R 3203 RESOLUTION NO. 3203 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADJUSTING AND ESTABLISHING SPECIFIED FEES FOR PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES WHEREAS, the City Council duly establishes fees for services furnished by or on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, due to the effects of inflation and increased costs to the City, some of said fees are no longer adequate to equitably compensate the City for the costs of providing certain Parks and Recreation services; and WHEREAS, staff has proposed and made available to the City Council and to the p(Jblic data indicating the estimated cost of providing the services and the current and proposed fees for such services; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered ~t a regularly scheduled City Council meeting the question of 'Nhether or not to adjust or establish fees for such services to the estimated amount that is required to sufficiently compensate the City for providing such services; and WHEREAS, at said public meeting, the City Council cons.idered all oral and written presentations that 'vVere made in respect to said question, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. The schedule of fees detailed in the staff report included herewith entitled "Schedule of Use Fee Recommendations, Fiscal Year 1997-98 Parks and Recreation," is hereby adopted, 2, The schedule offees shall be effective beginning May 1,1997, On motion of Council Member lady, seconded by Council Member Fuller , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: A YES: Lady, Fuller, Tolley, Runels, and Mayor Dougall NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25t.h of February, 199"1. , , RESOLUTION NO. 3203 PAGE 2 A. K. "PETE" DOUGALl, MA OR ATTEST: i1~a. ~ NANCY A. AVIS, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~ A o/5..J...r ( . Ii Ltt.., I ~ ROBERT L HUNT, CITY MANAGER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of pe~ury that the foregoing Resolution No. 3203 is a true, full, and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 25h day of February, 1997. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 3rd day of March I 1997. -21~a.~ NANCY A .D S, CI CLERK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t: , rJ). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r- a-.. ~ C a-.. ~ ~ < ~ ~ .... ~ ~ tI) ~ M ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; < ~ ~ < ~ U ; ~ ~ \f1 ~ ~ ~ C ~ 0 ~ U ~ ~ ~ t ~ u ~ = ~ ~ ~ >. . . , , . . , '. >.>. g.g. g -< ~ >. >.~ >.>. ~ I ~ ~8~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 8 S J: 8~8088~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g 0"""';000"" ~ .,.,NN_.,.,.,.,N ~~~~M~N~~~~N~~N~N U U 00 >. . . , ~>'I g.g., 00 ~ >. >.~ >.>. , I ~ ~8~~ ~~~~~~~~~~o~ ~~ ~~~g~~~ 8888~8~8~8~~ ~~ U 000 000 ' . . ,0 .0 ,N ..,.,.,., 00 ('f")~N"""''''('4"'')....... 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U ~ 8 ~ ~ ~~~~~88 ~ggi~~~~~~]~~~ i)j ~jj ~~<<<<MZ ]p.,p.,~ooo~~~~uoooo~ 6~~ .5~~ ~< u ~ ~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PARKS & RECREATION - FEES SCHEDULE OF USER FEE RECOMMENDATIONS SCHEDULE D FEBRUARY 25, 1997 INTRODUCTION This report provides information and support for the Department of Parks and Recreation User Fee Recommendations for services, programs, and facility use. This information is based on current personnel costs per hour and administrative (12.57%) and Division (Recreation 23%, Parks 11 %) overhead costs. Administrative and overhead costs are found in the City of Arroyo Grande Cost Allocation Plan (1995-97) adopted by the City Council March 12, 1996. The City has not charged youth organizations or other governmental (City, County, State, Federal) entities for use of facilities. Like~ Arroyo Grande Woman's Club has an agreement with the City through the yea 2010 hich gives them free use of the City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Community Center for various club sponsored meetings and special events. In many instances the cost to provide a service, program, or to rent a facility exceeds the fee that the citizen, group, or other organization pay. In most instances the City subsidizes these services, programs, or facility use. The Parks and Recreation Commission and staff has provided recommendations to begin the process of identifying areas where fees and deposits should be increased, based on personnel and administrative and division overhead costs. Staff has also surveyed the costs for providing comparable services, programs, and facility rental in other Cities in San Luis Obispo County. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Overview 2. Summary Schedule of Fee Recommendations A. Development Fees B. Park Facility Use Fees C. Soto Sports Complex Use Fees D. Adult Sport League Fees E. Child Care Program Fees F. Woman's Club Community Center Use Fees 3. User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheets A. Development Fees B. Park Facility Use Fees C. Soto Sports Complex Use Fees D. Adult Sport League Fees E. Child Care Program Fees F. Woman's Club Community Center Use Fees 4. Hourly Billing Rates A. Labor Costs by Position B. Fringe Benefit Costs C. Administration/Indirect Costs D. Department/Division Overhead Costs OVERVIEW USER/SERVICE FEES The terms "Service or User Fees" generally refer to fees paid by citizens, groups, or other organizations to the Parks and Recreation Department based upon the estimated reasonable costs incurred by the DepartmenVDivision in providing specific services. The citizens, groups, or other organizations may be public, private, non-profit, or for-profit users. Typically, user fees can be avoided by not using the services, programs, or facilities offered. The philosophy of assessing user fees is that while many services provided by the department have broad public benefit, (Park maintenance, street trees, medians, open space, etc.) other services benefit only the individual/groups receiving the service. If specific users do not pay for these services, (youth groups, service clubs, leagues, etc.) General Fund expenditures must be used to subsidize the specific service/activity. User fees fall into two categories: - Charges for goods and services consumed includes fees charged for the actual consumption of the results of government efforts by citizens, groups of individuals, businesses, or organizations. Fees in this category are charged for goods or services that improve the quality of life; these fees are intended to help pay for costs (classes, child care, sport leagues, etc.) which are not set in order to regulate activities. - Regulatory charges include fees assessed to individuals, groups, or organizations for the opportunity to participate in a DepartmenVDivision regulated activity (park development, street trees, park facility use fees, etc.) When implementing user fees, certain conditions must be met. The U.S. Supreme Court established a three-part test to determine whether a charge assessed by a community is a user fee. For a user fee to be valid, it must comply with the following conditions: 1. The fee charged must provide a direct benefit to the user in exchange for payment in a way not shared by other members of society. 2. The fee must be optional with the user having the option of not using the government service. 3. The charge must compensate the specific government office for the provided service only; the fees received must not be collected with the purpose of raising revenue beyond the cost of the provided service. THE PROCESS This report is a review process undertaken by the Parks and Recreation and Finance Departments staff, as directed by the City Council, to review Department actual costs incurred for specific services, programs, and facility rentals. Staff has provided information on actual costs to provide the service, a review of services provided, recommended changes for existing fees and recommendations for new fees to be introduced. The Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed and made recommendations on current and proposed fee increases and new fees proposed found in this report. Staff has also surveyed costs for comparable services offered by other Cities in San Luis Obispo County. Proposed fee changes and new fees will be adopted by resolution of the City Council and become effective May 1, 1997. THE REPORT There are four sections in this report. In addition to this "Overview" Section, the following three sections are as follows: * (Section Two) provides a Parks and Recreation Department Summary Schedule of the recommended fees. This section is valuable when comparing the recommended fee to the current fee and recognizing the increase or decrease. * (Section Three) provides specific details regarding each specific development, service, program or facility use recommended fees. Each User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet provides a cost analysis for each service fee. The worksheet describes the activity and service, and identifies the personnel, material, rental, and other costs associated with providing the service. This information is very descriptive and the financial data is somewhat technical in nature. the worksheet includes Fee Comparison Data where the recommended fee is compared to similar service fees of other local jurisdictions. This is done only for comparable purposes such as efficiencies, comparable charges, or subsidies between jurisdictions. This data is not to be used as a basis for the City of Arroyo Grande's fees. The basis for all fees is the estimated direct and indirect costs less any subsidy. A fee cannot exceed the "Total Cost" of the service being provided. * (Section Four) the final section of the report contains the Hourly Billing Rate schedules from the City's Cost Allocation Plan (CAP). , SECTION TWO USER FEE RECOMMENDATIONS Summary Schedules for: Development Fees Park Facility Use Fees Soto Sports Complex Fees Adult Sport League Fees Child Care Program Fees Woman's Club Community Center Fees Elm Street Community Center Use Fees SECTION TWO The following schedules summarize the Parks and Recreation Department's fees charged for specific development, programs, services, and facility use. The schedules also recommend Service/User Fee charges. These summary schedules are supported by detail cost analysis worksheets for each fee. These detailed cost analysis worksheets are located in Section Three of this report. The summary schedules provide the fee descriptions, total cost of the Division provided fee/service, the current fee amount, the Department's recommended fee amount, and where appropriate, the percentage of increase when comparing the recommended fee to the current fee, users ability to pay and market comparisons. In total there are forty-seven (47) fee recommendations contained in these schedules. Of this total, five (5) are being introduced, nine (9) fees are recommended to remain the same, thirty-two (32) are recommended to be increased and one (1) is recommended for a decrease. The five new fees being introduced will have minimal impact on the budget. They consist of deposits, one time registration fees and meeting room use fees. It is estimated that $2,000 will be generated with the introduction of these new fees. Nine fees will remain the same and will have no impact on future budgets. Thirty-two fees are recommended to be increased, which will have a moderate impact on revenues and epartment subsidies. It is estimated that increased fees will generate $26,000 in additional revenues, thus reducing the Department subsidy from $92,322 to $66,322. The elasticity of fees (what the market will bear) has also been considered in the determination of our fees. If the fee is too high (more than individuals can pay) the facility will not be used or activity not successful. SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO EXISTING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USE FEES 1997-98 DEVELOPMENT FEES PAGE FEE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST CURRENT RECOMMENDED %INCREASE Park Development - Quimby In accordance with Ord. $1,363 $1,411 16% No. 313 C,S. Street Tree Fee $105.15 $ 87 $ 105 21% * Administrative rate 12.54% * Division Overhead Rate 11 % SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO EXISTING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USE FEES 1997-98 PARK FACILITY USE FEES PAGE FEE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST CURRENT RECOMMENDED %INCREASE Strother Park $72,54 $30.00 $40,00 34% Large Barbecue Strother Park $0 (without damage) $10.00 $25.00 150% Security Deposit security deposit Strother Park $48.37 $20.00 $25.00 security 25% Small Barbecue deposit Strother Park (1, 2, & 3) $122.90 $100.00 $100.00 0% Wedding Reception Strother Park Security $0 (without damage) $50.00 $50,00 0% Deposit areas 1,2,3 Elm Street Park $68.76 $30,00 $40.00 34% Barbecue Elm Street Park Security $0 (without damage) $10.00 $25.00 150% Deposit SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO EXISTING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USE FEES 1997-98 SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX USE FEES PAGE FEE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST CURRENT RECOMMENDED %INCREASE Campbell Field rental fee $24.92 $5 per hr $10 per hr 100% Pilg Field rental fee $24.92 $5 per hr $10 per hr 100% Santos Field rental fee $24.92 $5 per hr $10 per hr 100% Volunteer Field rental fee $24,92 $5 per hr $10 per hr 100% Volunteer Field with lights rental fee $48.99 $20 hr. $25 per hr 20% Ikeda Field rental fee $18.11 $5 per hr $10 per hr 100% Ikeda Field with lights rental fee $48.99 $20 hr. $25 per hr 20% Porter Field rental fee $24.92 $5 per hr $15 per hr 15% Porter Field with lights rental fee $52.79 $22.50 $30 per hr 34% per hr Tennis Court rental for 1 hour rental fee $9.04 $5 per hr $5 per day 0% Tennis Courts four (4) rental $76,84 $75 per day $75 per day 0% Food Booth rental fee (Soto Complex only) $42.96 $25 per day $25 per day 0% Meeting Room rental fee $30.71 $0 $15 new fee Field Prep Fees all fields except Porter (1) $22,19 $10 $15 per prep 50% per prep Field Prep Fee Porter Field (1) $34,31 $20 $25 per prep 25% per prep Tournament Schedule and Coordination Fee $70,71 $0 $50 new fee Tournament Deposit fee $200.00 $0 $200 per tourney new fee SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO EXISTING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USE FEES 1997-98 ADULT SPORT LEAGUE FEES PAGE FEE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST CURRENT RECOMMENDED %INCREASE Adult Softball Spring $492.82 $400 $425 6.25% Adult Softball Summer $498,82 $415 $425 2.5% Adult Basketball $686.13 $450 $450 0% Adult Coed Volleyball $161.27 $150 $160 7% $25 $25 forfeit Forfeit 3 on 3 Basketball $128,85 $80 $125 56% Non-resident fee $5 $6 per person 20% per person SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO EXISTING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USE FEES 1997 -98 CHILD CARE PROGRAM FEES PAGE FEE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST CURRENT RECOMMENDED %INCREASE Preschool Play and Learn $2,53 $2.48 $2.50 less than 1 % Tuesday and Thursday Preschool Play and Learn $2.53 $2,08 $2,25 12% Mon, Weds. Fri. Kindergartens in Training $2.53 $2,08 $2.25 12% Summer Preschool Play and $2.53 $2.08 $2.25 12% Learn One Time Registration Fee $6.48 $0 $5 one time fee new fee AM/PM Chilldren in Motion $3.29 $2.50 $2,50 0% Kindergarten Program Elm Street Center AM/ PM Children in Motion $3,35 $2.00 $2.25 12.5% Branch School AM/PM Children in Motion $2.14 $2,00 $2,25 12,5% Ocean View AM/PM Children in Motion $2.14 $2.00 $2,25 12.5% Harloe Children in Motion $14.35 $0 $10 new fee Registration Fee Summer Playground Program $2.19 $1,67 $1.67 0% Strother Park Summer Playground Program $1.65 $1.72 $1.58 - 8% Elm Street Center Holiday Playground $1.75 $1.72 $1.72 0% Programs Winter/Spring Elm St. Park SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO EXISTING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USE FEES 1997-98 WOMAN'S CLUB COMMUNITY CENTER USE FEES PAGE FEE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST CURRENT RECOMMENDED %INCREASE Rental Fee $47.81 $15.00 $32.00 108% Rental Deposit $0 (without damage) $50.00 $250.00 400% SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO EXISTING PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USE FEES 1997 -98 ELM STREET COMMUNITY CENTER USE FEES PAGE FEE DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST CURRENT RECOMMENDED %INCREASE Rental Fee $46.24 $20.00 $20.00 0% Rental Deposit $0 (without damage) $50.00 $100.00 100% SECTION THREE USER FEE DETERMINATION COST ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS DEVELOPMENT FEES PARK FACILITY USE FEES SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX USE FEES ADULT SPORT LEAGUE FEES CHILD CARE PROGRAM FEES WOMAN'S CLUB COMMUNITY CENTER USE FEES ELM STREET COMMUNITY CENTER USE FEES SECTION THREE The User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheets are contained in Section Three. The Cost Analysis Worksheets support by detail cost analysis for each fee, including user and service descriptions, personnel materials, and other costs. The worksheets also include fee comparison data. User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartJnent/Dlvlsion Date Park Development 13 3613 000 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Quimby Fee Department scription 0 van mments: Park Development Fees are paid by the developer of a lot, lots, or subdivision upon which a residential unit is constructed. Fee is based on the number of new dwelling units constructed. Quimby Fee'Ordinance 313 C.S. Sec. 9-3507 (1) (7). Fee is being revised to reflect an increase in the Fair Market Value average for one acre parcel. Rates" Position Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostJHr. Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service sts Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Ordinance (313 C,S.) Formula Fair Market Value $1,411 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $1,411 ee ompanson ata Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $1,411.00 Service City of Arroyo Grande $1,411.00 City-Wide General & Dollars Percentage Administrative" rate @ 12.57% $ 0 Grover Beach $2,541.00 +$1,130 +78% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach N/A RECOMMENDED FEE $1,411.00 +$1,956 + 120% Recommended Fund Subsidy 0 San Luis Obispo $3,367.00 -$ 48 4% Current Fee Amount $1 ,363.00 Santa Maria $1,363.00 - Fee Increase (Decrease) +$ 48,00 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $ 509.00 -$902 -64% Morro Bay $3,770.00 +$2,359 +140% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvislon Date 10 Parks Division 2-11-97 Rates. Position Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Unit of Service Maintenance Worker II (1) $15.04 $6.50 11% $2.37 $23.91 1.0 $23.91 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $23.91 osts Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Ties and Stakes $10.00 1 set $10.00 Tree (15 Gal) $52.00 1 $52.00 Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7,50 1 hour $7.50 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $93.41 Fee ompanson ata Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $ 93,41 Service City of Arroyo Grande $105.00 City-Wide General & Dollars Percentage Administrative" $11.74 Rate @ 12.57% $105.15 Grover Beach $100,00 -$ 5.00 -5% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach N/A RECOMMENDED FEE $105.00 San Luis Obispo $200 +$ 85 + 81% Recommended Fund Subsidy $.15 $100 -$ 5 -5% Current Fee Amount $87.50 Santa Maria Fee Increase (Decrease) $+17.50 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles N/A Morro Bay $110 +$ 5 +5% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fu"d Program Account Departm/mtfOivision Date 14 3400 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 ervlce Rates' Position Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Dlv. T oIal Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Maintenance Worker II $15.04 $6.50 11% $2.37 $23.91 1.5 $35,87 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23,05 .50 $11.52 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $47.39 Material &. Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 1.5 $11.25 Waste can liners (4) .20 (4) $.80 Total Material" Rental Costs per Unit of Service $12.05 Dther Costs (EquiDment. Building usage, lIart-tlme LabOr w/o BeneTitS) Description Cost Each Quantity Required U nit Cost Disposal Service $150.00 divided by 30 days, $5.00 $5.00 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $5.00 FeeCompansonDma Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $64.44 Service City of Arroyo Grande $50.00 day City-Wide General & Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $ 8.10 N/A N/A $72.54 Grover Beach $15.00 hr. TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $50.00 Plsmo Beach $10.00 hr. N/A N/A Recommended Fund Subsidy $22.54 San Luis Obispo $36.00 day -$14.00 -28% Current Fee Amount $30.00 Santa Marla $40.00 day -$10.00 -20% Fee Increase (Decrease) +$20.00 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $10.00 hr. N/A N/A Morro Bay $75.00 +$25.00 +50% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvislon Date Strother Park Barbecue Security 14 3400 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 Deposit all areas 1,2, and 3 Description of Service, Deman d, Subsidy and Other Comments: Refundable key deposit and security to rent Strother Park barbecue areas 1, 2, and 3. To assure areas are left in a reasonably clean condition. Personnel Costs Rates' Posnien Straight Time Fringe Benelns Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by posnion Per Unn Total Labor Cost per Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unn Cost Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service Other Costs (Equipment, BUilding Usage, Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unn Cost Total Other Costs per Unit of Service Fee Comparison Data More or (Less) than Arroyo Jurisdiction Fee per unit Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $ Service City-Wide General & City 01 Arroyo Grande $50.00 day Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $ $ Grover Beach 0 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $50.00 Pismo Beach $200.00 $150.00 300% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ San Luis Obispo $ 20.00 -$ 30.00 ,60% Current Fee Amount $25.00 Santa Maria $ 60.00 $10.00 20% Fee Increase (Decrease) $25.00 Atascadero Paso Robles $ 60.00 $10.00 20% Morro Bay 0 -$50.00 -100% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date Strother Park Barbecue 14 3400 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 small areas 1 and 3 Description Of Service, Demand, SUbSidy and Other COmments: Rental fee charged to rent Strother Park small barbecue areas number 1 and 3. Fee revised to cover the cost of labor to clean the area and cover division overhead and City-wide administrative fee. Small areas can accomodate up to 50 people for a barbecue, I'ersonnel Costs Rates' Position Straight Time Fringe Benems Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Maintenance Worker II $15.04 $6.50 11% $2.37 $23.91 1.0 $23.91 Administrative Secretary $13,97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $29.67 !IIaterlal & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 1 hour $7.50 Waste can liners (4) .20 (4) .80 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $8.30 Jther Costs (Equipment, Building Usage, part-time Labor w/o BenefitS) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Disposal Service $150,00 divided by 30 days $5.00 $5.00 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $5.00 ee Comparison Data More or (Less) than Arroyo Jurisdiction Fee per unit Grande's Fee per Unit of $42.97 Service Total Service Direct Costs City cA Arroyo Grande $25.00 City-Wide General & Dollars Percentage Administrative> Rate @ 12.57% $ 5.40 Grover Beach $15.00 hr NIA $48.37 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Plsmo Beach $10.00 hr NIA RECOMMENDED FEE $25.00 San Luis Obispo $36.00 day +$11.00 44% Recommended Fund Subsidy $23.37 Santa Maria $40.00 day +$15.00 60^ Current Fee Amount $20.00 Atascadero N/A N/A N/A Fee Increase (Decrease) +$ 5.00 Paso Robles $10.00 hr N/A NIA Morro Bay $75.00 day +$50.00 +300% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date