O 015
OHIJlilA}iOf.: If O. /r
An OX'flinar.ce repcoJ.l~ 50ct.1on no. 2 ot Ord1nmco No.
7 01'1;1113 01 ty o't AM"OYO fr1"a.ndo emU t.Ied .. An Ord1nance ror
Pol1o" HeJUla.t.1qn rele.t1n; t.o Place. Where .pin t.uOUD,,,11\OU1I,
. , , ~ .
"meJ,t or mixed.. l1quora or Jioohol1C drink. ~e 'Clanuta.ot.IArell,
" . dtiopofJ1t.ec1. d1.t~ted. IIOld,4elheretl or.1v<<1 away. 111 the
01 ty of' Jt.rrOyo GHnde ; mttJt1nlj: unla.wtul the aar-utaotuN, enlo,
or 1:1 Y1ni an)' of III.I.Ch l1quor. or drink. wUhin the Oity ot
Arf'O,/o <:rande, prov1<11nz tor the 1I?1. ot Barne by DrUl:q.1IIta
un461" :unrc1ed reatnotionB · .
The Board ot trustee. ot tho Cu.y ot' iU'zooyo Grande doe.
orda1n ao follow. I --
Soo. 1. Sect.ion B of Ordinance 110. 7 of ,tho C1ty 01\ Arroyo Grando
enti tled II An Ordinanoe tor 1='01100 HCl\:ulaUon rolating to Place.
Where sp1rt tuOUIJ, rtnouIJ, mal t. o%' t'I11!r9d. l1quora 01' o.1cohol1o
dr1nJcs 8" l!ItU1utactur~d, depofJ1 ted, dhtr1buted, BOld, dolt vere<i .
or given 6w&1.1n tho .aty ofAM"Oyo:'l"IU:!de , mo.k1n; unluM tho '
manufacture, .001e, or r;:hins away of: web l1<Nora OI' 4rlnkD
witbin the City of Arroyo (;rando ; providing ror the 8&1$ ot
same by Drur.:tiats W'lder guarded rest,not : one · 1. b6t'Oby
l'epoal&d .
~60. 2. 'ihis QrcUne.noe lIIhall take efreot. and bo 1n 1'oroe trom
G.bd o.tt..1' the t1r.t day ot JUly, 1913 .
'c/!: al'''-
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pq: pre.ident ot the BoGl'd ot 'i'rueteC!l8
~ ..~ of tho
~~", . OU)' of' lUTOyo !lr&n4..
" ~~ .
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