Agenda Packet 2004-10-12 CITY COUNCIL Cttt of ArrOlo Gratule AGENDA Tony M. Ferrara Sandy Lubin Thomas A. Runels Jim Dickens Joe Costello Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Council Member Steven Adams Timothy J. Cannel Kelly Wetmore City Manager City Attorney Director. Administrative Services AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2004 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: 3. FLAG SALUTE: BOY SCOUT TROOP 489 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR GEORGE LEPPER, PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH, ARROYO GRANDE 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Proclamation - Recognizing CHARACTER COUNTS I Week October 17-23. 2004 5.b. Proclamation - Recognizing Red Ribbon Week October 23-31. 2004 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY - OCTOBER 12,2004 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: . Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. . A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. . It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: . Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. . Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. . Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (O'REILLY) Recommended Action: Ratify the listing of cash disbursements for the period September 16, 2004 through September 30, 2004. 8.b. Statement of Investment DeDOslts (O'REILLY) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of September 30, 2004. 8.c. Consideration of ADDroval of Minutes (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Approve the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of September 14, 2004 as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Reauest for Fundlna from San Louis OblsDO County YMCA (HERNANDEZ) Recommended Action: Approve allocation of $3000.00 from Park Development Fees to the San Luis Obispo County YMCA for repairs to the Paulding Middle School Sports Rink/Facility. 8.e. Consideration of Resolution Establl.hlna a Job Descrl~tlon for the Nelahborhood Services Coarctlnator Position (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution. AGENDA SUMMARY - OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA (continued): 8.1. Consideration of AcceDtance of Grant of Easement on a Portion of Lot 6 of East VillaGe Plaza. Parcel MaDAGAL-oo-oG5 (STRONG) Recommended Action: Accept the grant of easement from DeBlauw Builders, Inc. for a portion of Lot 6, Parcel Map AGAL-OQ-005, and authorize the Mayor to accept the easement on behalf of the City. 8.g. Consl~eratlon of Economic DeveloDment Strateav for Attraction of New HotellMoteWI,ltor ServinG Proiects (STRONG) Recommended Action: Approve the proposed economic development strategy for attraction of new hotel, motel and visitor serving projects. 8.h. Consideration of Amendment to Tract No. 2~8. Stonecreat. G....na and ImDrovement Plans for Private Road Easement Modifications anct extension to AdlolnJnG Manl$lns Resldentl,1 ProDerttH (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution amending the subject Tract 2328 grading and improvement plans to provide for private road easement modifications and extension to adjoining Mankins residential properties. 8.i. Consl~eratlon of AGreement for Consultant Services for Americana With DlsablllJl" Act (ADA) UDarade DesiGn Services for Strother Park an~..iIm Street Park Reatrooms (STRONG) Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement for consultant services for ADA upgrade design services for Strother and Elm Street Park Restrooms with Norman & Vasquez Associates at a cost of $11,300. 9. PUB~'C HEARINGS: 9.a. Consl~lon of ProDOsed On:llnance ReDealinG. Amend,nG. and~ Provisions to Till.. 5. 8. 8. 9. 10 and 12 of the City of Arrovo O......."...nIoiDaI Code (WETMORE) Recommended Action: Introduce Ordinance. 9.b. Consideration of Intemretatlon of the AGricultural Buffer Prov~llon lJI&In1ciDal Code Section 16.12.170) Related to Rft8ldentlal U... WltI\ln the ...... Area (STRONG) Recommended Action: Consider an interpretation of buffer constraints pursuant to Ordinance No. 550. 9.c. Continued P~~lIc HearinG: Consl$leratlon of -,DeveloDment Code AlMndment 03-008: A ProD08ed Ordinance AlJMH1dlnG the ZoninG MaD and p~ otmI! 18 ()f the Arrovo Grande Mun~,"1 Cocte 8tYJllnG the Coml11fl'CfIL....IDIIu*Itl, and Office Prof_lonal QI.vJcta: Rezonlnsl..Jf1e Commerc~s of Planned DeveloDment 1.1 and 1.2 Qletrlcta: and 2) A pro...rt..BIIIIIuJIsm ADDrovlnG Dea'Gn QYlsl!.llnM anc:l.Jtandarda PertaininG to E. Grand Avenue and a Portion of 1;1 Camino Real (STRONG) Recommended Action: 1) Adopt Resolution; and 2) Introduce Ordinance. AGENDA SUMMARY - OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 4 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of MCK!lflcatlon to California Public EmDlovees' ~Irement System (c.IPeRS) Contract (O'REILLY) Recommended Action: 1) Introduce Ordinance amending the contract with CaIPERS (adding Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit for SEIU Local 620 members); and 2) Approve and' authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City a Resolution of Intention to amend the contract with CaIPERS. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEM~: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. None. 13. C,TY MANAGER ITE"fi: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. None. 14. COUN~IL CQIWMU~ICATlQN~: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 15. STAFF COMMIJNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 16. COMMU~JTY COMMENTS AND ffUGGESTlQNI: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 17. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA SUMMARY - OCTOBER 12,2004 PAGE 5 .......................... All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the Administrative Services Department and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805- 473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ......................... Note: This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. www.arroyogrande.org 5.a. OF \ '\ '. " j \ \ , ;' j 1,,\\,\ \ t~L. I~~~~ -- ~ . Honorary Proclamation Recognizing CHARACTER COUNTS! Week October 17-23, 2004 WHEREAS, young people will be the stewards of our communities, nation and world In critical times, and the present and future well-being of our society requires an Involved, caring citizenry with good character; and WHEREAS, more than ever, children need strong and constructive guidance from their families and their communities, Including schools, youth organizations, religious Institutions and civic groups; and WHEREAS, the character of a nation Is only as strong as the character of Its Individual citizens, and the public good benefits when young people learn that good character counts In personal relationships, In school and In the workplace; and WHEREAS, scholars and educators agree that people do not automatically develop good character and, therefore, conscientious efforts must be made by youth-Influencing Institutions and Individuals to help young people develop the essential traits and characteristics that comprise good character; and WHEREAS, character development Is, first and foremost, an obligation of families, though efforts by faith communities, schools, and youth, civic and human service organizations also playa very Important role In supporting family efforts by fostering and promoting good character; and WHEREAS, an effective character education is based on core ethical values which form the foundation of democratic society - trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. and these "Six Pillars of Character" transcend cultural, religious and socioeconomic differences; and WHEREAS, the character and conduct of our youth reflect the character and conduct of society; therefore, every adult has the responsibility to teach and model the core ethical values and every social Institution has the responsibility to promote the development of good character. NOW THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED, that I, TonyM. Ferrara, Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on . behalf of the City Council, and the citizens of Arroyo Grande do hereby proclaim the week of October 17-23, 2004 as CHARACTER COUNTSI Week, and do herebyendo.... the "Six Pillars of Character" and encourage all citizens, corporate and Individual, to model these traits of good character In an ongoing commitment to promote character development and ethical behavior In the youth of our community. TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be affixed this Uti! of October, 2004. 5.b. WHEREAS, tobacco, alcohol and other drug use and abuse represents a serious public health and safety threat in Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, California and throughout the United States; and WHEREAS, it is important for communities, schools and individuals throughout San Luis ObispO County to work together to eliminate the demand for these substances and to promote programs that support commitment to a healthy, drug,free lifestyle; and WHEREAS, the RED RIBBON CELEBRATION will be observed across the United States during RED RIBBON WEEK, October 23, 31,2004; and \\ \ \ , " C A LIFO R N...-!-M ~~ 9'~ ~ f/lJul9lJllu, Waft, (!)~ 23-31, 2004 OF WHEREAS, parents, youth, government, business, law enforcement, schools, religious institutions, service organizations, social services, health services, media. and the general public will demonstrate their commitment to drug free communities by wearing and displaying red ribbons during this observance; and WHEREAS, RED RIBBON WEEK highlights local substance abuse prevention programs that involve 7,500 youth and 7,000 parents yearly through local community coalitions and numerous county,wide organizations such as Friday Night live, DUI Prevention Task Force, the SLO Substance Abuse Prevention Alliance, and SLO County Drug &: Alcohol Services; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande further commits resources to ensure the success of the RED RIBBON CELEBRATION and year,round tobacco, alcohol and other drug prevention efforts; and ' WHEREAS, RED RIBBON WEEK 2004 will be highlighted by free activity,fiIled cdebrations, The Annual Cheer Competition and school poster/essay contests, and civic action throughout the county. r;\ 'loj ,~:TTQ \. ~ t ^ r{4:.;~lT<' ~"~.'.'." I, '- l VV "L" . .............----"."""...,.-,.,-' '-"'--"-'~ w NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Tony M. Ferrara. Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande, on behalf of the City Council. do hereby support October 23,31,2004 as RED RIBBON WEEK, and encourage all citizens to participate in tobacco, alcohol and other drug prevention activities, making a visible commitment to healthy communities in which to raise a generation of drug,free youth, and to follow the RED RIBBON pledge: No use of illegal drugs. and no illegal use oflegal drugs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande to be AffIXed this 12th day of October,2004. Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL PATRICK O'REILLY, INTERIM DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO~ CASH DISBURSEMENT RATIFICATION BY: SUBJECT: DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period September 16-September 30, 2004. FUNDING: There is an $890,292.86 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing budget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's .recommendation; . Do not approve staff's recommendation; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing Attachment 2 - September 17, 2004, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 - September 17,2004, Payroll Checks and Benefit Register Attachment 4 - September 17, 2004, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 5 - September 24, 2004, Accounts Payable Check Register A IT ACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS ?7M de 'PWMt D/ S~ 16 7~ S~ 30. 2004 ~'W" ~~~'." "W._"'___'," ' - '" October 12, 2004 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period September 16 to September 30, 2004. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. WEEK TYPE OF PAYMENT ATTACHMENT AMOUNT September 17, 2004 Accounts Payable Cks 117530-117560 2 $ 16,45250 (payroll and Benefit Cks.117S45-117560 included below) Payroll Checks and Benefit Checks 3 348,551.02 Accounts Payable Cks 117561-117647 4 476,499.92 $ 841,503.44 September 24, 2004 Accounts Payable Cks 117648-117738 5 $ 48,789.42 Two Weeks Total $ 890,29286 U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc I i _J CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND (010) City Government (Fund 010) 4001 - City Council 4002 - Administrative Services 4003 - City Attorney 4101 - City Manager 4102 - Printing/Duplicating 4120 - Financial Services 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4130 - Community Development 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4140 - Management Information System 4145 - Non Departmental Public Safety (Fund 010) 4201 - Police 4211 - Fire 4212 - Building & Safety Public Works (Fund 010) 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance 4304 - Street Lighting 4305 - Automotive Shop Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4420 - Parks 4421 - Recreation 4422 - General Recreation 4423 - Pre-School Program 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 4425 - Children in Motion 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4550 - Park Development Fee Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4501 - Traffic Fund Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4553 - Public Transit System Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4556 - Construction Tax Police Grant Funds 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd 271) 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4103 - Redevelopment Administration ENTERPRISE FUNDS Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4610 - Sewer Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) . 4710 - Water Administration 4711 - Water Production 4712 - Water Distribution Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4750 - Lopez Administration CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS (Fund 350) 5501-5599 -Park Projects 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 5801-5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 5901-5999 - Water Projects U:\MSWORD\ OTY COUNOL FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc ":': ~ -. fa O'T..--:::': 'r"" ;=- 'r"" 'r"" 'r"" a; C) M 111 Eo- 0.. Z ~ == U -< Eo- ~ ~ ..... 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U :E z z w 0 ~ ~ (U ~ 0 .c CJ) I Lu ~ w z :E >- ~ ~ II) ~ "C ~ 0 0 ,..., ~ u Q. ... .:.: ! 0 00 "C CD ,..... c en C1I :E c 0 0 .0 :c ~ 0 0 Q" 0 0 ... ... CD .2 ,5 ~ .",. ~ ~ ~ t') (U 0 ~ 0 .s 0 0 II) II) .c C1I ~ ~ .c .c t') C .",. .",. u u ~ ~ :I :I m m ~ ~ ~ II) - - 0 "C 0 0 ... ,..... 00 en en - ~ u II) ('f) ('f) .!! .c ,..... ,..... ::c ~ .:.: u ,..... ,..... ~ C :I 0 C1I ~ ..- ..- r:o ..- ..- > 0 ---~----- I.b. MEMORANDUM BY: CITY COUNCIL PATRICK O'REILLY, INTERIM DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES f/1-- FRANCES ,R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO$ STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2004 Attached please find a report listing the current investment deposits of the City of Arroyo Grande, as of September 30,2004, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b). CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT ,44 01 S~ 80, 2004 'd~ "~ "'W' 'W', ,....".' ','~"T" .,' 'T'~~ October 12, 2004 This report presents the City's investments as of September 30, 2004. It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest. As of Sept~mber 30, 2004, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy. Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer. This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield. The City may readily transfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments. The following is a comparison of investments based on book values as of September 30,2004, compared with the prior month and the prior year. I LAIF INVESTMENT CURRENT PRIOR MONTH PRIOR YEAR Date: Amount: Interest Rate: September, 2004 $11,700,000 1.67% August, 2004 $11,700,000 1.67% September, 2003 11,900,000 1.63% B.c. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor/Chair Ferrara called the Regular City CounciVRedevelopment Agency meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL City CounciVRDA: CounciVBoard Members Runels, Lubin, Dickens, Costello and Mayor/Chair Ferrara were present. City Staff Present: City Manager Adams, City Attorney Carmel, Director of Administrative Services Wetmore, Chief of Police TerBorch, Director of Public Works Spagnolo, Interim Director of Financial Services O'Reilly, and Community Development Director Strong. . 3. FLAG SALUTE Charles Howell, Jr. Vice Commander, and Aimee Clayton, Auxiliary Commander, representing VFW Post 2829, led the Flag Salute. 4. INVOCATION Pastor Robert Underwood, First United Methodist Church, delivered the invocation. 5. . SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None. 6. AGENDA REVIEW 6.a. Resolutions and Ordinances Read In Title Only CounciVBoard Member Dickens moved, CounciVBoard Member Costello seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting shall be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS Connie Dunbar, Arroyo Grande, spoke in support of Measure a and invited the Council and members of the public to attend a panel discussion to be held at the American Legion Hall on September 22, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. where the topic would be "Genetically Engineered Crops on the Farm: Farmers Share Their Stories". 8. CONSENT AGENDA CounciVBoard Member Costello moved, and Mayor Pro TemlVice Chair Lubin seconded the motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 8.a. through 8.j., with the recommended courses of action. The motion carried on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Runels, Dickens, Lubin, Costello, Ferrara None None CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 PAGE 2 8.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification. Action: Ratified the listing of cash disbursements for the period August 16, 2004 through August 31, 2004. 8.b. Statement of Investment Deposits. Action: Received and filed the report of current investment deposits as of August 31, 2004. 8.c. Consideration of Approval of Minutes. Action: Approved the minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings of August 10, 2004 as submitted. 8.d. Consideration of Conflict of Interest Code Review. [COUNCIURDA] Action: The City Council adopted Resolution No. 3776 amending the City's Conflict of Interest Code including an amended Appendix of Designated Positions and an Amended Appendix of Disclosure Categories; and 2) the RDA Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 04-01 amending the Redevelopment Agency Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Code to redesignate ex officio positions. . 8.e. Consideration of an Agreement with Garing, Taylor and Associates for Well No. 10 Design and Construction Services, PW 2004-07. Action: 1) Approved a Consultant Services Agreement with Garing, Taylor and Associates in the amount of $73,950 for design and construction of Well No. 10; and 2) Authorized the Mayor to sign the Agreement. 8.f. Consideration of Award of Bid for %-Ton Pick-up Truck for the Public Works Department. Action: Awarded the bid of $19,682.16 from Mullahey Ford.for a 3A-ton pick-up truck for the Public Works Department. ' 8.g.Conslderatlon of a Memorandum of Understanding for Employees Represented by the Police Officers' Association. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3777. 8.h. Consideration of Establishing the Part-time Position of Fire Administrative Officer. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3778 establishing the part-time position of Fire Administrative Officer. 8.L Consideration of a Resolution Granting a One-Year Time Extension for Conditional Use Permit 99-013 and Variance 01-001; Camino Mercado and West Branch Street. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3779 approving a one-year time extension for Conditional Use Permit 99-013 and Variance 01-001. 8.j. Consideration of Resolution Extending Hours for R.strlcted Parking from 3:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. on Orchard Street, West Cherry Avenue, California Street, Arroyo . Avenue and PUgrlmWay. Action: Adopted Resolution No. 3780 extending hours for restricted parking from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Orchard Street, West Cherry Avenue, California Street, Arroyo Avenue and Pilgrim Way. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS 9.a. Consideration of Use of State 2004-05 Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) Funds. Chief of Police TerBorch presented the staff report and recommended the Council approve the expenditure of $100,000 as authorized by the State for law enforcement services under the Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) Program. In addition, it was recommended that the City CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 PAGE 3 Council authorize the expenditure of $273 carried over from the City's FY 2003-04 COPS Program. Chief TerBorch responded to questions from CouncH regarding potential loss of COPS funding in the future. Mayor Ferrara opened the public hearing, and upon hearing no public comments, he closed the public hearing. Council Member Dickens moved to approve the expenditure of $100,000 as authorized by the State for law enforcement services under the COPS Program, and authorize the expenditure of $273 carried over from the City's FY 2003-04 COPS Program. Council Member Runels seconded the motion, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Costello, Ferrara None None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS 10.a. Consideration of Second Amended and Restated Affordable Housing Agreement with Courtland-Arroyo Grande, L.P. [RDA] City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended: 1) The Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors adopt a Resolution approving the Second Amended and Restated Affordable Housing Agreement with Courtland-Arroyo Grande, L.P.; and 2) the City Council adopt a Resolution consenting to the approval by the Arroyo Grande Redevelopment Agency of the Second Amended and Restated Affordable Housing Agreement with Courtland-Arroyo Grande, L.P. Tim Mulrenan provided an overview of chan.ges to the Agreement and responded to questions from Council on the impacts to the Redevelopment Agency, the proposed interest rate, and clarification regarding the senior recreation center within the facility. Casey Burke, representing Meta Housing, stated that there would be a small recreation room included in the project; however, he was not aware that it would open to the community. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment, and. upon hearing none; he closed the public comment period and brought the item back to Council for consideration. Council comments included support for the amended Agreement, noting that the financial terms . and funding were better and more beneficial to the City and the Redevelopment Agency; support for the project, which will provide senior affordable housing in the community; and a strong emphasis on including a senior center in the project for senior community access and use. Further Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the senior center component of the proposed project. Board Member Costello moved to adopt a Resolution approving the Second Amended and Restated Affordable Housing Agreement with Courtland-Arroyo Grande, L.P. subject to and conditioned upon the senior center being made available for reasonable senior community access and use. Vice Chair Lubin seconded the motion, and on the following roll call vote: j I I I I CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 PAGE 6 commented on some of the possible access alternatives and agreed that many are outside of the City's control. He stated the City should continue to be a positive influence to try and optimize the opportunity to cut through to Valley Road, by leaving the dialogue open with the School District; continuing to participate in discussions; continuing to meet; continuing to track status of the nature in which the District intends to use the property behind the high school; and looking for opportunities and windows in which the City might partner in acquiring a right of way through the back of the school. He said. the City should also continue to work through the agricultural issue with John Taylor and to strategize on replacement of agriculture land aCCOrding to City policy; and direct staff to take another look at the pavement management priorities to focus on Orchard and the surrounding streets as priorities for improvement. He recommended denying the developer's request and suggested directing staff to continue to monitor the progress of the County project and to ensure that the concerns of the City are voiced to the County, that the Ci~ have representation at key County meetings, and that we keep communication open with 4 District Supervisor Achadjian. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin moved to reject the developer's request to abandon the existing restriction to allow access through Orchard Street and offer of mitigation funding, requiring the project to obtain access through Falcon Ridge Estates, and further request County consideration of requirement for traffic development impact fees to be dedicated for future improvements to the EI Campo Road/Highway 101 improvements; along with traffic impact fees to. the City of Arroyo Grande, if appropriate, and the inclusion of all comments made by the Council for improving regional circulation. Council Member Costello seconded the motion. In response to a question by Council Member Dickens, City Manager Adams clarified that the EI Campo RoadlHighway 101 Interchange is an identified project even though a specific project alternative has not yet been identified; therefore, impact fees could be applied to the identified project. On the following roll-call vote.: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Lubin, Costello, Runels, Dickens, Ferrara None None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. Mayor Ferrara called.a recess at 9:50 p.m. The Council reconvened at 9:55 p.m. 11.b. Consideration of Alternatives Regarding Caltrans Highway 101 landscaping Project. Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and recommended the Council allow the relocation of a water meter for irrigation of landscaping along State Route 101 and direct staff to work with Caltrans to reduce the water consumption requirements. Director . Spagnolo responded to questions from Coun.cil regarding the estimated use of water; why State water wasn't being used; clarification regarding existing connections within the City; identification of other water source alternatives; concern about the use of potable water for landscaping; and clarification of the City's water conservation ordinance. Following further discussion, Council Member Costello moved to approve the relocation of a water meter and allow Caltrans use of the water; however, when non-potable water is available, CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 PAGE 7 it should be switched over; and further, include a clause that should City water usage exceed 97% of available supply that Caltrans cease and desist using any water and go back to using a truck. Director Spagnolo referred to the existing City water conservation ordinance that provides such provisions for turning off water when certain conditions exist. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin seconded the motion. Council Member Dickens asked that the motion include directing staff to negotiate with Caltrans to set up a fund for the potential development of non-potable water sources. Council Member Costello amended his motion to include directing staff to discuss the options and possibilities with Caltrans to partner on finding non-potable sources and seeking funding from Caltrans. Mayor Pro Tern Lubin seconded the amended motion, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Costello, Dickens, Runels, Lubin, Ferrara None None There being 5 AYES and 0 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 12. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS None. 13. CITY MANAGER ITEMS None. 14. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Runels referred back to the Valley Road issue and requested that the Council and staff be sure to invite all the property owners adjacent to the school to participate in future discussions. Mayor Ferrara reported on discussions concerning West Nile Virus at a recent Mayor's meeting held in Atascadero, and stated that the City of San Luis Obispo had adopted Resolutions requesting that the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors support the formation of a Vector Control District and also requesting that the elected representatives of the United States and the State of California allocate funds to research, monitor and eliminate West Nile Virus in California. Upon consensus of the Council, staff was directed to schedule this issue on a future City Council agenda for consideration.. Mayor Ferrara also referred correspondence received from Linda Nelson, County Drug and Alcohol Services, to staff regarding upcoming activities related to Red Ribbon Week. Staff was directed to prepare a proclamation recognizing Red Ribbon Week for presentation at a future Council meeting. 15. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS City Manager Adams announced that the Harvest Festival would be held next week on Friday and Saturday, September 24-2511\. 16. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: None. CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 2004 PAGE 8 17. ADJOURNMENT Mayor/Chair Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.m. to the Special Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission of Wednesday, September 22, 2004 in the Arroyo Grande Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420. Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor/Chair ATTEST: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services! Deputy City Clerk/Agency Secretary (Approved at CC Mtg ) B.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL DANIEL C. HERNANDEZ, DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION AND * FACILITIES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY YMCA FROM: DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Commission for allocation of $3,000.00 from Park Development Fees (Fund 213) to the San Luis Obispo County YMCA for repairs to the Paulding Middle School Sports Rink/Facility. FUNDING: The allocation would result in a reduction of $3,000.00 to the Park Development Fund (213). The unallocated balance remaining is approximately $143,415. However, $100,000 of this amount is earmarked for the pool expansion. DISC.USSION: On July 9, 2004, the City received a letter requesting financial assistance for needed repairs to the school district area used for the in-line skating facility. The asphalt is in poor shape and requires significant improvements. The cost to repair and renovate the area is estimated to be between $22,900.00 and $34,000.00, depending on the alternatives the YMCA selects for improvements. The remainder of the necessary funds will be allocated by the County of San Luis Obispo and the YMCA. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed this item at their meeting of September 8th and recommended the City Council approve the allocation. The facility is primarily used for roller hockey. The property is provided by the Lucia Mar Unified School District, and the original construction was paid for by the YMCA with funding raised from the community. The YMCA also operates the community roller hockey program. Therefore, this proposal is another excellent example of how, through partnering with other agencies, the City can help provide quality community facilities and programs with no ongoing financial commitment. -- -----~_._~--~._- ------------.---.-- CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY YMCA OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 2 AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: _ Approve staffs recommendation; Modify staffs recommendation; Do not approve staffs recommendation; Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Request letter from San Luis Obispo YMCA U:\Staff Reports.Agenda\prcfundreqYMCA9.04.doc ATTACHMENT 1 July 9,2004 Steve Adams City Administrator City of Arroyo Grande Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Re: Repairs to sports Facility Paulding Field Paulding Middle School Arroyo Grande, CA Dear Steve, The YMCA is requesting a grant of $ 3000 ~ ,to assist us in making the necessary repairs to the rink/sports facility referenced to above. The facility was created as a joint venture in 1999 between the Lucia Mar School District and the San Luis Obispo County YMCA. The School District allowed us use of the site and the YMCA raised and contributed the funds, labor and organization to construct the Facility. Barring the condition of the surface, it is the best outdoor facility of its type from Santa Barbara to north of Monterey. The Middle School uses it regularly during school hours, and it provides a great opportunity for wheelchair basketball. The YMCA has successfully programmed three seasons per year, since its opening, on this Facility and at the San Luis Facility. Youth teams from both areas compete. There is a very active roller hockey scene on the Central Coast, with many children and their families involved. The original surface around which the Facility was constructed appeared to be in poor, but relatively usable shape. As time went on Jt appeared that while we had done the best we could with the funds available, the surface was going to require regularly and costly maintenance to keep it playable and safe. The YMCA has funded several repairs, but seems to have reached the point where we are merely installing one Band- Aid over another. There are two options available. 1 . Place a 1" asphalt cap over the entire surface, then reapply the painted tennis court type of surface. This has two drawbacks: it is not clear if the 1" cap will adhere to the existing painted surface; and secondly, the existing base, if any, and the existing Steve Adams July 9, 2004 Page Two surface which will then lie underneath, may likely continue to crack. The cost for this option, based on bids, would be approximately: Surface $14,400 Asphalt . 8,500 Total $22.900 2. Pulverize the existing surface by machine and mix it in withthe existing base, to form a new base. Lay a 2" cap over this base, with the painted tennis court type surface over that. This should give a good, long lasting surface. The cost for this option, based on bids, would be approximately: Surface Asphalt & Base Prep Total $14,400 20,000 $~4..400 . As general information: . A second opinion and bid is being obtained for the asphalt work. . Certain donations or reduced costs of work and material may be available, based on the YMCA's involvement. . Tree roots in the northeast corner will have to be removed, in addition to the above-described work. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Geoff Fox 8.e. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: BY: CITY COUNCIL STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER T KAREN SISKO, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A JOB DESCRIPTION FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COORDINATOR POSITION DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing a job description for the Neighborhood Services Coordinator position. FUNDING: The classification of Code Enforcement Officer (now Neighborhood Services Coordinator) was approved in the FY2004/05 budget. DISCUSSION: The full-time classification of Code Enforcement Officer was eliminated and the part- time classification of Neighborhood Services Coordinator was established by City Council Resolution Number 3754 on June 22, 2004. An updated job description has therefore been developed to reflect the current duties that will be perfonned by the Neighborhood Services Coordinator. The hourly rate for this position was established under City Council Resolution 3754. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: 1. Approve staffs recommendation; 2. Do not approve staffs recommendation; 3. Modify as appropriate and approve staffs recommendation; or 4. Provide direction to staff. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A JOB DESCRIPTION FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COORDINATOR POSITION WHEREAS, the full-time classification of Code Enforcement Officer was previously eliminated on August 31, 2004 per City Council Resolution Number 3754 and reclassified as Neighborhood Services Coordinator; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ("City") deems it in the best interest of the City to establish a job description for the Neighborhood Services Coordinator, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "AJJ and incorporated herein by this reference. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande that the position of Neighborhood Services Coordinator is hereby established to perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in the job description so attached as Exhibit "An. This Resolution shall become effective as of October 13, 2004. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of ,2004. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 TONYFERRARA,MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED TO AS FORM: TIMOTHY CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES COORDINATOR Class specifications are intended to present a descriptive list of the range of duties performed by employees in the class. Specifications are!l!!1. intended to reflect all duties performed within the job. DEFINITION To coordinate the overall City program of enforcement and education of City codes and ordinances related to the maintenance and upkeep of residential and commercial neighborhoods. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general supervision from the Director of Building & Fire. ESSENTIAL FUNCTION STATEMENTS The following tasks are typical for positions in this classification. Any single position may not perform all of these tasks and/or may perform similar related tasks not listed here: 1. Receive requests for service from the public regarding code enforcement cases and request staff from the appropriate department to respond. 2. Assist full-time staff by inspecting code enforcement cases that are not resolved voluntarily after the first inspection and request. 3. Meet with complainants and individuals responsible for alleged code enforcement violations to resolve such violations. I 4. Prepare correspondence to complainants and individuals responsible for alleged code enforcement violations. 5. Research regulations and prepare documentation and information for issuance of citations and/or litigation involving code enforcement cases not resolved after other measures are exhausted. 6. Establish and maintain tracking system and reports regarding ongoing code enforcement cases. 7. Prepare and maintain accurate documentation and case files on all investigations; initiate and maintain records, take photographs and notes for future inspections; and take notes from telephone conversations. 8. Prepare and present status reports for interdepartmental committee meetings to assist in developing City- wide strategies to resolve ongoing code enforcement cases. 9. Perform special assignments related to the code enforcement function and prepare and implement recommendations for improvements to the code enforcement program. 10. Operate office equipment, including computers and supporting software applications; investigate computer hardware and software problems as appropriate and necessary. Mar2inal Functions: 1. Attend classes for code enforcement as required. 2. Perform related duties and responsibilities as required. J City of Arroyo Grande Neighborhood Services Coordinator (Continued) QUALIFICATIONS Knowled2e of: Principles and methods of code enforcement. Principles of effective customer service techniques. Public relations and dispute resolution techniques. Principles and procedures of record keeping. Modem office procedures, methods and equipment, including computers. Principles ofbus~ess letter writing and basic report preparation. Applicable computer software applications. Pertinent laws, codes and regulations governing code enforcement. Ability to: Research municipal code violations and regulations. Enforce necessary regulations in a firm but tiiendly manner. Interpret and apply laws, regulations, codes, ordinances and policies governing municipal code enforcement activities. Operate office equipment including computers and supporting applications. Maintain accurate records and prepare clear and concise reports. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Learn occupational hazards and standard safety practices. Maintain physical condition appropriate to the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. Understand and follow oral and written instructions. Education and EXDerience Guidelines Any combination of education and experience that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade supplemented by training or college level courses in code enforcement, law enforcement, City planning, public administration, political science, or a related field. EXDerience: One year of experience regarding municipal government functions and/or enforcement of codes, laws and policies. License or Certificate Possession of, or ability to obtain, an appropriate valid driver's license. City oC Arroyo Grande Neighborhood Services Coordinator (Continued) WORKING CONDITIONS Environmental Conditions: Office and field environment; travel ftom site to site; exposure to noise, dust, radiant energy, moving objects and vehicles; inclement weather conditions. Phvsical Conditions: Essential and marginal functions may require maintaining physical condition necessary for walking.or standing for prolonged periods of time; light lifting and carrying; operating motorized equipment and vehicles. 8.f. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ~ CONSIDERATION OF GRANT OF EASEMENT ON A PORTION OF LOT 6 OF EAST VILLAGE PLAZA, PARCEL MAP AGAL-OO-005 OCTOBER 12, 2004 DATE: RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council accept the grant of easement from DeBlauw Builders, Inc. for a portion of Lot 6, Parcel Map AGAL-00-005, and authorize the Mayor to accept the easement on behalf of the City. FUNDING: No fiscal impact: The easement will enable placement of a proposed building on Lot 7 closer to the property line with adjoining Lot 6 than would otherwise be possible according to Uniform Building Code. The City has not incurred any expense other than review and processing of the easement document and has no maintenance or improvement obligations associated with its acceptance. DISCUSSION: Backaround The Planning Commission recommended, and the City Council, on appeal, approved Planned Unit Development (PUD) Case No. 02-001 on March 25, 2003. The approved PUD provides for shared parking and driveways on adjoining lots, which generally utilize a one-way private loop road named Paulding Circle on the south side of East Branch Street. The PUD site plan for Lots 6 and 7 includes future creek setback easements adjoining Arroyo Grande Creek, shared driveway and parking agreements between the two lot owners (both are currently owned by DeBlauw, Inc.), and this non-building easement to enable approved building placement on Lot 7. The easement is necessary for the exclusive purpose of It is necessary that the easement on a portion of Lot 6 be accepted by the City for a building permit to be issued as located on Lot 7. The easement is necessary for the exclusive purpose of open space for building code compliance. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Accept and record the easement as requested; - Reject the easement (which would require redesign and/or relocation or combining Lots 6 and 7 into a single ownership; - Provide other direction to staff and applicant. Attachment: Grant of Easement. S:\COMMUNITY _ DEVELOPMENT\CITY _ COUNCIL\2004\1 0-12-04\ 10-12-04 SR easement.doc RECORDATION REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Ms. Kelly Wetmore Administrative Services City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 GRANT OF EASEMENT For valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, DeBlauw Builders, Inc., a California corporation ("DBI") hereby grants to the City of Arroyo Grande, ("City") a non-exclusive easement, over a strip of land (10') feet in width, across a portion of Parcel 6 of Parcel Map AGAL-OO-OO5 as filed at Book 56, Page 43 of Parcel Maps in the official records of San Luis Obispo County, California (the "Servient Tenement"), as more particularly hereafter described. The specific location of said easement being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and by. this reference hereby incorporated, (the "Easement"). 1. Nature of Easement: The nature of the Easement shall be a "non-building" easement over that portion of Parcel 6 of Parcel Map AGAL-OO-OO5 as filed at Book 56, Page 43 of Parcel Maps in the official records of San Luis Obispo County, California, which consists of a ten foot (10') strip of land located immediately adjacent to the westerly boundary line of said Parcel 6, and as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference is hereby incorporated. 2. Purpose of Easement: That the purpose of the Easement shall be to establish a perpetual easement in favor of the City for open access to light and air upon the Servient Tenement and immediately adjacent to the adjoining real property, to wit: Parcel 7 of Parcel Map AGAL-OO-OO5 as filed at Book 56, Page 43 of Parcel Maps in the official records of San Luis Obispo County, California (hereinafter the "Adjoining Property "), so as to allow for a "zero" set-back development on the Adjoining Property. DBI hereby agrees that it shall build no pennanent structures within the "non-building" easement herein granted which would interfere with construction and/or use of operable and non- rated door and window openings to be located at or about the boundary line between the Adjoining Property and Servient Tenement lying immediately adjacent to the Easement. 3. Reservation of Rights: DBI hereby reserves the right to otherwise utilize, landscape and improve the land underlying the Easement herein granted for any and all legal purposes. There shall be no physical use by the City of the Easement, nor shall this easement grant be deemed to provide the City with any right of access to the Easement. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to provide the City with any rights as to the Easement which are not specifically herein described. 4. Maintenance: Except as may otherwise be hereafter agreed to in writing, DBI shall be responsible for the costs and expenses associated with the maintenance of the real property underlying the Easement. 5. Continued Use and Eqjoyment: The owners of the Servient1'en~ment shall have the use and enjoyment of the Servient Tenement in all respects other than those which unreasonably interfere with the Easement herein described. 6. Successors: This instrument shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assignS of the parties . hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this instrument the day and year next to their respective signatures. DeBlauw Builders, Inc. a California corporation Dated: /~-.//'- .If!t'/ B~~N4d~ Richard DeBlauw, Pres. This Grant of Easement is hereby approved and accepted:D Dated: By City of Arroyo Grande ~lMIDSfATH IS -A_ N::::I<_l'; i R U (fJ CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California County of San Luis Obispo On October 4, 2004 tr Y Y nn__. Y Y -ANNM~GAMBLE- n -! ..... COMM. .1504092 ~ NOTARY PUBLlC.CALIFORNIA 5:0 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY . ~aaaa~aaaa~!~~~~!~~~~~~!~~~!~2~~!1l before me, Ann M Gamble, personally appeared Richard Deblauw , o personally known to me - OR - g! proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personOO whose name~Q~ subscribed),o the within instrument and _wledged to me tha&~~ executed the same in hi ~ authorized capacity(i~ and that by s. signature~on the instrument the person~, or e entity upon behalf of which the perso~ acted, executed the instrument. WITI%SS my hand and official seal. auf- -7JJSiin~~ OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this fonn. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) o Individual _ o Corporate Officer DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT Title or Type of Document Title o Partner(s) o Limited o General Number of Pages o Attorney-in-Fact - o Trustee(s) o Guardian/Conservator o Other: Date of Document Absent Signer (principal) is Representing: Signer(s) Other Than Name(s) Above ADM-005 (07/01) EXHIBIT' A' Commencing at a point on the westerly boundary of Parcel 6 lying 66.43 meters north ofthe southwestern comer of Parcel 6 (the "true point of beginning") then proceeding north 000 04' 38"east approximately 13.80 feet to a point which lies ten feet perpendicular to the westerly boundary of Parcel 6. Then proceeding north 46022'52" west to a point which lies 14.14 feet from the northwestern comer of Parcel 6; thence north 01022'52" west to the northwestern comer of Parcel 6, then south east along the westerly boundary of Parcel 6 to the true point of beginning. The foregoing description is more particularly depicted on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and "by this reference hereby incorporated. ... _ I .- .--...-------,-r I ~r--y- / " ~ .A -,"I' .._n_ -"'~~-'--- . _ _ _ .~~---~ ~ tQ -------{ I I I I I I I I I ~ \ \ \ \ ~ - "00 ::nO 00 Z "Om m> 0 ~~ OJ C C rC - -t ;= -3: ;= 0 Zm ~ ~ mo ~ en m 3: m m 3: ~ m Z -t r o -I m z o m c - r C ')'11 >< J: - m =i t om ~~ -m ~en (i)!J> m~ ~z m-t 3:m mZ z> -tz o m go $z~ < n z ~ ,.; ~ "II ~ 8_g_ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR~S CONSIDERATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR ATTRACTION OF NEW HOTEUMOTELNISITOR SERVING PROJECTS OCTOBER 12, 2004 SUBJECT: DATE: RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the proposed economic development strategy for attraction of new hotel, motel and visitor serving projects. FUNDING: No City expenditures or funding are required other than staff time. The economic development strategy is intended to increase the City's Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenues and capture a greater share of regional visitor service and retail sales income. DISCUSSION: Backaround On September 22, 2004, at the joint public meeting with the Planning Commission, the City Council discussed staff and Commission recommendations regarding this economic development strategy. In addition to the six potential hoteVmotel sites identified along the Freeway 101 corridor where visitor services would be encouraged or preferred uses, the Council support including a possible destination resort on or near Arroyo Linda Crossroadsl Frederick or Williams properties in the City's Sphere of Influence at the future EI Campo Road interchange with 101. Encouraging visitor service uses as an economic development strategy is consistent with adopted 2001 General Plan objectives and policies, particularly EDS, EDS-3, and implementation measures ED-1.7 and 1.8 regarding additional tourist oriented developments. Currently, the City has three large, modern hotel/motels, as well as several small motels and bed and breakfast inns. The largest facilities are: 1) Casa Grande Motel at Oak Park Boulevard and West Branch; 2) Premier Inn at Camino Mercado and West Branch, and 3) Econo Lodge Motel on EI Camino Real near Halcyon Road. S:\COMMUNITY _ DEVELOPMENnCITY _ COUNCIL\2004\ 10-12-04\ 10-12-04 SR Hotel Motel.doc 1 0-12-04 SR Hotel Motel 10/8/ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR ATTRACTION OF NEW HOTEUMOTEUVISITOR SERVING PROJECTS OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 2 Although visitor service opportunities exist throughout the City's Mixed-Use and Commercial districts, the seven most apparent additional larger hoteVmotel and destination resort development sites with superior regional access and exposure are also located along the Freeway 101 corridor, at or near access ramps: 1) Traffic Way and Cherry Avenue; 2) East Grand Avenue and West Branch Street; 3) EI Camino Real near Halcyon Road; 4) East Grand Avenue at Barnett Street (EI Camino Real); 5) East Grand Avenue near Bell Street; 6) Camino Mercado and West Branch Street. 7) EI Campo Road potential interchange on or near ALC/FredericklWilliams properties in the City's Sphere of Influence (SOl). The Planning Commission has included most of these seven locations in the proposed Design Guidelines and Standards for pending Development Code Amendment Case No. 03-008. Designation of those sites for visitor service facilities does encourage hotel/motel development, but does not preclude consideration of other allowed or conditionally permitted uses by providing: "Adequate opportunities for visitor services and lodging are available at other undeveloped or underdeveloped sites with equal or superior location, without the property in question." The primary purpose of this economic development strategy is to enable staff to assist marketing of potential sites to hoteV moteV resort developers. The strategy does not circumvent in any way the normal development review process for a proposed project. However, it enables staff to meet with developers and provide site opportunities that have had some preliminary analysis and a determination that they are appropriate for hotel development. The increased Transient Occupancy Tax from 200 - 500 additional hoteVmotel rooms is an important component of projected City revenues. While these new developments may impact seasonal occupancy and/or rates of existing hotels/motels, the bulk of the local competition is concentrated in Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo and North Coast communities. On a regional basis, the Central Coast is competing with Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara and Ventura County. The close proximity of the seven preferred hoteVmotel sites to both the freeway and existing visitor service facilities is intentional. These planned locations would serve to complement the existing rooms and enhance restaurant and retail sales in Arroyo Grande. 10-12-04 SR Hotel Motel 1017/04 CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR ATTRACTION OF NEW HOTEUMOTEUVISITOR SERVING PROJECTS OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 3 Since the strategy was discussed, and direction was received, at the September 22,2004 joint meeting, the purpose of this item is simply to obtain formal approval from the City Council. Staff will then proceed to meet with property owners and hoteVmotel developers to discuss and plan potential projects. The effort will be identified as a priority for staff's economic development efforts. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Adopt the attached resolution regarding seven recommended hoteV motel/ resort sites to clarify economic development strategy for new visitor serving uses, consistent with General Plan objectives and policies. - Defer the economic development. strategy resolution until additional issues can be addressed and provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Map showing potential Hotel/Motel Opportunity sites. 10-12-04 SR Hotel Motel 10/7/04 ATTACHMENT 1 \--flU "" S\ "" A~ fel LM &6 ~~~ jf ~~ f ;: t,~ ~;p- 1/~ ~~A~W\1 '/W'~ W^~ ~~v )~0 / " ~~;,; v~~~g ~ ~ ~/<~~~~..~ ~~ J..I <f'7'i ~ "" '( ~ ~q :z:- ~ '-/ L~ ~ ?' %v ~ '/,(< ( I ~~, '\ ~ J0IY'<\ :::Y/A-V A U '~"'D U . ~,~ i ~~'~y% FcJ: ~ V ~$S- -'<; V __ C:J ft~ :k ~~<<~~~~ ~:~ ~<> ~~~r!J', .~ ~ jf T ]1 ~ ~ y ( ~ ~I ~\E1~ g , 1& ~ 1 -:=l ~~T II ~~ it=: 0 ~d ~ ~~ ';j' - ~~ ~ ( ~ '; ~.. ~ ~ \\\ ,y ~t /- 6 ~ t-- >= bE ~ ~'\\. 7:;:i ~ rm~ Iii" ....' I~ ~ H m ," ~ T-(- ~ 1 ut:~ "UliO f~ ~ M ~P~t-- .~ '4~ ~ffiHHHB ~ = ~ ~~~ :;:; -.- '11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffHHHffi ~ ; ~ il/, 1lr;; " H rrl~ T ~Ij~ ! ~ &X\ '/1--. If-- II ~ - ~ ~ . ~~ /i2. d ~ /f...;.::. '1 I T -j J =tl>= C '0 w:m -j'-JIL ~ " ~ I TTC - u ::I: 111---.. . -m II it ~ 'e I . I~~ I ~ g Z I 0 PI ~ 0 ~:: f -i 1iS!.II I. !it .:J 1m ~B ~ J)?' + 'II 8.h. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTO~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO TRACT NO. 2328, STONECREST, GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT MODIFICATIONS AND EXTENSION TO ADJOINING MANKINS RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES DATE: OCTOBER 12,2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council adopt the attached resolution amending the subject Tract 2328 grading and improvement plans to provide for private road easement modifications and extension to adjoining Mankins residential properties. FUNDING: The estimated costs of $62,000 for all grading and improvements associated with the private road easement modifications and extension to the adjoining Mankins residential properties are being funded entirely by mutual agreement between Mankins and S&S Homes of the Central Coast. No City funds are required. DISCUSSION: Backaround During July and August 2004, at the request of Howard Mankins, the City and S&S Homes met to consider amendments to grading and improvement plans to provide for private road easement. modifications and extension to adjoining Mankins residentially zoned properties now rather than in the future, after the 26 homes have been completed and sold. On July 27, 2004, the City Council approved preliminary plans for modification to Tract 2328, Stonecrest drainage and access driveway grading and improvement plans, as outlined in Attachment 1. Subsequently, City staff, Mankins and S&S Homes met to resolve issues involving more detailed grading, retaining wall, road, drainage, and sewer improvement plans that are currently under construction. Upon completion of the modified grading and improvement plans, and after adoption of a resolution of the City Council acknowledging that the 24' curb-to-curb private road is adequate for providing access to potential hillside multi-family residential development of the adjoining Mankins properties, the parties have agreed that the 50' existing private road easement should be reduced or partially relinquished. Exhibit 'A' is a map illustrating the approximate width of the private road reduced width easement that would be retained for segments of this private road. To protect the road and prevent alteration to the landscape slope bank, Mankins would reserve a slope and maintenance access easement to the toe of the slope below the roadway. Alternatively, S&S Homes and Mankins are considering additional Allen Block retaining S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\CITY _ COUNCIL\2004\ 10-12-04\ 10-12-04 SR Mankins Stonecrest.doc 10/7/ -.------ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO TRACT NO. 2328, STONECREST, GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT MODIFICATIONS AND EXTENSION TO ADJOINING MANKINS RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 2 walls below the road to maximize rear yards for the adjoining five homes. The intent of modified grading, drainage and road construction plans at this time is to establish adequate two way access to the undeveloped hillside parcels owned by Mankins, and to avoid possible disputes or modifications of the approved slope and yard areas within the Stonecrest Tract. The reduced width road easement and related slope. and maintenance access easement will enable a portion of the former 50' road easement to be relinquished by Mankins and utilized for privately maintained landscaped . slope bank or approved retaining walls and fenced yards of the affected lots (lots 11 through 15). The existing 50-foot wide road easement generally includes a 24 to 30 foot wide, curb-to- curb roadway along the southeast edge of the Stonecrest Tract to provide two-way access. All 26 Homes front on a 20-foot wide, one-way internal loop-road. The unpaved 16 to 20 foot west part of the road easement are private yard areas, some containing mature oak trees. The rear portions of lots 11 through 15, on the southwest hillside behind fIVe new homes, are almost entirely composed of the 50-foot road easement. After plan modifications, if approved by the City Council, a 30 to 35 foot wide road easement and 15 to 20 foot wide slope easement would enable the proposed 24-foot wide private hillside road. extension and upslope retaining wall, rear yard fencing and landscaped slope bank or back yard retaining walls in accordance with revised grading and improvement plans. The City Council Resolution implements the grading and improvement plan modifications conceptually approved on July 27, 2004, which is consistent with what was presented at that time. It also approves the reduced width road and slope maintenance access easements as providing adequate access to the adjoining Mankins MF zoned properties. At the September 28, 2004 City Council meeting, this consent item was continued when agreement by both parties, reflected in an August 26 letter, was no longer apparent. On October 5, staff again met with both parties and determined thatJhe grading, drainage, and improvement plan would be mutually acceptable to Mankins and S&S Homes with the following clarifications: 1) The private road will be rough graded and based further west to conform to existing topography and provide access to the westernmost Mankins parcel. 2) The 24 foot road alignment extension will require removal of three small oak trees and may require removal of one large (18") oak at the rear of Lot 12. Mankins agreed to mitigate oak tree removal by at least 4:1 replacement. 3) The City Council resolution and subsequent relinquishment documents will assure that the 24 foot wide private road, upslope and/or downslope retaining walls or landscaped slope banks to the toe of slope are within the road and slope maintenance access easement(s), subject to City approval of any subsequent grading or improvements. The necessary road and slope access easement reduction, or relinquishment and replacement are private transactions that will be cooperatively resolved following City Council action. Fencing and landscaping will be accomplished concurrent with road construction, and partial relinquishment or reduced width easements will be recorded after "as built" plans are accepted by the City Public Works Department. S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\CITY _ COUNCIL\2004\ 10-12-04\ 10-12-04 SR Mankins Stonecrest.doc CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO TRACT NO. 2328, STONECREST, GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENT MODIFICATIONS AND EXTENSION TO ADJOINING MANKINS RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 3 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Adopt the Resolution as previously negotiated and conceptually approved; - Direct staff and affected property owners of any additional amendments required for road easement modification for adequate access; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. City Council Staff Report dated July 27, 2004. 2. Letter to Howard Mankins and S & S Homes, August 25, 2004. 3. Clarified fencing and road extension plan, including proposed tree removals necessary for grading and improvement plan. 4. Letter to Howard Mankins and S & 5 Homes, October 7, 2004. S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENTICITY _ COUNCIL\2004\ 10-12-04\ 10-12-04 SR Mankins Stonecrest.doc ~___J RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS TO GRADING AND IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 2328, STONECREST, REGARDING A PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD EASEMENT AMENDMENT WITH ADJOINING MANKINS PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande, by Resolution No. qO-1746 adopted July 18, 2000, approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 2328 and Planned Unit Development No. 99-001, filed by S & S Homes, to construct twenty six (26) single-family homes in the Multi-Family (MF) district at 1190 EI Camino Real; and WHEREAS, Condition of approval number 59 provided that "The project access road shall be designated to allow future extension to serve the southerly MF zoned areas (currently owned by Mankins) with two-way traffic along the access easement (currently 50' wide)", and WHEREAS, Mankins requested and S & S Homes agreed that immediate drainage, grading and access driveway improvement plan modifICations and construction now would avoid possible disputes with future lot owners affected .by the private road easement and with the 26 future members of the Stonecrest Home Owner's Association; and WHEREAS, Public Works, Fire and Community Development Department staff concur that these proposed modifications and road extension should be constructed now, and that a 24-foot wide curb to curb hillside private driveway win enable adequate access for future residential development of the adjoining MF zoned Mankins properties; and WHEREAS, the existing access easement extends to Hillcrest Street and. supplemental private access road improvements could be developed if approved when Mankins properties propose development, without any future widening of this segment of drive; and WHEREAS, the private property owners have requested City Council resolution approving the reduction and/or relinquishment of portions of the existing private access easement to acknowledge that the 24-foot curb to curb cross section will be adequate for two-way residential access traffic, subjectto future development review and approval of Mankins' MF zoned property development. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council approves the modification to grading and improvement plans on file with the Public Works Department for the private access road easement amendment with adjoining Mankins properties. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that improvement plan clarifications mutually acceptable to Mankins and S & S Homes include: 1) That the private road will be rough graded and based to provide two-way access to the westernmost Mankins parcel. 2) The 24-foot road alignment extension will require removal of three (3) small oaks and one (1) large (18") oak at the rear of Lot 12. Mankins shall mitigate oak tree removal by at least 4: 1 replacement. S & S may install 6' wood residential fencing, optional retaining walls and shall landscape the new slopebanks for erosion control. 3) Necessary road and slope easement reduction or relinquishment are private transactions that will be accomplished and recorded after "as built" plans are accepted by the City Public Works Department. (Approximate road easement width is illustrated on map Exhibit 'A'.) On motion by Council Member the following roll call vote, to wit: , seconded by Council Member , and by AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th day of October 2004. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT A __ ~:J{J~. ([)CJU'VE ~ ~~.~ ~ in _~;. ~ i~~ _ (J G &'~~..-~ 9ilIDI t ~ )~ ,J :-- \ ~ I ~ \ _ ~ ~ r;1 -I i~ ~ t -,~~ j ~ 'lJ' _....._..~_....r.;~. 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'I, !.-:!_..~. . !... ~ .. lilt ~'~ p '-' ' t --~~ ~ : 'III~ If- ~FlIiIII'H oon,...,~ CJ~~. ;.:' ~ f~'\ \i\~ ! ! It -:\sll'\ I:J~~ j;~ ~ ~ z cil' .(,~ : : . g .j.....-oo G " ." ~ ~~ '-.' ~~A\ i m.~. 1:=:;'-- ~~..: , :s ~ ~ .I roo ~~ \ L.U,; I "Y'-' ~ ~~ ~" ~', ~1_'~:p:JJ 1 . . ~ ~>~. " i I" GIll " . . ~ ~_ u_ !W~ -';_9c!!1!"~! '= I~ ~~~ X"'''~ ~" ;~ ~ J 1111"g~ 2~ !!~!. ~ . ;,,,.~ ICi l l SI I /~ . ~ v':.o.,,~ .... i \ ..t. ~? c - t+ ! i. i . i i i i i . i i , i . i ~i i Ii . ! i ~! ! i . i i i i i i I . ! i ! ! i i ! ! i i ! i i i i i i i ! ! ! ! i i i ! i i i i i i i t Z ; ~ ~ Ili;ti'-t~if~l!i ......~ ~I-' . ~ .. ~ ~ - i JtiI~ IUlUklfii STONECREST i~~~ => I o I !;:iiig: 0 J: .. . d"111 · ,WI I SITE PLAi'l J i~" . .. 26IDi1TS ~. lID . .~ '''. II! liU=8 . , . i , :.- ;:j1t,!i!l!iiiij J-==D ~ f--Io ~1t8 PI.Aw.-"ED L1.1T DEVELOPMEST . ".0 : ~ I~ ;~~Ii ft;'s I: => .. I!lhlh~.t,.1 L CA.""'" It&a.:.. .uuu:rro ~"':H CA ~fdi '" 8 ;!,tjj!! Iht ~ 1IMO-'M2..' . o.o-t62-OU t- IliU .. 0 - . ATTACHMENT 1 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF STONECREST DRAINAGE AND ACCESS DRIVEWAY GRADING MODIFICATION DATE: JULY 27,2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council approve the Planning Commission's recommendation for drainage and access driveway grading improvement plan amendments to Tract No. 2326, Stonecrest, proposed by Howard Mankins and S&S Homes. FUNDING: No City funding would be required for either the current grading and drainage improvement plans or the amendments proposed. Costs will be shared by the two private owners, Mr. Mankins and S&S Homes. DISCUSSION: BackQround On July 18, 2000, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 00-1746, which included a Mitigated Negative Declaration, approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 2328, and Planned Unit Development No. 99-001, Stonecrest, located at 1190 EI Camino Real, applied for by S&S Homes (see Attachment 1). The 26 single family homes in the Multiple Family zoning district are under construction with a two way private street intersecting EI Camino Real and the garages fronting on a one-way private loop within the hillside PUD tract. Five of the lots at the upper portion of the loop street include a private road easement potentially providing access to two adjoining Multiple Family (MF) zoned, undeveloped hillside parcels owned by Howard Mankins' family. Condition 59 provided: ''The project access road shall be designed to allow future extension to serve the southerly MF zoned areas with two way traffic along the access easement." Recently, Howard Mankins requested meetings with S&S Homes and City staff to pursue drainage and access driveway grading and improvement plan amendments to enable construction of this extension now to avoid possible disput~s with the five lot owners AMENDMENT TO TRACT NO. 2328, STONECREST JULY 27, 2004 PAGE 2 affected by the private road easement and with the 26 future members of the Stonecrest Home Owners Association. Public Works, Fire and Building and Community Development Department staff all agree that this amendment and construction should be pursued now, grading and improvement plans revised and costs resolved between Mr. Mankins and S&S Homes, before houses are sold and the potential extension becomes disputed or more complicated. Conceptually, the City requires a minimum curb-to-curb private road width of 24 feet with no on-street parking to potentially provide for two-way traffic at least to the furthest parcel . frontage on the easement, paved and not to exceed 20% gradient. If approved, the access easement could potentially be further 'extended and increased if. desired to public street cross section standards to connect to Hillcrest Street, but only if the, City decides that through traffic and the removal of a mature oak tree are acceptable. While future access alternatives would be considered when Mr. Mankins proposes a development plan, the private road easement grading and improvement plans within Tract No. 2328 should be revised at this time. Approximately the upper (south) half of the easement would be the improved private access road easement and the lower (north) half would remain a slope bank behind the five houses. The 'V' ditch shown on current grading and drainage plans would be eliminated if curb gutter and road serve to intercept hillside drainage. Attachment 2 is a sketch concept plan of the proposed two way private road extension requiring limited removal and widening of some curb and gutter, street, and an additional drop inlet and relocation of one street light to create a 'y' intersection of the one way loop road with the two way access road extension. If approved by City Council, detailed grading, drainage and improvement plans would be required to be submitted and approved prior to construction of these access improvements proceeding. Slope banks would, be stabilized by required erosion control measures. A separate grading and erosion control plan must be submitted and approved for this portion of the work. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve this proposed amendment by consent action. Defer decision by requesting more detailed and subsequent new business discussion on August 10, 2004. - Provide other direction to staff and applicants leaving the approved tract grading and drainage unchanged until resolved. Attachments: 1. Reduction of Tract Map 2328 2. Sketch concept plans S:\COMMUNITY _ DEVElOPMENT\CITY _COUNCil \2004\07-27-04\07-27 -04 Stonecrest Drainage.dot I A 11 ACHMENT 2 w~o/ ~~~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT August25,2004 P.O. Box 5S0 214 East Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA '3421 Phone: (80S) 473-5420 FAX: (80S) 473-0. E-Man: aacity@arroyogrande.orl Howard Mankins Brisco's Mill and Lumber Yard 1005 EI Camino Real Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Janet Axelsen S & S Homes of the Central Coast 1350 East Grand Avenue Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2422 SUBJECT: Driveway Extension and Easement Revisions re Tract 2328, StoncrestlMankins Dear Mr. Mankins and Ms. Axelsen: Thank you for both meeting to discuss the final details of the proposed driveway extension and easement revisions regarding Tract 2328,Stonecrest and Mankin's adjoining Multiple Family (MF) zoned two parcels. This letter will confirm City understanding of the conclusion: 1. It was agreed, subject to City Council Resolution, to accept the 24 foot curb to curb roadway and 26+ access easement (with allan block retaining walls where needed), Mankins will relinquish the existing 50 easement and accept 40 feet on the lower segment (through the industrial driveway connection) and 26 feet on the upper segment (behind lots .12 through 15 inclusive). The existing 50-foot easement extending to Hillcrest and behind lot 11 would remain as an additional access alternative. Exhibit 'A' would describe or d,epict these access easement widths. 2. It was agreed that Mankins would contribute a total of $41,000 to estimated improvement costs in four installments and that S & S Homes would complete all plans, permits, improvements and inspections required by the City for revised. grading, drainage, pavement, sewer extension, walls, landscaping and related modifications to prior plan. '. . 3. Subsequent to the meeting, Public Works confirmed that they are expecting revised plans from S & S Homes pursuant to Victor Deven's, August 5, 2004 letter. To clarify, the plan should show location, heights and length of alien block retaining walls, cross gutter at the new intersection replacing 'V' gutter to the new drop inlet, and modification of the existing sewer manhole to a drop manhole standard. The pavement of the two-way drive shall be 24 feet curb to curb (or gutter to gutter) to the west line of lot 15 and rough grade and base to the east line of lot 12. Slope banks will be hydroseeded with erosion control mix or landscaped with jute mat base. Exhibit 'B' will be the City approved improvement plans. I i':-;: .:<' J.', .J;.r i" ,<,>'i:'" ...(.'i.....: """, :.1.....;. . - . ~ .. I,. N. ..... .. I r I( 0: r ~l~~~{fi~l~ J~\"~- : ~~k ~ \ \-" ~'V: T \ I 1.1 I ~ I,.J:~ N I /~ ~~. Lirf_J. ,V ~ '-\_: ~I . ,. .. l ~ l1lrT ::J,- !- _ It\l~ \~ I 01 i ""'" J: ~ I ~. I i'I!} ~ ^o1i iD: , . ~. t:J ,-.,' ,.. . .....::: 41. 877:; I i 1~ I ,," / ~. . I ~ "Ii I., I . ...~{~l.. 'I ~7 ';1 I ,~ .;; I.' ; I~: '.1;. 11,20': I 8&iO \~~. ~ I V . Mh W il~ 'M . ~..t: . ~., '. . it} U' I .... '1'2 1.:1....:~\.. ~{.(~ . . I 0 J ' I ~ f ~ I I rJ t ~ l'~ :A ., ~ . . '" . \i 'i'.. ..'.;i.r!.,., \ - .' ~. '. 1-- a [;(~ XCII" "Ii I .; ,: . . I ..-F'f;~ ...l-;;-T. . . .. J. .,. ~ · . 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'1H.F'-~....... nt- J ~ 1\ \1 ,;( rJ:!N ...it"'I' .:;,,;: I. \ W~- ~ II~ '\ M ~.. 'I -, ."I~ I n ~- l\\...~d .. " H I ., ~ 51:\ II 1J ""., HI--, , _ '../".... f- _ , r, ~I ~ I I ~t:. tV!\ll~~/1\h L__, __ L_._ ,.. ' . '_ __ .. I ~"., _ - .....: . . , N M )> ~ ~ )> o :J: S m 2 ~ N tQ -~ 2.+05.1L-- z:>::: <(U---' ---'0---' --.l--.J<( <eCD:;: ~~ ATTACHMENT 3 LO ~ .. ~ ::> ~c::: ('II J-J- ~ U ~ ~~2 <( ~ ~::? () ^' ;c<.n - LL ~5 If) J- ~'" ....., Ow k uo- UJ -1 t- J- ~.~ U) '" UJ ~.~ c::: Z ~( J <( t;; , IX 4) U .....J llJ UJ a.. ZUJ Ou J-z U)UJ LL ~'-.. (Wy; (0-<_:_ ~(LLj~7 ~v..,-,.., r- y.-, U) J- o .....J ': - ~ g~ .r- ,--". " :::::- ,;"'-~ q ~~; ~o; :: ~-cL "'+ . ~,..-... cnJ ~ ~ {. ~.- o '" ./ ~:. -D ~ ~ t~ CL x ATTACHMENT 4 w~o/ ~~~ COMMUNlTY.DEVELOPMENT October 7, 2004 P.O. 80x 558 214 East Br.nch Street Arroyo Gr.nde, CA '3421 Phone: (105) 473-5420 FAX: (805) 473-0_ E-M.n: .fty@.rroy....nde.o... Mr. Howard Mankins Brisco's Mill and Lumber Co. 1005 EI Camino Real Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Ms. Janet Axelsen S & S Homes of the Central Coast 1350 East Grand Avenue Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2422 SUBJECT: Stonecrest, Tract 2328 Driveway Grading and Improvement Plan Modifications including tree removals, road extension fencing and optional retaining walls or slope maintenance access easement. Dear Howard and Janet: As we discussed in the field on Tuesday, October 5, 2004, the City Council continued the above item from consent agenda of September 28 to their next meeting October 12, 2004. A draft copy of the revised staff report is attached for your review. It is important that the concerns of both parties be resolved before tomorrow's distribution of the enclosed draft staff report, which outlines further revisions we reviewed at the site. These include: · Extension of the 24' roadway grading and base to the western most Mankins parcel (AC pavement is optional at this time). · Removal of three small and one 18" oak at the rear of Lot 12 due to conflict with the reduced roadway. · Installation of six foot (6') tall residential wood fencing around the rear yards and slope bank behind Lots 11 thru 15 to within two feet (2') of the roadway. . · Relinquishment or reduction and replacement of the portion of the existing 50 foot wide private road easements with approximately 30' road easement and 0 to 20' slope maintenance access easement, to be accomplished within 60 days after "as built" plans confirm the location of retaining walls, drainage curbs and gutters, 24 foot wide roadway, 6' wood fencing, and toe of landscaped slope banks. (S&S will prepare quitclaim or replacement easement documents and legal ~escriptions for Mankins review and approval prior to submittal to the City for recordation.) Howard Mankins/Janet Axelsen Driveway Grading and Improvement Modifications October 7, 2004' Page 2 To prevent another unanticipated disagreement regarding the rescheduled consent item on October 12, I request that you sign and return the original of the letter. Thanks again to both parties for the extra effort to resolve this private road extension before this part of Stonecrest is finaled for occupancy. ~SinCer~,IY' /': . . ...i"'~""'_J...'_.."."_""""'" '. /.. ... :i ..,,~! - '~.>:""- I fA,! .' ;' LVt Rob Strong, Community Develop ent Director cc: Steve Adams, City Manager Mayor and City Council Accepted: Howard Mankins Janet Axelsen S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMEN1'.CORRESPONDENCE\ROB_STRONG\2004\10-07-04 Mankins S & S Homes Stonecrest.doc 8.1. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTO~ BY: JIM BERGMAN, ASSISTANT PLANNER ~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) UPGRADE DESIGN SERVICES FOR STROTHER PARK AND ELM STREET PARK RESTROOMS DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council- authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement for consultant services for ADA upgrade design services for Strother Park and Elm Street Park Restrooms with Norman & Vasquez Associates at a cost of $11 ,300. FUNDING: Funding is from previously allocated Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) for ADA upgrades to restrooms at Strother Park and Elm Street Park. DISCUSSION: Backaround ADA upgrades to restrooms at Strother Park and Elm Street Park (at Ash Street) are part of ADA improvements, which will also eventually include Soto Sports Complex, and the Elm Street Community Center approved in previous CDBG funding cycles. City staff and Mark Vasquez of Norman & Vasquez Associates, held a series of meetings starting in February of this year to discuss how to proceed with the Community Center and park restroom ADA upgrades. Initial talks revealed that compliance issues ranged from simple accommodations that could be implemented by city maintenance crews to the need for major renovations at certain facilities that would require contracted construction crews. The meetings also revealed that adequate funds for all potential upgrades do not exist. Based upon this information, staff recommends prioritizing design services and upgrades in an effort to ensure ADA compliance at the most heavily used facilities, while still having some funds remaining to complete these projects. Table 1 (below) presents information related to ADA projects. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) UPGRADE DESIGN SERVICES FOR STROTHER PARK AND ELM STREET PARK RESTROOMS OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 2 OF 2 ADA UDarade Matrix Available CDBG Funds for ADA Proiects $84,000 ADA ComDliance Survey Costs Proiect Name Consultant Costs Issues associated with the Droiect Strother Park Restrooms $3,600 Relativelv minor problems that are easilv remedied Elm Street Park Restrooms on Ash Street $7,700 Remote restrooms reauirinc substantial concrete work to cain access Very difficult restrooms to retrofit due to the fact that they were made by Soto Park Restrooms on Ash Street $9,900 volunteers Elm Street Community Center $14,500 Upcrades to restrooms can serve the entire park and Community Center otal $35,700 Remainina Funds for Upgrades $48,300 Staff Recommendation Proiect Name Consultant Costs Strother Park Restrooms $3,600 Elm Street Park Restrooms $7,700 Total $11,300 Recommend allocating 2005 CDBG funds to complete remaining compliance Remainino Funds for Uporades $72,700 surveys and UDarades Design Services Design services will include 1) ADA compliance surveys conducted by a licensed architect that will identify areas requiring corrective measures and will allow staff to prioritize and determine which actions should be completed by city maintenance crews or contracted to outside companies; 2) topographic surveys that will allow cost planning by city staff and contractors; and 3) architectural drawings, including floor plans, exterior flat work plans, demolition plans and architectural details for ADA upgrades. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: - Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement for consultant services; - Do not authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement for consultant services; - Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Letter dated September 9,2004 from Mark Vasquez. Norman 4 vasquez AssoGiates 1 0 1 ~est BranGoh street, Suite 1:2 POBox 1QS Arroyo Gorande, G.alifornia Q S4:20 James~. Norman, ArGohiteGot G.S~Q 1 Fhone: ~05 4~ 1-5645 Fax: ~O$ 4~ 1-$64$ Email: design_gr aphiGososbGoglobal.net Gity of Arroyo c#rande Gommunity Oevelopment oept ~ 1 4 E. Sranc.h street Arroyo c#rande, Galifornia q 34~O ~O$ 4;3-$4~O ATTN: Rob strong - - - ....... y ~.~ . ""II. Rr..- ,J ~ Ii- \.+' ........ '" l......~ September q, ~004 SEP 1 0 2COi} Rob. r"ITV 0e !,":\,.., ".\/:-~ !".. \..1 ' !. I I I' ~ !.--.,' Thank you for the opportunity to disc.uss the Servic.e agreements for the GOSc# projec.ts at Strother Park, Elm Street Park. Elm street Gommunity Genter and Soto Park c.omplexes. As originally outlined in the SGooping for these pro jec.ts. I see the following proc.edure as benefic,ial to the Gity for Planning of maintenanc.e. repairs and c#rant funds expenditures: A. 1 . Perform Galifornia Ac.c,ess Gode c.omplianc.e survey for eaGoh c.omplex to provide a c.omprehensive overview of items needing c,orrec.tion either as improvement or maintenanc.e projec.ts. ~. Entire site should be reviewed in addition to the struc.tures. Our work is limited to the areas providing ac.c.ess to the euilding struc.tures from adjac.ent parking only, Overall site and park improvements to be provided by others under separate agreements with the Gity. 3 .Street Improvements, Struc.tural Engineering. Playground E~uipment and surrounding surfac.es. I-andsc.ape Plans. etc.. have been exc.luded from agreements and may be items re~uired for c.ompletion of work. These items will either be provided by Gity of Arroyo c#rande or outside servic.e providers by direc.t c.ontrac.t with the Gity of Arroyo c#rande. 