Minutes 1996-04-23 , t 125 /"- '~ MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1996 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH S'I'REET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor A. K. "Pete" Dougall presiding. 2. AND 3. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Pro Tem Souza led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flagr and the Rev. Luanne Jacks Griguoli of Nipomo Community Presbyterian Church delivered the invocation. 4. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro Tem James Souza and Council Members Drew Brandy, Michael Lady, and Michael Fuller. Staff members present were city Manager Robert L. Hunt, city Attorney Tim Carmel, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Community Development Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler, Public Works Director John Wallace, and Associate Planner Lori Rosenstein. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS (a) Proclamation: Beta Sigma Phi Days, May 17, 18, and 29, 1996 Accepted by a representative of Beta Sigma Phi (b) Proclamation: Arbor Day, April 26, 1996 Accepted by Mr. Keisler. (c) Proclamation: National Tourism Week, May 5 - 11, 1996 Accepted by Lynn La Tronica of the San Luis Obispo County Visitors' Bureau 6. AGENDA REVIEW City Manager Hunt said letters received concerning Agenda Item 11.a. had been distributed to the Council. There was Council consensus that Agenda Item 11.a. be moved to the Public Hearing section of the Agenda and be designated as Item 7.c. Mayor Dougall said members of the public would be invited to speak on the item. 6.A. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONLY It was moved by Souza/Fuller and unanimously passed (5-0-0) that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 1 126 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 1996 7.A. PUBLIC HEARING - INTRODUCTION OF AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISES REPEALING CHAPTER 2 OF TITLE 5 OF THE f'~ ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING THERETO A NEW CHAPTER 2 I City Manager Hunt gave a history of the city's franchise with I sonic Cable Television. He said the franchise h~d expired and before entering into a new franchise, the City's current ordinance regulating community antenna television systems should .... be updated. He discussed areas where staff and Sonic Cable Television officials could not reach agreement. He recommended the council introduce for first reading an ordinance repealing Chapter 2 of Title 5 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and adding thereto a new Chapter 2 and instruct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Categorical Exemption. He said after the ordinance is adopted, staff would move ahead with the franchise agreement. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly noticed and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall opened the hearing to the floor. Jeff Smith, Sonic Cable Television General Manager, said Sonic objections to some parts of the proposed ordinance should not prevent the Council with moving forward with the ordinance. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the floor. It was moved by Lady/Fuller and passed unanimously (5-0-0) to introduce the ordinance Repealing Chapter 2 of Title 5 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and Adding Thereto a New Chapter 2. 7.B. PUBLIC HEARING - ESTABLISHMENT OF A GREEN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM, FEE FOR SERVICE. AND AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT RECYCLING CONTRACT city Manager Hunt said on March 6, 1996 the Council approved an agreement with ~CCO Recycling for curbside collection services in the city. He said an element of the program is the collection of green waste. He said the agreement was modified in two. areas, as follows: (1) Item 0, Exhibit A, was changed to read, "Contractor shall [- prepare green waste program for the collection of residential yard waste and shall submit it to the City Council for review and approval on or before July 1, 1996. Green waste shall be collected once a month commencing after Council approval of the program." (2 ) Item C1 of the same Exhibit was modified to read "A 2 I I , 127 - CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 1996 promotional campaign highlighting the addition of green waste collection shall occur for a period of 90 days after Council approval." Mr. Hunt said RALCCO had prepared a Green Waste Recycling Program and he described the contents of the program. He said because the proposed green waste program identifies fees in greater detail than the Recycling Agreement, staff recommended an amendment to the current agreement to ensure consistency between the two documents. He said under the approved contract with RALCCO, the City is reimbursed for its administrative cost of collecting recycling fees. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all other legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall opened the hearing to the floor. steve McGrath of RALCCO discussed the green waste program with the Council. Marie Burt of 414 Orchard expressed her concerns about the program. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the floor. There was consensus among the Council Members that property owners may apply for exemptions to the green waste collection service program if they compost yard refuse. Mr. Hunt said staff would bring back to the Council at the May 14, 1996 meeting the resolution establishing fees for recycling services including a modification to allow an exemption for those who compost yard refuse, and an amendment to the current Curbside Collection Recycling Program Agreement. 7.C. (FORMERLY ITEM 11.A.) MODIFICATION OF RODEO DRIVE FOR REGULATION OF TRAFFIC AND TRAFFIC-CALMING MEASURES Mayor Dougall said the proposal to change part of Rodeo Drive to a one-way street has been dropped because there were many objections. PUblic Works Director Wallace said the Traffic Commission had studied the problem of speeding on Rodeo Drive and recommended (1) the installation of stop signs at Rodeo Drive and Grace Lane and Rodeo Drive and Emerald Bay Drive; (2) the installation of speed humps on Rodeo Drive as part of the FY 1996-97 Budget 3 -------------., -. .-. ---~---- -----..-.---- 128 ,-- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 1996 process; (3 ) if the Council wishes to consider the installation of speed humps, that a petition from the "affected households" be r submitted indicating that 60 percent of those affected are in support of the installation, and (4) the Council amend the recently adopted Design Guidelines for Speed Humps to define affected households as those residences fronting on the subject t street(s) [in this particular situation - Rodeo Drive between Grace Lane and 100 feet south of Mercedes Drive, along with homes on Emerald Bay Drive]. Mr. Wallace said installation of the stop signs could take place this fiscal year, but the speed humps ($16,000) would require consideration within the FY 1996-97 budget process. He showed a series of slides on the overhead projector concerning the number of cars on the streets, slopes, and speed humps. Mayor Dougall opened the meeting to the floor. Members of the public speaking to the Council were Ralph Plumb of 291 James Way, Larry Greene of 393 Rodeo Drive, Tyler Brown of 400 Rodeo Drive, Rick Tellez of 415 Rodeo Drive, Ross Kongable of 255 Rodeo Drive, Lynn Parks of 1146 Maple Street, Joanne Bienenfeld of 418 Spanish Moss Lane, Levonia Dodgen of 182 Rodeo Drive, Dane Phillips of 430 Spanish Moss Lane, Joe Halvorsen of Arroyo Grande, Cindy Orr of 464 Rodeo Drive, Lupe Acosta of 203 Rodeo Drive, Della Burdine of 163 Spruce Street, Clair Nagelschmidt of 315 spanish Moss Lane, Frank Madden of 210 Rodeo Drive, Robin Greene of 393 Rodeo Drive, Frank Crowder of 218 Rodeo Drive, Peggy Kettelson of 282 Rodeo Drive, Melvin Fowler of 226 Rodeo Drive, Steve Atlas of 250 Rodeo Drive, Dick Franks of 879 Fair Oaks, Stan Kettelson of 282 Rodeo Drive, and Lucio Acosta of 203 Rodeo Drive. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the floor. It was moved by Lady/Brandy and the motion passed unanimously (5- 0-0, Lady, Brandy, Fuller, Souza, and Dougall voting aye) to adopt Resolution No. 3138 Establishing stop Signs at the Intersections of Rodeo Drive and Grace Lane. Council Members reached consensus that street signage be should be repainted and r traffic enforcement increased. COUNCIL MEMBERS WERE IN RECESS FROM 8:55 TO 9:05 P.M. j i 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD No one came forward to speak. 4 -.-..--,,-.<-.. : -~..~ 129 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 1996 9. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Souza/Fuller and passed on a roll call vote (3-1-1, Souza, Fuller, and Dougall voting aye, Lady abstaining from voting on the Council Minutes of April 9, 1996, and Brandy absent for this agenda item) to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a. through 9.d., with the recommended courses of action. 9. (a) Minutes of City council Meetings of February 27, March 13, March 26, and April 9, 1996. Approved. 9.(b) Register of Checks/Demands. Approved. 9. (c) Letter of support for Performing Arts Theater. Approved. 9.(d) Mason/poole/Whiteley streets, Water, Sewer, and Street Project; Final Payment and Settlement Agreement. Approved. 11.B. UPDATE OF CANBY'S BACKCOUNTRY BARBECUE CONDUCTING BUSINESS AT J.J.'S .MARKET PARKING LOT Associate Planner Rosenstein said Harry Canby had come to the Council on April 9, 1996 to discuss his concern over Development Code standards for his proposed outdoor barbecue in the parking lot at J.J.'s Market. She said Council directed Mr. Canby to meet with Community Development Department Staff to resolve his concerns. She said staff determined that a Conditional Use Permit would be necessary, but Mr. Canby requested that his proposed outdoor barbecue in the parking lot be classified as a "sale of seasonal products" and this would entitle him to 60 days of operation per calendar year. She said the item could be placed on the Planning Commission agenda of May 7, 1996. It was moved by Souza/Lady and the motion passed unanimously to refer matter to the Planning Commission to discuss at its meeting of May 7, 1996. 