Agenda Packet 2004-02-10CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tony M. Ferrara Sandy Lubin Thomas A. Runels Jim Dickens Joe Costello Mayor �` Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Membe� Council Member Steven Adams Timothy J. Carmel Kelly Wetrnore AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2004 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. FLAG SALUTE: 4. 5. INVOCATION: SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 7:00 P.M. COUNCIURDA BOY SCOUT TROOP 26 C�t� of �'A�'h.� City Manager Ciry At�mey Director, Administrative Servic�s PASTOR JERRY NELSON, SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, ARROYO GRANDE 5.a. Mavor's Commendation Recos�nizin�t Eddie and Dorothv EI-Helou. the Arrovo Grande Vallev Kiwanis Club, the Arrovo Grande Fire�sthters Association and John and Joan McGrath for Contributions Received for the Villas�e Streetlis�ht "Let There Be Lis�hts" Pros�ram 5.b. 6. 6a. Prociamation Recos�nizins� Februarv 24. 2004 as "Saav Dav USA 2004" AGENDA REVIEW: Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY — FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: ♦ Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. ♦ A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. ♦ It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: ♦ Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. ♦ Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. ♦ Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Approve the listing of cash disbursements for the period January 16, 2004 through January 31, 2004. 8.b. Statement of Investment De�osits (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of January 31, 2004. 8.c. Consideration of Acceutance of Audited Annual Financial Reaorts (SNODGRASS) [COUNCIL/RDA] Recommended Action: Receive and file the respective Audited Annual Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2003. 8.d. Consideration of Pre-tax Pavroll Deduction Plan for Service Credit Purchases in the California Pubic Emulovees Retirement Svstem (CaIPERSI (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution to allow employees purchasing service credit with CaIPERS to make such purchases on a pre-tax basis. AGENDA SUMMARY — FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (continuedl: 8.e. Consideration of Auaroval of Purchase and Sale Aareement With Int,ernational Union of Oueratina Enaineers for Prouertv Located at 206 North Halcvon Road (CARMEL) Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the purchase and sale agreement with International Union of Operating Engineers for property located at 206 North Halcyon Road. 8.f. Consideration of Aucroval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 27, 2004 as submitted. :. 8.h. E� Use Permit No. 04-001 (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution authorizing the closure of City Streets and use of City Property for the Annual Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival, May 29- 30, 2004. Prolect. PW 2003-7 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Actfon: 1) Approve the plans and authorize the solicitation of public construction bids for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project; and, 2) Direct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determiation. Servlces (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Services. Approve the Agreement with AGP Video for Cablecasti�g 8.j. Consideration of Desis�nation of aent (FEMA Relmbursement for 2003 Earthauake Damaaes) (SNODGRASS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution designating the City Manager, Financial Services Director and the Public Works Director as the City's agents for the purpose of requesting reimbursement for earthquake damages from the Office of Emergency Services (OES) in December 2003 (Disaster FEMA 1505-DR). 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of Auueal of the Plannina Commissfon's Denial of Viewshed Review Case No. 03-008: 363 S�anish Moss Lane (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution denying the appeal. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. AGENDA SUMMARY — FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 4 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideration of Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Mid-Year Budstet Status Reaort (SNODGRASS) [COUNCIURDA] Recomme�ded Actlon: 1) Approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations; 2) Approve (Deny) requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund as detailed; and, 3) Approve Schedules A through E included in the Mid-Year Status Report. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICAtIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Counal from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA SUMMARY — FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 5 ♦���♦�����♦ All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the Administrative Services Department and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ♦��♦������♦ Note: This agenda is subject to amendment up to 72 hours prior to the date and time set for the meeting. Please refer to the agenda posted at City Hall for any revisions, or call the Director of Administrative Services at (805) 473-5414 for more information. www.arrovos�rande.ors� 5.a. CITY -• _ . � CALIFORN , ♦ 0 0 e a 0 �r¢s¢nt¢d to ► �„► 1 �,��` 1 ���, � �In r¢co ni�ion of Y C;�¢n¢rous Contri6ution -8 . f or �i¢ �iCCa.B¢ Str¢e�CiBh.t �� ¢� �h.¢re �¢ i h.ts" ro8ram. � � �� ���� �� , � P a�or o Q9 � NCOR�QIIAttD 9 = c3 m ir �u�r �o. �s>> >t �'4crFOa�'�� • CITY _. oF CALIFORN � • �r¢sent¢d to r� O ��a11d¢ °� �i�a� �v�an�r ��ub �In reco nition of Y�our �en¢rous Contr�6ution 8 f or �¢ �iCCaBe �tr¢¢tCiBh.t " ¢t �h¢re �¢ i h.ts" ro ram. � �8 8 '(�� �•\� �'�''a� �1�,�" v /FIROYp"`� �, ' G '�� � lNC4RPfl�ATlD Z V T ir au�r �o, �oi� �t c qG /FOaN�P • CITY _ . � 1 • 0 ��ti� � _. � , � , , • i�r��� k��¢�� �a�ti�on �In rQco nition of Y�our �enerous Contri6utiion 8 f or t�,e �iCCaB¢ Str¢¢tCiBh� „ ¢� �h,¢r¢ �¢ i f��s" ro8ram. �8 � _ 1�on� ;J�. �en'QrQ� ��or - v y � PpROYp Q99 � INCORPORATCD Z v m �r ,►v�r � o, � 4> > ,r C'�[IFORN�p r CITY OF � ��t�[ to � �� �In reco nition of Y �¢n¢rous Contr�6u�ion 8 f or �th�e �iCCa.Be StreetCish.t " ¢� �h.¢r¢ �¢ i h.ts" ro ram. � �8 8 �� ��141 Q' `�'�]v� �► v v� /pR � � G � NCQRPORATlD Z v m �R ,�v�r �o, �v�t * �'qt�FOaN`p �onorar� �roc[amat�on �,¢co8ni��ns �¢bruar� 24, 2004 as "S�a� �a� �;�,�" WHEREAS, dogs and cats give companionship to and share homes of o�e� 63,000,000 individuals in the United States; and WH�REAf, two unaltered cats and their offspring can produce 420,00o more cats in seven years and two unaltered dogs and thei� offspring can p�oduce 67,000 more dogs in six years; and WHEREAS, humane societies and shelters have to destroy approximately five million dogs and cals each yeor, aithough many of them are healthy and adoptable, simply because there are not enough good homes; cnd WHEREAS, the problem of companion animal o�erpopulation costs the taxpayers of lhis country over a billion dollars annually through animal control programs aimed at coping with the millions of unwanted dogs and cats; and WHEREAS, spaying and neutering dogs and cats has been shown to d�astically reduce dog and ca! overpopulation; and WHEREAS, veterinarians, humane societies, national and locai animal p�otection o�ganizotions, and private citizens wo�ked together to ensure the spaying o� neulering of on est�mated 225,00o companion animals through `Spay Day UfA" in 2003, and they have joined together again to advocate the spaying and neute�ing of companion animals on •Spay Day USA Z004". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha! 1, Tony M. Ferra�a, Mayo� of the City of Arwyo Grande, on behalf of the Cily Council, do hereby pwclaim that Feb�uary 24, 2004 is designated "fpay Day UfA•; and encourage people of Arroyo Grande to obser�e the day by having their own dogs or cats spayed o� neutered or by sponsoring the spaying or neutering of another person's dog or cat. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,1 ha�e hereunto set my hand and caused !he Seal of the City of Arwyo Grande to be affixed this to� day of Feb�uary 2004. Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor o � P anov o c9 � NCOII►OIIATEO'y ~ O V T �r �u�r �o. +sn ,t c qtiFOaN� P 5.b. � CITY OF 8.a. /pRRO�\ � O p� �' iNCORPORATE i � v � � ru�r ,o. ,e » * C4 �� F OR TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: DATE: CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES � JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR r CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period January 16 — January 31, 2004. FUNDING: There is a$1,038,542.94 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements- required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: • Approve staff s recommendation; • Do not approve staff s recommendation; • Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1— Cash Disbursement Listing . Attachment 2— January 16, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3— January 23, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 4— January 23, 2004 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks Attachment 5— January 30, 2004 Accounts Payable Check Register ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS �mr tice �er�iod o� �a,r�a�uy 16 7�ROUqk �a«ara�uy 3l. 2AG� February 10, 2004 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period January 16 to January 31, 2004. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. January 16, 2004 Accounts Payable Cks 113954/ 114043 january 23, 2004 Accounts Payable Check 114047/ 114108 Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks january 30, 2004 Accounts Payable Cks 114122-114224 Two Weeks Total 2 $ 281,570.26 3 39,532.57 4 385,342.39 424,874.96 5 332,097.72 $ 1,038.542.94 ATTAC&'�IFIQT 2 vchlist Voucher List Page 1 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # 113954 1/14/2004 000481 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 12/13-7812966 113955 1/14/2004 000403 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTEND. ASS 011204 113956 1/16/2004 000002 A 8 R WELDING SUPPLY 113957 1/16/2004 002477 ABS DELIVERY SYSTEMS,INC 113958 1/16/2004 000016 ALLEN, JOHN 113959 1/16/2004 001050 AMERICAN TEMPS R097462 135486 010904 F Description/Account Amount ELECTRIC-1501 HUCKLEBERRY ELECTRIC-1501 HUCKLEBERRY 010.4145.5401 69.50 Total : SEMINAR 8� DINNER X8 PERSON SEMINAR & DINNER X8 PERSON 220.4303.5501 Total : OXY & ACETYLENE GASES OXY & ACETYLENE GASES 010.4305.5303 Total : EVIDENCE DELIVERY CHARGES EVIDENCE DELIVERY CHARGES 010.4201.5324 Total : SUPV.LEADERSHIP INSTIT. 1/2 SUPV.LEADERSHIP INSTIT. 1/2 010.4201.5501 Total : 36979 WE 12/26/03 J. GARCIA WE 12/26/03 J. GARCIA 010.4420.5101 37026 WE 1/02 J. TALLEY WE 1/02 J. TALLEY 220.4303.5303 37028 WE 12/30/03 L. HENSCHEL WE 12/30/03 L. HENSCHEL 010.4130.5303 69.50 120.00 120.00 14.50 14.50 20.00 20.00 138.00 138.00 183.60 571.20 276.80 Total : 1,031.60 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 113960 1/16/2004 000034 APEX SHARPENING WORKS 23628 STARTER FOR 36" HEDGE SHA STARTER FOR 36" HEDGE SHA 010.4420.5603 25.69 23710 SHARPENER 3-PRUNING SAW SHARPENER 3-PRUNING SAW 010.4420.5603 18 00 113961 �I/16/2004 002632 API WASTE SERVICES 113962 1/16/2004 000065 BARROW, BRENDA 113963 1/16/2004 000070 BEACH FRONT AUTO SERVICE 113964 1/16/2004 000839 BOY SCOUT TROOP 26 113965 1/16/2004 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER Total : 36E00038 R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4213.5303 Total : 010604 WINTER PLAYGROUND SUPPL WINTER PLAYGROUND SUPPL 010.4422.5256 TURKEY TROT SUPPLIES 010.4424.5252 Total : 1680 PW923 INSPECTION PW923 INSPECTION 010.4301.5601 1758 012 BATTERY 012 BATTERY 010.4201.5601 Total : 010604 DONATION - CLEAN-UP/ANNUA DONATION - CLEAN-UP/ANNUA 010.4211.5255 Total : 116956 MISC SUPPLIES-BLDG MAINT/W MISC SUPPLIES-BLDG MAINT/W 010.4213.5604 43.69 250.00 250.00 218.40 8:67 227.07 198.25 215.41 413.66 100.00 100.00 54.05 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account 113965 1/16/2004 000090 BRISCO MILL & LUMBER (Continued) 117443 WHITE PAINT SPRAY WHITE PAINT SPRAY 220.4303.5613 113966 1/16/2004 000095 BURKE AND PACE OF AG INC Total ; 2246662 BRISCO PUMP HOUSE REPAIR BRISCO PUMP HOUSE REPAIR 640.4712.5604 2247310 LUMBER LUMBER 220.4303.5613 Total : 113967 1/16/2004 000096 BURTON'S FIRE APPARATUS 113968 1/16/2004 000109 CA.LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSN 113969 1/16/2004 004083 CAHN 13748 13974 010704 011204 113970 1/16/2004 000105 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR SPLY I JJ71681 BRACKET BRACKET 010.4211.5601 CLAMPS CLAMPS 010.4211.5601 Total : '04 MEMBERSHIP - S. PRYOR '04 MEMBERSHIP - S. PRYOR 010.4201.5503 Total : '04 MEMBERSHIP - J. IANNEO '04 MEMBERSHIP - J. IANNEO 010.4201.5503 Total : DIAMOND SAW BLADES & GLOV DIAMOND SAW BLADES & GLOV 220.4303.5603 Total : Amount 4.82 58.87 65.69 80.90 146.59 203.63 84.11 287.74 50.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 604.68 604.68 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page 4 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 113971 1/16/2004 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS-DISTRIB. 148-408173 BATTERY FOR PW16 , BATTERY FOR PW16 220.4303.5601 69.66 To�� � 69.66 113972 1/16/2004 001990 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 113973 1/16/2004 000163 CHERRY LANE NURSERY 113974 1/16/2004 004086 CIENAGA SERVICES, INC. 113975 1/16/2004 003579 COASTAL SAN LUIS RESOURCE 113976 1/16/2004 000181 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS 1 /02-17206910028 MIS CABLE MODEM - MNTHY SE MIS CABLE MODEM - MNTHY SE 010.4140.5303 Total : 7319 1-50LB WEED CONTROL 1-50L6 WEED CONTROL 010.4420.5274 7347 4 JUMBO PANSIES (PD) 4 JUMBO PANSIES (PD) 010.4420.5605 7473 GOPHER SCREENS GOPHER SCREENS 220.4303.5613 7567 2 15GAL TREES - 2 15GAL TREES 220.4303.5613 5292102 Total : A/C IN CITY COUNCIL ROOM A/C IN CITY COUNCIL ROOM 010.4213.6401 Total : PAGERC-01 3247 GRADING PLAN SEDI/EROS CU GRADING PLAN SEDI/EROS CU 010.4301.5303 Total REPAIR TO SCADA RADIO'S 189.85 189.85 93.30 9.82 12.85 117.65 233.62 2,061.25 2,061.25 560.00 560.00 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 113976 1/16/2004 000181 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS (Continued) REPAIR TO SCADA RADIO'S 640.4712.5603 Totai 113977 1/16/2004 000195 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER CO 12/03-17922 BOTTLED WATER BOTTLED WATER 010.4201.5201 BOTTLED WATER 010.4130.5201 BOTTLED WATER 010.4120.5201 Total : 113978 1/16/2004 000196 CUESTA EQUIPMENT CO 113979 1/16/2004 000205 DAYSTAR INDUSTRIES 113980 1/16/2004 000561 DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 280897 DRILL BITS DRILL BITS 220.4303.5603 RATCHETS 220.4303.5273 281431 TAPER DRILL BIT TAPER DRILL BIT 220.4303.5603 23512 010604 113981 1/16/2004 003998 DJM/BORBON CONSTRUCTION, INC 3-FIRE STAT. STREET SWEEPING STREET SWEEPING 010.4303.5303 STREET SWEEPING 220.4303.5303 Total Total : VEHICLE FORFEITURE DA#VF00 VEHICLE FORFEITURE DA#VF00 010.0000.2217 Total : 3RD INSTALL - FIRE STATION E 440.20 440.20 18.17 18.17 18.16 54.50 102.01 41.00 68.00 211.01 275.87 176.38 452.25 100.00 100.00 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 113981 1/16/2004 003998 DJM/BORBON CONSTRUCTION, INC (Continued) 113982 1/16/2004 002474 EAR PLUGS USA 113983 1/16/2004 003442 EASYLINK SERVICES CORP 113984 1/16/2004 002355 .ECO SOLUTIONS 113985 1/16/2004 002519 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 113986 1/16/2004 000238 FALCON WIRELESS 113987 1/16/2004 000240 FARM SUPPLY CO. 113988 1/16/2004 000241 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 1 7294960401 553 1100-295-01 3016 233085 150956118 3RD INSTALL - FIRE STATION E 350.5410.7001 Total : EAR PEICE FOR J. JOHNSON EAR PEICE FOR J. JOHNSON 010.4201.5606 Total : TRAK SYSTEM USAGE TRAK SYSTEM USAGE 010.4201.5607 Total : PEANUT OIL CLEANUP @ THIA K PEANUT OIL CLEANUP @ THIA K 010.4211.5325 Total : EOC SR. HEALTH SCREENING/G EOC SR. HEALTH SCREENING/G 250.4800.8013 Total : 5 MOTOROLAS - PAGERS 5 MOTOROLAS - PAGERS 010.4211.5255 Total : HANDLE ELEC VALVE-SOTO SP HANDLE ELEC VALVE-SOTO SP 010.4430.5605 Total : BOOK - RETURN FOR CDD R. S 183,009.19 183,009.19 106.36 106.36 5.31 5.31 343.80 343.80 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,443.00 2,443.00 163.57 163.57 Page: 6 _ __ , __. vchlist Voucher List Page 7 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 113988 1/16/2004 000241 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP (Continued) 113989 1/16/2004 001525 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES,INC 608733 BOOK - RETURN FOR CDD R. S 010.4130.5201 Totai : REPAIR PARTS/EARTHQUAKE D REPAIR PARTS/EARTHQUAKE D 640.4712.5610 Total : REPAIR PANIC BAR ON DOOR/V1� REPAIR PANIC BAR ON DOOR/Vb 010.4213.5303 Total : GAS SERVICES - 140 TRAFFIC V1 GAS SERVICES -140 TRAFFIC V1 010.4145.5401 GAS SERVICES-211 VERNON ST GAS SERVICES-211 VERNON ST 010.4145.5401 Total : 25.22 25.22 113990 1/16/2004 000262 FRANK'S LOCK 8 KEY INC 113991 1/16/2004 000605 GAS COMPANY, THE 113992 1/16/2004 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC. 113993 1/16/2004 000308 HIGGINS & ASSOC,INC 113994 1/16/2004 000340 INTOXIMETERS, INC. 19687 01/02-140 01/02-211 10225 DEDICATION PLAQUE DEDICATION PLAQUE� 010.4421.5255 10251 RADIO ENGRAVED RADIO ENGRAVED 010.4211.5303 Total : 31869 WOOD FIBER FOR ORO PARK P WOOD FIBER FOR ORO PARK P 350.5523.7001 Total : 134633 MOUTHPIECES 572.74 572.74 95.00 95.00 156.65 102.05 258.70 48.26 80.44 128.70 3,105.54 3,105.54 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 113994 1/16/2004 000340 INTOXIMETERS, INC. (Continued) MOUTHPIECES 010.4201.5255 113995 1/16/2004 000345 J J'S FOOD COMPANY, INC. 113996 1/16/2004 000358 JOHNSON,ROBERTS & ASSOC. 32253 113997 1/16/2004 004082 KERN CTY SHERIFF'S TRAINING 113998 1/16/2004 000365 KEY, LINDA Total : 141481 SUPPLIES 4 BBQ/PW STAFF SUPPLIES 4 BBQ/PW STAFF 220.4303.5255 141562 DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES 010.4212.5255 Total : PHQ REPORT (PATCHETT, WHI PHQ REPORT (PATCHETT, WHI 010.4201.5303 Total : 010904 TACTICAL HANDGUN 2/8-11/04 TACTICAL HANDGUN 2/8-11/04 010.4201.5501 010904A SHOTGUN INSTRUCTOR 2/2- SHOTGUN INSTRUCTOR 2/2- 010.4201.5501 Total : 010604 113999 1/16/2004 000419 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE 5603 REIMB. FOR SUPPLES REIMB. FOR SUPPLES 010.4423.5253 BATTERY/CABLES PW-4 BATTERY/CABLES PW-4 220.4303.5601 Total : 143.14 143.14 290.09 7.67 297.76 39.08 39.08 267.00 231.00 498.00 25.30 25.30 721.69 Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Page: 9 Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 113999 1/16/2004 000419 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE (Continued) 5618 SERVICE TO PW-34 SERVICE TO PW-34 640.4712.5601 114000 114001 1/16/2004 000426 MIER BROS. 1/16/2004 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC. Total : 76972 1/4 YRD CONCRETE/FARROLL A 1/4 YRD CONCRETE/FARROLL A 640.4712.5610 77014 1/2 YD CONCRETE/FARROLL AV 1/2 YD CONCRETE/FARROLL AV 640.4712.5610 77047 1/4 YRD CONCRETE/FARROLL A 1/4 YRD CONCRETE/FARROLL A 640.4712.5610 77�89 1/2 YRD CONCRETE/FARROLL A 1/2 YRD:CONCRETE/FARROLL A 640.4712.5610 Totai : 21465866 BLUB RFLCTR BLUB RFLCTR 010_.4213.5604 21466333 HEATER RADIATOR OIL FILL HEATER RADIATOR OIL FILL 010.4213.5604 21466388 HEATER RADIATOR OIL HEATER RADIATOR OIL 010.4213.5604 21467333 TARP POLY BLUE TARP POLY BLUE 010.4211.5255 Total 114002 1/16/2004 002927 NATIONAL RESOURCE SAFETY R10087-14 RENEWAL SAFETY CTR LIBRA 44.52 766.21 43.44 71.43 45.37 68.53 228.77 3.74 53.61 5.36 81.49 144.20 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM Page: 10 City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114002 1/16/2004 002927 NATIONAL RESOURCE SAFETY (Continued) 114003 1/16/2004 000466 NOBLE SAW,INC. 114004 1/16/2004 003300 OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF 114005 1/16/2004 001886 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN 108234 010904 20085443V353 4875J328 6177J336 8647J349 8712J349 8879J350 9110J351 RENEWAL SAFETY CTR LIBRA 220.4303.5501 Total : CHAINS FOR CHAIN SAWS CHAINS FOR CHAIN SAWS 220.4303.5603 Total : INT. COLLISION INVEST 1/25-30 INT. COLLISION INVEST 1/25-30 010.4201.5501 Total : OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5504 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4201.5201 470.00 470.00 270.21 270.21 385.00 385.00 21.44 40.35 48.52 462.57 21.44 -21.44 17.69 Page: 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 13 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114010 1/16/2004 000492 PETTY CASH (Continued) EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY LUNCHEO 010.4101.5319 ORAL BOARD SUPPLIES 010.4120.5201 ASCE LUNCH MTR - PW X3 010.4301.5503 EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY LUNCHEO 010.4101.5319 CALPERS CONF. MILEAGE (SI 010.4101.5501 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 010.4101.5319 MISC/STANDS 010.4101.5501 MILEAGE REIMB (BASSETT) & S 010.4101.5319 SAFETY MEETING (SISKO) 010.4145.5501 SUPPLIES (SISKO) 010.4101.5501 MILEAGE RIMB (SISKO) 010.4101.5501 PARKS ORAL BOARD 010.4420.5201 COMM DEVEL. ORAL BOARD 010.4130.5316 MILEAGE REIMB. (MARSALEK) 640.4712.5501 BREAKFAST MTG (PW) 010.4301.5201 MILEAGE REIMB/PARKING (GAR 010.4120.5501 CSMFO MTG (HUWALDT) 010.4120.5501 11.80 14.00 45.00 21.52 90.00 25.74 16.06 12.87 10.50 1.19 10.80 8.00 12.55 7.20 14.35 18.60 17.79 Page: 13 vchlist Voucher List Page: 14 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor 114010 1/16/2004 000492 PETTY CASH Invoice PO # Description/Account (Continued) HR MTG 010.4145.5501 123103-FIRE CERT MAIL FOR OTS GRANT SU CERT MAIL FOR OTS GRANT SU 010.4211.5201 REFRESHMENTS MTG W/CDF 010.4211.5501 STAMPS 010.4145.5201 CAT 5 CONNECTORS 010.4211.5201 PRKG FEES/FUEL OTS GRAND V 010.4211.5501 SOFTVVARE TRAINING 1/10/04 010.4211.5501 BREAKFAST/FIREHOUSE SOFT 010.4211.5501 LUNCH/FIREHOUSE SOFTWAR 010.4211.5501 Total : 114011 1/16/2004 004081 PUBLIC SAFETY VOLUNTEER INST. 010904 114012 1/16/2004 002792 PULITZER C.C.NEWSPAPER VOLUNTEER WORKSHOP VOLUNTEER WORKSHOP 010.4201.5501 Total 156152 NOTICE OF PH-TRAFFIC WAY M NOTICE OF PH-TRAFFIC WAY M 010.4002.5301 159084 SUMMARY/ORDIANCE #550 SUMMARY/ORDIANCE #550 010.4002.5301 159085 SUMMARY/ORDIANCE #549 SUMMARY/ORDIANCE #549 010.4002.5301 Amount 15.00 6.03 15.51 37.00 4.17 13.75 52.68 14.00 33.00 529.11 275.00 275.00 260.40 50.40 37.80 Page: 14 vchlist Voucher List Page: 15 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # 114012 1/16/2004 002792 PULITZER C.C.NEWSPAPER (Continued) 159212 ��'�.�•I�7 159359 114013 1/16/2004 000523 R 8� T EMBROIDERY,INC 23913 114014 1/16/2004 004084 RECOVERY UNIT, ALLIED GROUP C 010704 114015 1/16I2004 003418 REED, KEN 010904 114016 1/16/2004 000531 RICHETTI WATER CONDITIONING 23694 114017 1/16/2004 003031 ROBERTSON SUPPLY 4632 Description/Account RDA PLAN EXTENSION RDA PLAN EXTENSION 010.4002.5301 TRAFFIC WAY MIXED USE ZONI TRAFFIC WAY MIXED USE ZONI 010.4002.5301 PLUMBING RETROFIT PROG PLUMBING RETROFIT PROG 010.4002.5301 Total : JACKET W/SANCHEZ 8 PD EMB JACKET W/SANCHEZ & PD EMB 010.4201.5255 Total : REFUND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT # REFUND TRAFFIC ACCIDENT # 010.0000.4808 Total : INT. COLLISION INVEST 1/25-30 INT. COLLISION INVEST 1/25-30 010.4201.5501 Total : RENTAL-WATER FILTER SVCS RENTAL-WATER FILTER SVCS 010.4201.5604 Total : TYVEK COVERALLS TYVEK COVERALLS 220.4303.5255 Total : Amount 25.20 37.80 173.25 584.85 39.68 39.68 20.00 20.00 680.00 680.00 15.00 15.00 155.51 155.51 Page: 15 vchlist Voucher List Page: 16 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114018 1/16/2004 000539 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. 25180552 PARTS WASHER MAINT AGRE 114019 1/16/2004 000803 SAN LUIS MAILING SVC 114020 1/16/2004 000569 SAN LUIS PAINTS 114021 1/16/2004 004080 SANTA LUCIA BANK 114022 1/16/2004 003108 SBC/MCI 27033 Fj�I�Z��iLI PARTS WASHER MAINT.AGRE 010.4305.5303 119.15 Total : 119.15 UTILITY BILLING MAILING DEC-' UTILITY BILLING MAILING DEC-' 640.4710.5201 934.78 Total : 934.78 FIELD MARKING PAINT - SOCCE FIELD MARKING PAINT - SOCCE 010.4430.5605 192.36 Total : 192.36 12737 SEWER HOOK-UP SEWER HOOK-UP 760.0000.2305 2,000.00 WATER METER 640.0000.4758 96.00 WATER DISTRIBUTION 642.0000.4761 690.00 LOPEZ AVALABILITY 641.0000.4752 1,650.00 SEWER FACILITY 634.0000.4762 764.00 Total : 5,200.00 T2017297 8633 8633 010.4145.5403 2.26 � Total : 2.26 114023 1/16/2004 000587 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. CFN70120 GASOLINE 12/15-12/31/03 GASOLINE 12/15-12/31/03 010.4201.5608 37.59 Page: 16 vchlist Voucher List Page: 17 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice 114023 1/16/2004 000587 000587 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB(Continued) 114024 1/16/2004 000588 SECURED STORAGE 21480 114025 1/16/2004 000552 SLO CNTY AUDITOR-CONTROLLER 010604 114026 1/16/2004 000553 SLO CNTY CLERK-RECORDER 114027 1/16/2004 000596 SMITH AND LOVELESS,INC 114028 1/16/2004 003288 SOUZA, JEFF 011404 25140 25343 25363 CN2960 CN3009 010904 PO # Description/Account Amount Total : 37.59 STORAGE CHARGES STORAGE CHARGES 010.4002.5303 Total : VEHICLE FORFEITURE #030143 VEHICLE FORFEITURE #030143 010.0000.2217 Total : NOTICE EXEMPT. FILING FEE - p NOTICE EXEMPT. FILING FEE - p 010.4002.5201 Total : 1 MOTOR ADAPTER PO#787 1 MOTOR ADAPTER PO#787 612.4610.5610 8 SEAL FILTERS 8 SEAL FILTERS 612.4610.5610 1 CCW PUMP IMPELLER 1 CCW PUMP IMPELLER 612.4610.5610 FREIGHT FOR PARTIAL ORDER I FREIGHT FOR PARTIAL ORDER I 612.4610.5610 FRIEGHT FOR INVOICE 25140 FRIEGHT FOR INVOICE 25140 612.4610.5610 Total : TACTICAL HANDGUN (PSP) 2/8 60.00 60.00 1,068.00 1,068.00 25.00 25.00 1,679.47 166.77 2, 580.50 111.57 157.61 4,695.92 Page: 17 vchlist Voucher List Page: 18 01/15/2004 8:52:50AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114028 1/16/2004 003288 SOUZA, JEFF (Continued) 114029 1/16/2004 002499 STEARNS, MICHELE 114030 1/16/2004 000615 STEINER, LYNN 114031 1/16/2004 000620 STREATOR PIPE 8� SUPPLY 114032 1/16/2004 000623 SUNSET NORTH CAR WASH TACTICAL HANDGUN (PSP) 2/8 010.4201.5501 010904A SHOTGUN INSTRUCTOR 2/2- SHOTGUN INSTRUCTOR 2/2- 010.4201.5501 Total : 010904 VOLUNTEER WORKSHOP 1/20 VOLUNTEER WORKSHOP 1/20 010.4201.5501 Total : 010604 OBJECTIVE & ESSAY TEST OBJECTIVE 8� ESSAY TEST 010.4201.5303 Total : 373579 SUPPLIES-REPAIR WOMEN'S C SUPPLIES-REPAIR WOMEN'S C 010.4213.5604 Total : 123103 CAR WASHES-PD CAR WASHES-PD 010.4201.5601 CAR WASHES-PW 640.4712.5601 CAR WASHES-PW 220.4303.5601 402.39 530.52 932.91 282.88 282.88 260.00 260.00 18.31 18.31 131.29 24.16 24.16 179.61 2,216.21 2,216.21 Total : 114033 1/16/2004 002904 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS 12224 UNIFORMS SHIRTS/PANTS UNIFORMS SHIRTS/PANTS 010.4211.5272 Total Page: 18 ��rTACf�•�iaT 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 1 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114047 1/20/2004 000822 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 011604 POSTAGE FOR NEWSLETTER 114052 1/21/2004 000496 PHOENIX FOODSERVICES 012004 114053 1/23/2004 000009 ADDICTION MEDICINE CONSULT.IN 010504 114054 1/23/2004 001050 AMERICAN TEMPS 114055 1/23/2004 002632 API WASTE SERVICES 114056 1/23/2004 004091 APODACA, JOHN POSTAGE FOR NEWSLETTER 010.4002.5504 Total : FEE - MEALS/SVC EARTHQUAK FEE - MEALS/SVC EARTHQUAK 010.4145.5501 Total : DRUG SCREEN - B. FULLER DRUG SCREEN - B. FULLER 010.4145.5303 Total : 37027 WE 1/2 J. GARCIA WE 1/2 J. GARCIA 010.4420.5101 37029 W/E 1/2 K. ELY W/E 1/2 K. ELY 010.4120.5303 Total : 3CX00042 R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4213.5303 41E00028 R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. R/O BIN-DUMP/RETURN SVCS. 010.4213.5303 Totai : 011404 RFND: WTR DEPOSIT: 1117 JAM RFND: WTR DEPOSIT: 1117 JAM 640.0000.2302 Total : 942.36 942.36 52.60 52.60 49.50 49.50 285.60 557.20 842.80 500.00 375.00 875.00 71.43 71.43 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114057 1/23/2004 000042 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SHOP 1632 FLOWERS: M. KUSELL FLOWERS: M. KUSELL 010.4201.5504 48.80 1770 BALLOONS: MISCELLANEOUS BALLOONS: MISCELLANEOUS 010.4201.5504 8 2000 FLOWERS - R.B. MEMORIAL FLOWERS - R.B. MEMORIAL 010.4201.5504 79 2118 FLOWERS: J. BROMBY FLOWERS: J. BROMBY 010.4201.5504 52.02 Total : 188.77 114058 1/23/2004 000049 ATCO INTERNATIONAL 85035 114059 1/23/2004 000065 BARROW, BRENDA 114060 1/23/2004 004092 BREON, DAWN 114061 1/23/2004 000087 BREZDEN PEST CONTROL INC 7172-CS 7172-CS 010.4305.5255 Total : 012004 PLAYGROUND SUPPLIES - REI PLAYGROUND SUPPLIES - REI 010.4422.5256 VOLUNTEER BANQUET SUPPL 010.4424.5252 Total : 010504 103879 RFND: WTR DEPOSIT: 405 COA RFND: WTR DEPOSIT: 405 COA 640.0000.2302 Total : QUARTLEY PEST CONTROL QUARTLEY PEST CONTROL 010.4213.5303 Total : 149.90 149.90 14.51 36.32 50.83 73.68 73.68 95.00 95.00 Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114062 1/23/2004 000090 BRISCO MILL 8� LUMBER 117030 ANCHOR ANCHOR 220.4303.5613 3.10 Totai : 3.10 114063 1/23/2004 001577 BURDINE PRINTING 2283 PRINTING SVC - DIE CUT DOOR PRINTING SVC - DIE CUT DOOR 010.4102.5306 63.24 Total : 63.24 114064 1/23/2004 000156 C.COAST TAXI CAB SERVICES 114065 1/23/2004 000137 CA.ST.DEPT.SOCIAL SERVICES 114066 1/23/2004 002407 CINGULAR WIRELESS 114067 1/23/2004 001925 CLEAR WATER COLOR 011404 012004 TAXI SERVICE 1/01-1/14/04 TAXI SERVICE 1/01-1/14/04 225.4553.5507 ANNUAL LICENSING FEES ANNUAL LICENSING FEES 010.4425.5255 Total : Total : 138691459-01/04 CELL PHONE-CROCKETT CELL PHONE-CROCKETT 010.4130.5201 138691459-11 CELL PHONE-CROCKETT CELL PHONE-CROCKETT 010.4130.5201 Total : 31617 BEDDING PLANBTS - ELM ST. R BEDDING PLANBTS - ELM ST. R 010.4420.5605 31791 BEDDING PLANTS - SWINGING E BEDDING PIANTS - SWINGING E 010.4420.5605 114068 1/23/2004 003599 COMMERCIAL SANITARY SUPPLY 4408010 Totai : TRASH LINERS AND TOWELS 899.25 899.25 1,600.00 1,600.00 45.06 44.71 89.77 119.69 79.79 199.48 Page: 3 vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114068 1/23/2004 003599 COMMERCIAL SANITARY SUPPLY (Continued) TRASH LINERS AND TOWELS 010.4420.5605 Total : 114069 1/23/2004 004090 DAVID, ANDREW 011404 LEASE AGREEMENT LEASE AGREEMENT 010.4145.5303 114070 1/23/2004 000577 DE LOS SANTOS, LENNY 114071 1/23/2004 000210 DIESELRO INC. 114072 1/23/2004 004094 DILLON, MEREDITH 114073 1/23/2004 002519 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY 114074 1/23/2004 000241 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Total : 012004 TENNIS CLASSES-DE LOS SAN TENNIS CLASSES-DE LOS SAN 010.4424.5351 Total : 11190 010504 1100-295-9-03 1100-360-9-03 4200-330-09-03 150879605 BULB FOR PW-51 BULB FOR PW-51 612.4610.5601 Total : RFND: OVER-PYMT: 1141-B ASH RFND: OVER-PYMT: 1141-B ASH 640.0000.4751 Total : EOC SR HEALTH SCREENING: P EOC SR HEALTH SCREENING: P 250.4800.8043 EOC TEEN ACADEMIC PARENT � EOC TEEN ACADEMIC PARENT � 250.4800.8044 EOC 40 WONDERFUL #P03AG02 EOC 40 WONDERFUL #P03AG02 250.4800.8042 Total : MAIL SERVICE 278.21 278.21 60.00 60.00 252.18 252.18 17.98 17.98 66.86 66.86 825.00 725.00 325.00 1,875.00 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114074 1/23/2004 000241 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP (Continued) MAIL SERVICE 010.0000.2475 POSTAGFJTRANS 010.4145.5201 114075 1/23/2004 000605 GAS COMPANY, THE 114076 1/23/2004 004096 GEARHART, CLAUDE 1/06-200E 1/06-208E 1/06-214E 1 /06-215E 1 /08-1500W 1/09-200N 1/12-1375 1 /12-350S 122903 118.45 20.54 Total : 138.99 GAS SERVICES - 200 E BRANCH GAS SERVICES - 200 E BRANCH 010.4145.5401 GAS SERVICES - 208 E BRANCH GAS SERVICES - 208 E BRANCH 010.4145.5401 GAS SERVICES - 214 E BRANCH GAS SERVICES - 214 E BRANCH 010.4145.5401 GAS SERVICES - 215 W BRANC GAS SERVICES - 215 W BRANC 010.4145.5401 GAS SERVICES - 1500 W BRANC GAS SERVICES -1500 W BRANC 010.4145.5401 GAS SERVICE- 200 N HALCYON I GAS SERVICE- 200 N HALCYON I 010.4145.5401 GAS SERVICES - 1375 ASH ST GAS SERVICES - 1375 ASH ST 010.4145.5401 GAS SERVICES - 350 S ELM ST GAS SERVICES - 350 S ELM ST 010.4145.5401 Total : RFND: OVER-PYMT: 163-C BRI RFND: OVER-PYMT: 163-C BRI 640.0000.4751 106.01 47.65 159.80 27.49 28.64 270.71 448.27 277.64 1,366.21 40.46 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114076 1/23/2004 004096 004096 GEARHART, CLAUDE (Continued) Total : 40.46 114077 1/23/2004 004093 GLEN, MATTHEW & LAURIE 010204 RFND: WTR DEPOSIT: 312 LE P RFND: WTR DEPOSIT: 312 LE P 640.0000.2302 92 gp 114078 1/23/2004 000288 GROVER BEACH, CITY OF 114079 1/23/2004 004095 HAUPT, JEAN M. Total : 012004 DOG OBEDIENCE CLASS 1/10 DOG OBEDIENCE CLASS 1/10 010.4424.5351 Total : 070703 RFND: OVER PYMT: 703 BENNEI RFND: OVER PYMT: 703 BENNEI 640.0000.4751 Total : 114080 1/23/2004 000301 HEACOCK WELDING NORTH 14739 114081 1/23/2004 000311 HINDERLITER,DE LLAMAS 114082 1/23/2004 000332 INT'L ASSN.CHIEFS OF POLICE 114083 1/23/2004 000344 J C LANDSCAPING TRAILER PLUG FOR PW-44 TRAILER PLUG FOR PW-44 612.4610.5601 Total : 9128-IN SALES TAX REPT 1Q 03/04 SALES TAX REPT 1 Q 03/04 010.4120.5303 AUDIT SVCS 2Q 03/04 SALES TA 010.4120.5303 Total : 011604 '04 MEMBERSHIP: CHIEF TERBO '04 MEMBERSHIP: CHIEF TERBO 010.4201.5503 Total : 123103 LANDSCAPE