Minutes 1997-07-22 3/4 , . , REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 22,1991 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CAUFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER r The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor A. K "Peten Dougall presiding. He said nothing reportable occurred in the Closed Session. 2. AND 3. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Ian Mansell, Andrew Legrafe, and Dillon St. John of Boy Scout Troop 489 of Arroyo Grande led the Flag Salute and Mayor Dougall delivered the invocation. 4. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Dougall vvere Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lady and Council Members Michael Fuller, Thomas A. Runels, and Steve Tolley. Staff members present vvere City Manager Robert L. Hunt, City Attorney Timothy J. Carmel, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Public Works Director John Wallace, and Associate' Planners Helen Elder and Bruce Buckingham. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS The Boy Scouts told about the activities of Troop 489, which is led by Ira Hughes. Steve Dorsi, a parent, accompanied the Scouts to the Council meeting. 6. AGENDA REVIEW Mr. Hunt said Council members had received a corrected table and late correspondence on Agenda Item 10.c. and late correspondence on Agenda Item 11.a. 6.A. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY It was moved by T olley/Runels and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS None ( i 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD i , \ , Howard Mann, 1620 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 540, Los Angeles, spoke on behalf of t.._. AGRA, LLC, which owns and is developing the Central Coast Town Center. He objected to the City Council direction given to the Planning Commission to further review the project. He requested the Council instruct the Planning Commission . CITY COUNCIL Mil TES 375 JULY 22,1997 to issue its recommendation so that the Council can vote on the Appeal at its meeting on August 12th. Larry Turner, 323 Noguera Street, requested the Council hear a report from the Public Works Director on drainage plan for the East Cherry Avenue area in light l of the imminent' construction of homes there by Coker Ellsworth. Tony Ferrara, 759 Via Bandolero, rebutted Mr. Mann's comments and said the Council's referral of certain aspects and elements of the Central Coast Town Center project back to the Planning Commission was well within the scope and discretion of the Council to enlist the review. He said it was also within the scope of the Planning Commission to look at the elements in the project that had changed since July, 1996. 9. CONSENT AGENDA a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Approved. b. Minutes of June 24, 1997 Special City Council Meeting and June 5, 1997 Special Joint Meeting of the City Councils of San Luis Obispo County. Approved. c. Award of Bid for Purchase of a New Walking Line Striper. Approved Purchase from Frazee Industries, Inc. d. Bridge, Nelson, Short Streets, Project No. 60-70-90-05 Progress Payment NO.4 to Spiess Construction Co., Inc. and Contract Change Order NO.3. Payment Authorized. e. Authorization to Award Bid for the Purchase of Traffic Paint and Stencils. Purchase of Traffic Paint Awarded to Pervo Paint Company. f. Rejection of Claim Against City; Betty E. Norman. Claim Rejeded. g. Reservoir NO.2 Recoating, Project No. 60-97-1, Progress Payment NO.3 to American Coatings. Payment Authorized. h. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Plan for FY 1997/98. Staff Recommendations Approved. J i. Contract Amendment with California Men's Colony (CMC) for Community Services Crews. Amendment Approved and Mayor Directed to Sign Agreement. J. Soils Testing Contract for Grand Avenue, Halcyon Road to Barnett Street. Staff Recommendations Approved. 2 3. 7 6. CITY COUNCIL MIN' "ES JULY 22, 1997 10.A. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT, PURCHASING PROCEDURE MODIFICATIONS City Attorney Carmel said on June 24th the Council directed staff to prepare and return with certain amendments to the Municipal Code including specific [ increases in the maximum amounts for staff authorized purchases of supplies, materials and services and a local vendor purchasing preference provision. Changes to the purchasing procedure are as follows: 1. Petty Cash Purchases -Increased from $20 to $100 2. Expenditures Under $7,500 - Requires Three Informal Bids 3. Expenditures Over of $7,500 - Requires Written Bids 4. Expenditures over $5,000 involving Public Projects shall be made in compliance with State law. 5. Definition and use of Purchase Orders amended. 