Minutes 2003-04-29 MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL and LUCIA MAR UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Tuesday, April 29, 2003 - 6:30 p.m. City Council Chamber, 215 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 1. CALL TO ORDER Arroyo Grande Mayor Tony Ferrara called the Special Joint Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Arroyo Grande Mayor Ferrara led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL: Arroyo Grande City Council Lucia Mar Unified School District Board Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor AI Baughman, Board Member Jim Dickens, Mayor Pro Tern Doreen Curtze, Board Member Thomas A. Runels, Council Member Terri Ikeda, Board Member Sandy Lubin, Council Member Georgie O'Connor, Board Member Joe Costello, Council Member Gee Gee Soto, Board Member LMUSD President Donna Mills and Board Member Erik Howell were absent. Board Member Soto provided welcoming comments and introduced Terri Ikeda and AI Baughman as the Board's newest members. She also introduced Diana Larsen, the newly appointed Deputy Superintendent of Business. 4. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS None. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS City Manager Steve Adams provided opening comments and stated that the purpose of the joint meeting was to share items of mutual interest. a. Fair Oaks/Orchard Street intersection traffic improvement concepts. Director of Public Works Don Spagnolo provided an update on the status of the City's efforts regarding traffic impacts at the Fair Oaks Avenue/Orchard Street intersection and gave a brief review of alternatives that may provide relief for the congestion experienced at the intersection. Paul McClintic, representing Caltrans District 5, gave a presentation entitled "Fair Oaks Arterial Improvement Alternatives Analysis Summary" which was prepared following SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL AND LMUSD BOARD OF EDUCATION APRIL 29, 2003 PAGE 2 concerns expressed about the traffic congestion condition along Fair Oaks Avenue and the Fair Oaks Avenue southbound off ramp during the a.m. hours; reviewed the traffic data collection process; and presented short and long-term improvement alternatives using traffic simulation software. He stated that Caltrans staff would like to work with the High School on a circulation plan. Discussion and comments ensued regarding pros and cons of each alternative presented; traffic relief experienced from the opening of Nipomo High School; favoring an alternative that is not permanent and putting in place a temporary solution on a trial and error basis; potential ramifications of closing down the Fair Oaks ramp; traffic safety issues; and the importance of addressing the Fair Oaks off ramp stacking issue. There was discussion regarding circulation around the high school; and a potential roadway connection from Orchard Street to Valley Road. Mr. Sears stated they would consider modifying school district work hours to reduce traffic on Orchard Street. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comments. Colleen Martin, Arroyo Grande resident, acknowledged the traffic impacts and suggested 1) installing stop signs at the high school parking lot exits; and 2) that Arroyo Grande Police Officers get out of their cars to direct traffic during peak hours. Nikole Miller, AGHS student, spoke on .behalf of her friends at AGHS stating that driving to school should not be dangerous and scary. She encouraged the District and the City to find a solution to the problem. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the floor to public comments. There was no action taken on this item. b. Status and funding options for construction of the Hidden Oaks Elementary School proiect. Deputy Superintendent Mike Sears provided an update on the status and funding options for the construction of the Hidden Oaks Elementary School project. Discussion and questions included future district enrollment projections; proposed funding sources; total costs for building a new school; clarification from the District that it intends to keep the land even if the school is not built right away; and funding issues related to ongoing maintenance of a new school. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment. Colleen Martin, Arroyo Grande, spoke in support of keeping the Harloe Elementary School site open and the District's efforts to build a new elementary school in another location. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the floor to public comments. There was no action taken on this item. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL AND LMUSD BOARD OF EDUCATION APRIL 29, 2003 PAGE 3 Mayor Ferrara called a break at 8:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:09 p.m. c. Community Recreation Center/Pool project concepts and alternatives. Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Hernandez provided an update and status of the South County Community Recreation Center project, and displayed a rendering of a proposed recreation center with amenities. He explained that currently, the City has no funds designated or available for this project; however, there are grants that may be available and other potential funding strategies are being developed. He also reported that several implementation strategies have been developed, including the pursuit of public-private partnerships. Director Hernandez also reported that staff had been working with the school on the pool component. Discussion and comments ensued with regard to the history of the pool at AGHS; agreement that the pool should continue to be utilized for community use; agreement that there was a great unmet need in the community for a multi-purpose recreation center; completing the project in phases; suggestions for identifying grants for certain recreation programs and services; concerns regarding funding issues, and support for pursuing private-public partnerships. Mayor Ferrara Qpened up the item for public comment. Rob StronQ, Community Development Director, spoke regarding a Cal Poly project that incorporated segments of the property adjacent to the Woman's Club Community Center as a potential recreation center site. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the floor to public comments. There was no action taken on this item. d. Arroyo Grande HiQh School renovation project conceptual desiQn and potential bond measure. Deputy Superintendent Sears provided an update on progress District staff has made in exploring the possibility of a major renovation plan for AGHS; as well as an update on research into a possible local general obligation bond to pay for the renovation plan. He presented a brief background on how the issue evolved; displayed a rendering of a conceptual architectural plan and reviewed the proposed improvements; and stated that the Board of Education has entered into an agreement with a firm to explore the options for conducting a bond election to issue general obligation bonds to pay for the major renovations. Discussion and comments included questions about drainage; how long the project would take to complete; how the project would be phased; comments received about the appearance of the high school since the Clark Center opened and the need to update the surrounding buildings; and other minor renovations currently underway on campus. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL AND LMUSD BOARD OF EDUCATION APRIL 29, 2003 PAGE 4 Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comments. Colleen Martin, Arroyo Grande, announced the District's Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow and encouraged residents to come and give input on what the school should look like. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the floor to public comments. City Manager Adams asked if the Council would support staff working with the District to pursue a partnership with regard to the pool. Following discussion, there was consensus of the Council to direct staff to work with the District on a potential expansion of the high school pool facility and increase in community use. There was no action tc;lken on this item. 5.e. Arroyo Grande HiQh School parkinQ issues .and status. Deputy Superintendent Sears provided an update on the issues arid concerns regarding parking at AGHS. He explained that student population has decreased since the opening of Nipomo High School, which also resulted in a decrease in staff population. He commented that this would result in reduced daily traffic/parking at AGHS. Police Chief TerBorch also referred to the usage of the Clark Center during the day and the resulting difficulties of enforcing permit parking. He explained that an alternative had been worked out which should resolve the issue. He also reported that some permit only zones around the City may be eliminated due to the opening of Nipomo HS. Chief TerBorch stated that one issue that has arisen is the fact that the Police Department cannot enforce No Parking zones within Tract 2207 as the streets have not yet been dedicated. In response to questions raised during earlier public comment, Chief TerBorch explained that due to staffing issues, the Police Officers patrolling the high school area during peak hours could not get out of their vehicles to direct traffic because they may have to respond to other calls for service. In response to a question whether Police Department volunteers would be appropriate for directing traffic, Chief TerBorch responded they could be used only when teamed with paid personnel. He concluded by thanking the District for working cooperatively with the Police Department. There was further discussion regarding the opening up of the access road behind the school. Superintendent Nancy DePue stated the road was located on school property and concerns had been expressed with opening up the road for public use due to safety concerns. She looked to the Board Members as to whether they would be interested in readdressing the issue. Following a poll of Board Members, there was consensus that the Board was open to looking at options. City staff was encouraged to work with District staff on proposals to open and improve the road behind the high school to access Valley Road. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comments, and upon hearing none, closed the floor to pubJic comments. -------- - SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL AND LMUSD BOARD OF EDUCATION APRIL 29;2003 PAGE 5 There was no action taken on this item. S.e. Relocation of bus maintenance facility. City Manager Adams explained that the primary purpose of placing this item on the agenda was to provide an opportunity for the City to express a concern regarding school bus traffic and congestion through the Village and to discuss ways in which to work t6geth~r to address common issues. He expJained that City and District staff had informally. discussed a number of preliminary concepts, which couJd incJude a joint City/School District maintenance facility or a joint City/County/School District facility. Board Members expressed concerns with relocating their existing bus maintenance facility due to the expen$e issues involved and losing the acreage of the current site. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comments. Colleen Martin, Arroyo Grande, spoke in favor of looking in other areas for the potential relocation of the bus maintenance facility. Michael Leon, Grover Beach, responded that there was no available land in Grover Beach for such a facility. Hearing no further public comments, Mayor Ferrara closed the floor to public comments. There was no action taken on this item. 6. CITIZENS' INPUT, COMMENTS, AND SUGGESTIONS. None. 7. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m. Recorded by: ~vh . .. .rtl/uO~ Kelly tmor2 Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk City of Arroyo Grande