O 011 - " . \i , ~ \ :~,. \ o r din a n c e G o. 11. An Ordinanoe of the. Board of trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande, Limiting the Speed of all Vehioles in said City to ~~ Miles per Hour, arId Providing for the Punishment oJ" Persons found Guilty of Violating said Ordinance. The Bo~rd of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande does I I hereby ord~in as follows : I , I Section 1. i'n sha.ll be unlawful for any person to ride,dr1ve or I propel or ~o cause or permit to be ridden, driven or propelled, I' any automo~ile,rootorCYCle,or other vehiole at a rate of speed ;, 0-~' /0 greater tt}b.n ftP!..sn (:J:5.) miles per hour,upon or along any street i or alley in the City of Arroyo Grenda. fI , Section f.. Any person violating this ordinance shall be deemed guiltY;':f a misdemeanor, and upon conviotion thereof shall be punisheble by a fine not exoeeding l<'i/ty (j,50.00) DOllars, and .1 not l~~s than Ten ($10.00) Dollars. f , , f "'"''' iG1i ;). .LJL.J,.~ V.L"U...LL.lt1.J:lv\'1 tJUtlo..L.J.. U~ STgneu: ~..Iy l.t.1J,tj rL.a~.LQanv'-or----'-' I thtBoal'd of Tl"'tlatess,of the City of Arroyo Grande, attested by I I tfj Clerk thereof', and printed, and posted in ii.hree (3) pUblic ;il~ces in said City. And the same shall take effect and be in / force on and after the 20th day of ,Tu1.y, A.D.1912. J ., .' / ' Introduced by Trustee '. ;{ ~~11"~ . l~~'I;~ I l&;ttAAsp~ ;{Jz'?:a dh~~ ~ I 1 I /r.- , _..,_______-1___ ~_-.___._______L..~l__..:............_______ w__ ___ ________________._ .--..-....--.- __n _ __n._.___~_-----, , 1 ( J I I !f~ ~d-1f!dc ,~. 1 ,-11 - , I \ \ \ \. \ \ I I i \ ! . ~ \ . \ . I , \ , 1 , ~ \ ~ ------~