O 031 J 'J O~DINANCE NO.31 1 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPJt:CIAL Jt:LECTION TO BE HELD )j .' .2 IN TD, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDI, CALIFORNIA, ON .. RNBAY ~h 3 THE ~ DAY OF JULY, 1923, AND SUBMITTING TO Tim Q.tJALIFIED " VOTDS OF SAID CITY TH:B: PROPOSITION OF AUTHO~IZING Tim 5 BOARD OF TRUATDS OF SAID CITY TO ISSUE BONDS AGAINST SAID 6 CITY IN TD SUM OF $22000.00; the proceeds 01" said bonds , 7 to be sxpended andused by said Board 01" Trustees in the 6 construction and completi,on 01" a permanent Conorete Bridge Grande' 9 over and aoross Arroy01~reek on Mason Street. in s&1d City; 10 providing tor the issuing at said bonds and tor the levying I 11 at a tax for the payment. ot said bonds; designating the ! election precinot and polltgg place and appointing offioers I 12 I 13 tor said election. 14 The Board 01" Trustees 01" the City 01" Arroyo Grande 15 does ordain as tollows: 16 Seotion 1. Whereas the Board of Trustees of the City of 17 Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 6th,day of June 18 ~~xl&~~~. 1923, by a vote of two-thirds of all its 19 members duly passed and adopted a resolution, said 20 resolution being NO.~ determining and deolaring that the 21 publio interest and' necessity demand the construotion by 22 said oity of oertain municipal improvements, to-wit: 23 The construction of a permanent Conorete Bridge, over 24 and across Arroyo Grande Creek on Mason Street, in said 25 oity; 26 And WHm!BAS said resolution was approved by the President 27 of the Board of Trustees of said City 01" Arroyo Grande on 6th; =., of- JUDe 28 thefl**K XKt~ aforesaid; And 29 WHmRiAS said Board of Trustees of said City of Arroyo 30 Grande. in oontemplation of said improvements has made ~, 31 estimates of the cost of the said improvements furnished 32 to it and the said estimates have been adopted and approved - , -- <-.-.--.-.-.---- . ~ - and are now on file in the offioe of the City Clerk of 1 the said City of Arroyo Grande; And, 2 WHKRlAS the estimated cost of said improvements, to-wit, 3 the sum of Twenty-two Thousand Dollars is, and Will be, i 4 too great tobe paid out of the ordinary annual income and 5 revenue of the municipality, the City of Arroyo Grande. 6 and said total sum does not exoeed fifteen per cent of the 7 assessed value of all thetaXable real estate and personal 8 property in said City of Arroyo 'Grande; 9 Section 2. A special eleotion is hereby ordered and called, 10 and there is hereby submitted to the qualified Toters of the 11 said City of Arroyo Grande the following proposition, to-wit: 12 Shall the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande, .13 California, incur an indebtedness and issue cou-pon bonds 14 therefor, in the sum of $22000.00, prooeeds of which are , 15 to be used and expended in the oonstruotion of a permanent r I , I 16 ooncrete bridge over and across Arroyo Grandt Creek on Mason i I i 17 street, in said city; i I , 18 Section 3. That if the proposition of incurring an I I 19 indebtedness of 022000.00, as herein set forth, be acoepted i ! 20 by the qualified voters of the said City of Arroyo Grande, 21 as hereinafter provided, by the vote of two-thirds of all 22 of the voters voting at, said Speoial election, Coupon Bonds 23 of the City of Arroyo Grande to the ~,ount of $22000.00 24 shal,issue for the payment 01' the cost of such improvement; 25 said bonlls shall be 40 .in number and shall be issued in the ...- 26 denominati.ons of $1.00.00 and ...J;500 .nn each, a.nd .~ 27 the prinoipal and interest thereon shall be payable in 28 laWful money of the United states of Amerioa. They s~ll be 29 dated Aug.lst.1923 I apd shall bear interest at the rate 30 not to exoeed Six per cent per annum. payable semi_annually 31 on the 1st day of January and the 1st day of July of each shall 32 and every ;I'-ear, untill all of the.mAhave been paid off; ....._-.. --...---- ') . , . e~id vonde shall be number~d consecutively beginning 1 with number one, and payable in the order of their numbers 2 in the manner following: Said bonds to the value of 3 Eleven Hundred(llOO) Dollars shall be due and payable on JU~ " the First day of .~. 1024, and in the order of their 5 "aid number and to the value 01' Eleven Hundred($1100.00) 6 Dollars chall be due and payable upon the First day of Jul 7 of eaoh and every year thereafter, at the offioe 8 of the Ci ty Treneurer of the sai d City of krroyo Gl'lI.nde J I 9 together with the interest on all sums unpaid until all 10 01' the said bonds and the interest thereon shall haTe been i !ullJ' paid. I' 11 12 Section 4. That for the purpose of p~ying the principal 13 and interest on said bonds, the board of trustees of the 14 City of Arroyo Grande shall at the time of fixing the I 15 general tax levy and in the manner for such general tax ! I 16 levy provi ded, levy and coU.ect annually each year, until , I all of such bonds shall have been collected 0. sum in the , 17 ! 