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Minutes 2003-04-28 SP MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCILS OF ARROYO GRANDE, GROVER BEACH, PISMO BEACH and COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, 3rd & 4th DISTRICT SUPERVISORS Monday, April 28, 2003 - 6:30 p.m. South County Regional Center - 800 W. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 1. CALL TO ORDER Arroyo Grande Mayor Tony Ferrara called the Special Joint Meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Arroyo Grande Mayor Ferrara led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL: Arroyo Grande City Council Grover Beach City Council Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor Ronald P. Arnoldsen, Mayor Jim Dickens, Mayor Pro Tern Dee Santos, Mayor Pro Tern Thomas A. Runels, Council Member David Ekbom, Council Member Sandy Lubin, Council Member Stephen C. Lieberman, Council Member Joe Costello, Council Member John P. Shoals, Council Member Pismo Beach City Council County Board of Supervisor Reps Joe Crescione, Mayor Peg Pinard, 3rd District Rudy Natoli, Mayor Pro Tem Katcho Achadjian, 4th District Arlene Gonzales-Gee,Council Member Bill Rabenaldt, Council Member Mary Ann Reiss, Council Member 4. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS None. 5. BUSINESS ITEMS a. Agreement on Goals of Meeting (Ferrara) I Arroyo Grande Mayor Ferrara gave a brief overview and background on the activity that led to this meeting. He explained that the purpose of the joint meeting was to discuss strategies of planning together to meet housing goals on a sub-regional basis. b. Review of the Housing Allocation, Status of Housing Element Update, and Housing Constraints of Each Jurisdiction (Heffernon, Bloom, Zaleschuk, Lilley) Arroyo Grande Associate Planner Kelly Heffernon introduced SLOCOG Deputy Director Steve Devencenzi; Grover Beach Assistant Community Development Director Susan --- SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCILS AND BOARD OF SUPERVISOR REPS APRIL 28, 2003 PAGE 2 Zaleschuk; Pismo Beach Community Development Director Randy Bloom; and SLO County Planner Dana Lilley. Mr. Devencenzi, SLOCOG, gave a presentation on the Regional Housing Needs Plan (RHNP) which is a state mandated effort to address the need for affordable housing in all communities. He explained that each jurisdiction in San Luis Obispo County was assigned a share of the anticipated regional housing need based upon anticipated population and employment growth. He reviewed the allocation process and methodology and how the formula was modified and adopted; and explained that State law provides for housing unit allocation to cities and counties for use in establishing targets in their respective Housing Elements. Arroyo Grande Associate Planner Heffernon gave an overview of the City of Arroyo Grande's profile, including population (16,294) and size (5.5 square miles); reviewed the City's housing unit allocation by income (1,192 total units); reviewed the City's approach which has included establishing a Local Housing Task Force (LHTF) and hiring a private consultant to assist staff and the LHTF with the Housing Element Update; and reviewed the status and schedule of the City's Work Program for its Housing EJement Update. Grover Beach Assistant Community Development Director Susan Zaleschuk gave an overview of the City of Grover Beach's profile, including population (13,067) and size (2.2 square miles); reviewed the City's housing unit allocation by income (686 total units); reviewed the City's local issues; displayed a map showing vacant lots within the City; and reviewed the status and schedule of the City's Work Program for its Housing Element Update. Pismo Beach Community Development Director Randy Bloom gave an overview of the City of Pismo Beach's profile, including population (8,672) and size (13.45 square miles); reviewed the City's housing unit allocation by income (530 total units); reviewed the City's approach for updating its Housing Element, which has included the hiring of a consultant to assist in the Housing Element Update process due to the City's location in the Coastal Zone and the need for Coastal Commission approval; reviewed the City's local issues; and reviewed the status and schedule of the City's Work Program for its Housing Element Update. Dana Lilley, Supervising Planner, Housing & Economic Planning Division of the County Planning and Building Department reviewed the County's progress on its Housing Element Update and alternative approaches to providing additional housing; reviewed the County's housing unit allocation by income (7,020 total units); gave an overview of recently completed housing units built in 2001 and 2002 which the County feels optimistic that HCD would count towards the RHNP requirements; and reviewed new housing programs, which includes an emphasis on designating more land as Residential Multi-Family (RMF) and creating new towns. County Supervisor Achadjian spoke about affordable housing issues in the County and stated he did not want to see affordable housing all in one area. He supported the new town idea and explained that the Board of Supervisors gave direction to look at the idea during upcoming budget hearings. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCILS AND BOARD OF SUPERVISOR REPS APRIL 28, 2003 PAGE 3 At this time, Arroyo Grande Mayor Ferrara directed the Mayors of each City to facilitate questions from their respective Councils. Questions and discussion ensued regarding whether or not a sub-regional agreement would negate the allocation numbers assigned to each jurisdiction; clarification that the numbers would not change; however, the strategy could involve shifting of allocated numbers; clarification that any shift in numbers would need to be approved by SLOCOG and HCD; the need to balance affordable housing throughout the County; and endorsing the process of having the planners (staff) work together to develop other strategies. Further discussion involved the timeline and deadlines for submitting updated Housing Elements to the State and an explanation of HCD's review and approval process. There was discussion regarding the need to provide jobs for low and very low-income households; how much available commerciaJ land there is within the County; and the challenges of locating appropriate land within each City for affordable housing. Grover Beach Assistant Director Zaleschuk noted that staff from each jurisdiction and SLOCOG staff have been meeting regularly to discuss pJanning issues. It was noted that the cities and county should also be Jooking at overall zoning to maintain balance and to put patterns of development together to see how well land uses are matched up. It was suggested that Public Works and Engineering staffs should also be working together because although the focus is on housing, impacts will occur on streets and other infrastructure. c. Aareement on Strateav and Process Arroyo Grande Mayor Ferrara summarized the points of discussion and direction as follows: 1) As the December 31 deadline is approaching and each jurisdiction has started the Housing Element Update process, it was agreed that Community Development staff would proceed as planned to complete their respective Housing Elements; 2) Through the Local Housing Task Force process, continue to meet to discuss. zoning, construction, finance issues, incentives; 3) Focus on the next cycle of allocations a,nd work together to coordinate how to address future housing needs on a sub-regional basis; and 4) Direct staff to work together on ways to coordinate implementation of the measures identified in each jurisdiction's Housing Element. There was unanimous consensus among all jurisdictions present. Pismo Beach Community Development Director Bloom noted that SLOCOG is in the process of implementing the PLACES program which is a GIS based system. Mr. Devencenzi explained the PLACES program and stated it should be available for use next year. Arroyo Grande Mayor Ferrara thanked everyone for attending the meeting. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCILS AND BOARD OF SUPERVISOR REPS APRIL 28, 2003 PAGE 4 6. ADJOURNMENT , . . ~~ Time: 9:04 p.m. Recorded by: ~~~IU- Kelly tm e .. Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk City of Arroyo Grande