MAINT. - DECEMBE 92.90 233.00 233.00 62.37 62.37 39.65 39.65 975.00 2, 746.27 3,721.27 100.00 100.00 Page: 6 _ _ ___ _ _ __ vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114083 1/23/2004 000344 J C LANDSCAPING (Continued) 114084 1/23/2004 000345 J J'S FOOD COMPANY, INC. 114085 1/23/2004 001035 KRAFT, KIM 114086 1/23/2004 001001 KUSTOM SIGNALS,INC 141474 012004 181996 LANDSCAPE MAINT. - DECEMBE 010.4420.5303 LANDSCAPE MAINT. - DECEMBE 217.4460.5356 Total : MTG SUPPLIES - LOPEZ TECH 1 MTG SUPPLIES - LOPEZ TECH 1 010.4001.5201 Total : MILEAGE REIMB 11-12/03 -KRAF MILEAGE REIMB 11-12/03 -KRAF 010.4425.5303 Total : 562.50 187.50 750.00 14.95 14.95 74.47 74.47 114087 1/23/2004 002093 LACOUAGUE, MARK 114088 1/23/2004 000395 LYON & CARMEL 114089 1/23/2004 004088 MAGANA, ANGELA BATTERY PACK PL111 X2 BATTERY PACK PL111 X2 010.4201.5603 Total : 011404 REIMB NNCR/DVD FOR DISPA REIMB TVNCR/DVD FOR DISPA 010.4201.5255 Total : 6191 PROF.LEGAL SERVICE - 12/03 PROF.LEGAL SERVICE - 12/03 010.4003.5304 Total : 011504 RFND - 5 CITIES YOUTH BASKET RFND - 5 CITIES YOUTH BASKET 010.0000.4613 Total : 224.50 224.50 290.91 290.91 10, 513.51 10,513.51 32.50 32.50 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page: 8 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114090 1/23/2004 000407 MANKINS FAMILY RENTALS 07-192-067 03/04 REIMB PROP TAX 07-192-067 REIMB PROP TAX 07-192-067 751.4555.5551 2,690.90 Total : 2,690.90 114091 1/23/2004 002216 MED STOP CLINICS 114092 1/23/2004 004089 MENDOZA, MARIA 114093 1/23/2004 000419 MIDAS MUFFLER 8� BRAKE 114094 1/23/2004 000426 MIER BROS. 2449 011594 DMV PHYSICAL - M. MARTINS ( DMV PHYSICAL - M. MARTINS ( 220.4303.5315 Total : RFND-12/03-1/04 CHILD CARE ( RFND-12/03-1/04 CHILD CARE ( 010.0000.4602 Total : 5595 BRAKES & HYDRO BOOSTER P BRAKES & HYDRO BOOSTER P 010.4420.5601 5599 REPLACE BATTERY CABLE P-9 REPLACE BATTERY CABLE P-9 010.4430.5601 Total : 76558 CONCRETE - GRAND AVE CONCRETE - GRAND AVE 350.5632.7002 76707 CONCRETE - GRAND AVE CONCRETE - GRAND AVE 350.5632.7002 76952 CONCRETE - GRAND AVE CONCRETE - GRAND AVE 350.5632.7002 76956 1 YRD CONCRETE SLAB/WALlM 1 YRD CONCRETE SLAB/WALKVI 010.4420.5605 55.00 55.00 122.50 122.50 608.25 129.30 737.55 318.53 177.61 151.54 101.35 Page: 8 vchlist Voucher List Page: 9 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114094 1/23/2004 000426 MIER BROS. (Continued) 77078 8 YRD TEE MIX - COMPOST 8 YRD TEE MIX - COMPOST 010.4430.5605 77185 16 YRD COMPOST 16 YRD COMPOST 010.4430.5605 77237 16 YRD COMPOST 16 YRD COMPOST 010.4430.5605 77282 16 YRD COMPOST 16 YRD COMPOST 010.4430.5605 Total : 114095 1/23/2004 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC 21384407 SPRAY PAINT & FASTENERS SPRAY PAINT & FASTENERS 010.4420.5605 21470653 BULB-REFLECTOR BULB-REFLECTOR 010.4213.5604 21471050 HANDLE TAPR HANDLE TAPR 010.4420.5605 21471056 QUICK CRETE 60LBS QUICK CRETE 60LBS 010.4420.5605 21471243 STAPLES & TESTER VOLTAGE V' STAPLES & TESTER VOLTAGE V' 010.4213.5273 92686609 LITE ENTRY FLOOR LITE ENTRY FLOOR 010.4213.5604 Total : 257.40 514.80 514.80 514.80 2,550.83 7.28 7.49 21.43 17.07 58.94 27.87 140.08 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114096 1/23/2004 004087 NIPOMO OPTOMETRY 58447 PRESCRIPTION SAFETY GLASS PRESCRIPTION SAFETY GLASS 640.4712.5255 319 00 114097 1/23/2004 000489 PERRIN, DOUG 114098 1/23/2004 000513 PRYOR, BEAU 114099 1/23/2004 003363 RIPPY, NINA 114100 1/23/2004 003108 SBC/MCI Total : 012004 VOLUNTEERS BANQUET - REIM VOLUNTEERS BANQUET - REIM 010.4424.5252 012104 VOLUNTEER BANQUET - REIMB VOLUNTEER BANQUET - REIMB 010.4424.5252 Total : 011604 2/1-2/16/04 IDENTIFY THEFT - PR 2/1-2/16/04 IDENTIFY THEFT - PR 010.4201.5501 Total : 012004 BALLET-JAZZ CLASSES - 12/03 BALLET-JAZZ CLASSES - 12/03 010.4424.5351 BALLET-JAZZ CLASSES -1/04 010.4424.5351 Total : T2031407 PHONE - 2345 PHONE - 2345 010.4145.5403 T2039462 PAYROLL - 0379 PAYROLL - 0379 010.4145.5403 T2039463 0386 - FAX LONG DISTANCE 0386 - FAX LONG DISTANCE 010.4145.5403 319.00 94.81 4.27 99.08 682.10 682.10 39.20 214.20 253.40 45.77 16.83 34.80 Page: 10 vchlist Voucher List Page: 11 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114100 1/23/2004 003108 SBC/MCI (Continued) T2039466 ALARM - 1935 T2039467 114101 1/23/2004 003641 SOUTH COUNTY SANITARY 114102 1/23/2004 002921 STRACHAN DENHAM, DENISE 114103 1/23/2004 000629 TAYLOR'S TUNE-UP SHOP 114104 1/23/2004 000653 TRULOCK, DOTTIE T2039474 ALARM - 1935 640.4710.5403 ALARM - 2041 ALARM - 2041 010.4145.5403 5400 5400 010.4145.5403 Total : 528269 DUMPSTERS - STROTHER PAR DUMPSTERS - STROTHER PAR 010.4213.5303 529812 DUMPSTERS - FIRE DEPT � DUMPSTERS - FIRE DEPT 010.4213.5303 530078 DUMPSTERS - RANCHO GRAND DUMPSTERS - RANCHO GRAND 010.4213.5303 Total : 263 674 012004 PLAYGROUND FABRIC PLAYGROUND FABRIC 350.5523.7001 Total : RADIATOR - BLDG MAINT VAN RADIATOR - BLDG MAINT VAN 010.4430.5601 Total : DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES - 1 DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES - 1 010.4424.5351 28.90 14.31 1,953.48 2,094.09 94.52 184.08 94.52 373.12 250.00 250.00 657.88 657.88 1, 354.00 Page: 11 vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 01/22/2004 9:45:26AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114104 1/23/2004 000653 000653 TRULOCK, DOTTIE (Continued) Total : 1,354.00 114105 1/23/2004 003548 UNITED RENTALS,NORTHWEST,INC 35084976-001 LOG SPLITTER lOG SPLITTER 220.4303.5552 114106 1/23/2004 002137 VERIZON WIRELESS 114107 1/23/2004 000697 WILLIAMS, JAMES 114108 1/23/2004 000712 YACONO, JACKIE 58 Vouchers for bank code : 58 Vouchers in this report boa 1832823139 7020 - CELL PHONE 7020 - CELL PHONE 010.4101.5403 Total : Total : 011604 2/2-2/6/04 ROBBERY TRNG - WIL 2/2-2/6/04 ROBBERY TRNG - WIL 010.4201.5501 Total : 011404 Total : Bank total : Total vouchers : 60.62 60.62 47.25 47.25 495.04 495.04 57.50 57.50 39,532.57 39,532.57 Page: 12 12/03 MEDICAL 12/03 MEDICAL 010.4099.5131 _ __ . __ ATTACH:4ENT 4 ��w� � Z�3 G� *Ki - �t n� � h �; DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD 01/02104 - 01/15/04 01/23/04 FUND 010 FUND 220 FUND 284 FUND 612 FUND 640 343,607.89 16,985.90 927.27 6,519.62 17, 301.71 385,342.39 Salaries Full time Salaries Part-Time - PPT Salaries Part-Time - TPT Salaries OverTime Salaries Standby Holiday Pay Sick Pay Annual Leave Buyback Vacation Buyback Sick Leave Buyback Vacation Pay Comp Pay Annual Leave Pay PERS Retirement Social Securiry PARS Retirement State Disability Ins. Deferred Compensation Health Insurance Dental Insurance Vision Insurance Life Insurance Long Term Disability Uniform Allowance Car Allowance Council Expense Employee Assistance Boot Allowance Motor Pay 172,165.02 18,622.23 4, 898.22 6,014.65 386.90 656.16 5,358.00 35,198.69 6,169.20 8,657.13 6, 585.45 40,432.10 20,567.15 305.87 1,431.43 700.00 31,636.49 4,018.35 900.25 742.00 935.10 18,200.00 500.00 162.00 100.00 385,342.39 ATTACHP'lE:1T 5 vchlist 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM Voucher List City of Arroyo Grande Page: 1 Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114122 1/23/2004 004097 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, WELLS F 010604 DEBT SVC-FIRE STATION GO B DEBT SVC-FIRE STATION GO B 470.4850.5802 65,874.67 Total : 65,874.67 114123 1/23/2004 004098 CITY OF SIMI VALLEY 114124 1/27/2004 004100 HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOC. INC 114125 1 /28/2004 003116 GCCCA 012204 CHANNEL CO DIV. 1/23 (FERRA CHANNEL CO DIV. 1/23 (R. TER 010.4201.5501 CHANNEL CO DIV. 1/23 (D. SPA 010.4301.5501 CHANNEL CO DIV. 1/23 (R. STR 010.4130.5501 CHANNEL CO DIV. 1/23 (K. WET 010.4002.5501 CHANNEL CO DIV. 1/23 (L. 010.4120.5501 CHANNEL CO DIV. 1/23 (FERRA 010.4001.5501 CHANNEL CO DIV. 1/23 (S. ADA 010.4101.5501 ' Total : 02-CORP0007989 012604 CONSULTANT SVC-CREEKSIDE CONSULTANT SVC-CREEKSIDE 010.0000.2550 CONSULTANT SVC - CREEKSID 010.0000.4518 CONSULTANT SVC - CREEKSID 010.0000.2550 Total : REG FEE - QTRLY MTG (WETMO REG FEE - QTRLY MTG (WETMO 010.4002.5501 35.00 35.00 70.00 35.00 70.00 140.00 70.00 455.00 1,875.00 -281.25 281.25 1,875.00 25.00 Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114125 1/28/2004 003116 003116 GCCCA (Continued) Total: 25.00 114126 1/28/2004 001836 DEPT.OF HEALTH SVCS 012704 GRADE D3 RE-EXAM FEE - SCH GRADE D3 RE-EXAM FEE - SCH 640.4712.5501 70 00 114127 1/28/2004 004108 DEL'S 114128 1/30/2004 001259 AGP VIDEO 114129 1/30/2004 001050 AMERICAN TEMPS 114130 1/30/2004 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS Total : 012704 DINNER FOR 85 - FF AWARDS C DINNER FOR 85 - FF AWARDS C 010.4211.5255 Total : 117 VIDEO PRODUCTIONlTAPE 12/ VIDEO PRODUCTION/TAPE 12/ 010.4101.5330 Total : 37087 37095 37148 123103 WE 1/09 J. GARCIA WE 1/09 J. GARCIA 010.4213.5102 WE 1/09 J. TALLEY WE 1/09 J. TALLEY 220.4303.5303 WE 1/16 K. ELY WE 1/16 K. ELY 010.4120.5303 70.00 1, 083.75 1,083.75 1,460.00 1,460.00 459.00 816.00 796.00 Total : 2,071.00 UNI FORMS/TOWELS/MATS Page: 2 vchiist Voucher List Page: 3 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114130 1/30/2004 003817 AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SVCS (Continued) UNI FORMS/TOWELS/MATS 010.4305.5143 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS 010.4213.5143 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS 010.4213.5303 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS 010.4301.5143 UNI FORMS/TOWELS/MATS 010.4213.5303 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS 010.4420.5143 UNI FORMS/TOWELS/MATS 010.4213.5303 U N I FO RMS/TOW E LS/MATS 612.4610.5143 U N I FO RMS/TOW E LS/MATS 220.4303.5143 UNIFORMS/TOWELS/MATS 640.4712.5143 Total : 114131 114132 1918 PRE-EMPLOY PHYSICAL (FUHL PRE-EMPLOY PHYSICAL (FUHL 010.4201.5315 Total : HOLIDAY PLANTS FOR RSVP V HOLIDAY PLANTS FOR RSVP V 010.4211.5504 HOLIDAY PLANTS FOR RSVP V HOLIDAY PLANTS FOR RSVP V 010.4211.5504 48.55 20.88 110.35 7.35 37.98 115.91 56.72 52.94 95.38 108.52 654.58 132.00 132.00 59.47 59.47 Page: 3 1/30/2004 000040 ARROYO GRANDE COMM. HOSPITA 091303 1/30/2004 000042 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SHOP 1916 vchlist VouCher Llst Page: 4 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # 114132 1/30/2004 000042 ARROYO GRANDE FLOWER SHOP (Continued) 1920 114133 1l30/2004 000043 ARROYO GRANDE GLASS 23019 114134 1/30/2004 000048 ASSOC.TRANSPORTATION ENGRS. 11 114135 1/30/2004 002180 AVAYA, I NC. 2717512479 114136 1/30/2004 001944 BASIC CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS,L.L.0 514001713 114137 1/30/2004 000070 BEACH FRONT AUTO SERVICE 1731 1835 Description/Account Amount HOLIDAY PLANTS FOR RSVP V HOLIDAY PLANTS FOR RSVP V 010.4211.5504 Totai : PLEXI GLASS FOR DISPATCH W PLEXI GLASS FOR DISPATCH W 010.4201.5604 Total : CONSULTANT SVC PRO 02017 CONSULTANT SVC PRO 02017 010.0000.2550 CREEKSIDE CTR 010.0000.4518 MIXED USE EIR 010.0000.2550 Total : MERLIN PHONES - MTHLY SVC MERLIN PHONES - MTHLY SVC 010.4145.5403 Total : SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 640.4712.5274 Total : P-20 BRAKE FLUID LEAK - CHEC P-20 BRAKE FLUID LEAK - CHEC 010.4420.5601 PW-951 THERMOSTAT PW-951 THERMOSTAT 010.4301.5601 61.61 180.55 55.77 55.77 1,462.52 -219.38 219.38 1,462.52 13.74 13.74 400.73 400.73 285.54 443.15 Page: 4 vchlist Voucher List Page: 5 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account 114137 1/30/2004 000070 000070 BEACH FRONT AUTO SERVICE (Continued) Total : 114138 1/30/2004 003074 BENDER & COMPANY, MATTHEW 8390030500 WEBSITE STORAGE WEBSITE STORAGE 010.4002.5303 114139 1/30/2004 002119 BERNARD'S H.D. SPECIALTY CYCLE 011604 114140 1/30/2004 000078 BLUEPRINT EXPRESS 114141 1/30/2004 001917 BOB'S EXPRESS WASH 114142 1/30/2004 000084 BOXX EXPRESS 25574 Total : 023 REPLACE REAR TIRE - HOL 023 REPLACE REAR TIRE - HOL 010.4201.5601 Total : COPIES -TRACT MAP 2306 COPIES -TRACT MAP 2306 010.4301.5255 Total : 123103 CAR WASH - DECEMBER '03 CAR WASH - DECEMBER '03 010.4201.5601 Total : 931 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4211.5201 932 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4211.5201 933 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4201.5201 934 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4201.5201 Amount 728.69 495.00 495.00 231.53 231.53 28.08 28.08 91.00 91.00 18.66 20.99 6.83 50.78 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114142 1/30/2004 000084 BOXX EXPRESS (Continued) 935 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4201.5201 936 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4201.5201 937 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 010.4201.5201 93 8 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 220.4303.5501 939 UPS SHIPPING CHARGES UPS SHIPPING CHARGES 220.4303.5501 114143 1/30/2004 000096 BURTON'S FIRE APPARATUS 14234 114144 1/30/2004 003766 CA.EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN`ARROI� 011204 114145 1/30/2004 000122 CA.ST.BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DGMT57-425096 114146 1/30/2004 000105 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR SPLY I JJ74118 11.88 6.53 32.92 26.62 20.08 Total : 195.29 PARTS FOR FIRE ENGINE PARTS FOR FIRE ENGINE 010.4211.5601 Total : PRE-EMPLOY PHYSICAL - L. FO PRE-EMPLOY PHYSICAL - L. FO 010.4211.5315 Total : DIESEL FUEL TAX 2QTR 03-04 DIESEL FUEL TAX 2QTR 03-04 010.0000.1202 Total : DISPOSABLE WIPES, TIE DOWN DISPOSABLE WIPES, TIE DOWN 010.4305.5255 161.33 161.33 150.00 150.00 434.00 434.00 297.69 Page: 6 vchlist 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114146 1/30/2004 000105 000105 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR SPL (Continued) Total : 297.69 114147 1/30/2004 000603 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS-DISTRIB. 148-400921 Voucher List City of Arroyo Grande 148-402652 148-402964 148-403492 148-404380 148-405496 148-406031 148-407316 148-408020 148-410261 114148 1/30/2004 000171 CLINICAL LAB.OF SAN BERNARDIN 735276 TAIL LAMP PW-51 TAIL LAMP PW-51 612.4610.5601 PW-140 THERMOSTAT PW-140 THERMOSTAT 612.4610.5603 RETURNED CORE � RETURNED CORE 010.4211.5601 SPIRAL WRAP SPIRAL WRAP 010.4211.5601 WIPER BLADE REFILLS P-20 WIPER BLADE REFILLS P-20 010.4420.5601 STEERING WHEEL PARTS STEERING WHEEL PARTS 220.4303.5601 3/8" DRIVE HEX BIT 3/8" DRIVE HEX BIT 220.4303.5601 P-901 BULBS P-901 BULBS 010.4430.5601 GAS CAP GAS CAP 010.4211.5601 HEADLAMP HEADLAMP 010.4211.5601 Total : WATER SAMPLES Page: 7 4.94 23.29 -80.44 27.78 6.99 19.76 3.21 6.86 9.82 57.38 79.59 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher List Page 8 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114148 1/30/2004 000171 CLINICAL LAB.OF SAN BERNARDIN (Continued) WATER SAMPLES 640.4710.5310 114149 1/30/2004 004106 COLEMAN, JULIE 114150 1/30/2004 000181 COMMUNICATION SOLUTIONS 114151 1/30/2004 000202 D.A.R.E.AMERICA 114152 1/30/2004 003227 DAY, SHANE 114153 1/30/2004 000210 DIESELRO INC. 012604 3249 MN-22220 MN-25734 012604 11682 Total : PARK DEP - J. COLEMAN PARK DEP - J. COLEMAN 010.0000.4354 Total : RES #7 REPAIR TERMINAL UNIT RES #7 REPAIR TERMINAL UNIT 640.4712.5609 Totai : DARE CD CASE/BAGS/KEY RIN DARE CD CASE/BAGS/KEY RIN 010.4201.5504 JR HIGH WORKBOOKS X100 JR HIGH WORKBOOKS X100 010.4201.5504 Total : REIMB 4 MATH CLASS - ALLEN H REIMB 4 MATH CLASS - ALLEN H 010.4201.5502 Total : P-7 STROBE LITE 8 BATTERIES P-7 STROBE LITE & BATTERIES 010.4420.5601 Total : 114154 1/30/2004 002673 DOCTOR'S MEDPLUS MEDICAL y � HEP B SHOT - FUHLRODT HEP B SHOT - FUHLRODT 010.4201.5303 1,338.00 1,338.00 27.00 27.00 172.72 172.72 765.08 117.00 882.08 68.00 68.00 359.43 359.43 75.00 Page: 8 vchlist VouCher List Page: 9 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114154 1/30l2004 002673 002673 DOCTOR'S MEDPLUS MEDICAL (Continued) Total : 75.00 114155 1/30/2004 001389 DRIVER ALLIANT INS.SERVICES 780879 U-GROUND FUEL TANKS - 2003 U-GROUND FUEL TANKS - 2003 010.4145.5578 175.00 U-GROUND FUEL TANKS - 2003 640.4710.5578 290 00 114156 1/30/2004 004030 DUNNE INSPECTION SERV. INC., JI 132 114157 1/30/2004 000225 EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC 114158 1/30/2004 000904 EDEN SYSTEMS,INC. 114159 1/30/2004 003481 EOC 114160 1/30/2004 001226 FDSOA 211473 19046 1100-295-9-03 1100-360-9-03 4200-330-09-03 012604 Total : FIRE STAT. EXPAN - SPEC INSPE FIRE STAT. EXPAN - SPEC INSPf 350.5410.7401 Total : FIRE STAT. EXPAN - MATERIAL 1 FIRE STAT. EXPAN - MATERIAL 1 350.5410.7401 Total : EDEN A/R TRAINING - AIR EXP EDEN A/R TRAINING - AIR EXP 010.4120.5597 Total : CDBG GRANT # P03AG03 CDBG GRANT # P03AG03 250.4800.8043 CDBG GRANT # P03AG04 CDBG GRANT # P03AG04 250.4800.8044 CDBG GRANT #P03AG02 CDBG GRANT #P03AG02 250.4800.8042 Total : MEMBERSHIP DUES'04 (STEF 465.00 759.00 759.00 1, 099.50 1,099.50 357.00 357.00 825.00 725.00 325.00 1,875.00 Page: 9 vchlist Voucher List Page: 10 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114160 1/30/2004 001226 FDSOA (Continued) 114161 1/30/2004 000247 FIBICH, TERENCE 011504 MEMBERSHIP DUES '04 (STEF 010.4211.5503 Total : LODGING - LEAGUE OF CITIES LODGING - LEAGUE OF CITIES 010.4211.5501 PARKING - LEAGUE OF CITIES 010.4211.5501 AIRFARE - LEAGUE OF CITIES 010.4211.5501 Total : W/C COMMUNITY CTR 1/17/04 W/C COMMUNITY CTR 1/17/04 010.0000.2206 SUPERVISION 6.5HRS (cD $9 010.0000.4355 Total : 032 REPLACE TRUNK LOCK 032 REPLACE TRUNK LOCK 010.4201.5601 Total : 6 PLAQUES FOR COMMUNITY A1 6 PLAQUES FOR COMMUNITY Al 010.4424.5252 CLOCKS - REVP GIFTS CLOCKS - REVP GIFTS 010.4211.5504 PERPETUAL PLATE/PLAQUES 010.4211.5255 Total : 75.00 75.00 87.73 15.00 214.20 316.93 250.00 -58.50 191.50 79.32 79.32 165.49 72.00 128.27 365.76 114162 1/30/2004 003544 FIVE CITIES/PISMO AAUW 114163 1/30/2004 000262 FRANK'S LOCK & KEY INC 114164 1/30/2004 000499 GRAND AWARDS, INC. 114165 1/30/2004 000943 HAGLUND, NANCY 012204 19797 10275 10297 011304 CA FIRE WKSHP - FUEL Page: 10 _ _ _ ._ vchiist Voucher List Page: 11 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114165 1/30/2004 000943 HAGLUND, NANCY (Continued) 114166 1/30/2004 001747 HANCOCK COLLEGE, ALLAN 114167 1/30/2004 001817 HARVEST BAG 114168 1/30/2004 004107 IMSA 114169 1/30/2004 000330 INFORMATION TECH DEPT CA FIRE WKSHP - FUEL 010.4211.5501 CA FIRE WKSHP-LUNCH 010.4211.5501 CA FIRE WKSHP-TOLL 010.4211.5501 CA FIRf WKSHP-FUEL 010.4211.5501 CA FIRE WKSHP-LUNCH 010.4211.5501 CA FIRE WKSHP-FUEL 010.4211.5501 Total ; 012704 REGISTRATION - R. CHILD REGISTRATION - R. CHILD 010.4211.5501 REGISTRATION - N. EMMERLIN 010.4211.5501 Total : 92458 011304 3547 A8�J FRIDGE - BALANCE FROM G A&J FRIDGE - BALANCE FROM G 250.4800.8027 Total : LICENSE FEE FROM FCC LICENSE FEE FROM FCC 010.4211.5255 Total CITATION PROCESS FEES 10-1 CITATION PROCESS FEES 10-1 010.4201.5303 12.22 10.55 2.00 21.76 5.72 20.55 72.80 27.00 27.00 54.00 1,368.36 1,368.36 400.00 400.00 105.80 Page: 11 _ __ vchlist Voucher List Page: 12 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114169 1/30/2004 000330 INFORMATION TECH DEPT (Continued) 3569 DP ON LIN - E TRANS 12/03 DP-ON LINE TRANS 12/03 010.4201.5606 3574 DAS SVCS - WKS 51 & 52 DAS SVCS - WKS 51 & 52 010.4140.5303 114170 1/30/2004 000345 J J'S FOOD COMPANY, INC. 114171 1/30/2004 000348 J.W.ENTERPRISES 141613 SUPPLIES FOR STATION SUPPLIES FOR STATION 010.4211.5255 141719 SUPPLIES FOR STATION SUPPLIES FOR STATION 010.4211.5255 146137 114172 1/30/2004 004105 JOHNBOY'S TOWING 114173 1/30/2004 004103 KEITH'S AUTOMOTIVE TRIM TOILET RENTAL TOILET RENTAL 220.4303.5552 194.44 4, 026.40 Total : 4,326.64 17.35 Total 8.14 25.49 91.73 91.73 1,000.00 1,000.00 225.08 225.08 Total : 2963 03-1693 VEHICLE STORAGE/INVE 03-1693 VEHICLE STORAGE/INV! 010.4201.5324 Total : 69359 962 - BACK REST COVERS, NE 962 - BACK REST COVERS, NE 010.4201.5601 Total : 114174 1/30/2004 003949 KERN'S PAPER CONNECTION 10525 PAPER/ENVELOPES PAPER/ENVELOPES 010.4102.5255 454.31 Totai : 454.31 Page: 12 vchlist Voucher List Page: 13 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114175 1/30/2004 004104 KUNTZ, ROBIN 012204 PARK DEP - R. KUNTZ PARK DEP - R. KUNTZ 010.0000.4354 27.00 Total : 27.00 114176 1/30/2004 002093 LACOUAGUE, MARK 012304 TACTICAL DISPATCH - 2/10-11 TACTICAL DISPATCH - 2/10-11 010.4201.5501 153.37 Total : 153.37 114177 1/30/2004 003537 LAVERY, CINDY 114178 1/30/2004 000393 LUCIA MAR UN.SCH.DIST 114179 1/30/2004 004102 MCLAUGHLIN, NATHANIEL 012604 40180 40181 40182 PARK DEP - C. LAVERY PARK DEP - C. LAVERY 010.0000.4354 Total CUSTODIAL CHRG - JUDKINS 1 CUSTODIAL CHRG - JUDKINS 1 010.4426.5553 CUSTODIAL CHRG - YOUTH B- CUSTODIAL CHRG - YOUTH B- 010.4426.5553 TENNIS COURT USE 11/23/03 TENNIS COURT USE 11/23/03 010.4424.5251 Total : 012604 PARK DEP - N. MCLAUGHLIN PARK DEP - N. MCLAUGHLIN 010.0000.4354 Total : 114180 1/30/2004 000419 MIDAS MUFFLER & BRAKE 5621 PW-42 SERVICE PW-42 SERVICE 640.4712.5601 27.00 27.00 197.29 278.52 4.50 480.31 27.00 27.00 55.78 Page: 13 vChlist VOUCher List Page: 14 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114180 1/30/2004 000419 MIDAS MUFFLER 8� BRAKE (Continued) 5672 021 TRANSMISSIO N FLUSH/BRA 021 TRANSMISSION FLUSH/BRA 010.4201.5601 Total : 114181 1/30/2004 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC. 01928824 ELBOW, FIG 8 AND COUPLE PV ELBOW, FIG 8 AND COUPLE PV 010.4420.5605 01929828 PAINT STRIPPING, ADAPTOR PAINT STRIPPING, ADAPTOR 010.4430.5605 21468204 IRON CRNR, FASTENERS IRON CRNR, FASTENERS 010.4430.5602 21470125 FASTENERS FASTENERS 010.4430.5605 21471603 CAUTION TAPE CAUTION TAPE 010.4420.5605 21472042 SWIVEL AERATOR SWIVEL AERATOR 010.4213.5604 21472566 DRAIN SNAKE DRAIN SNAKE 010.4213.5604 21472628 FRUITWOOD SHELF FRUITWOOD SHELF 010.4213.5604 21474702 PERM SHELF OAK PERM SHELF OAK 010.4213.5604 476.67 532.45 11.53 23.01 9.03 0.92 17.65 8.57 7.50 52.93 5.35 Page: 14 vchlist Voucher List Page: 15 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114181 1/30/2004 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC. (Continued) 214754.74 BUBBLER IRRIG TAPE 8� ADAPT BUBBLER IRRIG, TAPE & ADAPT 010.4420.5605 21475774 PVC WELD & BUSHING PVC WELD 8� BUSHING 010.4420.5605 21475801 PLASTIC WALL PLATE PLASTIC WALL PLATE 010.4213.5604 21476971 TAPE MOUNTING TAPE MOUNTING 010.4213.5604 21476988 HOUSEWARES & GIFTS HOUSEWARES & GIFTS 010.4211.5255 21477210 DRAIN GRATE PVC - VENT DRAIN GRATE PVC - VENT 010.4213.5604 21480726 PULL UTILITIES PULL UTILITIES 010.4213.5604 21480773 GRID BUCKET, PAINT BRUCH 4 f GRID BUCKET, PAINT BRUCH 4 f 010.4420.5605 21482275 KEYS KEYS 010.4211.5255 21482966 BATTERY ALKLINE BATTERY ALKLINE 640.4712.5255 21483272 BROOM PUSH BROOM PUSH 640.4712.5273 11.77 13.00 1.92 5.34 2.45 4.27 7.49 7.49 3.22 11.23 27.86 Page: 15 vchlist Voucher List Page: 16 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114181 1/30/2004 000429 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE, INC. (Continued) 21484742 HOSE Y MIXER HOSE Y MIXER 010.4211.5603 114182 1/30/2004 002307 MIRELES, GREG & PATRICIA 114183 1/30/2004 000439 MOSS, LEVY, 8� HARTZHEIM 114184 1/30/2004 000441 MULLAHEY FORD 114185 1/30/2004 001886 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN 114186 1/30/2004 000471 ONE HOUR PHOTO PLUS Total : 012604 REF.PARK DEPOSIT-MIRELES REF.PARK DEPOSIT-MIRELES 010.0000.4354 Total : 5470 AUDIT SVC BAL THRU 12/31/03 AUDIT SVC BAL THRU 12/31/03 010.4120.5303 Total : 994534 F-316 PART F-316 PART 010.4211.5601 8792J349 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 8850J350 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 010.4211.5201 4950 114187 1/30/2004 000472 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE INC 70379 FILM DEVELOPING FILM DEVELOPING 220.4303.5255 Total : Total : Total : TRAFFIC COUNTER SUPPLIES TRAFFIC COUNTER SUPPLIES 010.4301.6001 6.42 238.95 27.00 27.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 37.91 37.91 114.36 163.24 277.60 17.56 17.56 144.56 Page: 16 __ vchlist Voucher List Page: 17 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114187 1/30/2004 000472 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE INC (Continued) 70673 4 CANDELABRA PIN SOCKETS 4 CANDELABRA PIN SOCKETS - 010.4420.5605 70678 HAMMON 8 RAKE HAMMON 8 RAKE 640.4712.5273 Total 114188 1/30/2004 000492 PETTY CASH 114189 1/30/2004 000498 PITNEY BOWES 012104-FIRE CANDLES FOR FF AWARDS CE CANDLES FOR FF AWARDS CE 010.4211.5255 RIBBON FOR FF AWARDS CERE 010.4211.5255 CANDLES FOR FF AWARDS CE 010.4211.5255 CUPS FOR FF AWARDS CEREM( 010.4211.5255 LITHIUM BATTERIES - DIGITAL C 010.4211.5255 BEVERAGES-FF AWARDS CERE 010.4211.5255 CAKE - FF AWARDS CEREMON 010.4211.5255 GIFT BAGS - FF AWARDS CERE� 010.4211.5255 Total : 7147128-JA04 114190 1/30/2004 000503 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS, INC 50392 POSTAGE MTR 10/31/03-1/31/04 POSTAGE MTR 10/31/03-1/31/04 010.4201.5602 Total : BUSINESS CARDS - COUNCIL M BUSINESS CARDS - COUNCIL M 010.4102.5255 10.68 16.06 171.30 6.44 3.47 6.44 6.44 9.96 42.78 29.98 4.29 109.80 165.00 165.00 131.43 Page: 17 vchlist Voucher List 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM � City of Arroyo Grande Page: 18 Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114190 1/30/2004 000503 000503 POOR RICHARD'S PRESS, INC. (Continued) Total : 131_d3 114191 114192 1/30/2004 000686 PRYOR, SHAWN 1/30/2004 002792 PULITZER C.C.NEWSPAPER 012304 TACTICAL DISPATCH 2/10-11/04 TACTICAL DISPATCH 2/10-11/04 010.4201.5501 Total : 159241 NOT. PUBLIC HEARING - CDBG ' NOT. PUBLIC HEARING - CDBG' 010.4002.5301 159242 NOTICE PUB HEAR DCA 02-001 ( NOTICE PUB HEAR DCA 02-001 ( 010.4002.5301 159243 NOTICE PUB HEAR-RESERVOIR NOTICE PUB HEAR-RESERVOIR 010.4002.5301 159360 SUM ORDINANCE DCA02-002 F SUM ORDINANCE DCA02-002 F 010.4002.5301 159361 SUM ORDINANCE DCA03-005 A SUM ORDINANCE DCA03-005 A 010.4002.5301 159401 PH NOTICE VSR 03-008 PH NOTICE VSR 03-008 010.4130.5301 159402 CUP 98-572 & 573 � CUP 98-572 & 573 010.4130.5301 159403 CUP 03-002 CUP 03-002 010.4130.5301 159404 CUP 03-004 CUP 03-004 010.4130.5301 Total : 153.37 153.37 47.25 59.85 50.40 37.80 56.70 50.40 50.40 50.40 47.25 450.45 Page: 18 vchlist Voucher List Page: 19 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114193 1/30/2004 000986 QUADRANT SYSTEMS,INC 40102-3 ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT 010.4120.5303 425.00 ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT 010.4421.5201 280.00 ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUPPORT 010.4201.5201 145 00 114194 1/30/2004 000523 R& T EMBROIDERY,INC 114195 1/30/2004 002751 RANGE MASTER 114196 1/30/2004 003089 RINCON CONSULTANTS,INC. 114197 1/30/2004 000810 RRM DESIGN GROUP 24036 103784 Total : CAPS W/PATCHES SEWED ON CAPS W/PATCHES SEWED ON 010.4201.5255 Total : SILVER SNAKE CAPE STRAPS X SILVER SNAKE CAPE STRAPS X 010.4201.5255 Total : 5335 CONSULTANT SVC TM01-001 S CONSULTANT SVC TM01-001 S 010.0000.2475 INVOICE DATED 8/22/03 010.0000.4518 INVOICE DATED 8/22/03 010.0000.2475 5950 CONSULT SVCS TM01-001 SUS. CONSULT SVCS TM01-001 SUS. 010.0000.2475 INVOICE DATED 9/23/03 010.0000.4518 INVOICE DATED 9/23/03 010.0000.2475 Total : 12031002508 FIRE STAT. EXP - PROFESS SRV 850.00 158.82 158.82 19.27 19.27 10,843.48 -1,626.52 1,626.52 5,906.27 -885.94 885.94 16,749.75 Page: 19 vchlist Vou�her List Page: 20 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114197 1/30/2004 000810 RRM DESIGN GROUP (Continued) FIRE STAT. EXP - PROFESS SRV 350.5410.7501 Total : 114198 1/30/2004 000538 S& L SAFETY PRODUCTS 114199 1/30/2004 000545 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CITY OF 423246 SHOP TOWELS SHOP TOWELS 220.4303.5255 SHOP TOWELS 612.4610.5255 SHOP TOWELS 640.4712.5255 Total : F0100000026 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 4,555.77 4,555.77 75.02 75.02 75.02 225.06 Page: 20 vchlist Voucher List Page: 21 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptioNAccount Amount 114199 1/30/2004 000545 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CITY OF (Continued) WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4001.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4101.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4102.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4120.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4002.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4130.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4201.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4211.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4212.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4301.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4213.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4305.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4420.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4421.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4422.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4423.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4425.5141 44.61 602.29 178.46 591.14 156.15 803.05 50,514.19 17,131.78 1, 550.34 1,695.33 568.83 2, 398.00 9,357.79 200.76 747.28 390.37 2,821.84 Page: 21 vchlist Voucher List Pa9e: 22 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114199 1/30/2004 000545 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CITY OF (Continued) WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 010.4430.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 220.4303.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 284.4103.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 612.4610.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 640.4710.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 640.4711.5141 WORKERS COMP 3RD QTR 03 640.4712.5141 Total : 114200 1/30/2004 000479 SBC 1 /07-0183 1 /07-3953 1 /07-3956 1 /07-3959 1 /07-3960 1 /07-7480 0983 0183 010.4145.5403 3953 3953 010.4211.5403 3956 3956 220.4303.5303 3959 3959 640.4710.5403 3960 3960 010.4211.5403 12/08-1/07 7480 12/08-1/07 7480 010.4201.5403 2, 509.54 9,012.03 33.46 3, 022.60 1,494.57 1, 081.89 4,628.70 111,535.00 186.16 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 64.74 Page: 22 vchfist Voucher List 01/29/2004 9:19:56AM Page: 23 City of Arroyo Grande Bank code : boa Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # Description/Account Amount 114200 1/30/2004 000479 SBC (Continued) 1 /08-9816 9816 1 /08-9867 114201 1/30/2004 003108 SBC/MCI 114202 1/30/2004 000587 SEBASTIAN OIL DISTRIB. 114203 1/30/2004 001189 SLO CNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 114204 1/30/2004 000731 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF T2031405 T2039468 Tz039472 T2039485 CFN70544 9816 010.4145.5403 12/9-1/08 9867 12/9-1/08 9867 010.4201.5403 12/1-1/07 2174 12/1-1/07 2174 010.4201.5403 12/1-1/10 2198 12/1-1/10 2198 010.4145.5403 12/1-1/10 5100 12/1-1/10 5100 010.4145.5403 12/1-1/10 6944 12/1-1/10 6944 010.4201.5403 GASOLINE 1/01-1/15/04 GASOLINE 1/01-1/15/04 010.4201.5608 51.82 53.74 Total : 483.98 29.84 58.55 658.53 Total : 115.60 862.52 109.88 109.88 25.00 25.00 50.00 Total : 012704 MATERIALS CSTI CERT-R. CHI MATERIALS CSTI CERT-R. CHI 010.4211.5501 MATERIALS CSTI CERT-N EMME 010.4211.5501 011604 Total : BOOKING FEES 10/03-12/03 Page: 23 8.b. � � MEMORANDUM � �Y ,o. ,•„ �, c ���FORN� P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE C BY: JANET M. HUWALDT, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2004 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of January 31, 2004, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). � CITY OF ARROYO GIZANDE MONTHLY Il�TVESTMENT REPORT �fQ o� �la�rcua�uy 31. 2AA� February 10, 2004 This report presents the City's investments as of January 31, 2004. It includes all investrnents managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of January 31, 2003, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer. This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield. The City may readily transfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments. The following is a comparison of investments based on book values as of January 31, 2003 compared with the prior month and the prior year. PRIOR Date: Amount: Interest Rate: january 2004 $11,800,000 1.55% December 2003 11,800,000 1.57% January 2003 14,0�,000 2.11 % O � PRRO V� c � � INCORPORATED �Z MEMORANDUM � v � * JULY 10, 1911 * c4 ��FORN� P 8.c. TO: CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF AUDITED ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors receive and file the respective Audited Annual Financial Reports for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2003. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact from this action. DISCUSSION: The �rm of Moss, Levy & Hartzheim, CPA's was hired to audit the City of Arroyo Grande's/Redevelopment Agency's financial records for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003. Audit services are retained for two reasons: first, to have an independent review of internal control and secondly to ensure that the resulting financial reports fairly represent the financial position of the City/Redevelopment Agency. The auditors conducted testing of the internal control in June 2003. The procedures for receiving and disbursing cash, the accounting methodology used to record transactions, the separation of duties to avert collusion, and asset security was reviewed. As a result of this extensive testing, seven internal control issues/events were brought to the attention of staff. These seven findings and the City's responses are detailed in the attached Management Letter. While the items identified are minor issues, staff takes the auditor recommendations seriously as evidence by the immediate implementation of most of the recommendations. In November of 2003, an audit was conducted on the 2002-03 financial transactions. Documentation in support of the assets, liabilities, and fund balance of all the funds in the City was examined and verified. This process assures an impartial review and substantiation of the City's/Redevelopment Agency's fund balances. The result of this review is the attached financial reports. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF AUDITED ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 2 The Fiscal Year 2002-03 financial reports are substantially different from previous years due to the implementation of Government Accounting Standards Board Pronouncement 34 (GASB 34). GASB 34 expanded and changed the information presented in the basic financial statements. The basic financial statement now includes a transmittal letter from City management assuming responsibility for the information presented (page 1); Management's Discussion and Analysis (page 6) detailing the City's financial performance as a whole; a Statement of Activity (page 18) that combines governmental funds (General Fund, special revenues funds, and debt service funds) with proprietary funds (water funds); and the inclusion of infrastructure assets ($53.8 million in governmental funds and $7.4 million in water funds) in the Statement of Activities (page 18). The intent of GASB 34 Provisions are to ensure that all primary users of general-purpose external reports are provided with the basic information needed to assess an entity's finances. As shown in the table below, the audit of the General Fund reports revenues of approximately $322,950 less than budgeted, expenditures of approximately $422,650 less than budgeted, and the unused CIP projects of approximately $391,650 resulted in an increase to the budgeted fund balance of the General Fund of approximately $491,350. The revenue decrease was primarily the result of decreases in building permits ($122,300), a reduction in PERS surplus ($49,000), reductions in tax revenue ($90,450). Expenditure containment by City departments accnunted for approximately $422,650, while the delay of CIP projects funded by the General Fund reduced the capital transfers by $391,650. The fund balance for the General Fund is $2,998,675 as of June 30, 2003. However, please note in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report that a portion of unexpended funds are carried over to FY 2003-04, which will reduce the projected year-end balance. Activity Budget Actual Difference 6/30/02 Fund Balance 2,498,600 2,498,600 Revenues Expenses CIP Transfers 6/30/03 Fund Balance 11,001,050 10,576,650 10,678,100 10,154,000 (322,950) (422,650) 415,650 24,000 (391,650) 2,507,350 2,998,700 491,350 Auditors may issue three different types of opinions at the conclusion of an audit, an Unqualified, Qualified, or Adverse Opinion. An Unqualified Opinion assures the audit reader that the information presented fairly represents the financial position of the City. A Qualified Opinion states that the information is fairly presented except for a particular issue. An Adverse Opinion indicates that the agency has major accounting and/or internal control issues. The City should be proud to report that for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2003, the City of Arroyo Grande and the Redevelopment Agency received Unqualified Opinions. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF AUDITED ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 3 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations and accept the audited financial reports; - Do not approve staff recommendations and return reports to auditor; - Modify staff recommendations and approve; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: - City of Arroyo Grande Basic Financial Statement - Redevelopment Agency Basic Financial Statement - Management Letter . I � MOSS, LEVY & HARTZHEIM CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUIX�I�� ` c rC , 1 7 �� (' ( }'' ��{1 1� �aI �lf1�1� �j1ii��� 04 J�t� 22 Pti 2� 25 PARTNERS: ROBERT M. MOSS. C.P.A.' RONALD A. LEW, C.P.A.' CRAIG A. HARTZHEIM, C.P.A.• 'DENOIES PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION November 18, 2003 �Mayor and Members of the c�ri co���i City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 350 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 802 EAST MAIN SANTA MARIA CA 93454 PHONE: (805) 9252579 FAX: (805) 9252147 L : � N( e.f 1` '��r� ��� G� A�►� Re: Audit findings resulting from the annual audit of the City of Arroyo Grande for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003. Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, Having completed the annual audit of the Cit��'s records for the fiscal yeaz ended June 30, 2003, I would like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention a number of observarions, recommendarions and suggesrions I feel aze appropriate at this time. Some are of a long-term nature and may not be immediately feasible. 1. FINDING: At the end of the 2001-02 fiscal year, a Police Deparhnent employee requested a check be issued for an out of state conference registration to be held in September 2002. The conference registration included the fust night of a five day hotel stay. Upon retum from the conference, the employee requested reimbursement,for five nights at the hotel, thereby receiving reunbursement for six days of a five day stay. RECOMMENDATION: Greater attenrion should be given to travel expenses incurred, particularly those that span two fiscal years, and are paid by a combination of check and credit cazd. �MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSE: This error occurred primarily because the payment and attendance at the conference spanned two fiscal years. Most records are retained by fiscal yeaz, however, since this incident came to the City's attendon, the Police Department established procedures to retain copies of travel expense by conference in addition to travel by fiscal yeaz. The employee has also recently reimbursed the City for this double paymen� At the request of the Arroyo Grande Police Chief, ttus particulaz conference changed the registrarion requirement from June to July to avoid the dual fiscal year problem OFFICES: BEVERLY HILLS • SANTA MARIA • SACRAMENTO I.ACMGLD e�AFDIf'CN INCTRI RF fY f D A'c . f'AIJFORNIA SOCIEN (�F f'.P A's • CALIFORNIA SOCIEN OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS • CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SCF100L BU5NE5S O��CVUS 2. FINDING: Orchard Hardware, Brisco's Hardware, and Miner's Hardware aze provided with a list of employees authorized to purchase miscellaneous items under specific stated limits. We found two cases where purchases exceeded the $3001imit for full time employees and one case when the $1001imit for a part time employees was exceeded. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that only supervisors be allowed to purchase supplies at these three stores. MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSE: Department supervisors stated that operations could be seriously hampered if supervisors were required to always be available to run to the hardware store to purchase miscellaneous supplies, such as a box of nails. However, greater conhol must be implemented over the extensive list of employees. Therefore, the list of authorized purchasers has been pared down. With your approval, the attached revised authorization list will be forwarded to the respective stores. 3. FINDING: The Recreation Department sells punch cards for participants in the Children in Motion program to facilitate multi day participation in the program These cazds are punched for each day of a child's participation. Auditors found that staff had issued additional punch cards, on the promise of payment at a later date, when parents were unable to pay. The auditors were also unable to reconcile the number of puach cards sold to the receipts collected. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that punch cazds be issued upon receipt of payment only, and a system be established to reconcile the number of punch cards sold to receipts collected to prevent a misappropriation of funds to go undetected. ' MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSE: Cluldren in Motion staff state that different punch cazds are issued for different amounts of pre-paid childcaze. Occasionally the amount of childcaze provided exceeds the amount of remaining hours on the pre-purchased punch cazd. In these cases, a"Track-It" card is issued, showing the amouat of hours owed. The Track It card is not allowed to exceed 10 hours. Should the card reach that point and payment not be received, the parent is asked to remove the child from the program until payment can be made. Though in theory it is agreed that the City should not extend services without payment, in a City that prides itself on custoa�r service, the hardhearted �pproach to remove the child from the program when any money is due the City, seems like overkill. However, Children in Motion staff have agreed to establish an "amount due" level that cannot be exceeded. In addition, the Children in Motion has developed a system to enable the reconciliation of punch cazds to receipts collected. The Eden computer system issues a receipt number for every revenue �ansaction. Children in Modon staffwill now write the coaesponding receipt number on the punch cazd. Since the receipt numbers aze consecutive, staff can trace the receipt number from the card back to the date payment was made. 4. FINDING: Travel expenses for the Mayor were not approved by the City Manager. RECOMMENDATION: Travel expenses should be approved by the City Manager. MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSE: Because the City Manager was out of town when the travel request was submitted, staffprocessed the form to avoid delays in the travel arrangements. It is staf�'s belief that this was an isolated incideat that is unlikely to occur in the future. 5. FINDING: The computer server door is kept locked, but multiple keys have been issued to employees. Though the computer server is safe from public access, unauthorized City employees do have access. RECOMMENDATION: . The server room should only be accessble to appropriate personnel to prevent misuse and/or theft of equipment MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSE: This recommendation has been implemented. 6. FINDING: Computer passwords are not changed at regular intervals. RECOMMENDATION: All passwords should be chauged at regulaz intervals for additional security, and to allow passwords to lapse in the event the TT department was not notified of an e�loyee's depariure from the City. MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSE: . Staff agrees with the recommendation. The Computer Technician has iaiplemented a program to change passwords every six months. The program will automatically notify employees when their passwords are about to expire, provide prompts to change the password, and delete expired passwords from the computer system 7. FINDING: Independent contractors (instructors) register and collect money from students in the Special Program division. �tECOMMENDATION: All receipts and registrations should be collected at the Parks and Recrearion Office to prevent a misappropriation of funds to go undetected. MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSE: Participants enroll in the Recreation Special Interest ProgramS by appearing at the class, paying the appropriate fee to the instructor (an independent contractor not employed by the City), and participating in the class. Because the number ofparticipants determines the instructor's pay and because payments are often collected in cash (though the instructors do encourage payment by check), there is an opporiunity for misappropriation of City funds. The auditor has recoaunended that either potential participants enroll and pay for special interest classes at the Recreation Office or a City employee be present to collect the enrollment fees at the classes. Both solutions present significant problems. In the spirit of high customer service, the Recreation Department endeavors to make enrollment and participation in the programs as easy as possible. Many participants' work from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. which ue the general hours the Recreation office is open. These participants find it convenient to do "one stop shopping" and changing the procedures could impact the nuaiber of participants. The City is tightening its economic belt in response to the sluggish economy and the California State budget crisis. Requiring that a City employee be available for the registration and payment of classes will use City resources needed in other azeas of the City. The recommendations and suggestions hercin noted aze of a general nature only and aze not to be taken as criticism of current management. Should you wish to have a more detailed explanation or assistance in executing them, I would be happy to be of assistance in any way. , MOSS, LEVY & HARTZHEIM on A.Levy .P.A. � / PRROYO ° �� � INCORPORATED �Z V T * JUIY 10. 1911 * c4 ��FORN� P TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 8.d. �� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PRE-TAX PAYROLL DEDUCTION PLAN FOR SERVICE CREDIT PURCHASES IN THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution to allow employees purchasing service credit with the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) to make such purchases on a pre-tax basis. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact with the adoption of the attached Resolution. DISCUSSION: The City contracts with the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) to provide retirement benefits to employees. The retiree benefits are based on the number of years of service, the employee eamings, and the benefit provisions of the contract. Under the provisions of CaIPERS, employees can purchase additional years of service under specfic circumstances, i.e. time served in the military, employment time with other agencies, and time allowed under recently adopted Assembly Bill 719. Adding additional service time to Arroyo Grande employment can substantially increase retirement benefits for the employee. The cost of a service credit purchase is calculated by CaIPERS and is paid entirely by the employee. Currently, service credit purchases are made on a post-tax basis, meaning Federal and State taxes are calculated on the employee's gross eamings, then service credit payments are deducted. Intemal Revenue Code section 414(h)(2) allows the deferral of income taxes on service credit purchases by pre-taxing the payments. Under this method, the gross eamings are reduced by service credit payments, then Federal and State taxes calculated. Under the pre-tax procedure the employees' Federal and State taxes are reduced, the take-home pay increased and the tax liability deferred until the retirement benefits are paid. Providing pre-tax service credit payments is a benefit the City can offer its employees without incurring costs. Should the attached Resolution be adopted, the City is obligated CITY COUNCIL PRE-TAX PAYROLL DEDUCTION PLAN FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 2 to continue to provide the post-tax plan to employees purchasing additional service credit. The choice of pre-taxing or post-taxing payments is the employee's decision. However, once the employee has stipulated the tax methodology for service credit purchases, that taxing structure is irrevocable. It is important for the City to provide its employees with meaningful benefits that are competitive with other agencies, and the private sector. Adopting the attached Resolution to allow pre-tax senrice credit payments under the Intemal Revenue Code provides a meaningful benefit to employees at no cost to the City. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations by adopting the Resolution providing pre-tax payroll deductions of service credit purchases; - Do not approve staff recommendations and continue post-tax payroll deductions of service credit purchases; - Provide direction to staff. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ELECTING TO ADOPT THE PRE- TAX PAYROLL DEDUCTION PLAN FOR SERVICE CREDIT PURCHASES WHEREAS, the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) at the April 1996 meeting approved a pre-tax payroll deduction plan for service credit purchases under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 414(h)(2); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has the authority to implement the provisions of IRC section 414(h)(2) and has determined that even though implementation is not required by law, the tax benefit offered by this section should be provided to those employees who are members of GaIPERS; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande elects to participate in the pre-tax payroll deduction plan for all employees in the following CaIPERS coverage groups: All Miscellaneous Coverage Groups All Safety Coverage Groups NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande: 1. That the City of Arroyo Grande will implement the provisions of IRC section 414(h)(2) by making employee contributions for service credit purchases pursuant to the California State Government Code on behalf of its employees who are members of CaIPERS and who have made a binding irrevocable election to participate in the pre=tax payroll deduction plan. "Employee contributions" shall mean those contributions reported to CaIPERS which are deducted from the salary of employees and are credited to individual employee accounts for service credit purchases, thereby resulting in tax deferral of employee contributions. 2. That the contributions made by the City to CaIPERS, although designated as employee contributions, are being paid by the City in lieu of contributions by the employees who are members of CaIPERS. 3. That the employees shall not have the options of choosing to receive the contributed amounts directly instead of having them paid by the City. 4. That the City shall pay to CaIPERS the contributions designated as employee contributions from the same source of funds as used in paying salary, thereby resulting in tax deferral of employee contributions. 5. That the effective date for commencement of the pre-tax payroll deduction plan cannot be any earlier than July 1, 1996, or the date the completed resolution is received and approved in CaIPERS, whichever is later. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 6. That the governing body of the City shall participate in and adhere to requirements and restrictions of the pre-tax payroll deductions plan by reporting pre-tax payroll deductions when authorized by CaIPERS for those employees of the above stated Coverage Groups who have elected to participate in this plan. On motion by Council Member the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: , seconded by Council Member , and on the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of _ , 2004. . _ ..� � . � _ �_.�____-.�-,_.W._. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY 8.e. � � � '"" '� MEMORANDUM c4 ��FORN� P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL�C� CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 206 NORTH HALCYON ROAD, ARROYO GRANDE DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement for property located at 206 North Halcyon Road, Arroyo Grande and appropriate $134,000 for the costs associated with escrow and purchase of the property. FUNDING: The negotiated cost of the property is $128,600. Escrow expenses are estimated not to exce�d $5,400. Costs are proposed to be financed from the General Fund fund balance. The projected fund balance will remain above the City's goal of 20% of General Fund budgeted expenditures. DISCUSSION: On site parking at the Arroyo Grande Police Station is severely limited. The most logical and expedient place for additional parking is the property located adjacent to the Police Station at 200 North Halcyon Road, Arroyo Grande, owned by the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union Number 12, AFL-C10 ("IUOE"). The IUOE property is ideal for immediate additional Police Department parking and could also maintain a number of other uses based on the City's long term needs. City staff and the IUOE have negotiated the attached Purchase and Sale Agreement. The consideration of $128,600 reflects the property's approximate fair market value. Staff recommends the Council approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement; - Do not approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement; - Provide direction to staff. Attachment: Purchase and Sale Agreement PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT This Purchase and Sale Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as ofFebruary , 2004, between the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a municipal corporation formed under the laws of the State of California ("Purchaser") and the INTERNATIONAL IJNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS, Local Union Number 12, AFL-CIO, a non-profit association ("Seller"). RECITALS A. Seller is the owner of that certain real property ("the Property") located at 206 N. Halcyon Road, Arroyo Grande, California, more particularly described as Lots 3 and 4 in Block 10 of the Western Addition to the Town of Arroyo Grande, as per map recorded Apri110,1894, in the office of the county recorder of said county. B. Purchaser desires to purchase the Property, and Seller desires to sell the Property on the terms and conditions in this Agreement. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. PURCHASE AND SALE. Subject to the terms and conditions in this Agreement, Seller agrees to sell and Purchaser agrees to purchase the Property. SECTION 2. PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price for the Property shall be the sum of One Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($128,600) ("Purchase Price"), payable by Purchaser to Seller as follows: (a) The sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) ("Deposit") on execution of this Agreement by Purchaser, evidenced by a personal check payable to First American Title Company (ATitle Company") and delivered to Title Company concurrently with a copy of this Agreement. (b) The balance of One Hundred Twenty Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($123,600) in cash on or before Close of Escrow as provided in this Agreement. � _...._._. ._..�. ...w._.�....�_..�.�.. _.�� �.,,,.,__,,, SECTION 3. ESCROW. An escrow shall be opened to consummate the sale of the Proper�y pursuant to this Agreement at the office of Title Company at 899 Pacific Street, San Luis Obispo, California, within five (5) days from the effective date of this Agreement. The parties shall deliver signed instructions to escrow within ten (10) days of the effective date of this Agreement. The instructions shall not modify or amend this Agreement; provided, �owever, that the parties shall execute any additional instructions requested by escrow in a manner consistent with the Agreemen� All amounts deposited by Purchaser with Tifle Company aze to be held in escrow in an interest-bearing account with interest �redited to Purchaser. Unless the parties otherwise mutually agree in writing to an extension, the escrow shall close (°Close of Escrow"), the Property shall be transferred, and the Purchase Price paid within one hundred eighty (180) days of the date first above written. SECTION 4. CONDITIONS OF ESCROW. (a) Purchaser's Conditions. The Close of Escrow and Purchaser's obligation to purchase the Property pursuant to this Agreement are conditioned on: (i) The delivery by Seller to Purchaser within ten (10) days after the opeaing of escrow, of a preliminary report on the Property, together with copies of all documents referred to in the report (collectively, Preliminary Report) and copies of any effective leases, rental agreements, or any other agreements wluch are to remain in effect after Purchaser takes title. Purchaser shall have five (5) days from receipt of the Preliminary Report to report in writing any valid objections to it. Any exceptions to title to the Property shown on the Preliminary Report shall be deemed to have been accepted by Purchaser unless objected to in writing by Purchaser to Seller within five (5) days. If Purchaser objects to any exceptions to the title to the Properly, and the exceptions are not removed before the Close of Escrow, all rights and obligations under this Agreement may, at the election of the Purchaser, terminate, and the Deposit shall be returned to Purchaser, unless Purchaser elects to purchase the Property subject to the exceptions. (ii) The conveyance to Purchaser or Purchaser's nominee of title to the Property, as evidenced by a standard form California Land Title Association ("CLTA'� tide insurance policy, in the full amount of the purchase price, issued by Title Company, subject only to the exceptions approved by Purchaser pursuant to Section 4(a)(i). (iii) Purchaser's review and approval, within ten (10) days of the effective date of this Agreement, of zoning, soil conditions, geology, engineering requirements, governmental requirements, and other matters affecting Purchaser's proposed development of the Pmperty. If Purchaser does not approve of any. of the previous matters affecting the Property, Purchaser shall so notify Seller in writing within the ten (10) day period. If Purchaser does not so notify Seller within ten (10) days, then all these matters shall be deemed approved. Should any of the conditions specified in Section 4(a) fail to occur before the Close of Escrow, Purchaser shall have the right, exercisable by the giving of written notice to the escrow agent and to Seller, to cancel the escrow, ter�ninate this Agreement, and recover any amounts paid by Purchaser to Seller or to the Title Company on account of the Purchase Price. , (b) Seller's Conditions. The Close of Escrow and Seller's obligation to sell the Property pursuant to this Agreement are conditioned on the performance by Purchaser of each obligation under this Agreement, including, without limitation, Purchaser's obligations to make payments described in Section 2 within the time periods designated. Should these conditions fail to occur, then Seller shall have the right, exercisable by the giving of written notice to Title Company and to Purchaser, to cancel the escrow and terminate this Agreemen� SECTION 5. PRORATIONS. At the closing, Tide Company shall make the following prorations: (a) Property taxes, if any, shali be prorated as of the Close of Escrow. (b) Any bond or assessment that is a lien, determined as of the Close of Escrow, shall be assumed by Purchaser at the Close of Escrow. � SECTION 6. BROKERS' COMMISSIONS. Seller and Purchaser each warrant to the other that no person or entity can properly claim a, right to a real estate broker's commission, finder's fee, or other compensation with respect to the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. If any broker or finder perfects a claim for a commission. or finder's fee based on any contract, dealings, or communication with a pariy (Indemnifying Party), then the Indemnifying Party shall indemnify, defend, and hold the other party (Nonindemnifying Party) harmless from all costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees and costs of defense) incurred by the Nonindemnifying Party in connection with such claim. SECTION 7. EXPENSES OF ESCROW. The expenses of the escrow described in this Section shall be paid in ihe following manner: 3 (a) The full cost of securing the title insurance policy described in Section 4(a)(ii) shall be paid by Purchaser. (b) The cost of preparing, executing, and acknowledging any deeds or other insttuments required to convey title to Purchaser or his nominees in the manner described in Section 4(axii) shall be paid by Purchaser. ' (c) The cost of recording a grant deed required to convey title to the Properiy to Purchaser or his nominees as described in Section 4(a)(ii) of this Agreement shall be paid by Purchaser. (d) Any tax imposed on the conveyance of title to the Property to Purchaser or his nominee under the Documentary Transfer Tax Act shall be paid by Purchaser. (e) Any escrow fee charged by the escrow agent in addition to the cost of the title insurance policy required by this Agreement shall be shared equally by Purchaser and Seller. SECTION 8. CONTROL OF PROPERTY DURING ESCROW. Purchaser, or persons designated by Purchaser, shall have the right at all reasonable times to enter on the Property for the purpose of conducting those soil tests, surveys, and studies as Purchaser may require to ascertain the suitability of the Property for Purchaser's purposes. Purchaser shall repair and replace any damage to the Property caused by any entry on the Property by Purchaser or any persons designated by Purchaser. Purchaser shall also indemnify and hold Seller harmless against any claims arising from Purchaser's or Purchaser's designated persons' entry on the Property, and against all costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred in or in connection with any claim or proceeding brought on a claim, including, but not limited to, attomey fees and court costs. SECTION 9. DISCLAIMER OF REPItESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES BY SELLER. (a) There are no representations, agreements, arrangements, or circumstances, oral or written, between the parties relating to the subject matter contained in this Agreement that are not fully expressed in the Agreement, and Seller has not made and does not make any representation or warranty concerning any matter or thing affecting or relating to the Property not expressed in this . Agreement. (b) Purchaser warrants that Purchaser is a sophisticated owner and developer of real property, familiar and experienced with requirements for the development of real property. Purchaser has examined the Property, is familiar with its physical condition, and accepts the Property in ag as is __ condition. Seller has not made and does not make any representations as to the physical condition of the Property. (c) Purchaser has conducted or will conduct an independent investigation with respect to zoning and subdivision laws, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of all govemmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Property, and the use and improvement of the Property, and Seller has not made representations to Purchaser on any of these� matters. SECTION 10. DESTRUCTION.. In the event of any damage or other loss to the Progeriy prior .to the Close of Escrow, Purchaser shall not be entitled to terminate this Agreement, but shall be obligated to close the escrow and purchase the Property as provided in this Agreement, without abatement in the Purchase Price; provided that Seller shall assign to Purchaser at the Close of Escrow ali monies to be paid by Seller's insurer in connection with the damage or loss, and all claims for monies payable from Seller's insurer in connection with the damage or loss. SECTION 11. CON�EMNATION. (a) If, prior to the Close of Escrow, all of the Properiy is taken by eminent domain, or is thq subject of a pending taking which has not been consummated, Seller shall immediately notify Purchaser of the event. In this event, this Agreement shall be immediately terminated. On termination of this Agreement, neither party shall have any rights or responsibilities to the other, and the Deposit shall be promptly returned to Purchaser. In this event, any, escrow cancellation fees in connection with the termination shall be shared fifly percent (50%) by Purchaser and fifly percent (50%) by Seller. (b) If, prior. to the Close of Escrow, a material portion but not all of the Properfy is taken by eminent domain, or is the subj ect of a pending taking which has not been consummated, Seller shall immediately notify Purchaser of this event. Purchaser shall then have the right to terminate tlus Agreement by written notice to the Seller delivered within ten (10) business days after Purchaser's receipt of ttus notice, if Purchaser reasonably believes that the portion of the Properiy subject to being taken would materially and adversely affect Purchaser's intended use of the Properiy. If , Purchaser elects not to exercise the right to terminate pursuant to this Section, Seller shall assign and deliver to Purchaser, and Purchaser shall be entitled to receive, all awards; otherwise payable to Seller, for the taking by eminent domain. The parties shall proceed to the Close of Escmw pursuant to the terms of this Agreemcnt, without modification of this Agreement, except as necessitated by eminent domain action, and without any reduction in the Purchase Price. If Purchaser terminates pursuant to this Section, then neither party shall have any rights or responsibilities to the other, and the Deposit shall be promptly returned to Purchaser. Any escrow cancellation fees connected with this termination shall be shazed fifty percent (50%) by Purchaser and fifty percent (50%) by Seller. SECTION 12. