R 3692 RESOLUTION NO. 3692 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 02-002; LOCATED AT 1595 EAST GRAND AVENUE; APPLIED FOR BY MATSUMOTO REVOCABLE TRUST WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande adopted Resolution No. 3323 on September 8, 1998 approving the Berry Gardens Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the applicant has filed Development Code Amendment 02-002 to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, adoption of the Specific Plan Amendment would establish land use, development and design standards for the Single Family Residential with Specific Plan overlay (SFR-SP) portion of Subarea 3 of the Berry Gardens Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande was unable to make a recommendation to the City Council regarding Specific Plan Amendment 02- 002; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered Specific Plan Amendment 02-002 at a public hearing on June 24, 2003 in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, the City Council has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this project in compliance with, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and has found that potential environmental impacts have been addressed in the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Berry Gardens Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: Specific Plan Amendment Findings 1. The proposed specific plan (or specific plan amendment) is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the general plan; 2. The proposed specific plan (or specific plan amendment) will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern; RESOLUTION NO. 3692 Page 2 of 4 3. The specific plan (or proposed specific plan amendment) is necessary and desirable in order to implement the provisions of the general plan; 4. The development standards contained in the specific plan amendment will result in a superior development to that which would occur using standard zoning and development regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby approves Specific Plan Amendment 02-002, as shown in Exhibit liB" with the above findings and subject to the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion by Council Member Lubin, seconded by Council Member Costello, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Lubin, Costello, Dickens NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Runels and Mayor Ferrara the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 24th day of June, 2003. RESOLUTION NO. 3692 Page 3 of 4 TONYM~ ATTEST: / (" cf'~ ORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: c<j;;~) STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: RESOLUTION NO. 3692 Page 4 of4 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 02-002 1595 EAST GRAND AVENUE COMMUNITY DEVELOpMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. This approval amends the Berry Gardens Specific Plan by inserting the language contained in Exhibit "B" into the Berry Gardens Specific Plan. --_._-"-_._---- ~RY GARDI1 /:tJ~ ~~ SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT SUBAREA 3 Prepared by: Westland Engineering, Inc. Prepared for: City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 September 30, 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic Page Number I. INTRODUCTION Project Location and Vicinity....... ............. ......................... 1 Preapplication and Specific Plan Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Environmental Impact Report Preparation.. ........... ......... .... ........ 3 General Plan Aniendment, Specific Plan and RezQning Refinements......3 Summary of Specific Plan Subareas. ............................... ......4 Existing Environmental Setting..... ......................................5 II. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING CONSISTENCY General Plan Policies.. .... ........... ............... .......................8 Proposed Map Amendment. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Specific Plan Subareas...................... ... ................... .......... 10 III. SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSALS - Subarea 1 Purposes and Objectives...................... .... ....................... .-. 12 Land Use Subareas..... ... ...... ... ................. ... .... ......... ....... .13 Single Family Residential - Specific Plan (SFR-SP) Subarea........ 13 Patio Home Residential- Specific Plan (PHR-SP) Subarea........... 18 Access, Circulation, and Parking Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ...: 23 Street- Trees/Parkways, Park and Ponding Basin Landscaping. . . . . .. 26 Fenced, Walls, and Special Entry Features. . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 29 Water, Sewer, and Utility Facilities................ ....................... 33 Drainage and Storm Ponding Facilities.................................. 