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Ordinanoe :<<t No. 9.
^_,,____n.>6 provid~ng for the making and plaeing Bill Boards
,.--- in cortain parts of the Oi tJ of Arroyo Grande fOlc' advertising
purposes thereon and pro,iding punishment for violations of
said Ordinance .
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rhe Boar~ of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande dees heroby
ordain as follows, ........_-.:.~.. ~-- --------
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Sac 1. gn or bofore the d Yclay of June, 1012,the Board of Trustees
of the City of Arroyo Grande shall oause to be made, as hereinafter
set forth, three (3) bill boards dosoribed as follows, to-wit;
Each one shall be t.wenty-eir;ht (2B) inohes wide and fort:i-fi ve
(45) inohos lon~, c10ar of the flange by which eaoh one shall
bo surrounded; they shall be welli, and durably made of good ma-
torial, smootho~ on one oido whioh side shall be painted blacl':: .
See ~ One of said bill boards shall have painted theroon in letters
not less than an inch in oize,tho words, " City Bill Board, No 1".
and shall be oonspiouously placed in the oonfoctionory of B.F.
Stewart ,
Sac 3. Ono of !'mid bill boards shall have painted thereon il1 letters
not loss than an inch in size, the words " City Bill Board"No.2"
and shall be oonspi"Ji.Snwly placed at the plaoe of meeting of said
Board of Trustoes
Soe 4. One of said bill boards shall have painted thereon in letters
not loss L.ho.n g.,n i,.1C1h in sizo. the words, " City Bill Board No 3 "
and shall be oonspidOusly placed in front of tho grooerv store of
~ .
F. E. Bennett;
See 5. All of said bill boards shall be permanently placed at the
points designated herein and at such a height only as will enable
persons readily to read such reading matter as may be posted theroon;
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/ Upon said bill boards the Oity Marahal or: the Oity of Arroyo
Sac 6.
~,.a""'.,:I- . .._~ 1'us" such resolutions, ordinances and othor legal
advertising matter as the Board of Trustees of said Oity of
Arroyo Grande may order posted thereon ; ~- .",,"'~
Sec ~ 7 .- The failure of the City Marshal to post any matter required
by the said Board of Trustees to be posted as aforesaid shall
be deemed a misdemeanor and punishable by fine or removal from
office as the Oourt trying the same may adjudge proper ;
c...."" o. Any IJeA'!lQl1f'ound ~uil "y 01 ma~~"~uu,,~y_ ~!1Jur~nc'anT'UTI"- ur
the said bill board", . or of tearing down any legal matter posted
on anyone of said bill boards by the Oity Mar hI' .
s a I or of wr~ting
Qn any matter posted by said Oity Marshal as aforesaid . or of de-
facing any matter posted as aforesaid shall b d d
e eeme guilty of
a misdemeanor and shall be fined and imprisoned th
as e Oourt try-
ing the same may adjuQ~o proper ;
Sec 9. Reasonable charges for making and placin id i
g sa b 11 boards
.., "'8 evid i
~~ ~~. enced by vouchers therefor shall be allowed
,-- y e Bald Boaru v ' ,
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and payable out of the general fund thoreof .
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~'.H' 1(') A '.!.'l..ts ordinanc_E!.sJ1al}_ take ei'i'ec t on the 5th day of J 1
__~__ . une, 912.
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