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by Purchaser without the prior written approval of Seller. SECTION 13. NOTICES. All notices to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and either: (a) Sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, in which case notice shall be deemed delivered three (3) business days after deposit, postage prepaid in the iJnited States Mail, (b) Sent by a nationally recognized overnight courier, in which case notice shall be deemed delivered one (1) business day after deposit with this courier, or (c) By telecopy or similaz means, if a copy of the notice is also sent by United States Certified Mail, in which case notice shall be deemed delivered on transmittal by telecopier or other similar means provided that a transmission report is generated by reflecting the accurate transmission of the , notices, as follows: � SELLER, International Union of Operating Engineers Attn: William Waggoner, Business Manager 150 East Corson Street � � P. O. Box 7109 Pasadena, CA 91109-7209 Telephone: (626) 792-8900 Fax No.: (626) 792-9039 PuRCxASEA City of Arroyo Grande Attn: Timothy J. Carmel, City Attomey Lyon & Carmel P. O. Box 922 1104 Palm Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Telephone: (805) 541-2560 Fax: (805) 543-3857 These addresses may be changed by written notice to the other party, provided that no notice of a charige of address shall be effective until actual receipt by the parties of the notice. Copies of notices are for informational purposes only, and a failure to give or receive copies of any notice shall not be deemed a failure to give notice. SECTION 14. ATTORNEY FEES. If either party commences an action against the other to enforce this Agreement, or because of the breach by either party of this Agreement, the prevailing party in this action shall be entitled to recover attomey fees and costs incurred in connection with the prosecution or defense of this action, including any appeal of the action, in addition to all other relief. Prevailing party within the meaning 6 � J of this Section shall include, without limitation, a party who successfully brings an action against the other party for sums allegedly due or performance of covenants allegedly breached, or that party who obtains substantially the relief sought in the action. $ECTION 1S. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This instrument contains the entire agreement of the parties; any previous understandings of the pa'rties regarding the subject matter oF this Agreement aze expressly declared void and are superseded by this Agreement. � SECTION 1G. TIME OF ESSENCE. Time is of the essence for each condition, term, and provision in this Agreement. SECTION 17. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed.in one or more counterparts. Each shall be deemed an . original and all taken together shall constitute one and the same instiument. The execution of this Agreement is deemed to have occurred, and this Agreement shall be enforceable and effective only on the complete execution of this Agreement by the parties. SECTION 18. SEVERABILITY. If any term or provision of this Agreement shall, to any. extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected. SECTION 19. WAIVERS. A waiver or breach of a covenant or provision in this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver o'f any other covenant or provision in this Agreement, and no waiver shall be valid unless in writing and executed by the waiving party. � An extension of time for performance of any obligation or act shall not be deemed an extension of the time for performance of any other obligation or act. $ECTION Zl. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be govemed and construed in accordance with California law. SECTION 20. CONSTRUCTION. Headings at the beginning of each section and subsection are solely for the convenience of the parties and are not a part of and shall not be used to interpret this Agreement. The singular form shall include plural and vice versa. This Agreement shall not be construed as if it had been prepazed by one of the parties, but rather as if both parties have prepared it. Unless otherwise indicated, all references to sections are to this Agreement. All eachibits referred to in this Agreement are attached to it and incorporated to i� by this reference. � , . 0 The parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. SELLER: ��/.����% �iI�M_ • � �;" 1 � PURCHASER: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TONY M. FERRARA Mayor ° ATTEST: . KELLY WETMORE Director of Administrative . Services/Deputy City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL . City Attorney s 0 Number 12, AFL-CIO 8.f. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2004 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ferrara called the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City Council: Council Members Runels, Dickens, Costello, Mayor Pro Tem Lubin, and Mayor Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attorney Carmel, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Chief of Police TerBorch, Financial Services Director Snodgrass, and Community Development Director Strong. 3. FLAG SALUTE Wayne Dempster, representing Knights of Columbus, led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Robert Undervvood, invocation. First United Methodist Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Police Chief TerBorch announced that free gunlocks were available at the Police Department as pa�t of the DepartmenYs l e fr a h p and stor Child Safe Program that helps ensure safe and responsib 6. AGENDA REVIEW None. 6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read in Title Only Council Member Dickens moved, Council Member Runels seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all fu�ther reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS None. 8. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved, and Council Member Dickens seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items� $ he t0 dinance �in Item 8.f. T�he mot�on carried on the following o/l-ca I Carmel read the title vote: AYES: Lubin, Dickens, Runels, Costello, FeRara NOES: None ,ABSENT: None -.�..__...._...v_._ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 2T, 2004 PAGE 2 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratlftcation. Action: Approved the listings of cash disbursements for the period January 1, 2004 - January 15, 2004. 8.b. Consideration of Cash Flow Analysis/Approval of Intertund Advance frorr� the Water Facility Fund. Actlon: Received and filed the December 2003 cash report and app�oved the intertund advance fcom the Water Facility Fund to cover cash deficits in other funds at December 31 � 2003. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Mlnutes. Actlon: Approved the minutes of the Regular City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting of January 13, 2004 as submitted. 8.d. Conslderation of Acceptance of the East Grand Avenue Phase III Streetscape and Street Improvement Project, PW 2003-01. Actfon: 1) Accepted the project improvements, as constructed by Papich Construction Company in accordance with the plans and specifications for the East Grand Avenue Phase III Streetscape and Street Improvement Project; 2) Directed staff to file a Notice of Completion; and, 3) Authorized release of retention thirty-five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded, if no liens have been filed. 8.e. Consideratfon of Rejectfon of Clafm Against City - C. Waller. Action: Rejected claim. 8.f. Consideration of Adoptlon of an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 355 C.S. "Royal Oaks Estates". Action: Adopted Ordinance No. 553 entitled °AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 355 C.S. "ROYAL OAKS ESTATES" TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED DENSITY WITHIN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO DESIGNATE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AS RESIDENTIAL RURAL (RR) WITH A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY; DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 02- 001, APPLIED FOR BY DON MCHANEY, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON GRACE LANE (LOT 182 AND PORTION OF LOT B OF TRACT 1390)". 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideratlon of Resolution Modifying the Development Impact Fee Schedule for ' Low and Very Low Income Affordable Units. City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the Council continue the item to a date uncertain until such time the Council could consider a proposed amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement for the Courtland Affordable Housing project that would reduce the amount of the Redevelopment Agency's financial assistance. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public hearing. Council Member Costello moved to approve staff's recommendation to continue the item to a date uncertain. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roil-call vote: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2004 PAGE 3 AYES: Costello. Dickens, Runels, Lubin, FeRara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby deciared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideratfon of Modification to California Publfc Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) Contract. Director of Financial Services Snodgrass presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Introduce an Ordinance amending the contract with the Califomia Public Empioyees' Retirement System to approve the provisions of Section 20042 (One-Year Final .Compensation) for safety fire members oniy; and 2) Approve and authorize the Mayor to execute the Resolution of Intention to amend the contract with the Califomia Public Employees' Retirement System. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for pubiic comment, and when no one came forward, he brought the item back to Council for oonsideration. Council Member Dickens moved to introduce an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM". Council Member Costello seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Dickens� Costello, Runels, Lubin, Ferrara NOES: None . ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the mofion is hereby declared to be passed. 11.b. Consideration of V111age Area Pedestrian Lighting System and "Let There Be Lights" Program Status Report. Community Development Director Strong presented the staff report and recommended the Council: 1) Approve the proposed light fixture; 2) Accept the donations offered; and, 3) Direct staff to initiate fundraising efforts and proceed with .installation of new light fixtures, poles and bases as Phase I of the proposed Village Area Pedestrian Lighting System, utilizing the design plans and specifications as submitted, once remaining funds have been secured. Patricia McCarthy and Dave Relyea, representing Prudential Lighting, gave a brief presentation of the proposed light fixture, demonstrating its features and benefits. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2004 PAGE 4 Council discussion ensued conceming the proposed light fixture; phasing of the project; funding issues; and recognizing Eddie and Dorothy EI-Helou and the Arroyo Grande Kiwanis Club for their generous donations toward the project. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment, and when no one came forward, he brought the item back to Council for consideration. � Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved to 1) Approve the proposed light fixture; 2) Accept the donations offered; and, 3) Direct staff to initiate fundraising efforts and proceed with installation of new light fixtures, poles and bases as Phase I of the proposed �Ilage Area Pedestrian Lighting System, utilizing the design plans and specifications as submitted, once remaining funds have been secured. Council Member Dickens seconded the motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: Lubin. Dickens, Runels, Costello, Ferrara NOES: None ABSENT: None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. MAYOR TONY M. FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA). No report. (2) Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA). No report. (3) Other. None. b. MAYOR PRO TEM SANDY LUBIN: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT�. Reported that the SCAT Board entered into a settlement agreement with the Air Resources Board regarding bus emission violations. . (2) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC). Received report on the State's Vehicle License Fee backfill and related County-wide impacts. (3) Other. None. c. � COUNCIL MEMBER THOMAS A. RUNELS: (1) Zone 3 Water Advlsory Board. 1)�Received report from URS, the firm in charge of monitoring the Lopez Dam retrofit project; there were no problems experienced at the Dam as a result of the recent earthquake; 2) Several water leaks were identified in the State water line� however� there was no flow interruption locally; 3) The Lopez Recreation facility is doing well; gross revenue was down 4% in September and up 8.5% in October. The lake is 50% full. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC). No report. (3) Other. None. d. COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) South County Youth Coalltion. No report. (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD). Reported that the Plant continues to operate weli and is meeting all discharge requirements; received earthquake damage report; authorized emergency repairs; approved __ � _ __ _ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 27, 2004 PAGE 5 emergency video inspection of the DistricYs sewer trunklines; and reported that the County had fixed damaged areas at the Arroyo Grande Creek Levee. (3) Other. None. e. COUNCIL MEMBER JOE COSTELLO: (1) Air Pollution Control District (APCD). No report. (2) Other. None. 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Ferrara reported that he represented the City at the recent Tri-Cities Chamber luncheon where he spoke of the City's 2003 achievements. Mayor Ferrara also reported that Senior Advisory Commissioner Bill Harrer is recovering nicely at an Arroyo Grande Care Center and wished him well. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: City Manager Adams reported that he had sent a letter to County Board Supervisor Achadjian regarding the senior center issue and stated that a meeting would be held in two weeks with interested parties to discuss the matter. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: Susan Flores. Arroyo Grande, expressed concems regarding the progress of a development project in the Village. Mayor Ferrara directed staff to follow up with Ms. Flores regarding the status of the project. Ms. Flores also commented that she supported the proposed lighting improvements in the Village as presented this evening and expressed a desire to contribute to the project. 18. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjoumed the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk (Approved at CC Mtg _� 8.g. pRROy o� �� MEMORANDUM � INCORPORATED � � V T * JULY 10, 1ot1 * c �� � F ORN� TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ANDREA KOCH, PLANNING INTERN �� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO USE CITY PROPERTY AND CLOSE CITY STREETS FOR THE ANNUAL ARROYO GRANDE STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ON MAY 29-30, 2004; TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 04-001 DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council consider the request from the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association and adopt a Resolution authorizing the use of City property and closure of City streets for the Annual Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival on May 29-30, 2004 (Attachment 1). FUNDING: There is no direct funding impact as a result of this event. Event organizers are required to reimburse the City for the costs of police, fire, public works and other City services used to conduct this event. DISCUSSION: The Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association has requested the following items for the Annual Arroyo Grande Strawberry Festival on May 29-30, 2004: 1. The closure of Branch Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 29, 2004 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. (This will require the Police Department to apply to CalTrans for street c%su�e authorization). 2. The closure of Short Street from Branch Street to Olohan Alley from 6:00 pm Friday, May 28, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. 3. The closure of Bridge Street from Branch Street to the driveway at McLintock's parking lot from 6:00 am Saturday, May 29, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. CITY COUNCIL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The closure of Bridge Street from McLintock's driveway to Nelson Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, May 29, 2004 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. The closure of Bridge Street from Nelson Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am Saturday, May 29, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. The closure of Nelson Street from Mason Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 29, 2004 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. The use of the parking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason Street to Bridge Street from 6:00 pm Friday, May 28, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. The use of the Car Corral from 10:00 pm Friday, May 28, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. The use of the parking area from the Car Corral to and including the Brisco parking lot from 6:00 am Saturday, May 29, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. The use of the lawn on Nelson Street between Mason and Short Streets from 6:00 pm Friday, May 28, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. The use of Hart-Collett Park between Bridge Street and Traffic Way from 6:00 am Saturday, May 29, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. The use of the five-acre lot next to the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club on West Branch Street for shuttle bus parking on Saturday, May 29, 2004 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. The only change from last year's application is a request for use of the Car Corral parking lot beginning at 10:00 pm on Friday instead of 6:00 am on Saturday. Upon City Council authorization to use City property, the Community Development Department will issue a Temporary Use Permit for the event. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Adopt the attached resolution; - Modify as appropriate and adopt the attached resolution; - Do not adopt the attached resolution; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Letter from the January 6, 2004. Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association, dated RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE CLOSURE OF CITY STREETS AND USE OF CITY PROPERTY FOR THE ANNUAL STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, MAY 29-30, 2004 WHEREAS, the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association (AGVIA), organizers of the Strawberry Festival, have requested closure of certain City streets and the use of City property as outlined below, for the purpose of c�aft exhibits, displays, food booths and entertainment, and similar activities; and WHEREAS, members of the AGVIA will be responsible for traffic control, cleanup, and payment of all related fees and costs for use of City property and City employee time related to the event. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: 1. That the Arroyo Grande Village Improvement Association is hereby granted the use of certain City streets and property as follows: Strawberry Festival — Saturday & Sunday, May 29 & 30, 2004 A. "No Parking/Tow Away Zone in the following areas in the City of Arroyo Grande for the period of 6:00 am to pm, Saturday, May 29 and Sunday, May 30, 2004: both sides of Branch Street (Highway 227) from Traffic Way to Mason Street; Bridge Street from Branch Street to Traffic Way; Nelson Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street; Mason Street from Poole Street to Le Point Street; and Poole Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street. B. "No Parking/Tow Away Zone for fire/emergency access in the following areas in the City of Arroyo Grande for period of 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday; May 29 and Sunday, May 30, 2004: both sides of Nevada Street from Branch Street to Le Point Street; Le Point Street from Nevada Street easterly through the Tally Ho curve; Crown Terrace from Crown Hill Road to Le Point Street; and East Branch Street from Garden Street to Huasna Road. C. The closure of Branch Street from Traffic Way to Mason Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 29 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. (This will require the Police Department to apply to CalTrans for street c%sure authorization). D. The closure of Short Street from Branch Street to Olohan Alley from 6:00 pm Friday, May 28, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 E. The closure of Bridge Street from Branch Street to the driveway at McLintock's parking lot from 6:00 am Saturday, May 29, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. F: The closure of Bridge Street from McLintock's driveway to Nelson Street from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, IV�ay 29, 2004 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. G. The closure of Bridge Street f�om Nelson Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am Saturday, May 29, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. H. The closure of Nelson Street from Mason Street to Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 29, 2004 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. I. The use of the parking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason Street to Bridge Street from 6:00 pm Friday, May 28, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. J. The use of the Car Corral parking lot from 10:00 pm Friday, May 28, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. K. The use of the grass a�ea on Nelson Street between Mason and Short Streets from 6:00 pm Friday, May 28, 2004 to 6:00 pm Sunday, May 30, 2004. L. The use of Hart-Collett Park between Bridge Street and Traffic Way from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 29, 2004 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. M. The use of the five-acre lot next to the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club on West Branch Street for shuttle bus parking on Saturday, May 29, 2004 and Sunday, May 30, 2004. 2. That the AGVIA will adhere to all requirements and conditions of approval as set forth in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 10"' day of February, 2004.. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 4 EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT NO. 04-001 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL (May 29-30, 2004) Generai Conditions 1. The applicant shall ascertain and comply with all State, County and City requirements as are applicable to this project. 2. The event shall occur in substantial conformance with the application and plans on file in the Community Development Department office. 3. The event organizers shall comply with all the conditions of the City Council Resolution adopted on February 10, 2004. (Reference attachment.) 4. The applicant shall agree to defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless, at his/her/its sole expense from any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees because of said approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The app.licant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his/her obligations under this condition. Parks, Recreation and Facilities Department Conditions 5. The event organizers shall notify the Parks and Recreation Department of the number and placement of waste containers and barricades prior to May 24, 2004. 6. AGVIA is responsible for providing trash bags and restroom supplies for the festival. Any supplies the Parks and Recreation Department may need to provide will need to be reimbursed by AGVIA. 7. The event organizers shall have an individual designated to periodically inspect the restrooms and areas around the food vendors and waste containers. That individual shall be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of these areas and gathering and disposing of all debris. 8. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for electrical costs associated with special events. Specifically, costs for the outlets by the gazebo, Bridge St., and behind City Hall shall be reimbursed. 9. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for the costs of any Parks and Recreation City services required for this event, including, but not limited to, restroom maintenance, trash, etc. 10. The event organizers shall remove any tape placed on streets and parking areas after the event. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 5 Public Works Deqartment Conditions � 1 1. Restroom facilities, barricades, signing and detour routes shali be provided by the applicant as required. 12. The event organizers shall place an advertisement in the Five Cities Times-Press Recorder just prior to the event to advise residents of street closures. 13. The event organizers shall provide a S 1,000,000.00 insurance policy naming the City as additional insured. 14. The event organizers shall reimburse the City for the costs of Public Works services and any other City services required for this event. 15. The event organizers shall contact the Public Works Department 72 hours prior to the event to check on the status of street maintenance/construction activities. The Public Works Department may require the event organizers to provide temporary construction (orange plastic) fencing around areas designated as potentially hazardous. � Buildinct and Fire Denartment Conditions 16. All food booths (cooking) must comply with the Fire Department guidelines, and must have County Health Department approval. AGVIA will inform booth applicants of Fire Department guidelines, and will ens,ure total compliance of booth operators. AGVIA will not allow non-compliant booths to operate. 17. The project shall comply with the most recen# edition of the California State Fire and Building Codes and the Uniform Building and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Arroyo Grande. Specifically, all temporary-wiring provisions of the N.E.C. must be met. 18. The Building and Fire Department must inspect all food booths, generators and temporary electrical service prior to the opening of the event. In lieu of requiring a building permit for temporary electrical. service, AGVIA will collect a fee of 515 per every booth utilizing an electrical connection. This fee will be itemized by booth number and submitted to the Department of Building and Fire within 15 days of the end of the Festival. 19. Emergency access must be maintained to the satisfaction of the Director of the Building and Fire Department. A detailed chart or map will be provided to the Department of Building and Fire for approval prior to the event, showing placement of all booths, to include actual dimensions of access pathways for fire apparatus and emergency vehicles� 20. Per the approval of the Fire Chief, there will be ambulance service dedicated to the event. . 21. The use of generators must be reviewed and approved by the Director of the Building and Fire Department. 22. All fire lanes must be posted and enforced in accordance with Police and Fire Department guidelines. Fire lanes and access must be approved by the Fire Chief. 23. The applicant shall identify an individual to act as liaison with the Fire DepartFnent for the purpose of maintaining life and safety. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 6 24. Prior to opening the event, the fire access road shall be posted. The applicant shall provide continuous �enforcement of the fire access road during the event. 25. AGVIA will coordinate with and be responsible for costs associated with San Luis Ambulance to provide standby personnel and equipment for Bike Medic and golf cart transport for entire duration of Festival. 26. AGVIA shall pay Department of Building and Fire costs for members and equipment assigned to the event. Police Department Conditions 27. The event organizers shall pay Police Department costs for officers assigned to the event. 28. All temporary "No Parking" signs shall be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to event setup (by 6:00 am, Friday, May 28, 2004). 29. A minimum of four (4) private "licensed" security personnel will be provided by AGVIA. AGVIA will present to the Arroyo Grande Police Department two (2) weeks prior to the event: � a. The name of the security agency b. A schedule of security coverage c. Location and hours of security assignments Minimum required security is one (1) officer stationed at Nelson & Bridge Street, two (2) officers assigned to the Swinging Bridge, and one (1) officer for patrol throughout the evening hours on Saturday, May 29, 2004. � 30. Failure to provide private licensed security will result in AGPD Officers being assigned with expenses billed to the AGVIA. Special Conditions 31. Notification of all streets subject to closure must be posted a minimum of 24 hours prior to closure, stating the dates and times of closures. 32. The AGVIA shall distribute State Board of Equalization forms to all vendors to report the safes tax collected during the Festival, and shall notify them that a list of vendors will be supplied to the City to verify payment of sales tax. 33. The AGVIA shall provide to the City's Financial Services Department a list of all vendors participating in the festival. The list will be used to verify that sales tax was collected and reported as earned in Arroyo Grande. � r - ,.. � — rroyo � rande � �� -- � ■ � Village Improvement Association ATTACHMENT 1 ,�. ,;:�. , .,., .:: _ P.O. Box 1526 • Arroyo Gran�Q,�p 93421 Phone: (805) 473-2250 �#��€ �$�����5 . � „► ��,�._,q� .2 8 January 6, 2004 Steve Adams, City Manager �. � ���� City of Arroyo Grande � m mu.r► �� ° P.O. Box 550 � Arroyo �Grande, CA 93421 Q�is4�' P� � �-�r p � J�,9 Deaz Steve: I am submitting the items below for departmental scrutiny. Please send me the necessary forms to apply for the use permits and have the meetings scheduled tha.t are necessary with the involved departments. , . Arrovo Grande Strawberrv Festival - Saturdav and Sundav, Mav 29 & 30, 2004 Item #1 will require a resolution from the City Council. Also, the Police Department will have to apply to Cal Trans for authorization. 1. The closure of Branch St. from Tra�'ic Way to Mason St. from 6 am to 6 pm on Saturday, May 29 and Sunday, May 30. 2. The closure of Short St. from Branch St. to Olohan Alley from 6 pm Friday, May 28, to 6 pm, Sunday, May �0. 3. The closure of Bridge S� from Branch St. to the driveway at McLintock's parking lot from 6 am on Saturday, May 29 until6 pm on Sunday, May 30. 4. The closure of Bridge St. from McLintock's driveway to Nelson St. from 6 am to 6 pm, Saturda.y and Sunday, May 29 and 30. 5. The closure of Bridge St. from Nelson St. to Traffic Way from 6 am Saturday, May 29 to 6 pm on Sunday, May 30. 6. The closure of Nelson St. from Mason S� to Traffic Way on Saturday and Sunday, May 29 and 30, from 6 am to 6 pm. 7. The use of the pazking lots along Olohan Alley from Mason St. to Bridge St. from 6 pm Friday, May 28 through 6 pm Sunday, May 30. 8. The use of the Car Corral from 10 pm Friday, May 28 to 6 pm, Sunda.y May 30. f-! ' �� ' `- . ' �`~ -.. . 9. The use of the parking area from the Car Corral to and including the Brisco pazking lot from 6 ' am Saturday to 6 pm Sunday. 10. The use of the lawns between Short St. and Mason St. on Nelson St. from 6 pm Friday, May 28 unti16 pm Sunday, May 30. 