O 006 PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ 55 County of San Luis Obispo w. H. SMITH, of said county, being first duly sworn, de. ~ ..~ Ordinance. No. 6 poses and says: That he is a citizen of the United States, over 21 years of age; that he is ooe-ef. the printel)!"of THE f-!.~\ "An Ordinance Declaring the Firing of I ., "- a Gun, Pistol, Il'irecracker I Bomb /\ RECORDER, a weekly newspaper published and printed at or other kind of Explosive within Arroyo Grande, in the county of San Luis Obispo, state of Cal- the Corporate limits of the City of Arroyo Grande to be a Misdcmean- ifornia, that the notice of which a true copy is hereto attach- or and providing fo.r the punish- ment of those who violate this 01'- ...$;'as first published in its issue dated the /.0 ?dh of dinanee." The Board of Trustees of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby ordain as fOllowsj _ ~_' A. D. 19'<<-<--;1:he last publication there- to-wit: Section 1. Every.person who willful- of being in th issue dated the _. . . / O. /1- . _day of ly :fires any tun. pistol, firecracker, -~~. .. , A. D. 19 /"k-; that the bomb or other ind of explosive within the corporate limits of the city of Ar- royo Grande is guilty of a misdemeanor od upon conviction thereof &hall be said notice was pu . ed in regular and entire issue of ev- punished by a fi.ne~ or impri50nment in the Oity Jail.. the said fine: shall not be in excess of Twenty-five dolJars; and ery number of said newspaper during the period and time of the imprisonment shall not be in exees.. of twenty~five daj'sj but, th~ punJs~~ publication aforesaid; that is to say, on meat may be both ,fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court trying the same~ Sec. 2. This ordinance sha.1I take ef- ~~ feet from and after its first publication. /;J Introduced by S. Alexa.nder. .- Passed and-adopted this 7th daf of l~ebru!try 1912, by the following vote on ro I call: Ayes: Bennett. Alexander, Gilliam, Grieb, Hawkins. Noes: None. F. E. BENN]~TT, President of the Board of Trustees. Attest: - B. F. STEWAR1" Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande. I, B. F. Stewart, clerk of the city of Arroyo. Grande, do hereby certi~ that the foregoing ordinance was introduce andreo.data reFular meeting of the said board of trustees 0 the . city of Arroyo Grande, held on the 3rd day of .---. January, 1912, and was passed at a regular meetin~ held on the 7th d"lJof February, 1912, by the ollowing vote on ro I call: . Ayes : Trustees Bennett, Alexander, Gilliam, Grieb, Ha.wkins. Noes: None. , Said ordina.nce was then and there signed by <ll1d~. u' A. D. 19/.7.- the president of said board of trustees and at- tested by the clerk of said city. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my That said notice was published in said newspaper proper and hand and affixed the seal of said city 9f Ar- ro;ro Grande this 7th day of Februa.ry, 1912. B. 1.<'. STEWART, not in the supplement tht2; -" '/' - . . (Seal) Clerk of the dty of Arroyo Gra,nde. -....---1 ~ r(~. -~ .---- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'~?_:"'.,..,~-"~;~:-::-':~V~>p __ Subscribed and sworn to before me this_ ~/,d. .. ... ---...... d"of,J-<b-;ZA~ ... Notary Public in and for the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California --,--~~-~-------