35 Transit, Bike, and Pedestrian Facilities.....................:.......... ...36 Schools, Park, and Other Off-Site Public Facilities Fees.............. 37 Architectural Design Guidelines..... ............... ......................37 IV. SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSALS - Subarea 2........ ..................... ....52 V. SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSALS - Subarea 3 Purpose and Obj ecti ves. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. 53 .A.1 Land Use Designations and Property Development Standards....... 53.A.I Single Family Residential- Specific Plan (SFR-SP).................. 53.A.1 Access, Circulation, and Parking Standards.... ......... ... ...... .... ... 53.A.I Street-Trees and Parkways................................................. 53.A.3 Fences and Walls. .... ... ......... ....................................... .... 53.A.3 Water, Sewer, and Utility Facilities....................................... 53.AA Drainage and Storm Ponding Facilities. . .. . . . . .. . .. .... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... 53.AA Architectural Design Guidelines.......................................... 53.AA VI. SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSAL - Subarea 4.................................. 53 - VII. IMPLEMENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION Other Regulations and Code Enforcement. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Proposed Phasing of Subdivision Improvements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 54 Special or Conditional Uses: CC&R's................................... 57 Administration and Amendment of the Specific Plan. . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... 57 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit No. Title Page Number I. Project Location Map 2 2. Specific Plan Subareas Map 4 3. Existing General Plan and Zoning Map 7 4. Proposed General Plan Amendment Map 11 5. Berry Gardens Specific Plan, Subarea 1 14 6. Prototype Site Plans - Interior Single Family 16 7. Prototype Site Plans - Comer Single Family 17 8. Patio Home Prototypes 20 9. Preliminary Site Plan - Patio Home - North 21 10. Preliminary Site Plan - Patio Home - South 22 II. Street Cross Sections (Local and Oak Park Boulevard) 24 12. Berry GardensIKawaoka Park 27 13. Berry Gardens Ponding Basin 28 14. Fence and Walls 30 15. Special Entry Features 32 16. Water and Sewer Plan Map 34 17. Typical driveway Design Variations 40 18. Single Family Residential, Parkway and Home Examples 41 19. Patio Home Residential, Home and Driveway Examples 42 20. Architectural Detail Examples 43-51 21. Subdivision Phasing Map 56 22. Subarea 3 Subdivision Map 57 (page 4 revisions) Summary of Berry Gardens Specific Plan Subareas: Subarea Owner's Name Acreage Existing Proposed Us elUn its Zone Zone 1 KawaokafBaker 10.2 RR SFR-SP 51 KawaokafBaker 21.7 SF SFR-SP 98 KawaokafBaker 5.6 RR PHR-SP 31 2 Toma 5.0 RR & SF RR &SF No Change 3 Matsumoto 1.5 RR SFR-SP 9 3.1 GC GC To be detennined by subsequent GP AlSP A 4 Air Vol, et al 3.0 GC GC No Change Subtotal Subarea 1 37.5 180 max. acres Subtotal Subarea 2 5.0 acres No change - Subtotal Subarea 3 1.5 acres 9 residential units max 3.1 acres To be detennined by subsequent GP AlSP A Subtotal Subarea 4 3 acres To be detennined by subsequent GP AlSP A TOTAL 50.1 acres -4- -- (Page 9 revisions) Proposed Map Amendment The Berry Gardens Specific Plan Area would be outlined on the General Plan Land Use Element Map, deleting current Rural Residential (RR) and Single Family (SF) designations within Subarea 1, the Kawaoka/Baker property. The Berry Gardens Specific Plan adoption would establish two land use designations for Subarea 1, the KawaolaIBaker property: Single Family Residential-Specific Plan (SFR-SP) on approximately 31.9 gross acres and Patio Home Residential-Specific Plan (pHR-SP) on approximately 5.6 gross acres. The Berry Gardens Specific Plan Area would be amended on the General Plan Land Use Element Map and zoning map, changing the current Rural Residential (RR) designation within Subarea 3, the Matsumoto property to Single Family Residential Plan (SFR-SP) on approximately 1.5 acres. The remainder portion of the property would remain GC until a subsequent GP NSP A is requested. Subareas 2 and 4 would be defined within the Berry Gardens Specific Plan Area, but the current RR, SF and GC General Plan and zoning land use designations would remain unchanged until subsequent applications by the respective property owners are approved by the City of Arroyo Grande. - 9 - - (Page 10 revisions) . . . . . . The General Plan Amendment and Berry Gardens Specific Plan propose that this western 5.6 acre portion of the undeveloped property (not including the small portion of property, within the Vicinity of Grover Beach) be reclassified Patio Home Residential, Specific Plan (pHR-SP). J This Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan would reclassify 1.5 acres of Residential Rural designation