11. The use of the Collette Park between Bridge St. and Traffc Way from 6 am Saturday, May 29 to 6 pm on Sunday, May 30. ' 12. The use of the five-acre lot next to the Woman's Club on West Branch St. for shuttle bus pazking on Saturday, May 29 and Sunday, May 30. ' The Arinyo Grande Village Improvement will provide the proper i.nsurance policy to the City by April 1, as our current policy is good through then. The A.G.V.I.A. will compensate the City for any exha expenses incurred as agreed upon. The A.G.V.I.A. will provide private police for a11 areas that need monitoring. The A.G.V.I.A. will abide by all rules and regulations that will be discussed and agreed upon. The A.G.V.I.A. will provide a11 barricades and signs, an arrow boazd, as we have done in the past. The A.G.V.I.A. will provide all "No Pazking" delineators and the proper "No Parking" signs. The A.G.V.I.A. will install all delineators with "tow away, no parking" signs, as we have done in the past. They will be installed on Thursda.y, May 27 on all streets as outlined by the Police Dept. on Branch St., Bridge St., Nelson St. between Traffic Way and Mason St.; Mason St. from LePoint St. to Poole St.; Poole St. from Mason St. to Traffic Way; Nevada St.; a portion of LePoint St. as outlined by the Police Dept.; Crown Terrace between LePoint St. and Crown Hill; a portion of �-iighway 227 as outlined by the Police Depariment; the corner of Allen St. and Mason St., two parking spaces in from the corner in all directions. Short St. from the Swinging Bridge to Nelson � St. Also, the offramp exit to North HWY. 101 from Branch Street should have four delineators. We will also install delineators in all parking areas we have authority to use. The A.G.V.I.A. will maintai.n a private patrol to replace delinea.tors that aze stolen, misplaced, or vandalized. . The A.G.V.I.A. will provide Swinging Bridge security as needed. The A.G.V.I.A. will provide and place all bazricades. Thank you for your consideration. I would appreciate a response as soon as possible. Sincerely, Bob Lund, Executive Director Arroyo Grande vllage Improvement Association 8.h. / pRROy� o� ��, � INCORPORATEO � � a �' MEMORANDUM * ���Y ,o. ,9„ ,� c4 ��FORN� P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER �j( v �r� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE RESERVOIR NO. 1 REPLACEMENT PROJECT, PW 2003-07 DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: A. approve the construction plans and specifications and authorize the solicitation of public construction bids for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project; and, B. direct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Determination of a Negative Declaration with mitigation measures. FUNDING: The FY 2003/04 Capital Improvement Program budget includes $2,129,450 for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project. The original project budget assumed a$1.2 million State grant, which is no longer expected. However, staff has determined that sufficient reserve funds exist in the Water Fund to proceed with the project. This will leave a remaining balance of $8,154,776. DISCUSSION: On January 13, 2004, the City Council adopted a Negative Declaration with Mitigation Measures for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project. Project plans, including the mitigation measures have been completed and staff is seeking authorization to solicit public construction bids. The Reservoir No. 1 Replacement Project incfudes the demolition and removal of the existing 780,000 gallon concrete water reservoir built in 1929, and the excavation and construction of a new 2,000,000 gallon pre-stressed concrete water reservoir. The project scope of work also includes the installation of a new water line, drainage facilities, all weather access road (Reservoir Road), fencing, trees for screening the CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE RESERVOIR NO. 1 REPLACEMENT PROJECT, PW 2003-07 FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 2 above ground portion of the reservoir, and associated appurtenances. All proposed facilities are on City-owned property, public right-of-way or dedicated easement. A separate contract with a specialty contractor to perform the relocation of one coastal oak tree relocation will be administe�ed in accordance with direction received at the January 13, 2004 Council meeting. The monitoring of the environmental mitigation will also be a separate contract with a qualified consulting firm. The contract time is estimated at 180 calendar days. Work is expected to begin at the end of April 2004 and be completed in January 2005 as shown in the attached project schedule. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: � Approve staff's recommendations; • Do not approve staff's recommendations; • Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendations; or • Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Project Schedule 2. Notice of Determination ATTACHMENT NO. 1 i � i '•� i i � i i� � Tentative Project Schedule For Reservoir No.1 Replacement Project (Project No. PW-2003-0� Authorization to Solicit Bids (at City Council Meeting) 1 St Notice to Bidders 2" Notice to Bidders (minimum 5 days between publications) February 10, 2004 February 13, 2004 February 20, 2004 Pre-Bid Job Walk (Thursday, 2:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers) February 26, 2004 Bid Opening (Tuesday, 2:05 p.m. City Council Chamber) March 25, 2004 Award of Bid at City Council meeting April 13, 2004 Notice of Award Nqtice to Proceed / Contract State Date Contract Completion April 14, 2004 April 26, 2004 January 4, 2005 NOTICE OF DETERMINATION To: ❑ Office of Planning and Research From: City of Arroyo Grande 1400 Tenth Street Public Works Department Sacramento, CA 95814 P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 or ■ County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Luis Obispo 1144 Monterey Street, Suite C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 PROJECT TITLE AND NUMBER: Reservoir No. 1 Re lacement Pro'ect, Pro'ect No.'s 03-021 and PW-2003-07 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: TELEPHONE NUMBER: Mr. Michael Linn, P.E. Assistant Cit En ineer 805 473-5444 PROJECT LOCATION: pproximately 1,400 feet northeast of the Old Ranch Road/West Branch Street intersection. he new reservoir would re lace the existin reservoir at the end of Reservoir Road. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Demolish and remove a buried 780,000-gallon concrete water reservoir and construct a ne ,000,000- allon buried concrete water reservoir. STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NUMBER (if applicable): This is to advise that the City of Arroyo Grande City Council approved the above-described project on February 10, 2004 and made the following determinations: ■ A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. ❑ An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. ❑ A Categorical Exemption per CEQA Guidelines. Mitigation measures XX were were not made as conditions of the approval of the project. The project, in its approved form, _ will XX will not have a significant effect on the environment. A statement of overriding considerations was XX was not adopted for this project. A copy of the project approval may be examined at the City of Arroyo Grande, 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California 93420. SIGNATURE DATE RECEIVED FOR FILING: ITLE: Director of Public Works/City Enginee DATE: Februa 10, 2004 o � pRROy 8.1. p � MICOi1POAATE � V O � � .iu�r �o. �o» ,f MEMORANDUM c4 ��FORN� P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER � �� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT WITH AGP VIDEO FOR CABLECASTING SERVICES DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the agreement with AGP Video for cablecasting services. FUNDING: The only projected funding change is an increase in the cost for the LCD projector/digital camera from $50 to $75 per meeting. This will result in annual increased cost of approximately $350. The estimated annual cost of the agreement is approximately $25,000. Revenue generated from the Public, Education and Government (PEG) Access Fund will fund these costs. DISCUSSION: At the December 11, 2001 meeting, the City Council approved a contract for cablecasting services with AGP Video to televise City Council meetings and assist in managing the City Government Access Channel. Since then, the contract has been renewed on an annual basis, which recently expired on December 31, 2003. Public response to the televising of City Council meetings has continued to be positive. Services provided by AGP Video have been good. The City did experience some technical problems with the picture quality during the past year. However, in response, new equipment was installed, which appears to have addressed the problem. Aside from the increase in cost for the LCD projector/digital camera equipment, no changes have been made to the contract. Therefore, staff recommends the contract be renewed. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve the proposed Agreement; - Direct staff to renegot'rate the proposed Agreement; S:\CITY MANAGER\STEVE\Council Reports�2.10.04 Cable Contract Report.doc CITY COUNCIL AGREEMENT WITH AGP VIDEO FOR CABLECASTING SERVICES FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 2 Do not approve the Agreement and direct staff to issue a new Request for Proposals; Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Agreement with AGP for cablecasting services PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement is made upon the date of execution, as set forth below, by and befinreen the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a public body corporate and politic (THE "CITY"), AND AGP VIDEO, ("AGP VIDEO"), a general partnership formed under the State of California. The parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein�, hereby agree to the following terms and conditions: 1.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.01 TERMS: This Agreement will be effective on January 1, 2004 and will terminate on December 31, 2004. 1.02 EXTENSION: By mutual consent, upon written notification, the CITY may grant an extension to this Agreement under the same terms and conditions or with mutually agreed upon contract modification. 1.03 CONTRACT COORDINATION a. CITY. The City Manager shall be the representative of CITY for all purposes under this Agreement. The City Manager, or his designated representative, hereby is designated as the Contract Manager for the CITY. He shall supervise the progress and execution of this Agreement. b. AGP VIDEO. AGP VIDEO shall assign a single Contract Manager to have overall responsibility for the progress and execution of this Agreement for AGP VIDEO. Steve Mathieu is hereby designated as the Contract Manager for AGP VIDEO. Should circumstances or conditions subsequent to the execution of this Agreement require a substitute Contract Manager for any reason, the Contract Manager designee shall be subject to the prior written acceptance and approval of the CITY's Contract Manager. � 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES AGP VIDEO agrees to perform or provide the following services: a. Gavel-to-gavel video production and broadcast services for all City Council meetings utilizing a minimum three-camera production system, predominantly using four cameras. Cameras with operators will be placed at either side of the room; a remotely operated camera at the back and to the east of the City Council dais; and a fourth camera at the front (window side) of the room. The camera layout may be. modified as agreed by CITY and AGP VIDEO. b. AGP VIDEO shall supply all equipment and personnel, including, but not limited to tapes, lighting, materials, supplies and vehicles necessary to perform the services set forth in this Agreement. c. AGP VIDEO shali provide a minimum of three qualified personnel each meeting, predominantly utilizing a four-person crew. d. All reasonable effort on the part of AGP VIDEO shall be made to meetings live where technically infrastructured. Meetings shall be replayed during times specified by the CITY. Following the conclusion of each meeting, AGP VIDEO shall promptly set the equipment for cablecast. e. AGP VIDEO shall provide a master tape for cablecast, one copy for the CITY's records and one copy to the South County Library: f. Each cablecast meeting will open with a title segment that will include a character-generated identification of the meeting and the date: g. Upon request, AGP VIDEO shall provide technical assistance to CITY staff with regard to operation of the channel insertion and playback equipment. AGP VIDEO shall provide channel management and operations for Arroyo Grande: Cable Channel 20. This shall include the programming of ineeting tapes for replay, the scheduling of other tapes provided by the CITY, providing technical assistance to CITY staff as necessary on the community calendar and tape insertion process, and serving on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for problems and emergencies. h. AGP VIDEO shall serve as the liaison with the cable operator concerning operation of the channel, including upgrades and maintenance. AGP VIDEO will facilitate identifying any equipment that needs to be repaired and the delivery of that equipment to a certified repair company. Cost of repairs shall be the responsibility of the cable operator or CITY. i. AGP VIDEO shall be responsible for all set up, teardown and connection of equipment and wiring for the video and audio elements of video production. j. All AGP VIDEO staff shall maintain a clean and professional appearance and camera staff should wear the AGP VIDEO uniform shirts during meeting times. k. The CITY has the right to request additional video production services from AGP VIDEO, which may include, but are not limited to, other meetings, special events and informational videos. Compensation for any additional video production services will be negotiated and agreed upon by both parties on a case-by-case basis. 3.0 COMPENSATION In consideration for the services to be performed, CITY agrees to pay AGP VIDEO the following: 2 a. Seven hundred dollars ($700.00) per meeting up to four hours in length. b. For any meetings in excess of four hours, an overtime rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be paid for each fifteen-minute period beyond the first three hours of the meeting. c. Four hundred dollars ($400.00) per month for channel management. d. Seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per meeting for use of LCD projector/digital camera provided by AGP VIDEO. e. Forty-five dollars ($45.00) per hour for additional technical and engineering consulting services provided by AGP VIDEO outside the scope of services set forth in this Agreement, as requested by CITY. 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF AGP VIDEO 4.01 WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: CIT1( and AGP VIDEO intend and agree that AGP VIDEO is an independent contractor and that the personnel leased by AGP VIDEO or any employees or agents of AGP VIDEO have no right to workers' compensation and other employee benefits from the CITY. AGP VIDEO agrees to provide workers' compensation and other employee benefits for AGP VIDEO's employees and agents and to have the personnel agency provide workers' compensation and other employee benefits for leased personnel as specified below. AGP VIDEO agrees to hold harmless and indemnify CITY from any and all liability, cost, or damage arising out of any claim for injury, disability, or death of AGP VIDEO's employees or agents. 4.02 INDEMNIFICATION: AGP VIDEO hereby agrees to, and shall, hold CITY, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees, harmless and shall defend the same from any liability for damage or claims for damage, or suits or actions at law or in equity which may allegedly arise from AGP VIDEO's or any of AGP VIDEO's employees' or agents' operations under this Agreement, whether such operations be by AGP VIDEO or by any one or more persons directly or indirectly employed by, or acting as agent for, AGP VIDEO provided as follows: a. That CITY does not, and shall no#, waive any rights against AGP VIDEO which it may have by reason of the aforesaid hold-harmless agreement, because of the acceptance by CITY, or the deposit with CITY by AGP VIDEO, of any of the insurance policies hereinafter described. b. That the aforesaid hold-harmless agreement by AGP VIDEO shall apply to all damages and claims for damages of every kind suffered, or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of any of the aforesaid operations of AGP VIDEO or any agent or employee of AGP VIDEO regardless of whether or not such insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages. 3 4.03 INSURANCE: AGP VIDEO shall not commence work under this Agreement until it has obtained all insurance required under this section and such insurance shall have been approved by CITY as to form, amount and carrier: a. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. AGP VIDEO shall take out and maintain during the life of this Agreement such public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect CITY, its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees, and AGP VIDEO and any agents and employees perForming work covered by this Agreement from claims for damages for personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise under this Agreement, whether such operations be by AGP VIDEO or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by AGP VIDEO and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: (1) Public Liability Insurance. In an amount not less than (One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for injuries, including, but not limited to, death to any one person and, subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) on account of any one occurrence. (2) Property Damage Insurance. In an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for damage to the property of each person on account of any one occurrence. b. Comprehensive Automobile Liability. Bodily injury liability coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for each person in any one accident and for injuries sustained by two or more persons in any one accident. Property damage liability of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for each accident. c. Workers' Compensation Insurance. In the amounts required by law. d. Proof of Insurance. AGP VIDEO shall fumish CITY, concurrently with the execution hereof, with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance required, and adequate legal assurance that each carrier will give CITY at least thirty (30) days' prior notice of the modification or cancellation of any policy during the effective period of this Agreement. The certificate or policy of liability of insurance shall name CITY as an additional insured with AGP VIDEO. 4.04 LAWS TO BE OBSERVED AGP VIDEO shall: a. Procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give al� notices which may be necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the services to be performed by AGP VIDEO under this Agreement; b. Keep itself fully informed of all existing and proposed federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees which may affect those engaged or employed under this Agreement, any materials used in AGP VIDEO 4 performance under this Agreement, or the conduct of the services under this Agreement; c. At all times observe and comply with, and cause all of its employees to observe and comply with all of said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above; d. Immediately report to the CITY's Contract Manager in writing any discrepancy or inconsistency it discovers in said laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above in relation to any plans, drawings, specifications, or provisions of this Agreement. 4.05 RELEASE OF REPORTS AND INFORMATION. Any video tape, reports, information, data, or other material given to, or prepared or assembled by, AGP VIDEO under this Agreement shall be the property of CITY and except as otherwise specified herein shall not be made available to any individual or organization by AGP VIDEO without the prior written approval of the CITY's Contract Manager. 4.06 COPIES OF VIDEO TAPES. REPORTS AND INFORMATION. If CITY requests additional copies of videotapes, reports, drawings, specifications, or any other. material in addition to what the AGP VIDEO is required to furnish in limited quantities as part of the senrices under this Agreement, AGP VIDEO shall provide such additional copies as are requested, and CITY shall compensate AGP VIDEO for the costs of duplicating of such copies at AGP VIDEO's direct expense. AGP VIDEO may sell copies of tapes to any individual or organization for a fee not to exceed $25.00. 5.00 OBLIGATIONS OF AGENCY/CITY 5.01 COOPERATION: CITY agrees to comply with all reasonable requests of AGP VIDEO necessary to the performance of AGP VIDEO's duties under this Agreement. 6.00 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT 6.01 TERMINATION OF NOTICE: Nofinrithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, any party hereto may terminate this Agreement, at any time, without cause by giving at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the other party to this Agreement. 6.02 TERMINATION ON OCCURRENCE OF STATED EVENTS: This Agreement shall terminate automatically on the occurrence of any of the following events: Bankruptcy or insolvency of any party; Sale of the business of any party; The end of the thirty (30) days as set forth in Section 6.01; End of the Agreement to which AGP VIDEO's services were necessary, or F� Assignment of this Agreement by AGP VIDEO without the prior written consent of the CITY. 6.03 TERMINATION BY ANY PARTY FOR DEFAULT: Should any party default in the perFormance of this Agreement or materially breach any of its provisions, the non-breaching party, at its option, may terminate this Agreement, immediately, by giving written notice of termination to the breaching party. 7.00 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 7.01 INTEREST OF AGP VIDEO: AGP VIDEO covenants that it presently has , no interest, and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, financial or otherwise, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the services hereunder. AGP VIDEO further covenants that, in the performance of this Agreement, no subcontractor or person having such an interest shall be employed. AGP VIDEO certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this Agreement is an officer or employee of CITY. It is expressly agreed that, in the performance of the services hereunder, AGP VIDEO shall at all times be deemed an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of CITY. 7.02 DISCRIMINATION: No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this Agreement because of the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person. If AGP VIDEO is found in violation of the nondiscrimination provisions of the State of Califomia Fair Employment Practices Act or similar provisions of federal law or executive order in the perFormance of this Agreement, it shall thereby be found in material breach of this Agreement. Thereupon, CITY shall have the power to cancel or suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, or to deduct from the amount payable to AGP VIDEO the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25) for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against, as damages for said breach of contract, or both. Only a finding of the State of Califomia Fair Employment Practices Commission or the equivalent federal agency or officer shall constitute evidence of a violation of contract under this paragraph. If AGP VIDEO is found in violation of the nondiscrimination provisions of this Agreement or the applicable affirmative action guidelines pertaining to this Agreement, AGP VIDEO shall be found in material breach of the Agreement. Thereupon, CITY shall have the power to cancel or suspend this Agreement, in whole or in part, or to deduct from the amount payable to AGP VIDEO the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) for each calendar day during which AGP VIQEO is found to have been in such noncompliance as damages for said breach of contract, or both. 8.00 MISCELLANEOUS 8.01 REMEDIES The remedies exclusive but shall be cumulative with, and allowed by law or equity. set forth in this Agreement shall not be in addition to, all remedies now or hereafter 0 8.02 NO WAIVER: The waiver of any breach by any party of any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach of this Agreement. 8.03 ASSIGNMENT: This Agreement is specifically not assignable by AGP VIDEO to any person or entity. Any assignment or attempt to assign by AGP VIDEO, whether it be voluntary or involuntary, by operation of law or otherwise, is void and is a material breach of this Agreement giving rise to a right to terminate as set forth in Section 6.03. 8.04 ATTORNEY FEES: In the .event of any controversy, claim or dispute between the parties hereto, arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled, in addition to other such relief as may be granted, to a reasonable sum as and for attomey fees. 8.05 NOTICES: Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, any and all notices or other communications required or permitted by this Agreement or by law to be served on or given to any party to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly senred and given when personally delivered or in lieu of such personal service when deposited in the United States mail, first-class postage prepaid to the following address for each respective party: AGENCY/CITY: Steven Adams City Manager CITY of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 — 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 AGP VIDEO: Steve Mathieu 1600 Preston Lane Morro Bay, CA 93442 8.06 GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement and all matters relating to this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California in force at the time any need for the interpretation of this Agreement or any decision or holding concerning this Agreement arises. Venue for any action arising hereunder shall be in San Luis Obispo County, Califomia. 8.07 BINDING EFFECT: This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto, but nothing in this section shall be construed as a consent by CITY to any assignment of this Agreement or any interest in this Agreement. 8.08 SEVERABILITY: Should any provision of this Agreement be held by a court of competent jurisdiction or by a legislative or rule-making act to be either invalid, 7 void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, unimpaired by the holding, legislation or rule. 8.9 SOLE AND ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement correctly sets forth the obligations of the parties hereto to each other as of the date of this Agreement. All agreements or representations respecting the subject matter of this Agreement not expressly set forth or referred to in this Agreement are null and void. 8.10 TIME: Time is expressly declared to be of the essence of this Agreement. 8.11 DUE AUTHORITY: The parties hereby represent that the individuals executing this Agreement are expressly authorized to do so on and in behalf of the parties. 8.12 AMENDMENTS: Amendments to this Agreement shall be in writinq and shall be made only with the mutual written consent of all of the parties to this Agreement. Executed on CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE � Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor ATTEST: at Arroyo Grande, Califomia. By: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk AGP VIDEO : Steve Mathieu, Principal APPROVED AS TO FORM: : Timothy J. Carmel, City Attorney 0 8.j. � �� INCORPOAATED 9 2 � � T MEMORANDUM 1 * JULY 10. 1911 * cq� I ���p TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DII2ECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICE SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF DESIGNATION OF AGENT (FEMA REIMBURSEMENT FOR 2003 EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES) DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: � It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution designating the City Manager, Financial Services Director and the Public Works Director as the City's agents for the purpose of requesting reimbursement for earthquake damages from the Office of Emergency Services (OES) in December 2003 (Disaster FEMA 1505-DR). FUNDING: There is the potential of recovering a portion of the approximate $33,500 in damage to City properties. DISCUSSION: The City is filing an application for assistance for damages incurred in the San Simeon Earthquake. As part of that application, the City is required to adopt a resolution specifying designated personnel as the _ representative to process these reimbursements. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations and adopt the attached resolution; - Do not approve staff recommendations and do not apply for OES reimbursement; - Modify staff recommenda#ions by appointing other representatives and approve; - Provide direction to staff. __� RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING DESIGNATION OF APPLICANT'S AGENT (FEMA REIMBURSMENT-2003 EARTHQUAKE DAMAGES) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande: 1. That Steve Adams, City Manager, or Lynda Snodgrass, Financial . Services Director, or pon Spagnolo, Pubiic Wor{cs Director is hereby authorized to execute �for and in behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande, a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, this application and to file it in the Office of Emergency Services for the purpose of obtaining certain federal financial assistance under P.L. 93-288 as amended by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988, and/or state financial assistance under the Natural Disaster Assistance Act. � 2. That the City of Arroyo Grande� a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, hereby authorizes its agent(s) to provide to the State Office of Emergency Services for all matters pertaining to such state disaster. On motion by Council Member the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: , seconded by Council Member , and on the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of , 2004. � � RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR AT�EST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY 9.a. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande will hold a Public Hearing on the following item: CASE NO.: APPLICANT: LOCATION: APPELLANT: Appeal of Viewshed Review Case No. 03-008 Doug Scotto 363 Spanish Moss Lane Doug Scotto The City Council will consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of Viewshed Review Case No. 03-008 for the construction of a second story addition on an existing residence. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the Community Development Department has determined that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt under Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines. Any person affected or concerned by this issue may submit written comments to the Director of Administrative Services before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Community Development Department at 214 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, Califomia, during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Copies of the appeal application and related documents are available for public inspection at the above address. If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council, at or prior to, the Public Hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. Date and Time of Hearing: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2004 AT 7:00 P.M. Place of Hearing: ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 215 E. BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 93420 /11�--� Kelly Wet ore, Directive of Administrative Services! Deputy City Clerk Publish 1 Time on Friday, January,30} 2004 . � T MEMORANDUM * ru�r ,o. ,e „ , c ���FORN� P TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: ANDREA KOCH, PLANNING INTERN .� 1� SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF VIEWSHED REVIEW 03-008; 363 SPANISH MOSS DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached Resolution, denying the appeal and affirming the Planning Commission's denial of Viewshed Review 03-008. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: On December 16, 2003, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider Viewshed Review 03-008, an application for a 502 square-foot second-story addition above the garage of the house at 363 Spanish Moss. The Planning Commission unanimously denied the project after finding that the proposed addition would be inconsistent with the single-story character of the "Patio Homes" portion of Planned Development 1.3 in which this project is located. In addition, the Planning Commission expressed concern that approval of this addition would set a precedent for other second- story additions in the neighborhood. The applicant has appealed the decision to the City CounciL Attached is staff's report to the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission's Resolution, minutes from the December 16, 2003 Planning Commission meeting, and the applicant's appeal letter. In considering the appeal, the Council is not limited to the original reason stated for the appeal and may take action on any part of the project. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: — Adopt the attached Resolution denying the applicant's appeal of the Planning Commission's denial of Viewshed Review d3-008; — Direct staff to draft an altemate Resolution and return at a specified date; or — Provide direction to staff. _. __ ._ . __._ ..�.....�..,.._,�.,_... CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF VIEWSHED REVIEW 03-008; 363 SPANISH MOSS FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 2 OF 2 Attachments: 1) Planning Commission staff report. 2) Planning Commission Resolution denying Viewshed Review 03-008. 3) Draft minutes of Planning Commission meeting of December 16, 2003. 