O 017
Ordi . N . 17' Section 7 ,WbeDever .any case of con-
, . . t&l!oIi. dl...... .ballhavebeeD reported
STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ . Dance o. . ~otbebo&rdof'he<h~..idboar.<lsban ~
. . unmediateJy take Bucb'-'8",pe as It ma .
County of San LUIs Obispo A 0 d'. 1 Ih P . r' deem ofrud~t to "",ertaintbetr"tbf"r.
p r, mance or e, reBer~a 10n Dell laid' report; ana if said. board,
ollhe Pqblic Health in Ihe Cili ~hal1..oncfude that ~bere is ,a proba!>il- ;
,ty that tbe report JII true, ,t shall '11\-
I 01 Arroyo Grande and the Crea. !"edlateJy place UPOD tbe '),rellll... 00, ~s
, . .tn(ected & notice to the pubhc ot the ex~ . u
" tiOD and Appoiatment of a ietenc$,of\b.e,diee...e;.,and .the owner:or{ ,'f
. oecup8.q,t 8hall permit ,said Doticeto're~-' ~
Board of Health .nd Delinin, rnajD.Wltil.rsmov~ by the order 'of the, .
. .; i18Du\i88 aDd Providin~fI . Pup. board ofbealth. '. '. ,'. ~
W. H. SMITH, of said county, bemg fir. ishmanl for ihe. Violate18 ol..S~tlon~. The y~r withiD,lhe."'~n' "It!
~ .. " 'Dr~tbJa.'ri1ll'D'~oi>"
. . Th t he is a citizen of t Same, ' " , . '.. !irotday of January uDIU. aD Ine .ud, e.
poses and says. a , The Boa~d of Trua_of tbe City of 'ug,tbe 31r. day'of De~"'ber{ollo~I,~g. c~..
. h' the lint Arroro ClraDde does ordaiD lIB follow., · SeC\ion 9. ADY p.,no';,II;m' or' 0''';: ~
over 21 years of age, that e IS fJ to-wit: '., '. " . . poratlon vlolatlDg any provisioDoUbis : oJ-
SeotioD 1 Tbe Boal'd of Trusteel of .0rdlDan.eeholl),e ~UOI'bed 'br. a 11M i .
ALD.RECORDER.a weekly newspaper pub. tbo Clt{,OfAtroyo Grand. dOOll ber.by not 1_ tba" ten IIO.CO) dol ars, Dor til
create n ano! for tbe City' of Arroyo greater Ihap OD~ bUDd,red, (11\19.00) dol-. tb
" f Sa L' Grande a Eon.rdef'Hes.1th to c.oneist ..of J.a.ra; or ~ lU1't:lI!!On~j ,or by bo~h}ineJa
at.Arroyo Grande, m the county 0 n u 11..(5) members all of whom sball be and Irppl'18oDmeDt, Pii
. . . ro.ideDt. 01 the Oity oI\Arroyo Grande, Section 10. Thi. OrdinaDce .Jball be .O~
California, that the notice of which a true I aDd a.t .I....t o,,;e. of wbom. ..ball!'". a publiabed OD. time in 1;he'H.ra14.g., ~
practlcmg phY'l~lan, and a g~~ua~eof corder, a lleW1IC&;r yritlted and -pub~ Po :
. ... d....to eomereputable80bo~lofm.~eme. liahedin the", ty'oAr.royo' Orand;e,~ ro,.
tached. was first published m Its Issue ~ - Section 2. . Said board of' healtb aDd be'ln force and effectafter)~!>.d,e~~: f;"~
~ AD .hall be aPtlD\"d 1J)otbe Board of ;&ftertt.lllD&l~age. ..." "."'!', ei~
of. _ . _ _~.. - . - -. - .. . . Trusteee of t e C.ty of Arroyo GraDde I ~pprove ~be foregoing ordiDaDc.a:. .01,.
