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SEOTION 1: 'iIORDS AND PHRASES DEFINED. The words and phrases used in
this Ordinanoe shall, exoept where otherwise speoifioally indioated,
be construed to have the following meanings to \lit:-
(a). Street9 shall mean every avenue, alley, park, parkway,
driveway, squal'c or plaoe,or lane, deSignedtintendedfor used by, or
for the general pub1io for the passage of ~e ioles, wether in the
Oity of Arroyo Grande/or in any territory elonging to or under the
jurisdiotion or control of,the said Oity, (b) Ourb sha~l mean the
lateral boundaries of that portion of a street designated, or intended,
for the use of vehicles, whether marked by curbing oonstructed of
any material, or not so marked, (c) Paved street shall mean any
street, or portion of any street which is macadamized, planked,
oiled, or covered, or capped with' any materia1,or substance, except
natural gravel, or earth, (d) Vehicle shall include every \vagon, hack,
ooack, .ctlr.riage, omnibus, bioyole, tricycle, automobile, cycl.eBar,
motorcycle, truck, trailer, traction engine, traotor or other oonvey-
ance,or oontrivanoe fOl' movingperso.ns, anima1s,or things, inwhatever
manner and by whatever force,or power,the same may be ridden, driven,
drawn, propelled, or moved and including implements of 1l11sbandry
and every animal whether ridden,or iEzE led,or standing still,
exoept that an 8llimal,or animals, while attached to 1'l1J;j'vehiole
shall with suoh vehicle constitute one vehicle, excepting only
conveyances dravm by pedestrians, or propelled by them,and railroad,
street,or interurban oars, engines and motors moving u~on stationary
rails,or traoks; (e) Driver shall mean any person who operates, drives,
rides, leads,or propels, any vehic1e,or any person in charge of, or
in control of}any vehiule; (f) Drive shall mean to operate, drive,lead,
or propel; (g Person shall include any corporation, association,
oopartnershi~, oompany,firm,or other aggregation of individuals;
(h) Animal shall mean every horse, mule, pony, donkey, burro, ox, or
other animal capable of being ridden,or driven,or capable of being
guided by reins, or voice; any term, vrord,or phrase used in the
singular shall be held to inolude the plural.
SEOTION 2; It shall be unlawful for arw person to ride, or drive,
or cause to be ridden,or driven any animal or to ride, drive, or
propel, or oause to be ridden,driventor propelled any vehicle over,
upon or across any newly paved stree ,or portion thereof,around,or
acro~s which there is'a barrack, or at, overt or near which there is
a persontor sign, or signs warning persons not to drive thereon, or
stating hat the street,ot a portion thereof, is closed.
SECTIOn 3: It shall be uj:1awf'ul for arw person to ride or drive, or
cause to be ridden,or driven,any animal, or ride, driv~,or propel,
or oause to be ridden, driven,or propelled any vehicle upon arw
public sidewalk, or to leave,or cause to be left, or permit any
animal ,or vehiole,to be upon ,or stand upon.arw publio sidewalk.
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SECTION 4: It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, or drive, or
cause to be ridden, or driven,on any street any untrained, unbroken,
partially trained,or broken, or dangerous animal, or to use,or cause
to be used, any street for training, or breaking any animal.
SECTION 5: It shall be unlawful for any person to hitch, tie,or fasten,
or cause,or permit to be hitched, tied or fastened, any animal
of whatsoever nature, or kind, to any s~ade,or ornamental tree, xx
shruqpr bush in any street, or park, or to causeior allow the same
to stand so near to any such shade, or ornamenta tree, shrub or
bush in any streetior park, as to allow,or enable said animai to
injure, or destroy he same.
SECTION 6: It shall be unlawful for any person to hitch, tie,orr
fasten, or cause to be hitched, tied,or fastened any animal to any
pole, post, standard pillar, or other object, upon any street,or
sidewalk used as a support, or part of any lamp used for lighting,
or building, fountain, trough,or other structure, not specially
constructed and used for the hitching, tying,or fastening of ~
SECTION 7: It shall be UIllawful for any person to feed, or cause to
be fed any animal upon any street, unless said animal shall be
securely fastened, tied, or hitched to a post, hitching rack,or
other permanent fastening.
SECTION 8: It shall be unlawful for any person to feed,or cause to
be fediany animal upon any street; except by means of a nose-bag
seCU1'e y fastened to the head of such animal. .
SECTIOl! 9: It shall be unlawful for any person to drive, or cause to
be driven, or to permit to stand upon any paved street, any vehicle
which discharges, drips, leaks, or ,drops any crude oil, or any
of its by products, or any oily substance, unless adequate provision
be made to prevent such oil, or oily subssance from discharging,
dripping, leaking, dropping, or in any manner falling upon said
paved street.