to Single Family Residential Specific Plan (SFR-SP) and the remaining 3.1 acres remain General Commercial (GC) until a GPNSPA is requested on that portion of the site. Specific Plan Subareas Subarea 3. Matsumoto Property - This 4.6 acre property located northwest of the j Kawaoka/Baker property and south of Grand A venue at the western boundary of the City of Arroyo Grande has been used agriculturally but is now vacant. The southern 1.5 acres, more or less, is currently zoned Rural Residential. The proposed i this density is equal to 4.8 dwelling units per acre. The northern 3.1 acre is classified and zoned SFR-SP on this portion of the site would enable 9 single family homes to be developed; General Commercial, GC on the General Plan and Zoning Maps of the City J and would remain designated as such as GP NSP A is requested for that portion of the site. ! i , - 10 - SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSALS - Subarea 3 Purposes and Obiectives This Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan Subarea 3 purposes and objectives include the following: a. To create single family housing types, predominantly composed of neo- traditional single family detached dwellings compatible with the adjacent Berry Gardens development. b. To enable a compact single family detached residential subdivision pattern, allowing a higher density (subject to Specific Plan Amendment), replacing the Rural Residential and conventional Single Family designation. This project proposes slightly smaller individual lots than conventional developments. c. To discourage high speed and/or through traffic in the internal residential streets. The design details are intended to reduce dependence on ana dominance of individual automobile use. d. To utilize human scale buildings, landscaping, and lighting design details. i Street orientation of garages and placement of living areas of homes should minimize dominance of the automobile and maximize opportunity for residents and visitor interaction. e. To minimize traffic congestion. This infill development is within walking or biking distance to nearby convenience shopping, community parks and recreation areas and existing transit routes providing regional access to other activity centers, schools, services and employment areas. f. To promote high standards of site planning, architecture and landscape design for residential areas within the City of Arroyo Grande. Land Use Desi2:nations and Property development Standards This Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan allows a SFR-SP housing type in Subarea 3. Approximately 1.5 acres of the site at a density of 4.8 d.u./acre for a maximum of 9 units. Sim~le Family Residential - Specific Plan (SFR-SP) 1. Permitted and Conditionally Allowed' Uses: The SFR-SP subarea shall allow one single family detached dwelling and residential accessory structures on each lot. Property development standards shall be as described below and density shall not exceed 4.8 d.u./gross acre. -53.A.l- 2. Development Code General Provisions: Unless otherwise provided as part of the Berry Gardens Specific Plan all provisions of the Single Family (SF) designation and zone, as defined in the General Plan and Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande shall be applicable within the SFR-SP area. 3. Minimuin building site area: Shall be 6,000 sq. ft. average (5,500 sq. ft. minimum) 4. Minimum average lot width and frontage: Shall be 60 feet. The lot frontage minimum is 30 feet on cul-de-sacs or curves. 5. Minimum lot depth. -" Shall be 75 feet. 6. Minimum yards: a. The minimum front yard building setback (from back of sidewalk) shall be 10 feet and the maximum shall be 20 feet except garage doors, which shall be setback at least 20 feet. Garage doors shall be at least 10 feet behind the front of the house (side entry garages may be 10 feet minimum). b. Interior side yard setbacks: Shall be 5 feet for single story buildings. For two story buildings, the first floor setback shall be 5 feet and the second floor shall be 10 feet. c. Rear yard setbacks: 10 feet. d. Exceptions: Architectural features such as roof eaves, bay windows, steps and chimneys may project into required yards as provided in the City's Development Code. 7. Maximum lot coverage: Shall be 50%. 8. Maximum building height: Shall be 25 feet. 9. Maximum Floor Area Ratio: Shall be 0.5, including garages. 