andthvmembentlaereot..ballbold their I ENNE'1'T'\ ~
., ., i ofl!ces for a period of t..0.(2) ;I'll" from. . F. E.. B ." . p
said notice was published In regular and and alter tbeir appolDtment. ProvidedP....id.nt of the Board of Trustee,ofJ,
that the llret bOard bereuDder shan &be City of 'Arroyo Grande.,', '1.,. A.
moor of said newspaper during the 10 o1...ify tbemeelvee by ,lot that tbe I Atteot: '. B.F. IITEW.ART;.' '..: of.i
ery nu terl/l' of tbree(3) membenabaU eX~Ire' City Clerk aDd Cler~oftbeB...rd,'ut 4b~
.' OD tl\e 31.t. day of Detember. 1- 14, Tru.teea of the City , ;Nr~>:~':Gra!\!I!\1.,\>bi
publication aforesaid; that IS to say, on a!"ltb. term. of (21memben ,~II ex. . ", ..' ,,:..... /.".i",\'h-ri", . ".!
pile oD.the 3Jot day of December, 1916, . I, B. F.l!tewlrl. clerk qf tue;c,ty,o( :l~
, ". ", :. ": Arro1o.9_!i., do,hwe~...,certif11It,~at si ,
.. __._ h ..__.....___ ...-....... ."-' ---, ,~otlon3. Wbena V....Dcy occunOD tbefo~"I9r4fhaD"O;,}8 "".:~'<I~1
: 8&,d board of healtb, tbeeame .ball be. t~ .'M::a';!"OiIItIn, ot~.:~, of' ;\1.'
'filled .: bt.;.. appointment .' .by ~heTruot...:ot,~.@i~~ot;:Ano:r,~"'G"In<\e,'."~
- -.---.. .............Boa.dot . 10"01""''' CJty.olAr'1>eld~;ath;~ot.. =l>er';J~~';"M,'th
royo.GraDde aDd tbe'appomtment shall JMII!Ied"t a,rei1uLir'_ "",<>f\t!!!l'board: ,,!if;-
..".' ._ _ bel',11'de .to,!lIl: out tlie uDcomplete<! f_oftrn~ be~.'I>:"",.. ,"1~'<\~~K'I>~D,ia
.. h -. - -- . . terIDOfhlml>y')Vh9lM~~'tl!e:~~~;;0'!\1!er"~lllit oWln' ,,9~ttiol
.hu:'o,Qcurred., . ,:.":," ',' '1<-, ~ .f,(-:,~.','of",\-i'.QD"J;'qll"~_ R I"ill. ;,.', j. M.,. ," 1m~
.. .. .. .. .." -- .. -- .. -' --: ":~~~ion ~:fh~ said' ";":~'~f h';'i~h;;~Ay.:k:~~::'it~:~lt,twi;j."",t~m:~~1
shall have 'the power tQ devil8 waf!:' .bll:kHaWkJUS.:" ~'-'J,:>~,:,,','~,;"'ii}"',f~~t(.8D~
_ _ _. ~. _ ~ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ h. _ h u_ and meana and~eDforce the I&mtt as "JU . Noea, IIQn&. ' :.,\'\ 'i,',;r'i~~", the
-. -- .. - --. . iD their jud~eDt, ~1It P"Imote the A\I.IeJ1t, Qrieb.'. .... "" ,(;~ :;
. health. of .t e city aDd foreY"Dt tbe Said ordilianceWIIB. t~en' 'aud..tberi, '''/'1
. - " , -- - - - - . . .. . . ".... - - -- .. .. " opread ."f d'.....; to enter Dto'aDd ex- .igDedo.yU.e pr~identoCth. boar<i,or saJ.
amlDe'D U.e daytime hOD.... otor.. truo_ and at;eeled hy:tbe,plerki"fbe.