4. Topographic. survey work listed in the servic.es agreements is for c.ost planning purposes only. Gity of Arroyo c#rande shall c.ontrac.t separately for survey work with others. I " , 6. 1 . c:::.onGoeptual c:::.omplianGoe Analysis should be prepared for eaGoh faGoility as shown in A~reements. This will provide the tools for plannin~ of future projeGots and allow staff review to determine the projeGots whiGoh Goan be Goompleted under different fundin~ sGoenarios. c:::.. 1 . ArGohiteGotural drawin~s for c:::.alifornia AGoGoess c:::.ode GoomplianGoe retrofits should be prepared for the pro jeGots deemed appropriate by the c:::.ity staff within funds available. Separation of GoontraGot vs. maintenanGoe items, timin~ of improvements would then be determined by c:::.ity staff within individual projeGot GoontraGot speGoifiGoations prepared by c:::.ity St.aff as funds are available. As the sGoope of these projeGots has been limited by c:::.ity staff req,uest. and due to the nat.ure of the improvements, the c:::.ity must a~ree to limit the liability of our firm per t.he serviGoes a~reement.. The c:::.it.y must furt.her a~ree to indemnify our firm for any Golaims or Iiti~at.iol1 for t.hose items eXGoluded from our desi~n serviGoes for these faGoilities and defend our firm a~ainst those Golaims or liti~ation. c:::.all me if you have any q,uestions or need furt.her information. SinGoerely, James fIil. Norman, ArGohiteGot 9.a. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, to consider the following item: PROPOSED ORDINANCE REPEALlN~, AMENDING AND ADDING PROVISIONS TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE. Applicant: City of Arroyo Grande Proposal: The City Council will consider the second in a series of proposed clean- up Ordinances repealing, amending, and adding provisions to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. The proposed Ordinance repeals provisions determined to be unnecessary, and adds, amends and reorganizes various provisions contained in Titles 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and a portion of Title 12 to provide internal consistency with current City policies and practices. Representative: Kelly Wetmore, Director of Administrative Services Any person affected or concerned about the proposal may submit written comments to the Director of Administrative Services before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the proposal at the time of the hearing. Any person interested in the proposal can contact the Administrative Services Department at 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, or by telephone at (805) 473-5414 during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). A copy of the proposed Ordinance is available for public inspection at the above address. If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. ~~M- Kelly . etmore Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk Publish 1T, TPR, Friday, October 1,2004 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVlCES~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE REPEALING, AMENDING, AND ADDING PROVISIONS TO TITLES 5,6, S, 9,10 AND 12 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council introduce an Ordinance repealing, amending, and adding provisions to Titles 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12 of the City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: In 2003, staff initiated a departmental review and update process whereby each title in the Municipal Code would be reviewed by the affected departments to ensure that Code provisions comply with the City's current pOlicies and practices. There are many sections of the Code that need to be updated and/or simplified in order to make it internally consistent with City policy, procedure and practice and to provide an effective, user-friendly document for the Council, staff, the Superior Court, and the general public. On October 28, 2003 the Council adopted Ordinance No. 547 which updated Titles 1, 2 & 3 of the Municipal Code. In March of 2004, staff began the second phase of the review process for Titles 5, 6,S, 9, and 10. During the review of Title 9, Public Peace and Welfare, the Chief of Police submitted language to add comprehensive provisions relating to the definition, prohibition and exceptions to camping. As a result, Chapter 9.22 was added to the Code and Section 12.20.020 of Title 12 was repealed in order to avoid duplicative and/or conflicting provisions relating to camping. This is the only change to Title 12. A comprehensive review of Title 12 in its entirety will be conducted in the last phase of this review process. The majority of revisions/amendments reflected in the proposed Ordinance are minor in nature, dealing with organizational and grammatical changes and updating provisions to reflect current City practices. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE REPEALING, AMENDING, AND ADDING PROVISIONS TO TITLES 5, 6, 8, 9,10, AND 12 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 2 Some of the proposed substantive amendments to the Code are as follows: . Repeal of Chapter 5.44 and Addition of Chapter 9.18 - Dances and Public Entertainment Activities. This Chapter is being relocated in its entirety to Title 9 - Public Peace and Welfare and updated to reflect the Police Chief's authority for issuing permits as this has been the City's past and current practice as previously directed by the City Council. . Repeal of Chapter 5.60 and Addition of Chapter 9.24 - Public Exhibitions. This Chapter is being relocated in its entirety to Title 9 - Public Peace and Welfare and updated to reflect the Police Chiefs authority for issuing permits as this has been the City's past and current practice as previously directed by the City Council. . Repeal of Chapter 8.20 - Accumulated Waste Material. Repealed provisions in Chapter 8.20 were considered duplicative to language in Section 8.32.040. . Repeal of Section 9.04.010 - Solicitors and peddlers-Declaration of nuisance. This provision is being repealed as it has been found to be unconstitutional. . Repeal Section 12.20.020 and Add Chapter 9.22 - Camping. Section 12.20.020 is being repealed due to the addition of Chapter 9.22, which includes comprehensive provisions relating to camping within the City. . Amendment to Section 5.02.060 - Specific business license fees. Circuses, bazaars and street fairs are being added to the list of specific business license fees. A Resolution establishing the amount(s) of the business license fee will be presented to the Council at a future meeting. . Add Section 9.04-040 - Public Nudity - Creates provisions prohibiting persons from appearing nude in public areas or in areas open to public view. . Add Sections 9.20.092 and 9.20.094 - Noise. These sections were repealed from the .Code previously and are being added back in at the request of the Police Chief, as they relate directly to the Police Department's ability to abate unruly parties that cause neighborhood disturbances. . Add Section 10.36.022 - (Wheeled Toys) This provision was added to clarify the City's existing Ordinance . as it relates to the prohibited use of wheeled toys, primarily skateboards, on private property. If the proposed Ordinance is introduced, it will return to the Council for adoption at the next regular meeting. Following that action, staff's next step will be a comprehensive departmental review and update of Titles 12, 13, & 15 of the Code. It should be noted that the Community Development Department is in the process of comprehensively updating Title 16 (the "Development Code") in accordance with State law, to ensure consistency with the City's General Plan. It is recommended that the Council introduce the attached Ordinance repealing, amending, and adding provisions to Titles 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 12 of the City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code. J CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE REPEALING, AMENDING, AND ADDING PROVISIONS TO TITLES 5, &, 8, 9, 10, AND 12 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 3 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council consideration: - Introduce the Ordinance; - Modify and introduce the Ordinance; - Do not introduce the Ordinance; or - Provide direction to staff. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING, AMENDING, AND ADDING PROVISIONS TO TITLES 5, 6, 8, 9,10, AND A PORTION OF TITLE 12 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The following Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapters and Sections are hereby repealed in their entirety: A. Repeal Chapter 5.44 - Dances and Public Entertainment Activities; B. Repeal Chapter 5.60 - Public Exhibitions; C. Repeal Section 5.72.020.F. (Taxicab) Existing Operations - and renumber subsections G. through J. accordingly; D. Repeal Chapter 8.20 - Accumulated Waste Material; E. Repeal Section 9.04.01 0 - Solicitors and peddlers-Declaration of nuisance; F.Repeal Section 9.16.030.G. - Exceptions to noise standards and renumber subsections H. through J. accordingly; G. Repeal Section 12.20.020 - Camping. SECTION 2: The following Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapters and Sections are hereby amended to read as.follows: A. Amend Section 5.02.060 - Specific business license fees. The following specific businesses will be charged at a separate rate established by city council resolution: a. Billboards; b. Commercial auctions; c. Hospitals and rest homes; d. Motels and hotels; e. Public utilities; f. Taxicabs; g. Trailer parks and mobile home parks; h. Contractors; i. Circuses: and j. Bazaars and streets fairs. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 B. Amend Section 5.02.080.A. - Business license approval process. A. Each business license application for a business to be conducted within a building shall be approved by the building, fire, health and plaAl~ing community develocment departments to ensure conformance with existing zoning, building fire, health, and other public safety laws. C. Amend Section 5.16.010 - Hours of closing. All public places where games are played with cams, pool balls, billiards, pins, dice, or bowling balls shall be promptly closed at eleven p.m.; provided, however, such places may close at twelve midnight on Saturdays. D. Amend Section 5.36.020 - Circuses and similar shows. Such businesses shall pay a license fee of s9J..({)f}ly dellaFS ($70.0ij} par Gay as established. bv city council resolution; provided, however, no person shall conduct or carry on such business withih the city without first having obtained a special permit therefore from the council. E. Amend Section 5.36.030. Bazaars and street fairs. Every person engaged in the business of exhibiting, conducting, managing or operating a privately owned business (as defined if} SeGtieA i.O~ .01 0) bazaar shall pay a license fee as 10110'.\'6 established bv city council resolution for: A. Small bazaars, which consist of one to four displays or exhibits. shall pay a license foe at lal:Jrtaan dollaFS ($1 ~.OO) per display per e'/ery w:a days. B. Large bazaars, which consist' of five or more displays or exhibits, shall pay a lisense fea ef se~.t()nty dellaFS ($79.QO) par day. No person shall conduct or carry on such business on any public property or public right-of-way (streets and sidewalks) within the city without first having obtained a bl:Jilding license peFFRit and approval therefor from the council. . F. Amend Section 5.52.070.A. by adding a new subsection 8. and renumbering existing subsection 8. to subsection 9. as follows: 8. The filmina activity will create an unreasonable interruction/disruction to a neiahborhood. 8.~. Any other set of specific facts, circumstances and conditions that; in the discretion of the Arroyo Grande police department, are determined to present or result in a situation incompatible or inconsistent with the proposed filming activity. G. Amend Section 5.52.110. Insurance Required. The applicant for a film permit shall procure and maintain, for the duration of the film activity, insurance in the forms, types and amounts prescribed by the city administrator manaaer as approved by the city attorney. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 H. Amend Section 5.52.140. Street closure. The applicant for a film permit may request that the city authorize a street closure on the film permit application. A short-term encroachment permit shall be granted by the city admiAistrator manaaer, his or her designee, or by the chief of police, unless public health, welfare or safety would be endangered or affected. I. Amend Section 5.52.170.A. Appeals. A. The permit applicant or permittee may appeal a permit denial, revocation or" suspension, permit condition, insurance/fees requirement or the Arroyo Grande police department's decision not to waive a deadline set forth in the policy. Such appeal shall be filed with the city administFator's manaaer's office not later than five business days after the date written notice of the decision is made. Failure to timely file an appeal shall result in a waiver to the right to appeal. The appeal shall be heard by the city administFator manaoer or his or her designee. J. Amend Section 5.72.090.B.1. Taxicab drivers - permits. B.1. The name, marital statbls, age, residence, and last previous address, and the longth 91 FOsideAQe at SblQh last add FOSS aAEJ iA the Qi~'; and K. Amend Section Taxicab stands. B. No owner or driver of any taxicab shall park a taxicab on any public street in the QeAtFaI tratfiQ EJistriot for the purpose of soliciting business other than at the stands designated by the council. L. Amend Section 6.12.050. Animals and poultry at large. No person shall allow or permit animals or poultry thev own, other than hOblsehold pets, to run at large upon any public street or place or to trespass upon the property of another. This provision shall not be construed as permitting the running- at large of any household pets who are restricted by the provisions of this title or by any law applicable thereto. M. Amend Section 6.12.080. Reporting of bites. All persons bitten and the parents or guardians of minor children bitten by a dog, cat, skunk, fox, bat, coyote, bobcat, or other animal of a species subject to rabies shoLJld shall notify the department within twenty-four hours of the next department business day. Physicians treating such bites and other persons having knowledge of such bites shall also be required to make such notification. N. Amend Section 8.12.020. Emergency defined. For the purposes of this chapter, "emergency" means the actual or threatened existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 4 of persons and property within the city caused by such condition as air pollution, fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot or earthquake, acts of terrorism, or other conditions, including conditions resulting from war or the imminent threat of war, but other than conditions resulting from a labor controversy, which conditions are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of. the city, requiring the combined forces of other political subdivisions to combat. ' O. Amend Section 8.12.030. Disaster council- membership. The Arroyo Grande disaster council is created and shall consist of the following: . A. The mayor director of emeroencv services, who shall be the chairperson; B. Tho direGtor of omoFgof'lGy servisos, .....ho shall bo tAo ':ico chaiFpoFSon One member of the city council; C. The assistant director of emergency services, who shall be the vice-chairoerson; D. Such chiefs of emergency services as are provided for in the current emergency plan of the city adopted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter; and E. Such representatives' of civic, business, labor, veteran, professional, or other organizations having an official emergency responsibility as may be appointed by the director of emergency services with the advice and consent of the city council. P. Amend section General obligation - Safety and care. The variobls dOJ3artmoRts of tho city aFe is authorized to remove or abate or cause the removal or abatement of the effects of any hazardous material release, or threatened release, discharge or deposit, when such action would be appropriate and consistent with achieving the general obligation for protecting public health, safety and welfare as an emergency matter to protect life, property or the environment. Q. Amend Section 8.24.050. Computation and recovery costs. The costs referred to in Section 8.24.020(A) and (8) shall include in addition to the city's direct out-of-pocket expenses, the cost of all city personnel, administrative costs. and equipment engaged in such actions computed; in accordance with the city's standard accounting procedures. R. Amend Section 8.28.010. Public nuisances - Abatement. Any structure, fence, conduit, wall, tree, shrubbery, masonry, pipe, lumber, or other material which obstructs, or constitutes a hazard to, the free flow of water through in a stream, creek. drainage channel, ditch. or watercourse is declared to be public nuisance. Any such public nuisance may be abated under the direction of the director of public works fifteen (15) days after he or she has caused a notice of the hazardous condition to be mailed to the concerned property owner or owners as required by Govommof'lt Codo Sosticm 3873 State law. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 5 S. Amend Section 8.28.030. Installation - Approval. Any and all drainage improvements on private property. which directly or indirectly impact a public drainaQe facility. shall be approved by the director of public works prior to installation. Failure to secure such approval shall render such improvements subject to the public nuisance abatement procedure set forth in this chapter; T. Amend Section 8.32.020. Definitions. Amend the definitions of "Drop box" and "Solid Waste" as follows: "Drop Box" also known as a roll-off container, means a solid waste container satisfying the requirements of Section 8.32.060: "Solid Waste" means all putrescible and non putrescible waste, including, but not limited to, animal feces, food waste, waste paper, garbage, cardboard, rags, refuse, household ashes, wearing apparel, household goods, wooden containers,and all worthless, useless, unused, rejected or castoff solid or semi-solid matter and commercial and construction waste, o*eIY~iRg including recyclable materials, hazardous materials and yard refuse as defined in this section. u. Amend Section 8.32.050.B. Clearing of waste matter, debris and vehicles from private property. B. The notice shall describe the work to be done and shall state if the work is not commenced within five days after receipt of notice and diligently. prosecuted to completion without interruption, the community development director shall dispose of the solid waste and the cost thereof shall be a lien on the property. The RGtiQe shall be SYbstaRtially in the following feFm: .. NOTICE TO RiMOVi 'N I'.STE M.^. TTiR O't.~nor ef the f:)FQper1y ElessFibeEt as . semmonly kR9't,:n as is heFQby oFQemEt to PFQpeFly disf:)ese 9f the '.'.~to matter 10QateEt en the f:)rof:)erty, to "Nit: '.\'ithin five (6) days from the Elate themof. If tt:1e disf:)esal of tho '.vasto maltsr herein inElioateEt is Rot QommenQod and diligently f:)mSe9YteEt to completion within the time fi>EOEI hemin, the Comml:mity Do':eJef:)ment DimQter of the City of AFFQyoGrande shall QaYS9 SYQh disp9sal te be done; and tho Qost themof, inelYding any inQidental expeAsos, will be made a lion I:Jpon said property, pl:Jrsl:Jant te the pro'/isioAS of OrdiRaRQe No. 473 C.S. of the City 9f Arroyo Grande. estimatod Cost at Disf:)osal $ Date Commynity . D9'.~olopmont DiroGter of the City of .".rFQYO Grande The fol101oVS: v. Amend Section 8.32.050.E. Clearing of waste matter, debris and vehicles from private property. E. When the city has effected the removal of such waste matter, or has paid for its removal, the actual cost, includina administrative cost, thereof plus ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 6 accrued interest at the rate of six percent per year from the date of the completion of the work shall be charges to the owner of such property and the owner of his or her agent shall be billed therefor by mail if not paid prior thereto. The bill shall apprise the owner.that failure to pay the bill will result in a lien. W. Amend Section 8.32.060.B. Solid waste containers. B. Receptacles shall be made of metal or plastic if barrols, erplastis 9f bags, and of sufficient strength to prevent them from being broken under ordinary conditions. They shall have a maximum capacity of ninety-six (96) tRirty two ~ gallons ,..:ith obltside handles, ynless issyoe by tt:Je selle9ler, and shall not exceed eighty (80) pounds when filled. Reseptaslos st:Jall be eqYippeEl '.\Iith a vormin anEl animal rosistant eO'Jor or soal, .ft.'hish shall be bltilizeEl at all timos, and siElo t:JanEllos if motal er plastio barrole. Receptacles shall be in a condition such that their contents can be fully enclosed and such that they shall stand upright and leave no sharp, jagged, or otherwise dangerous corners or edges. x. Amend Section 8.32.130. Condition of collection trucks. Every truck used by a franchise in the collection and removal of solid waste shall be kept in aood reDair. well painted, clean inside and out. Y. Amend Section 8.32.170.B. Recycling and recyclable materials - Findings. B. The city council haQ has determined that it is in the best interests of the city to promote said recycling through the use of a recycling franchisee. z. Amend Section 8.32.300.A. Enforcement. A. The community development director and tho polioo ElopaFtmont aro spooifisally roqYir.ad to shall enforce the provisions of this chapter~ ane shall ha>.(ott:Jo right to ontor any and all promises fer tho pblFpose 9f deteFFRiAing ...:hott:Jor tho provisions 9f tRis st:Japtar aro boing sonfoFFRoG '.\(ith, and no porson st:Jall Gony or ebstFblst sbleR ontry. AA. Amend Section 8.44.030. Inspection by fire chief - Notice to remove. It is the duty of the fire chief. or his/her desianee. to make periodical inspections of all property, lands and lots in the city, and whenever or wherever he or she shall find any weeds, grass, or other material likely to become ignited, he or she shall give notice to remove such weeds, grass, rubbish, or any other easily combustible material as provided in Section 8.44.040. BB. Amend Section 8.44.040.B. Notice to remove - Form- Posting - Service. B. Mailing. A copy of sblch notico As an alternative to Dostina. notice in the form re'auired shall also be sent by mail to the property owner as shown on the last equalized assessment roll. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 7 CC. Amend Section 9.Q4.020.B. Alcoholic beverages. 'B. AlcohQtiQ Beverage Service and Consumption Prohibited in Certain Areas. .It is unlawful for any person to serve or consume any alcoholic beverage, as defined in Section 23004 of tha Business and Professions Code of the state, upon any street, highway, alley, sidewalk, parking lot, city building, park, or recreational facility within the city. This section shall not be deemed to make punishable any act or acts which are prohibited by any law of the state. Service and consumption of alcohol may be permitted at the City of Arroyo Grande Commt;lFIity CORtor and t~.'omoR's CIY9 bYilding Woman's Club and Community Center. South County Historical Society Museum. and Santa Manuela School sites upon issuance of an alcoholic beverage service and consumption permit issued by the par.J<s aRcf Fgeroation direetor chief of police. DD. Amend Section 10.12.010. Obstruction of visibility of driveways or intersections. In any R distFiet, aAny hedge, shrubbery, tree, fence, or other obstruction growing, erected or maintained in a parkway or on privata property in the vision triangle, as defined in Section 10.12.020 of this chapter, which hazard obstructs the view of any driveway or intersection, or any traffic upon the streets approaching such driveway or intersection, is declared to be a public nuisance. Such hazards may include any structure, fence, landscaping, or other obstruction mora than two feet in height above the level of the sidewalk or ground elevation, whichever is higher, in an area called the vision triangle, except that trees may be allowed when no foliage is closer to the ground than seven and one-half feet unless otherwise approved. EE. Amend Section 10.16.090. Parking trucks in public rights-of-way in residential areas. It is unlawful to park or cause to be parked, within a public right-of-way in any residential area of the city, or in any area specifically designated by resolution of the council in accordance with Section 10.16.050, any commercial vehicle. as defined bv California Vehicle Code Section 260(a) and which has witA a gross weight eQual to or in excess of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or any commercial trailer or semi trailer. as defined bv California Vehicle Section 260 (a) with an overall length of twenty (20) feet or more. FF. Amend Section 10.36.020. Reckless use prohibited. No person shall use or operate any wheeled toy upon any sidewalk, public street, public parking lot, or private parking lot, v:hen SyeR J:}Fivate parkiRg lot is posted by tho O'/.'(lor, within the city, including riding in tandem, towing or being towed, and engaging in racing or in any form of trick riding, in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property. Any person found in violation of the provisions of this section may be subject to citation and/or impoundment of his or her Wheeled toy. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 8 SECTION 3: The following Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapters and Sections are hereby added to read as follows: A. Add 8.32.150.C. C. No solid waste, recyclable material, or yard waste, shall be burned in allowable areas without first obtaining a burn permit. B. Add Section 9.04.020.C. C. No person shall have in his or her possession, in any public place, any open bottle, can. or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage with the intent to consume any of the contents thereof in any public place not licensed for the consumption of alcoholic beverages in or on said place. C. Add Section 9.04.040. Public nudity - prohibited. a. No person shall appear, bathe, sunbathe, walk, dress or undress, or ride in or on any vehicle, or be in any park, playground, public place, or on any public land or on any private property open to view from any public area or public right-of-way in such a manner that the genitals, pubic hair, buttocks, . anus, anal regions, natal cleft, perineum, or pubic hair region of any person, or any portion of the breast at or below the upper edge of the areola thereof of any female person, is exposed to public view or is not covered by an opaque opening. b. The provisions of this section shall not apply to children under the age of ten (10). D. Add Chapter 9.18 - Dances and Public Entertainment Activities. 9.18.010 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, unless otherwise apparent from the context, certain words and phrases used in this chapter are defined as follows: "Private dance" means a gathering of persons in or upon any premises, except a private residence, where dancing is participated in either as the main purpose for such gathering or incidental to such gathering in connection with a reception or social gathering. "Public dance" means a gathering of persons in or upon any premises where dancing is.participated in as the main purpose for such gathering and to which premises the public is admitted. "Public dance hall" means a place where dancing is conducted for profit and/or to which the public is admitted, whether with or without charge. "Public entertainment activity" means any music concert, music festival, rock concert, rock festival, dance or combination thereof, attended by over fifty (50) persons, whether or not admission is charged. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 9 9.18.020 Permits required. It is unlawful for any person to conduct or assist in conducting any private dance where the attendance exceeds fifty (50) persons, public dance, public dance hall, or public entertainment activity in the city without first having obtained a written permit so to do from the chief of police. 9.18.030 Permits--Applications. The permits required by the provisions of Section 9.18.020 shall be issued only upon the written application of the applicant. Such application shall set forth the following information: A. The name and residence address of the applicant or applicants; if the applicant shall be a firm, association or corporation, the names and residence addresses of the persons constituting the same or the names and residence addresses of the officers and directors of the same; B. The specific place for which the permit is desired or for which any dance, dances, or public entertainment activities are to be held; and C. The number and date of the dance, dances, or public entertainment activities to be held pursuant to such permit. 9.18.040 Permits--Issuance and denial. A. The permits required by this chapter shall be issued by the chief of police. B. Prior to the granting of a permit, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the chief of police shall review the application and make a determination regarding the need for security officers who shall be security officers or security guards licensed by the state and employed by a company holding a valid city business license or off-duty sworn police officers. The chief of police may place a limit on the number of tickets which may be distributed by the permittee or public entertainment activity. C. If conditions are imposed or security is required, the applicant shall furnish proof to the police department that all conditions have been met before a permit may be issued. . D. No permit shall be approved pursuant to the provisions of this chapter until the chief of police shall be satisfied that the conduct of such dance, dance hall, or public entertainment activity will not interfere with the public welfare, and for that purpose the council may consider any fact or evidence bearing on the place where the proposed dance, public dance hall, or public entertainment activity is to be located or bearing upon the character and moral fitness of the persons conducting or assisting in conducting such dance, public dance, public dance hall, or public entertainment activity. 9.18.050 Public dance and entertainment license fees. The license fee for public entertainment activities shall be as established by resolution of the city council. The chief of police may waive such license fee for any dance or public entertainment activity by an organization or individual, the main purpose of which is to raise funds for charity. . ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 10 9.18,060 Suspension and revocation. The chief of police may suspend the operation of, and close, any public entertainment activity prior to the expiration of a permit granted therefor because of the violation of any provision of this chapter or any condition of such permit. Any permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may at any time be revoked by the chief of police when, in the opinion of the chief of police, the conduct of such dance, public dance hall, or public entertainment activity interferes with the public welfare or when it is conducted in an illegal, improper or disorderly manner. 9.18.070 Investigations by the chief of police. It shall be the duty of the chief of police to investigate all facts and evidence bearing on the location of any dance, dance hall, or public entertainment activity and the character, reputation and fitness of the persons who wm be in charge, prior to issuance of the permit. 9.18.080 Rules of conduct- chief of police determinations. The chief of police may make rules and impose conditions covering the operation and conduct of any dance, public dance hall, or public entertainment activity for which a permit is required. The chief of police may limit the time, method, and manner of conducting any public dance, public dance hall, public entertainment activity, or private dance where the attendance exceeds fifty (50) persons. 9.18.090 Permits--Nontransferability. No permit granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be transferable to another person, location or entity. 9.18.100 Exceptions to provisions--School dances. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any dance located entirely on school grounds with the permission of the school authorities. D. Add Section 9.20.092. 9.20.092. Music shall not disturb peace. It shall be unlawful to conduct or allow to be conducted a party that has a present band, orchestra, radio, phonograph, or any other electronic sound reproduction and/or amplification device/system between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. that produces sound in volume sufficiently loud to disturb the peace, quiet, or repose of persons or ordinary and normal sensitivity in the neighborhood. The operation of any such equipment in such a manner as to be plainly audible either at a distance of fifty (50) feet from the location of the party or from inside a neighboring residence shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section. E. Add Section 9.20.094: ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 11 9.20.094. Loud boisterous noise or commotion unlawful. It shall be unlawful to conduct or allow to be conducted a party where there is loud or boisterous noise or commotion between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m., If such noise is sufficiently loud to disturb the peace, quiet, or repose of persons of ordinary and normal sensitivity in the neighborhood. Such noise or commotion that can be plainly heard either at a distance of fifty (50) feet from the location of the party or from inside a neighboring residence shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section. F. Add Chapter 9.22 - Camping. 9.22.010. Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meaning defined in this section: "Camp" means the use of camping facilities such as tents, tarpaulins or temporary shelters, the use of nonpublic cooking facilities . and similar equipment or the use of cots, beds, sleeping bags, or hammocks. "Camping trailer" means a vehicular portable unit mounted on wheels and constructed with collapsible partial sidewalls which fold for towing by another vehicle and unfold at the campsite and designed for human habitation. "Motor home" means a vehicular unit built on or permanently attached to a self-propelled motor vehicle chassis, chassis cab or van, which becomes an integral part of the completed vehicle, designed for human habitation. "Overnighf includes the hours between one-half hour after sunset and sunrise the fOllowing day. "Recreational vehicle" includes a motor home, slide~in camper, travel trailer, truck camper, or camping trailer, with or without motor power, designed for human habitation. "Slide-in camper" means a portable unit, consisting of a roof, floor and sides, designed to be loaded onto and unloaded from the bed of a pickup truck, and designed for human habitation and shall include a truck camper. . "Travel trailer" means a portable unit, mounted on wheels, of such size and weight as not to require special highway movement permits when drawn by a motor vehicle and designed for human habitation. 9.22.020. Prohibition. Except as provided in Sections 10.28.020 and 10.28.040, or in Section 9.22.030, it is unlawful for any person to camp overnight or to occupy any recreational vehicle overnight: 1. In any public park not specifically posted or designated for camping; 2. In any public open space, playground, or creekbed; 3. On any public street, right-of-way, parkway or alley; 4. In any parking lot, public or private; or public area, improved or unimproved; 5. On any vacant parcel or property located within the city; 6. In any cemetery, public or private; 7. At any bus station or in any bus station 9.22.030. Exceptions. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 12 Limited overnight camping or overnight occupancy of a recreational vehicle may be permitted subject to the approval of the chief of police. Such limited overnight camping and/or recreational vehicle use shall be for a maximum of five (5) days. F. Add Chapter 9.24 - Public Exhibitions. 9.24.010 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and phrases used in the chapter are defined as follows: "Gun exhibition" means any public exhibition where the primary purpose is the exhibition of guns, knives and/or related articles. "Open to the public" means where the public is admitted, whether with or without charge. "Property" means any property, items, products, collections (whether in whole or in part), precious metals and/or stones, antiques, services and/or any tangible personal property. "Public exhibition" means any exhibition, show and/or display which is open to the public for purposes of exhibiting and the trading, selling and/or buying of property. 9.24.020 Permits required. It is unlawful for any person to conduct or assist in conducting any public exhibition or gun exhibition in the city without first having obtained a written permit to do so from the chief of police. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor. 9.24.030 Permit applications. The permits required by the provisions of Section 9.24.020 of this chapter shall be issued only upon written application of the applicant(s). Such application shall set forth the fOllowing information: A. The name and residence address of the applicant(s); if the applicant is a firm, association or corporation, the names and residence address of the person constituting the same or the names and residences of the officers and directors of the same; B. The specific purpose for which the permit is desired; and C. The specific date(s) and location where the public exhibition or gun exhibition will be held. 9.24.040 Permits--Issuance, conditions and denial. A. The permit required by this chapter shall be issued by the police department. B. Prior to the granting of a permit pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the chief of police shall review the application and may impose conditions, including, but not limited to,. hours of operation, restricting or prohibiting alcoholic beverages at the location of the exhibition and/or the requiring of security officers licensed by the state of California and employed by a company holding a city business license or city police officers contracted from the police department to provide security services. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 13 . C. If conditions are imposed, the applicant shall furnish proof to the police department that all conditions have been met before a permit may be issued. D. The chief of pOlice shall refuse to issue a permit for any of the fOllowing reasons: 1. The application required under Section 9.24.030 of this chapter is incomplete; 2. The issuance of the permit would be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city. 9.24.050 Public exhibition fees. The permit fee for public exhibitions and gun exhibitions shall be established by resolution of the city council. The cOl:JnGiI chief of oolice may waive such permit fee for an activity by an organization or individual, the main purpose of which is to raise funds for charity. 9.24.060 Inspection. Members of the Arroyo Grande police department shall have the right to inspect a location where an event is being conducted pursuant to a permit, which has been issued as required by this chapter, to ensure compliance with all the requirements imposed upon the permittee as a condition of the issuance of the permit and to ensure compliance with all applicable local ordinances and state laws. Refusal to permit such an inspection is a misdemeanor. 9.24.070 Suspension and revocation. The chief of police may suspend the operation of, and close, any public exhibition or gun exhibition activity prior to the expiration of a permit granted therefore because of the violation of this chapter or any condition of such permit. G. Add Section 10.36.022. 10.36.022. Private property, prohibited. No person shall use or operate any wheeled toy upon any private property, private drive, private walkway or other private property in the city when such private property is posted to prohibit such use and operation by the owner of the property or by the owner's designated agent SECTION 4: The repeal of an ordinance herein shall not repeal the repealing clause of such ordinance or revive any ordinance which has been repealed thereby. SECTION 5: This ordinance does not affect prosecutions for ordinance violations committed prior to the effective date of this ordinance, does not waive any fee or penalty due and unpaid on the effective date of this ordinance, and does not affect the validity of any bond or cash deposit posted, filed or deposited prior to the effective date of this ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 14 SECTION 6: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and . against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. On motion of Council Member ,seconded by Council Member following roll call vote to wit: , and on the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this _day of ,2004. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 15 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY _,u,.___,,_____" ----.---....-.- J 8.b. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande will conduct a Public Hearing on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, to consider the following item: PROPOSAL: . The City Council will provide interpretation of the agricultural buffer provision (Municipal Code Section 16.12.170) related to residential uses within the buffer area. LOCATION: Citywide REPRESENTATIVE: STAFF CONTACT: City of Arroyo Grande Kelly Heffemon, Associate Planner In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the 'Community Development Department has determined that interpretation of an existing City regulation is categorically exempt per Section 15306 of the CEQA Guidelines. Comments related to the interpretation of the agriculture buffer provision may be either: (1) mailed to the Community Development Department, P.O. Box 550, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421; (2) delivered in person to the Community Development Department at 214 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, CA during normal business hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; or (3) provided in person at the public hearing scheduled for October 12, 2004. Any person affected or concerned by this issue may submit written comments to the Community Development Director before the City Council hearing, or appear and be heard in support of, or opposition to, the project. If you challenge an item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any' person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. .,~/~ /,1 ,j ~ .'" {jl..f.L CffUttJ!LR-- Kelly W tmo ,Director of Administrative Services! Deputy City Clerk Publish 1T, TPR, Friday, October 1,2004 i I j I I ! j MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTO~ BY: KELLY HEFFERNON, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF INTERPRETATION OF ALLOWABLE USES WITHIN AND THE COMPOSITION OF THE AGRICULTURAL BUFFER OVERLAY DISTRICT; APPLICANT - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION - CITYWIDE DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council consider an interpretation of buffer constraints per Ordinance 550. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Backaround The Planning Commission discussed an interpretation of allowable uses within and the composition of the Agricultural Buffer Overlay District created under Ordinance 550 and recommended that more flexibility be allowed regarding the location of the 20' landscape buffer (see Attachment 1 for Planning Commission meeting minutes of September 21, 2004). There was not a consensus on whether non-habitable accessory residential structures (e.g. detached garages) should be allowed within the designated buffer area. The purpose of this report is to seek clarification of the agricultural buffer provisions within the context of the objectives, policy statements and implementing policies of the Agricultural Conservation and Open Space Element of the 2001 General Plan listed below. Aaricultural Conservation and ODen SDace Element Policies: · Objective Ag5 provides: "Promote coexistence of agricultural and urban land uses" and Policy Ag 5-2 states: "Establish criteria for buffers between Agriculture land use designations and non-agricultural land use designations." · Implementing Policy Ag5-2.1 provides: "Buffers shall be established on all parcels proposed for non-agricultural development adjacent to agricultural uses, when the property is exposed to agricultural operations." · Ag5-2.2 provides: "No portion of any new residential structure within a non- Agricultural land use designation shall be located closer than 100 feet from the site of agricultural operations within an Agricultural land designation. Greater ___ - n__ ____________ CITY COUNCIL AG BUFFER INTERPRETATION OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 2 distances may be required based on site specific circumstances to include consideration of established or existing farming operations or practices." · Ag5-2.3 provides: "The buffer area shall be noticed and/or fenced and landscaped in such manner to discourage human and domestic animal movement between the urban and agricultural areas and to screen urban uses from dust and wind-borne materials. " · Ag5-2.4 provides: "The buffer area shall contain a minimum 20 feet depth of landscaping. Plantings shall be sufficiently dense and mature to provide aerosol protection within the first year of establishment. Greater landscaping depth may be required based upon site specific circumstances to include consideration of established or existing farming operations or practices." · Ag5-2.5 provides: "Buffer standards associated with non-residential structures and roadways shall account for the type of use, building orientation and building and roadway design." These General Plan policy provisions were intentionally specific, yet flexible, and carefully worded to avoid prescribing a design solution or criterion which might be considered excessive or prevent reasonable use. However, during subsequent Agricultural Conservation Study initiated by City Council Ordinance No. 536 during 2003, the Planning Commission and City Council considered buffers in more detail. On page 24 and 25 of the study, buffers were described as "spatial setbacks" or "physical structures of human or natural origin." "Physical buffers include trees, roads and natural occurring features such as creeks, rivers or hills. Installed buffers such as fences and walls are another type of physical buffer. Spatial. buffers are created through ordinances and are essential linear strips of land between agricultural uses and housing." (Refer to attached excerpts, pages 24 - 26). The study suggested and the Planning Commission recommended a buffer ordinance and provided an example ordinance in Appendix E, proposing a minimum buffer of 100 feet including a 20 foot landscaped strip. Ordinance 550 Ordinance 550, approved by City Council on December 9, 2003, established farmland preservation requirements and created an Agricultural Preservation Overlay District (AG- 2.2), placing a perimeter overlay district of 100 feet around agriculturally zoned properties for the purpose of addressing the agriculture/urban interface. Included in the revised regulations was an amendment to Development Code Section 16.12 regarding right to farm provisions that incorporated regulations for new development proposed adjacent to Agricultural districts. Below is the portion of Ordinance 550 that pertains to Agricultural buffers: CITY COUNCIL AG BUFFER INTERPRETATION OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 3 16.12.170. Right to farm provisions and farmland preservation. E. Agricultural buffer. 1. In conjunction with General Plan policies outlined in the Agriculture, Conservation and Open Space Element, and specifically Objective Ag5, the City has determined that the use of property for agricultural operations is a high priority. To minimize potential conflicts between agricultural and nonagricultural land uses, including the protection of public health, the reduction of noise and odor, and the reduction of risk to farm operations from domestic animal predation, crop theft and damage and complaints from neighboring urban dwellers, all new development adjacent to any designated agricultural district shall be required to provide an agricultural buffer. "Developmenr as used in this section, means subdivision of land, use permits and building permits for new residential units. 2. The buffer area shall be a minimum of one hundred feet, measured from the edge of the designated agricultural district. Optimally, to achieve a maximum separation, a buffer wider than one hundred feet is encouraged and may be required if it is determined through environmental review under CEQA and/or recommended by the San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Commissioner. A decreased buffer distance may be allowed if it can be demonstrated that a physical buffer exists (e.g. Arroyo Grande Creek) that is adequate and approved by the San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Commissioner. 3. The minimum one hundred foot agricultural buffer area shall be comprised of two components: a twenty-foot wide agricultural landscaped transition area contiguous to an eighty-foot wide agricultural buffer adjacent to the designated agricultural district. The twenty-foot transition area may include pedestrian access. The combined one hundred foot agricultural buffer shall not qualify as farmland mitigation as required by section 16.12.170.F. 4. The following shall be permitted in the one hundred foot agricultural buffer: native plants, tree or hedge rows, roads, drainage channels, storm retention ponds, natural areas such as creeks or drainage swales, utility corridors, storage, and any use, including agricultural or limited commercial uses, determined by the planning. commission to be consistent with the use of the property as an agricultural buffer. No new residential use shall be permitted within the buffer area unless it is determined there would be no other economically viable use of the property. Restoration of a damaged residence within the buffer area may be pursued in accordance with Section 16.48.110. 5. The one hundred foot agricultural buffer shall be established by the developer pursuant to a plan approved by the Community Development Director and the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director. The plan shall include provisions for the use of integrated weed and pest management techniques and soil erosion control. An agreement in the form approved by the city attorney shall be recorded, which shall include the requirements of this section. 16.28.020. Agricultural districts. C. Agricultural preservation overiay (AG-2.2) district. The primary purpose of the AG-2.2 overlay district is to provide for a mechanism to minimize potential conflicts between agricultural and nonagricultural land uses. This di~trict is to provide for an agricultural buffer transitional area and requires that new development and changes in use require discretionary approval in accordance with Section 16.12.170.E... CITY COUNCIL AG BUFFER INTERPRETATION OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 4 Considerable discussion during the public hearing process for Ordinance 550 was given to the applicability of the buffer regulations on existing parcels and newly proposed parcels. As defined in the Ordinance, "Development" means subdivision of land, use permits and building permits for new residential units. Issues Since the adoption of Ordinance 550, the following list of issues have been raised in its application: 1. Allowable uses. Section 16.12.170.E.4 lists allowed uses and states that the Planning Commission may determine uses that are consistent with the use of the property as an Agricultural buffer. An agreement is required to provide provisions for the maintenance of the buffer. The issue is, are residential backyards (and associated accessory structures such as sheds and garages) an allowable use in the Agricultural buffer overlay district? What exactly is considered "storage" (currently listed as an allowable use)? 2. Location of landscape strip within the buffer. As stated in Section 16.12.170.E.2, the Agricultural buffer minimum of 100 feet is measured from the Agricultural district. This is for the purpose of providing a transition area between farm operations or Dotential farm . operations, and adjacent non-agricultural uses. Section 16.12.170.E.3 states that the composition of the buffer includes a 20 ft. landscaped transition area adjacent to the non-agricultural use. This provision was included to ensure a physical buffer is provided (trees for protection from potential dust and spray drift) with potential for public pedestrian pathways. as a transition area that is substantially separated (by an additional 80 feet) from the agricultural district. The question is, must the 20-foot landscape strip be immediately adjacent to the BO-foot buffer area, or can it be placed anywhere within the 100-foot buffer? For comparison purposes, below is a list of other jurisdictions with agricultural buffer policies: 1. City of Davis. The agricultural bufferltransition area is a minimum of 150' measured from the edge of the agricultural, greenbelt or habitat area. The buffer is comprised of two components: A 50' wide agricultural transition area located contiguous to a 100' wide agricultural buffer located contiguous to the agricultural, greenbelt, or habitat area. The following uses are permitted in the 100' agricultural buffer: native plants, tree or hedge rows, drainage channels, storm retention ponds, natural areas such as creeks or drainage swales, railroad tracks or other utility corridors and any other use, including agricultural uses, determined by. the Planning Commission to be consistent with the use of the property as an agricultural buffer. There shall be no public access to the 100' agricultural buffer unless otherwise permitted due to the nature of the area (e.g., railroad tracks). The 100' agricultural buffer shall be CITY COUNCIL AG BUFFER INTERPRETATION OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 5 developed by the developer pursuant to a plan approved by the Parks and Community Services Director or his/her designee. The plan shall include provision for the establishment, management and maintenance of the area. The plan shall include the use of integrated pest management techniques. An easement in favor of the City shall be recorded against the property, which shall include the requirements of this article or, at the developer's discretion, the property shall be dedicated to the City in fee title. The following uses are permitted in the 50' agricultural transition area: Bike paths, native plants, tree and hedge rows, benches, lights, trash enclosures, fencing and any other use determined by the Planning Commission to be of the same general character as the foregoing enumerated uses. There shall be public access to the 50' agricultural transition area. The 50' agricultural transition area shall be developed by the developer pursuant to a plan approved by the Parks and Community Services Director or his/her designee. Once the area is improved and approved by the Parks and Community Services Director, the land shall be dedicated to the City and annexed to a lighting and landscaping assessment district to pay for the maintenance of the area. The City shall maintain the agricultural transition area once the land is improved, dedicated and annexed. 2. City of Napa. An agricultural setback of between 80' and 120' wide is required between any dwellings or other buildings designed for human habitation and the nearest agricultural property line(s) adjoining the proposed residential project as follows: . 0-6 units/acre = 80' setback . 