O 018
o r din ari"'c' e N 0./~ ,
An Ordinance Amending Section 7 of An Ordinance numbe - !
od " Ordinance No.2"and entitled" An Ordinance to impose,
establish and regulate License Taxes in the City of Arrbyo
Grande,County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and
I to establish Regulations for the enforcement thereof, and
Penalties for the Violation thereof~ passed and approved
''''on the 9th day of August, A. D. 1911.
Section/to Section 7 of an ordinance being" Ordinance No., "
entitled" An Ordinance to impose, establish and regulate
license taxes in the City of Arrojo Grande, County of San
Luis Obispo, State of California, and to establish regula-
tions for the enforcement thereof,and penalties for the
violation thereof"is hereby amended to read as follows, I
to - wit: Sec.7. License taxes shall be paid at the fol-
lowing rates :
1. Automobiles,selling agency for ~2.00 per quarter;
Automobiles,keeping for hire, '1,1.50" " : I
" Auctioneers,or selling real or personal property at I
.... I
public outcry, ~3.00 per quarter ; i
3. Bakeries, $2.50 per quarter ; I
4. Book agents or solicitors for the sale of books,maps r
or pictures per day (\,,~ ;
5. Bicycles,selling or for hire, ~2.50 per quarter ; i
)..', ,
-, I
6. BooK and stationery store';' $3..00 per quarter ; i
7. Bill posting and distributing b~ls other .than those ci -
. ._ culated by local merchants ~2.00 per quarter ;
8. Barber shops not selling toilet articles ~1.50 per quar er;
Barber shops,where toilet articles are sold ~2.60 per q ar;
I ..
9. Blacksmithing,including shoeing and repairing 13.00 per q;
10. Boot and shoe store ~3.00 per quarter ;
11. Building and loab agency,~3.00 per quarter;
12. Clothing store,including gents furnishing goods "~4.00 p r g:
13. Cigar and tobacco store, $2.00 per quarter;
.', fruit and candy store ~4.00 per quarter;
14. Cigar,
15. Candy, popcorn, nuta, selling on any street $/0. per .
16. Circus or menagerie, or both combined ~20.00 per day;
17. Clairvoyant,astribloger,or fortune teller,.$5~OO per da ;
., .
18. Confectionery,or temperance drinks, $2.00 ~er quarter;
19. Dry goodsstore, keeping ~2.50 per quarter;
20. Drug store,with stationery,candy and cigars, $6.00 pel" q .
21. Drug store,without stationery,candy and cigars,~3.00 per q; I
22. Exhibition of trained animals, ~2.50 per day;
23. Express wagon,truck,dray or other freight vehicles for ! I
- hire,$3.00 per quarter;
24. Electric wiring, wiring houseB,dwellings, or Dtorea ~~2.5
, ,
25. Furniture and oarpet store !~3.00 per quarter; per !
26. Feed yard or B tore j~3. 00 per quarter ;
27. Garage,where cleaning and repairing is done,includirtg
machine shoR,and automobile supplies and hiring auto-
mobiles ~ ~,4.00 per quarter ;
28. Grocery store, $3.00 per quarter ;
29. Hardware store,and plumbing,including wagons,carriages
and agricultural implements $.7.50 per quarter;
30. Harness store or shop ~2.50 per quarter ;
31. Hotel or boarding house where the average daily aooommo-
dations of persons is one and not more than three,~2.per ;
Yfuere the daily average aocomodations is five and less
than fifteen f~3.50 per quarter; Where the dail:( average
accommodations is nfteen and less than thirty ::~5.00 per ;
3~ Insurance,fire,life or other:insurance ~2.50 per quarter;
\. 3~. Jewelry store $2.00 per quarter ;
34. Lumber, selling from yard or car, ~10.00 per quarter .
35. Livery and feed stable ~7.50 per quarter;
36. Laundry,soliciting for ~1.00 per quarter;
37. Lodging houses,with five rooms or less, *1.00 per quarter;
with five rooms and not more than ten rooms ~2.00 per q ;
with ten rooms and not more than twenty rooms ~4.00 per q;
38. J.leat markets :~5.00 per quarter;
39. Millinery store $.2.50 per quarter;
t 40. ;';:onoy loaning other than banks 82.50 per quarter ;
41. Musical instruments, selling or renting $2.50 per q ;
42. Commission real estate,money loaning and insurance ~5.00 q;
43. Merry-go-round, puppet show,hobby horse, and similar Vf:iHfJlf
devices ~5.00 per day ;
44. Merchandise peddling from house to house fi '\5.00 per day.
5. ~erchandise, soliciting or canvassing for retail orders
~i5.00 per day ;
46. Merch~ndise or modicine,selling any kind on any street,
avenuo,sidewalk,alle1 or public place of ~aid City of
Arroyo Grande,by pub ic outcry or th~r~ s~n?iRftyode~t~~in,
on anv musioal instrument is resor e 0, 0
. .
is used for the purpose of gathering people together
~10.00 per day ;
47. Merchandise,selling as mentioned in the foregoing subdi-
vision elsewhere than on the etreets,avenuee,alleys,side
walks or public places in said city, and where any device
method or means is used, having a tt!ndency to gather a
crowd a crowd of people $10.00 per day ;
1\,8. :!orchandj se, se1linlj .,t. "uction,J!lerChandis~1'of any de-
scription, including medicine and medical pr ,ratione by
any pereon or pereone,other than those conducting a reg-
ular place of business in said city $5.00 per day ;
49. General merch~tndise store carrying dry goods,shoes,cloth
ing, and furnishing goods,groceries,hardware,crockery,
tinware,and plated ware, furniture, paints and oils, and al
other commodities usually carried on in a general mer-
r.handise store ~12.5d per quarter ;
50. Uerchandise,selling by person,or persorts,in a stc,re,
house or any other place, when only temporary occupancy
is intended, and when the person or persons so doing do
not hold a written lease on any such store,house or place I
for more than one (1) year , ~lO.OO per day; I
51. Eovir.g picture Hho\i8 ,(;2.50 .ver quarter ; provided that
travelling troupes shall be 'charged ~~~per~xhibition;
and this whether they appear under the auspices of local
people or o till'n:'\vise ;
52. ~er9handise, all oth~r lines of business not herein Pro-
vided for and not otherwise provided for by ordinance
~3.00 per quarter ; .
