O 027 \ ,ltt ((~A JIo ?-'/ - -< \ . 'p; AN ORDINA-NCE OF THE. CI'rY OF RROYO GRANDE GRANTING TO THE BOARD OF SUPFRVIl"illlS OF 'JJ! ii: COUN'l'Y OF AN. LUIS OBISPO PERMISSION TO USE CERTAIN POi.TIONS OF OCF..ANO A!ill VAL, ROAD. BRANCH STREET AND HUASNA ROAD WI'mIN '!HE CORPORATE LIMITE: 0 SAID CITY. \ ------- .-------- The.Boa::d or Trustees O{, th . C1t7 ~ Arroyo Grande do crda1n as 1'0110...131- Seotion 1. The Board. of . ors of the Count7 of San Lu1s Obispo, State 01' Cal1fomia, is hereb granted JIt'IIIiesion to use the Ooeano and Vallet Road from the in reeotion 01' said Ooeano and Valle7 Road ...iththe easter17 11ne Bridse Street, in the C1t7 cr A Arroyo Grande, to the '1nte%'seotion 01ea . Ooeano and Valley Road ...ith the South.ester1y '1,ine 01' the City 1 . .its 01' said C11I7, and Branoh Street frQ1l1 the i'h:terseotion ot B%'a~/treet with. the Easterly line of White1'y'Street, to the .1n . 'seotion cL B%'anoh . Street with an ext.ens1on ot,theNorthel'17 ].:f.~Of that Ro.ad oommon1y known and oalledl!suasna Road" into Branoh st et, and Busna Road trom the interseotion of Buasna Road w1th the "ster1y 11~ 01' Branoh Street to the interseotion of Busna Road ...ith \be Eastel'ly 11ne of the Cit111111.its of said Cit)' otArzooyo Grand..~thelpurpos. of oonstruoting and maintaining thel'eon, b7 sa~d; .' ~ Supe':rv1soI's, a h1gh...ay as a part of the Count)' .)'stamot Road.~th1n the Corporate l1lll.ite 01' said C1t7 or Al'ro)'O -Grand., and undel'th'!.\.pnt said Board ot Supe:rv1sors shall have power to 011, maoadama.' ot".pa...., ovb or sutter said highway in suoh mannel' as it m&7 dete1'llli~\; ! , Seotion II. This O%'dinanoe shall take efteotthtrt.~.days after I :iI. 1ts passage. , - App%'oved atter passasa this ~~da)' o~ 1921. As pr~~ c:J:. Truste;s of said CU,.. I ATTEST I I 8t::~fP~~ J er . ., . ------------------ The foregoing Ordinanoe was introauoed and read t~firBt ti~ rerlar meeting of the 60ard ot ~rustees on t1'1e: t!:. day of , 1921, an passed atter seoond readiqg. on the day 0 ~_, 921, and was PUbl1Sh~e ' 7~ day of , the n~_ ~ / .~ ,a newspaper 0 sanera1 oil"cu1ation and published in the City d' Arl"o)'o Grande. c;tP/~~~Ja/J-=- er . . , '" - ------.. -,------_...-----