6-10 units/acre = 100' setback . >10 units/acre = 120' setback Within the setback, a permanent landscape buffer area at least 20' wide measured from the residential property line(s) adjoining the Rural Urban Limit (RUL) and nearest agricultural property line(s) shall provide a clear boundary between urban and agricultural uses. The landscape buffer shall consist of a mix of trees, shrubs, berms, fences, walls, etc. sufficient to reduce noise, dust and diffuse light and act as a physical separation between the housing and agricultural activities, in a design acceptable to the Planning Commission (or Community Development Director in the case of single-family dwellings exempt from Planning Commission review). Final landscape plans shall specify that all plant materials be certified by the Napa County Agricultural Commissioner inspection program for freedom from the glassy winged sharpshooter or other pests. Except for buffer fences and walls, pump stations or similar improvements, no accessory structures shall be located within the landscape buffer area. The permanence of the landscape buffer shaU be assured through appropriate easements or equally effective restrictions, and ongoing maintenance and funding mechanisms. The Planning Commission (or Community Development Director in the case of single-family dwellings which are exempt from review by the Planning Commission) may, after consultation with the Agricultural Commissioner, waive the requirement CITY COUNCIL AG BUFFER INTERPRETATION OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 6 for an agricultural buffer plan for projects where it can be clearly demonstrated that no agricultural-urban residential land use conflicts will result from the development of the property or where the requirement for an agricultural buffer plan meeting the above requirements would preclude the use of the property. An applicant requesting such a waiver shall submit sufficient information to substantiate the waiver. The Planning Commission (or Community Development Director in the case of single-family dwellings which are exempt from review by the Planning Commission) may, after consultation with the Agricultural Commissioner, also modify or substitute different requirements than those identified above for developments on a project specific basis if in their opinion different requirements will achieve the intended purpose of this section. In particular, the agricultural setback between any dwellings or other buildings designed for human habitation and the nearest residential property line(s) adjoining the RUL may be reduced where off-site roads, creeks or rivers provide additional setback distance between residential uses and agricultural activities. 3. City of Ontario. A minimum 100' separation is required between a new residential, commercial or industrial development or structures uses for public assembly and existing farm operations. The 100' separation requirement may be satisfied by an off-site easement acceptable to the Planning Director with adjacent properties, submitted with the initial final map and recorded prior to or concurrent with the final map. 4. City of San Luis ObisDO. Urban uses adjacent to agricultural lands shall provide an agricultural buffer. This requirement may be eliminated or modified only if there are significant topographical differences, a barrier of vegetation capable of eliminating potential adverse impacts associated with agriculture on adjacent development, or existing physical barriers between the urban development and the agricultural land. If a developer cannot provide an adequate agricultural buffer between urban uses and agricultural land, the developer shall pay a mitigation fee to purchase agricultural protection elsewhere within the Greenbelt. 5. San Luis ObisDO County. Agricultural buffer distances vary in width from 200' to 500' depending on the type of crops planted and pesticides used. 6. Monterev County. Subdivision rezoning, and use permit application for land adjacent to areas designated on the plan map for Agricultural Preservation or Agricultural Conservation shall be conditioned to require dedication of a 200 foot wide open space easement, or such wider easement as may be necessary, to avoid conflicts between the proposed use and the adjacent agricultural lands. For development adjacent to agricultural areas not designated for exclusive agricultural use, a reduced easement of not less than 50' shall be required. These easements shall extend the full length of the boundaries between the property to be developed and adjacent agricultural lands. Permanent roads may serve as part of this CITY COUNCIL AG BUFFER INTERPRETATION OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 7 easement. Land within the easement shall be maintained in open space. Minor storage buildings or sheds associated with the residential uses, may be permitted as a conditioned use. The open space easement shall not be used for recreational areas as part of housing projects or public facilities. 7. Santa Cruz County. Agricultural buffer of 200' from the property line placed on the non-agricultural land. No activities are allowed within the buffer except farm/public utility access roads. 8. EI Dorado County. Agriculturally incompatible uses adjacent to agricultural zoned lands within designated agricultural districts shall provide a minimum setback of 200' from the boundary of the agriculturally zoned lands. Agriculturally incompatible uses adjacent to agriculturally zoned land outside of designated agricultural districts shall provide a minimum setback of 200' of parcels 10 acres or larger. Administrative relief to these setbacks may be granted by the County Planning Director, where appropriate. The Agricultural Commission may recommend a lessor setback to a minimum of 100'.. Projects located within a Community Region or Rural Center planning concept area shall maintain a minimum setback of 50'. The 50' setback shall only apply to incompatible uses including residential structures. 9. Mendocino County. To minimize agricultural-residential conflicts, land divisions or site plans in a residential area shall not result in a residential structure being closer than 200' from a parcel designated for agricultural use unless there is no other feasible building site on the parcel. 10. Sacramento County. Agricultural buffers shall generally consist of a physical separation 300'-500' wide including roadways; narrower buffers may be approved depending on the natural features of the buffer, applicable specific plan policies and on the relative intensities of the proposed urban use and the adjacent agricultural use. Guidelines for maintenance of buffers are required, including, but not limited to, the following criteria: the County, a homeowners association, or other appropriate entity shall maintain buffers to control litter, fire hazards, and pests; compatible agriculture shall be allowed on buffers; and buffers may be removed once agricultural uses on all adjacent parcels have permanently ceased. 11. Santa Barbara County. New development adjacent to agriculturally zoned property shall include buffers to protect agricultural operations. Buffers composed of predominantly native and low water using species, or other appropriate perimeter screening, such as fences and walls, shall be required, the size of which will be determined by parcel specific review for all new development adjacent to agriculturally zoned property. 12. Sonoma County. Buffers shall generally be defined as a physical separation of 100' to 200' and/or may be topographic featura, a substantial tree stand, watercourse or similar feature. In some circumstances a landscaped berm may provide the buffer. CITY COUNCIL AG BUFFER INTERPRETATION OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 8 The buffer shall occur on the parcel for which a permit is sought and shall favor protection of the maximum amount of farmable land. The requirement for buffer may be modified after hearing by the advisory agency following a written recommendation by the agricultural commissioner. 13. Sutter County. Buffers are required for any new "project" which proposes to locate adjacent to an existing or zoned agricultural use or a "project" which proposes to expand its use through the granting of additional entitlements from the County and is located adjacent to an agricultural use. Buffers should be located on the parcel proposed for non-agricultural use. In general, only non-habitated structures, and no residential structures will be allowed within the setback zone. Other compatible uses may be allowed within the buffer area as determined by the County. The appropriate buffer distance shall be determined on a site-by-site basis taking into account the type of existing agricultural uses, the nature of the proposed development, the natural features of the site, and any other factors that may affect the specific buffering needs. Buffer distances range from 50' to 300' depending on the type of agricultural use. 14. Tuolumne County. Prohibit construction of new residential/non-agricultural buildings, resulting from development closer than 200' from the boundary of a parcel classified as high value agricultural land or agricultural land of local importance. This setback may be reduced by the Planning Director, with the concurrence of the Agricultural Advisory Committee. 15. Yuba County. New development projects shall incorporate a buffer zone of at least 300' in depth. This requirement may be eliminated or modified if there are significant topographical differences, substantial vegetation, or existing physical barriers between urban and agricultural areas. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternative interpretations regarding allowable uses within and composition of the buffer overlay district are provided for Council's consideration: 1. Allow flexibility regarding the location of the 20-foot landscape strip within the 100- foot agricultural buffer; 2. Allow residential yards and associated non-habitable structures such as sheds and attached and/or detached garages within the 100-foot agricultural buffer area and require the buffer be maintained by a) the property owner, created as "common open space" in a Planned Unit Development or Tract with buffer maintained by a homeowners association, or b) a maintenance district; 3. Do not allow any residential uses within the 100-foot agricultural buffer area and require the buffer area to be maintained by a) a homeowners association, b) a maintenance district, or c) dedicated to the City. Note that if a homeowners association, maintenance district or City ownership of the agricultural buffer is not CITY COUNCIL AG BUFFER INTERPRETATION OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 9 required for on-going maintenance then reasonable residential use of the buffer area must be established (Le. for outdoor usable yard space that does not include habitable structures). . Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of September 21, 2004 2. City Council Meeting Minutes of March 23, 2004 3. Excerpt from the Agricultural Conservation Study S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\SPECIAL\AG_STUDY\8uffers\1 0-12-04 CC staff rpt.doc MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 ATTACHMENT 1 Commissioner Arnold stated he would like to have more information on Viewshed Review 04-001 before approval. Assistant Planner, Jim Bergman stated he would bring the plans to Commissioner Arnold for review before approval. Mr. Strong explained why Minor Exception 04-008, was recently denied by the Community Development Department and stated that the applicant feels he is being penalized for requesting permission for structural support that would abut one foot into the 10-foot setback and that the covered patio had been previously approved for S & S Homes, but not constructed. After discussion the Commission agreed to reinstate the Minor Exception and approve it as long as there were no objections from the neighborhood after noticing within 300 feet. . Mr. Strong stated that the remainder of the Minor Use Permits would be approved, if there were no appeals, after a ten-day appeal period. III. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. REVISED FINAL SEIR FOR VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 01-001 & PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 01-001 (Previously known as Tract 1998); APPLICANT - CASTLEROCK DEVELOPMENT, INC; LOCATION NORTHEAST CORNER OF JAMES WAY AND LA CANADA WITHIN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 1.2 ZONING DISTRICT. Staff report prepared and presented by Associate Planner, Teresa McClish. Mr. Strong informed the Commission that due to correspondence dated September 14, 2004, received from the applicant, no action would be taken on the clustered single- family residential subdivision consisting of a 36-lot site; the applicant is proposing to revise this application to consist of 21 units and -it will be brought forward at a future date when the application and addendum are completed. B. AGRICULTURE BUFFER INTERPRETATION; APPLICANT - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION - CITYWIDE. Associate Planner, Kelly Heffernon, explained that the purpose of discussing this item is to clarify how the buffer requirements will be applied and what level of flexibility will be allowed. Ms. Heffernon then sited the specific objectives, policy statements and implementing polices of the Agricultural Conservation and Open Space Element of the 2001 General Plan that needed to be clarified; explained that as a result of the Agricultural Conservation Study initiated by City Council Ordinance No. 536 during 2003, the Planning Commission and City Council considered buffers in more detail. The study suggested a buffer ordinance and proposal for a minimum buffer of 100-foot, including a 20-foot landscaped strip. City Council Ordinance 550, approved December 2003, established farmland preservation buffers and created an Ag Preservation Overlay District (placing a 1 OO-foot perime~er around Ag zoned properties) that also incorporated regulations for new development proposed adjacent to Agricultural districts. Ms. Heffemon then described the issues that had risen since adoption of Ordinance 550: MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 PAGE 3 · Allowable uses in the buffer area: Are residential backyards (and associated accessory structures such as sheds and garages) an allowable use in the Agricultural buffer overlay district? What exactly is considered "storage" (currently listed as an allowable use)? · Location of landscape strip within the buffer: Must the 20-foot landscape strip be immediately adjacent to an 80-foot buffer area adjoining the Agriculture district, or can it be placed anywhere within the 100-foot buffer? In reply to questions from the Commission Ms. Heffernon stated: · Associate Planner, Ms. McClish was not present for the discussion as the questions on the Ag buffer were brought up in connection to a project that she was handling, but that the issues had been resolved in relation 'to that project. · Re the email.underWrittenComments.this was received from Marsha Lee, County Planner and also a resident of Arroyo Grande (not the Agricultural Commissioner). · We do not have specific information from the County regarding the above issues; the County has Ag buffers with respect to control of pesticide application, but not regarding these land use interpretation issues. In reply to a question from Commissioner Guthrie, Mr. Strong gave an update on State law regarding secondary. structures and accessory structures and that the State is still allowing for local discretion if there are established criteria. Proximity to ag does not appear to be one of the criteria preempted by the pending State law changes. Mr. Strong concluded by stating that he would further check into this, but the City would not approve secondary dwelling building permits within the 100-foot Ag buffer. Chair Guthrie opened the hearing to the public. Steve Ross, 211 Garden Street, stated in a couple of areas the buffer zone overlaps into existing housing, if someone wanted to add onto their house and further encroach into that buffer would that be allowed and would it be more expensive if it were in the buffer zone? Ms. Heffernon said these are non-conforming homes and the Development Code states that you cannot make something "more" 'non-conforming. Mr. Ross asked if homes that are now non-conforming, (especially on Cherry Lane and Greenwood area) have now lost their rights to improve their residential properties. Mr. Strong stated that the interpretation was that you could maintain, repair and/or replace a residential structure but not move closer towards the agricultural use nor add new units that would increase the non-conforming use; the City does not want to unreasonably restrict legally non-conforming properties. Molly Dixson McClanahan, Co-Trustee Dixson Ranch, 769 Branch Mill Road, for the record read a presentation of some principles of "Planning Guidelines for Buffer Areas"; the Commission each received a copy of these guidelines. In answer to a question from Commissioner Brown, Ms. Dixson stated that in the "Queensland Report" it states that 40 meters (which is approximately 130 feet) should be sufficient if there is a landscaped buffer within that area (at least 20-30 feet that has MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 PAGE 4 different heights to allow air to go through) and if there is a road that would also be part of that buffer. Jack Hoffmeier, 765 Branch Mill Road, read a letter from Sarah Dickens, Co-Trustee of the Dixson Ranch, stating reasons why they could not support the minimum 100-foot buffer requirement, recommending at least a 150 foot buffer which includes 30 feet of vegetation. In reply to a question from Commissioner Fowler why not 200 to 500 foot buffers, Jim Dickens, 769 Branch Mill \ Road stated that within the City limits, when we address the buffer issues, unlike the County, we will most likely have elements such as vegetation, walls, natural landscapes part of the buffer which will address many of the conflicts that exist. . Chair Guthrie closed the hearing for public comment. Commission Comments: Brown: . . . Keen: Re No.4, page 3 of the staff report, he would interpret this as meaning residential uses that would include garages, backyards etc. where there is human interface between on a fairly regular basis the people living in the homes and ag use nearby. Re the storage issue: He thought the storage use should be severely limited to such things as utility boxes, . but not storage that creates common use interface with the buffer. Re the 20-foot vegetation at the edge of the BO-foot he would like more information on this before he could make a decision on appropriate alternative locations. · Re Attach 3 of the staff report, asked where this came from? Ms. Heffernon said it was from the Ag Conservation Study. · Re the buffer zone: He interpreted this as starting at the ag property line and nearest habitable dwelling, so he could approve a detached garage within the 100-foot buffer as long as did not interfere with the 20-foot landscaped area. · The landscaped area should not have to be on the edge of the buffer. Arnold: · He could not see where the 20-foot vegetation buffer should be placed at the edge only and would like to see more logic for where this should be. · He would consider backyards and attached garages as part of the residence and they should not be in the 100-foot buffer. (he could. make an exception for detached garages such as a higher density residential) as he would like to see as much protection as possible for agricultural lands. Guthrie: · Re the 20-foot buffer: This is part of the overall design of the buffer and will give protection for both farming operations and residents. · He would like to see as much protection as possible farm operations whilst still being reasonable. . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 PAGE 5 · Distinction should be made between a legally non-conforming lot and a new subdivision and not further complicate the issue by having structures that are direct accessories to residential units included in the buffer measurement, including backyards and garages. · Re storage: It would have to be a separate area (could be a detached garage that could not be converted to a residential unit. Ms. Heffernon explained that staff did not require resolution for a recommendation to City Council, but would like to forward the Commission's comments. Ms. Heffernon asked the Commission if they would like Ordinance 550 to be amended so that it is more flexible. Chair Guthrie said it could be amended to allow that the landscaped element may be placed within the buffer as long as the entire buffer achieves its purpose. Commissioner Arnold said it should be a "minimum" of 20 feet landscaped buffer. Chair Guthrie asked the Commission if they would be in favor of allowing more flexibility on the 20-foot landscaped buffer than is indicated by the Development Code? The Commission agreed, by a 4/1 "show of hands" (Commissioner Brown dissenting) that they would like Ordinance 550 to be more flexible. There were no further concerns. IV. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: A. DOWNTOWN PARKING BOARD (DTPB) AND BUSINESS IMPROVE..,ENT DISTRICT (BID) REFORMATION; APPLICANT - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; LOCATION - VILLAGE OF ARROYO GRANDE. Members of the DPAB present: Ira Hughes, Chair Eddie EI Helou, Vice Chair Greg Moore, Member Gary Andrieni, Member Absent: Bob Lund, Member Mr. Strong presented the staff report stating that this was an informal discussion and that staff was recommending that the Public Hearings be deferred until early next year, after the holidays. Mr. Strong explained that basically there were three sets of recommendations and gave details of them: - History and Settlement Proposal regarding Parking Credits (1) - Parking Exceptions and Parking Reductions (2) - Parking In-Lieu Fees(3) Mr. Strong further stated that if all three of the recommendations are resolved, the DPAB recommends a reformation of the District to enlarge the Parking and Business Improvement Area. He concluded by stating that this had been a very difficult task for the DPAB and gave them credit for coming. up with the consensus of recommendations. ATTACHMENT 2 CITY COUNCil MINUTES MARCH 23,2004 PAGE 4 Agricultural Conservation Easement Program; supported mQdifying the language for farm worker housing to be" consistent with the Housing Element; and-supported the Agricultural Support and Enterprise Programs. Mayor Pro Tem Lubin supported the Agric;ultural Support and Enterprise Programs; expressed some concerns regarding. farm worker housing; expressed concerns with removing the word "minimize" out of Objective Ag1; and stated that he could support some components of the proposal being presented for approval. . Mayor Ferrara supported the Agricultural Support and Enterprise Programs; supported the proposed revision of Objective Ag1 to remove the word "minimize"; expressed concerns regarding the provisions for farm worker housing and stated that this issue needed to be more clearly defined; and supported the Agriculture Conservation Easement Program. Council Member Dickens moved to adopt a Resolution as follows: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 03~003 TO AMEND THE AGRICULTURAL, CONSERVATION AND OPEN SPACE" ELEMENT REVISING OBJECTIVE AG1 RELATING"TO CONVERSION OF PRIME AGRICULTURAL LAND; POLICY AG3-11 RELATING TO FARMWORKER HOUSING; AND POLICIES AND IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES FOR AG1-3, AG3-5, AND AG3-6 RELATt"NG TO AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION EASEMENT PROGRAMS". Council Member Costello seconded the motion. City Attorney Carmel asked for clarification whether the motion included the approval of the Negative Declaration. Council Member Dickens said yes and amended his motion to adopt the Resolution, as amended, to inClude the approval of the Negative Declaration. Council Member CO$tello seconded, and on the following roll-call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Dickens, Costello, Ferrara Runels, Lubin None There being 3 AYES and 2 NOES, the motion is hereby declared to be passed. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS None. 11. NEW BUSINESS 11.a. Consideration of Pre-Application Review Case No. 04-004; Proposed Residential Subdivision and Neighborhood Plan;. East Cherry Avenue and Myrtle Street; Applicant - Damien Mavis, Cree1<side Estates of Arroyo Grande, LLC Council Member Dickens declared an indirect conflict of interest due to his beneficial interest in real property located near the proposed project and stepped down from the .dais. Community Development Director Strong declar~d a conflict of interest due to an option to purchase a portion of the property that is the subject of this proposal and stated h~ had not and would not be participating in the processing of this application. He stepped down from the staff ~~ " CITY COUNCILMINUTES MARCH 23. 2004 PAGE 5 Associate Planner Heffernon presented the staff report and recommended the Council review the project and provide direction and comments to the applicant. Mayor Ferrara invited the applicant to the podium to address the Council. Fred Bauer, Arroyo Grande, gave an overview of how ttie project started, discussed ideas for smart growth, explained the efforts mad~ to involve the neighborhood to obtain feedback on proposed development of the property. Eric Justesson, RRM Design Group, spoke on behalf of the appliCant, and -gave an overview of a proposed development layout for the property based on the General Plan designation of Neighborhood Plan. with medium density. He stated thafsome of the Issues to be addressed as part of the' project would be drainage, balanced access to the property from' E. Cherry' and Myrtle, lot sizes, street wJdths, a pocket park, access to the creek, respecting the agriculture' property to the south, inclusionary housing, and architectural style. Mayor Ferrara invited other members of the public to comment. Carol Hoffmeyer, representing the Dixson Family Trust, read a letter into the record which requested the Council consider increased buffer distances, increased depth of landscaping; an 8-foot high block wall aod a "no-climb" wood fence on the property line; cooperative improvement of the existing is-foot private driveway; ensuring that prosp.ective property owners. are informed of the Right-to-Farm ordinance; investigating the potential for a detention, retention, and/or recharge basin within the proposed project; and ensuring that the drainage deficiencies are resolved. . Chuck Fellows, Arroyo Gra!1de, favored a pedestrian bridge across the creek to provide safety for children. Otis Paae, Arroyo Grande, expressed disappointment that the neighborhood was not specifiCally noticed for this item tonight. He commented that there was no proposal from the applicant for a park or a bridge. He also commented on existing drainage issues and felt that the neighborhood objects to the high density being proposed. He stated that he has. no objections to development; however, he had. a problem with developing prime agricl.;/lture land.. .. . Lvnn Titus, Arroyo Grande, expressed concern with the proposed den~ity and commented that the acreage figure was incorrect. She inquired whether anyone had talked to the Lucia Mar Unified School District regarding a bridge and said. she did not think they would like it. She asked who would deyelop and maintain the park, stated there was a lot of po.ison oak In the area, and inquired whether E. Cherry Avenue would be extended. Jim Guthrie, Arroyo Grande, requested feedback from the Council on the concept of clustering. He 'also asked how the required agriculture buffer distance woul~ be analyzed and determined. Bill McCann, Arroyo:Grande, expressed concerned regarding the buffer zone and stated he was not sure that 100 feet would be enough. He proposed a minimum 150 foot buffer. He also expressed concerns about drainage. . Wayne Kina encouraged the Council to review the comments made regarding the Vanderveen p~e~ _ Larry Turner, Arroyo Grande, spoke about drainage and stated he needed assurance that drainage will be addressed properly. : He stated that the temporary ditch has stopped the problems. He supported development of the property; however,. he would not support two-story homes against Noguera Street. ... ATTACHMENT 3 V AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION I PREVENTION OF URBAN CONVERSIONS When Proposed Development Constitutes a Conversion of Prime Farmland A Conversion of prime farmland in urban areas occurs numerous ways, some more obvious than others. Land rezoned for non-agricultural use or approved subdivisions are two apparent conversion processes rapidly occurring throughout California. A third, less apparent, practice is a recognized division of land without a rezone or subdivision by an issued certificate of compliance. Residential development of antiquated subdivisions can occur in the middle of agriculturally zoned areas without public notice or discretionary review. Lastly, conversion of farmland also happens incrementally when non-agricultural development encroaches. in the vicinity or adjacent to prime farmland operations. The .conversion generally occurs through a combination of factors including conflicts over incompatible uses limiting agricultural production, cessation of farming operations and irrigation, and increased land prices leading to eventual .sales and use depicting that of a rural residential district. Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) The LESA system was developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and is used by state, local planners, landholders, developers and government officials to make land use decisions regarding to use, protection or potential conversion of farmland. The LESA consists of two main components: a land evaluation component used to rate soils based on their suitability of agricultural use based on data from the National Cooperative Soils Survey. and the Site Assessment which involves non-soil factors related to agricultural use of a site, factors related to development pressures, and factors related to other public values of. a site. A LESA rating is developed to determine the suitability for long term agricultural protection. A LESA system can provide a defensible consistent method to determine the conditions under which agricultural land should or should not be converted to nonagricultural uses. LESA information can also be used to identify important farmland and for the and in environmental analysis. The development of a LESA system may be facilitated with assistance from NRCS and should involve the establishment of local work group. MitiQation Measures Buffers Buffers are a land use technique used to separate agricultural operations from non- agricultural areas. They can be considered another aspect of infrastructure needed to make a site suitable for development. Buffers can take the form of spatial setbacks or as physical structures of human or natural origin. 1. Physical Physical buffers include trees, roads, and naturally occurring features such as creeks, rivers, or hills. Installed barriers, such as fences and walls are another type of physical" buffer. The Arroyo Grande Creek serves as a very effective natural 24 agricultural buffer. Fences or walls may not be completely effective in mitigating all agriculture/housing conflicts but they do work well at obstructing visual externalities and reduce crop pilferage. However, fences and walls also bring with them issues over ownership and upkeep responsibilities, graffiti, aesthetics, and view sheds (Great Valley Center, p. 11). 2. Spatial Spatial buffers are created through ordinances and are essentially linear strips of land between agricultural uses and housing. The depths of agricultural buffers vary greatly by municipality (Great Valley Center, 2002). The County of San Luis Obispo's buffers range from 400-800 feet for vineyards, 300 to 800 feet for irrigated orchards and 100 to 400 feet for field crops. The buffer distance is usually determined on a case-by-case basis depending upon variables, such as prevailing wind direction, type' of crop, .surrounding zoning, and topography. (American Farmland Trust, 1997, p. 121). In San Luis Obispo County, only one person currently implements this case-by-case system and primary criteria is based primarily upon past experience. The City of Davis requires agricultural buffers of 150 feet with public uses being discouraged in the 100 feet closest to the agricultural operation, while the last 50 feet can used as a. transitional area that can support uses such as bike trails and paths (American Farmland Trust, 1997, p. 121). Organic farming can address urban concerns over pesticides, but other by-products of farming, such as dust and smells wouJd continue. It is important to note that there have been very few scientific studies that have looked at the effectiveness of buffer distances. With this fact in mind, every buffer can be viewed as subjective or generally based. upon ~ommon sense and agency judgment. A major study by two respected researchers, Alvin D. Sokolow and Sony Varea-Hammond is currently underway and "seeks to accomplish two interrelated goals: (1) evaluate existing city and county. agricultural buffer policies and their implementation, and (2) use these findings and other data to establish a research base for developing a guidebook and other educational materials . on the design and execution of buffers" (http://groups.uncanr.org/Ag_manag/AgriculturaLbuffers_for_Urban). The completion of this study will be of great interest to the City of Arroyo Grande and staff will attempt to acquire a copy as soon as it is available. Although the efficacy of spatial and physical buffers may be in question due the fact that they attempt to solve many diverse problems such as spread of noise, dust, smells, and chemicals as well as attempt to control human intrusions and pilferage, they have a long history of use as a tool to control agricultural runoff into streams and to mitigate wind driven erosion. The Connecticut River Joint Commissions of New Hampshire and Vermont reports that an agricultural buffer of willows and other live woody shrubs and tree stakes along the water's edge, native trees and shrubs in the 50-75 foot zone, and a 25 foot buffer of dense-stiff grass will trap 95 percent of sediment, 75-80 percent of nitrogen, and 80 percent of phosphorus before it enters a 25 river (Buffers for Agriculture). This and similar data helps to establish a precedent of public benefit from the creation of buffers. Maintenance is one issue that needs to be addressed regarding buffers. For example, open land can provide areas for pests to thrive and harm adjacent agricultural production. 3. Buffers in the City of Arroyo Grande The 2001 General Plan (Ag5-2) requires the City to establish criteria for buffers between agriculture land use designations and non-agriculture land uses. Staff analyzed .the creation and enforcement of a buffer system of 100', 200' or 300' around all parcels zoned or designated in the Land Use Element as Agriculture. Due to the fact that the wind patterns in the agricultural areas shift from the prevailing direction, the buffers should extend an equal distance from the outer edges of areas designated as Agriculture. The construction of new inhabited buildings is not permitted within the buffer zone on non-agriculture properties. In essence, the buffer zone defines the minimum residential building setback on adjacent properties. In certain cases, where there is a substantial existing physical buffer or vegetation of 100 feet in width or more on the perimeter or on the agriculture side of a parcel, an additional spatial buffer need not exist. 4. Potential number of homes within buffer zones Using aerial photographs of the City of Arroyo Grande and a geographic information system, it was possible to identify parcels zoned or designated agriculture and draw buffers of varying distances around them. This technique allowed for an accurate estimation of the number of houses that would fall within buffer zones if they were established. Existing houses within buffer zones could become legally non- conforming. The results of this analysis are presented in the following table. Buffer Size Homes Within Buffer 100 Feet 95 200 Feet 156 300 Feet 247 Areas where new development is possible in the foreseeable future on or adjacent to Agricultural lands includes: . The area off Myrtle Drive designated NP - Neighborhood Plan on the 2001 General Plan land Use Map. . ~esidential parcels north of Huasna Road and east of Stagecoach. . Three parcels on E. Cherry near Traffic Way designated PO-Mixed Use in the 2001 General Plan. 26 zt~ ~ ~ en -0 C co .-.J ~ ::) +-' - ::) u -- S-. .~ C o en c o -- CJ) -5 ~ ..c ::) CJ) o Q) c I.() . or- or- I.() d C\l ~ :.= 0..0) ro.E ~F o 9.c MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTO~ BY: TERESA MCCLISH, ASSOCIATE PLANNER SUBJECT: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CASE NO. . 03-008: A PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND PORTIONS OF TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REVISING THE COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, AND OFFICE PROFESSIONAL DISTRICTS; REZONING THE COMMERCIAL PORTIONS OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 1.1 AND 1.2 DISTRICTS; AND 2) A PROPOSED RESOLUTION APPROVING DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS PERTAINING TO E. GRAND AVENUE AND A PORTION OF EL CAMINO REAL DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the Planning Commission that the City Council approve Development Code Amendment 03-008 by 1) adopting the Resolution approving the Design Guidelines and Standards pertaining to East Grand Avenue and Station Way; and 2) introducing Ordinance amending portions of Title 16 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, rezoning the Commercial, Industrial, Office Professional and Commercial portions of the PO 1.1 and 1.2 Districts. However, if there are any substantial modifications not previously considered by . the Planning Commission desired by the Council, it is recommended that the proposal be referred back to the Planning Commission for report and additional recommendation, and it is further recommended that the Council continue the public hearing to the November 9,2004 City Council meeting. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Backaround This item was continued from the September 28, 2004 public hearing where staff presented a summary of the proposed Development Code amendments recommended by the Planning Commission. The entire agenda item staff report S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMEN1\PROIECTS\SPECIAL\DEV _CODE_ UPDA TE\COMMERCIAL_DISl\E Grand plus\CC lOI204\cc Sf lOI204.doc CITY COUNCIL DCA 03-008 OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 2 OF 3 from the September 28 meeting is also attached and available to the public at the office of the Director of Administrative Services in City Hall. Discussion During Council discussion on September 28, 2004, several modifications were suggested: .:. Language added to the ordinance or the Guidelines giving further direction regarding maximum height standards for E. Grand Avenue; and .:. A reduction in maximum building size standards proposed for the Office Mixed Use (OMU) district; and .:. Modification or removal of a conceptual graphic depiction on E. Grand Avenue in the Highway Mixed Use (HMU) district. Potential modifications concerning the above issues are not substantial variations in the proposal and alternatives considered during previous Planning Commission meetings. Attachment 1 includes a discussion of alternatives regarding these suggested modifications. Subsequently, however, staff has had recent discussions with interested developers on a portion of the proposal that concerns the prospective density in the proposed Highway Mixed Use (HMU) district. As currently recommended by the Commission, the HMU district allows housing in the form of "live work" units, which is what is also proposed for the Industrial Mixed Use (IMU) district and already approved in Traffic Way Mixed Use (TMU) district. Recently, several new multiple-family, affordable housing or possible mixed use projects have been suggested for properties in the HMU district. For example, an affordable housing project may be feasible at the former tourist court at Barnett at Cornwall Streets that is owned by People's Self Help Housing, and a multi-family housing project or mixed use project have been the subject of pre- application proposals for the triangular vacant lot adjoining the freeway and ARCO station (Attachment 2 includes a letter from Leonard Grant regarding this property). Alternatives for density provisions in the proposed HMU district include: .:. Allowing multi-family residential projects for affordable housing at a density of up to 25 dwelling units per acre; and/or .:. Allowing multi-family residential projects within a mixed use project at a density of up to 20 dwelling units per acre; and/or .:. Allowing multi-family residential projects at a density of up to 15 dwelling units per acre. The Planning Commission discussed a density provision of up to 20 dwelling units per acre for the vicinity of the HMU district at a meeting in March 2004. Therefore, a modification of density above that previously considered may CITY COUNCIL DCA 03-008 OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE30F3 warrant reconsideration by the Planning Commission if it exceeds 20 dwelling units per acre. Additionally, if further discussion by the Council reveals any other substantial changes to prior recommendations, State Government Code Section 65857 provides: "..that any modification of the proposed ordinance or amendment by the legislative body not previously considered during its hearings shall first be referred to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation..." If substantial modifications are desired by the Council, the Planning Commission could reconsider the proposal at their October 19, 2004 meeting and the item may be continued to the November 9, 2004 Council meeting. It should be noted that personal service restricted uses including tattoo parlors, pawn shops and check cashing services are Not Permitted (NP), except in the Traffic Way Mixed Use (TMU) and Highway Mixed Use (HMU) districts, where they may be considered subject to Conditional Use Permits (CUP). Therefore, the existing uses, established prior to these regulations, will become legally nonconforming. (See Exhibit C, page 12 of 20). ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for Council consideration: Modify and adopt the Resolution and/or modify and introduce the Ordinance; Direct staff to make revisions to either or both documents and continue the item to a date certain; Do not adopt the resolution or introduce the ordinance; Provide direction to staff. Attachments: 1. Alternatives concerning maximum height. standards, maximum building size standards and graphic alternatives 2. Letter from Leonard Grant 3. September 28, 2004 Staff Report (Council only)* *Note: Previously distributed and on file and available to the public in the Administrative Services Department at City Hall. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING "DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS FOR MIXED USE DISTRICTS" AS APPLIED TO THE VICINITY OF E. GRAND AVENUE AND A, PORTION OF EL CAMINO REAL (DEVELOPMENT CODEAMENDMENT03~O~ WHEREAS, the City Council of Arroyo Grande adopted the updated General Plan on October 9,2001 and State Law mandates a comprehensive review and necessary revisions to the Development Code and zoning map for consistency in accordance with Government Code Section 6q860; and WHEREAS, the City has a responsibility to assure adherence to the General Plan thereby meeting the needs and desires of the residents and the community; and WHEREAS. Objectives and policies of the Urban Land Use Element of the 2001 General Plan promote design and development compatible with the small town character of Arroyo Grande, including policies LU5-2, LU5-3, LU5-5, LU5-7, LU5-8, LU5-9, .LU5-10, LU5-11, and LU8-1; and WHEREAS. City staff held a public workshop, April 7 ,2004 to consider amendments to the Development Code and formation of Design Guidelines and Standards concerning commercial and mixed use districts for the purposes of General Plan consistency and implementation of its goals and policies; and WHEREAS, fhe City's Architectural Review Committee has reviewed the proposed Design Guidelines and Standards as. a part of Development Code Amendment 03-008 at their meetings of May 24,2004 and October 9,2004 and the Planning Commission ofthe City of Arroyo Grande has considered the proposed Design Guidelines and Standards as a part of Development Code Amendment 03-008 at a duly noticed public hearings on June 15, June 29, July 20 and August 17, 2004, in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arrqyo Grande at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council found that this project is consistent with the City's General Plan, Development Code and the environmental documents associated therewith, and has reviewed the draft Negative Declaration under the provisions ofthe California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the "Design Guidelines and Standards for Mixed Use Districts as applied to the Vicinity of E. Grand Avenue and a portion of EI Camino Real" attached hereto as Exhibit 'A' and incorporated herein by this reference. RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 2 of 3 . On motion of Council Member Council Member . wit:. , seconded by and on the fOllowing roll call vote, to- AYES: NOES: . ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28TH day of September, 2004. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO . GRANDE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND PORTIONS OF TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REVISING THE COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND OFFICE PROFESSIONAL DISTRICTS; AND REZONING THE COMMERCIAL PORTIONS OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 1.1 AND 1.2 DISTRICTS (DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 03- 008) WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the updated General Plan which became effective November 9, 2001 and requires a comprehensive review and necessary revisions to the Development Code and zoning map for consistency in accordance with Government Code Section 65860; and WHEREAS, the City has a responsibility to assure adherence to the General Plan in meeting the needs and desires of the residents and the community; and WHEREAS, the City staff held a public workshop on April 7, 2004 to facilitate public comment and the Planning Commission held duly noticed public hearings on June 15, June 29, July 20 and August 17, 2004. and recommended certain amendments to the Development Code concerning the Mixed Use land use designation for the purposes of General Plan consistency and implementation of its goals and policies; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered Development Code Amendment 03-008 at a duly noticed public hearing on September 28, 2004 in accordance with the Development Code of the City of Arroyo Grande at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at the public hearings, Planning Commission recommendations, staff reports, and all other information and documents that are part of the public record; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist: A. The proposed change in zone and revisions to Title 16 will satisfy Objective LU5-5 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan, which requires the City to "define different Mixed Use overlay or combining designations concurrent with Development Code revision for General Plan consistency to clarify allowed, conditionally permitted and prohibited uses in each MU subarea",; LU5-8 which states that the Mixed Use corridors are to "provide for different combinations, configurations and mixtures of c,ommercial, office and. residential uses designating the East Grand Avenue, EI Camino Real and Traffic Way corridors as Mixed Use (MU)"; and other policies under objectives LU5, LU7, and LU8, and is therefore desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 8. The proposed change in zone and revisions to Title 16 reflect that both the existing . zones and proposed zones are predominantly commercial and contain historical residential use, and the promotion of mixed use will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. C. The proposed change of zones and revisions to Title 16 satisfy Section 16.36.010 of the Development Code, which states "It is the purpose of this chapter to provide regulations that implement those goals, objectives and policies, and that are aimed toward the provision of adequate and appropriate commercial areas within the City". D. The proposed change of zones and revisions to Title 16 are within the scope of the Program EIR prepared for the 2001 General Plan Update, and a Negative Declaration has been prepared in Accordance with CEQA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as ~~: . SECTION 1: The above recitals and findings are true and correct. SECTION 2: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Section 16.24.020 (Zoning . Map) is hereby amended as shown in Exhibits "A" and "8" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. . . . SECTION 3: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapters, Sections and Tables set forth hereinbelow are hereby amended as shown. in Exhibit "c" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: a. Amend Section 16.08.010 in its entirety; b. Amend Section 16.24.010.C; c. Repeal Section 16.24.010.D.1. ; d. Repeal and replace Section 16.36.020.A. in its entirety; e. Add Table 16.36.020;.A f. Repeal Section 16.36.020~D; g. Add Sections 16.36.020.E, 16.36.020.F, 16.36.020.G., 16.36.020.H. and; h. Amend Section 16.36.030.A.; i. Repeal Table 16.36.030(A)in its entirety and Add new Table 16.36.030-A; j. Repeal Chapter 16.40 and Table 16.40.030-A in their entirety; k. Add Section 16.52.095; I. Amend Section; m. Amend Section 16.56.050; and n. Amend Section 16.56.060. SECTION 4: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Chapters, Sections and Table(s) set forth hereinbelow are hereby amended as follows: ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 a. Repeal Table 16.36.030-A1 in its entirety; b. Renumber existing Section 16.36.020.F. to Section and renumber existing Table 16.36.020-D. to Table 16.36.020-8.; c. Renumber existing Section to Section 16.3'6.020.C. and renumber existing Table 16.36.020-A. to Table 16.36.020-C.; d. Renumber existing Section 16.36.020.C. to Section 16.36.020.D. and renumber existing Table 16.36.020-8. to Table 16.36.020-D.; e. Renumber existing Section 16.36.020.G. to 16.36.020.J.; f. Renumber existing Section 16.36.020.H. to 16.36.020.K.; SECTION 5: Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the Director of Administrative Services shall file a Notice of Determination. ' ' SECTION 6: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to ,be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more s~ction, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 7: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 8: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion by Council Member by the following roll call vote to wit: , seconded by Council Member , and AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of RESOLUTION NO . PAGE 3 of 3 TONYM. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 4 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY ATTACHMENT 1 Alternatives for Maximum height standards for E. Grand Avenue To facilitate higher intensity mixed use development for this main corridor segment, the maximum height for buildings is proposed to increase in most mixed use zones. For the proposed GMU and FOMU in particular, the height limit is proposed to increase from 30 feet to 35 feet or three stories with the possibility of 40 feet for commercial or mixed use projects on lots larger than 20,000 sq. ft that are not adjacent to a residential district. "Stand-alone" multi- family projects will have a height restriction of 35 feet consistent with Land Use Element Implementation Measure LU5-10.2 and Housing Element Policy B.4-1. The potential of 40 feet was included specifically to allow for multi-family residential use or office or other commercial use on the upper two stories and retail use the ground floor with some flexibility in roof design and building architecture. There are two alternatives to consider to ensure that the height of future buildings do not overwhelm adjacent development. 1. The 40 ft. height potential may only be available for mixed use projects (as currently proposed it may apply to commercial or mixed use projects). Since the intent of allowing a greater height is largely to allow for residential use on upper floors, this alternative would be consistent with that intent. However, this would exclude most projects that are solely commercial such as offices over retail (exceptions are possible in the Berry gardens Specific Plan area). 2. Additional language may be added to the proposed Guidelines on pgs. 8 and 14 as follows: The maximum height of a building should not exceed 35 feet except if further height accommodates a design feature that contributes to both the character of the building and the surrounding area. For example a proposed building at a key intersection may incorporate an additional story or a tower element to signify a comer landmark building. Additional height restrictions are contained in sections 16.48.030 and 16.48.080 relating to public and quasi-public buildings. Alternatives for maximum building size standards proposed for the Office Mixed Use (OMU) district. The maximum building size applicable to the OMU district is proposed' at 102,500, the current Citywide standard excluding the Village and Traffic Way areas. In response to the concern that this building size is most applicable to the Regional Commercial district, one alternative is to amend the recommendation to include a 50,000 sq. ft. maximum building size standard. However, in order to prevent this requirement from encumbering any potential expansion potential for the Arroyo Grande Hospital, the larger standard is proposed to be allowed in the OMU-D-2.2 overlay district. Alternatives for the graphic depiction on E. Grand A venue in the Highway Mixed Use (HMU) district Concept plans are included in the Design Guidelines and Standards for the HMU include visitor service opportunity sites in the form of hotel/motels as the Economic Development potential component of the plan (please refer to Exhibit "A" of the Resolution). Three such areas are included in the HMU district to facilitate hotel/motel development although other allowable development is not precluded. A modification was suggested for the second graphic on page 19, of the Guidelines that depicts a redevelopment concept for a hotel alternative included with existing development on the south side of E. Grand near the intersection of Oak Street. Alternatives include removing the graphic or modifying it to revise roof lines, driveway configurations and landscaping. An alternative design will be presented at the City Council hearing. LEON"RD GRANT, ARCHITECT 1o'C:EN&E NUMBIiIi! C:...73 I . ( . . \ L ,.f..\ ----__l.____----.......- .~_.. ___~ ATTACHMENT 2 City Council City of Arroyo Grande 214 East Branch Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 October 7,2004 Reference: Zoning Issues, Barnett Street We are the owners/developers of property (APN #006-311-081 and 020) located on Barnett Street in Arroyo Grande, California. Prior to purchasing this property we researched its development potential to dctcrinine the feasibility of developing the property as mixed use project, which included residential units. We asked representatives of the City of Azroyo Grande Planning Department about the property's current zoning, which was at that time was Freeway Commercial. We were also .told that the zoDing would be soon changed to Mixed Use, which would include Multifamily Residential 'Use. We brought the project to ~e Planning Commission. SAC and ARC for multiple pre-application meetings for comments. Finally, we were told that the density would allow for 25 units/acre. Based on all of this information we purchased this property. We have learned that the City has now decided to change the zoning to Highway Mixed Use (HMU), which does not allow for Multifamily Residential use. Also, we have been told that the density will be 15 units/acre. We based our decision to purchase this property on the understanding that this property was going to be rezoned to a Mixed Use and that the density would be 25 units/acre. We feel that by not allowing multi-family use in the HMU by the City is not appropriate and inhibits our use of our property. We are hereby requesting that the City amend the zoning for this property to HMU and that the City keep to. its original plans to anow 25 units/acre. Traditionally. Mixed Use zoning allows for multi-family residential as an allowed use. Additionally, we feel that the moderately priced residential units that we are proposing for this property would benefit the City of Arroyo Grande by providing much needed additional affordable housing. . Architect Jeff Loughead 330 JAM.. WAY, SUI'TI:: 280, I"'SIoIO BEACH, CA .S....8 PIoCJNtI: .05.773.7113 FA. ao~.773. 