O 038
-- .'
(. " ,.r
~' .'. 4,
, :. I ' n "
. '-~(/ ~ 'OlUIInAtI'CB Jlo. $8. ..
. r " .
". ","Y'
.-'-~., "~'IO:' I'
m OJU)J:)r41JCE 0' !liS Clft' OMen. OJ _ Olilt 0' AKIIOYO IJoJWOB PBOnmIG
loa 'fIlE BEGUUflO11 OJ \'~ BASS '1'0 BE JWB BY '1'D GIn OJ A1IBOto 4J1alllR
Joa \W!lm mmYlCE AlD1BOVIDUQ lWLEB A)fD BEauLA!lIOHS JOlt mE ,iA.BJl 1ElJ.RT-
UB1f.e or BUD Clft' OJ AlUWYO GJWlD!o.
smIOI 1. !hat ~e foUow1Jl6 no_a aii4 00J'lpe~8.UOU U'8,henbl t1xe4 ""
and ..tabUabe4. and 8h&U 'be ooUeote4 117 the water J)eJU1iIaeD.t ot .... Clq
ot A.'JtWIOG1'U4e. &8 follOW11, to-w1tl '"
. ~!l'IC OIi COfPlli'R4W1 PlmPOSIi:J
f 'lat note, tor eaoh i ,boh ae1'1'loe - .. -- p,OO
)let.red 8e1'1'10e, .,50 cnl.b10 teet ..,..t"'''''1
I ror t or 1DOh _tft8. $2.00 ;pel' IIIOnth.
.. 1 1DOh ..teJII, 2.25" "
"1* 1DOh IIIfIter8. 2.50 " ..
i .. a 1DOh Ilietel'll. 8.00 .. ..
Over '1eo cnl.b10 teet u,p to 1100 cub10 te.t. 20 oenu ;per 100 CRlblo feet.
OVer 1100 cublo . teet u,p to 2100 GQbloteet. 15 oent. per 100 GUlo feet.
.,,',",.. ""'
pe.r:t: boh ooDmlotloJII with 0111I bioh IIIfItll'llt 1000 _10 feet ..,..t.... t2.00
per . eme.. oyer 1000 Gliblo teet; alzoem. >>81'100 .)10 t....
Ii boh OOJllleotlou with It iDOh IDItertl. 2000 Gliblo I..t ",...t~, ".00 per
IIIOI1th. ..... 01'81' aooo cublo teet, .t.a 'oot.per 100 .nbiO '-"
2 1noh OOIIII8OUou with a IJtOIi aetert.lOOOcn1blo I..t",'..,- ...10 ;pe:r
IIIOnth. em... oy.r aooo cublo ten _boat. >>R .100 Gllblo ten.
VI.. UK for l:r:r1pt1on ;purpo.e. 8h&U be.1DIaI1&H4 117 .....1' and Pall
app17 onl7 to veae_ble SIZ'deU. sro".. or ~","..or 1aD4oontd..t~ OM
OJ' 11IO" Loti 111 .Dent. with no 1'..14e11O.. ~
Water tam11he4 tor lawna 01'0Z'llUlll1tal~.. or dcIae.t1o ~.on .
tnct tam111he4 1:rr1p.U...rate. 8h&U be.epan.te1l' 1Dltue4 UI4 IbaU b.
c1Iarge4 to. .t domenltJJtJ!li.
VlADlt J.~5 roR C<mSfJiUCWIOJf PWil'OS:U
'or each ZOO f&1'd.8 ot pl..ter. -.;...---- $.10
1'01' eaoh 1000 b1'1011:a laid, . -, . .25
'or each ZOO .41.. tt. OOlll8n~ e1dna1t. ~ .15
lor each bbl. oement or 11llle tor other parpo.e.. - .1&
lor ..'1Il1Dg .ach 100 teet ot PI or el801Irio 41toh..- $1.00
lor llo11DB each 100 .q.tt. ot OOJlOl'e1;. paT~'. ' <"&115 - ~ 'S'
tor wa'er us.d tor e.rq other puI'pO'l notee will be
established 'li0l" the EllrJ...er ot sv,ptr1l111e:a4en' Ot street..
~~ SEC'1'J:OJ' 2.-i.e. tor hllta.111aB ne. .enloes are all toUn..
t 1Dch meter.. with i 1DOh ..1'1'1.... --- ..---- ..0.00
1 1noh mete1'8, with 1 1noh serdoe, ~ : : ~
" 2 1noh meteri. with 2 1Dch ._1'1'10.. =: :'. :',. .... .iiFe,
1~ 1Dch metel'll with Ii 1Dch ..1'1'108. " · ....
