O 021 I, J , , , -' (~~ ,'" / I . 0 R DIN A }II C E . N o. 2 1: An Ordinanoe Establishing, Fixing and Imposing Municipal Lioenses, for the transaoting or carrying on of' any business, calling, profession, game, exhibition or show within the City ot Arroyo Grande. The Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande, do ordain as f'ollows:- Section 1.- It shall be the duty of' the City Clerk to prepare and issue a license to every person, f'irm or corporation liable to pay a license hereunder, signed by the said City Clerk. The City Clerk shall deliver such license to the City Marshal tor colleotion, taking a reoeipt for the same, and the City Clerk shall report to the Board of Trustees, at its first mp,etlng in sach month, the amount of' such licenses so delivered to the City Marshal during the previous month. The City Marshal shall ~oceed to cOlleo, the same, and shall on or before the first Wednesday of eavh month, deliver to the City Olerk a oomplete list of all licen.es oollected by him for the previous I month, and also a list of all persons whom he believes not to be on the I lioense list and who should be charged with the payment of a lioense. I On. or bef'ore the first wedneeday ot eaoh month the City Jlarshal .shall pay over ~o the City Treaeurer the amount of the lioenses oolleoted by him during the preoeding month, and shall take the reoeipt of the City Treasurer for the same, and shall deliver an itemize4 statement thereoe, together with an itemized atatement ot delinquenoies to the Board of Trustees at its first meeting in eaoh month. I The. quarterly licebses in this ordinance provided shall be due and payable in advanoe on the first day of January, April, July and Ootober of eaoh year, and shall extend only to the last day of' the i quarter tor whioh issued, pr'vided that when suoh lioense shall be first obtained as aforesaid, only the proportionate amount shall be oharged as shall be applicable to the unexpired portion of the quarter. The monthly lioenses shall be due and payable in advanoe on the day of' the month in which the same is issued and shall e.nd to the same II date in the next suoeeding oalendar month. , The City Marshal and any of his deputies shall have and eXfJroise I ~~: I I 1st. To make arrests for the violation of any of the provisions___~ ------ . / . ~ . ...- . -. - / .,',~, .~/ ---- ...-- .-- -- iC~- ."l~~_. _. '-Cc ~. ~~~.,.-~_.~." - -'------ - ------ __'_n_. -.'.. --..---.--.-.....-. . .--- --..---...- ----.------.--------- - ---.-.--.----- -.-- ---...-. ----.-----.-----.----- -- -.. ._~----_.,-- -...----- ---- -- ---- --"-- -----.--.,- v'" r .'fI' ,,:~, ., ,"' '...~... o~ this Ordinance. ",. 't". ~ . . 2nd. To enter ~ree o~ charge, at any time, any place of buainess for which a license 1s requ~red by this ordinance to be paid, and to demand I the exh~Dition o~ such license ~or the ourrent term from any person, I I I firm o~ corporatiom, engaged in the transaction of such business and . , , if such lioense is not then and there exhibited, such person, firm or 0 oorporation, shall be liable to the penalty' hereinafter ** seotion IT 1" of this ordinanoe provided. It is herebY,made the duty of the City Marshal and his deputies to , I oause oomplaints to be filed against any and all persons, firmsx... or " i' corporations violating any of the terms of this ordinanoe. sectionAr.- No greater or less amount of money shall be charged or reoeived for any license issued, nor shall anyliosnse be issued for a ~erm other than is in this ordinanoe provided. Seotion 3.- It shall be unlawful ~or any person, firm or corporation, to transact or carry on, within the City of Arroyo Grande, any trade, . business, calling, or profession, game exhibition or show, hearer'ter specifi.d, ~or which a license is required so to do, without first ha~ -ing procured the necessary license there~or. Section 4.-Lioense is required and a rate of lioense is fixed and charged for the oarrying on, at an established plaoe within the City of Arroyo Grande of any business in this section hearafter speoified or mentioned as follows: doing a business Merchandise stores and places of bUSineSSI\Of ~2500.00 or more per month, shall constitute the first olas&, and shall pay a license of $12.50 per quarter. . Merchandise stores and places of buslnesl doing a business of $1500~ !!.nd under $2500.00, shall constitute the second class, and shall pay a license of $9.00 per quarter. Merchandise stores, and places of business doin~ a business of $1000.00 and under $1500.00, per month, shall constitute the third olass, and shall pay a lioense of $6,00 per quarter. Merchandise stores and places of business doing a business of $300.00 and under $1000.00 psr month, shall oonstitute the fourth olass and shall pay a license of $4.50 per quarter. Merchandise stores and plaoes of business, doing a business of $300.00 -------... - '-'-.