O 023
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. ,
No.. 23.
The Board of Tr\lstees of' the City of' Arroyo Grande,
de ordain as follows:
Section 1.- It slJal1 be unlawf'ul for any person, firm,
company or corporation to place or deposit any obstruction in any of
the publio streets, alleys, highways, or the B'idewalks thereof, in the
City of Arroyo Grande, or surfer the saffle to be done, without f'irst
having obtained permission f'ro!!' the City Thrarshal and. placing a sui tabl e
red light thereon at night sO,as to be of sufficient warning to pedes-
trians and the drivers of vehicles. The wordffobstructions" as used in
this ordinance shal~ be held to mean and include vehicles, or portions
thereof, II1achinery, larrels, boxes, build'ing waterial, and all other
thints which would be lia~::'", to ca.!1Sc; jnjurJ' to pedestrians or vehicles
and to the drivers tlwreof in c:1.ce.of teint; cclllded wi.t~.
R,':.::.:.inn -.:>.- i:yer~r I-tr~('n, firm, corppany or corr;01'&ti.on
,lcsiri nb to temporarily place or deposit such obstructions on the
public stl'eets or sidewal ks sr.all fj rst obtain permission froJ1' tlJe
City Marshal so tb do.
The Ci t~, Marshal shall not grant any permission to deposit
suer. obstructions in those portions of anJ' public street or hir;hway, ~
or the sidewal){ thereof Cllstomarily used for the purpose of traffic,,/'
Imt such obstructions in all cases must l1e deposited adj acent to tlJe
curb or such place as will be the peast likely to obstruct traffic or
,endanger lif'e or property.
Section 3. - Every person, firm, cOJ1TanJ' or corporation placing,
or depositing such obstrustions on the public streets, without first
securing permission froJ11 the Cit:r },arshal, orallJ' or in writing, and also
placing a red light thereoi1 at night, between the time of sunset and
sunrise, shall be guil ty of a misrlemeanor, and upon conviction the "eof ,
Ghall be liable ,to a fine or penalty of not less than $25.00 nor ~ore
thal1 (300.00 or by irnprisonr'ent in the CitJ' jail OJ' County jail of San
Luis Obisro CountJl, for' not less than one day for everJ, two poll aI's of
ary fine so iJl1jlOsed, or bJ' both such fine 1)r il11prisonment; in a(ltlition
thereto every such person, firn', com1'an:' or corporation shall be liabl e
1'01' all damages in case of injuries t,o rerson or property as are suI t of
such obstructions. f
f':ection 4.- This ordinance shall go into effect thirty (30)
days from and after elate of i,ts final IJassage and a4foptiol1.
~~ ..-
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. ".-..
" .
Passed and approved this 7th, clay of' June 1017,
'reSl(C t of the Board of' Trustees, of the City of A
,irroyo Grande,
Attest:- ~~~~
C ty C ark (>f the City of' Arroyo Grande.
I I, B. F. S'ewart, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande,
I do gereby certify that the foregoing Ordinar:ce being GreUnance
i No. 23, was IJassed by the Eoard of Trustees of the Ci~y of Arroyo
I Grande, signed by the President of' the Board of' Trustees, and
I attested by the Clerk pI' said City , all at a rcgula~ meeting of
J tl'e, said Board of Trustees held on the/7th, day of June, 1917,
i ancl that the said Ordinance was passed ,md adopted by the
I following vote on roll call.
I Ayes:~~~lkU.~~
Noes: ~,.-~.
Absent: ~/-e:f~
I therefore certif'y that the said Ordinance was passed by a twp-
thirds vote of all the ]l'embells of' the Foard of Trustees of the
city of Arroyo Grande, and approved by the President of the
I!oard, . and attested by the ClerIc of said City, at ahe said
meeting, at, the time ancl place hereiitbefore stated.
~ :6.4nAT
,City C erk of the City of Arroyo Grande.