,/ SECTl(,)1I S.- All b111s U'. 4111I the t1rri ot ti'mcmth tollow11a6 ~e 1..11
reacl1:a4. an4 1t not paid 'b;r the 20th of.the month a1'8 oouldend te1111qu8l1t
and .e:rdce .., be 41loont1l1118d withOv.t fartbe:rnoUOI. and a "'se ot $1.00
made to:r "C0Jll1801I1on. tosether witha11,1i1l1. over 4111I, an4 & .ptol~
v 48p0811; ~ be required 111 the 4IIlorot1on ot the WIAter su,p.r1l1t8l14el1t to
pa1'antee ~ent ot water bill. in' the future.
(a) Bat.. le1n lIg>'iUl'" pro;pertn
In a441t1on 1>> e.rq o~er .:re~p:roT14edher01n tor the entor......' and 0011-
ection ot e.rq water rate. ohar.."9 or D.Ooount. e.ll rates prodde4 to:r 1n th1s
!. .... h.. . ' ,
^ i!": .. 'Section S.':;I,). OOJ1t1nued. .."
'..,. .' Or41_e 1haU'~e ohas'se4~t .the propert7 011 whiOh It 11 ~~ u4
. ". "p1~.t ~ OW1m.' thereot..aDd. IhaU bo a 11en .~".t the preIII1...,~Oh
~ ....11.1' .., b. IIqIplle4 ~. Ghar.. ~4ft..t the owna' thereot aaa the
. oocra,paJ1t thereot uf.D6 Ul.water. aDd. it tor 'ZJ:1 caue. arq IaIIII owiN ther.tor
b.._ ~lb/.qllent the wat.rlhaU be a1l oft and. in DO oaa. Da11 It be
turned 011 the ..e ~ untUl all iRIOh. ~e. .1haU ha." be.
paid In tIa11. u4 iRIOh pro1ldt7 0_ ... oocv,paat Da11 b. ~ NIl'"
0J181blo to the 01117 In arq Oov.r1; ot o~ent Jull41crt1OJ1 tor the iIaIDan1I ot
8110h rat.. as IlIIq bo cIu. aD4 ~4. with all .;peu1tio. proy1decl her.1a U4
oOlt.. 10 olwII.'8 ot ownerdh1>> or ooou;pa.,tlOJ18hall attect Ule :appl1oatlOJ1 ot
thi. 180$1... .
(b)" xn 0... a hOwl. beoomel ftO_tth. rejJVJ.ar .rat. 8.ba11 be 0bar1l4 u4
oollooto4 tJ.'OII .the owner thereot 1ib.e1IJ1et -.ter 1. 11884 Of DOt, we"l tIae wa'tier
depar'llment i8 DOtitled thereof u4 requltod to 41IOOJ1t1JmG the .unoe.
(0)- Tho. S1J,per1atenclent ot the. -.ter >>e>>ar.... ah8U hay. the "'1'. 1a
hil 4i8oretion. .to adJ118t oOll\Pla1ntl aU to grad re1t..... hGII.tIae ....11.. epeci.1ed
tleA1Io 41llatbtleAperlOJ18J aU in theft'ent of u:t .41lp1\~." to. the wa1l.r
rate. to bo paid b7 the oonaumer. he 8.ba11 4et.m1ne the ..... n'bJ1Iot to the
approYal ot Ule01117 Ooano11.
(4)- It th.llletor taU. to ngiater -f.D6 u:tperi84 Or 18 JI:DOWA to rest-
.ter 1Deooura1l~. the 00J18'0III81' wiU bo Obarse4.with _ ..,..... ~ .....tat
the .... .....on or the aY~ ..I'-'ft~e preriCl11l IIIOJ1tb1~
." .. I . . .'
(.)- on t&111U'e to YOIII,P1i with the ftl.. u4 resa1&t10118 ..taJ>>1J,1Ihe4 u a
00:a41t1011 to the u. of water. or to 1}a't the :ra.... orarq 1*11'1" '..,OleA1a
Ule t1m. 8124 IllalllSC-I' hero1a pronU4, water ,.., be ..11 oft OIL .., alIA all Ier-
no.. *"" the del1aq1WJ1t II n,pplleA with water, untill .~ of the IIIIOIIJ1t
c1ue 18 made with one dol1a:r in ad4ltlon u;plJ1se t01t t\U'!WIc the water ott 8124
on. (t)- Shn1d the ooov,pe,nt of e:q ,>>rllll1... Or e:q penon t01t Ja1a or on hi.
beha1t. 1IU'A 011 the wat.r 01' ntt.r.or GaUlle the .... to be .... ..after the
wa:hr 4ePaz'"tIII_ baa at It oft at OIIZ'b 00_. It will be at oft at the .-in:
aDd. Ghar.. ot $2.60 b. made tor t\U'!WIc ott 8124 on. .
