Minutes 1997-04-03 314 " . .. MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1997 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CAUFORNIA ( I ! I I 1. CALL TO ORDER I The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in special session at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Dougall presiding. 2. ROLL CALL: Present with Mayor Dougall were Council Members Michael Fuller, Thomas A. Runels, and Steve Tolley. Mayor Pro T em Lady was absent. Staff members present were City Manager Robert L Hunt, Associate Planner Helen Elder, and Assistant Public Works Director Craig Campbell. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD on Special Meeting Agenda Items: No one came forward to speak. 4.a. ECONOMIC VITALITY CORPORATION PRESENTATION Gregg Goodwin, Economic Vitality Corporation President, gave a history of the corporation. He discussed the operations of the EVC and the importance of establishing a revolving Joan fund for the City of Arroyo Grande to be used to fill gaps in financing to businesses that are unable to obtain suitable private sector lending. He also said the EVC would like a representative from the City Council to participate on the EVC Board of Directors. Mr. Hunt said a report, recommending the Council mak~ an appointment to the Board, will be presented at the April 8th Council meeting. 4.b. CONTINUED DISCUSSION: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 2207 Haythem Dawlett, developer of Tract 2207, spoke to the Council and introduced San Luis Obispo County Staff members present, Richard Marshall, County Engineer; Jay Johnson, County Planner on County Tract 1789, which is adjacent to City Tract 2207; Eric Weir, County Environmental Coordinators Office; Bill Henry, The Morro Group, which is preparing the Environmental Impact Report for the County Tract; Thomas Green of Sinsheimer, Schiebelhut, and Baggett; Jim Garing, Garing Taylor and Associates, and Carlo Alfano, his partner. Mr. Dawlett said this workshop was scheduled to discuss the concerns of the residents of Orchard Street and the Falcon Ridge Development. He said since the school bond issue had passed and a new high school will be built, the size of Arroyo Grande High School will be reduced and traffic on Orchard Street will be lessened. Mr. Garing, engineer for the developer, covered the various primary roadway options, which were (1) Valley Road to Tract 2207 boundary at collector street; (2) Tract 2207 . . ' . Jlv ~ " CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 3, 1997 boundary at collector street through Tract 1789 to Coast View Drive; (3) Intersection of Tract 2207 collector street and Orchard Street directly to Highway 101 then parallel Highway 101 to EI Campo Road at grade crossing; (4) reroute Tract 1789 internal street to go directly to EI Campo Road at grade crossing, and (5) extend Orchard Street to Tract 1789 collector street. County Engineer Marshall said the County was just a well-informed third party on this issue and was not advocating any particular roadway option. He said the County would be generally supportive of abandoning the public right-of-way on streets in the existing Falcon Ridge development as long as access is provided to all properties that are landlocked. He answered Council's, staff's, and members of the public's questions regarding the roadway options, annexation procedures, and abandonment of streets. Members of the public speaking at the workshop were Herman Olave, 222 West Cherry; Kelly Kimball and Jane Une, Falcon Ridge Homeowners Association; John Belsher, attorney for the Falcon Ridge Homeowners Association, and John Taylor, 680 Valley Road, owner of property that would be impacted by one of the proposed roadway options. After all sides had offered had asked questions and/or offered input into the development of Tract 2207, Mayor DougaU thanked them for participating in the workshop and said the developer had some issues to work out with the homeowners, the City had some issues to study, there were roadway options for all to look at, and street abandonment procedures to research. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. to the Regular City Council Meeting, Tuesday, April 8, 1997, 7:30 p.m., Community Center, 211 Vernon Street, Arroyo Grande. R t?~a.~ NANCY A. 0 IS, CITY CLERK