7"5 (;121 39'\1d '\191 5 nLELLSI2I8 ES:Et peel/Le/et 11.8. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL PATRICK J. O'REILLY, INTERIM DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL 'ffY SERVICES FROM: SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF MODI FICA TION TO CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM (CaIPERS) CONTRACT DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2004 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council: Introduce the attached Ordinance amending the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System and Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City the attached Resolution of Intention to amend the contract with the California Public Employees' Retirement System. FUNDING: This modification will increase the Present Value of Benefits under the contract ("contract") by $97,043, increase the Accrued Liability under the contract by $63,378, and increase the Total Employer Rate by 0.299%. Since the contract amendment is being implemented mid-year, this will result in increased costs of approximately $4,700 in Fiscal Year 2004-05 for all miscellaneous employees. Cost increases for all following years will be approximately $9,400. The estimated cost at the time the contract was being negotiated with Service Employees International Union Local 620 was approximately $4,041 for Fiscal Year 2004-05 and $8,082 for subsequent years. Funding is included in the Fiscal Year 2004-05 budget. DISCUSSION: The City contracts with the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) to provide retirement benefits to employees. The retiree benefits are based on the number of years of service, the employee earnings, and the benefit provisions of the contract. This action implements provision 16.1 F of the current Memorandum of Understanding with the Service Employees International Union Local 620 approved by Council on July 8, 2003 which added the Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit effective January 1, 2005. This benefit allows the beneficiary of a member who dies before retirement to elect to receive a retirement option instead of a lump sum cash payment. The member must CITY COUNCIL PRE-RETIREMENT OPTIONAL SETTLEMENT 2 DEATH BENEFIT OCTOBER 12, 2004 PAGE 2 have been qualified to retire by having more than five years of creditable CalPERS service and being over fifty years of age. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Approve staff recommendations by introducing an Ordinance and adopting the Resolution of Intention to amend the CalPERS contract; Do not approve staff recommendations, which would require staff to renegotiate the approved MOU with SEIU Local 620; - Provide direction to staff. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE BOARD' OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California ("City") is duly authorized and existing under the laws of said State; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has contracted with the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System to provide retirement benefits to the employees; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande wishes to adopt the provisions of Government Code Section 21548 (Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death B,enefit) for local miscellaneous members only. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: Section 1: That an amendment to the contract between the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees' Retirement System is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit", and by such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full. Section 2: The Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of said City. Section 3: Within fifteen (15) days after passage of this Ordinance, it shall be published, together with the names of the Council Members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. Section 4: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion by Council Member the following roll call vote, to wit: , seconded by Council Member , and on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this _ day of ,2004. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 TONY M. FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY RESOLUTION OF INTENTION . TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, the Public Employees' Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employees' Retirement System by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said public agencies may elect to subject themselves and their employees to amendments to said Law; and WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedures to amend this contract is the adoption by the governing body of the public agency of a resolution giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution shall contain a summary of the change proposed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the following is a statement of the proposed changes: To provide Government Code Section 21548 (Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit) for local miscellaneous members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the governing body of the above agency does hereby give notice of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between said public agency and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, as an "Exhibit" and by this reference made a part hereof. By: Presiding Officer Title Date adopted and approved . CalPERS California Public Employees' Retirement System . AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT EXHIBIT Between the Board of Administration California Public Employees' Retirement System and the City Council City of Arroyo Grande .. The Board of Administration, California Public Employees' Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as Board, and the governing body of the above public agency, hereinafter referred to as Public Agency, having entered into a contract effective July 10, 1964, and witnessed June 16, 1964, and as amended effective September 16, 1966, May 24, 1973, July 4, 1980, June 24, 1988, February 12, 1999, October 15, 1999, September 28, 2000, January 4, 2002 and July 2, 2004 which provides for participation of Public Agency in said System, Board and Public Agency hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraphs 1 through 13 are hereby stricken from said contract as executed effective July 2, 2004, and hereby replaced by the following paragraphs numbered 1 through 13 inclusive: 1. All. words and terms used' herein Which are defined in the Public Employees' Retirement Law shall have the meaning as defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "Normal retirement age" shall mean age 55 for local miscellaneous members and age 50 for local fire members and age 55 for local police members. i\ ,., . I"\N "EVl1\RIT 0'. ~LEASE DO NOT Sit,; !\\I,U; .' 2. Public Agency shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System from and after July 10, 1964 making its employees as hereinafter provided, members of said System sUbject to all provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on election of a contracting agency and are not provlded for herein and to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except those, which by express provisions thereof, apply only on the election of a contracting agency. 3. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become members of said Retirement System except such in each such class as are excluded by law or this agreement: a. Local Fire Fighters (herein referred to as local safety members); b. Local Police Officers (herein referred to as local safety members); c. Employees other than local safety members (herein referred to as local miscellaneous members). 4. In addition to the classes of employees excluded from membership by said Retirement Law, the following classes of employees shall not become members of said Retirement System: a. EMPLOYEES COMPENSATED ON AN HOURLY BASIS; AND b. ELECTED OFFICIALS. 5. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local miscellaneous member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21354 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provid"ed therein for Federal Social Security (2% at age 55 Modified and Full). 6. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local fire member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21362 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for Federal Social Security (2% at age 50 Modified). 7. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local police member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21363.1 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for Federal Social Security (3% at age 55 Modified). E^ "'E DO r.,'nT ~llh'\\l ilEXt\';=~!T C. PL -t\~ . IlU v '-'I 8. Public Agency elected and elects to be subject to the following optional provisions: a. Section 21222.1 (One-Time 5% Increase - 1970). Legislation repealed said Section effective January 1, 1980. b. Section 20965 (Credit for Unused Sick Leave). c. Section 21024 (Military Service Gredit as Public Service). d. Section 21027 (Military Service Credit for Retired Persons). e. Section 20042 (One-Year Final Compensation). f. Section 21548 (Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit) for local miscellaneous members. 9. Public Agency, in accordanCe with Government Code Section 20790, ceased to be an "employer" for purposes of Section 20834 effective on July 4, 1980. Accumulated contributions of Public Agency shall be fixed and determined as provided in Government Code Section 20834, and accumulated contributions thereafter shall be held by the Board as provided in Government Code Section 20834. 10. Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System the contributions determined by' actuarial valuations of prior and future service liability with respect to local miscellaneous members and local safety members of said Retirement System. 11. Public Agency shall also contribute to said Retiremen~ System as follows: a. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment within 60 days of date of contract to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. b. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment as the occasions arise, to cover the costs of special valuations on account of employees of Public Agency, and costs of . the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. 12. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the Public Employees' Retirement Law, and on account of the experience under the Retirement System as determined by the periodic investigation and valuation required by said Retirement Law. 13. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within fifteen days after the end of the period to w/:1ich said contributions refer or as may be prescribed by Board regulation. If more or less than the correct amount of contributions is paid for any period, proper adjustment shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances. Adjustments on account of errors in contributions required of any employee may be made by direct payments between the employee and the Board. ,.. B. This amendment shall be effectiv~~Jhe BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION ,y.~ \ CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETI~~T SYSTEM CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE S{:;;~~ BY ~\)~. BY KENNETH W. ~ON. CHIEF PRESIDING OFFICER ~~~~~~~~~O~E~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~N ~ . day of .' ($\' \\~)~ ,'\'. ....t\".: , .... x.\'...., Witness Date ~(~~\ Attest '\)\J ~0 <-\~<(, Q\...:v \ Clerk AMENDMENT ER# 545 PERS-CON-702A (Rev. 8\02) CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANAL YSI,S - V ALUA nON BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 MISCELLANEOUS PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: 21548, Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit Present Value of Projected Benefits The table below shows the change in the total present value of benefits for the proposed plan amendment. The present value of benefits represents the total dollars needed today to fund all future benefits for current members of the plan, i.e. without regard to future employees. The difference between this amount and cUlTent plan assets must be paid by future employee and employer contributions. As such, the change in the present value of benefits due to the plan amendment represents the "cost" of the plan amendment. However, for plans with excess assets some or all of this "cost" may already be covered by cUlTent excess assets. As of June 30, 2002 Current Plan Post-Amendment Total Assets at Market Value (MV A) $ 10,682,300 $ 10,682,300 Actuarial Value of Assets (A VA) 11,750,530 11,750,530 AVA/MVA 110.0% 11 0.0% Present Value of Projected Benefits (PVB) $ 15,235,721 $ 15,332,764 Actuarial Value of Assets (A VA) II. 750.53Q II. 750.530 Present Value of Future Employer and Employee Contributions (pVB - A VA) $ 3,485,191 $ 3,582,234 Change to PVB 97,043 Accrued Liability It is not required, nor necessarily desirable, to have accumulated assets sufficient to cover the total present value of benefits until every member has left employment. Instead, the actuarial funding process calculates a regular contribution schedule of employee contributions and employer contributions (called normal costs) which are designed to accumulate with interest to equal the total present value of benefits by the time every member has left employment. As of each June 30, the actuary calculates the "desirable" level of plan assets as of that point in time by subtracting the present value of scheduled future employee contributions and future employer normal costs from the total present value of benefits. The resulting "desirable" lever of assets is called the accrued liability. A plan with assets exactly equal to the plan's accrued liability is simply "on schedule" in funding that plan, and only future employee contributions and future employer normal costs are needed. A plan with assets below the accrued liability is "behind schedule", or is said to have an unfunded liability, and must temporarily increase contributions to get back on schedule. A plan with assets in excess of the plan's accrued liability is "ahead of schedule", or is said to have excess assets, and can temporarily reduce future contributions. A plan with assets(A VA) in excess of the total present value of benefits is called super- funded, and neither future employer nor employee contributions are required. Of course, events such as plan amendments and investment or demographic gains or losses can change a plan's condition from year to year. For example, a plan amendment could cause a plan to move all the way from being super-funded to being in an unfunded position. . July 28, 2004 I :53 PM Page I of6 CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANALYSIS - V ALUA nON BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 MISCELLANEOUS PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: 21548, Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit The changes in your plan's accrued liability, unfunded accrued liability, and the funded ratio as of June 30,2002 due to the plan amendment are shown in the table below. As of June 30, 2002 Current Plan Post-Amendment Entry Age Normal Accrued Liability (AL) $ 11,201,725 $ 11,265,103 Actuarial Value of Assets (A VA) 1 1.750.530 1 1.750.530 Unfunded Liability/(Excess Assets) (UAL = AL-AVA) $ (548,805) $ (485,427) Funded Ratio (A VA/ AL) 104.9OAt 104.3% Change to AL 63,378 Total Employer Contribution Rate While the tables above give the changes in the accrued liability and funded status of the plan due to the amendment, there remains the question of what will happen to the employer contribution rate because of the change in plan provisions. CalPERS policy is to implement rate changes due to plan amendments immediately on the effective date of the change in plan benefits. This change is displayed as the "Change to Total Employer Rate" on the following page. If the contract amendment effective date is on or before June 30, 2004, the change in the employer contribution rate should be added to the employer's current rate. In general, the policy also provides that the change in unfunded liability due to the plan amendment will be separately amortized over a period of 20 years from the effective date of the amendment and all other components of the plan's unfunded liability/excess assets will continue to be amortized separately. However, your actuary may choose to apply different rules to plans with a current employer contribution rate of zero. The pre-amendment excess assets in these plans were sufficient to cover the employer's normal cost for one or more years into the future. A plan amendment will use up some or all of the pre- amendment excess assets. In order to maintain our goal of providing rates that are relatively stable, while taking into account known or expected future events, your actuary may decide to spread any remaining excess assets over a single number of years. This is known as a "fresh start" and will generally be for a period not less than 15 years, and in no case less than 5 years. You may call your actuary to discuss further alternative financing options. If the amendment uses up all excess assets and creates an unfunded liability (i.e. from being ahead of schedule to behind schedule), the total post-amendment unfunded liability may be amortized over 20 years. In no case may the annual contribution with regard to a positive unfunded liability be less than the amount which would be required to amortize that unfunded liability, as a level percent of pay, over 30 years. The table on the following page shows the change in your plan's employer contribution rate due to the plan amendment for fiscal 2004-2005. July 28, 2004 1 :53 PM Page 2 of6 ._.~---_._-,---._-----,~-- CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANALYSIS - V ALUA TION BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 MISCELLANEOUS PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: 21548, Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit As of June 30, 2002 Current Plan Post-Amendment 2004-2005 Employer Rate Payment for Normal Cost 7.556% 7.672% Payment on Amortization Bases -0.462% -0.279% Payment for 1959 Survivor Benefit Program 0.000% 0.000% Total Employer Rate 7.094% 7.393% Change to Normal Cost 0.116% Change to Total Employer Rate 0.299<<'/0 Current Amortization Base I 20-year Amendment Amortization Base - Fresh Start 2 N/A - Multiple Base 3 20-year 2004-2005 Employee Rate Total Employee Rate 6.763% 6.763% Change to Total Employee Rate 0.000% 2005-2006 -c- -c- Estimated Employer Rate 4,5 (recognizing 4% 8.9% 9.2% investment return for 2002-2003) Projection Amortization Base Multiple Base Multiple Base I - Details of the current amortization base arc shown on page 10 of June 30, 2002 annual valuation report. If you have adopted any other subsequent amendments, the current amortization base is the schedule after these adoptee! amendments. 2 - If a fixed number of years is shown, it means that the current unfunded actuarial liability is projected and amortized over this fixed number of years. This. amortization replaces the amortization schedule shown in your June 30, 2002 annual valuation and any other subsequent amendments you have adopted. 3 - If20-year is shown, it means that the change in liability due to plan amendments is amortized separately over a 20-year period. This amortization schedule is in addition to the amortization schedule shown in the June 30, 2002 annual valuation and any other subsequent amendments you have adopted. 4- Excludes 1959 Survivor Benefit Program rate. 5 - Your actual contribution rate for 2005-06 will be based on a new set of actuarial assumptions and will reflect the increase in industrial disability benefits required by the Arnett decision. Because of these changes, your actual contribution rate for 2005-06 may be substantially higher than the estimates shown here. In the above table, the information shown in the 2004-05 box represents the actual initial contribution rate that will apply during fiscal 2004-05 if you adopt the amendment. The contribution rates shown for 2005- 06 are estimates which incorporate the investment return for 2002-03. However, your actual contribution rate for 2005-06 will be based on a new set of actuarial assumptions and will reflect the increase in industrial disability benefits required by the Arnett decision. Because of these changes, your actual contribution rate for 2005-06 may be substantially higher than the estimates shown here. Note that the change in normal cost in the table above may be much more indicative of the long term change in the employer contribution rate due to the plan amendment. The plan's payment on amortization bases shown in the table above is a temporary adjustment to the employer contribution to "get the plan back on schedule". This temporary adjustment to the employer rate varies in duration from plan to plan. For example, a plan with initial excess assets being amortized over a short period of time will typically experience a large rate increase when excess assets are fully amortized. While a plan July 28, 2004 I :53 PM Page 3 of6 CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANALYSIS - V ALUA TION BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 MISCELLANEOUS PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: 21548, Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit amendment for such a plan may produce little or no increase in the employer contribution rate now, the change in normal cost due to the plan amendment will become fully reflected in the employer contribution rate as soon as initial excess assets are fully amortized. Disclosure If your agency is requesting cost information for two or more benefit changes, the cost of adopting more than one of these changes may not be obtained by adding the individual costs. Instead, a separate valuation must be done to provide a cost analysis for the combination of benefit changes. If the proposed plan amendment applies to only some of the employees in the plan, the rate change due to the plan amendment still applies to the entire plan, and is still based on the total plan payroll. Any mandated benefit improvements not included in the June 30, 2002 annual valuation have not been incorporated into this cost analysis. Please note that the cost analysis provided in this document ~ay not be relied upon once the CalPERS actuarial staffh_ave completed the next annual valuation, that is, the annual valuation as of June 30, 2003. If you have not taken action to amend your contract, and we have already completed the June 30, 2003 annual valuation report, you must contact our office for an updated cost analysis, based on the new annual valuation. Descriptions of the actuarial methodologies, actuarial assumptions, and plan benefit provisions may be found in the appendices ofthe June 30, 2002 annual report. Please note that the results shown here are subject to change if any of the data or plan provisions change from what was used in this study. Certification This actuarial valuation for the proposed plan amendment is based on the participant, benefits, and asset data used in the June 30, 2002 annual valuation, with the benefits modified if necessary to reflect what is currently provided under your contract with CaIPERS, and further modified to reflect the proposed plan amendment. The valuation has been performed in accordance with standards of practice prescribed by the Actuarial Standards Board, and the assumptions and methods are internally consistent and reasonable for this plan, as prescribed by the CalPERS Board of Administration according to provisions set forth in the California Public Employees' Retirement Law. ~~F~ Enrolled Actuary Senior Pension Actuary, CalPERS Fin Process Ids: Annual-149573 Base-200535 Proposal;..200536 July 28, 2004 1 :53 PM Page 4 of6 CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANALYSIS - V ALUA nON BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 MISCELLANEOUS PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: 21548, Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit Summary of Plan Amendments Valued COVERAGE GROUP 70002 Pre-Amendment · Benefit not part of Contract Package. · Benefit not part of Contract Package. Post-Amendment · An employee's eligible survivor may receive the Optional Settlement 2 Death benefit if the member dies while actively employed, has attained at least age 50, and has at least 5 years of credited service (total service across all CalPERS employers and with certain other Retirement Systems with which CalPERS has reciprocity agreements). A CalPERS member must be actively employed with the CalPERS employer providing this benefit to be eligible for this benefit. An eligible survivor means the surviving spouse to whom the member was married at least one year before death. A member's survivor may choose this benefit in lieu of the Basic Death benefit or the 1957 Survivor benefit. · The Optional Settlement 2 Death benefit is a monthly allowance equal to the Service Retirement benefit that the member would have received had the member elected Optional Settlement 2 and retired on the date of his or her death. (A retiree who elects Optional Settlement 2 receives an allowance that has been reduced so that it will continue to be paid after his or her death to a surviving beneficiary.) The allowance is payable as long as the surviving spouse lives, at which time it is continued to any unmarried children under age 18. There is a guarantee that the total amount paid will at least equal the Basic Death Benefit. July 28, 2004 I :53 PM Page 5 of6 CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST ANALYSIS - VALUATION BASIS: JUNE 30, 2002 MISCELLANEOUS PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EMPLOYER NUMBER 545 Benefit Description: 21548, Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit COVERAGE GROUP 70001 Pre-Amendment · Benefit not part of Contract Package. · Benefit not part of Contract Package. Post-Amendment · An employee's eligible survivor may receive the Optional Settlement 2 Death benefit if the member dies while actively employed, has attained at least age 50, and has at least 5 years of credited service (total service across all CalPERS employers and with certain other . Retirement Systems with which CalPERS has reciprocity agreements). A CalPERS member must be actively employed with the CalPERS employer providing this benefit to be eligible for this benefit. An eligible survivor means the surviving spouse to whom the member was married at least one 'year before death. A member's survivor may choose this benefit in lieu of the Basic Death benefit or the 1957 Survivor benefit. · The Optional Settlement 2 Death benefit is a monthly allowance equal to the Service Retirement benefit that the member would have received had the member elected Optional Settlement 2 and retired on the date of his or her death. (A retiree who elects Optional Settlement 2 receives an allowance that has been reduced so that it will continue to be paid after his or her death to a surviving beneficiary.) The aIJowance is payable as long as the surviving spouse lives, at which time it is continued to any unmarried children under age 18. There is a guarantee that the total amount paid will at least equal the Basic Death Benefit. July 28, 2004 I :53 PM Page 60f6