Minutes 2002-08-13
Mayor Pro Tem Runels called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
City Council: Council Members Dickens, Ferrara, Lubin, and Mayor Pro Tem
Runels were present. Mayor Lady was absent.
City Staff Present: City Manager Adams; City Attorney Carmel; Director of
Administrative Services Wetmore; Police Commander Andrews;
Director of Parks, Recreation, & Facilities Hernandez; Director of
Public Works Spagnolo; and Director of Community Development
Steve Andrews, President of Arroyo Grande Valley Kiwanis Club, led the Flag Salute.
Pastor Paul Jones delivered the invocation.
6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only
Council Member Ferrara moved, Council Member Dickens seconded, and the motion
passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall
be read in title only and all further reading be waived.
Trudy Jarrett, representing The League of Women Voters San Luis Obispo County
(LWVSLOC), announced that LWVSLOC is looking for young heroes to honor in the
areas of environmental, humanitarian, school government, or civic action. She
distributed an informational flyer, which listed the deadline of November 15, 2002 for
submitting nominations.
Derril Pilkington, representing the Arroyo Grande Valley Car Club, thanked the Council
and City Fire, Police, and Parks Departments for its SUPjort during the recent Arroyo
Grande Car Shoo He reported that the funds from the 13 annual event would go back
into the community for the benefit of youth and senior citizens.
AUGUST 13, 2002
Council Member Lubin commented on Consent Agenda Items 8.f., 8.g., and 8.h., stating
he wished to congratulate and express appreciation to City staff for purchasing City
vehicles from local vendors.
Council Member Lubin moved and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to
approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.k., with the recommended courses of
8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification.
Action: Approved the listing of cash disbursements for the period July 16, 2002
through July 31,2002.
8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits.
Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of July i
31,2002. I
8.c. Consideration to Authorize Appropriation of $112,700 for Implementation of I
AGPOA Contract. I
Action: Authorized an additional appropriation of $112,700 to be added to the
General Fund-Police Budget to implement the AGPOA MOU approved on July I
23, 2002.
8.d. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. i
Action: Approved minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting of July 23, 2002 ,
as submitted. I
8.e. Consideration of Authorization to Solicit Bids - Public Works Vehicle.
Action: Authorized staff to solicit bids for the purchase of a Yo ton pick up truck
as provided in the FY 2002-03 budget.
8.f. Consideration of Authorization to Purchase Two (2) Replacement
Unmarked Vehicles and One (1) Replacement Parking Enforcement Truck.
Action: Authorized staff to purchase two (2) replacement unmarked vehicles and
one (1) replacement parking enforcement truck from Christianson Chevrolet for
8.g. Consideration of Authorization to Purchase Two (2) Replacement Police
Department Patrol Vehicles.
Action: Authorized staff to purchase two (2) replacement patrol vehicles from
Mullahey Ford for $48,498.46.
8.h. Consideration of Award of Bid - Parks Division Vehicle.
Action: Awarded bid to Mullahey Ford for the purchase of a 2002 one-ton dump
truck in the amount of $26,789.62.
8.L Consideration of The Paulding History Preservation.
Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3614 designating the Paulding History House as
a historical landmark of the City and supporting the South County Historical
Society's application to State and National Register of Historic Places.
AUGUST 13, 2002
8.j. Consideration of an Irrevocable Directive of Draw Procedures Agreement
for the Rancho Grande Park Project.
Action: Authorized the Mayor to execute an Irrevocable Directive of Draw
Procedures agreement as requested by Herrera Engineering for the Rancho
Grande Park Project.
8.k. Consideration to Authorize an Appropriation of $15,000 for Paving of a
Portion of Noyes Road.
Action: Authorized an appropriation of $15,000 from the Construction Tax Fund
for paving of a portion of Noyes Road.
AYES: Lubin, Dickens, Ferrara, and Runels
NOES: None
There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be
At the request of City Manager Adams, in order to allow Community Development
Department staff additional preparation time, Mayor Pro Tem Runels indicated that Item
9.a. would be heard and considered after Item 11.a.
11.a. Presentation by Caltrans - Route 101 Operational Improvements - Phase 2
Director of Public Works Spagnolo introduced Steve Devincenzi, Deputy Director of
SLOCOG. Mr. Devincenzi gave a recap of the Major Investment Study completed for
the Route 101 corridor from Arroyo Grande to San Luis Obispo which addresses
alternatives to improve efficiency of the corridor and provide traffic congestion relief. He
then introduced Amy Donatello from Caltrans who proceeded with a review of proposed
Phase 2 operational improvements in Arroyo Grande and gave an overview of the
project initiation phase. She explained that alternatives had been developed and the
Council was being requested to provide direction regarding any alternatives that it would
like deleted from the study.