(s>- In aU oale. in wb1.oh water 18 leno4 to ~I.' 4IOOIQ104.bT no 01' t
more 41tt.rat aU 1II4eJjl9Jldol1t O~I'I ot water... wJa1Oh~.. .,. W4 'lUl4er
. the ..e o-nb1.P, the..owner Or 0DerI otnch preai... eha11bo ... are h.reII.J
reqube4. 10 proVi4e_peII4_ .enloe. to the 0IU'b Uu tor ... nch
1114epelldeat OOJ1llllle1'J' 1'o'f1de4 that it the ....1' ot I1IOb. p..t,.. .. 1ene4 wi Ul
watel' 8ha1l 8B1'0. In writf.D6 110 be re.ponsible tor nn4 prq o11mo_, clue tor
wahl' us.d ~0J1 saeh prem1.... 8uoh In4ependut servlo. shall ne~ be l'equ1red .
Iohould the owner or ownel'l. .t1!lo11 01' reful. to proY14e 8uoh Wepe__t servloe
and to &88111II rel1>oulbll1 V tOI' IIIOIUt7 4ue tor water 118" \1,1IOA I1IOb. preai...
the water 4epu1lllentlhaU~ illftezo titteen daIS netlo. 110 the OOIII1JII4Ir 10
I '.,. . .
..rved. 8124 to Ulo. own,r otnob.PO'fId'.' or tho Jer80n in Ghar.. tJUtreot out "
9tt the water from 8uoh .>>nra1... utW . the 1II4e>>ad.,at lernoe. U't lIIoItaUed
or Ule /l#eementu8lllll1Jqr respoulbJ.l1V t01t tile .1IOJ187 .. tOI' -.tot .ene4
to Ule premile. 11 made AI herein proyldH. .
(h)- A'A7 00118\11II01' 'IIIq 4......,;... tbat Ule illiteI' ~ 1Ib1Oh water 11 beins
tIU'n18he4. be ..."",t"ed 8124. teltod b7 thf water dl1*Z'..t tolf' the pvJIO'o ot
aaoerta1D111S *ethol' Or DOt 1 t 1. re&1.terins OOITeotl,y the uout .r-.ter
whiOh 18 bell1S 4ellYere4 tuouab 1t....~"4-."<< IIha11 b. ~.*'~tf.D6 to
the water 4e>>artment. an4 IhaU be 800....,,104 b7 a depo .it ot .... dollar
($1.00) v,poI1 iRIOh reol1>>t oi,;saeh ",......41 it .~ be the \IIIyot the wat.r
dtl1I&1''l:lllent 110 o&un th, illiteI' to b. ~.,.tfted 8124 1I..to4 '0Z' the~l. ot
a.oerta1n1l1Swhether 01' DOt It 11 re&1~ oornet.l,y the _ter b bs ~
dellY.r.d thrClQ&tl. h. It v,poI1 INOh ,.....t..'1I10J1 aU tOI1l the .eter .-.u be . ."
tound to regilter over Z . more waterUlanao'hall,y pall'" .tII.rCIaP ~11. another .
lIIeter will be aub.t1tuto4 therefor _.the to. ot OJ1e Collar (tI.oo) 1h&11
be repaid to Ule pertDn ....1Pt.." thea,pJlliOatiia aU thewa1ler bln tOl' the
O'IU'ent 1IIr184 a4,Jute4 in INOh & -....er.. Ul. s..r=:r4l9Dt~ _ter
department IlIIq de.. tall' aDd Jut.xt the .eter be t to .... ..'DOt
DlOra Ulan three IIII' oent (S .) tut. the 0_ dollar ($1.00) 8h&11 bo'l'ort.1ted
to Ulo Cl't7 and the water. bll1p14 a. I'IJI4ere4.
'J ~
-- ,
"'" "',
:,~) .....
. i
....... . . . .' , I
. _fl..... JI.tore _11ft 1ha11 be null_ t.roII the ..... 01 ""_1Ift !
,.- 4epaZ'..... to ezq pel". 01' ~ ezq ~... ".'" OZOOOll\!lpad Of the..