4) ApplicanYs appeal letter. CC Statf Report 2/5/04 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING THE APPEAL OF VIEWSHED REVIEW GASE NO. 03-008, LOCATED AT 363 SPANISH MOSS, APPLIED FOR BY DOUG AND KIM SCOTfO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered an application for Viewshed Review Case No. 03-008, filed by Doug and Kim Scotto, for construction of a second story addition; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council found that this project is inconsistent with the General Plan and the environmental documents associated therewith; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: FINDINGS 1. The proposed structure is inconsistent with the intent of Section 16.16.130 of the Development Code; and 2. The proposed structure is inconsistent with the established scale and character of the neighborhood and will unreasonably affect views from surrounding properties; and 3. The proposed structure will unreasonably or unnecessarily interfere with the scenic view from other properties, and potentially from James Way, a scenic route, judged in light of permitting reasonable use and development of the property on which the proposed structure or expansion was to occur. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby denies Viewshed Review Case No. 03-008, based on the above findings. On a motion by , seconded by , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 10th day of February, 2004. RESOLUTiON NO. PAGE 2 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY HEARING DATE: DECEMBER 16, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: II.B. � CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE !��� PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPO CASE NUMBER: APPLICANT: ° REPRESENTATIVE: PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROJECT PLANNER: Viewshed Review 03-008 Doug and Kim Scotto Paul Davis 363 Spanish Moss ATTACHMENT 1 Second floor addition (501.6 square feet) above the garage Andrea Koch �� LOCATION MAP VSR 03-008 December 16, 2003 Page 2 PUBLIC NOTICE Fifty-seven (57) Notices of Intent to Construct an Addition were sent out on October 8th, 2003 to property owners within 300 feet of the project. The Community Development Department received three (3) written comments in response to the proposed addition. In order to acknowledge the concerns of surrounding neighbors, the Community Development Department scheduled Viewshed Review 03-008 for a public hearing on Tuesday, December 16th, 2003. Fifty-seven (57) public hearing notices were sent out on December 3rd, 2003 to property owners within 300 feet. A notice was published in the Times Press Recorder on December 5th, 2003. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Staff has reviewed the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and has determined that the project is categorically exempt under Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines, involving addition to existing facilities. BACKGROUND The project at 363 Spanish Moss is within the Planned Development 1.3 zoning district. The portion of PD 1.3 in which the pro}ect is located consists entirely of single-story "patio homes" built on relatively small lots. The applicant's property is 4,850 square feet in size and is developed with a 1,500 square-foot house. Side setbacks are relatively small at 4 and 6 feet. The proposed addition is a 501.6 square-foot multi-purpose room above the garage. Dimensions of the addition are approximately 22 feet by 24 feet. It incorporates a bay window type strueture that overhangs the garage door. The applicant submitted a Viewshed Review application October 8th, 2003. According to Section 16.16.130 (C)3 of the Development Code, the Viewshed Review process does not apply to properties located in approved planned developments with required architectural review of all new or remodeled residences by the City or by the development's board. However, the Viewshed Review or more complex PD Development Code Amendment process is necessary in this case because Planned Development 1.3 has no required architectural review and no functioning board to conduct such reviews. As part of the Viewshed Review process, property owners within 300 feet were notified of the project and given the opportunity to submit comments and concerns during a ten (10) day review period. Three (3) property owners in opposition to the project submitted letters to the Community Development Director. Because of these letters, and because the Community Development Director was unable to reach the following findings after the review period, the application was referred to the Planning Commission for a public hearing as required by the Development Code. VSR 03-008 December 16, 2003 Page 3 DiscussioN The following are the required findings of approval and reasons why this project may be inconsistent with the findings: 1. The proposed structure is consistent with the intent of Section 16.16.130 of the Development Code. It is not clear that Viewshed Review applies to PD zones, but it was the least expensive application process to resolve the issues. 2. The proposed structure the neighborhood anc properties. is consistent with the established scale and character of will not unreasonably affect views of surrounding Specifically, a concern is that the second story addition is inconsistent with the single-story scale and character of the "Patio Home" portion of this established °Planned Development" neighborhood. 3. The proposed structure will not unreasonably or unnecessarily interfere with the scenic view from any other property, judged in light of permitting reasonable use and development of the property on which the proposed structure or expansion is to occur. The second story addition and similar additions if permitted in the area may impede views from neighboring properties, as well as from James Way, a scenic parkway. The Deelaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Planned Development 1.3 states that there are no height restrictions in the "Patio Home" portion of this development, except as imposed by the City of Arroyo Grande. However, second story additions may be problematic in terms of scale and view obstruction, as stated above in the findings. Neighbors opposing the project cited these reasons, as well as light obstruction. Another concern regarding the proposed addition is that allowing it may be equivalent to amending Planned Development 1.3. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the project and adopt a resolution denying the Viewshed Review application. Attachments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Photos of project site and surrounding neighborhood. Plans for the proposed addition. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Planned Development 1.3. Written correspondence from Sylvia Landy. Written correspondence from June Steves. Written correspondence from Nelly Ford. Letter and petition from Doug Scotto � ____... .�.__. �_._.......� ATTACHMENT 1 I�.���, c� ��t n� 5 c. � � o 3 �`'j �fr'�NlSt� A-�, . �:ra. , 3 �t2 v's s �ANL � �r� � o�-� -� t � - v �� %, . .{ - �::, � �,:., .-:� �_„ ' �;���i.'�:� _ - � _ . _ �.:�_ � . ���� _ . T r � , � - _ _ _ --=-_�1.,_,.,.. � r:._ ' _ -, . , -,�. _�-.�- „-.. - ._ .-,.. ..,- _ _ .,t��t�'� ����� �-�m si.�� 3(Q 3� PAt� tS l� i'41� 5.5 �-A�N'� l� -G, . A PN"'� J��� - o I y-- vo`1 �� . -�-+ U � �� � � N � � � L � � � -1..+ i�� � �^` W �.� � L � � � 0 O J L2 b ;;� 1 ` � � a a� � .� � U . � Vj 4- Y O U �� � � G � ATTACHMENT 2 i�i..�T Pc..�hi �" $v.toZ . � �::::�,�:::�:�::::::.�::::�� :::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::��::::::.... ... . �I� ` �' . . . . . . .. : : : : : : : : : : :f � : :�: � :::.{^:':::::�::::::::::::�::::::::::::� ::::::::::::::::::::'::.:��:�::::::::�:�t: �. :.. ........................ — _:::::::::::::::: ::�: I •�Ji• ........................�.�....( .............�':..... ........,.._.. . . . �/1• �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ?_ " . .J . . . . . . . . . . . . . u . . - - •, • . - • • - • • - - • - - - . _ . . ... ::-�. -.::::::. .....� �::: ..:::::::...�:...�,�.I�� ................. ... s �:......���... :��...:1:.........�:� �:: .� _ . .. : : : � I:� � : :e�: : �:�.� . . . _ . . :� : : : : : . 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U�. °i �i,20 PM •�18� Z oo l,tG .�'l �l b`l lo� OZ4E6 'tl'J '3QNV21� OAOM� 3NVl SS�W HSINtldS E91 U110�S WDI 9 9f10( �3Wb'N [aelS uo�sm,AA :Y.»i?q�1r �� SNpLI d/1��� "' - � ����►d�s£S W n � Z o � ao�nps¢cb sresQ Inad —� = F� Q0 O �W � 00 ��lS NMd21Q �3�1I1 y A��� cii �� J � � . � � �;, r.+ . • �' � y � N .i.:{'.'. trji t�t �� � �. i, � r��� � � � � N F- W _.1 � � � A N � � � � ...��_' ��� � �� � s �� � . � �� �� �� � i X� � � � . � �• � Y. RECITALS: A. Deelarant is the owner of eertnin real pzoperty in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo. California, more particularly deseribed as Traet No. 1390, per map zeeozded Auaudt 2, . 1988 . in Book 1� , pa9e 73 , ot lfaps in the ofiice of tbe San Luis Obispo County Recorder. Said cract consists of lots whieh are designated for the lolloving purposes: Lot A:. Drainage anA Park Lo� 9: Proposrd School Site ' Lot C: Public Purposes Lots 1- 10, 110 - 156. 183, and 185 - 233: Single Family Homes Lots 11 - 109, and.157: Patio Homeu e. For the mutual benefie of all of the lots eomprising Tract 1390, but speeifically excludinq Loes A, B. D, 182, and 184 from this Deelara- tion, Mhich propeity not includinq the excluded lota is hereinafter � called "the,subjeet �,roperty,' and for the benef:t of tt►e present and future orrners and oecupants of the subjeci propertp and to meet the re- ..�� . ATTACHMENT 3 � . ..,____'__._.___:' �- . ._� '_-__'___ • , .•Y.' . ."_. . . ' • % Recordinq requested by: i •� ; .�y . Ticor Title Insurance Co. � . � when recorded return to: � • : _ , STEPNEN N. COOL " DOC'.NO. , 4 � 2 Q Z Attorney at Larr OfFKXALRECOROS . � -� "• � � . _ i577 El Camino Real BANWISOBISPOCO .�L Arroyo Grande, CA 97420 , � g � ' FFUWCIS M. COONEY County qerk Reootdet n�e 1: 55 PM , DECLARATION OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS ANO RESTRICTIONS I ROYAL OAXS. A PLANNEC R ESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMEtt? Lots 1 t�rouqh 181, 183, and 16S throuah 2�3, Inclusive . TRACT NO. 1�90 . C1'CY UF' ARNOYO GFtANDE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. CALIFORNIA • THIS DECLARATION OF COVEVANTS, CONOI'fIONS AND RESTRICTIONS made this 2nd day of Auqust , 1988, by ROYAL OAXS ESTATES, a California Limited partnership, hereinafter called 'Declazant,` as Z I ; follows: � ( -1- � YtK �1JVrtut JYJ E:�:� �+, r- .. . . .., _ �„� . � _ _. .....,._.. •.. � -� � _.... _ _ .. _.. . . � , � � � � j ( �~ Ly m ??�, �i w �M � �• ;:, :k d �.� _�....�... _._._... � � � . ,: I quirements of tF�e City of.Arroyo Grande foz approval of Traet No."1390 �' •' � . ,_ ' ineluding Ordinanee No. 355 and Reaolution No. 2133 of the City of i _ i .. � Arroyo Gzande, Declarant desires and intends by this Declaration to - � establish eertain covenants, cooditions, and reatrictions tor the gen- eral benefit o� the subjeet property and the ovners and reaidentc thereof. , NOw, THEREFORE, declarant hereby declares that the subject property . and each and every lot therein shall be held, convoyed, uaed, occupied, and improved subject to the following uniform coveaants, conditions and restrietions for the benetit and protection o! tha respeetive ownnrs o! i the subjeet property: and to run vith Gho land and ba bindinq on all � parties havinq or acquirinq any right, tltla, oz intaraat in tha subject I property or any portion theaot, to Snura to tho baaofit ot and ba bind- ing upon each aucceesor and aasiqnee in intereat of Declarant, and to apply with equal force and effeet to each of the residential lota there- � in exeept as otherwise cpecifically provided. Any conveyance, transter, ' � aale, or assiqn.uent made by Declarai�t of any lots withln tRe sub�eec . ' property shall be deemed tn incorpocate .by reference, and be aubject to, � each of the provisionc of this U�claration. 1. BUILDING CON ANU USE RESTRICTIONS A. Minimum Size of Struceures TAe min: am size for all. primary residential atructuren (excluding garages) on Lota 1- 10, 110 - i . ; 156, 158 - 181, 184, and 164 - 233, incluaive, shall be 1,600 square ` � feet. � � i e. Roofs All zoofs shall be eonatructed of concrete , I tile or shake. � C. Antennas: No viaible antennas shall be eonstrueted � i upon any loi. D. Types of Occupicd Structuree: No mob:lehome, trailer, or other movable dwelling a'�all be placed on any lc: tor purposes of occupaney, either temporary or permancnt. No qeodesic domes shall be eonstr��eeed on any lot. E. Fencinas No barb:d wire, chainlink teneiaq, hogwire, cr other metal fencing s.�al: be installed alonq any common boundazy line. F. Parkina of Reereationel Vehicles: All recreational v.�hicles, trailers, boats, campers, and similar vehieles shall be Y.ept -2- �o� 3���r��944 • � . . _ _. ._ . .._.... .:.._� ..._�..., � c , ] m : � i � .� -.� V S � r i� ;'� :�; � n:s ��i �, and stored behind front or side building ■atback linee. - G. • tteiaht Limlts: l�ll structures shall eonform to the � schedule of,height limits aet forth in Exhibit 11, attached hereto and incorporated hereio. H. Gradin : Each owner ie advised by this Declaration that the City oE ?sroYc Grande o+ill not permit any turther qradinq of lote,other than minor detail grading work, for vhich a qradiag permit alll be required. Z. TREE PRESERVATIONs There have been desiqnated upo� the sub- division map 1or Tract tzo. 1790 certaia area� •hovn as 'landmask tree• or grover," which areaa constitute seanic and trea pre�ervation aa�e- ments. Theae desiqnatione are Lotended to Lurthas the pzotection and preservation of nstural oak trees within aueh areas for the mutual bene- ftt of the owners of lota vlthin the property and tha qenaral public. Tree removal, tree trimming (except as required for trea pzeservaticn), yaaJing, fe�cing� nnd building Within ouch cascmente ie prohibitod, ¢n- less Eirat specifically approved by the City Council ot ths City of Arroyo Grande. ], LOT DIVISIONS: In order to protect the sinqle family charac- Cer of the development, no further divSsion ol an• lot vithin the aut- • ject property ehall be permitted. With the exce?tion oE Lots 162, 18�. and Lot B, which may be divided u�,on approval'of the City of 7�rreYo Grande. 4. ARCNITECTURAL CONTROL CO!'J�tITTEEs There is hereby esGablished for the subject property an architectural control committee eonaistinq of three (]) members, initfally being the lollowing pereonai WILLIAM E. LACKEY, DON MC HANEY and JAMSS HOORE. In thn event of death or resiqnation of any mecaLcr of the committee, the remaining members shall have the auihority to dzsiynate a successor. At any time, the reeord owners of a majority of the lots comprisinq che subject property shall have the power through a duly recorded written ir.strument to chanqe the membership ol the committee or to withdraw from the eommittee or reseore to it any of its po++ers and duties. No building shall be erected, plaeed, or altered on any lot xiehin the subject pzoperty until the construc�ion plans and speeilieations and a plan ahowing the location ot the atructure have been approved by the architectural control committee ae to the quality of aor�^anship -3- Y�3�.so«�Es45 ��.,: --- -- ..��..:�_ ---- --- ..-. -- ---.-._== -. --. - - - .�.....�. I ; � 0 � .��' � _ . , .. . _ . _ . _ . ,. { .. _ . and materials, harmon� of external�design with existing structuzes, and as to location with respect to and finish grade elevation. No fenee or wall rhali be erected, plaeed, or altered on at►p lot aearer _. to any etreet than the minimum building setbxck lina unless aimilarly approved by tF.s.committee.. 5. ENFORCEMENT: Any Pwn81. of a lot within the aubjeet property shall be entitled to take legal action aqainst any owaez who shnll violata any covenant��condition, or restrictioa set forth in`this -: Declaration. In any such action, the pzevailinq party �hall ba antitled, to reesonable,attorneY's.iena and court co..ts in •aid action. 6, AMENDMENTi This Declaration may be modlfied, amended, or deleted by the execution either of an amended.declaration, or o1 an amendment to this Declaration, duly executed nnd aeknowledqed by not less than aixty-aeven percent (671) of �ha total voting power ot tne asaocia- tion. Such amendmant ahall be effective upon ita zeeordation in the oftice of the Snn Luia Obispo County Recorder. No ameridment to this Declaration sh..11 be valid if the aame substantially interteres with - the right of any ov+ner ot a lot within the eubject property to use and maintain his prop�=ty toz rerideneial purposer, or vhieh has the atteet of eliminatinq the tree preseivation eondiiiona aet forth in Seetion 2 i of this Declaration. No amendmer.t shall be �fteetive tor any purpos^- uatil npproved by the City Council of the City ot arroyo grande as being conaisteni witn che conditions of approval oE Traet No. 1390. IN WITNE55 WHEt+.EOF, Declaranta have executed this Deelaration ot Covenants, Conditions and Restrictiona the d�y and year first above Written. � ROYAL OAKS ESTATES, A California Limited PartnershiQ BY =.L � %/' /` � Wil iam E. Laccey Genaral Partner IIY. , ' eeta M. Lackey, General tner DON MC NANEY REALTY, A California ' Corpora on, enural artner BY � ald . c ney resident -4- �0�31.�0�E94f : . .. . . r�. ..�. ....� �. � �..r� .. � �..� .. •.. �J.�-: T..�•�� �-r�.. �..�.�� ..�.Y�..�i'•� .. • . . . ... ,. -." '- ...__ .." '__ __ _ . _ _ . .. . .. - �. .' .. . . � . . . . . _ . . .' '. _ _ . "'_ _ .. . _ _ ' '""_ ... ...... . . . ...._ .�_-.-". _ �, . � -:"_. . . 0 � 71COR TITUE INSUR�� C�T. M0. MNMM� �: TOIMaCA(hM� � ' . �� ►t s Tartncr of a h�mhip) � S'TATL OF U,�.1 ORNtA . ` No � N b� � rnd ta COUNTY OF (ors mc. th� ^Q ( 7 na ' -- �'` G n xnea w� asated � On I sud Sn•t. V«yO1u11Y �Pp�'Kd [o me oe �c ba�u � µ rfef � `n u � d � �iAeaca �� k�wn to mc or proved buL o[ ��/��' �rt�y �� ���ynr iwown to�� u he"� to� me on the � �� wichm M+a�men� s► the � � r,Au uecuud t1�e u't'�"" � W �K 1�1t �� , I1�1� Rt II1fllI OA C [hi� t Y[C' �� � tl�e eorpont : ebe V"t^i�hip �'at c:ecuad A. CLARi( bc6df of . 1i0TAl{T ►UtI1C tl�e witAia iastrv�n�. and acknowled�cd w me that svcA ror�ncion oxccnced tAe ssene a� tucA p��T ��at i. iAll ��� � sseeuud tAe u��- y pn.,rrm bd+a ah �. t�oo such p:rcners� i� �ad offcial fd. �y{TNESS my h Lsf.� (��— � mL �+• ta eln.Y1 w°Ad w.11 Sifna _ • C.T. NO. NN�O _"_ . '� TiCOR TITI.E INSURA�'��E TO 21tN CA 11-��I . , . (TaRO�nb�F� 1 - STATF UF CJ�L�F RNIA j� � � b c.in d tor COUNTY �R [or enc. ndeni�ned, i�� - � i � e ? /i�. Oe uid Sate. nally �pp�aKd � . F ��na11y kno++n w me or r.. = eridrnee to b� A, CWIK y �� te mt �Ao exeeated cAe wi� inswmenc u Kp(AAY ►UtUC i �'.�;,,� _ of the pannus et the p��'ip ' ptI3P0 CO�I�T'f � �_� . and ackno��dt t� � �pp�a � � � tA.t ssecu[ed tlu �nthin Lu ��ted ehe nma .. . ���� �,� o „ M �. �soo io pw eAat sueh P iRneeehlp M WI7NE55 mr h�ad aad otfidd teal. /'� o ���� - v�3�.80►��947 � � s� . � r...ma.i ..:,.w.�.n � 1 . _. . �� - �r�-�� . . ; t.' . . . . . . _ . . 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REtMINING LOTS 11AVE NO NEIGNT �RESTRICTION � ' EXCEYT AS IliPOSED bY THE CITY OF AAAGTO.GAAH�E . . . .. _ ... . _ EXHIBIT A = ' • • *. titi : � - L ii.rx � � ,''. - . l. - , - - — � —=� J � � �-- _.,.l,,,;..._ �'._,,x-. . ' ' i _ _ _ ..... . . - � _. , . .�-�yt' ,.,�v.=, ' ' v�31S0�►�948 i . �!� Of DOCUI�4�NT . - - � _ -r�-s.- - - � . . �- -------- . • --�---- . . .. _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _- _ _ __ , _ - -- - - - --- --- --- ___ - - _ -- -- --- - ------- --- - ---- ---- - - � � . . � -' � . . . • S:. ' ti� �. . . ._ :� ;- C . .. . � . . ,,. : : , : , - - -- . -- - - - -- __ � 4 s x f2J L � .* y� f f' t'f� • � . . . . . . � O D� ) t . i.. � C� . !� . . < �1 i s �. � � � _ O�� / •'`7i�':ja'^�Ka,.�i'�; �"� = stf } � ' � n..: E . . � � . ' . . : . ` : :..,. 1 � . � . . _ .� . . . ��. . ; . : � . . � n/�� . . � .. . . • �J�- � � . � �:�. " � . , �. � �-. . - ::i ' � � 'v.a'�.ti:t�. i � Y' � `•�•� . = . � . . : t �i.: ..-1r,••;i�.. • . :7 , ' I ♦. � ����� s // __.. . ...: . . . �:, , _ 3-. - _ ..:�;' . . . � . . , . . :t . ,,��3 �d� � o'6t� �� G ��� � i�` �:�/ � _ . i2N" . � � . ' .. .�//��/�'`^' � I . : ��cE�v�� ocT � i zoo3 � C1TY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT DEPT. ATTACHMENT 4 � . . : ' ' .. _ .. • . .. :r . . . ... '< • . ":��� .....-.. . .. . . .. • .. . .. . . . . -. ATTACHME�i � 5 � CITY.OF ARROYO GRANDE � , � _ _ v v � � � LUU3 _ Cb���T� DEV��:vP�t'r D��xT�t'r CiTY OF ARROYO GRANDE P.o. Box sso : . � COMMUNff1' DEVELOPMENT DEPT. ARROYO GRANDE, C�1. 93421 • . DEAR MR. STRONG: � I DO NOT BELIEVE'V�WSHED PERMIT 03-008 SHOULD BE APPROVED. - � THE LOTS ARE VERY SMALL IN THIS TRACT - ESPECIAI�,Y UN THIS PART OF TRAC�.... THE LOTS AR� AT VARIOUS LEVELS, AND TF� VIEW OF EVEN TI� SUN I3 BLOCKED SOMETIlI�S. � TI� PROPERTY AT 363 SPANTSH MOSS WOULD NOT DIRECTLY EFFECT MY " PRO�ERTY, BUT IF THIS PERMIT IS ALLOWF,� TI�N TT WOULD SET A. PRECEDENT SO THAT PERHAPS MY NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR COULD ADD A SECOND STORY. I DO NOT WANT TO SPEND TF� LAST FEW YEARS OF MY LIFE FEELING LIKE I AM LIVING IN A DUNGEON WITFi HIGH WALLS AROUND ME. � IT IS BAD ENOUGH WITH ALL TI� RETAIl�TING WALLS AROUND ME. 7IJNE STEVES 481-5280 399 MESQUTTE LAND ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 � �-- Q��-o ��.r �� 5 � o d =3 ! Y e � � .� � � � ,r� � "-�-� ,�n . .� 6 � ! "� � `'� � rro � G �,w ��, � C�. . q 3 � �' � � � 31t � bvt� �. � C 80 �� �� 3 � g � YL . � �,�� 2r� �C2 7" W�� • .� �Trb , �-2w� I� r � ATTACHMENT 6 OCT 1 �5 2003 CfTY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. V I t;� W S�t e c� '��r rn t-F- 0 3- o 08' ' } n� S" ,y bng � .� r�P �`� ��n p�i C� w S�Cvn, c� f o or o� n � v yn,e ,/ �r+u.G�. �, c�,�u, -c. - T�, i 5 �'O� e c�}' W 6�� Q' �� e �� � � 5 . � � a�rd �shQt-e � rr5 .. � Go Tt'� � S �j c;w� cxar d cauuh,c� rn �{ �O G.� � .-_ C� cx /I��• �• 1� c� . � d�,�--(� .� -�- �v � (1 � m e -� e, n c-2 ,/(�( �,o ��e t,vc [ 1 � V.e r� ��e s �� �� � � � �, d u.vt � o►n . �� `�(�� �vcv�.� d n �-}' -�Y� i, t/l� u/ e S 1'�o..t. �, G� � b ,� .�,; � � b� �G� � d . � �-� !��-s Q��- � � � � � � s .� �- � �. -�-lr�-�r. S �`� � ��re � _y � U �n � �� -E-�,' v�-�-Cr.� i �52Gan,a ��d�rS th . _f�_ o S t�� � a.h.d k�t.� �}' �/Lo �s�s T° ,� �� ��� p ���,�,,{, 983 Spanish Moss Lane �� p� �m r7{,►V L�0 Arto}ro Grende, CA 93420 ATTACHMENT 7 December 12, 2003 214 East Branch St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Subject vewshed Review 03-008, 363 Spanish Moss Lane Dear Planning Commission Board, I would like to begin by briefly introduang mysetf and family and our reasons for building this 2"� story addfion. My name is Doug Scotto, a life long resident of San Luis Obispo County and 13 year veteran of the San Luis Obispo County SherifPs Department, empioyed as a Deputy Sheriff assigned to Patrol in the South County. My wife, !Gm Phiilips (a.ka. Scotto) is a Nurse Practitioner in an OBiGYN office in the city of San Luis Obispo. Kim and I married two years ago and oombined famil'res and are now raising three heaithy gi�ls together, ages seven, nine, and 11. FGm was the .original rnmer of 363 Spanish Moss Lane. Due to the size of our family and ever rising house costs we decided that adding on to our house would be the best resolution in gaining a little space. Please review the following attachments prior to the meeting where i wili present more information for your infonnation as well. Attached to this letter you will find the foilowing: • Artist conception drawing of the purposed 2"� story addition above our garage. • Artist conception picture of 2"`'story addition using Paint Program — Not to scale. • Letter of Opposition from neighbor, Nelly R. Ford, originally filed during Architectural Review phase of this project - It should be noted that her �esidence is located directly behind me and is approximately four feet below my grade. . • °Letter of SupporY' with comments from my neighbo�s regarding the 2"� story addition. I would like to point ou# that on December 11, 2003; I spoke with Nelly Ford regarding this addi6on, showing her the artist conception drawing. Af#er we spoke at length and sfie unders#ood where the addition would be located, the front of my residence over the garage, and that it would in no way e'ither impede her view or cast shadow on her residence, she signed my "Letter of Support° Lastly, I look forvvard to presenting more information to you at the Planning Commission meeting on Decem6er 16, 2003. My contractor, Paul Davis of Paul Davis Construction will be present, as well as several neighbors wishing to speak on my behalf. Sincerely, 1� Douglas K tto Resident � J ! � � � 1 i� � 1 �� 1 � �� �. j�� , � . I ( � r;i .� i r � ' ' ! '� f � ' ����! °; j �'� . ; ;J � �� ; ; _, ;� , ; �; 1 rj - / r r - i � , , �! f , �i 1 ,; ' t %r� r! ;� 'i �� , ;� ;�' ; ; : ! � i� � 1�: J � r!: � 1:: f __-- __ \,_ . \ ��� , \\ _'n '. 1t '. �__-. �C� p be�l' ( S"� o� a°.3 V�e<< � � - �°�a � ,.�� -.�..� �n. 36�1 1���I ' � q3�� � rro � G �,�,,. dQ, C�. . U � 3�g31t � gn�) �� � ���� � . " i����V�� OCT 1 �5 2003 CiTY OF ARa0Y0 GRANDE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. W �'-�h {�.-�f er� ��e -� (�� � ws�te d '� �rm� -(— 0 3 -00�' ���� �� � c.s�f"�� 1 �' ,5 ong � � � 1° ° S -e `�'" � �,, c �u,�i.c , T�, i 5 �7�'0� e c� � 0 /� �.. �: YYU� �s . ;S �o f� � s scLme �'�hG , � L( -�{�Q v . t Ul �';' �� `��� �lV��� � u,i, t� Q. S econ. c� f 1 o fl� o�n -�-n p n� G � Yi'1-e ✓ e r � � � w ��( cL�Fe � d euh,c� �p a.G� �a.►� � cs � Q F e b�r�� �`� � l 1 � V e r .�p d a.N �..�. -�' � i� 1 � n �,t,S 2 1� a c�uvt�oV� � e �c �,o �.c, �, G� _- � d n `-}� -�� i U1�4 ,��; kb��fn��d. �4�� I��-s Q�� � � c � � s� �� -�- e, -�-�n.-er. e�r�e Si'���r� �� � �''� " (� v �' .�.C�Ir' �- c5 2Gtr�c� -�td�rS lh ����5 a,Kd �-�� �'} �/t.o �a. s �.s �-t, d s rn� � � � Doug and Kim Scotto 363 Spanish Moss Lane, Arroyo Grande Second Story Addition Letter of Support We the undersigned residents have spoken with the Scotto's regarding the second story addition above the garage and are in support of this construction. Resident: �1� 0�2� -5 fZ !_-o N / Address: , �' q S � N/�s�o���/_ Comments:_ / ��-V� �rl' o�J��`r oa/s �d �-- b� tl pr� s Ca, ,�t..n.n / rr D x/ ��� s�a �`s �,Lo Nl�� Resident: Address: Comments: �- - - • Resident: Address: Comments: Resident: Address: Comments: , � � � • - �./,� - �, ' .l I t' r�"��. u � � _� :!� � � . � • � r� � �..�.. Signature: i ��f�� s� M�ss L.�v i� �/b Dt,� —�,CP� !�"' Signature: . Signature: ` 0 � Resident: Address: Comments: �' 1�/1� ss Lah Resident: Address: Commenl Signature: _��� ��;� � �-�cJ.� � �s � l - �v f �/S �f �!d 5 .,� � � � �/ �- . ., �. � __ . S � �� � � Resident: �f.�..-e.� � — Address: ���� '�-,� ���� � - - -- Comments: '�� �� � � �-� '-�-�-..-; ,. -,�c'- � � ., m�, � �.� � � �� �-�R�� Signature: Resident: �,, Q��� ��c I"1r� �i � fi'a t c� �.� t� Address: ? ' �- � Comments: 0. �� ' Signature: �n a.�.,�� , �� D� p �.ic Resident: ��+�f< � ICa rn�s Add ress: 3 G�o � CSQcJ � 1� L-�NE, (�k6 0 G-R AN DE Comments: I�1� S�Pa�-r � UK�` T�fE ��01 t16� Signature: � Resident: !` Address: 3 Comments: � ��d w ► r� — D, Y Y �-1 � f C.c���Prr� � — �IVIe �l �. � L . � �'v '}�_ AroDti� Signature: �Y, � � J �/J DY � � . �r Resident: � �' ! u�} 1�►_�i�' � � � / 1 � � Resident: ( Address: Comments: Resident: Address: :. I � /.� _ � 1� � l 1� �� • _ - . ���� `� , � . ,, _ - '� .� V7 ►����� � -. I—�'/��."1 a� - � i � � -- i� . ' �'�1 � _ - � s � .��_ ����� - � �.. � , _ ����/�!�� , . �� : , � �� _ ,_,_.� ` � _ ' _."'' � _ � �� , � t _;� _., -i ►�, / Resident: Address: Comments: Signature: Resident: Address: Comments: Signature: � . l,�-� � � Resident: �IG�-I� I!�/V1 � C�� ���-C � �� ��P�� h o Address: 33�' ���� � � . �. � � , , ATTACHMENT 2 RESOLUTION NO. 03-1913 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING APPROVAL OF VIEWSHED REVIEW CASE NO. 03-008, LOCATED AT 363 SPANISH MOSS, APPLIED FOR BY pOUG AND KIM SCOTTO WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande has considered an application for Viewshed Review Case No. 03-008, filed by Doug and Kim Scotto, for construction of a second story addition; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing on this application in accordance with the City Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission found that this process is consistent with the General Plan and the environmental documents associ�ted therewith; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project is Categorically Exempt per Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: FINDINGS The proposed structure is inconsistent with the intent of Section 16.16.130 of the Development Code; and 2. The proposed structure is inconsistent with the established scale and character of the neighborhood and will unreasonably affect views from surrounding properties; and 3. The proposed structure will unreasonably or unnecessarily interfere with the scenic view from other properties, and potentially from James Way, a scenic route, judged in light of permitting reasonable use and development of the property on which the proposed structure or expansion was to occur. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby denies Viewshed Review Case No. 03-008, with the above findings hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. On a motion by Commissioner Amold, seconded by Commissioner Keen, and by the following roll call vote to wit: RESOLUTION NO. 03-1913 PAGE 2 AYES: Commissioners Amold, Keen, Brown, Fowler and Chair Guthrie NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 16th day of December, 2003. ATTEST: LYN REARDON-SMITH, SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: JAMES GUTHRIE, CHAIR ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR � � ��� ATTACHMENT 3 MINUTES CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 CALL TO ORDER — The Arroyo Grande Planning Commission met in regular session with Chair Guthrie presiding; also present were Commissioners Arnold, Brown, Keen and Fowler. Staff members in attendance were Community Development Director, Rob Strong, Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon, Assistant Planner, Ryan Foster, Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman, Planning Intern, Andrea Koch and Public Works Engineer, Victor Devens. AGENDA REVIEW: No Changes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of December 2, 2003 were unanimously approved as written on a 5/0 voice vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Memo from Ryan Foster re: Preliminary meeting with representatives of the Bridge Street group. 2. Letter from Milton Hayes, dated December 15, 2003, re his driveway in respect to item III.A. 3. Memo from Fire Chief, Terry Fibich re: Janowitz Access Easement, item III.C. 4. An additional �ist of names in support of Viewshed Review for 363 Spanish Moss Lane, item III.B. II.A. MINOR USE PERMITS APPROVED SINCE NOVEMBER 18, 2003 - SUBJECT TO 10-DAY APPEAL. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM III.A: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 03-004; APPLICANT — CINGULAR WIRELESS; LOCATION — CITY RESERVIOR NO. 4 OFF BRANCH MILL ROAD. Staff report prepared and presented by Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon. Ms. Heffernon gave an overview of the proposal to install eight (8) cellular communication antennas, approximately 8-feet in height, on top of City water tank Reservoir No. 4 and place an equipment shelter in a 504 square foot lease area. The Commission had questions regarding the requirements of the Telecommunication Facilities Siting and Permit Submittal Requirements and had a concern that information required had not been submitted. The Commission agreed on a 5/0 voice vote to approve Minor Exception 03-012. MINUTES � PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 PAGE 2 Tricia Knight, SBA Nefinrork Services, Inc. representative for Cingular Wireless, stated that she handled the land use entitlement for Cingular and could answer Commission questions. In answer to Commission questions Ms. Knight stated: • The information on the 500-foot map regarding residences was not included, but was discussed with staff as there was only one residence of concern. • The radio frequency report that goes to the FCC was included and does comply. • Photo simulations were provided showing four different views from various public roads and on the site plans provided a vicinity map and directions to the site. • The paint color will match the water tank color and the existing antennas. • Total antenna capacity on the water tank is up to the Commission's discretion. A lot of antennas could be installed before FCC limit would be reached to ensure zero radio frequency conflict befinreen carriers. • The site serves as both coverage and capacity for Cingular Wireless. Eight antennas are necessary for capacity, and the height of the tank serves as the coverage. The site serves these dual purposes and eliminates the need for two sites. • The limits of co-location depends on the carrier, and requirements can vary. Chair Guthrie opened the Public Hearing and hearing no comments closed public comment. Commission Comments: • The aesthetics of the project were acceptable. • Condition 19: Like to make sure that total height of the structure for the antenna should be no higher than the existing antennas. • Language on the color requirement should include that the cable tray next to the ladder should match the color of the tank. • Make sure the shrubs look like those shown on the plans because the existing landscaping does not look good and existing enclosures can be seen from the church parking lot near Trinity Avenue. • Mr. Hayes concerns for traffic speed on the private access road should be addressed. • Request that staff require consistency regarding the requirements of the guidelines and the information to be submitted. Commissioner Brown made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Fowler to approve Conditional Use Permit Case No. 03-004, to mount eight (8) cellular communication antennas on top of City Reservoir No. 4, and place an equipment shelter on a 504 square foot lease area with the following additional conditions: 1. Speed limit and private road sign shall be erected. 