O 030 ; ORDINANCE NO 1# An ordinanoe fixing the .k1nd of side walks to beoonstructed, and the width of walks and parkways on Bridge, Short, Mason, Nelson, Poole, , Allen and \~iteley streets in the City of Arroyo Grande, California. The Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande do ordain as follows: Section 1. That all side walks hereafter construoted upon the streete in thie aot designated shall be made of oonorete and shall so plaoed as to oonform to the grade heretofore e~t~blished or hereafter to be established, where the same have not been est~blished, and aooording to the pIans and speoifioations provided by the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande. Seotion 2. That ~idewBlks and parkways hereafter oonstructed upon said streets shall be constructed, as to width and arrangement in the manner following: (a) On Bridge street continueing from the bridge which spans the Arroyo Creek and along the west side of said street to the point where it intersects with the Valley road, and from the said bridge continueing along the east side of said street to its interseotion with Nelson street, the walk shall be and extend six feet from the property line along said street, leaving a parkway two and one half(2t) teet wide between said walk and a ourb stone, which said ourb stone shall be - cement or oonorete of the thickness of six inches and at all points a distance of n1ne(9) feet from the said property line; and, beginning at the pla.oe of interseotion of Bridge street with Nwlson street and continueing along the east s1de of said Bridge street to 1 ts intereectio n with Allen street, the said walk shall be four(4) feet wide, so placed as to be one(l) foot from the property line and leaving a parkway thr.ee and one half(3t) feet wide extending all the way between sa.id walk and said ourb stone of the material thiokness and oonditioned as aforesaid; (b) On Short Street extending from the Arroyo Creek to the place where said street intersects with Allen street, and on Mason street from the said Arroyo Creek to the plaoe where it interseots with Allen Street, . ~nd on Whiteley Street from the said Arroyo Creek and oontinueing along said street to its interseoti.ml'\'\lil.th Poole Street, and, on Nelson Street from its interseo~ion with Bridge Street to its interseotion with the . page 2. right-of-way of the Pacific Coast Railway Company, , and on Poole , street from its intersection with Bridge street to its i~terseotion with . Mason street, all walks and parkways shall be so constructed that a six inch ourb stone shall, at all points, be Nine(9) feet from the property line extending along said streets, and said concrete walks shall be - four(4) feet wide, being so placed as to be one (1) foo: from the said property line and leaTing a parkway of three and one half(3t) feet wide extending from said walk to said curbstone along the entiredistancej (c) On Allen street beginning at its intersection with Bridge street and continueing to its intersection with Garden street, all walks here- after constructed, shall be so constructed as to proTide a six inoh ourb stone whioh shall, at all points along said street, be a distanoe of Eight(8) feet from the property line along said street, and said concrete walk shall be Four(4) feet wide and at all points extend from a point one(l) foot from the said property line and leaTe a parkway two and one half(2t) feet wide extending between said walk and ourbstone Seotion 3. Any person, firm, or oorporation Tiolating any of the proTisions 01' this ordinanoe shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conTiction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten (910.00) Dollars, nor more than One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail, or County Jail of the County of San Luis Obispo, for not less than one day, nor more than ten days,or by both suoh fine and imprisonment. Seotion 4. This ordinanoe shall take effect immediately upon the publioation of the same. Date of final passage August 2nd, 1922. ApproTed ~ fl"3.--f /}?,'M ,;:/12 president of the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande. ATTEST 8. <;Io/tt;/I/ ;'1/1/ ........- City Clerk. , . - . .