O 014
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o r din a n c e N o. 14.
An Ordinance of theOity of Arroyo Grands ,prohibiting certain
Minors from visiting Public Places where pOOl, billiards, cards ,
dice or bowling balls are played or. to play. those games in Pub-
lic'Places within said City; making it unlawful for Proprietors I
and Employees. topermi.t certain Minors to. 'v~~3;..t Publio Places i
where the aforesaid games are played or 'to play said games; reg-
.ulating:Pool,halls and ,other ~bl~c,~la069,w~~h1n the Ct>ty,of
Arroyo Grande with regard to Partitions therein and Front doors
or Windows thereto and the closing Hours .thereof ; and providing
a Penalty for violating said Ordinance.
The Board of Trustees .of the City. of' Arroyo Grande does hereby
Ordain as follows : -
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any minor under.the age of eighteen
pUblic .'
years,unaccompanied by a parent. or guardian, to visit any place
where games are played with cards,pool balls,billiards,pins,dics'
or bowling balls within the City of Arroyo Grande .
Section 2. It'shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen ,
years to play any game within the Oity of Arroyo Grande, in any
public place with cards, pool balls,billiards,pins,dice or bowling
balls except as is hereinafter provided .
Section 3. rt shall be unlawful for the proprietor or any employee of
any:" place where games are played. wi th cards, pool,. balls, billiards,
pins, dice or bowling balls to permit any minor under the age of
eighteen years, unaccompanied by hi~parent.or guardian,to visit i:
. . ; ,
such places where said games are played or to play at any such
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sectlon~....~ }!~rio.r!'l. unger) ~he..l?-ffeof.e,f:g~t~er=xpil.,.s~~a~.::Vi~;r pi1>J,i~.place6
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where the a.foresaid games are pltiloyed and mar" play thereat ': Provided
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said minors first shall ha.ve presented to the. proprietors of public
'. ..'
places where said games may be played a written. consent signed by
the parent or guardian of'said minor'stating unequivocally th4t
said,minor has the consent of the parent or guardian to play said
games . These written consents of parents or guardians shall be
filed by the proprietors aforesaid and remain open to the i~spec-
.~ ty,~~ of said parents or guardians and 'the 01 ty Marshal pf /fie Oi ty
of Arroyo Grande .
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Section 5. All public places where games are played with cards,pool
balls,billiarda,pins,dice or bowling balls shall be promptly
closed at 11 o1~'ock P.M.on each and every day: provided that !
said places may not close until 12 o'clock Midnight on each and ,~
every Saturday. I
Section 6. After this ordinance shall have taken effect no license shall ,
be granted to any person to conduct a pool room or any room or J
ofa like nature I
placeAwithin the City of Arroyo Grande until after the City j
Marshal of said City sha.ll have seen the room in which said bus- f
iness is to be conducted and fully satisfied hims'elf that there
is in said room no partition of any kind or nature ; and after
this ordinace shall have taken effeot no lioense shall be granted
to any person to oonduo t a pool room,or--.any rdom or plaoe of alike ' i
nature within the City of Arroyo Grande until after the City i
Marshal of said City shall have seen the rDom in which said bus "7 I
inesa is to be conducted and fUlly satisfied himself that there is
no frosting on the windows or doors and no soreens or other objeots
would be prevented from seein, '
whereby a person on the outside,^"'l'la~ -\if "'" who iswtthin said
room without entering the same.
Section 7. Within thirty days after this ordinance takes effect all per-
sons oonductin~ pool rooms, or plaoesof a like nature,sha11 re- I
move all partitions therefrom; all frosting from the doors or I
windows thereof ; and all screens or other objeots by which one
on the outside may be prevented from seeing all persons within.
The aforesaid work shall be done to the entire satisfaotion of
the City Marshal.
Section 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be fined in a sum not in exoess of one hundred dOllars, or
be punished by imprisonment not in exoess of thirty days. A person
convicted of a second violation shall be both fined and imprisoned
and at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees thereafter said
Board shall by resolution on a call of the ayes and noes revoke
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the license of the pereon thus convicted.
Section 9. Th1s ordinance shall be signed by the President of the Board
of Trustees of the 01 ty OJ:: Arroyo Grande,attested by the Clerk
thereof,and publishe! in "THE HERALD - RECO!U)ER " one time and
the same shall take effect and be in force on and after the 10th J
day of June, 1913.
President of the Board of Trustees of the
/' City of Arroyo Grande.
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