----..-- 0 ') or less per month shall oonstitute the fifth olass and shall pay a lioense of $2.50, per quarter. Seotion 5.- An "established plaoe", as used in seotion 4 of this ordinanoe is defined as a plaoe whioh ha~ been used for the oarrying on of business by the person liable to pay for a lioense, for a period of at least three mpnths; exoept that any person engaged in business at a regular plaoe on the day this ordinanoe takes efreot will be deemed to be oarrying on business at an eetablished plaoe; persons not engaged in business at an , "established plaoe", as herein defined, shall pay for a license for engag- i i I' -ing in any business specified or mentioned in section 4 the sum of Ii I $12.50 per quarter. Section 6.- For every person, firm or oorporation, engaged in, conducting or managing a plaoe of amusement, entertai~ent or exhibition no~ hereinaf- -tor mentioned, shall pay a license or $5.00 per qu~rter, or $1.00 per day I if for a period of less than a quarter; provided, that whenever the [ " reoeipts for any exhibition, ooncert, leoture or entertainment, are to be'iappropriated to any Church, or School, or to any benevolent purpose, within the City &f Arroyo Grande, there shall be mo lioense oharged. Section 7.- Every person firm of oorporation, eBC1usIve of th&ee oonduotlng regular places of business, selli~g different articles of a))arel, dry goods, opjioal applianoes, grooeries, vehioles, hardware, photographs, harness, pianos, sewing-maohines, automobiles, books, printed material, stationery, mill products, medioine, ~ohinsry, or merohandise of any olass or oharacter, to persons not engaged In oarrying on suoh lines of business, whether by sample or otherwise, shall pay a license of $10.00 per quarter, or $2.50 per day. Seotion 6.- Every person engaged in the praotioe of medioine, surgery, dental or oivil engineering professions, shall pay a lioense of $2.50 per quarter Seotion9T- Every person, firm or oorporation, engaged in the business of KBi~' selling hay, grain or feed, exoept by the produoer thereof, shall pay a license of $2.00 per quarter, eecept where the selling of the said hay, grain or tead, is a. part of the general business oarried on by the said person, firm or oorpora.tion, on whioh said general business a license is being pa.id. -- 4- " Section 10.- Every persor. r persons, firm or corpor! ,on, engaged eKolusively in the business of selling Pianos, Organs, sewing-machines automobiles '. . , , or motorcycles, shall pay a license of $2.50 per quarter. Section 11.- License is required for keeping hotels, lodging houses, restaurants chop houses, and boarding houses, as follows; I Hotsls or boarding houses, where the average daily aocommodation, are I 2 and not more than 5, $2.00 per quarter. i Where the average ,daily accommodations are 5 and not more than 10, $3.00 per quarter. .i Where the average daiiy accommodations are 10 or more ~4.00 per quarter I; It shall be the duty of every person firm or oorpora~ion, conducting . , such public house, to provide a register suitably ruled for the registration of guests. Every person firm or corporation, carrying on a restaurant business and doing a business of $400.00 or more,' per month, gross income, shall pay a lioense of $4.00 per quarter. And if doing a business of less than $400.00 per month, shall pay a license of $2.00 per quarter. Every person, firm or oorporation, conduoting a chop house shall pay a license of $2.00 per quarter. Section 12.- Every person, firm or corporation, carrying on the business of Undertaker shall pay a lioense of $3.00 per quarter. Sectiol'~ 13.- Every person, firm or corporation, engaged in the blJsiness of solie -iting fir a foreign laundry, shall pay a lioense of $1.00 per quarter. Section 14.- Evsry person, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of running a livery stable, shall pay alicense of $4.00 per quarter. Section 15.