6. Guidelines for evaluating bids added. 7. Purchase Orders Over $1,500 - Requires Approval by City Manager 8. Purchase Orders Over $7,500 - Requires Approval by City Counal 9. A' definition of 'NIlen Purchase Orders not required added. The local vendor purchasing preference (the amount by'Nllich the local vendor bid shall be deemed reduced in the Cit}ls bid award or selection process) is established at five percent (5%). After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open ,and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall dosed the hearing to the floor. It was moved by Lady/Runels (5-0-0, with Lady, Runels, Tolley, Fuller, and l Dougall voting aye) to introduce the ordinance for first reading. 10.8. APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN UPDATE CONSULTANT Associate Planner Elder said five proposals were received and a subcommittee consisting of representatives of the City Council, Planning Commission, Traffic Commission, and the City of Lompocinterviewed applicants. 3 CITY COUNCIL MU rES 377 JULY 22, 1997 It was moved by Runelsrrolley and the motion passed unanimously to approve the selection of ENVICOM of Agoura Hills as the consultant to prepare the General Plan Update; authorize staff to prepare an amended scope of work, budget, and consultant services agreement to be submitted to the City Council for approval, and. approve two public . scoping meetings to secure public ._, comments on the scope of work for the traffic and circulation elements update. ! 10.C, AWARD OF BID - BRISCO ROADIROUTE 101 INTERCHANGE AND , I I EL CAMPO INTERCHANGE ANALYSIS STUDIES i i Public Works Director Wallace said there are $50,000 in Regional SHA funds available for the EI Campo Road/Route 101 Interchange Analysis and $8,000 in Regional SHA funds available for the Brisco RoadIRoute 101 Interchange Analysis. He said the "four consultant firms making proposals to do the analyses were Associated Transportation Engineers; Mark Thomas & Co., Inc.; Higgins Associates, Inc., and Penfield & Smith. He said copies of the proposals were reviewed by Caltrans. and SLOCOG, which made their recommendations. He said staff recommended Mark Thomas & Co., Inc. for the Brisco Road/Route 101 Interchange analysis and Omni-Means for the EI CampolRoute 101 analysis. Council Members discussed advantages of using one firm to do both jobs, the advisability of getting a "fresh look" at the matters, the SHA funding cycle, and the recommendations of Caltrans and SLOCOG. Speaking to the Council on the matter were Richard Murphy of SLOCOG; Howard Mankins, 200 Hillcrest Drive; Otis Page, 606 Myrtle Street, the City's CT AC representative, and Mike Titus, 404 Lierly Lane. After Council consideration of the four applicants, it was moved by LadylFuller to hire Higgins Associates, Inc. to do both the Brisco RoadIRoute 101 Interchange Analysis and the EI Campo Road/Route 101 Interchange Analysis and direct staff to forward consultant services agreements to the consultant for execution. Council Member Fuller said he wanted to be sure that past direction on the Brisco Interchange from the Planning Commission be given to the consultant so that work would not be duplicated. Mr. Wallace said all the previous studies and work completed would be given to the consultant Mayor Dougall said two studies not completed are the South County Traffic J Model and the Major Investment Study. He said they should be part of the analyses. Council Member Runels said it was his understanding that the motion did not send the message that the EI Campo/Route 101 Interchange Analysis was for a Highway 227 Bypass. 4 378 , . CITY COUNCIL MINt :5 JULY 22,1997 Council Members voted unanimously to approve the direction to staff and the consultant from Mayor Dougall and Council Members Fuller and Runels. 10.D. AWARD OF BID FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICES Public Works Director Wallace said street S\Neeping costs for FY 1997/98 total r $37,214.40 and funding for years 2 and 3 of the contract will be considered as part of future budget deliberations. He said there were four companies bidding for one- and three-year contract periods. He said staff made significant modifications to the street sweeping specifications to improve the level of service to the community. He said it would be the toughest contract in the County. He said $5,000 in staff time was spent responding to street sweeping complaints in Fiscal Year 1996-97. He said staff evaluated the cost of performing the street sweeping services using City