Strother Park Barbecue 14 3400 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 all areas 1,2, and 3 Description of Service, Demand, SUbsidy and Other Comments: Rental fee charged to rent Strother Park areas number 1, 2, and 3 for large gatherings up to 200 persons, Fee to cover labor to clean the areas and cover Division overhead and City-wide Administrative fee. Personnel Costs Rates' PosHian Hours by Position per unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened UnH of Service Labor bverhead Labor CostlHr. Maintenance Worker II $15.04 $6.50 11% $2.37 $23.91 2,75 $65.75 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 ,75 $17.28 Total Burdened Personnel. Costs Per Unit of Service $83.03 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 2,5 hours $18.75 Waste can liners (12) .20 (12) $2.40 Total Material Br. Rental Costs per Unit of Service $21.15 Dther Costs (Equipment, Building Usage, Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required UnH Cost Disposal Service $150.00 divided by 30 days $5.00 $5.00 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $5.00 Fee Comparison Data More or (Less) than Arroyo Jurisdiction Fee per unit Grande's Fee per Unit of $109.18 Service Total Service Direct Costs City of Arroyo Grande $100.00 City-Wide General & Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $ 13.72 Grover Beach $15.00 hr N/A $122.90 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach $10.00 hr N/A RECOMMENDED FEE $100.00 San Luis Obispo $36.00 day -$64.00 -64% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 22.90 Santa Marla $40.00 day -60.00 -60% Current Fee Amount $100.00 Atascadero N/A N/A N/A Fee Increase (Decrease) $0 Paso Robles $10.00 hr N/A NIA Morro Bay $75.00 day -$25.00 ,25% User Fee Determination User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentfDivision Date Strother Park Barbecue Security 14 3400 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 Deposit all areas 1,2, and 3 Description of Service, Demand, S-ubsidy and Other Comments: Refundable key deposit and security to rent Strother Park barbecue areas 1,2, and 3, To assure areas are left in a reasonably clean condition. Collected at time of rental. P-ersonnel Costs Rates. Position Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor Cost/Hr. Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service Other Costs (Equipment, Building Usage, Part-time Labor w/o BeneTrtsJ Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Refundable key and security deposit. $50.00 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service Fee Comparison Data More or (Less) than Arroyo Jurisdiction Fee per unit Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $ Service City-Wide General & City of Arroyo Grande $50.00 day Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $ $ Grover Beach 0 0 0 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $50.00 Pismo Beach $200.00 -+$150.00 +300% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ San Luis Obispo $ 20.00 -$ 30.00 -60% Current Fee Amount $25.00 Santa Maria $ 60.00 -+$10.00 +20% Fee Increase (Decrease) $25.00 Atascadero Paso Robles $ 60.00 -+$10.00 +20% Morro Bay 0 -$50.00 -100% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date Rent Elm Street Park Barbecue 14 3400 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 area !>escriptlon of Service, Demand, Subsidy and Other Comments: Rental fees charged to rent the Elm street Park barbecue area for gatherings up to 75 persons. Fee to cover labor to clean the area and cover division overhead and City-Wide Administration fee. Personnel Costs Rates' Position Hours by Pos~ion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Un~ of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Maintenance Worker II $15.04 $6.50 11% $2.37 $23.91 1.5 $35.86 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4,31 $23.05 .50 $11.52 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $47.38 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service truck $7.50 1 $7.50 Waste can liners (6) .20 6 $1.20 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $8.70 Other Costs (Equipment, Building Usage, Part-time labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each. Quantity Required Unit Cost Disposal Service $150.00 30 days $5.00 $5.00 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $5.00 ee Companson Data Jurisdiction Fee per un~ More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Un~ of Service Total Service Direct Costs $61.08 City 01 Arroyo Grande $50.00 day Dollars Percentage City-Wide General & $7.68 Administrative" $68.76 Grover Beach $15.00 hr. N/A N/A Rate @ 12.57% Pismo Beach $10.00 hr. N/A N/A TOTAl.. SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $50.00 San Luis Obispo $36.00 day -$14.00 -28% Recommended Fund Subsidy $!fUL Santa Maria $40.00 day -$10.00 -20% Current Fee Amount $30.00 Atascadero NIA NIA NIA Fee Increase (Decrease) +$20.00 Paso Robles $10.00 hr. NIA NIA Morro Bay $75.00 $25.00 50% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date Elm Street Park Key and Security 14 3400 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 Deposit Descnptlon of Service, Demand, Subsidy and Jther Comments: Refundable key deposit and security to rent the Elm Street Park barbecue area to assure the area is left in a reasonably ,clean condition, Collected at time of rental. Personnel Costs Rates' Position Hours by Pos~ion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Dlv. Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Un~ Cost Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service Jther Costs (Equipment, Building usage, Part-time Labor w/o BenefitsT Description Cost Each Quantity Required U n~ Cost Refundable key and security deposit $25.00 $25.00 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service ee Companson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of T tal S . D. t C t $25 00 Service 0 eMce Irec os s , _ City-Wide General & City of Arroyo Grande $25.00 Day Administrative" Dollars Percentage Rate @ 12.57% $ Grover Beach $0 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT $200 RECOMMENDED FEE $25.00 Pismo Beach San Luis Obispo $20 Recommended Fund Subsidy $ Santa Maria $60 Current Fee Amount $10.00 Atascadero NfA NfA NfA Fee Increase (Decrease) + $15.00 (refundable) Paso Robles $60 Morro Bay $0 User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department Rates' Pos~ion Hours by Position Per Un~ Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benetns Dept. or Div: Total Burdened Un~ of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 .5 $4.50 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $18.39 Material & Hental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 .50 $3.75 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $3.75 Other costs (E.quIPment. Building Usage part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other Costs- per Unit of Service ee Companson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $22.14 Service City of Arroyo Grande $10.00 City-Wide General & $ 2.78 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $24.92 Grover Beach $5.00 -$5.00 -50% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $10.00 Pismo Beach N/A Recommended Fund Subsidy $14.92 San Luis Obispo $10 $0 0% Current Fee Amount $ 5.00 Santa Maria $8 -$2,00 -20% Fee Increase (Decrease) $5.00 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $6.25 -$3.75 -37% Morro Bay $3.50 -$6.50 ,65% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date Pilg Field Rental Fee (per hour) 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department scri tlon of Service ubsi ther Comments: Fee charged to rent Pilg Field for softball, baseball, football, or soccer use by individuals/teams, Teams/Individuals must contact the De~;utment and schedule a field use time, The field is dragged and prepared by the partctime Parks Maintenance orker, Rates. Position Straight Time Fringe Benems Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Posijion Per Unij Total Labor Cost per Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6,08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 ,5 $4.50 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4,77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $18.39 lIIaterial & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7,50 .50 $3.75 Total Material & Rental Cosls per Unit of Service $3.75 Other Costs (Eauipment. Buildlno Usaae Part-time Labor w/o BenefdSf Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other Cosls per Unit of Service ~eeComDansonDma Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $22.14 Service City at Arroyo Grande $10.00 City-Wide General & $ 2,78 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $24.92 Grover Beach $5.00 -$5.00 -50% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $10.00 Pismo Beach NIA Recommended Fund Subsidy $14.92 San Luis Obispo $10.00 $0 0% Current Fee Amount $ 5.00 Santa Maria $8 -$2.00 -20% Fee Increase (Decrease) $5.00 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $6.25 -$3.75 -37% Morro Bay $3.50 -$6.50 -65% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentjDivlslon Date Santos Field Rental Fee (per hour) 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department Description of Service. Demand. SUbsidy and Jther Comments: Fee charged to rent Santos Field (per hour) for Little Leafiue, baseball, football, or individualslteams, Teams or individuals must contact the Department and schedule a leld use time. The field is dragged and prepared by the part-time Maintenance Worker. Personnel Costs Rates' Pos~ion Hours by Pos~ion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefns Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Un~ of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor" $19.67 $6.76 23% $6,08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7.19 $,93 11% $.89 $9.01 .50 $4.50 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23,05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $18.39 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each . Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 .50 $3.75 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $3.75 Other Costs (Equipment, BUilding Usage, part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other Costs per Unit of Service eeCompansonDma Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $22.14 Service City of Arroyo Grande $10.00 City-Wide General & $ 2.78 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $24.92 Grover Beach $5.00 -$5.00 50% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $10.00 Pismo Beach N/A Recommended Fund Subsidy $14.92 San Luis Obispo $10 $0 O"k Current Fee Amount $ 5.00 Santa Maria $8 -$2.00 -20% Fee Increase (Decrease) $ 5.00 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $6.25 -$3.75 -37% Morro Bay $3.50 . -$6.50 -65% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentjDlvlslon Date 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department Rates. Position Hours by Position Per Unn T etal Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefns Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unn of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 .50 $4.50 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $18.39 Material &. Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost . Service Truck $7.50 .50 $3.75 Total Material It Rental Cos. per Unit of Service $3.75 Dther Costs (Eauipment. Buildina Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o -S-eneflts) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other Costs per Unit of Service I=ee Comoanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs 122.14 Service City 01 Arroyo Grande $10.00 City-Wide General & 2.78 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $24.92 Grover Beach $5.00 -$5.00 50% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Plsmo Beach N/A RECOMMENDED FEE $10.00 San Luis Obispo $10 $0 0% Recommended Fund Subsidy 114.92 Current Fee Amount 5.00 Santa Marla $8 -$2.00 -20% Fee Increase (Decrease) $ 5.00 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $6.25 -$3.75 ,37% Morro Bay $3.50 -$6.50 -65% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentjDlvlslon Date Volunteer Field Rental Fee with 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 lights (per hour) Department Description of Service. Demand. SUbSidY and ;.Jther comments: Fee charged to rent Volunteer Field (per hour) for baseball, soccer, or football, individuaVteam. Teams or individuals must contact the Department and schedule a field use time. Rentals cannot ~ractice past 10 p.m. The part-time Maintenance Worker checks, prepares the field, and turns lights on and off. here is a great demand to play and practice at night all year. Personnel Costs Rates' Position Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 ,25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 2.5 $22.52 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $ 4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $36.41 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 .50 $3.75 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $3.75 Other Costs (Equipment. BUildina Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Electricity cost per hour .13 x 26,000 $3.38 hour $3.38 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $3.38 ee Comparison Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $43.54 Service City of Arroyo Grande $20.00 per hr. City-Wide General & $ 5.47 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $49.01 Grover Beach $15.00 -$5 -40% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $20.00 Pismo Beach N/A Recommended Fund Subsidy $24,01 San Luis Obispo $20 0 -20% Current Fee Amount $20.00 Santa Maria $20 0 -20% Fee Increase (Decrease) 0 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $20 0 -20% Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Departmenf/Dlvlslon Date Ikeda Field Rental Fee (per hour) 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department Rates. Pos~ion Straight Time Fringe Benems Dept. or Dlv. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Un~ T etal Labor Cost per Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 .50 $4.50 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 . $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $18.39 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 .50 $3.75 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $3.75 Dther Costs (EquIDment. Building usaae.~rt-tlme Labor w/o BenernSJ Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost . Total Other Costs per Unit of Service I-ee ComD8nson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs 122.14 Service City of Arroyo Grande $10.00 City-Wide General & 2.78 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $24.92 Grover Beach $5.00 -$5.00 50% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $10,00 Plsmo Beach NIA Recommended Fund Subsidy 114.92 San Luis Obispo $10.00 $0 0% Current Fee Amount 5.00 Santa Marla $8 -$2.00 -20% Fee Increase (Decrease) $ 5.00 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $6.25 ,$3.75 -37% Morro Bay $3.50 -$6.50 -65% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department Rates. Position Straight Time Fringe Benetks Dept. or Div. Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Total Burdened Unit of Servloe Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7,19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 2.5 $22.52 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4,31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $36.41 Material &. Rental eosts Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 .50 $3,75 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $3.75 other Costs (I:QUIDment. 8UllCUna usa-<<~art-tlme Labor w/o 8ene'its) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Electricity cost per hour .13 x 26,000 $3.38 hour $3.38 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $3.38 Fee Companson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or tSS) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs 143.54 Service City of Arroyo Grande $25.00 per hr. City-Wide General & 5.47 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $49.01 Grover Beaoh $15.00 ,$10.00 -40% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $25.00 Plsmo Beaoh NIA Recommended Fund Subsidy 1:24.01 San Luis Obispo $20 ,$6.00 -20% Current Fee Amount 20.00 Santa Marla $20 ,$6.00 -20% Fee Increase (Decrease) $ 5.00 Atasoadero NIA Paso Robles $20 -$6.00 -20% Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvlslon Date Porter Field Rental Fee (per hour) 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department Rates. Posnlon Hours by posnlon Per Unn Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benetns Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unn of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 .75 $6.76 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $20.65 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 .75 $5.62 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $5.62 Other Costs (Equipment BUilding usajJe, ~art-tlme Labor w/o BenefitS) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other Costs per Unit of Service eecompanSOnUMa Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $26.27 Service City of Arroyo Grande $15.00 per hr. City-Wide General & $ 3.30 Dollars Percentage Administrative. Rate @ 12.57% $29.57 Grover Beach N/A TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $15..00 Plsmo Beach N/A Recommended Fund Subsidy 114.57 San Luis Obispo $10 -$5.00 -33% Current Fee Amount 5.00 Santa Marla $8 -$7.00 ,47% Fee Increase (Decrease) $10.00 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $6.25 -$9.75 -65% Morro Bay $14 ,$1.00 -7% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date Porter Field Rental Fee with lights 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 (per hour) Department scri tion of ervice emand Su sid an Ot er Comments: Fee charged to rent Porter Field (per hour) for baseball, soccer, or football, individuaVteam. Teams or individuals must contact the Department and schedule a field use time. Rentals cannot ~ractice past 10 p.m, The part-time Maintenance Worker checks, prepares the field, and turns lights on and off. here is a great demand to play and practice at night all year. Personne Costs Rates' . PosH ion Straight Time Fringe BenefHs Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor" $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 2.5 $22.52 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of $36.41 Service Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 .75 $5.62 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $5.62 Other Costs (Equipment. Building usage part-time labOr w/o BentRitS) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Electricity cost per hour .13 x 52,000 $6.76 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $6.76 ~eeCompansonD.a Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $48.79 Service City of Arroyo Grande $30.00 per hr. City-Wide General & $ 6.13 Dollars Percentage Administrative. Rate @ 12.57% $54.92 Grover Beach N/A TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $30.00 Pismo Beach NIA Recommended Fund.Subsidy $24.92 San Luis Obispo N/A Current Fee Amount $22.50 Santa Maria N/A Fee Increase (Decrease) $ 7.50 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles N/A Morro Bay N/A Use Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentfDivision Date Tennis Court rental 1 court 14 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 Rates' Pos~ion Hours by Pos~ion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benef~s Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostIHr. Administrative Secretary $13,97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23,05 .25 $5.76 Sports Facility Maintenance $14.68 $5.80 11% $2.25 $22.73 ,10 $2.27 Worker Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $8.03 Material & Hental (;osts Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service other Costs ~uipment BUlldlJ1g _usa.Ae ~rt-tlme LabOr w/o Ben~itS) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other Costs per Unit of Service ee Companson Data Jurisdiction Fee More or (Less) than Arroyo per unit Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $8,03 Service City-Wide General & $1.01 City 01 Arroyo Grande $5.00 hour Dollars Administrative" Percentage Rate @ 12.57% $9.04 0'% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Grover Beach $5.00 0 RECOMMENDED FEE $ 5.00 Pismo Beach NIA Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 4.04 San Luis Obispo $5.15 -1$.15 ()Ok Current Fee Amount $ 5.00 Santa Maria $2.00 -$3.00 -60% Fee Increase (Decrease) $0 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles NIA Morro Bay $3_50 -$1.50 ,30% Use Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentJl)ivision Date Rental fee to rent (4) tennis courts 14 3400 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 Descri tion of Service Demand Subsid and Other Comments: Fee to rent (4) tennis courts for a specific date and time (tournament, special event). Renters must contact the Department and schedule the date, The renter is required to post a notice at the courts at least one week before the reservation notifying the public of the tennis court use, there IS moderate demand for reservations. osts Rates' Position Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostIHr. Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23,05 .25 $5.76 Parks Supervisor $19.67 $6,79 11% $2.91 $29.37 .25 $7.34 Sports Facility Worker $14.68 $5.80 11% $2.25 $22.73 2.0 $45.46 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $58.56 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Waste can liners $.20 4 $.80 (4) nets $500 divided by 547 days $.91 (day) 4 $.91 Total Material & Rental Cos1B per Unit of Service $1.71 Other Costs {Eauipment. Building usaae. Part-time labor w70 Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service truck $7.50 2 $15.00 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $15.00 FeeComparisonDma Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Un~ of Service Total Service Direct Costs $75.27 $75.00 Dollars Percentage Ci~-Wide General & $ 9,46 city 01 Arroyo Grande A ministrative* Rate @ 12.57% $84.73 Grover Beach N/A TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach N/A RECOMMENDED FEE $75.00 San Luis Obispo Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 9.73 Current Fee Amount $75.00 Santa Maria Fee Increase (Decrease) $0 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles N/A MOllo Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentfDivision Date Food Booth Rental Fee 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department Rates' Position Hours by posnion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Maintenance Worker II $15,04 $6.50 11% $2.37 $23.91 1,0 $23.91 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $29.67 hr. ,... ... .. Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 1.0 $7.50 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $7.50 Other Costs (Equipment. BUildina Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o Benefits} Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost . Total Other CO$ts per Unit of Service Fee Companson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $37.17 Service city of Arroyo Grande $25.00 City-Wide General & $ 4.67 Dollars Percentage Administrative- Rate @ 12,57% $41.84 Grover Beach TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $25,00 Pi sma Beach Recommended Fund Subsidy $16.84 San Luis Obispo Current Fee Amount $25.00 Santa Maria Fee Increase (Decrease) 0 Atascadero Paso Robles Morro Bay User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepanmentfDivlsion Date Meeting Room Rental Fee (Soto) 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department Description of Service, Demand Subsidy and Other Comments: Cost to rent the meeting room at the Soto Sports Complex. The room is the location of the sport facility and (pt) Parks Maintenance Workers, The room is in hi1:Jh demand for use by Harvest Bag, Senior Pool Club, little League, Soccer, and Football (one time use). The City IS subsidizing the use 100%. :Jersonnel Costs Rates' Position Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Dlv. Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.76 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 . Sport Facility Main. Worker $14.68 $5.80 11% $2.25 $22.73 .25 $5.69 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $19.58 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Material " Rental Costs per Unit of Service Other Costs (Equipment, Building UsaQe. Part-time Labor w/o Benefns) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Electric .13 x 2,000 ,26 per hour 1 hour $.26 Gas $55.00 divided by 30 $1.83 divided by 8 equals $.23 .23 per hour 1 hour $.23 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $.49 ee Comparison Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ss) than Arroyo $20.07 Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs Service City-Wide General & city 01 Arroyo Grande Administrative" $ 252 Dollars Percentage Rate @ 12.57% $22.59 Grover Beach TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $15.00 Pismo Beach Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 7.59 San Luis Obispo Current Fee Amount $0 Santa Maria Fee Increase (Decrease) NEW FEE . Atascadero Paso Rabies Morro Bay User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentjDlvIslon Date Field Prep Fees all except Porter 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department Rates. Position Straight Time Fringe Benetits Dept. or Dlv. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Unit 0/ Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor" $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 ,25 $8.13 Parks Main. Worker (pt) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 .50 $4,50 - Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $12.63 lIIatenal & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Bag Chalk ($3.80 each) $3.80 ,50 $1.90 Uner $260 divided by 240 days $1.08 1.0 $1.08 (day) Misc. tools (rakes, shovels, etc.) $300 divided by 240 $1.25 (misc.) $1.25 Total Material &. Rental Costs per Unit of Seryice $4.23 Jther Costs (Eauipment. Buildina Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 .50 $3.75 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $3.75 Fee ComD8nson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $20.61 Service City of AIToyo Grande $15.00 City-Wide General & $2,59 Dollars Percentage Administrative' Rate @ 12.57% $23.20 . Grover Beach $15.00 $0 OOk TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $15.00 Plsmo Beach $10.00 -$5.00 -33% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 8.20 San Luis Obispo $25.00 -$10.00 -66% Current Fee Amount $10.00 Santa Maria $15.00 $0 0% Fee Increase (Decrease) $ 5.00 A1ascadero $16.00 +$1.00 7% Paso Robles $25.00 +$10.00 -H>6% Morro Bay $23.50 +8.50 +67% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date 14 002 Parks Division 2-11-97 Rates' Position Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. T otai Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $ 8.13 Parks Maint. Worker (PT) $ 7.19 $ .93 11% .89 $9.01 1.0 $ 9.01 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $17.14 !IIaterlal &. Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Bag chalk ($3.80 each) $3.80 1 $3.80 Uner $260.00 divided by 240 days $1.80 1.0 $1.08 Misc. tools (rakes, shovels, etc) 300 divided by 240 $1.25 (misc) $1.25 Total Material &: Rental Costs per Unit of Service $6.13 Other Costs (EauiDment Buildina Usaae Part-time labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 1 hr, $7.50 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $7,50 ee ComDanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $ 30.77 Service City of Arroyo Grande $25.00 City-Wide General & $ 3.87 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $ 34.64 Grover Beach NIA TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $ 25,00 Pismo Beach $15.00 -$10.00 -40% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 9.64 San Luis Obispo NIA Current Fee Amount $ 20.00 Santa Maria N/A Fee Increase (Decrease) $ 5.00 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $25.00 $0 O"k Morro Bay NIA User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvialo" Date Toumament Schedule and 14 3400 002 Parks and Recreation 2-11-97 Coordination Fee Department Rates' Position Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Hours by Pos~ion Per Un~ Total Labor Cost per Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Parks Supervisor $19.67 $6.79 11% $2.91 $29.37 .25 $ 7.34 Recreation Supervisor II $19,67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $ 8.13 Adminstrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 ,50 $11.52 Sport Facility Worker $14.68 $5.80 11% $2.25 $22.73 1,00 $22.73 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $49.72 Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Waste Can Liners .20 28 $5.60 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $5.60 other costs (~qUlpment. BUU(U~ ~sa..ae. t'art-tlme Labor w/o Ben~itsJ Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Service Truck $7.50 1 $ 7.50 I Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $ 7.50 Fee companson uata Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $62.82 Service City of Arroyo Grande $50.00 City-Wide General & ~ 7,89 Dollars Percentage Administrative> Rate @ 12.57% 70,71 Grover Beach N/A TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $50.00 Pismo Beach NIA Recommended Fund Subsidy $20.71 San Luis Obispo N/A Current Fee Amount $0 Santa Maria NIA Fee Increase (Decrease) NEW FEE Atascadero N/A Paso Robles NIA Morro Bay NIA User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Departmenf/Division Date Toumament Deposit Fee 14 3400 002 Parks & Recreation 2-11-97 Department [)escriDtlon of Service. Demand. Subsidy and other comments: Refundable deposit fee required of any individual, group, organization, or team that requests rental of the Soto Sports Complex for a tournament or special event. There is a great demand to rent the complex for specific toumaments or special events. A $200 deposit would insure payment for use prior to the event. J)ersonnel Costs Rates' Posnion Hours by posnion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unn of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostIHr. Tota' Burdened Personnel Coata Per Unit of Service Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Tote! Material & Rental Coate per Unit of Service Other Costs IEauioment. BUlldlno Usaae. Part-time LaDer w/o BenefitS) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unn Cost Total Other Coate per UniI of Service I=ee Comoanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Gran.de's Fee per Unit of T tal S ' Di t C t $200 00 Service 10 elVlce rec os s . . City-Wide General & City 01 Arroyo Grande $200.00 D II P ta Administrative" oars ercen ge Rate @ 12.57% N/A Grover Beach NlA TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $200.00 Pismo Beach NlA Recommended Fund Subsidy _0 San Luis Obispo $100.00 -$100.00 -50% Current Fee Amount _0 Santa Maria $150.00 -$50.00 ,25% Fee Increase (Decrease) NEW FEE $50 00 $ 0 00 75.' (refundable deposit) Atascadero . - 15 . - '" Paso Robles $250.00 +$50.00 +25% Morro Bay $500.00 +300.00 +150% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvialon Dilts Spring Softball League 14 3614 022 Parks and Recreation 2-11-97 Department Rates' posnlon Hours by Position Per Unn Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benetns Dept. or Dlv. T oIal Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 3.7 $120.29 Com, Building Coordinator $8.07 $1.04 23% $2.10 $11.21 1.5 $16.82 Sports Facilities Main. Worker $14.68 $5,80 11% $2.25 $22.73 1.25 $28.41 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23,05 .50 $11.52 Parks Main. Worker (p.t.) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 1,25 $11.26 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $188.29 Material &. Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Softballs $4.50 5 $22.50 Score books $4.50 1 $4,50 Awards $270.00 league 1 (6 teams) $45.00 League memberships and insurance $45.00 1 $45.00 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $117.00 Other Costs lI:aUiDment, Building usage, Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Ughts $ 2.00 game 10 $20.00 Umpires $15.00 ,5 X 10 games $75.00 Scorekeepers $ 7.50 .5 x 10 games $37.50 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $132.50 i:ee Comparison Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or tSS) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs \437.79 Service City of Arroyo Grande $425.00 City-Wide General & 55.03 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $492.82 Grover Beach NIA TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $425.00 Plsmo Beach N/A Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 67.82 San Luis Obispo $380 -$45.00 -11% Current Fee Amount $410.00 Santa Marla $397.00 -$27.00 ,Ph> Fee Increase (Decrease) +$15.00 Atascadero $375.00 -$50.00 ,12% Paso Robles $385.00 -$40.00 -9% Morro Bay $390.00 -$35.00 -8% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvtsion Date Summer Softball League 14 3614 022 Parks and Recreation 2-11-97 Department Description of Service. Deman d. SubSidy and Other Comments: Fee per team (unit) to ~articipate in the City organized Adult Slow Pitch Softball League. All ~ames are played at the Soto Sports Complex, The figures elow are based upon 60 teams. Each team plays 10 games and qua ifYin~ teams will participate in best 2 out of 3 playoff at the end of the season. Fee comparison based on 1996 season. Current subsi 17%. Personnel Costs Rates' Pos~ion Hours by Pos~lon Per Un~ Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benef~s Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 3.7 $120.29 Com. Building Coordinator $8.07 $1.04 23% $2.10 $11.21 1.1 $12.33 Sports Facilities Main. Worker $14.68 $5.80 11% $2.25 $22.73 1.0 $22.73 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23,05 .50 $11.52 Parks Main. Worker (p.t.) $7.19 $.93 11% $.89 $9.01 1.0 $9.01 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $175.88 Material &. Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Softballs $4.50 6 $27.00 Scorebooks $4.50 1 $4.50 Awards $270.00 league 1 (6 teams) $45.00 League memberships and insurance $45.00 1 $45.00 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $121.50 other Costs lEQuipment, 6UIICllng Usage Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Lights $ 2.00 game 11 $22.00 Umpires $15.00 .5 X 11 games $82.50 Scorekeepers $ 7.50 ,5 x 11 games $41.25 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $145.75 Fee ComDal1son Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs \443.13 Service $425.00 City-Wide General & 55,70 City 01 Arroyo Grande Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $498.83 Grover Beach NlA TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $425.00 Pismo Beach N/A Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 73.83 San Luis Obispo $380 -$45.00 -11% Current Fee Amount $415,00 Santa Maria $397.00 -$27.00 -7% Fee Increase (Decrease) +$10.00 Atascadero $375.00 -$50.00 ,12% Paso Robles $385.00 -$40.00 -9% Morro Bay $390.00 -$35.00 -8% ) User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvislon Date 14 3614 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Rates. Posnion Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benelns Dept. or Dlv. Total Burdened Unit of SeMce Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 5.0 $162.55 Scorekeepers (2) $7.00 $14.00 5.0 $70.00 Officials (2) $14.00 $28.00 5.0 $140.67 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4,31 $23.05 .50 $11.00 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $384.07 Material &. Rental costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Scorebooks 30 Teams $4.50 8 $1.20 team Gym Rental (including custodiians) $33.45 per hr 155 $172.83 team Awards (per league) 6 teams each league $240.00 league 6 teams $40.00 team Basketballs. $55.00 2 $ 3.67 team Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $217.70 other costs (Equipment. Building Usage, t'srt-tlme Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other Costs per Unit of Service ee Companson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~SS) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs \601.77 Service City of Arroyo Grande $450.00 City-Wide General & 75.64 DQllars Percen1age Administrative* Rate @ 12.57% $677.41 Grover Beach NIA TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $450.00 Pismo Beach NIA Recommended Fund Subsidy $227.41 San Luis Obispo $445.00 -$5.00 -1% Current Fee Amount $450.00 Santa Maria $398.00 -$52.00 -11.5% Fee Increase (Decrease) +$0 Atascadero $370.00 -$80.00 -18% Paso Robles $385.00 -$65.00 -14% Morro Bay $425.00 -$25.00 -5.5% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvlslon Date Adult Co-ed Volleyball League 14 3614 022 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Description of Service Deman d. Subsidy and Other Comments: Fee per team (unit) to carticipate in the Cith organized Cooed Volleyball League. This is a contractual ~rogram. The league director schedu es and supervises t e activity. The City advertises and collects fees. 70% to t e league director. 