SECTIOn 10: The driver of any vehicle,upon meeting any other vehicle,
at any place upon any street shall turn to the right, and on all
occassions shall travel on tte right hand side of such street and as
near the right hand curb thereof as possible.
SECTION 1[: It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle
to stop the same, or c'ause the same to be stopped, upon any paved
street, unless the right front wheel thereof shall be at, or as
near!the DUrb as possible, and the side of said vehicle shall
stan at an angle of XB% 45 degrees with the line of the curb; and
in no case shall any portion ~ such vehicle, when so stopped,
project into the street more than fifteen feet, measured on a line
at right angles to the curb. Upmn any street,other than a paved street
it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to' stOlJ the same, ,
or cause the same to be stopped in,or upon any street, unless both
the front and rear wheel of said vehicle nearest the ourb shall be
\vithin two feet of such curb; Provided that the provisions of this
section shall not apply in any case of emergency, or when in
compliance with an order or signal of any peace officer, or the
City Marshal, or while allowing another vehicle ,or person,to pass
in front of the same in the usual course of traffic.
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SECTION 12 : It shall be unlawful yO al10w,or permit.any vehic1e.or
animal. to stand in front of aIW f~rehouse. or oth er building or
property used for housing. keeping. or storing. any fire apparatus.
and it shall be unlawful to permit,or al10w~any vehic1e.or animal.
to stand in front of any hospital. police s ation. or jail.
or any theatre. while any performanCe, or public meeting,ia in progress
therein. unless some person competent to operate, or move,the same
is in immediate attendance.
SECTIOl'J 13: It shall be unlawful for any person to herd. drive. move.
or cause to be herded, driven,~oved over, or upon. any street any
cattle. horses, sheep. hogs, o~ other ~nimals. unless there shall
be in attendance upon said animals a sufficient number of !,€rsons
to insure an orderly and careful passflge of said animals.and to prevent
said animals,or any of them; from wandering. straying. running.
away from the main body of said animals $0 herded. driven. or moved,
or off of said street.
-Y SECTIOn 14: It shall be Ull1a.wful for any person to park aIW vehicle.
or animal. so that any part of such vehicle~or animal,shall be
within fifteen (15) feet of any street corner; provided however
that .i t shall be 11.nlawfttl for any person to park any vehicle,or
animallon Bridge Street in said City of Arroyo Grande. so that
any part of such vehicle.or animal. shall be within sixty (50)
feet of the street corners. formed by the intersection of Bridge
and Branch Streets in said City.
SEC~'IOlJ 15: It shall be unlawful fa r any person to turn any vehicle.
or animal. upon any street except at an intersection of said street
with some other street.
SECTIOlJ 16: It shall be un18w~11 for any person to stop, o~ stand.
i- or cause to be stopped, or stood, any vehicle.or animal. upon any
street. excelit as herein otherwise specifically provided. except
upon the right half of s11.ch street and unless the right side of
s11.ch vehicle, or animal. be tov~rd. or along. or next to the curb.
SECTIOlJ 17: The driver of any vehicle in. or upon. any street, shall.
in turning to the right into another street. turn the corner as
near the right hand curb as possible.
SECTION 18: 'J.'he driver of any vehiule in. or upon. any street.
shall. in turning to the left into another street pass to the right
of I any beyond, the center of the street int ersections before turning.
SECTIOliT 19: The driver of arw vehicle crossing from from one side
of any street to tne other side, or in turning to go in an opposite
direction to which he was going, shall ,do so by t11.rning to the left
so as to head in the direction in which traffic is moving on the
side of the street tovrords which such crossing or-turning is made.
On any paved street such crossing,or turning shall be made only
at street intersections. '
SEC1'IOliT 20: It shall be unlawful for any vehicle passing a.nother
vehicle while going in the same direction while on a street
crossing or intersection.
SECTION 21: liTo vehicle shall be left backed up to a curb. except
while such vehicle ,is being actually loaded, or unloaded. and then
only when the animals.or animal.drawing such vehicle are so placed
that they are parallel with the curb and facing in the direction
in which traffic is moving on thE/side of the street on which the
vehicle is standing, and in no case where such position interfers
with,or impedes}traffio upon said street.
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SECTION 22: It shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to cross any
paved street except at an intersection, or crossing,thereof, or
at an established crossing which is now, or shall hereafter be,
,established, by the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande,
and then on;' at right angles to the curb.