EI Campo Improvements
Frank Honeycutt, Project Engineer for Caltrans, reviewed proposed improvements
located at the EI Campo intersection, which would include extensions of acceleration
and deceleration lanes. In response to questions and concerns expressed by Council
Members relating to the existing EI Campo Project Study Report (PSR) currently in
process and how these proposed improvements would relate or coordinate with future
decisions to be made on that project, Mr. Honeycutt acknowledged the EI Campo
Intersection PSR currently in process and responded that there was no relation between
the two studies. He said if the intersectionlinterchange project at EI Campo were to
proceed in the future, these improvements would not be necessary.
AUGUST 13, 2002
Council Members Ferrara and Dickens agreed that if an at-grade intersection were to be
maintained for safety reasons, this alternative would be favorable.
There was discussion regarding funding sources and funding cycles for the studies.
Council Member Lubin expressed concerns about spending any money on a study that
could be thrown away when another study is in process, until more is known about what
is going to be done at this intersection. He stated that if it could be proven that these
proposed improvements could help and that we are ten years away from another
solution, then maybe it would be necessary. He expressed concerns about the safety of
the existing intersection and commented that more needs to be done than just
acceleration and deceleration lanes.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels stated he supported any safety improvements in this area and
commented that an overpass is needed. He further commented that major
improvements proposed in the EI Campo PSR could be ten years away and that in the
meantime, the alternative being presented tonight deserved to be studied.
Council Member Ferrara inquired whether the study for this proposed alternative would
be costly. Ms. Donatello responded the costs would be minimal, estimating it would be
approximately $10,000.
Following further discussion and comments, there was consensus of the Council to
leave the EI Campo alternative in for further study.
Constructing a Southbound Climbing Lane from Oak Park Blvd. to Halcyon Road
Mr. Honeycutt reviewed the next proposed improvement, which would involve
constructing a southbound climbing lane from the Oak Park onramp to the Halcyon off
Council Member Lubin reiterated his concerns regarding the Hwy 101/Brisco PSR
currently in process. Concerning the proposed alternative, he asked how truck drivers
would know to move in and out of the climbing lane. Mr. Honeycutt responded that
signage and striping would direct slower traffic into and out of the climbing lane.
City Manager Adams commented that these proposed improvements would not conflict
with alternatives being studied in the Hwy 101/Brisco PSR.
Council Member Dickens commented that this was prudent planning and will provide for
better circulation. He supported further studying this alternative.
Council Member Ferrara supported this alternative and stated it would do a good job of
facilitating traffic flow. He also reiterated concerns regarding conflicts and/or duplication
with the existing Hwy 101/Brisco PSR.
AUGUST 13, 2002
Following further discussion and comments, there was consensus of the Council to
leave this project in for further study.
Grand Avenue/Fair Oaks Southbound Auxiliary Lane
Mr. Honeycutt reviewed five alternatives that would involve improving the southbound
auxiliary lane between Grand Avenue and Fair Oaks. He explained that Alternative 1 to
reconstruct the Fair Oaks off ramp to align with Orchard Avenue was for illustration
purposes only, was non-standard, considered unsafe, and he would not recommend
this alternative. He gave overviews of Alternative 2, which would construct a new
frontage road with a new southbound onramp; Alternative 3, which would construct a
new off ramp road and remove the existing off ramp; and Alternatives 4&5, which would
create a new local road with a new onramp, and elimination of an existing off-ramp.
Council Member Lubin clarified that Alternative 1 was not an option because it has been
determined to be unsafe and is not recommended by the Caltrans project engineer. He
stated that if he had to choose, Alternative '3 seems to have the least impact and is
probably the better alternative than constructing hook ramps as shown in Alternative 2.
Mr. Honeycutt advised the Council that another option would be to reject all of the
Council Member Ferrara stated that he would base his final determination on input from
the property owner that would be affected. He commented that of the options
presented, he could support doing nothing or Alternative 3. He said he did not perceive
the Grand Avenue/Fair Oaks proximity as an issue. He commented that the intersection
at the Fair Oaks off ramp is the problematic issue and there was a need to align the Fair
Oaks exit with Orchard Avenue. He did not favor Alternative 2.
Council Member Dickens agreed that there was a need to address the issue regarding
the intersection at the Fair Oaks Avenue exit. He also commented on the need to
address land use policies and the willingness of the property owner who could be
impacted by some of the proposed alternatives. He stated that agriculture land should
not be impacted any more than necessary for public improvements. He supported
Alternative 3 as a study alternative.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels spoke about current traffic impacts, commented on the need for
a frontage road from Grand Avenue to Fair Oaks, and commented on the merits of
Alternative 2 to eliminate southbound traffic.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels invited comments from the public who wished to be heard on
the matter.