10. Development shall be subject to City of Arroyo Grande Architectural Review. - 53.A.2 - Access. Circulation and Parkin~ standards Blackberry Avenue - Blackberry Avenue is an existing local street located within Subarea 1 of the Berry Gardens Specific Plan area. Blackberry Avenue has been improved except for the portion that ITonts Subarea 3's property (Matsumoto property), where sidewalk and driveways will be completed. Strawberry Avenue - Strawberry A venue is an extension of a local street that tenninates in a cul-de-sac. These local streets provide adequate circulation for medium density development. Both public streets propose a 50 foot street right-of-way with 36 feet ITom curb to curb. Within the 50 foot right-of-way, behind the curb face, a seven foot utility easement and landscape parkway is proposed. Detached public sidewalks are located in an additional five foot wide pedestrian and utility easement parallel with and adjoining the street right- of-way. To facilitate pedestrian traffic, these sidewalks are proposed to be five feet wide and driveway ramps would occur in the parkway area to enable level walks. Pedestrian level street lighting and other amenities (such as clustered mailboxes) can be placed along the sidewalks or in selected parkway locations. - On-street parking - This Amendment to the Specific Plan proposes to require two car garages for each dwelling unit. Street Trees and Parkways As described above, all of the internal local streets provide for 36 feet wide curb to curb streets with seven-foot wide parkways separating five-foot wide sidewalks on both sides. The landscape concept for street tree planting is generally to locate deciduous shade trees within the parkways to eventually create a canopy over most of the street pavement as well as the sidewalks. Two street trees per lot frontage would be required. Fences Fences - The interior side and rear yards of Berry Gardens' Amendment single family detached homes will involve standard six-foot height unpainted redwood or cedar fencing. The proposed fence design provides for an attractive base and cap board with post fencing every six to eight feet for stability. The developer proposes to provide side and rear yard fencing as well as ITont yard landscaping with each home to assure a basic finished "streetscape". Homeowners will be responsible for landscaping of individual rear yards except for the perimeter fencing. Front and street yard fences shall be designed not to exceed 36 inches and finished with the same exterior material and colors as the exterior of the individual house. Standard wood plank, chain link or painted plywood fencing materials are prohibited for front or street yard locations. - 53.A.3 - Residential covenants conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) shall specify that it is the responsibility of the individual lot owner to maintain the exterior appearance of the fences, wall, street trees and landscaping of front yards. Water. Sewer and Utility Facilities This Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan proposes water distribution, sewage collection and other underground utility facilities be installed by the developer as conditions of Tract Map 2471. These improvements will include total site preparation, grading and connections to the existing utilities adjacent to the property to enable connection to existing City and utility company systems. Draina2e and Storm Pondin2 Facilities Drainage from the development proposed in this Amendment will be directed to the existing Berry Gardens' basin located at the southwest comer of the residential development. Architectural Desi2n Guidelines Neo-traditional residential neighborhood design guidelines were derived from the SLOCOG Model Ordinance as recommended by the City of AIToyo Grande Community Development Department. Features include: - Single-family detached houses oriented to the streets with front porches and living areas having ten to twenty foot front yard and five to ten foot street side yard setbacks from back of detached sidewalks. - Garages which are setback a minimum of twenty feet from back of sidewalk and ten feet behind living areas reducing the dominance of automobile parking as a residential design element. - Driveways that are varied in design with reduced ramp and approach width across parkways and front yards. - A variety of one and two story floor plans and elevations intended to create a diverse design rather than tract-like unifonnity of housing styles. The detached single-family home plans are all intended for resident ownership, each with two, three or four bedrooms, two baths, and two car garages. - On-street parking will be for supplemental resident and guest parking. - 53.A.4 - Because the City of Arroyo Grande reserves the Architectural Review process to consider detailed plans and specifications prior to construction, this Amendment to the Berry Gardens Specific Plan does not intend to prescribe final floor plans and elevations, instead it defines "prototypical" site plans for single family detached lots, conforming to proposed property development standards. Additionally, the Specific Plan Architectural Design Guidelines are intended to describe other elements of form, materials, details, and colors that are encouraged to create diverse but coordinated and compatible designed residential and accessory buildings. The Specific Plan intentionally avoids a uniform architectural style! Building Materials - Consistent use of stucco and masonry or horizontal painted