SECTION 23: It shall be unlawful'for BIlY person under the influence
of intoxicating liquor, or _..___ii_ narcotic drugs, or who is
an habitual user of liquor!or narcotic drugs, to operate, propel,
or drive any vehicle, or r de, drive,or lead, any animal upon any
. .
SECTION 24: A space fifteen feet in length, along the curb line,
may be marked off immediately in front of the main entranoe to
any hotel, theatre, or other place of business,in the City of
Arroyo Grande, and it shall be unlavdul for any person to park
any vehicle within such space, except while in the act of discharg-
ing,or receiving~paS88ngerS, baggage, or merchandise, provided
however that suc 'space shall be marked off by a white mark on
the curb extending the full length of said space, to be at least
three (3) inches wide, and marked thereon shall be the vrords
"Do Ivot Park Rere" in black letters at least two and one half
inches in heighth.
SECTION 25: The officers and fireman, and all apparatus of the
fir~department, when going to, or on duty at a fire, and all
ambulances, when employed in carrying sick.or injured,persons
to hospitals,or other places for relief.or treatment, shall
have the right of way over all persons and vehicles on any street
and through any procession.
SECTION 26: Upon the approach of any offioer, or f1reman~ or any
apparatus of tho fire department, when responding to a fire allrl2l1,
or going to a fire, the driver of all vehicles, in,or upon,aIW
street, shall immediately stop such vehicle as near the right he~Q
curb of such street as possible, and shall not cause,or permit,
such vehicle to be moved until such officer, or fireman, or
fire apparatus, shall have passed such vehicle; and it shall be
unlawful for any person to drive,or cause to be driven,any vehicle
over any fire hose.
SECTION 27: It shall be unlawful for any person to pass through, or
obStl~ct, the free and uninterrupted passage in, upon,or along Et
any street, of any funeral procession, or cortege, \>r to obstruct,
or impede, or prevent, the passage of any person, or persons,
attending the conveyance of the body of any deceased person to
a place for holdong services thereupon, or to a place of interment.
SECTION 28: It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, or propel,
any b~cycle, or tricycle, upon, or to be upon, or ride on any
sidewalk, or paved street upon skates of any kind.
SECTION 29: It shall be unlawful to let stand, or cause to be left
standing any vehicle on any paved street between the hours of
1 o'clock A. M.,and 5 o'clock A. M.
SECTION 30: It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner,
employer. or employee, controlling, operating, or in charce of
any railroad train of cars, car, or string of cars to cause,or
permit such train of cars, car, or string of cars, or a~ portion
thereof to stand, or be moved in, upon, or ['clong, or aCl'OSS
any street in such manner as to prevent for a, period of five minutes
or longer, ar~ person, or vehicle from crossing the track,or trackS,
on,which such train of cars, car,or string of cars is standing, or
belng moved.
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SECTION 31: It shall be unlawful for any person operating, or in charge
of any vehicle, to refuse, fail, or neglect, to com~ly propptly
with any order, or direction, of the City Marshal, or any other
Peace Officer, with respect to stopping, standing, approaching, or
departing from, or to, or on, any street.
SEC'I'ION 32: It shall be unlawful for' any person operating, or in
charge of any vehicle, which has stopped in obedience to an order,
or direction, given by the City Marshal, or other Peace Officer,
to start such vehicle Ulltil he shall have received a signal from
such of1ice2' to proceed.
SECTION 33: It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully destroy.
deface, injure, mark, move, or interfe~vdth any sign, post, standard,
barricac10, l:i.t'ht, or other thing,or device, or any part, or portion
thereof, established, installed, placed, or in aJW manner use~for
regulation and direction of traffic, in any street and, it sha be
unlawful for any person to \nllfully fail, refuse, or negle~t,to obey
any rsrning, direction, or instruction, displayed upon LIlY such
sign, post, standard, barrioade, light, or other thing,or device,
for the regulation of traffic in any street.
I SECTION 34: All vehicles, or other contrivances, used for hauling,
carrying, or conveying sand, gravel, dirt, trash, garbage, or other
loose substance, on,ol' over any street, shall be so oonstructed
as to prevent the escape of such matters/or substances, or any portion
thereof, therefrom, and no person shall haul, carry, convey, or cause
to be hauled,carried, or conveyed,'upon, along, or over any street
any sand, gravel, dirt, trash, garbage, or other loose substance,
unless the same be in a vehicle. or conveyance, so constructed
as to prevent such subst~mce, or material, or any portion thereof,
from escaping therefrom, and no person while carrying, hauling, or .
conveying,any sand, gravel, dirt, trash, garbage, or other loose
substance, upon, along, or over any street, shall permit, or allow,
such material, or any portion thereof, to escape, or fall,upon,~ny xX
street in any maruler whatsoever. .