- Every person, firmoor corporation, eng~ged in the business of ru nning a lumber yard, shall pay a license of $10.00 per quarter. Section 16.- ~very person~ firm or corporation, engaged in the business of conducting a jewelery store, shall pay a lioense of $2.00 per quarter. Section 17.- Every person, firm or oorporat~on, engaged in the business of conduoting a meat market, shalJpay a lioense of $5.00 per quarter. Section 18.- Every person, firm or corloration, engaged in the business of conduoting a barber shop, where toilet articles are sold, shall pay a lioense of $2.00 per quarter. Barber shops not selling toilet artioles, shall pay a lioense of $1.50 per quarter. ----- --..---- r -. ISection .19- Every person, ~irm or corporation, engaged in the business o~ running a blacksmith shop, shall pay a license o~ $3.00 per quarter. Section 20.- Every person, ~irm or corporation, engaged in the business o~ keeping automobiles ~or hire, shall pay a license of $1.50 per quarter. Section.- 21- Every person, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of bill posting, shall pay a license of $2.00 per quarter. Except that local merohants will noj be required to pay a lioense. Seotiov 22.- Every person, ~irm or corporation, engaged in the business o~ , I I ! running a ,arage and machine shop, with automobiles ~or hire shall I pay a license of $3.00 per quarter. I I Section 23.- Every person, firm or oorporation,engaged in the express or i , transfer business, using truuks of' other vehicles, for oarrying I , freight or other commodities, shall pay a lioense of $3.00 per quarter. i I Section 24.- Every person, firm,or oorporation, en~aged in the business of I I I electrio wiring, wirin~ houses, stores,etc; shall pay a lioense , of $2.00 per quarter. Section 25.- Every person, firm or oorporation, operatin~'a moving picture show e~All pay a license of $2.50 per quarter. Section 26.- Every person,~irm or oorporation, engaged in any line of ~or business not herein provided for, and not otherwise provided~by ordinance, shall pay a license of $3.00 per quarter. Section 27.- Every person, firm or oorporation, engaged in peddling fruit or vegetables, other than by the producer thereof in San Luis Obispo County, shall pay a license of #2.00 per day. Seotion 28.- Every person, ~irm or corporation, conduoting a photograph gallery, shall pay~a license of $2.00 per quarter. Section 29.- Every person, firm or corporation, engaged in the printing business, shall pay a license of $3.00 per quarter. Seotion 30.- Every person firm or corporation, engaged in the real estate business, as agent or otherwise,shall pay a license of $2.00 per quarte Section 31.- Every proprietor, or keeper of a billiard or pool room, selling selling tobacco, cigars, and smokers materials, shall pay a license of $4.00 per quarter. Section 32. - Every person, firm",or oorjloration, operating a business under ~ection 31, and oarrying confectionery, shall pay a license of - $6~00 per quarter. Seotion 14.- Every person, firm or oorporation, engaged in the business of running a livery stable, shall pay alioense of $4.00 per quarter. Seotion 15.- Every person, tirmoor oorporation, eng~ged in the business of ru nning a lumber yard, shall pay a lioense of $10.00 per quarter. Section 16.- ~very person~ firm or corporation, en~aged in the business of conduoting a jewelery store, shall pay a lioense of $2.00 per quarter. Seotion 17.- Every person, firm or oorporatton, engaged in the business of I ! conduoting a meat market, shalJpaya lioense of $5.00 per quarter. ~ ji Seotion 18.- Every person, firm or oorloration, engaged in the business of conduoting a barber shop, where toilet artioles are sold, shall pay a license of $2.00 per quarter. I Barber shops not selling toilet artioles, shall pay a lioense of I I $1.50 per quarter. -.......- -.-.---.--,. ------......-...---.' Seotion 25.- Evsry person, firm or oorporation, operatin~'a moving pioture i show ehall pay a lioense of $2.50 per quarter. Section 26.- Every person, firm or corporation, engaged in any line of for business not herein provided for, and not otherwise provided^by ordinanoe, shall pay a lioense of $3.00 per quarter. Seotion 27.- Every person, firm or oorporation, engaged in peddling fruit or vegetables, other than by the produoer thereof in San Luis Obispo " County, shall pay a license of ~2.00 per day. . Seotion 28.- Every person, firm or corporation, oonduoting a photograph gallery, shall payva lioense of $2.00 per quarter. Seotion 29.