O 019 i . , . . .; ,. - ~ - ;, . o r din a nee No.1 9 . An Ordinance permitting the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo to use that part of Bridge street herein-below described in the City of A:rroyo Grande. Whereas a great many of the people residing in and ad- jacent to the City of Arroyo Grande have expres.ed their senti- ments ae being in entire harmony with the purpose herein-below set forth, Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the Board of Trus- tees of the City of A:rroyoGrande and the said Board of Trustees does hereby ordain as follows, to-wit : --- Sec. 1. That the City of A:rroyo Grande is a corporation of the Sixth Class and Bridge street therein is one of its principal streets and is a part of the county system of roads within the incorpora- . ted limits of said municipality and said Bridge street is on the to and' dlrect line of coast trave1~from all places on thePaciflo Coast of California ; Sec. 2. That the Board of Trustees of sald City of' A:rroyo Grande hereby permits and requests the Hon.Board of Supervisors of' the County of San Luis Obispo to accept that part of Bridge .treet in said City of Arroyo Grande extending from its intersection with Branch street to Nelson street ; and said Board of Trustees especially requests said Hon.Board of Supervisors aforesaid to accept that certain steel and concrete bridge spanping A:rroyo Grande oreek on said Bridge street and to proceed as soon as practicable to bui1d,con- struct,repair and replace said bridge in accordance with such plans and specifications as to said Hon. Board of Supervisors may, after a proper investigation1,seem to them advisable. Sec. 3. The City of A:rroyo Grande hereby forever releases and relin- s . qUishef,for the uses and purposes herein specified, all c1a.ims that it has formerly had to that part of Bridge street as herein-above. set forth; Sec. 4. That it is the intention of the aforesaid Board of' Trustees in the passing of this ordinffice 4to comply with that certa n statute of' the State of California, found on page 386,Chapter 23l,of the statutes of' California of 1913 ~, ~ I ! '____n_ ----. --_.._~--,._-----_.- - . . and being an act authorizing any incorporated town or city to . . I permit the construction and maintemance of any state or county .... highway in its incorporated 11mi ts of any portion thereof by 6 the Jupervieors of the county ; Sec. 5. This ordinance after its final passage and~proval by the President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande shall be published in THE HERALD-RECORDER one time and shall take effect and be in force from and after the 8th day of June,19l4. I approve of the foregoing ordinance . . President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande. ------~ ---~-----, - _.. ------------