O 042 ~'-. ..,.o~ . . .' , ." .~ . \11. ORDINANCE NOt .4 g. - AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE TERM "OLEOMARGARINE", AND REQUIRING PERSONS, FIRMS, I AND CORPORATIONS SELLING OR EXCHANGING, OFFERING FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, OR ! HAVING IN POSSESSION VilTH INTENT TO SELL OR EXCHANGE, OLOOMARGAlUNE, TO OBTAIN A LICENSE AUTHoRIZING THDI TO DO SO AND TO PAY A LICENSE FEE; ROOULATING THE TRANSPORTATION OF OLOOMARGARINE WITHIN THE Olt! or A8i01O QiI~. ; AND PROVID!NG A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. The . (;1 ~ 1b&.rdot flU'*" of the 01.,. or ~ 0rImd.. <<State of California, do otdain as follows: I Section 1, The word "oleomargarine" as used in this Ordinance shall signify, I and it is hereby defined to mean and include, any manufactured substance other I than butter, intended to be used or suitable for use as II. substitute for butter, I or which is an imitation of butter, or which is intended to be sold as or for I butter or as a substitute for or imitation of butter, or which is intended to be used or sold as an ingredient'or constituent to be used in the preparation of any substitute for or imitation of butter or of 'artificial. butter. The fact ths such manufactured substance or preparation may contain bUtter as one of its in,- grediant,:3 shall not prevent'its being oleomargarine within the-meaning of this Ordinance, if a:n.y other substance or ingredient enters into the composition or l' /CII ma:n.ufacture .thereof. The term "oleomargarine" shal.l include al.so any substance /r ];: embraced within the definition of that term contained in su!:xlJ..ViSil ~ S iction ~.. n~ 'Ii'I P\II e. Mia:!! ~ of California,. approved J1:Uie:li 19 ,or any - , amendment thereto. heretOfore enacted or hereafter to be enacted, The word \1' "butter" as used in the foregoing definition shall' be deemed to include nothing "- ;out the fatty constituent of cows' milk separated by churning, together with ~~ .ouch quantity of salt and water as nay; be needed to render the same suitable c;\(f. \: for use, and such other components oi/the milk from wM_ch the said fatty con-. < ~J stituent is obtained as in ~e ordinary manufacture of butter are not separated i' f;(':"'>" thmfroo. I ~ ti ~. ~ Section 2. It ~hall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation by i' i I ~ himself, herself. or i teelf. or through his, her, or 1, ts employee or agent I < 1'. as the employee or agent of another, to sell, exchange, offer for sale or , exchange, or have in possession with the intent to sell or eXcPanl: the same or offer the same for sale or exchange, within the ." of #IItIfJ!Io . i r"'.. ., State of California, any oleomargarine, without first haviI}g secured a license . so to do from the C1vot ~ at.,.. < . , State of California, and having paid to the said. . . the license fee therefor. The said license shall be effective for a period of I 8aDtbe months from the date of the issuance of the same, at the end Oi:VI~C\1 period itShall~,(and" 1.1- the fee to be paid for. such license s1)all ~e thib:um of Wtr . . . IICMiOt t , for such period of . . ' . months. Any person,fL-m, or corporal. :!~~perating more than one place of bus:lness wi thin the. . ,State of California, at which any such product is sold, exchanged,bffered for sale or exchange, or held in possession with intent to sell or exchange the 88me, ,shall be required to procure a license for each of such,places of business, Section 5, Such .11censes shall be issued bi1ie C1y Clerk ,of said ca.", upon the payineni to <him for the. . of the license fee hereinabove designated, and the moneyrec8i~ tS~UCh license fees shall be paid into the treasury of the 0 . , .. , ~'- State of California. . '- ~ --------- ., Section 4, . It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to ca:rry, haul, ship, or otherwise 'transport or c~ ~ ~t!f.a:Jruled, shipped, or otherwise transported into the , State of Calif.)mia" or through, over, or across any portion of said .A.1i1 , any olecmargarine, without having placed on each package or container there0t a mark or label stating that such package or containCT contains oleomargarine, and stating the names and addresses of the consignor or shipper~ and the consignee or receiver thereof, and a pa:rticula:r designation of the destination or intended point of delivery thereof; provided, however, that tilis section shall have no application t,) any such shipment. or transportation of (1r trans- action affecting oleoma:rgarine as shall constitute interstate commerce. Sectbn 5. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate MY of ::!flvl4 provisions ,,,f this Ordinance shall be Punis~ble by a fine not ex~eeding . Hundred DO~ or by imprisonment in the. \1 jail of the Clt; ot _ j;rrol'~ . e . State of CaUf )mia, for a term not exceeding One Hundred :eighty Days, Section 6. If any section, subsection, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance for any reasun shall be declared invalid or unc'Jnstituti,)nal, such decisi::Jn, declaration, invalidity, or unconstitutionality shal~l?t. B;ffc&t tho val~:1J1l; of the remaining p'Jrtions of this Ordinance, and the . 0.111:1 "j; (; t;! , r; weD hereby declares ):.hat it w::>uld have passed each separate provision, scction, subsection, clause, phrase, and word hereof irrespective I of the fact tilat one or more of such sections, subsections, clauses, phrases, .nrds, or prQvisi.;ms hereof may be declared unc:.Jnstitutional. , 'iXJ:mi. <:If \Zit..... Th'1 for~ng Ordinance was, pa~ ~f~~.te'G~..~e . . ;".uI Jf the . " ,,'q . . State of Calif:>rnia, at the reguly sessi m of said .d\:g held "n the day of ,195_, by the f,)ilowing vote: ~yes: COuncilmen-. Conra.d, }!orgam, Pocrl., Gibson and ~oor.. Noes: C~o11m.n Non., Absent: COU1IC:Llmen lone. I n ,Witness Whereof, I have hsreunto Bet my hand and_~~f~.d the Corporats Seal of the City of Arroyo Grand~e",th1s 16th, day of varoh, 19313. '..... city Clerk Att..t~ , ..yo~. . '..Y. . ! I n,