O 020 i 'f' . \,,,' ,j o r din a n c e No .~ An Ordinance permitting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo to uee that pa,rtof Bridge street herein-below described in the City of Arroyo Grande. Whereas the Board of Supervisors of the County of San luis Obispo did on the 5th day of Kay, 1914,pass a resolution directing the City of Arroyo Grande to permit by ordinance the use of a portion of Bridge street for the purposes herein- below set forth, Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande and the said Board of Trustees does hereby ordain as follows, to-wit : -- Sec. 1. 1bat the City of Arroyo Grande is a corporation of the Sixth Class and Bridge street therein is one of its princi- pal streets and is a part of the county system of roads within the incorporated limits of said municipality and there is now no bridge on said Bridge street across Arroyo Grande creek, and public there is no Abridge within the limits of said city across Arroyo Grande creek passable by teams and vehicles, and it is necessa~y for the immediate preservatio~ of the public peace and safety that a bridge be constructed across, Arroyo Grande creek on Brid~o strset and the County of San Luis Obispo is ready and willinr, to immediately construct said bridge and it is therefore a matter of urgency that this ordinance shall go into effect immediately after ita final passage. Se~. 2. 1hat the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo did on the 5th day of May, 19l4,by resolution aooept that part of Brid~e street within the corporate limits o~ the City of Arroyo Grande hereinafter partioualrly desoribed for the purpoClCJ of constructing and maintaining thereon a public highway as part of the county system of roads. f3ec. 3. l'hat the Board of 'l'rustees of the Ci ty of Arroyo ('rande hereby permita the use by the Board of Supervisors of tho County of San Luis Obispo of that part of Brldp,e street within the cor- ", , . porate limits of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, state of California, and particularly described as fOllows, to - wi t : - All that part of Bridge street commencinr, 132 feet south, 33 degrees 10 minutes, East from the old southerly line of Branch street and extending thence south 33 degrees 10 mir.utee . East 189 feet. Sec. 4. That it is the intention of the aforesaid Board of Trustees in the passing of this ordinanoe to comply with Chapter 231 of the statutes of Cal1:fornia 'H. of 1913, the same being an act au- thorizing any incorporated town or city or municipal corporation i to pe~t the construction and maintenance of any state or cou~ty hi~)1way in its incorporated limits or any portion thereof by the board of supervisors of the county. Seo. G. This ordinance after its final pa.ssage and approval by the President of the Board of Trusteos of the Ci ty of Arroyo r..rande shall be published in ~ n THE H8RALil - HBCORDERn one time and shall take effect and be in force from and after ibbfinal pas~a~e ,,- and approval as aforesaid. I approve of the foregoing ordinance President of the Board of !rustees of the City of J\rroyo r;rande . ~..--._--