- Every person, firm or oorporation, engaged in the printing business, shall pay a lioense of $3.00 per quarter. Seotion 30.- Every person firm or oorporation, engaged in the real estate business, as agent or otherwise,shall pay a lioense of $2.00 per quarte Seotion 31.- Every proprietor, or keeper of a bUliard or pool room, selling selling tobaoco, oigars, and smokers materials, shall pay a license of $4.00 per quarter. Section 32.- Every person, firm'lior oorll~ration, operating a business under . ~ection 31, and carrying oonfeotionery, shall pay a lioense of , $6~00 per quarter. .--- -----. to prohibit any merchant who has been in business in the OIty of Arroyo Grande, for a period of one year or more, from selling at ----- - ----.'.- ___mH - ----- ~ , Section 33.- Every person, keeping or running a pietol or other Shooti~g .. . gallery, shall pay a license therefor of $5.00 per quarter; provided that no such gallery shall be maintained, or license issued, untill the board of trustees shall have first kKx. issued a p~rmit the~efor, I " and it shall not issue such' permit unless. the proposed gallery, be 6-l locayed it may deem desirable, and be safe and bullet proof. Section 34.- Every pr&prietor or keeper of a bowling alley, or ten pin I I' alley, shall pay a license of $2.50 for the first alley, per quarter, I I and $1.50 for each additional alley. I I Sectio4 35.- Every proprietor or manager of every skatin8 rink shall I I pay a lieBBee of $4.00 per 'quarter. , I Section 36.- Every proprietor of any knife board, or cane rack, ehal1 I pay alicense of $2.00 per day. I i ~ Section 37#- Every manager or proprietor of any circus or menagerie shall pay a license of' $20.00 per day. Section 38.- Every manager or proprietor of any show, rope dancing, con tor- -tioniet, leger-de-main, theatrical or operatic' P?rformance, shall pay al1cense of $2.00 per day. Section 39.- Every manager or proprietor, of any wood yard, shall pay a license of $1.00 per quarter. . Section 40.- Ji.:very person, firm or corporation, engaged in 1he business of sellin~ and distributing water, in the City of Arroyo Grande, and having more than five subscribers, shall pay a license of $10.00 per quarter: every person selling water and 'having less than five subscribers shall pay a license of $2.00 per quarter. Section 41.- F.very person, firm or corporation, conducting a warehouse business, shall pay a license of $3,00 per quarter. Section 42.- Every owner or manager of, or any person in charge of any and every auction store, bankrupt store, or any place where goods wares or merchandise are advertised to be disposed of, or exposed for sale for less than original cost, shall pay a license of $1.50 per day, or $30.00 per month, provided; that no.extra. license shall be required to be taken out for the auctioneer for such store or place.of business. Provide d further; that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any merchant who has been in businese in the OIty of Arroyo Grande, for a period of one year or more, from selling at --,.-...- 7 'public auotion, any stock o~ goods he may have on hand at the ti~e he may desire to close out such business. Provided fUrther; that nothing in this section shall prohibit the selling at publio auotion of any real estate, live stock, or house ~ hold goods, on the premises where the same have been tn use by the owner thereof'. Seotion 43.- Every auotioneer, engaged in the business o~ auctioneering f'or hire, shall pay a license of $2.00 per quarter. Section 44.- Every person ~irm.or oorporation, engaged yn the business of' "merchant tailor" or soliciting or taking orders for suits or olothing made outside the City of Arroyo Grande, ehall pay alicense of $2.50 per quarter, exoept in business already licensed. Section ~~~- Every person, firm or oorporation, engaged in the busine8s o~ running a merry-go~round, pupet shtw, hobby horse, or similar device shall pay a license of $5.00 psr day. Section~.- Every person, firm or oorporation, engaged in the oommiesion business, shall pay a license of $2.50 per quarter. Section 49,- Every person, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of seiling oils, gasoline or distilate, shall pay a lioense of $3.00 per quarter. Section 4~.