18 City Tre~sury of said city set apart for that purpose 19 sufficient to meerall sums coming duefor principal and 20 interest on such bonds, a .tax sufficient to pay the annual 21 interest on such bonds, and aleo suoh part of the prinoipal d 22 ~ interest thereon as shall become due before the time of 23 fixing the next general tax levy. 24 The tax herein required to be levied shall be in addition . to all other taxes levied tor ~nicipal purposes, and shall 25 26 be collected at the same time and in the same manner as 27 other municipal taxes are oollected, and shall be used for 28 no other purpose than the payment of said bonds as the 29 same shall beoome due and the interest thereon acorued. 30 31 32 , -"-'-- -,- ..... - Section 5. ' If>th That Monday the, ... day of July, 1923, is 1 hereby declared and fixed as the day on whioh said speoial 2 election shall be held. 3 The polls shall be opened at thehour of Six o'clock a.m. 4 lflth, of the said day of eleotion, the saidx".xday of July, 1923, 5 and shall be and remain open until Seven o'clook p.m. of the 6 same day. at whioh said latter hour the said polls shall be 7 olooed. No person sr~ll be entitled to vote at such election 8 unless, acoording to the Constitution ~d the general laws 9 of the State of California governing municip~l elections, Ii 10 he is entitled to vote. 11 Section 6. Such Special Election shall be held as provided 12 by law for holding such electiona in said city ~nd the laws 13 governing the conducting and holding of munioipal elections 14 in cities of the Sixth class shall be complied with in the 15 conduoting of said election. 16 For the purpose of said election the City of Arroyo Grande 17 shall be and the same is hereby divided into one municipal 18 election preoinct, the boundaries of which preoinct shall be. 19 and they are hereby fixed as the exterior boundaries of the 20 said City of Arroyo Grande~ and, that the voting place at 21 said election shall \>e, and is hereby located at the 22 "City Hall" on the west side of Branoh Street in the said 23 City of Arroyo Grande. 24 Seotion 7. It is hereby ordered that the board of election 25 for such special election shall be, as follows, to-wit: 26 Inspector Amo's A. Henrv.. 27 and Judges, F"Q.nn~s M _ J\:ilr'P~a.... Maud I. Jh,? JIll ey 28 and Clerks, Mae C. !l:etohum Cleon Kvt.e 29 Said persons are hereby appointed to such offioes. respective- 30 Y. and for all servioes render therein, each shall receive the :n sum of $5.00, to be paid in samemanner as other olaims against 32 said munioipality are paid. -._---'" ~.,_._- \) 1 Section 8. The ballots to be used for such Special Eleotion shall read as follows: 2 To vote on any question, proposition or constitutional 3 4 amendment, stamp a cross (X) in the voting s~are after 5 the word "Yes" or after the word "No". All marks, except the croes ,(X) are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or, 6 erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. You must 7 make the orose (X) with the stamp provided in the booth 6 for that purpose. If you ~""I# wrongly stamp, tear 9 or deface this ballot, return it to the inspeotor of I 10 I election and reoeive another. I 11 Seotion 9. The proposition to be voted upon is: 12 13 Shall the Board of Trustees of the said 14 City of Arroyo Grande be authorized to Yes I issue Coupon Bonds against said oity in 15 the sum of .22,000.00 for the,purpoee of oonstructing a per~Qr,ete bridge lio 16 over and acros,s Arro '"," '. ,on Maeon Strel'lt in said Citv of' Arrovo Grande. , 17 18 Section ,10. That in all particulars not recited in this 19 ordihanoe this eleotion shall be held as provided by law 20 for holding munioipal eleotions in said oity. Seotion 11. That the City Clerk shall certify to the final . 21 22 passage and adoption of this ordinanoe by a vote of 23 two/thirds of all the ~embers 01' the board of trustees 01' 24 said city, and its approval by the president of said board, and shall cause said ordinanoe to be published once a week 25 26 for two (2) weeks in theHerald-Reoorder, a weekly newspaper 27 of general oirculation, printed and published once a week 28 in said oity, and said ordinanoe shall take effect and be 29 in force from andafter the ~ day of .T'UJVIO . 1923. 30 Addopted and approved this 12tJlday '01' June , 1923. President of theBoard of ;rus~~'ArroYo Grande. 31 32 ATTEST:~~wa.V' City Dhrk and Clerk of the Board of Trustees 0 the City of Arroyo Grande --.--. '. t 1 2 I, 13. F. stewa.rt, Clerk of the City of Arroyo 3 Grande, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance I I' 4 NO. ~ was introduced lI,t a meeting of the Board 5 of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande, held on 6 on the ~ day of' June, 1923, and passed at a regular I 7 meeting of the said board of trustees held on the I I 8 12th day of June, 1923, by the following vote on f , I 9 roll call: I . ".,..,,: nennett, Grieb, Noble Cox and Poole, 10 Ayes. Trustees 11 12 Noe8. Truetees, None, 13 Absent. Trustees, None. 14 Said ordinance was then and there signed by the 15 President of' the Board of' Trustees and attested " 16 by the Clerk of said City. 17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand 18 and af'f'ixed the seal of' the City of' Arroyo Grande, \9 this .!!!:!!,day of' June, 1923~ '., __ . ~' 20 ,~~~~~7 21 Clerk of' the City of Arroyo Grande. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 , 30 31 32 --