and aU I'laceelD theelly: ~ preV.Dt Mid'Oil . .. ',', ,~,.'I'ii cOD
..--- --~ -..--...--..,.----.- --. aDdforb.d commnuJeationwltb..IJdect.r .'" ..,"" "";-,':'{'./3a~
~ '1-?- sd faxuJll.. or house.. to reoommaDd to . Inwltn_ wbereofIJmve heleunto ::v!I
" , .. _ __ .. _.." the Bosord 01 Tru8teee of said oity in eet mv bau,d aDd aJlixe,li tb....al. of ,tllet
. --.. -. - -- . - --.. --. " opeD ",...liDg wbeD~ver they deemU, City ot Arroyo Grande, ti>i.'19tb d"Y;!!f:~~
. I n~~eary luch I8DJtary meaauree a8,November1913.'. ":-'., '/:" ",-;,..'~-p '~'_
That said notice was published in said n~ IbeY'mayagr~. upon II advil&~le aDd '" . ~.B. ;F. i !'ITEW AR,'.f.'." <Ad
, to OjI-operate .Wlth thom In carrYing U.o CI.rk of the Oity 01 Arroyo GraDde. ,.' ~e
I same into effect. '. . [Seal] . ,"", .. ."1
t' the supplement thereto .' " , .
no In ~ . Section 5. It .han be the dDtyof the . " . ,
. . said board of health Immediately alte" _." - " ...' - ......,.,.
. ita appolDtment to make a oyatomatic
- . - . - - .' .' - . - - ., aDd thorough OXjIIDluatlon of all piN
of tbe city 01 Arroyo Grande wbere aDY
~ DOxiou. o"ollen,lye ...betau.... are Buld
Su ri ed and sworn to before me t ~Oed to exl.t, and for thie purpooe 8&
. ard of bealtb or. aily member tbereof
I sballbe permitted,. In the dioyli",e, to
day of.. _ C:k~.&" .A. D. 19/~' enter any bouee, ,tore, ,table. huildlDg
t . or vobicle for the purpoee of examlDiD~
__/ - ~-_ cellara~-vault8.-'~_drainll,.cess~J6
-V ;21;.(; orfood .tuffo aDd.upp!iee;aDditi>
. , \ b....by.m8de the duty ofeaid. bOllrd '01
'. i .beaJth.to 'enter , on all. ,mund/o:'prerii..
'i8esQ\"lote'Wbl\l8oltoDOI..e or n9:ooDf;
~lubatanCe8. ar." kep"i-'ud laJl.,poo1Bj
Notary Public in and for tbe Co~ IUDks,,,"ulte. draiD~' or Ipw IIf01JD!I'.to
. . / be oleaDsed, IIlIed up'or ot!>erwise.m.,
Obispo, State of Calif 01 I'roved:reqDIreall_pOcl.to.ho"bol,
..bed.aDd to requfre tbe ueeof neh di.,
iDfecteDts aDd.in such q..ntJli...1IB th~
board of bealtb may direct; and to ""use
aU'dead'animalsor oth",r-nau~u. aDd I
uDwboleeo",e subatence. . to be buried I
or removed "b,eyond the IimitsoUhe,oity. !
, , ." '. I
, Section 6. It ,ball be tb.dDty of. the I
I said board 01 bealth to Dotily the, oecu- ,
I cant; or -o.....ner...or agent ot;> any.lot,
f uilding or prenii8es Dpon 'Wblcb aD)
offensiv8substanceB maYb~ ,found, 're-
.quiring tha.t. uid ofl'eneivQ 8ub.ta.nceJ!.
I De removed forthwith; land, should the
board deem it Decessary It may .pecifY
how said pn>mise8 shall be c'eanBed 01
purifttd and said' owner, or occupant
.ball comply with tbe reque.t ADd
.bouldtbe owner Or occupant refuse to
comply wltb tbs reqDl!'tof tbe board qi
. bt:-ahh lie herein Bet out:t.be board of
bealtb .ball""uee tbe ,am. to be don,
a", tbeexpense of theci;.y, JceepiDg au
: accU;rB.te account thereof. and if on de-
I 'mand 'the o~ner or, occu~t of Ela~
Iprqpeny refu,,,~, to plr thp ealO
account "lor the 0 e 0"1 teD fO) days.
tbe '~a!1\ 'bOard ,hall,ln'iheJI&!D.01 !b.
city., 6rinl,~, ,~tJ.~~. ,~r the. co11eC)ti()D,
of Isla account.," ;" 1', , "
-_.-- ----