,po...w'* IbaU Dab a writ.. 1Q:pUo&-- to:t neb .......... ...... c:.>>ro""
.,14414 'b7 the Cl_ 01 AI'S'OJ'O ~.... '. .~, of th. __ ...... . ..
fJae .mt_U.. ...,..."in .Ww~'-l.' .....u.a. 1t....~.I'...
.ba.U tao.. the _lUllS. Udret. of .. 1Wl....... ....t.,p...... 01 ... _.
111001I:. lava. DIlle 01 :;v.trt .. .... ... ,..,...., __.. ... .. ftfttW
1*8.' ~ ..'1-.,_... pIWt.... f.,*. ....It.......... ,~
wi th...... "1atl~ to _ ,..,...... .. ... .. 1...... .' ..
. 8i,OJ~QI'" 11" ~...abaU b. JI%...... ~. ..... If., ,,.., III' ...
.._ c1..~ t ., ~". the ..... to 'be ~ 1m' of .. .-....110I \J11J:J'4'" .-. ,.. < '.,
awz'O>>~' r.. ... par;pon. .,., ,'"
.:;.,~~IJ.' -,in bJIi'_tam Jk!J,/,nI4e4,IUtbe .44......,....otent.t..
~nN. 1UIIS..Ma11 H QeIIeI ..,,,, __ 117 ... ._....ar... 'I....
... ot. CI_ .t~ GftrIda.OI''' ... ,.".... ,. ... =__
'u ..... .tbOda. ..... 11I''' '''''et'' the fth .......... . __
. s&CflOl ,.. JIG ptri_ tIIaU .,. o~ 01' _nr...' wltI1ezq-.. 01'_"
a.1a' 01' 11. WbSob ,.. ezq JU1 ot.. .,.... 01 11M __ ...... of ...
Cl_ of A-. g....... wi..... n.nt-utrSas.... ..,..t.t. .......... m.
the ~1'''.1IG_' of '1M __ "'111 . 11.".,..s.. IIIW ..,:__
., ,.noa ... "'b1l.... .to... Clt, t~._ ... t,."'*'tPf... ,~
01' _ .. ..... OJ' ..... ooous.c.. __ __ fttiII "41.._.... ....
wi... batIas nIe1_ .......da at J&en.Ia~, '. . . .
.. .
. S1.Cfl. . - DIe __ ~ IIII&U _.,...~ to .. ." .. .
-- " ., ~ ,.. the ___... 01 ... __ .,.....WS.....
IIOUoe 1D ....01 I If...., .........:
. SEcn. t ~. V101atl.... ...m...... pm"''' I. .,..'
AJq 1*'.., .t1aI U 00I',p0_;1_ dolatSJIC ., :PI'ft1I1ea. ot *. OW,,","4.
IIIiIU 1Ie ""RtA ..u... ot . iIt__nI7'''_ 1III*0taL'd4u. .,Pot:1IIIaU.
'bs paallbII4 'b7. tIDe.in ... _of.'........ _.....na ~~.... .
~tIOO.OO) ~ SIIp'1...~Atin JaU toll' .. .J8ri04!1Ot I..".?" ....~..
II) .... U 'both IIIIOh ftulUllS....... .-., .
Bleil" 10 - _ O!V 01erk: UaU oen1f7 to the ..,..._ of. \
OJ'"I~~~" _.-.u. .... .. _ to ~. 1IIf,!IJ;'*4 in _ .....'..'1"1.. . . ~i
of tbe JleI'llH'DUJ_tllf. ..~ ~,of_ II 11~ < .
eetabU~ ,PI'I.D.1II4.pUUlIIeI ..a .I')JIII...'...O..'of....... .
GI'IIIIIt.. . .' '.
~...._...t. tbe t.h..S..,o..........,. ...1Ido>>..... ..
au,,-. ,..-!thsC1'V'fIt AftOJO.... ,..~~~.Ul Ii _.....__
.1~ _'~_U.f.'" ~ gU a. ..,,01,.__* 1-._ .... ....
.., WI OU'decl _ .tIIe ~ 'I'Ote, .
A7d. c~t).... No~lA, nftftP.~,,~n~'. .n~nft~,
.... . c...n .. Hftl'tf
AbeeDt.O_u-a. Jlft~r~n.. . d?~~y ~
ii.,. C~ 01 'CIas Cl.,. ot AI'ftJ'O GI'IIfI4e.
APPI'OYecl tI.I.1, 1 ~:t_ 01 '8.....,.160.
..,... .