forces and equipment. He said in-house operational costs would be more expensive as a result of debris disposal costs. Council Members asked questions of staff regarding complaints from citizens, enforceability of the new contract, and reduction of staff time resulting from the new contract. Speaking to the Council were Myron May of 154 Walnut Street, and Dane Phillips, 212 La Paz Cirde, current street SVt'eeping contractor for the City. Council Members discussed the quality of the street sweeping, the amount of policing needed, approving a one year contract to be reviewed in six months, and approving a month to month contract. Council Member Runels moved to approve a month-to-month contract with Aerostar, the low bidder. There was no second to his motion. It was moved by RunelsIDougall to approve a one-year contract with a review in six months and, if the sweeping service were not acceptable, the bid process would be opened again. The motion failed on a roll call vote with Runels and Dougall voting aye and Tolley, Fuller, and Lady voting no. It was moved by Tolley/Fuller to reject all bids and the motion failed on a roll call vote with Tolley and Fuller voting aye and Lady, Runels, and Dougall voting no. It was moved by Lady/Runels to reject all bids and approve Aerostar continuing i its street sweeping service to the City on a month-to-month basis, with a review in a minimum of six months. The motion passed on a roll call vote with Lady, j Rune/s, and Dougall voting aye and Tolley and Fuller voting no. . ~~" 5 . 379 CITY COUNCIL MI. .TES JULY 22,1997 11.A. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW OF JAMES WAY ANNEXATION REQUEST - 65 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS CLUSTERED ON 67 ACRES (GARY L. YOUNG & ASSOCIATES) Council Member Tolley said he had a potential conflict of interest and left the dais. "'0) COUNCIL MEMBERS RECESSED FROM 9:14 TO 9:20 P.M. I ! I ! Mayor Pro Tern Lady said he owned income property in the vicinity of the .J proposed project, but he believed there would be no financial impact on him. He said he would sit in on the proceedings until he could investigate the matter further. Associate Planner Buckingham said a letter received on the day of the Council meeting from Lucia Mar Unified School District should be made a part of. the record. Mr. Buckingham made the presentation on the project for the Council. He said the subject site is located adjacent to the City limits on the north side of James Way and is currently developed with one single family residence. He gave a history of the annexations discussions regarding the 67 -acre site and several adjacent parcels totaling 21 acres. He said the applicant is asking for feedback on the proposed annexation and a 65 lot clustered subdivision. He said the site is in the City's Sphere of Influence, explained the annexation process, and discussed General Plan Policies. He said issues involved vvere water, fiscal impact, and densityllot siz~s. He said the Planning Commission and Staff Advisory Committee had reviewed the proposed project. Council Member Runels asked staff if the project could tie into Printz Road in some manner, if the project was within Zone 3 Water Advisory District, and if the project has water on site. Applicant Gary Young spoke to the Council. He said the project is not is Zone 3. He said the proposed annexation would include 67 acres plus 11 adjacent acres and land owned by four property owners, who also wish to be annexed. He said there could be access to the project at some point in the Mure through Printz Road or Easy Street. He gave copies of maps showing this to the Council. ] Chuck Fellows, 202 Canyon Way, and Patrick Vogel, 230 Canyon Way, objected to any plans for access to the project through Canyon Way. Council Member Runels said the project would be an asset to the community and would square off the City limits. He said he liked not having extra large lots, the City would be impacted by the traffic whether or not annexation took place, and water and drainage needed to be addressed. He said there should be no drainage to Tally Ho Creek. 6 38Q CITY COUNCIL MIN' .