- Merohandise or mtdioine, selling on any street, alley, sidewalk avemue, Or at any place in the City o~ Arroyo Grande,by public out cry, or when singing, or playing on any musical instrument is resorted to, or any device is used for the purpose of drawing a crowd, shall pay a lioense of $10.00 per day. Section 49.- Every person, firm or corporation, engaged in the business of conducting a plumbing shop, other than in connection with. a hardware store, shall pay a licenss of $2.00 per quarter. Section 50.- Every person or persons, ongaged in the business of peddling meat in quantities less than a whole c~rcass, and not the peoduct of the peddler, shall pay a license of $10.00 per quarter. Sectio~ S~.- Every person, firm or oorporation, engaged inn the pawnbroker business, shall pay a lioense of $3.00 per quarter. Section 52.- All peanut, popoorn, candy, tamale, sandwich or delioatessen peddlers, shall pay. alicense of $2.00 per quarter. r Seotion .53.-' Every person, firm or oorporation, oonduoting a hospital or sanatorium shall pay a lioense of $5.00 per quarter. Seotion 54.- Every person, firm or corporation, oonduotin~ an ioe oream I I parlor, exoepting those perdons, firms or oorporations, doing business and paying a liosnse under seotion 4 of this ordinance, shall pay a lioense of $2.00 per quarter. Seotion 55.- All sums of money whioh should be paid tor lioenses, whioh remain due and unpaid, shall be deemed a debt to the City of Arroyo Grande, from the person or persons whose duty it is, or shall be, to pay the same, and an aotion against suoh person or persons may be brought and maintained in the name of the City of Arroyo Grande, as plaintiff, in any oourt of oompetent jurisdiotion, to reoover suoh debt, together with all oosts and charges of suoh aotion. Seotion ~6.- Conviotion and punishment of any person for transaotin~ any business without a lioense shall not exempt or excuse suoh person from the payment of any license due or unpaid at the time of conviotion Seotion 57.- Any person who shall transaot o~ oarry on any trade, business, oalling, profession, game, show or exhibition, in this ordinanoe speoified, within the City of Arroyo Grande,and for.whioh a lioense is or may hearafter be required, without first having procured the necess, -ary license therefor, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviotion thereof shall bs punishable by a fine of not less than tsn dollars, and not more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a period of not less than ten days nor more than ninety days o~ by both fine and imprisonment. Seotion 58.- All ordinances or parts of ordinanoes,(including ordinanoes numbers 2 and numbers 18),in confliot herewith are hereby repealed. Section 59.- The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande, and to its appooval and signature by the , President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande, and to its attestation by the City Clerk, and shall oause the same to be published by one insertion in the Herald-Reoorder a weekly newspaper printed and published and oirculated in the Oity of Arroyo Grande, and on the first day of July 1915, the same shall be in full foroe and effeot. rJ . . -. appro;'., th".6-.pI.. ~ f J#-?o/- .;I 9 /;3- President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande. ATTEST l .o,?--~ I , Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande. State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, sa City of Arroyo Grande, I, B.F.Stewart, City Clerk of thr City of Arroyo Grande, do hereby oertify that the foregoing ordinanoe, being ordinanoe number 21, was passed by the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande,signed by the president of the Board of Trustees, and attested by the Clerk of the said City, all at a regular _xx meeting of the said Board of Trustees, held on the ~ day of May, 191,5, and at the time of the adoption of the said ordinanoe, the number of the said Board of trustees was and is five members, and that the said ordinanoe was passed and adopted by the following vote on roll oall; Aye~'rf~, )I~A.~rJ ~ Noes, -J1C7JA.-( 'Absent, ~. tftAAd. I therefore oertify that the saidordinanoe was passed by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the Board of Trustees of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande, approved by th8 President 'jof the sadld Board of Trustees, and attested by the City Clerk of the said City, at the said meeting, at the time and pla08 hereinbefore stated. {J~~ City Clerk of th8 City of Arroyo Grande. .