30% to the City. No officials or scorers are paid. Based on 12 teams. Personnel Costs Rates. Posnlon Dept. or Dlv. T olal Burdened Hours by posnlon Per Unn Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Unn of Service Labor Overhead Labor Cost/Hr. Recreation Supervisor" $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 1.0 $32.51 Administrative Secretary $13,97 $4,77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $38.27 per team Material &. Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost No gym rental or equipment costs 0 0 0 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service Other Costs (Eauipment. Buildlna Usaae Part-time Labor w/o Benerns) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost League Director 70% x $150.00 = $105.00 $105.00 1 $105.00 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $105.00 per team I=ee Comoanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs \143.27 Service $160.00 City-Wide General & 18.00 CI1y 01 Arroyo Grande Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $161.27 Grover Beach N/A TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $160.00 Plsmo Beach $120.00 -$40.00 -25% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 1.27 San Luis Obispo $200.00 +$40.00 +25% Current Fee Amount $150.00 Sarna Marla $198.00 -+$38.00 +24% Fee Increase (Decrease) $10.00 Atascadero $225.00 +$65.00 +40% Paso Robles $185.00 -+$25.00 +15% Morro Bay N/A "S.L.O" S,M" ATAS., AND PASO PAY THEIR OFFICIALS User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmMd/DIvI"on DlI1e 14 3614 022 Recreation Division 2-11-97 omments: No other local Cities are Rales' Posh Ion Hours by Poshlon Per Unh T alai Labor Cosl per Straight Time Fringe Benefhs Dept. or Div. T alai Burdened Unh of Service Labor Overhead Labor CoslIHr. Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23 % $6.08 $32.51 1.75 $56.89 Adminstrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service $62.65 Platerlal & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Gym Rental (including custodiians) $33.45 per hour $33.45 1.5 $50.17 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $50.17 Dther Costs (Equipment, Bulldlna USaae. Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Timer $7.00 hr. 1.5 $10.50 Total Other Costs per Unit of ServiCe $10.50 Fee Comoanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $123.32 Service City 01 Arroyo Grande $125.00 City-Wide General & $15.50 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $138.32 Grover Beach NIA TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT N/A RECOMMENDED FEE $125.00 Plsmo Beach Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 13.32 San Luis Obispo NIA Current Fee Amount $80.00 Sanla Marla NIA Fee Increase (Decrease) +$45.00 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles N/A Morro Bay NIA User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet Uur Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Division Date Non Resident Fee 14 3614 Recreation Division 2-11-97 - Rates * Pos~ion Hours by Pos~ion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Un~ of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Total Burdened Personnel Costs Per Unit of Service Material & Hental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Un~ Cost Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service other costs (EquIPment Bundlna Usage, part-time LabOr w/o ~eneTitS) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Un~ Cost Out of Town Resident $6.00 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $6.00 ee companson uata Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of $6.00 Service Total Service Direct Costs City of Arroyo Grande $6.00 City-Wide General & Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57"10 Grover Beach NIA TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach NIA RECOMMENDED FEE $6.00 Recommended Fund Subsidy - 0 San Luis Obispo $8.00 $2.00 34% Current Fee Amount $5.00 Santa Maria NIA Fee Increase (Decrease) +$1.00 Atascadero $5.00 -$1.00 -16% Paso Robles NIA Morro Bay $12 team NIA NIA User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentfDlvlslon Date 14 3614 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Rates. Pos~ion Total Burdened Hours by Pos~ion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benef~s Dept. or Div. Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostIHr. . Pre-School Teacher (2) $9.21 $.72 23% $2.28 $12.21 1.0 $24.42 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Recreation Supervisor I $16,18 $4,69 23% $4.80 $25.67 .50 $12.83 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $43.01 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials $.52 1.0 $,52 . Games $333.00 per year $.11 1.0 $.11 Balls, etc. $.11 1.0 $.11 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.74 other Costs lEQuiDment, Buildlna Usaae. Part-time Labor wlo Benefits\ Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies 12 x 3 $.36 1.0 $.36 Utilities Elm StreetlMaintenance $.72 1.0 $.72 Mailing $.32 divided by 2 $.16 1.0 $.16 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $1.24 ee Com Danson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $44.99 Service City of Arroyo Grande $2.50 City-Wide General & $ 5.66 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $50.65 Grover Beach $2.37 -$.13 -5% divide by 20$ 2.53 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $ 2.50 Pismo Beach NIA Recommended Fund Subsidy $ -.03 San Luis Obispo NIA Current Fee Amount $ 2.48 Santa Maria $2.92 +$.44 +18% Fee Increase (Decrease) +$ 02 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $2.44 -$.04 -1.5% Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Depal1mentJDlvision Date Pre-School Play and Learn Mon, 14 3614 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Weds. Fri. scrl tlon 0 man u a r omments: This fee is established to partially offset the cost incurred by the City to ~rovide a structural pre-school program for 3-5 year olds. Students are taught numbers, letters, colors, readin~ and socialization s ills in pre~aration for Kinder~arten. The program meets at the Elm Street Center Monday, Wednesday, and riday, 9-12 a.m., There is a igh demand for this program. Average hourly attendance is 20 students. Personne Costs Rates. Position Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Pre-School Teacher (2) $9.21 $.72 23% $2.28 $12.21 1.0 $24,42 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Recreation Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25,67 ,50 $12,83 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $43.01 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials $.52 1.0 $.52 Games $333.00 per year $.11 1.0 $.11 Equipment $.11 1.0 $.11 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.74 Other Costs IEauiDment. 8Uildlna Usaae Part-time Labor w/o 8enefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies 12 x 3 $.36 1.0 $.36 Utilities Elm Street! Maintenance $72 1.0 $.72 Mailing $.32 divided by 2 $.16 1.0 $.16 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $1.24 Fee Com Danson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or tSS) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $44.99 Service City 01 Arroyo Grande $2.25 City-Wide General & $ 5.66 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12,57% $50.65 Grover Beach $2_37 -$.12 -4% divide by 20$ 2.53 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach NIA RECOMMENDED FEE $ 2.25 Recommended Fund Subsidy $ .28 San Luis Obispo NIA Current Fee Amount $ 2.08 Santa Maria $2.92 +$.67 +29% Fee Increase (Decrease) + $ .17 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $2.44 -$.19 -SOk Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentfDlvlslo" Date 3614 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Rates' Pos~ion Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benems Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Un~ of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Pre-School Teacher (2) $9.21 $.72 23% $2.28 $12.21 1.0 $24.42 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Recreation Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25,67 .50 $12.83 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $43.01 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required . Unit Cost Craft Materials $,52 1.0 $.52 Games $333.00 per year $.11 1,0 $.11 Equipment $.11 1.0 $.11 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.74 Other Costs IEauiDment. Buildina Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies 12 x 3 $.36 1.0 $.36 Utilities Elm StreeVmaintenance $.72 1.0 $.72 Mailing $.32 divided by 2 $.16 1.0 $.16 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $1.24 Fee Com Danson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Service Total Service Direct Costs $44.99 City of Arroyo Grande $2.25 City-Wide General & ~ 5.66 Dollars Percentage Administrative' Rate @ 12,57% 50.65 Grover Beach $2.37 -$.12 -4% divide by 20$ 2.53 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach NIA RECOMMENDED FEE $ 2.25 Recommended Fund Subsidy $ .28 San Luis Obispo NIA Current Fee Amount $ 2.08 Santa Maria $2.92 +$.67 +29% Fee Increase (Decrease) + $ .17 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $2.44 -$.19 -8% Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentJDlvIsion Date Pre-School Play and Learn 14 3614 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Summer Session Rates' Pos~ion Hours by Pos~ion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Beneftts Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Un~ of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Pre-School Teacher (2) $9.21 $.72 23% $2.28 $12.21 1.0 $24.42 Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Recreation Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25.67 .5.0 $12,83 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $43.01 \/Iaterlal & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials $.52 1.0 $.52 Games $333.00 per year $.11 1.0 $.11 Equipment $.11 1.0 $,11 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.74 other Costs (Equipment, Building Usage Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies 12 x 3 $.36 1.0 $.36 Utilities Elm Street / maintenance $.72 1.0 $.72 Mailing $.32 divided by 2 $.16 1.0 $.16 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $1.24 ee Com Danson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $44.99 Service City of Arroyo Grande $2.25 City-Wide General & $ 5.66 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $50.65 Grover Beach $2.37 -$.12 -4% divide by 20$ 2.53 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $ 2.25 Pismo Beach NIA Recommended Fund Subsidy $ .28 San Luis Obispo N/A Current Fee Amount $ 2.08 Santa Maria $2.92 +$.67 +29% Fee Increase (Decrease) + $ .17 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $2.44 -$.19 -8% Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Descriptio" Fund Program Account Department/Dlvision Date Pre-School Play and Learn 14 3614 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Registration Fee Description OT :service, Demand, :subslay ana Dther Comments: This fee is established to partia~ offset the cost incurred by the City for