O 013 .., ',., ;: f" , .-, ~ . ~ 1. o R DIN A N 0 E No. 1 3. An Ordinanoe oalling a SpeoialEleotion to be held in ths 'Oity I., ' of Arroyo ........O.Uforni..on th,' 12th dAy of ..,.,."b...1912..... aub- i. mi~ting to the qualified voters of said Oity the propositions of in- I' ourring 8.n indebtedness in the following amounts tor the following .. ,,,,~.' - ""I' ' ':'_""(~'" '1'<"',"".: :!;.,-.., '\.<I..., ., _ purposes, to-wit: --- (a). Eight 'l'housand (t8000~00) Dollars for the oonstruotion of a steel or oonorete bridge on Mason street aoross i Arroyo Grande oreek I (b). Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars for the I . 11 oonstruotion of a permanent water-way and bridge aoross Branoh street, I I at Whiteley Street; the opening of a water-way for overflow waters to I . I ! pass from Whiteley Street,west 01.' ArrOyo Grande oreek, into'said oreek ; and the oonstruotion of a retaining wall on the south siae of Branoh Street. aorOss Wh1 te1ey Street.; and otherwise to repair .in a first- . olass manner the entire wash-out at the junotion of' Whiteley and Branoh Dollars streets; (0). i'd.ve Thousand ($5000.00.) for surveying, grading, graveiing , .., 1(, Olling,or maoadamizing,as the said Board 0,1.' ,TrI1stees may deem advisable, the prinoipal streets. of the Oity of Arroyo Grande; Providing for the issue of' bonds therefor and .for the levy of a tax tor the payment ot said bonds; designating the eleotion preoinot and polling-plaoe and appointing the eleotion off'ioers for sa.id eleotion . The Board of' Trustees of the Oity of Arroyo Grande does ordain as follows : geotion 1. WHEREAS, THE BOARD o~ TRUSTEES, of the, Oity of ArrOyo Grande at I a regular meeting thereOf,held On the 4th day of S~t~be:r:,1912,by a \ . ' vote of' two-thirds of all its members' duly passed and adopted a Res- olution,said Resolution being Number 8,determining and'deolaring that the publio interest and neoessity demand the oonstruotion by said Oity of' oertain muni~ipal improvements, to~wit :_ (a). The oonstruotion of' a steel or oonorete bridge on Mason street aoross ArrOyo Grande oreek ; (b). The oonstruotion of' a permanent water-way and bridge aoross Bra.noh Street, at Whiteley Street; the opening of' a water-way f'or overfloW' . . . __n____ _,._ __~___ _ _____..____"._,._ I . , J " '.'. . waters to pass from Whiteley street, west of Arroyo Grande creek, into said creek ; the oonstruction of a retain1ng wall on the south side of Branch street across Whiteley Street.; and otherwise the repairing in a first-olass manner, the entire wash-out at the 3unction of Whiteley and Branoh streets . I , I (c). The surveying,grading,graveling,oil1ng,or macadamiz1ng,as the said il Board of Trustees may deem advisable, the principal streets of the Oity of Arroyo Grande. And WHEREAS said Resolution was approved by the Executive of said Oity, to-wit; The President of said Board of Trustees,on said. 4th day .of S~ptember,19l2,at said meeting. of said Board; and - WHEREAS the sa.id Board of Trustees of the Oity of Arroyo Grande,in con- I I templation of said improvements, and eaoh of them,h~s had estimates of ~ Ii the costs of the said several improvements furnished to it and the said i estimates have been adopted and. approved and are now on file in the , I office of the Oity Olerk of the 0ity of Arroyo Grande I and - , WHEREAS the estimated oost of said munioipalimprovements is as follows,. to - wi t : - (a). For the oonstruotion of a steel or conorete bridge . . on Mason Street across Arroyo Grande oreek, the sum of Eight Thousand ($8000.00) Dollars; (b). For the oonstruotion of a permanent water- . way and bridge aoross Branch Street at Whiteley Street ; the opening of a water-way for overflow waters to pass from Whiteley Street,west of Arroyo Grande creek, into said creek ; the oonstruotion of a retain- ingwall on the south side of Branc~ Street aorossWhiteley street ; and otherwise the repairing,1n a first-olass manner the entire.wash- out at the 3unotion of Whiteley and Branoh Streets, the sum of Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars ; . (c). For surveying,grading,uaveling, oiling, or macadamizing, as the said Board may deem advisable, the prin- cipalstreets of the City of Arroyo Grande,the sum of Five Thousand . ($5000.00) Dollars. * . The cost of said improvements, and eaoh of them,is,and willbe, too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual inoome and revenue of the munioipality,the City of Arroyo .Grande I the total of said sums is tho. , ~ . , ~ ' . 3. . sum'of Ssventeen Thousand ($17000.00) Dollar~; and said total sum does not in ,the aggregate exdeed fifteen (15 %) per cent of the assessed value of all of the taxable real estate and personal property in said City of Arroyo Grand~ ; Section 2., A Special Election is hereby called, and there is hereby sub- mitted to the qualified voters of said City of Arroyo Grande the following proposi tions" to - wit . ---- . (a). The proposition of incurring an indebtedness of E1ght Thou- sand ($8000.00) Dollars for the purpose of constructing a steel, ' /~ . or concrete bridge on Mason Street,across Arroyo Grande ,creek; (b). The'proposition of incurring an indebtedness of Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars for the purpose of constructing a permanent water-way I!nd bridge across Branch Street at Whiteley Street ; the opening'of a water-way for overflow waters to pass from Whiteley Street,west of Arroyo Grande creek, into said creek; the con-- structing of a retaining wall on the south side of Branch Street . acrose \f.hiteley Street ; and otherwise the repairing in a first - class manner,~he entire wash-out at th~ junction of Whiteley and' Branoh Streets ; I (c). 