wood siding are encouraged as exterior siding materials. Concrete or clay tile, slate, or heavy composition shingles are encouraged as roofing materials. (Wood shake or shingles are prohibited for fire safety). Heavy timber, tile, or wrought iron are encouraged as accent materials. Color - Coordinated use of earth tone colors complemented by compatible accents, shading, landscaping, and lighting will provide for diversified design character. Uniform color of adjoining houses is discouraged. Accent or trim colors should energize and enliven the visual character, using wann hues. No colors, basic or accent, shall be shrill or garish and no more than two basic colors shall be used on a single building mass. Similarly not more than two accent colors shall be used on anyone building. There is no limit to the number of neutrals that may be used on any building. Detailed material and color palates will be determined for specific buildings as part of subsequent City Design Review. Building Orientation - Residential buildings shall generally face the adjacent access street with convenient primary entrance but secondary entrances are also allowed. Buildings shall provide for shaded or sheltered pedestrian areas, particularly along southern and western exposures, including use of arcades, trellises, arbors, and roofed porches or balconies. Screening Provisions - Walls shall generally be the same colors and materials as the adjoining building exterior and not in excess of six to eight feet height, reinforced where feasible with landscape screening. Walls in required front and street side yards shall not exceed 48 inches to six feet in height, depending on placement. Perimeter fences shall not exceed 6 feet height unless specifically approved otherwise by Design Review, or for architectural features such as entry gateways, trellis and arbor elements. Outdoor Storage, Mechanical Equipment, and Trash Enclosures - To the extent possible, these types of facilities shall be integrated into buildings and not located outside. When necessary, and if approved by City Design Review, limited outdoor storage, mechanical equipment, or trash enclosures may be within walled and gated enclosures designed as an extension of and compatible with the primary or accessory structures. Free standing enclosures and metal accessory structures are discouraged. Normal utility and air- conditioning equipment may be placed on the ground when screened by appropriate landscaping and situated away from outdoor use areas, windows, or doorways. - 53.A.5 - Architectural Details - The Architectural Design details encouraged for Tract 2471 are as follows: - Multi-pane vertical shaped rectangular and/or arched windows, recessed or with framed relief. Windows may be grouped. - Fireplace chimney trim and cap details and shapes that reflect the roof or window shapes or include material changes, tile or trim, and color variations. - Roofs that include eve extensions or trellises, arbors, or roofed porch elements to accent and shelter primary entrance doors. - Low walls and landscape screening of front yards to improve outdoor utility and provide partial separation or distinction of public and private open space. - Accent materials or trim color attic vents, and windows or skylights to maximize natural lighted interiors and provide exterior diversity. - Diversity of roof pitches and materials that generally avoid flat or shed roofs or parapet walls, and favor hip or gable roofs reflecting traditional American architectural styles. - Distinctive and readable housing numbers located near the primary entrance and preferably lit for night visibility from the public street. - Side yard attached or rear yard detached double garages with double doors or single doors on each side, consistent with the architectural character of the residence. - Minimum hardscape and maximum landscape in the required front and street side yards, including special driveway treatments such as grass crete, wheel strips, single wide ramps and aprons, gravel or patterned concrete, stone or pavers. - Entry trellises or arbor gateway entries to walkways and side yard driveways to facilitate pedestrian access and screen vehicular areas. - 53.A.6 - 0.... ~ ~..~ >- ~ogl!li5" ~ ~ .",~2:!; a.. .. ~,,~ 6~ :::t.. .-I ~ t\..~i'!l 0 ". ~ r- ~ ,,' ,,~. - ... ......" 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'" ,. t " ~ · ! .~~,i sd i ii~." i \OQ~ ~~ 't-/ it'~lt M i i Ji;~ !A,I ,~. h~'" Ii' \ ',' }I'J& .1~' \ r',,, Ii \ \&;1\, l~ i !~\ ~~~~ ~l!i~ _ t,. , 'U;, ~!.~t ,It" i'91 'i!!." ,7 ,-'_; [; \ \ J'j,,, M' ;I ,.n ,'ih ~~.a I ,I " ) \..._.1 ( I / I ' 7~ ./1 o ~ ~\ . ~" // \ --- RESOLUTION NO. 3692 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELL Y WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that Resolution No. 3692 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 24th day of June, 2003. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 2th day of June, 2003.