2. Total height of the structure for the antenna to be no higher than existing antenna. 3. Paint color of the cable on the side of the tank to match the tank paint color. and adopt: MINUTES PAGE 3 PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 RESOLUTION 03-1912 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 03-004, APPLIED FOR BY CINGULAR WIRELESS The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Brown, Fowler, Arnold, Keen and Chair Guthrie NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was adopted this 16 day of December 2003. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM III.B: VIEWSHED REVIEW CASE NO. 03-008; APPLICANT — DOUG & KIM SCOTTO; LOCATION — 363 SPANISH MOSS LANE. Staff report prepared and presented by Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman and Planning Intern, Andrea Koch. Ms. Koch gave an overview of the proposal for a 502 square foot second floor addition above the existing garage. Ms. Koch explained that three letters of opposition from neighbors had been received by the Community Development Department; one of these neighbors had since signed a petition in support of the project after further reviewing the project. The project property is located within the P.D. 1.3 district in an area consisting of single story "patio homes" on relatively small lots and setbacks. The CC&R's for the P.D. 1.3 district state there are no height restrictions for this patio home portion except as imposed by the City. The required findings for viewshed approval cannot be made. An option for the applicant is to apply for a Planned Development Amendment within Royal Oaks to allow second story additions for everyone in the patio home portion of P.D.1.3. Chair Guthrie opened the Public Hearing. Doug Scotto, applicant gave a power point presentation and stated: • He wished to expand due to size of family and the fact that he wished to remain in the same neighborhood. • He did not believe the addition of the room over the garage would block anyone's view. • The ARC did not think that the addition would obstruct anyone's view. • He did not think the CC&R's were still in existence, nor preclude second story additions. Paul Davis, Construction Contractor, in reply to Commissioner Arnold stated that it would not be feasible in this case to further expand the second story due to the existing structure, cost of remodeling and inadequate room to get equipment in and out of side and rear yards. Commission Comments: • Respect the argument that the applicant needs more room and wants to remain in the neighborhood. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 PAGE 4 • Viewshed requirements of City Code provide that any alterations to these homes be in harmony with the existing homes and this project does not meet this finding. • Allowing a second story for the patio homes may set a precedent. • In this neighborhood of single story patio homes the expectation is probably that these homes will remain like this. • Allowing this expansion may take affordable stock out of the neighborhood for the future. • Would there be room to still accommodate finro cars in the garage with the addition of the staircase? • The addition looks like a box built onto the garage, does not look attractive and is not consistent with the neighborhood. • The option to get a DCA would allow greater notice (all of Royal Oaks) and allow the whole neighborhood to decide if they want this change to P.D. 1.3. Mike McAustin, 341 Mesquite Lane, in favor of the proposal: • The project will not affect the view of anyone in immediate neighborhood due to the topography; such an addition would not be feasible in some situations, but each . situation should be reviewed on a case-by-case situation. � We are part of the Royal Oaks development and there are many second stories in this district. Chair Guthrie closed the Public Hearing. Further Commission Comments: • This proposed second story addition would set a bad precedent, encouraging other such additions that could transform the single-story character of the patio homes neighborhood. • This should not be approved without going through the DCA process. • The lots are too small and two stories would change the character of neighborhood. • To allow this could feasibly enable others to add second stories over the whole house. • This is not a viewshed issue. • The findings cannot be made. • Concern that the CC&R's are not in place. • The viewshed should be denied due to lack of the findings and compatibility with the neighborhood issue. Commissioner Arnold made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Keen denying approval of the Viewshed Review as it was not consistent with the findings and adopting: RESOLUTION 03-1913 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DENYING APPROVAL OF VIEWSHED REVIEW CASE NO. 03-008, LOCATED AT 363 SPANISH MOSS, APPLIED FOR BY DOUG AND KIM SCOTTO ry.., �.. .�..�.. _. _...�.,..,.�.,._.�...,r MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 PAGE 5 The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Arnold, Keen, Brown, Fowler and Chair Guthrie NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was adopted this 16�' day of December 2003. PUBLIC HEARING ITEM III.C: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 03-002; APPLICANT — TONY JANOWICZ; LOCATION — 447 LIERLY LANE. Staff report prepared and presented by Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman. Mr. Bergman gave an overview of the proposal to convert an existing 1504 square foot, single-family residence into a secondary dwelling unit. Currently the site is developed with a 2,156 square foot home, recently built, and a 1504 square foot house. There was an understanding that when the new house was built the smaller house would be demolished. Since that time the City has changed policy on 2" residential dwelling units allowing larger units and the applicant has now filed for a Conditional Use Permit to keep the 1504 square foot house as a 2" residential dwelling unit. Access to this property is off Cherry Ave (unimproved dirt road) and access then off Lierly Lane (private road). Mr. Bergman then stated outlined the exceptions requested to recent criteria: • Maximum size of the secondary residence should be no more than 1200 square feet, but no more than 50% of the primary residence (for this proposal no more than 1,078 square feet). � Driveway access is dependent on a substandard non-public street. • The primary residence and secondary unit should share the same utility meters (these residences have separate meters and no sewer). • The Development Code requires the minimum interior sideyard setback should be 21 feet (in this case it is only 6 feet from the adjacent property. � Development Code also requires the secondary unit should architecturally match the primary residence. The applicant intends to make modifications to make it match the primary residence. Finally, Mr. Bergman emphasized the important conditions: • Improvement to onsite access via the private roads for public safety reasons. � Staff would like the applicant to provide a 20-foot utility, drainage and access easement from the property line, across his property to the next property. • Would like the applicant to extend the right-of-way to 20 feet on Lierly Lane, if possible with the cooperation of neighboring parcel owners. Commission Questions: • Has the size of the secondary unit and it's current building code compliance been verified; it is substandard, would conformity be required? Mr. Bergman said the size of the unit had not been verified, but would have to be and it would be up to the Building Department to address code issues. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 PAGE 6 • For public safety issue should the house be demolished if the access could not be widened? Mr. Bergman said such a decision would affect all of the seven properties that use Lierly Lane and they would also not be able to make similar changes nor subdivide until acceptable access is provided. • Could the applicant be required to reduce the size of the house? Mr. Bergman said this would be a Commission choice, but this is a relatively unique existing situation. • The map shows Myrtle Street going through and this is not correct. (The creek occupies the east end of the right-ofLway.) • If the applicant were unable to deliver the easement would the City have to step in? • Mr. Devens, Public Works, replied that the City should be required to assist by eminent domain, but this is not usually done. Chair Guthrie opened the Public Hearing. Mark Vasquez, representative, gave the history explaining how the situation had evolved and stating the many unresolved issues (a conceptual neighborhood plan had not been agreed upon) and how difficult it was for the applicant. Tony Janowicz, applicant, also explained the history and the improvements they had made: driveway access with turnaround paved for safety; demolished an old shed and other structures; installed a City water main system; added a total of 10,000 sq ft landscape. Mike Titus, 404 Lierly Lane, opposed to the granting of secondary unit status and stating: � The actual square footage of 1,720 greatly exceeds the allowable maximum. • The unit has separate meters. • The secondary unit only has a 5-foot setback. � The widening of Lierly Lane to East Cherry would require acquisition of 12 feet (possibly 6 foot on each side), which could require the destruction of two 50 foot, 50 year old trees. • He could support the conversion of the building if it were brou�ht into conformance with the current building codes and secondary dwelling criteria. Karen Estes, 811 E. Cherry, stated that the map shows from the west property to the Janowitz garage as being 36 feet and this does not appear to be that wide. Mr. Vasquez, replied that the setback on drawing is wider than existing access (16 feet wide). He further stated that the applicant is trying to save an existing house and understands the concerns of ineeting the secondary dwelling ordinance requirement. If the concern is with the access they would prefer to continue the proposal so negotiations with neighbors could be made. With regard to building code issues everything new would have to be to code and life safety issues would also be addressed. Chair Guthrie closed the Public Hearing. In answer to Commission questions, Mr. Bergman said: • When the General Plan rezoning takes place the sideyard setbacks for single family residential would be 5ft on one side and 10 ft on the other. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 PAGE 7 The General Plan mentions creating a neighborhood plan before any subdivisions are allowed in this area. The neighborhood plan in this case has concerns with regard to flooding, sewer, utilities and circulation issues in this area. Commission Comments: • No problem with the concept, like the proposed changes on the house • Problem with not being sure on the size of the second residential unit, if over 1500 sq ft it would be a real concern; cannot approve without verification of this information. � Like to see the size of the secondary house reduced. • The easement needs to be dedicated on this property. • Like to see a real attempt to get the rest of the easement at least to Cherry Avenue alignment. • This will become a non-conforming secondary unit. • Like to see the applicant consider downsizing the second unit and conform to size criteria. • If this is not safe for fire code then it is not safe for the other existing homes. • It would be nice if the neighborhood could get together to make the neighborhood safer for everyone. • Like to see consistency with easements around the City from a safety standpoint. • Like to see complete and accurate description when the project comes fonnrard. • Concern with long term sewer and circulation issues; the burden for infrastructure needs to be shared. • If approved the secondary unit should meet the current criteria where possible: under 1200 sq ft; has to be single meter; owner should agree to tie in with the sewer when it comes to the area; 5 foot setback acceptable. • Access issue — finro sprinkled buildings would be safer than it has been to date. After further discussion the Commission recommended that the item be continued to allow the applicant time to come back with an alternative plan for the design of the house taking into consideration a possible reduction in size to comply; have conditions for the meters, sewer and consider how the lot and house would comply with potential Single Family zoning. Chair Guthrie made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Brown to continue the item to the meeting of February 17, 2004 for clari�cation and decision. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Guthrie, Brown, Arnold, Keen and Fowler. NOES: None ABSENT: None The Commission took a 5-minute break. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 PAGE 8 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM III.D: RECONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS CASE NOS. 98-572, 98-573 & 01-005; APPLICANTS — RUSS SHEPPEL � KEVIN KENNEDY; LOCATION —1299 JAMES WAY. Sfaff report prepared and presented by Rob Strong, Community Development Director. Mr. Strong gave an update on the proposed revocation of the Conditional Use Permits and/or modification of Conditions of Approval due to non-compliance with the Conditions of Approval. Due to a request that several tenants of the Sheppel building were waiting to testify and due to the late hour, Chair Guthrie opened the Public Hearing. Chuck Cochran, 860 Oak Park Blvd., (Sheppel building) tenant: • Has a problem with parking in the area, but it is affected by time of day and at times has had to park across the street. He is usually at work six days a week, 12 hours day. He noticed the peak problem seems to be 8:30 to 10:3Q a.m. In reply to Commission questions Mr. Cochran said: • Sometimes customers and patients have to park all the way down the hill • He had reviewed the proposed parking solutions and if there were posted parking for their building with specific times it would cover his needs. � 25 parking spaces would be adequate only if employees parked elsewhere. Russ Barrett, Chief Engineer for a business at 860 Oak Park Blvd., stated that the problem was not same for him, they only have four employees and they come in to work really early, but they are sympathetic with the surgeons. If he comes in later than 8:30 a.m. there is a problem with parking; he had not seen many people from Fitness center parking in our area, but he believed the employees did; patients also try to park in the Fitness Center. 25 spaces would ease the situation temporarily. Mr. Strong then described the intent of the staff recommendations contained in the staff report stating that one key recommendation he would like addressed is that the allowance for parking reductions be revoked and that the uses be calculated on the basis of operating hours and City requirements. Russ Sheppel, property owner, handed the Commission a parking study done by him a year ago and then one done by him in the last three weeks, which shows the increase befinreen the hours of 8:30 am — 11:00 am; the parking plan could work but would need to be monitored; 25 spaces would be acceptable with some additional employee parking; it would also work for our other building with 22 spaces if employees park elsewhere. Commission Questions: • With these proposals in place where will this situation be in 6 months? Mr. Sheppel said it depends on the health club and the scheduling. • Should there be an enforcement mechanism? Mr. Sheppel said he had discussed #his with Mr. Kennedy and signage and tow away was an option and he would like this to take place immediately. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 PAGE 9 • Could employee parking be elsewhere? Mr. Sheppel said they had an agreement to utilize an area for employee parking and scheduling will make this all work. Mr. Belsher, attorney, stated he thought they could come to an agreement on the parking and the details should be worked out by February 3. Using a site plan he then described the proposed parking areas that had been agreed upon. Mr. Belsher said that Mr. Sheppel would like to apply the parking signage immediately with tow away sign and scheduled parking time. Kevin Kennedy, Kennedy Club Fitness, stated they wanted to maintain good relationship with tenants in the buildings and have sympathy for doctors and patients; we need to restrip the parking lot and put up definite signs with specific hours. The real issue has been with the easements; we would like to have a flow through and would like the City to consider opening up the blocked entrance; the parking study recommends this. We are opposed to putting up gates as this blocks the flow through. Commission Brown asked where traffic will go if after an agreement takes place the membership increases? Mr. Kennedy said he thought the membership would level off and if not they would consider price increases. Commission Arnold had a concern that the health club was the problem and that other options should be considered to alleviate this problem for the future. Mr. Strong outlined the proposal: • 20 spaces in the Sheppel � vicinity, weekday office use only. • 25 spaces in the Sheppel II vicinity, weekday office use only. • 19 spaces in driveway will become an interim shared parking arrangement. • The designs for the parking should be developed and bid out by the February meeting or the occupancy and use permits will be revoked. • The driveway opening cannot be considered until the City has seen the parking study and traffic study and an agreement that the City will not be liable. • The City will monitor the parking and access situation once it is installed before i# becomes permanent. • The shared parking agreement with enforcement is due prior to January 17, 2004. Chair Guthrie said he believed the enforcement of the parking would be the answer and could make the parking work. Brent Weaver, Manager Kennedy Club, agreed that they have a parking problem mainly 9— 10:30 Monday through Friday. The tenants from the other buildings use the club also. He believed the parking could work. Chair Guthrie closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Fowler left the meeting due to not feeling well. �----m. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16,�2003 PAGE 10 Chair Guthrie clarified that a parking agreement should be signed by January 17 (the Commission will reconsider at the February 3, 2004 meeting) that is a commitment to the plan and that the towing will be implemented immediately; monitoring will take place through May to make sure it is working. Chair Guthrie made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Arnold, to continue the reconsideration of the Conditional Use Permits to the meeting of February 3, 2004 to enable both owners to submit plans and supporting information needed to resolve interim CUP amendments. The motion was approved on the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Guthrie, Arnold, Brown and Keen. NOES: None ABSENT: Fowler NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: None. DISCUSSION ITEMS: The Commission agreed to cancel the meetings of January 6, and January 20, 2004. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS AND COMMENTS: None COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR COMMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP: None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ATTEST: LYN REARDON-SMITH, JAMES GUTHRIE, CHAIR SECRETARY TO THE COMMISSION AS TO CONTENT: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR �� MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 16, 2003 (Approved at PC meeting 2/3/04) PAGE 11 � . C . � �1 �°`'"`°� CD� ` APPEAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE - CITY:OF A RROYO GRANDE , ATTACHMENT 4 Date %�-d�-o3 ' � Name and Address of Appeilant � ` o uG �� �i�� f'�o�'U , 3CP3 �S'��i�sN /`'laP`F � ��v �, /�•[.�a s�v ,-r��.�.��;. G9 � 93��z D APpealof Ui��SHED 2kvi ��� GS� tilo, O3 . � Gase No. . � APProve en' y�4.(�u�iwC, ('�Mr��SS�oN on la-1(�-0 2 _ :Date ' Reason for Appeal =' �� CoNSt ST.9�✓�i s �i� r'���✓iAL ,c�A��� o�✓ /.4/F[7,�lflA>/0.4�—,Lld ��_i�.�iE/D L�� J' r0� CJN�C'.+/ T/�E'�2� /S .f/c) � 6 �9 AI.Sb S C►�► ) �,.A 2. �11"�1 i l DN `G`o�r��b r•�v •'�� _ 3`�5 C� N A�A�i2P�1..,, t:�HE2� A l.o rT �I ��S "Rl�l t� i � . � _ . Mailing Address 1�� 4 S'�.�i���'/�' i�'IaC'S ��!,, /� �� 9��/?_U Telephone �CQ,b�S� y8/ �3?9F�i Zoo�av OaD av Fee -$1' 6►�'`'`� R�ceipf No. 0� - �'�5� Date �a'Z _'2-a-'�3 __ Directo�r of�ministrative Services/Deputy Gity Clerk - /pRROY� / p`` `` � INCORPORATE Z V T * JULY /0, 1911 * c � ° ��FORN` P TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: MEMORANDUM 11.a. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS LYNDA K. SNODGRASS, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 MID YEAR B DGET STATUS REPORT FEBRUARY 10, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City CounciVAgency Board: • Approve detailed budget adjustments and recommendations as shown in Schedule B. • Approve Schedules A through E included in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report. • Approve (Deny) requests for additional appropriations in the General Fund. FUNDING: The requested actions will impact several fund budgets as outlined in the Mid-Year Budget Status Report and supporting schedules. The General Fund ending balance will be impacted by the approval of the recommended revenue and appropriation adjustments as follows: Projected Fund Balance at First Quarter Report $2,575,300 Audit Adjustments $ 6,500 Revision of Revenue Estimates 12,500 Increase in Transfers-Out (14,000) Proposed Expenditure Adjustments 7( 8.100) Total Decrease to General Fund Balance Adjusted Fund Balance 6/30/2004 73 100 — � �� DISCUSSION: Each year, the City Council adopts a budget, which commits resources to the accomplishment of its policies. The Financial Services Department routinely prepares quarterly budget updates for the City Council. The purpose of the City's Mid-Year budget review is to: • Compare revenues received and expenditures made to budgeted amounts to determine appropriate adjustments. • Report on Departmental accomplishments. MID-YEAR REPORT CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 2 • Provide a link between the City budget, the financial records, and the independent financial audit. • Compare current revenues and expenditures against the prior fiscal year. SUMMARY OF KEY MID-YEAR POINTS: The 2002-03 Fiscal Year audit has been completed and the Annual Financial Report presented to the City Council this evening. The audited Fund Balance� reported in the Annual Financial Report have been incorporated into Schedules A, Unreserved Fund Balance-Control and Schedule D, Unreserved Fund Balance — Mid-Year Changes. The total Citywide Fund Balance reported at June 30, 2003 is $23,211,905. This is an increase of approximately $8,771,800 over June 30, 2002. • The current projected available General Fund Balance for June 30, 2004 is $2,502,165, a decrease over the first projected fund balance of $2,683,908 published for FY 2003-04 in the Bi Annual Budget. The published fund balance did not include carryover expenditures or compensation adjustments for FY 2003-04. The projected Fund Balance assumes revenues are received exactly as budgeted, all budget expenditures are made, and all capital transfers required by the CIP Program are completed. Historically, the General Fund has not been required to fund all budgeted capital transfers and expenditures at year-end are traditionally less than budgeted. Therefore it is likely that the June 30, 2004 General Fund Balance will be greater than the $2,502,165 projection. However, there are also usually recommended carryover funds for ongoing projects, which will likely reduce the actual "available" fund balance at the beginning of the next fiscal year. • The projected General Fund Balance for June 30, 2004 of $2,502,165 continues to meet the Cit�r Council goal of establishing a fund balance reserve of 20% of expenditures. Staff is gratified to report that the fund balance is projected to be 22.2% of appropriations. • The budget for General Fund revenue is being increased by $12,500. The increase is the result of revenues generated from the Fire Depa�tment's Strike Team Reimbursement activity. This revenue is matched by an additional appropriation for over-time in the Fire Department, which was paid to employees responding to #hese fires. The detail of this adjustment may be found beginning on Page 9 and Schedule B(Page 25) of the report. • An additional $8,950 appropriation is requested for retiree health insurance premiums. The City is required by CaIPERS Health to make monthly contributions toward retiree health insurance premiums. Because the contribution amount increases by 5% each year and the number of retirees has increased, departments are no longer able to cover retiree health insurance costs within the budget for active employees. • Departments provide the Financial Services Department with "carry-over request forms" for June 30, 2003 uncompleted contracts, equipment purchases, and capital projects. These forms detail unused amounts to be re-appropriated in the current fiscal year. The carry-over appropriations are then presented to the City Council during the First Quarter Report. This year, four requests to carry-over appropriations were not received until after the First Quarter Report was issued. Requests from the Community Development MID YEAR REPORT CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 10, 2004 PAGE 3 Department for the Development Code Update ($13,194) and contract services ($24,500), and requests from the City Manager's office for the development impact fee study ($5,800) and the review of personnel regulations ($5,000) are now being presented for City Council consideration. A number of unbudgeted building repairs have occurred, including building repairs to the Building and Life Safety offices due to water damage, repairs to the Fire Department doors and refrigerators, electrical repairs, increased costs for installation of the air conditioner unit in the second floor of the City Council Chambers, and a new roof for the City Council Chambers. As a result an additional appropriation of $18,000 is recommended. The Fire Department requested $30,000 be transferred from the Fire Facility Fund (Fund 210) to the Fire Station Expansion Project within the CIP Fund (Fund 350) for fumishing the Fire Station building addition. Fire facility fees are intended for fire service expansion and current year fire facility revenues should be sufficient to cover the increased appropriations. The Public Works Department requests a$10,000 appropriation from the Water Neutralization Impact Fund for the Water Supply Altematives Analysis. This analysis will examine existing alternatives, costs and impacts in supplying additional water to the City of Arroyo Grande. The Administrative Services Department requested an additional appropriation of $2,500 for the Municipal Code Supplements, published when the City's Municipal Code is updated to reflect current policies and practices and changes in the General Plan. Supplements published to reflect changes to Title 16 (Development Code) and the first three Titles of the Municipal Code used current appropriations. Further changes to Title 16 are expected later this fiscal year. The Management Reporting System focus on departmental accomplishments and key issues in progress is presented as a separate section at the rear of this report. Each department /division reports the work accomplished during the first haff of the fiscal year toward an improved City government. Also reported is the progress toward those on- going projects/work efforts that will continue into the remaining quarters. • Approve the following Schedules A through E, included in the Mid-Year Budget Status report that summarizes budget adjustments. A. Unreserved Fund Balance-Control. B. Recommended Adjustments. C. Adjustments to Fund Balance. D. Unreserved Fund Balance-Mid-Year Changes. E. Two Year Comparison of Mid Year Revenues and Expenses. � "� � �� c 4 � � �� � `�j .�, V � � � � � � � � � A � .� � � � �' �� V � � � �� w � F�i O F� W � C� � � � � � � W � Q � P� � � W � � Q � � � 0 � O N F�1 � w � � V � w � 0 N O� ti � � � w � N O� t-�1 � w o� M � � � � � Q V � .� � � � � � a �� �� a�i � � V� .� � 4� � � V O � � � N M tn �O t� G� N eM �O L� O� O M tf') L� c+� 1.[) e-+ e-� � e-a r-+ N N N N en M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � �. ¢ � • � � '� � � • � � � � � w � U � . . . . . . . . . . . � � � � � . . . . . �""��'�' � , , � o � v '� b � U � � � � . . . °' . . . . . . o � °' '� � o � � ,� � C° -� o � � � � � ;��, � � .� a � � � �' � a ° ° � a�, W ° ' � � -d Y3 � o � � °� � � ` � � �i v V � . � � � o � � � � ,.��' �' � � � � �, � . �� � � a � � . � � � � � � o � � � W r� r� w � � � � � x� � � H .� � -� b � � � ° o � � � �^ w � � o � •� ° � '� '� � � w � � � �c V A w � � � � � °' � a�i a�, � a�i � a�', p � � � c� c� c� � c� � u � � M � �, � � � x � � o�io � N � � .� � � a� � � 0 � � � � � �� a � �"� . .� V� �°1`,►�°' � � � � V � 41 0 0��°4 � � � �� U y � � � o v .� .�� M � � }+ O �.��v s�, ���� �� � o � � u � � a ,� �? 0 .��i'�"�.� O ���� .� „� � .� w �, � .� � � w � � ��� ��Q� � � ~ � � � .`� �.��8 a��`� � ob° o � � � g cn O, ,_, � � O .� � � U � 0 ��� a V ���� ��w� � w � � �fV Q w N ���g g o N���:�� � ���u� � � � � � � � 0 G1 � �, S�. 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'�•, � ���� �i � ��gN � � �g�� � � ���g � � � � t � cYi � � � W z � � � � Q � .r. � � � , ',�p � � w W w � � � � � ����� H � � o W =' m � �� �� � w a, o0 � M � � � � � City of rro o ran e MANA GEMENT REPORTING SYSTE11�1 MID-YEAR BUDGET STATUS REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2003-04 February 10,2004 9 ^: L`� � � LJ� Sh � /p,RRO�� ��` c 4► � INCORPORATED �Z V T � .xnY ,o, ,e„ ,� c4 ��FORN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: Julv 1. 2003 - December 31, 2003 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: CITY ADMINISTRATION Mid-Year Accomalishments • Implemented customer satisfaction survey program. • Completed Development Impa�t Fee study and modifications. • Coordinated negotiation of revised DDA for the Courtland/Grand senior affordable housing project. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro�ress • Coordinating retail trade area study. • Updating Administrative Policy Manual. • Updating the City's Personnel Regulations. • Developing cost saving and budget strategies. • Developing teamwork and project coordination training. • Coordinating City Hall Complex Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study. • Revising City management employee evaluation forms. K�] � pRROYO � ° �� � INCORPORATED � V T # .�u�r io, �e�� ,f c4 � / F oRN� MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: J u iv 1, 2003 - Decem be r 31. 2003 GENERALFUND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Mid-Year Accomplishments • Coordinated finro publications of the City newsletter, Stagecoach Express, which were mailed in September 2003 and January 2004 to all City residences and businesses. • Prepared Ordinance for Council consideration and adoption amending and updating the first three titles of the Municipal Code to reflect current City policies and practices. • Coordinated two (2) Municipal Code Supplements to incorporate newly adopted Ordinances into the City's Municipal Code. • Coordinated new public information program involving media relations. • Continued maintenance and update of City's website and government access channel to include comprehensive information on all City events, programs, and services. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro�ress • In conjunction with the City Manager, City Attorney, and appropriate staff, continue content review of remaining Municipal Code titles and prepare cleanup Ordinances as appropriate. • Distribute Annual Statement of Economic Interests Forms to all elected and appointed officials of the City, including members of the City Council, commissions, boards, committees, staff, and consultants. • Coordinate publication of next issue of the City newsletter, Stagecoach Express, for distribution to community by April 2003. • Begin planning for the November 2004 General Municipal Election. • Review and update City-wide Records Retention Policy. 