Minutes 2004-09-22 SP MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL and PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 6:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 215 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, California 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Tony Ferrara called the Special Joint Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrara Jed the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ROLL CALL: Cltv Council Plannina Commission Tony M. Ferrara, Mayor Jim Guthrie, Chair Sandy Lubin, Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brown, Vice Chair Thomas A. RuneJs, Council Member Ed Arnold, Commissioner Jim Dickens, Council Member Nan C. Fowler, Commissioner Joe Costello, Council Member John Keen, Commissioner 4. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS None.. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Economic Development Strateav - Hotel/Motel. Community DeveJopment Director Strong provided an overview on the City's Economic DeveJopment Strategy for attracting additional hotels/motels to the City. He presented a map which identified six potentiaJ locations/sites and expJained that the focus on hoteVmoteJ development was intended to increase the City's Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenues and capture a greater share of regional visitor service and retail sales income. He recommended the Planning Commission and City Council discuss the six potential sites and provide direction regarding economic development strategy. Discussion and comments ensued regarding site-specific opportunities and constraints of identified locations. The City Council and PJanning Commission provided the following comments: . Suggested including the Frederick/Williams property in the list of potential sites as it is within the City's Sphere of Influence; . Request for a market analysis to determine the demand for lodging in the City; . Concerns regarding access issues, creek, and traffic constraints on Site 2 (East Grand Avenue and West Branch Street); . Concerns about circulation issues around Site 3 (EI Camino Real near Halcyon Road), Site 4 (East Grand Avenue at Barnett Street and Site 5 (East Grand Avenue near Bell Street); . Sites 1 (Traffic Way and Cherry Avenue) & 6 (Camino Mercado and West Branch Street) are most Jogical for immediate hoteVmotel location; however, traffic and circulation issues will be a concern with Site 6; ......---..--- -- ---.. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 22, 2004 PAGE 2 . Favored mixed use project with incorporation of agriculture component on Site 1 (Traffic Way and Cherry Avenue); and . Continue to encourage hoteVmoteJ deveJopment; however, do not precJude consideration of any other allowed or conditionally permitted uses on these sites. There was no formaJ action taken on this item. b. Televisina of Plannina Commission Meetlnas. City Manager Adams presented the staff report and recommended the City Council and Planning Commission discuss the alternatives for cablecasting of Planning Commission meetings. Council comments included recognition of having received positive feedback about the teJevised Council meetings; making more effort to provide the public with greater access to public meetings; having an opportunity to educate the public about what occurs at the PJanning Commission level; a suggestion for putting guidelines in pJaceto allow PJanning Commission iterT1s to be heard in a timeJy manner; agreement that General Fund monies should not be used to fund the project; acknowJedging that the PJanning Commission meetings involve more technical and detail oriented discussion and deliberations; and a request for more information on fixed equipment and costs. Planning Commission comments included agreement that no General Fund monies should be used to fund the project; strong concerns that the casuaJ workshop style of the Planning Commission deliberations would not be appropriate for television; placing more stress on applicants who already feel uncomfortable stepping up to the podium to address the Commission; and the ability to accomplish more without being in a formaJ atmosphere. Comments also included acknowledgement that there is a Jot of PJanning Commission business that should be available to the public and that teJevising the meetings was another way to inform the public. Mayor Ferrara stressed the importance of serving and educating the public on City issues. He suggested teJevising the PJanning Commission meetings on a triaJ basis. Mayor Ferrara opened up the item for public comment. Steve Mathieu, AGP Video, spoke in support of televising public meetings, highlighted his nine years of experience taping government meetings throughout the County, and gave an overview of his positive experience filming Planning Commission meetings in other jurisdictions. He further indicated that once installed, the fixed equipment would provide the City with the flexibility to televise other meetings and events at minimal cost. Hearing no other public comments, Mayor Ferrara cJosed the public comment period. Following further discussion, there was consensus to direct staff to proceed by requesting AGP Video to submit a formaJ proposaJ for televising PJanning Commission meetings and pJacing the issue on a future City Council agenda. There was no formal action taken on this item. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 22, 2004 PAGE 3 c. City Water Use and Supplv Issues as Thev Relate to Land Use Plannlna and Decisions. Director of Public Works Spagnolo presented the staff report and recommended the Council discuss and provide direction on: 1) the development and adoption of a landscape ordinance that restricts water use for new development; and 2) continuing land use strategies to encourage higher density housing where appropriate. Discussion and comments ensued regarding the City's existing plumbing retrofit program, as well as other water conservation methods such as a proposed Jandscape ordinance that restricts water use for new development. Council and Planning Commission comments included stressing the importance of public education efforts regarding water conservation programs and/or changing the City's water rate structure; acknowledging the City's responsibility for providing an adequate water suppJy; and acknowJedging the challenges facing the City for providing water. There was aJso acknowJedgment of the City Council's recent direction to staff to pursue severaJ alternatives for both water conservation and increased water suppJy, such as pursuing an agreement to utilize groundwater from other agencies participating in the Groundwater Management Agreement on a temporary basis; considering a change to a tiered water rate structure; proceeding with selection of a design consuJtant for Well No. 10 located on Deer Trail Circle; pursuing an agreement with Plains ExpJoration and Production company for Reclaimed Price Canyon Oil FieJd Water; pursuing further discussions on a groundwater study; pursuing further discussions on the Nacimiento Water Project; and pursuing further discussions regarding potential purchase of State water. There was also discussion regarding the use of non-potable water in certain Jandscaping areas and the use of recJaimed water and a suggestion to research a program instituted by the City of ScottsdaJe, Arizona. Jt was acknowledged that more information regarding previousJy identified water conservation alternatives would be. forthcoming to the Council in November for further discussion and consideration. Following further discussion, staff was directed to include the development of a landscape ordinance that restricts water use for new development into the water conservation work plan for consideration at a future Council meeting. There was no formal action taken on this item. 6. CITIZENS' INPUT. COMMENTS. AND SUGGESTIONS. None. 7. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ferrara adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Recorded by: ~t1c iJ.JL~'u.- Kelly W tmcle Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk (Approved at CC mtg /0,21ro'O