'rhe proposition of incurring an indebtedness of Five Thousand I ($5000.00) Dollars for surveying, grading, graveling, oiling, or ma~ I I I cadamizing,as the said Board of Trustees, may deem advisable,the ! . I ! principal streets of the City of Arroyo Grande. i . Section 3. That if the proposition' of incurring a debt of Eight Thou- sand ($8000.00) Dollars for the construction of a steel or con- I I , . , crete bridge on Mason street, across Arroyo Grande creek, as here- I I I inbefore set forth, in "(a )~be accepted by the qualified voters , I i of the City of Arroyo Grande,as hereinafter provided,by the vote i 'of two-third~"of all the voters voting at said Special Election, bonds of the City of Arroyo Grande to the amount of Eight Thousand ! ($8000.00) Dollars shall issue for the payment of the cost of such improvement . Said bonds shall be twenty~five(25) in num~er and shall b~ ! issued in the denomination of three hundred and twenty ($320.00) -~-_._.- . - . ~, . . 4 Dollars eaoh,and the prinoipal and interest thereon shall be payable in lawfUl money of the United states. They shall be dated January 1st. 19l3,and bear interest at the rate of six per oent ( 6 % ) per annum . . payable semiannually on the first day of July,and on the first day of January,of every year; and said twenty-five (25) ~onds shall be pay- able in the manner following : - One (1) of said bonds on the following date, to-wit : The first day of January,l9l4,and one of said bonds on I I , j the same day and date of eaoh'and every 'year thereafter at the City I I I Treasury of the City of Arroyo Grande,together with the interest on I I all sums unpaid on suoh date,until all of the said bonds 'and the irt- I terest thereon be paid . Seotion 4. That if the proposition of in our ring an indebtedness of Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars for oonstruoting a permanent water-way and bridge aoross Branoh Branoh Street,at '~iteley Street; the opening of a water-way fer overflow waters to ,pass from Whiteley Street, west of Arroyo Grande oreek;into said oreek ; the oonstruoting of a retain- I ing wall on the south side of Branch street across Whiteley Street ; and otherwise repairing,in a first~olass manner, the entire wash-out -I I at the junotion of Whiteley and Branoh streets, as hereinbefore set forth in "(b)~ be aocepted by the qualified voters of the City of Arroyo' Grande,as hereinafter provided, by the vote of two-thirds of all f the voters voting at suoh Special Election, bonds of the City 0;( Arroyo Grande to the amount of Four Thous,and ($4000.00) Dollars s.hall issue , . for the payment of the cost of such improvement. Said bonds shall be twenty-five (25) in number and shall be issued in the denomination of One Hundred and Sixty ($160.00) Dollars eaoh, ! I and th~ prinoipal thereof and the interest thereon shall be payable in lawfUl money of the Uni~ed States. l~ey shall be dated January 1st. I I 1913,and shall bear interest at the rate of six per oent (6 %) per I I I annum ,payable semiannually on the first day of JUly,and on the first , l day of January,of every year ; e.nd said twenty-five (25) bonds shall I I I be payable in the manner following: - One (1) of said bonds on the I I . I following date,to-wit ; The first day .of January,19l4,and one of said bonds on the same day and date of each and every year thereafter at I the City Treasury of the City of Arroyo Grande,together with the in- . , . . 5 terest on all sums unpaid on such date,unti1 all of the said bonds and the interest thereon be paid. Section 5. That if the proposition of incurring an indebtedness of Five Thousand ($5~.o.o..o.o) Dollars for surveying,grading',gravel1ng,oiling or macadamizing ,as the said Board of Trustees may deem advisable,the , principal streets of the 01 ty of ArroyoJI,rande,as hereinbefore' set forth in "(c)",be aocepted by tho qualified voters of the Oity of Arroyo Grande,as hereinafter provided, by the vote of two-third~ of all the ,voters voting at suoh Speoia1 E1eotion, bonds of the Oity of Arroyo , Grande to the amount of Five Thousand ($ Dollars shall issue I I I for the payment of the oost of suoh improvement. Said bonds shall be twenty-five (25) in number and Shall be issued in the denomination of Two Hundred ($2.0.0..0.0) Dollars eaoh,andthe'prin- cipa1 and interest. shall be payable in lawful money of the United States . They shall be dated Januarlh 1st. Iflcrlandf b.fl.t9f, intcfrest at I on e firs y 0 y an the rate of six per cent (8 %) per annum, payable semiannua11y~on the I , first day of January of every year; and said twenty-five (25) bonds shall be payable in the manner following: .one (1) of said bonds on the fQlfowing date, to - wit; The first day of January,1914, and one of said bonds on the same day and date of eaoh and every year thereafter at the City Treasury of the Oity of Arroyo r.rande, together with the interest on all sums unpaid on suoh date, until all of the said bonds and the interest thereon be paid. Section 8. That for the purpose of paying the prinoipa1 and interest on such bonds, the Board of Trustees of the Oity of Arroyo Grande shall at the time of fixing the general tax levy,and in the manner for such general tax levy provided,levy and oo~ect annually eaoh year, until all of said bonds shall have been paid, or until there shall have been oollected a sum in the treasury of said city, set apart for that pur- ", pose,sufficient to meet all sums ooming due for prinoipal, and inter- est on. suoh bonds, a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds, and also such part of. the principal thereof as shall be- come due before the' time of fixing the next general tax levy. The tax herein reqmired to be levied shall be in addition to all other taxes levied for munioipa1 purposes,and shall be oolleoted at i . ----,,---...-.-. -- _._---~-~- . .. , '." ~ .. . 6. - the same time and in the same manner as other munic:L;pal taxes are collected, and be used for no other purpose than the payment of said bonds and accrued interest . Section 7. Now, THEREFORE, Tuesday, November, 12th. 19l2,is hereby fixed as the day on which said Special Election shall be held. Section 8. Such Special Eleotion shall be held as provided by laW for holding ouch elections in said City. And ~or the purPose of said eleo- t~on the City of Arroyo ~rande shall be, and is hereby,divided into one municipal eleotion preoinct,the boundaries of which preoinot ! ehal1 be, and they are hereby, fixed as the exterior boundaries of the City of Arroyo Grande; and that t~e voting place shall be,and ls located at the " Adam Brown" building on the west side of Branch I Street in the City of' Arroyo Grande. I The polls shall be open at six o'clook of the morning of said i I 12th day of November, 1912, and shall be kept open until six 0 !cilock ! .ir, the afternoon of the same da.y, when the polls, shal], 'be olosed. i , \ NO person shall be entitled to vote at such election unless, aocord- ing to the Constitution and laws of the state of California,he is entitled to vote thereat. Seotion 9, The Board of Election for such S:r~oil't.l lUaot:l.on eh",ll be : B. i!:. S H 0 H '1', Innpoctcr; !,1rs. Lilly English, Olerk ; Mrs. Bertha Olark, Ba.llot Clerk; C. w. 1:<'. Nelson, Judge. And, these are hereby appointed to such'offices,respeotively,and their compensation shall be Three (~3.00) Dollars per day for all services. Section 10. The ballots to be used for auch Special Election shall read as follows : . INSTRUCTIONS 'ro VO'r~HS I r ' (X) in To vote fola candidate of your seleation,stamp a orossi!ElA the voting square next to the right of the name ofsuoh oandidate. \rhere two or more candidates for the same office are to be selected, stamp a cross (X) after the names of all the candidates for that of- fice for whom you desire' to vote,not to exceed,however,the number of , ....... candidates who are to be el~ted. If the ballot doeS not contain the names of candidates for all o~ficesfor whioh you may desire to vote, you may vote for vandidates for such offices so omitted,by writing ~_._.._-- ------- . , ,.~,\ ~ ~\ ... 7 . the name of the candidate for whom you wish to vote in the blank space left for that purpose. To vote for a person not on the ballot write th~ name of such person under ~he title of the office. in the . ~lank space left for that purpose. To vote on any question,proposition,or constitutional amend~ i; ment,stamp a cross (X) in the voting square after the word" Yes" (X) I or after the word" No." All marks except the oross~are torbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures 'ar~ forbidden and make the b~l- f lot void. If you wrongly stamp,tear or deface this ballot, return it I i to the inspector of election and obtain another. , I incurring debt of Eight Thousand ($8000.00) Dollar Yes cOncrete bridge on Mason 0 I "las 0& .Jo. . Yes . 0 I ! Section 11; That in all partioulars not reoited in this ordinance.such election~shall be held as provided by law for holding municipal elections in said City. ! na Section 12. That the City Olerk shall certify to the fi~l passage and adoption of this ordinance by a vote of two-thirds of all themem- , be~s of the Board of Trustees of said City,and its approval by the I . < \ Pres,ident of said Board,and Ilk. shall ,ause said ordinance to be pub- lished once a week for two (2) weeks in THE HERALD-REOORDER,a' weekly newspaper of generalciroulation,printed.,8.nd published once a week in said City,and said ordihance shall take effect and be in sixth foroe from and after the ~sart~ day of November,19l2. Adopted and approved this 2d.day of October, 1912. President of the Board of Trustees of the City of' Arroyo Grande. Vl3 ~vd;;w w/ Attest : Oity Olerk of the Oity of Arroyo Grande. --.-.-----