O 012 " I Ii i il I I I I Proof of Publication i I . .-.-...--..--.....:........-.- -~_.~_. Ordinance No. 12. STATE OF CALIFORNIA t GRANTING TO SANTA M,ARIA County of San Luis Obispo ~ -GAS & POWER COMPANY, A COR- PORATION, A FRANCHISE TO FUR- I .NISH AND SELL TO THE" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE IN- I HABITANTS THEREOF, NATURAL I 'AND ARTIFICIAL GAS FOR LIGHT, HEAT, FUEL, P0WER AND SUCH OTHER PURPOSES AS THE SAME W. H. SMITH, of said county, being first duly sworn, de- Ci\.N OR MAY ~E UTILIZED, AND FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF poses and says: That he is a citizen of the United States, THE SAlin;, TO CONSTRUCT, RE. PAm AND MAINTA]N PIPE LINES over 21 years of age; that he is the printer of The HER. OVER, ACI\OSS, UNDlm AN/) ALONG THE PUBLIC STREETS, , ALD.RECORDER,a weekly newspaper published and printed kOADS AND, WAYS 0]' THE CITY I OF ARROYO GI\ANDE. at Arroyo Grande. in the county of San Luis Obispo, state of The Board of Tl'l1ste~8 of the City oj Al'ro)'o Grande do ol'dain as follows: WHERl<;AS, appHcation was made 011 California that the notice of which a true copy is hereto at. the 20th day of March, 1912, by R. E. Easton to the Board of Trustees of the , - City of Arroyo Grande, State of Califor- tached, was first published in its issue dat~d the. - AI!1day 018, for a franchise to furnish and sell to the City of Arroyo Grande and the Of;~. ~-~.._. _ _._ - -, A. D. 19(.~ that the inhabitunts therPof,oatural and arti.. , tic-ial gas for light, heat, fuel, power and , such other purposesa.s the sa me can or said noti was published in regular and entire issue of ev. ! may be utilized, and ,f1>r the tra.nsporta~ ! tion and delivery of the 8a.~e in such I business, to construC,t,(1aY,"J:,maintain, ery number of said newspaper during the period and time of I r~pair.. replace, opera~,e, ~~ae. a.nd enjoy pipe hnes on, ove-r, I\Cro~'8, ~hder and I along all the public 8tr,e~t81&OadS tlnd publication aforesaid; that is to say, on I ways in sa~d City of Ar'r9)'0 <1 ande, to gether with all lateral.,' co~nectiQn8, I branches, avpurtenanceti.. appliancee ----------- - - - - - ~ - - - - - land equipments, neceSsary or: conven- iient'to properl,. cOliatfuct, mait,tain, 'operate and enjoy said pipe linesl and - ------- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to transport anu deliY,er 1&:a8 to said City j and, 'said application having been on said 20th day. or March, 1912, filed .------------------- ------------------- with the Clerk of 8aidBoard; and, WHEREAS,S81d Board deemed. the -...---------------------- 'grantinp; of said avpU:cation ;0 be for the - - - - - ~ - - - :public interest, aDdrlrOU6sed to grant the same: rmd by 0 er'duly passeu :u](] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - adopted on t.he 10th day of May, 1912, havin~ ordtJf",d that noticeoi the ap- : plication for said franchise tOIether ------- ----------------.----- ---- -- ---------- .---,--- wi1>h a statement that said 'Boar . pro. /-.--.---- ---- -p-.-----..---. ------.----- --_.--.-- pose to grant the franchise, be publish- :00 and a.dvertise;.rl in the Herald-Record. er,a weekly newspaper of general circula- tIfld-:. .~f-L&-.C.- --.- .:tJ_.._ "., A. D.191..':..-c_ . tion, srinted" pl1bliehed and circulated . in .aaiCity of Anoya Grande, (there p-. - (. bein~ no daily nCWSDaper printed ano That said notice was published in said newspaper proper and vubltshed in said City)once a we~k for : un four (4) successive weeks, and tha.t the full publication must be completed not in the supplement thereto:- not less than twenty (20) or more than thirty (30) day,belore the lOth day 01 July. 1912; and that said advertisement - -- -~-~- <::~~~:_~:!~~:~_:~':-:'~<~~~ -- -- - _.-- should state the character of such fmo- chise, and the period for which it i~ gr~ntedj and that sealed bids would be ? 1'7< received bvthe said Board of Trustee~ Subscribed andZ to before me this_:-<:_~.~_.___ at '~.e meeting [Jlace" of said. Boa'ra-Ili- the:City of Arrryo Grande on and up to'llie 10lh day of July, 19]2, al th. <hY""7'~' .uu.A.D.19/"-- 4 h('-Ul;of 7:30 o'clock;' p. m. of said day, : and at said time and place tenders would . _ ~?H-.G:.:~'~'- - _ I be read, anrl the said franchise struck . off, sold and awarded to the highest I bidder in accordance with I~w. i:l.nd, i WHEREAS, it appears to this Board i that said advertisment' was published i in all respects as required by law, aDd Notary Public in and for the County of San Luis . the order .of this Board i and, . WHEREAS; Santa Maria. Gas & Pow- Obispo, State of California ' er Company, a Corporation .organized I and existing under the laws of the StatE; \ of c.a.lifornia,did in accordance with ~ said order and advertisement, bid the , sum of Two huudred (8200.00) Dollars ~ fur said franchise, and this Board re. :1 ~ved .aid lender, and on said IOlh day : ,0 JulV, 19\2, al the hour of 7:30 o'clock, : p, ' ID. .of saiddo.y met in regularscBsion \ , /d read sai1 bid; aud, If "',Ii '. --------