Adam Saruwatari submitted a letter for the record on behalf of his parents, Leroy and
Lorene Saruwatari, regarding the alternatives for a Grand Avenue/Fair Oaks
southbound auxiliary lane. He stated that at the time the letter was written, his parents
AUGUST 13, 2002
were not aware that there was an option of doing nothing and were under the
assumption that one of the alternatives would have to be chosen. Mr. Saruwatari
indicated that the letter stated a preference for Alternative 3 because it would provide
the most protective plan for their farmland. He inquired whether signage and striping
would improve this area instead. I
Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Pro Tem Runels brought the item back to I
Council for consideration.
Council Member Ferrara asked why the City would pursue studying Alternative 2 if the
property owner will not support it. Ms. Donatello gave a recap on the process of
presenting the alternatives in public hearings for review and input, the process of
eliminating certain alternatives from further study, and the project timeline and funding
Following further Council comments and discussion regarding the proposed Alternatives
for a Grand Avenue/Fair Oaks southbound auxiliary lane, there was consensus to
include Alternatives 2 & 3 for further study and to eliminate Alternatives 1, 4 & 5.
Mayor Pro Tern Runels called a break at 8:40 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:48
9.a. Consideration of Planned Sign Program 02-002; Proposal to Amend the
Existing Planned Sign Program for the Five Cities Center Regarding
Signage for Buildings OIL" and "M".
Community Development Director Strong presented the staff report, responded to
questions from Council clarifying placement and type of signs proposed, and
recommended the Council adopt a Resolution approving Planned Sign Program 02-002.
Council Member Ferrara commented that a precedent was set when the request from
Trader Joe's for an amended planned sign program was approved.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels opened the public hearing and invited comments from those
who wished to be heard on the matter.
Steve Havens, representative of Signtech, clarified that there was concern about the
readability of signs on Building M from Branch Street.
Council Member Ferrara asked what the rationale was for the sign facing the parking
lot. Mr. Havens responded the purpose of the sign on the front of the building was to
indicate there was a restaurant there for the people who may be in the shopping
area/parking lot near Trader Joe's.
AUGUST 13, 2002
In response to inquiries and suggestions from Council Member Dickens regarding the
construction and material of the signs, Mr. Havens displayed and described a rendering
showing the proposed restaurant signs for all elevations.
Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Pro Tem Runels closed the public hearing
and brought the item back to Council for consideration.
Council Member Lubin commented that the square footage and illumination are within
the parameters of the Planned Sign Program and expressed support for the
Council Member Ferrara stated he found it difficult to say no when the Council said yes
to Trader Joe's. He commented that there was a long and hard fight to get the original
Planned Sign Program approved; however precedence has already been set and he
asked for assurance this would be the last request for an amended sign program.
Council Member Dickens agreed and indicated there had been a tremendous amount of
public input regarding signage for the Center. He stated that the restaurant would
benefit from the proposed placement of signage and felt it would blend in nicely with the
architecture. He stated he reluctantly supported the amendment.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels expressed support for the amended sign program.
Council Member Lubin moved to adopt a Resolution approving Planned Sign Program
Case No. 02-002, applied for by Signtech, for Buildings "L and "M", located in the Five
Cities Center. Council Member Ferrara seconded the motion, and on the following roll-
call vote, to wit:
AYES: Lubin, Ferrara, Dickens, and Runels
NOES: None
There being 4 AYES, 0 NOES, and 1 ABSENT, the motion is hereby declared to be
11. NEW BUSINESS (continued):
11.b. Housing Element Update.
Director of Community Development Strong presented the staff report, responded to
questions from Council, and recommended the Council 1) Review the work program to
update the City's Housing Element and direct staff to proceed with public workshops as
AUGUST 13, 2002
outlined, and 2) Form an ad-hoc Local Housing Task Force to advise the Planning
Commission and City Council on the Housing Element Update.
Following Council discussion regarding the timeline for the Housing Element Update,
the proposed make-up of the ad-hoc Local Housing Task Force, and the process of
recruiting and appointing members, Council directed staff to proceed with the Housing
Element process by working with the Planning Commission to advertise, recruit, and
select members for the Housing Task Force. Staff was further directed to .provide the
Planning Commission's recommendations to the City Council for review and comment.
Mayor Pro Tem Runels reported he had received inquiries from citizens regarding the
status of the Oak Park Boulevard Widening project. City Manager Adams gave an
update on the project and reported that the City was working with Pacific Bell to
expedite the work they need to complete so that the paving could proceed.
Council Member Ferrara asked about concerns that have been expressed by Rancho
Grande residents regarding Via Bandolero and portions of Via Vaquero not being
included in the slurry seal project. He requested a written response from staff. City
Manager Adams said a response would be prepared and sent to the Council and the
Rancho Grande Homeowners Association.
Mayor Pro Tem unels adjourned the meeting at 10:16 p.m.
re, Director of Administrative Servicesl
Deputy City Clerk