registration of Pre-School Play and Learn students, Emergency forms an shot records are needed for each student. Questions regarding the program are answered during registration. This is a high demand program. ;Jersonnel costs Rates' Posnion Hours by posnion Per Unn Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benelns Dep!. or Div. Total Burdened Unn 01 Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Administrative Secretary $13.97 $4.77 23% $4.31 $23.05 .25 $5.76 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Servic, $5.76 Matenal &: Hental ~osts Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unn Cost Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service Other Costs ~uIJ~ment Budaing usage, ~art-tlme Labor w/o BenefitS) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other Costs per Unit of Service eeComparisonDma Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $5.76 Service City of Arroyo Grande $5.00 City-Wide General & $ ,72 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $6.48 Grover Beach $35.00 -+$30.00 -+600% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $5.00 Pismo Beach $35.00 -+$30.00 -+600% Recommended Fund Subsidy $1.48 San Luis Obispo $26.00 -+$21.00 +400% Current Fee Amount $0 Santa Maria $25.00 +$20.00 +400% Fee Increase (Decrease) $NEW FEE Atascadero NIA Paso Robles NIA Morro Bay $7.00 -+$2.00 +40% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvlsion Date AM/PM Child Care Kindergarten 14 3614 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Elm Street Center DescriDtion of Service. Deman d, SubsidY and Jther Comments: This fee is established to crcartially offset the cost incurred by the City to provide before and after school child care for kinde~arten age children who attend cen VIew and Harloe Elementa1- Schools. Program hours are 7 a.m to 6 p.m. Monday through riday. Recreation Teachers and Assistants provide supervision. he School District provides bus transportation. Average hourly attendance is 12 students, There is a moderate demand. I)ersonnel Costs Rates' Posrrion Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unrr Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefns Dept. or Div. Unrr of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Coordinator $8,99 $1.16 23% $2.33 $12.48 1.0 $12.48 Teacher $7.45 $.62 23% $1.86 $9.93 1.0 $9.93 Recreation Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25.67 .15 $3.85 Assistant III $4.75 $.39 23% $1.18 $6.32 1.0 $6.32 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $32,58 . Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials (cost per hour for 1,778.5 hours) $.06 1.0 $.06 Games ($1,250 per year) $.02 1.0 $.02 Balls, etc. $.01 1.0 $.01 Total Material & Rental CosUl per Unit of Service $.09 Other CostS. tEauiDment, Buildlna Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies $,12 1.0 $.12 Utilities Elm Street/Maintenance $.24 3.0 $.72 Bus transportation $.72 1,0 $.72 Mailing $.32 1.0 $.32 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $1.88 eeComDansonDma Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $34.55 Service City of Arroyo Grande $2.50 City-Wide Generaf & $ 4.34 Dollars Percentage Administrative' Rate @ 12.57% $38.89 NIA divide by 12$ 3.24 Grover Beach TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $ 2.50 Pismo Beach NIA Recommended Fund Subsidy $ .74 San Luis Obispo NIA $ 2.50 Current Fee Amount Santa Maria NIA Fee Increase (Decrease) $0 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles NIA Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description . Fund Program Account DepartmentJDiviaion Date AMlPM Child Care Branch School 14 3614 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Rates. Position Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostIHr. Coordinator $8.99 $1.16 23% $2,33 $12.48 1.0 $12.48 Teacher $7,45 $,62 23% $1.86 $9.93 1.0 $9.93 Recreation Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25.67 .25 $ 6.42 Assistant III $4.75 $.39 23% $1.18 $6.32 1.0 $6.32 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $ 35.15 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials (cost per hour for 1,778.5 hours) $.06 1.0 $.06 Games ($1,250 per year) $.02 1,0 $,02 Balls, etc. $.01 1.0 $.01 Total Material ,. Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.09 :>ther Costs (Eauipment. Buildina Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies $.12 1.0 $.12 Mailing $.32 1.0 $.32 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $.44 I=ee Companson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $35.68 Service City of Arroyo Grande $2.25 City-Wide General & ~4.48 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12,57% 40.16 $2.50 $.25 +11% divide by 12$ 3.35 Grover Beach TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $ 2.25 Pismo Beach $2.50 $.25 +11% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 1.10 San Luis Obispo $2.30 $.05 +2% Current Fee Amount $ 2.00 Santa Maria $1.95 -$.30 -13% Fee Increase (Decrease) +$ ,25 Atascadero N/A Paso Robies $2.00 -$.25 -11% Morro Bay User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepertmentJDivlslon Dete AMIPM Child Care Ocean View 14 3614 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 School Description of Service. Demand. SUbsidY and Other Comments: This fee is established to partially offset the cost incurred by the City for before and after school child care at Ocean View Elementary School. Programs hours are 7-8:30 a.m. and 3-6 p.m" on normal days. Hours on holidays and special work days are 7 a.m, to 6 p.m. Recreation teachers and assistants provide supervision. The recommended fee is $2.25 per hour, Average hourly attendance is 35. This is a high demand program, Personnel Costs Rates' Pos~ion Hours by Pos~ion Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe BeneIRs Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Coordinator $8.99 $1.16 23% $2.33 $12.48 1.0 $12.48 Teacher $7.45 $.62 23% $1.86 $9.93 1.0 $9.93 Recreation Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25.67 .50 $12.84 Assistant Teacher $6,68 $.67 23% $1.69 $9.04 1.0 $9.04 Assistant I $5,65 $.47 23% $1.41 $7.53 1.0 $7.53 Assistant II (2) $5.39 $.44 23% $1.34 $7,17 1.0 $14.34 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $66.16 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials (cost per hour for 1,778.5 hours) $.06 1,0 $.06 Games ($1 ,250 per year) $.02 1.0 $.02 Balls, etc, $.01 1.0 $.01 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.09 Jther Costs (Equipment. Buildina Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o S-enefits) Description I Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies $.12 1.0 $,12 Mailing $.32 1.0 $.32 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $.44 ee Comparison Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $66.69 Service City ot Arroyo Grande $2.25 City-Wide General & $ 8.38 Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% $75,07 Grover Beach $2.50 $.25 +11% divide by 35 $ 2.14 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT $.25 RECOMMENDED FEE $ 2.25 Pismo Beach $2.50 +11% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ - .11 San Luis Obispo $2.30 $.05 2% Current Fee Amount $ 2.00 Santa Maria $1.95 -$.30 -13% Fee Increase (Decrease) $ .25 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $2.00 -$.25 ,11% Morro Bay User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentjDlvlaion Date 14 3614 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Rates. Position Fringe Benems Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Coordinator $8.99 $1.16 23% $2.3~ $12.48 1.0 $12.48 Teacher $7.45 $.62 23% $1.86 $9,93 1.0 $9.93 Recreation Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25.67 .50 $12.84 Assistant Teacher $6.68 $.67 23% $1.69 $9.04 1.0 $9.04 Assistant I $5,65 $.47 23% $1.41 $7.53 1.0 $7.53 Assistant (( (2) $5,39 $.44 23% $1.34 $7.17 1.0 $14,34 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $66.16 Matenal &. Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials (cost per hour for 1,778.5 hours) $.06 1.0 $.06 Games ($1.250 per year) $.02 1,0 $,02 Balls, etc. $,01 1.0 $.01 Total Material .. Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.09 other Costs IEauiDment, Building Usaae Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies $.12 1.0 $.12 Mailing $.32 1.0 $.32 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $.44 eeCompansonD_a Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $66.69 Service City of Arroyo Grande $2.25 City-Wide General $ 8.38 Dollars Percentage Administrative. Rate @ 12.57% $75.07 Grover Beach $2.50 $.25 +11% divide by 35$ 2.14 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT $2.50 $.25 RECOMMENDED FEE $2.25 Plsmo Beach +11% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ -.11 San Luis Obispo $2.30 $.05 2"k Current Fee Amount $ 2.00 Santa Maria $1.95 -$.30 -13% Fee Increase (Decrease) +$ .25 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $2.00 -$.25 -11% Morro Bay $2.25 0 0% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Divislo" Date AMIPM Registration 14 3614 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 DescriDtlon of Service, Deman d, Subsidy and Other COmments: This fee is established to J?artially offset the cost incurred by the City for registration of Children in Motion students, Students are required to fill out man6 forms, thus time is spent by Coordinators and Teachers answering questions and filing, (Emergency, phone num ers, health, waivers). This IS a high demand program, Personnel Costs Rales' Posnion Hours by posnion Per Unn Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Dlv. Total Burdened Unn of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Coordinator $8.99 $1.16 23% $2.33 $12.48 .50 $7.79 Teacher $7,45 $.62 23% $1.86 $9.93 .50 $4.96 Total Burdened Personel Coats Per Unit of Service $12.75 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost . Total Material & Rental Coats per Unit of Service Other Costs (EauiDment BUIICllna Usaae. part-time LabOr W!O BenefitS) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost . Total Other Costs per Unit of Service Fee ComDanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of . Service Total Service Direct Costs $12,75 City of Arroyo Grande $10.00 City-Wide General & $ 1.60 Dollars Percentage Administrative' Rate @ 12.57% $14.35 Grover Beach $35.00 +$25.00 +250% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach $35.00 +$25.00 +250% RECOMMENDED FEE $10.00 Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 4.35 San Luis Obispo $26.00 +$16.00 +160% Current Fee Amount $0 Santa Maria $25.00 +$15.00 +150% Fee Increase (Decrease) + $10.00 Atascadero N/A NEW FEE Paso Robles N/A Morro Bay $7.00 -$3.00 -30% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvlslon Date 3614 000 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Rates. Posnion Total Burdened Hours by posnion Per Unn Total labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benems Dept. or Div. Unn of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Senior Leader $6.93 $.57 23% $1.73 $9.23 1.0 $9.23 Asst. Senior Leader $5.39 $.44 23% $1,34 $7.17 1.0 $7,17 Recreation Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25.67 .20 $5.13 Recreation Leader " $5,24 $.43 23% $1 .30 $6.97 1.0 $6.97 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $28.50 Material & Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials $.20 1.0 $.20 Games $1,000 allocated for 3 programs $.17 1.0 $.17 Balls $,15 1.0 $.15 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.52' Dther Costs (Equipment Building Usage Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies $.06 1.0 $.06 Mailing $.08 1.0 $.08 Total Other Coats per Unit of Service $.14 eeComDansonData Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $29.16 Service City 01 Arroyo Grande $1.66 hr City-Wide General & 1:3.67 rounded Dollars Percentage Administrative" Rate @ 12.57% 32.83 divide b 15 $ 2.19 Grover Beach NIA TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNll Pismo Beach NIA RECOMMENDED FEE $ 1.67 Recommended Fund Subsidy $ .53 San Luis Obispo NIA Current Fee Amount $ 1.66 Santa Maria NIA . Fee Increase (Decrease) $ 0 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $.25 --$1.40 -85% Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Deplll1ment/Dlvision Date Summer Playground Elm Street 14 3614 000 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Center Rates" Position Dept. or Div. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor Cos1JHr. Senior leader $6.93 $.57 23% $1,73 $9.23 1.0 , $9.23 Asst. Senior leader $5,39 $.44 23% $1.34 $7,17 1.0 $7.17 Recreation Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25.67 .50 $12.83 Recreation leader II (2) $5.24 $.43 23% $1.30 $6.97 1.0 $13.94 Total Burdened Person.1 Costs Per Unit of Service $43.17 Material &. Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials $.20 1.0 $.20 Games $1,000 allocated for 3 programs $.17 1.0 $.17 Balls $.15 1.0 $.15 Total Material " Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.52 other Costs (EauiDment. Buildlna Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o BenelitsT Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies $.06 1.0 $.06 UtilitieslMaintenance $.72 1.0 $.72 Mailing $,08 1,0 $.08 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $ .88 ee Comoanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~ess) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Service Total Service Direct Costs $44.55 City of Arroyo Grande $1.60 hr Dollars City-Wide General & rounded Percentage Administrative" \5.60 Rate @ 12,57% 50.15 Grover Beach N/A divide by 30$ 1.6..7 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach NIA RECOMMENDED FEE $ 1,58. R$Commended Fund Subsidy $ .09 San Luis Obispo NIA Current Fee Amount $ 1.72 Santa Maria N/A Fee Increase (Decrease) $ -.14 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $.25 Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Dep.rtmllnt/Dlvislon Dlde Winter/Spring Holiday Playground 14 3614 000 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Description of Service. Deman d. SubsidY and other Comments: This fee is established to offset C~ e~enditures for the Winter and Spring Playgrounds at Elm Street Community Center. The pr09ram hours are from 9-4 p.m. on ay through Friday. Children ages 4 1/2 to 13 years participate in supervised games, crafts, fiel trips, and holiday activities. There is a moderate demand for this program. 24 children participate in this program. The cost is $12.00 per day, Personnel Costs Rates' Pos~ion Dept. or Dlv. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit T olal Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Beneflls Un~ of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Senior leader $6.93 $.57 23% $1.73 $9.23 1.0 $9.23 Asst. Senior leader $5,39 $,44 23% $1.34 $7.17 1,0 $7.17 Recreation. Supervisor I $16.18 $4.69 23% $4.80 $25.67 .50 $12.83 Recreation leader II $5.24 $,43 23% $1.30 $6.97 1.0 $6.97 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $36.20 !/Iaterlal &. Rental Costs Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Craft Materials $,20 1.0 $,20 Games $1,000 allocated for 3 programs $,17 1.0 $.17 Balls $.15 1.0 $.15 Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $.52 "'her costs (Eauipment. Buildina Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Copies $,06 1.0 $.06 UtilitieslMaintenance $,72 1.0 $.72 Mailing $,08 1.0 $.08 Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $ .86 ee Comoanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Service Total Service Direct Costs $37.58 city 01 Arroyo Grande $1.75 hr Dollars City-Wide General & rounded Percentage Administrative' /. 4.72 Rate @ 12.57% 42.30 Grover Beach NIA divide by 24$ 1.76 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach NIA RECOMMENDED FEE $ 1.72 Recommended Fund Subsidy $ ,04 San Luis Obispo NIA Current Fee Amount $ 1.72 Sanla Marla NIA Fee Increase (Decrease) $0 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $.25 -$1.50 ,86% Morro Bay N/A User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Department/Dlvislon Date 14 3400 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Rates. Position Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benefits Dept. or Dlv. Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Building Coordinator $8.07 $1.04 23%$2.10 $11.21 1.0 $12.08 Janitorial (Full Time) $12.78 $4,97 23% $2.13 $19.88 1.0 $19.88 Building Supervisor $6.27 $.52 23% $1.56 $8.35 1.0 $8.35 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $40.31 osts Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Janitorial Supplies - toilet paper, towels, cleaners, can liners $10.83 per day 10. hrs $1.08 per hour Total Material & Rental Costs per Unit of Service $1.08 Dther Costs (EauiDment. Buildina Usaae. Part-time labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Utilities (gas, electric, garbage) $325 mo. 30 days $10.83 per day 10. hrs $1.08 per hour Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $1.08 Fee ComDarison Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Service Total Service Direct Costs $ 42.47 City of Arroyo Grande $250.00 Dollars Percentage City-Wide General & divided by 8 Administrative" I 5.34 $31.25 Rate @ 12.57% 47.81 Grover Beach $43.75 +$12.50 +29"10 TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT RECOMMENDED FEE $ 31.25 Pismo Beach $70.00 +$38.75 -+05% REK?ommended Fund Subsidy $ 16.56 San Luis Obispo $43.75 +12.50 +29% Current Fee Amount $ 15,00 Santa Maria $67.18 +$35.93 -+04% Fee Increase (Decrease) +$ 16.25 Atascadero NIA Paso Robles $55.00 +$23.75 +43% Morro Bay $49.50 $18.25 -1-37% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account Depal1mentfDlvlslon Date Woman's Club Rental Deposit 14 3400 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Description of Service Demand. SUbsidY and Other Comments: This fee is being revised to cover any damage or staff time incurred for the rental of the City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club comunife Center for a one day or multi-day rental. The Community Center is in high demand for event or meeting rental. The deposit ee is refundable. Personnel Costs Rates' Position Straight Time Dept. or Dlv. Total Burdened Hours by Position Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Fringe Benefits Unit of Service Labor Overhead Labor CostlHr. Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service !/Iaterlal &. Rental--C-osts Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Material" Rental Costs per Unit of Service Other Costs (EaufDlnent. Building Usage, Part-time Labor w10 Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unit Cost Total Other Costs per Unit of Service ee Comoanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or (Less) than Arroyo Grande's Fee per Unit of Service Total Service Direct Costs $ 0 city of Arroyo Grande $250.00 Dollars Percentage City-Wide General & Administrative" $ 0 Rate @ 12.57% $ Grover Beach NIA TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Pismo Beach $500.00 +$250.00 +100% RECOMMENDED FEE $ 250.00 San Luis Obispo Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 0 $200.00 -$50.00 -20% Current Fee Amount $ 50.00 Santa Maria $300.00 +$50.00 +20% Fee Increase (Decrease) +$ 200,00 Atascadero N/A Paso Robles $300.00 -+S0.00 +20% Morro Bay $500.00 +$250 +100% Nipomo $1.71 $0 0% User Fee Determination Cost Analysis Worksheet User Fee Description Fund Program Account DepartmentJDlvIslon Date 14 3400 001 Recreation Division 2-11-97 Rates' Posnion Total Burdened Hours by posnlon Per Unit Total Labor Cost per Straight Time Fringe Benetns Dept. or Dlv. Unn of Service Labor Overhead Labor CoslIHr. Janitorial (Full Time) $12,78 $4.97 23% $2.13 $19.88 1.0 $19.88 Recreation Supervisor II $19.67 $6.76 23% $6.08 $32.51 .25 $8.13 Building Supervisor $6.27 $.52 23% $1,56 $8,35 1.0 $8,35 Total Burdened Personel Costs Per Unit of Service $35.56 Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unn Cost Janitorial Supplies - toilet paper $.32 4 $1.28 cleaners $.84 3 $2.52 can liners $,22 2 $.44 Total Material It Rental Costs per Unit of Service $4.24 Jther Costs (EQuipment. Buildina Usaae. Part-time Labor w/o Benefits) Description Cost Each Quantity Required Unn Cost Utilities (gas, electric, garbage) $308 mo. divided by 30 days $10,26 per day 1.28 hrs $1.28 per hour Total Other Costs per Unit of Service $1.28 i=ee COmpanson Data Jurisdiction Fee per unit More or ~SS) than Arroyo Grande's ee per Unit of Total Service Direct Costs $ 41.08 Service City 01 Arrayo Grande $20.00 City-Wide Generaf & Dollars Percentage Administrative* $ 5.16 Rate @ 12.57% $ 46.24 Grover Beach $43.75 -+$23.75 +115% TOTAL SERVICE COST/UNIT Plsmo Beach $70.00 -+$50.00 +2500k RECOMMENDED FEE $ 20.00 San Luis Obispo $43.75 -+$23.75 +115% Recommended Fund Subsidy $ 26.24 Current Fee Amount $ 20.00 Santa Marla $67.18 -+$47.18 +235% Fee Increase (Decrease) $0 Atascadero NlA Paso Robles $55.00 -+$35.00 +175% Morro Bay $49.50 +29.50 +150% Q) ~ g g> g .D a) g. 0> .- .... _ :J 0 0 C ....::Q Q) "0 0 C J: 0>'-a5 a.Q) ':; a. 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Z.- C a. c a. c: Q) Q) <( .S:2 a. t) -.S:2 -5 _ c: Q) - '0 -'0 a: a: ::Oct:: asc:c: asast: as 0> as 0> C C :JO::S OQ)O 0e>:J 0, 0, 0 0 a.ZO .9ooE .900 .95 .95 Z Z .~_.... -~_._------ SECTION FOUR HOURLY BilliNG RATES Billing Rates by Position Within Organization Schedule Fringe Benefit Burden Rates Department/Division Overhead Rates City-Wide General & Administrative Summary of Department Indirect Cost Allocations and Rates SECTION FOUR The hourly billing rates used in this report originated from the City of Arroyo Grande 1995- 96 Summary of Departmental Indirect Cost Allocations and Rates and budget data provided by the Finance Department. These billing rates are "fully burdened" hourly rates. They include the hourly labor rate "straight time" that is the salary/wage of the full/part-time position on an hourly basis. In addition to the straight time labor rate, the cost of the position's medical and dental insurance, social security, vacation, sick leave, and retirement system costs (where applicable) are included and called "Fringe Benefits". These benefits are expressed in a dollar and cents amount for each position. Each classifications percentage rate is different. The cost of the City "Indirect or Support Service Staff is included as a General and Administrative Rate and expressed as a percentage of the straight time labor rate plus Fringe Benefits. Specifically, this is the cost of the facilities and maintenance, City Manager, Accounting, Payroll, City Attorney, personnel and selected other indirect activities. This is referred to as General and Administrative Rate (G & A) The position's costs of ordinary daily operating supplies and supervision activities are included as "Division Overhead". There are two Divisions in the Parks and Recreation Department with different overhead rates. The Parks Department Overhead Rate is 10.86% (1995-96 CAP) and is expressed as 11% on the Hourly Billing Rate Schedule. The Recreation Division's Overhead rate is 23.16% (1995-96 CAP) and is expressed as 23.00% on the Hourly Billing Rate Schedule. This rate is also expressed as a percentage of the hourly rate plus Fringe Benefits. When all of the factors are combined, the result is a "Fully Burdened" labor rate that is representative of the "Total Cost" of that pO,sition for the service being provided. For example, the mechanic who repairs your vehicles charges $50.00 per hour. The mechanic only receives a portion of the $50.00 per hour and the remainder is used to pay for the garage, tools, disposable supplies, or in other words "overhead". >- ...J a: => w 00 -q- :I: + ..... 0 0) C\J 0 ..... -q- C\J CO CO CO -q- -q- 0 0 "- "- CO 0 C\J C\J '" ...JO -q- ": ": ~ '" "': OJ CO ": "': '" C\i ~ '" 0) 0) ..... 0) 0) CO 0 OJ 0 0:(+ CO 0 I-'CD ex) C\J "- CO 10 10 10 cO '" '" C\J ..... 0 ex) r--: cO 0 0) r--: r--: ..... r--: 0+ -q- '" C\J C\J C\J C\J '" C\J ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ER- ..... ..... 1-0( ER- ER- ER- ER- ER- ER- ER- ER- ER- ~ ER- ER- ER- ER- ER- ER- ER- ER- ~ ER- ER- ER- CI ~ ~z~ :I: 0 0( oa:- c W~z >wO OJ 0 '" OJ "- 0 CO CO ..... -q- OJ 0) '" -q- 0 0) Oa:oo ..... ..... C\J '" 0 <XI '" C\J ..... ..... ~ ~ "': '" r: ~ ": C':! C':! 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