through an angle of 900 15', a distance
of 4.73 feet; thence, S. 330 II' 3011 E, 159.70 feet; thence, from a
tangent which bears S. 500 06' llD E, along a curve to the right, with
a radius of 1850 feet, through an angle of 160 54' 4111, a distance of
546.05 feet; thence, S.,330 11' 30" E, 1440.66 feet; thence, along
a curve to the left with a radius of 1950 feet, through an angle
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of 190 32'.. a distance of 664.80 feet; thence, S.' 520 43'.30" E,
1508.77 feet; thence, along a curve to the left. with a radiuS of
2950 feet, through an angle of 80: 40' 48", a distanCe of 446.90
'feet; thence, S. 67006' 54" E, 125.32 feet to a point on the
aforementioned southeasterly line, of Lot 91; thence, along said
Lot line S. 340 04' 30T! W, 60.37 feet to the point of beginning. . '''',
Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause
this ordinance to be published once in the Arroyo Grande Herald . ,
Recorder, a newspaper printed and published in the City: of Arroyo !
Grande, California,. and of general circulation therein. i
Section '5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force on the 31st day after its final passage.
I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was intro-
duced and first read at a regular meeting of the City Council of
the City of Arroyo Grande on the 1st day of .Tun. , 1932; I
that said ordinance was thereafter passed and adopted as an or-
dinance of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of the
City Council of said City duly held on the 16thday of .TUft. , I
\:, I
1932, by the fo11o\ving vote:
AYES: OO\moilmen Vofte, Poole, <Jibsem, Phillips and !!risoo.
NOES: : . '1''''''''. I
ABSENT : " I~.
, c79X~MU/Qd" .~
City Clerk of the City of Arroyo
. Grande.
Presented to and approved by m~ ~his 15th day of
.T1M. , 1932. ~~
Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande
. ATTEST: ~ Yv&~4
City Clerk of the City of
Arroyo Grande.
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