-'~S JULY 22, 1997 Mayor Pro Tem Lady said he liked the project's density, open space, and architecture. He said it would be better to have control of the project. Council Member Fuller said he would support annexation because the City could control the project. He said his issues induded the need for more water, using r traffic mitigation fees on James Way to reduce traffic, and not accessing the project through Canyon Way. He said the greenbelt area should actually be a greenbelt and not a place for more homes in the future. He said the City needs to allocate more water for commerciallindustrial use. Mayor Dougall said the project was designed well, but there is a need to solve the traffic issues. He said an alternate route is necessary and suggested staff investigate Alta Vista Way as access. He also agreed access through Canyon Way would not be a good idea. Council Members Runels and Fuller said they 'MJuld like to see a stub put into the design from Lots 42 and 43 so that there could be access through Printz Road at some point in the future. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS (a) Mayor Dougall (1) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District - The Board still is trying to solve the problem of snails in the plant equipment. (2) Local Agency Formation Commission - No Report (3) Economic Development Committee - The committee put out to bid for another consultant to take a look at a marketing study for economic development. (b) Mayor Pro Tern Lady (1) South County Area Transit - Discussion of relocating a bus stop from Lighthouse Christian School to the high school; giving a discount to disabled persons, extending the services of SCAT 30 minutes per day, and administering the SCAT program. The budget was temporarily extended. (2) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments - No Report r (3) San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority - There were reports from the Transit Manager and Caltrans; on rates, ridership, and the RideShare Program, and from the Board's accountant. L. (c) Council Member Fuller (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board - A $120,000 State grant has been received for hazardous waste sites at Chicago Grade and Cold 7 . CITY COUNCIL Mlr rES 381 JULY 22,1997 Canyon Landfill. There will be a demonstration project and study for commercial and apartment complexes in order to raise participation rates, (2) Air Pollution Control Board - No Report (3) Rubbish Rate Increase Committee - No Report l (d) Council Member Runels (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee - Lopez Lake is 81 percent full; there were several personnel retirements; the State Water Project will not be delivering water until August 18, 1997; Boy Scout Camp French, which was damaged in storms, will be repaired; Council Member Runels was reelected Chair of the Board and Vice Chair will be Rick Searcy of Oceano Community Services District, and this Fall there will be a tour of Lopez Dam, vvhich will be seismically retrofitted. (2) County Water Resources Advisory Committee - No Report (e) Council Member Tolley (1) Long-Range Planning Committee - No Report (2) South County Youth Coalition - The Youth Master Plan Steering Committee met, set up some sub-committees, and discussed non-profit status and funding. (3) Community Agriculture Support Program - No Report 13. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (a) Council Member Tolley requested the placement of the Traffic Way name change on the August 26, 1997 City Council agenda and there was Council consensus to do so. (b) Mayor Pro Tern Lady said he would be sending a memorandum to the Planning Commissioners with regard to the Central Coast Town Center and some of the comments brought out earlier by the developer Mr. Mann. He said he wanted to clarify some of the issues. He said with regard to further direction on the motion at the last Council meeting, he had asked that the motion be sent out to clarify any issues that weren't of absolute definition with the Planning Commissioners. He also said the intent of the motion was by no means to stall or prolong this project He said he asked, in addition to giving direction to the Planning Commission, that the project would come back to the Council at the very earliest possible time. He said he indicated that should be no later than the very first meeting in September and perhaps much quicker if that can be accomplished. J (c) Council Member Runels commended Mayor Pro Tern Lady on his remarks about the Central Coast Town Center project and said the sooner the Council can get the project back and resolved, the better off the City will be. 14. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None 8 3~~ 2. CITY COUNCIL MIN" 25 JULY 22,1997 15. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by RunelslLady and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:03 p.m. to the regular City Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 12th, at the Community CenterlWoman's Club, 211 Vernon Street, Arroyo Grande. A. [ -11~ a. ~ NANCY A. VIS, CITY CLERK r l~ 9