53. Notion store Jr3.00 per que:z:.ter ;
54. Nursery agency, selling for".or-,sol1citing orders i',2.50pq;
55. Plumbing shop ~8.00 per quarter ;
56. Pawnbroker shop, $10.00 per quarter ;
57. Paint etore and paint shop, or contract house or si~n
painting, i12.00 per quarter ; -
58. ~ddling, peddling meat,not the product of the peddler,
in quantities less than a whole carcass with a wagon or
other vehicle, with one or ~ore animals, ~lO.OO per quarte
9. Peddling fruit~tegetables,geeae, waFee eF nel"eae.AaisB sf -
e7BFY a8eeFi~b uA ~. .. l,other than by the producer thee
of,where a wagon or vehicle and one or more animals are
used for the purpose of such peddling, $2.50 per quarter;
O. Photograph gallery, or place for painting or taking pict-
ures 1)y an~r process, ~:2.00 per quarter ;
.1. Purchasing agenct,at a fixed place of busines *2.50 per q
2. Printing or publishing where job work is done~2.50 per q;
3. Printing or publishing, soliciting within the corporate
limits of said city as principal, agent, or otherwise,by
those not residing and doing a printing or publishing
business in said city it2.00 per day ; and it is the in-
~ention that this subdivision shall preclude the tal{ing Iff
pictures by non-residents and their being developed else-
where unless a license shall first have been obtained
(3''-. Real estate, buying, selling, dealing .in as D.r:ent "2.50 per n.
, 5b,' Pool rooms,'containing one or more billiard or pool tables,
: \ permit~ing the sale of t~b~Cco,ciga:s a~ker'~ mate-
rial"II,,4.00 per quarter , ~#-'~'~-J' ~.
o '
66. Restaurant or cl)P house ,,1he', not connected. Hitl"l any hote
,1'2.50 per quarter;
67. Second hand store '\4.00 per quarter ;
.68. ,-
Shooting gallery .:;S.OO per quarter;
69. Sewing machine agency,for the, sale or renting of sewing
machines ~2.50 per quarter ;'
70. ,
stallion,jac~ or bull,keeping for propagation purposes,
each per season, ~5.00 ;
71. Shows, every rope, wire, dancing, con'tQ;rtionist .or leger-de-
main performance' (. not includ~ng the. performance of thea.-
atrioal or operatic company) :>'2.00 per day;
72. Skating rink, *5.00 per quarter ;
73. Ten pin or nine pin alley, ~4.00 per quarter ;
I 74. Theatrical or oPeratic performance $2.00 per day ;
75. Wood yard, f,1.00 per quarter j
76. Water,selling or rentJng at fixed rates ~10.00 per quarte "
':;7.50 per' quart,er I
77. Warehousing, : ,
78. Undertaking, 89 .-GG per,9.uarte!;:. ;"', . ,. .':;;,~ -,,,, I I
.. I
~:;! I
. Th.Ls o;~dinance after its final passage and appr'ova~, by t,1:.o i
jJr)oiJ.,,'-'c u~ the board of trustees shall be published in I
"Tr,e Herald- Recorder" one time and shalltakEl effec~;and ~
be in force from and after the Fourth )4th) day of January, I,
1914 I
. I approve of ordinance .
Pres~den~ of the Board of Trustees i I
of the
.' ~ ,Oity of Arroyo Grande.
._, . --- -~." i2/}_/f;lwc;;T~ ____m_ _______ ""-1
I,B.F.StewartCierk of the City of Arroyo Grande, do
hereby oertify that the foregoing Ordinanoe was
~ntroduoed and read at a regular meeting of the board
of Trustees of the Coty of Arroyo Grande,held on the 19th of
November, 1913, and was pa';sed at a regular meeting of the
said board of Trustees held on the 3rd day of Deoember,1913,
by the following vote on roll oall,
Ayes:- Trustees, Bennett, Gilliam, Hawkins, and Noble.
Noes:- None.
Pres~den~ of the Board of Trustees
of the
. { City of Arro:ro Grande.
- _._-----~ ~. O/j~cvv'_H - -.-
.. ~
I,B.F.Stewart Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, do ii
hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was
introduced and read at a regular meeting of the board
of Trustees of the Coty of Arroyo Grande,held on the 19th of
November,1913, and was pa<;sed at a regular meeting of the
said board of Trustees held on the 3rd day of December,1913,
by the following vote on roll call,
Ayes:- Trustees, Bennett, Gilliam, Hawkins, and Noble.
Noes:- None.
Absent:- Grieb.
Said Ordinance was then and there signed by the president
of the board of Trustees,and attested by the Olerk of
said City.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande,this
3rd day of December, 1913. C"
O~~~ ~
Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande.
. \.t-
.. ,