40 /�, pRROY ° �� h INCORPOAATED � f.l T � ,K,�� ,o. ,s„ ,� c4 ��FORN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: Julv 1, 2003 - December 31, 2003 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: FINANCIAL SERVICES Mid-Year Accomalishments • Completion of Fiscal Year 2002-03 audit. • Designed and issued first Bi-Annual Budget for FY 2003-04 & 2004-05. • Monitored and reported on State budget issues that could impact the City's finances. • Implemented Eden Inforum Payroll and Accounts Receivable modules. • Modified CaIPERS Firefighters retirement contraet to add single highest year provision. • Investigated and rejected alternative investments to LAIF for excess City cash. • Reviewed, modified and clarified section of the Municipal Code dealing with business licenses. • Investigated, evaluated, and reported on potential financing of Reservoir #1 replacement project. • Developed the City's first Management Analysis and Discussion letter for inclusion in the City's Annual Audit. • Completion of California Street Report and California Transportation Report. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro�ress • Completion of Phase III of the Long Range Financial Plan. • Establish decentralized encumbrance system. • Develop Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). 41 /pRRO Yp\ � O INCORPORATEO Z �1 e�r� � ,x,�Y ,o. ,a,� ,� c4 � � FoaN� MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: J u Iv 1, 2003 - Decem ber 31, 2003 GENERAL FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mid-Year Accomalishments • Completion of the 2003 Housing Element Update. • Completion of the Traffic Way Development Code Amendment and Design Guidelines and Standards. • Completion of Creekside Center FEIR. • Completion of initial General Plan Amendments and Development Code Revisions associated with Agricultural Conservation studies. • Completion of E. Grand Avenue Gateway and Creekside promenade projects. • Completion of Jasmine Place, Stonecrest and Grace Lane housing projects. • Ongoing efforts associated with progress on Long's, Big 5, Farm Supply, Courtland/Grand, Agricultural Conservation Easement and Enterprise programs, East Village Plaza and City Hall study. • Initial Phase of Let There Be Lights and future street lighting projects. • Kev Issues/Work Efforts in Pros�ress • Complete Village Streetscape Enhancement Plan. • Coordinate economic development efforts to facilitate auto dealership expansion and motel/hotel development and work with Postal Service to relocate new Post Office. • Develop E. Grande Avenue and EI Camino Real Mixed Use District Development Code update and Design Guidelines and Standards. 42 • Complete affordable housing and multiple family residential district Development Code amendments. • Preparation of a Pedestrian, Bike and Transit Enhancement Plan to supplement the Circulation Element. • Implementation of customer satisfa�tion surveys. • Develop process for designation of local historic resources. • Complete recommendations for utility undergrounding in-lieu fee. 43 / PRROY ° �� ~ INCORPORATE 9 2 f.l n� � .x,�� ,o, ,a„ ,� c4 ��FOaN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: Julv 1, 2003 - December 31, 2003 GENERAL FUND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Mid-Year Accomalishments • Installed 2 new workstations in Community Development department. • Installed 2 new workstations in Public Works Engineering department. • Installed 1 new workstation at the Public Works Corporation Yard. Installed new MIS workstation. Upgraded 2 workstations in Public Works department utilizing existing City equipment. Upgraded cashier workstation at Parks, Recreation and Facilities Administration utilizing existing City equipment. Assisted in relocation of all computer and nefinrorking equipment to temporary fire department facility. • Implemented Virtual Private Network (VPN) access to Police department network. Currently provides secure access to Executive Information Services support personnel. • Planned and implemented GroupWise email system upgrade version 5.5 to 6.5. • Implemented GroupWise anti-spam tool in an effort to reduce unsolicited email. • Designed, planned, and implemented GroupWise remote access via the Internet. • Relocated laser network printer from Economic Development to Public Works Administration, replacing a non-network printer. • Configured new plotter for network operations in Public Works Administration. • Established external time synchronization for Nefinrare network. 44 Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro�ress • Configure external time synchronization for Police Department network. • Work with County personnel to establish data backup procedures for City web and DNS servers utilizing Tivoli Storage Manager. _ • Support Public Works GIS implementation. • Upgrade network extension to Parks Maintenance Division located at the Corporation Yard. • Re-cable network and server area at 215 East Branch Street. • Support 911 system upgrade at Police Department. • Support Laserfiche document imaging upgrade at Police Department. • Expand nefinrork storage capacity of City Hall/Finance server. 45 /�, PRROY ° �� � INCORPORATED 9 Z V T � JULY 10. 1911 * C4< <FORN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: Julv 1, 2003 - December 31, 2003 GENERAL FUND POLICE Mid-Year Accomplishments • The FBI Index Crimes for Arroyo Grande are currently 39.6% below the national average and 36.8% below the state average for cities of similar size. Additionally, the crime rate is 16.2% below the average Index Crime rate for San Luis Obispo County. • Alcohol involved traffic collisions are currently 37% below that of the same period last fiscal year. • Currently, the juvenile crime in the City of Arroyo Grande accounts for just 12.8% of all crimes reported in the City. • The Police Department was able to partner with the Pismo Beach Police Department to obtain reimbursement from the State Office of Traffic Safety for overtime costs associated ,with holiday driving-under-the-influence (DUI) enforcement. • This past holiday season, the Police Department's Santa Cop Program served 250 families comprising approximately 1,700 children in the South County region. • Completed and submitted a request to the State Office of Traffic Safety to obtain funding for the acquisition of five (5) illuminated crosswalk systems. • The Police Department has completed the POST mandated Racial Profiling Course for law enforcement personnel in the region. The Department trained 292 personnel from 13 agencies. All Arroyo Grande Police Department employees were required to attend the program. • The Police Department's Quality Services Program continues to indicate a 98.9% citizen's satisfactory rate with the Department's performance. The Police Department received no formal citizen com�laints during the past six (6) months. 46 Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro�tress • Staff is engaged in discussions with Grover Beach and Pismo Beach Police Departments regarding a joint dispatch program. • The Police Department is finalizing the set up of the Community Resource Center in the Five Cities Center. • The Police Department is continuing to work with Congressman Thomas' O�ce in obtaining funding through FEMA for the expansion of the police facility. 47 /pRRO►►\ `c e �, � V T � �,�� ,o, ,s„ ,� c4 ��FORN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: J u lv 1, 2003 - Decem ber 31, 2003 GENERALFUND BUILDING � FIRE FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES Mid-Year Accomalishments • Public Education Programs Daily crews provided station tours, school presentations, and local business presentations to over 700 children and adults during this period. This included topics on fire safety, emergency preparedness, and fire extinguisher training. The Division has successfully coordinated finro quarterly blood drives with the Tri-Counties Blood Bank. • Call Statistics Medical 505 Fire 67 Vehicle Accidents 73 Hazardous Conditions 42 Other 114 Total Incidents 801 Note: Out of 801 incidents, 146 wer�e Auto/Mutual Aid incidents. • Administrative Report The Fourth of July Safe and Sane Fireworks celebration was a success. Six non-profit organizations were issued permits to sell Safe and Sane Fireworks in the City. The Annual Weed Abatement Program was successfully coordinated with the assistance of two ,firefighters acting in the capacity as Vegetation Management Officers. 48 _ _ Construction began in September for the Fire Station expansion. Staff moved into a temporary trailer while the construction takes place. The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) provided over 125 hours of assistance to fire administration during this period. Our Division Chief retired after 34 years of service with the Department. • Recruitment A full time Fire Engineer was hired July 1 This was the last of the three engineer positions to be filled. This position assists with emergency response management on a 24-hour shift basis, and provides apparatus and equipment maintenance, hose testing, as well as apparatus operation. Two Volunteer Firefighters were recruited and are working on their six-month Recruit Training Program. Training Report Staff expanded the training program to include multi-agency training drills. This provides familiarity and consistency of practices used on the fire ground during automatic/mutual aid responses. Division members attended classes and schools that allowed the Department to maintain skills and certifications, and to meet local, regional, and State standards. • Fire Inspection Report The Division continues to maintain an aggressive Fire and Life Safety inspection program. The inspection program has provided a unique opportunity for business owners and their employees to meet the firefighters and to discuss the various code violations discovered during the inspe�tion. Three fire inspection districts continue to provide good coverage with the Fire Captains responsible for each district reporting directly to the Fire Chief. The targeted commercial properties with cooking hood systems have substantially complied with the National Fire Protection Association Standards for UL 300 Systems. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro�tress • The Division continues to move forward with the construction of the Fire Station expansion. • The Division continues to co-sponsor the Allan Hancock College Fire Academy's Intern Firefighter Development Program. • The Division continues to recruit for Volunteer Firefighters. • Staff continues to provide training with neighboring fire agencies. • Staff continues to provide fire safety inspections for the business community. 49 � pRROro � ° �� � INCORPORATE �' � v � � ,x,�� ,o. ,a„ ,� c ' 9 ��FOaN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: J u Iv 1, 2003 - Decem ber 31, 2003 GENERAL FUND BUILDING � FIRE BUILDING AND LIFE SAFETY Mid-Year Accomulishments • Our Chief Building Inspector assisted the City of Paso Robles in evaluating earthquake damage to the downtown area. • Staff worked with DMG-MAXIMUS to revise the City's impact fee schedule in order to simplify our current system, which will enable more accurate fee projections for proposed projects. • De-Blauw's Grand Ave. office building is 100% complete and construction has begun on Farm supply (shell building), two retail shell buildings at the Longs Center and Santa Lucia Bank. Permits have been issued for pollar Tree and Fitness 19 tenant improvements. Construction drawings have been submitted for Branch professional offices, Calvary Chapel and Halcyon Oaks professional o�ces. • Plan review is complete for Longs Drug Store, Panda Express and Starbuck's tenant improvements, and the Camino Mercado senior housing project. • Staff completed Plan review for the Fire Station expansion project. Construction is underway and inspection services are ongoing. • Exterior A.D.A. (Americans with Disabilities Act) improvements for the Women's Club have been completed. • Residential progress includes Berry Gardens 100% complete, Vista Del Mar at 85%, and Elm Street 9-unit P.U.D. at 90%. Building has commenced at Stonecrest, tract 2328 (26-units) with 80% of permits issued. Construction drawings have been submitted for Jasmine Place, tract 2505 (47-units), the Brisco Road P.U.D. (12-units) Q�7 and we continue to receive applications for new custom homes and additions/remodels throughout the City. • Building permits totaling 272 have been issued this period, in comparison with 306 permits for the same period last year. Projections for FY 2003-04 and this Division's ten-year valuation average are shown in the foflowing chart: Kev Issues/Work Efforts In-Pro�ress • Inspection of commercial construction for the Fire Station expansion project, Santa Lucia Bank, Longs Drug Store and (2) new commercial/retail buildings along with tenant improvements, Dollar Tree, and Fitness 19. Plan review for Branch professional offices, Calvary Chapel, and Halcyon Oaks professional offices. • Residential Inspection senrices for Stonecrest, tract 2328, and ongoing residentiat construction throughout the City. Plan review for Jasmine Place, tract 2505, and Brisco Road P.U.D. • Continue to pursue grant funds for completion of Women's Club A.D.A. (America with Disabilities Act) upgrades. 51 /pRRO�\ p� c � INCORPORATEO Z V T * JULY f0, 1911 * c4 ��FOaN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SY�TEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Julv 1, 2003 - December 31. 2003 GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION / ENGINEERING Mid-Year Accomalishments • The Department successfully filled the vacancy for the Associate Engineer for development projects in the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department Revised and updated the City's Standard Plans and Specifications. • Completed the update to the City's sewer and storm drain atlases and distributed to all City Departments, including Fire and Police. • The completed Geographical Information System (GIS) was unveiled to interested City Departments. • Participated in the selection of the most qualified consultant to perform the work on the Lopez Water Treatment Plant upgrade project. • The overhead wires were taken down and the poles were removed on East Grand Avenue befinreen Barnett Street and Alder Street. • The draft NPDES Phase II Storm Water Management Plan, a joint effort with the Cities of Pismo Beach and Grover Beach, was approved by the City Council. • Presented approximately 36 items to the City Council and 13 items to the Traffic Commission for consideration and accomplished the necessary steps as follow-up to the recommendations. . 52 Performed approximately 15 plan and map checks, drafted conditions for 2 conditional use permits, 4 parcel maps, and 2 lot line adjustments, recorded parcel maps, tract maps, lot line adjustment, and numerous other documents. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro�ress • Work with the utility companies to begin design of the underground utility district on East Grand Avenue, between Elm Street and Oak Park Boulevard. • Updating the City's traffic model and providing consistent traffic studies of future development projects. • Complete the analysis of alternative water sources available to the City. • Continue to monitor and apply for all available grant funding. 53 � PRROY � ° �� � INCORPORATEO � V O T * �u�Y ,o. ,s„ * c4< <FORN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: J u Iv 1, 2003 - Decem ber 31, 2003 GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS AUTOMOTIVE SHOP Mid-Year Accomalishments • The Automotive Shop has the overall responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the City vehicle fleet, exclusive of the Fire Department vehicles. The Automotive Shop also maintains the mechanical equipment by providing limited in-house repairs and maintenance. Most extensive repairs are contracted out to private shops and staff monitors these services to be assured of the best service in both price and workmanship. • At Mid-Year, the Automotive Shop has carried out the following services: Services (lube, oil, filter, safety insp.) Tune Up (scope, spark plugs, rotor, cap General (mechanical i.e., pumps, cables) Electric (starter, alternator, wiring) Brake Repair Warranty Repair Transmission Service and Repair Tire Services (replacing, mount & balance) Tire Repair Pre Trip Check Smog Certificates 115 13 80 35 20 12 10 21 18 51 25 54 Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Proaress • Biennial Inspection of Terminal (BIT) as per the State of California and California Highway Patrol • Continue to maintain the City fleet at a high level of reliability and safety. 55 MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR Julv 1, 2003 - December 31. 2003 FUND: GENERALFUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: STREETS Mid Year Accomalishments • Completed storm drain stenciling of drain inlets • Completed annual underground storm drain line cleaning program • Completed annual cleaning of sidewalk drain program • Completed annual cleaning of Tally Ho, Meadow, and Arroyo Grande Creeks • Completed 32 locations in concrete maintenance program • Completed asphalt repairs on City streets using 800 tons of asphalt • Continued with Phase III of the Street Name Sign Program • Completed landscaping/beautification projects at 3 locations in the City Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro�ress • Continue with asphalt repairs on all City streets • Continue with concrete replacement program • Completion of Annual Sign Program • Completion of Annual Sidewalk Grinding Program • Completion of Annual Tree Trimming Program • Completion of crack sealing for Spring Slurry Seal Project »�. • Completion of 250 foot fence and decomposed granite path walkway on Traffic Way from the Mobile Station East Cherry Avenue • Reconstruction of road on Dodson Way • Bi-annual stripping of City streets • Complete Updating of all Maintenance Programs in the Division 57 /aRROr ° �� � INCORPORATED y � v � * JULY /0, 1911 7� c4 �/Fn�tN�� MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: J u Iv 1. 2003 - Decem ber 31, 2003 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PUBLIC WORKS Mid-Year Accom�lishments • The City's Geographical Information System (GIS) was completed. • Solicitation of construction bids for Phase I of the Water Conservation Program, the Plumbing Retrofit Program, was initiated. • Construction of the Fire Station Expansion project was initiated. • Rancho Grande Park was opened to the public. • Completed construction of the Soto Sports Complex Lighting project. • Completed construction of the Spring 2003 Slurry Seal project. • Completed construction of the Branch Mill Road Rehabilitation project. • A construction contract was awarded for the Crown Hill Sewer Lining project. • Completed construction of the Grand Avenue, Phase III - Elm Street to Oak Park Boulevard - project • Obtained the necessary easements for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement project. 58 Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Proaress • Complete an engineering analysis of rehabilitation versus replacement of the Bridge Street Bridge project. � Complete the traffic signal modifications to the Grand Avenue/Halcyon Road intersection. • Acquire funding to begin work on the next phase of project development for the Brisco Road-Halcyon Road/Route 101 and EI Campo Road/Route 101 Interchanges which is the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED). • Identify an appropriate bridge rail and secure adequate funding for the Traffic Way Bridge Barrier Rail Replacement project. • Advertise a construction contract for a traffic signal at the West Branch Street/Camino Mercado intersection. • Complete the update to the City's Traffic Count Program/Tra�c Model. • Begin design of the Sewer Lift Station No. 1 Replacement project. • Advertise the construction contract for the Reservoir No. 1 Replacement project. 59 /�, PRROYO o� �� � INCORPORATEO � v O T \ � �,�� ,o, ,s„ ,� <IFnaN�/ MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: Julv 1, 2003 -- December 31. 2003 SEWER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: UTILITIES / SEWER MAINTENANCE Mid-Year Accomalishments • Crown Hill/East Branch Street Sewer Main Lining Project • Procurement of materials to rebuild (1) sewer pump at Lift Station No. 1 • No reportable spills during the reporting period • Cleaned all six lift stations quarterly • Cleaned all problem sewer mains quarterly Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pros�ress • Design/bid to rehabilitate Sewer Lift Station No. 1 Complete Crown Hill Lining Project Replace section of sewer main on Ide Street Video inspections of sewer system with new camera system .� � pRR0Y0\ � INCORPORATED Z V D T � �,�� ,o. ,a„ ,� C4 ��FORN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Julv 1. 2003 - December 31. 2003 WATER FUND PUBLIC WORKS WATER ADMINISTRATION Mid-Year Accomalishments • Water Conservation Program/Plumbing Retrofit Program authorized by Council • Reservoir No. 1 Design/Bid restarted • Completed all Department of Health Services monthly sampling requirements with no reportable violations • Participated in Lopez Water Treatment Plant Upgrade design/review process Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Proaress • Vulnerability Assessment and Emergency Response Plan preparation Alternative Water Supply strategies report Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring required by EPA • Reservoir No. 1 design/bid/construction • Begin plumbing retrofit program 61 �A RROro \ ° �� � INCORPORATED �.L � v T * ,K,�Y ,o. ,a„ ,� c4 ��FORN� P MID-YEAR FUND: MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM Julv 1. 2003 - December 31, 2003 WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: UTILITIES / WATER DISTRIBUTION Mid-Year Accomalishments • Replaced Miller Way Booster Pump Motor • Installed 17 new water meters and replaced 115 meters � • Installed 1 new fire hydrant at Coastal Christian School • Completed Annual Large Water Meter Testing Porgram — 48 2" & larger meters were tested for registration accuracy • Repaired 2 large water main breaks due to earthquake • Rebuilt 5 CLA-VAL's • Completed Annual Valve Exercise Program —1,700 valves were exercised Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Proaress • Dodson Way service replacements • Valve replacements • Touch Read meter conversions • Annual water main flushing program G� /pRROY\ ��� C � INCORPORATEO Z � v T � .K,�� ,o. ,o„ ,� c4 ��FORN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: Julv 1. 2003 - December 31. 2003 WATER FUND DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: UTILITIES / WATER PRODUCTION Mid-Year Accomalishments • Pumped 752 acre feet of well water during report period and took delivery of 1,157 acre feet of Lopez water • Replaced Well #8 motor with new super efficient cast iron frame motor • Rebuilt chlorine injection pump and maintained all chemical feed systems • Wheeled 16 acre-feet of Oceano Community Services District water to Canyon Crest Estates • Repaired Brisco Booster Pump building after vehicle ran into it Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pros�ress . • Restart of Well #9 and filtration plant 63 �pRR0Y0\ ° ��+ � INCORPORATE 9 V O T * �u�r �o, �s>> * c4 ��FORN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: J u Iv 1, 2003 - Decem ber 31. 2003 GENERAL FUND PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES PARKS Mid-Year Accomalishments • Rancho Grande Park: Taken over maintenance duties, installation of donated tree plaques, benches, concrete and masonry work, public restrooms, BBQ areas, trash and litter removal, etc. • Creekside Pathway Phase III: Taken over full maintenance duties including mowing edging, weeding, pruning , irrigation and litter removal. • East Grand Avenue Phase 111: Landscaping of bulb outs, and grounds maintenance duties. • Preschool: Removal and installation of new playground equipment with wood chip surfacing. • Oro Park: Removal of sand for replacement/installation of new playground equipment. • Water/Irrigation: Installation and replacement of 400 feet of 10 inch water line at Pilg/Campbell fields. • Annual back flow prevention device inspections on 45 City irrigation systems. • Holiday decorations and banners installed and removed throughout the Village area and City. • Harvest Festival: Pre and post set up, clean up, etc. • Assist Recreation Department with Summer Carnival, Harvest Festival, Halloween Carnival, Turkey Trot, pick up and distribution of Activity Guides. • Block retaining walls installed at Woman's Club. 64 • NewA.D.A. drinking fountain installed at Elm Street Preschool. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Pro�ress • East Grand Avenue Phase III -Medians: future full-time maintenance and ownership. • Rancho Grande Park: future full-time maintenance of facilities and landscape, unresolved punch list items with contractor. • Woman's Club Community Center: New landscaping. • Trees: New plantings and street tree replacements, reports and evaluations, ongoing citywide pruning. • Criteria for determination of City vs. private ownership of street trees. 65 /pRROy�� ��� C � INCORPORATE � V T � �,�� ,o, ,a„ ,� c4 �IcnttN�/ MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM i�ll ��'1=T_1:7 FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: J u Iv 1, 2003 - Decem ber 31. 2003 GENERAL FUND PARKS AND RECREATION RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Mid Year Accomalishments • Rancho Grande Park was completed and open to the public in September of 2003. • Upgraded Activity Guide by having all three sections graphically designed in the same computer program. Additionally, completed both the Fall and Winter/Spring Guides. Total distribution exceeded 19,000 copies throughout the Five Cities area • Processed over 1,200 registration forms for Five Cities Youth Basketball • Completed lighting project for Pilg and Campbell Fields • Completed RecWare computer registration training (November 14, 2003) Key Issues/Work Efforts in Pros�ress • Coordinate with surrounding agencies the Summer Activity Guide Research and finalize selection of new printer for Activity Guide, as The Tribune will no longer print commercial documents • Continue training for new City staff on RecWare Registration program .. /�, PRROY ° ��+ � INCORPORATED 9 Z fd /�q * JULY 10. 1911 * c '�� � FoaN� MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Julv 1. 2003 - December 31. 2003 GENERAL FUND PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES GENERAL RECREATION Mid-Year Accomalishments • Conducted the Summer Playground Program at Elm Street Park with an average of 33 children participating daily • Conducted 14 field trips to local businesses as well as hosting 5 local business visits to the Summer Playground Program • Conducted Winter Break Program at Elm Street Park with an average of 15 children participating daily • The City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Community Center has hosted 437 groups totaling more than 8,200 participants Kev Issues/Work Efforts In-Pros�ress • All staff will complete or re-certify in CPR and First Aid training this Spring • Complete landscaping at the City of Arroyo Grande and Woman's Club Community Center 67 /�, pRROYO ° �� � INCORPORATE 9 V T �c ,x��v �o, �e�� * C4 ��FORN� P MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM Julv 1, 2003 - December 31. 2003 GENERAL FUND PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES PRE-SCHOOL Mid-Year Accomalishments � • Conducted the Summer Pre-School Program with an average of 21 children participating • The Fall Pre-School Program is operating with 69 students • Took 64 preschoolers on a field-trip to Holloway's Tree Farm in December Kev Issues/Work Efforts In-Prostress • Staff will be attending motivational and game workshops in the area this Spring • All staff will complete or re-certify in CPR and First Aid training in May C� 3 /pRROY�\ p� G� � INCORPORATED Z V � T * JULY 10, 1911 * c4 ��FORN� P MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM J u Iv 1, 2003 - Decem ber 31. 2003 GENERAL FUND PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES SPECIAL PROGRAMS Mid-Year Accomulishments • Held a Summer Carnival o.n August 16 with 187 children participating. • Conducted the Halloween Carnival and Haunted Maze on October 25 with over 600 participants. • Conducted the Holiday Decorating Contest for business and residences with 13 businesses receiving 1 2" or 3`� place awards and 19 residences receiving 1st, 2nd� or 3` place awards. • Worked with Cal Poly students and the Arroyo Grande Lions Club to organize the 26 Annual Turkey Trot Fun Run with 186 participants. • Organized Harvest �estival Activities including the Diaper Derby, Chili-Fest, and BBQ Booth. • The noon-time sports program for the Lucia Mar Unified School District successfully operated at the Harloe Elementary school • The Parent's Night Out program ran successfully this fall with an average of 11 children participating on the first Friday of each month • Organized a variety of youth and adult contract classes including art, tennis, basketball, dog training, golf and babysitting. • Completed the Summer Softball League with 68 teams participating. Kev Issues/Work Efforts In-Proaress • Begin preparations for Egg Hunt to be held in March. C�7 /pRROy�\ � Z v D T * JULY 10. 1911 * c4 � � FoRN� MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Julv 1, 2003 - December 31. 2003 GENERAL FUND PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES CHILDREN IN MOTION Mid-Year Accomalishments • Children In Motion completed another successful Summer Day Camp at Harloe Elementary School. Approximately 100 children a day participated in a variety of activities including: 15 field trips, 7 guest speakers, and theme based games, crafts and special events. • School year programs continue to expand at Branch, Ocean View and Harloe elementary schools, which currently provide childcare services to approximately 225 children daily. • Three weeks of Winter Camp were successfully completed this past holiday break at Ocean View ECementary School with an average attendance of 50 - 75 children per day. The children enjoyed a wide variety of winter activities, and also participated on field trips to Jack in the Box and to Rancho Bowl in Santa Maria. • The Childcare Coordinator and the Senior Head Teacher attended a very informative three-day conference on school-aged curriculum, and have used this information during the monthly staff meetings. Kev Issues/Work Efforts In-Proaress • Staff will be doing a complete review of all licensing requirements and insure that sites are in full compliance with all rules and regulations • The Childcare Coordinator will host a group games seminar for all childcare staff. • In May, all necessary staff will be completing re-certification for First Aid and CPR 70 � ARROYO � ° ��+ � INCORPORATE � � v � � ,x,�� ,o, ,a„ ,� c4 ��FOaN� P MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: J u Iv 1, 2003 - Decem ber 31, 2003 GENERAL FUND PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES 5 CITIES YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE Mid-Year Accomalishments • Registered 141 teams with over 1,200 participants • Prepared game schedules for the league season (about 800 games) • Recruited, trained and assigned 45 referees • Collected $52,000 in fees • Completed team and individual photos Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Proaress • Preparing the end of the season tournament schedule • Distributing photo packets • Continuing preparation of referee schedules 71 /pRROy\ � � � ° c �+� INCORPORATEO � � - v � � ru�v io. ie>> , C4 ��FORN� p MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEM MID-YEAR FUND: DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Julv 1. 2003 - December 31. 2003 GENERAL FUND PARKS, RECREATION AND FACILITIES SOTO SPORTS COMPLEX Mid-Year Accomulishments • Instaliation of poles and lights for nighttime sports use at Pilg and Campbell �elds. • Completion of irrigation modifications for concrete project at Don Roberts Field. • 649 field preps for adult softball league, softball tournaments, soccer and football leagues. • Provided services for Indian, AA Sober and Law Enforcement softball tournaments. • Renovated basin fields with spoon and slicer tyne aeration, added top soil mix, fertilized and hydroseeded. • Pond and Elm Street Park irrigation pump repair. • Modified a 400 foot main irrigation line from 8 inch to 10inch. Kev Issues / Work Efforts In Proaress • Complete winter renovations on all multi-use fields involving aeration, added top soil mix, fertilizer and overseeding. • Soto Sports Complex tree trimming project. • Preparations of fields on a regular basis for high impact usage involving dragging infields, painting/striping lines, irrigation, and turF mowing maintenance, trash and litter removal, etc. 72