SECTION 35: It shall be unlawful for any person to dig into,
undermine, cut, deface, break, tear up, or to figure, letter, or
otherwise mark any part of any sidewalk, curb, or street, without
first having fil ed with the City Clerk a written reCluest, addressed
to the City Harshal for permission therefor, such request to contain
in detail the work to be done and the reasons therefor,and not
Ul1til saicl Marshal shall have issued to such persOn a written l)ermi t
therefor, which permit, together with a bond, if re~uirei by the
Marshal, in such sum, and with such sureties, as the Marshal may
re~uire. conditioned upon the restoration of such sidewalk, curb.
or street, immecliately after the completion of such work, to as
good a condition, as far as !,wxx.-"hr may be possible, as the same
was in prior to such work.
SECTION 36: It shall be unlawful for any p.erson to place, or cause to
be placed,anything in, or upon. any street,or sidewalk, which will
prevent, hinder, or obstruct,the free and uninterupted use thereof.
SECTION 31: It shall be unlawful for any person having the c:ha.rge,
custody,or control,of any horse, mul~~ pony. cow. bull, steGr, or
donkey, to leave tne same unattended,or unsecured, in, or upon
any street. .tny such animal shall be deemed to be unsecured
within the meaning of this Ordinance, ~less it shall be securely
hi tched, or tied ,by a rope, chain, or strap, fastened to its
bridle, or halter, and to a weight of not less thsn twenty (20)
pounds resting ul)on the Greund. or by a chain, strap, or rope,
fastened to its neck, halter,or bridle, and in a post,or other secure
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and permanent fastening; or in the oase of one,or two,of suoh
animals harnessed to a vehiole, by tightly setting the brake on
said vehiole, baoking suoh animal, o~ animals, so that the traoes
shall be loose, pulling the reins taught and seourely fastening the
same to the vehiole in such a manner that said vehiole oan be dra\1n
by such animal,or animals, only by means of the lines,or reins.
SECTION 38: It shall be ui11awful to perform any but neoessary emerge
enoy work, or repair, on arIY vehicle. while the sam e is standing
in. or upon, a public street. :Emergenoy work within the meaning
of this Ordinanoe shall mean only such work as is neoessary to permit
said vehicle to be removed to the nearest shop. or enolosure,
whvre the neoessary work may be performed, under its own-power, or
by being towed, or hauled. without serious damage,or injury,
to such vehiole.
SECTION 39: The City Marshal Bhall oause to be printed, and shall
keep a supply, of oards to De'used byhimself and other peace officers.
Said oards shall be used to notify the. owner, driver, or person
in oharge, of suoh vehiole,. where suoh person i(3 not immediately
present, of his violatio:q of any section' of this Ordinance, aJ:3d
directing him to appear wi thin a\ time fixed thereon before the
City Recorder of the City of Arroyo Grande and answer for said
offense. Such cards shall be of such design as the City ~~rshal
shall determine, and shall specify the section of the Ordinance
alleged to have been violated, together with a speoificat10h of the
time and plaoe when said owner. driver. or..person in charge~ of
such vehicle shall appear before the City ~eoorder, and shall be
signed by the Marsha1,or other Peaoe Offioer. The offioer depositing,
or leav~ng,any suoh notioe, in any vehiole, shall keep a record of
the same and of the lioense number thereon, if any, or if there be
no lioense number, suoh other information as he may be able to
secure, whioh will identify the owner, driver, or perso n in charge,
of such vehicle; It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to
obey the the directions in such notioe set forth.
SECTIOIf 40: An Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances, in conflict
with the provisions of this Ordinauce are hereby repealed.
SECTION 41: If any section, subsection. sentence, clause, or
phrase, of thds Ordinance, is. for any reason, held to be
unoonstitutional, such decision shall not effeot the validity of
the remainin~ portions of this Ordinance; The Board of Trustees
hereby deolares that it would have passed this Ordinance and each
section, sub-seotion, sentence, clause and phrase, hereof
irrespective of the fact that any one, or moretof the other sections,
subesections, sentences, clauses, or phrases, e declared
SECTION 42:' i!JJ:g person, firm. or corporation. who violates any of
~he provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon oonviotion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not
moreethan Three Hundred Dollars, (:ti300.OO). or by imprisonment in
the County Jail for not more than Ninety (90) Days. or both such
fine and imprisonment.
The foregoinB Ordinance is hereby approved after
passage this 2nd d€W of June, 1921.
l'resid.ent of the Board of 'i'rustees of
the City of Arroyo Grande.
City Clerk.