11.C. STATUS OF LOS ROBLES DEL MAR PRojECT IN PISMO BEACH Mayor Pro Tem Souza said he may have a conflict of interest on this Agenda Item and on Item 11.d. and left the room. Community Development Director Liberto-Blanck said the Los Robles Del Mar Project consists of a private school on the 28 acre parcel, 289 single family residences on approximately 91 acres, and approximately 69 acres of open space. She described letters of concern written to the pismo Beach City Council by the City of Arroyo Grande. She said the developers will request that the property be annexed to the City of pismo Beach. 5 _u~".__ 130 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 1996 Ms. Liberto-Blanck said staff had identified the following options for Council consideration: r" 1. Direct staff to write a formal letter to LAFCO recommending: J t I a. LAFCO not approve the annexation; and/or I b. LAFCO initiate litigation based on environmental issues. 2. Direct staff to attend the LAFCO meeting on the project. 3. Direct the City Attorney to initiate litigation based on environmental issues. Impact to the General Fund could range from $20,000 - $40,000 depending on the extent of litigation needed to resolve all issues. 4. Support the Arroyo Grande homeowners (not monetary support) should they decide to litigate based on environmental issues. She said staff recommends alternatives 1.a., 2. , and 4. Speaking to the Council about the affects the project would have on the City of Arroyo Grande were Brad O'Laughlin of 709 Cardinal Court, Bob May of 836 Robin Circle, Joe Costello of 1088 Robin Circle, Sue Ventrone of 839 Meadowlark, Betty LaPlante of 868 Robin Circle, Rick Totah of 812 Robin Circle, Steve Lorence of 807 Meadowlark, Cathryn Lindner of 852 Robin Circle, Tom Ray Kubler of 1232 Paseo Ladera. It was moved by Fuller/Dougall and the motion passed (3-1-1, Fuller, Dougall, and Brandy voting aye, Lady voting no, and Souza abstaining) to approve the following options: 1.a. Direct staff to write a formal letter to Local Agency Formation Commission recommending LAFCO not approve the annexation as currently proposed; 2. Direct staff to attend the LAFCO meeting on the project, and 4. Support (not monetarily) the Arroyo Grande Homeowners should they decide to litigate based on environmental issues. 11.D. INTERPRETATION OF POLICY STATEMENT 1.4 OF THE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. APPLIED FOR BY \- ." TATSUME KAWAOKA Mayor Pro Tem Souza said he may have a conflict of interest on this matter and remained out of the room. 6 . IJl CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 1996 community Development Director Liberto-Blanck explained what is said in the city's Open Space and Conservation Element (OSCE) of the General Plan about the city Council interpreting whether or not agriculture water rights can be converted to non-agricultural use in the city. She said the Planning commission recommended the Council adopt a resolution providing the interpretation that OSCE Policy 1.4 applies to all property zoned, designated in the General Plan, and/or used for agriculture. She said staff had identified two possible alternatives for Council consideration, as follows: 1. The city Council may interpret that the policy would disallow credit for agricultural water use from being given when any land used or designated for agriculture is converted to urban use. 2. The City Council may interpret that the policy only applies to parcels designated in the General Plan for agricultural usage. Burtram Johnson, who represents the applicants, spoke in favor of the Council interpreting that the OSCEPolicy 1.4 only applies to parcels designated in the General Plan for agricultural usage. It was moved by Lady/Fuller and the motion passed (3-1-1, Lady, Fuller, Brandy, and Dougall voting aye; Brandy voting no, and Souza abstaining) to adopt Resolution No. 3139 Providing the Interpretation that Open Space and Conservation Element Policy 1.4 Applies only to Properties Zoned or Designated in the Gener~l Plan for Agricultural Purposes. Mayor Pro Tern Souza returned to the dais. 11.E. DEVELOPMENT OF A CITYWIDE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN AND FINANCING ALTERNATIVES Public Works Director Wallace said the City of Arroyo Grande has faced water problems that exceed its resources and the storms in January and March, 1995 once again pointed out some of the major inadequacies of the City's drainage structure. He said the city's present sources of revenue are minimally adequate to provide for ongoing maintenance and inadequate to pay for substantial improvements to the city's creeks, channels, drainage basins, and storm drains. He listed the issues that need to be addressed, financing, and identified the projects that need to be undertaken. He said staff recommended the Council begin the process by providing for a master drainage plan as part of the 1996-97 fiscal year budget, including a summary of the most feasible financing alternatives and methods of spreading costs to properties within the City. He said funding for the master plan is estimated to cost approximately $40,000. 7 ,-.----..-.--- --._~._-_.- ....---".-- -... -.-- l.J~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 1996 It was moved by Brandy/Fuller and the motion passed unanimously to direct staff to proceed with the development of a city Wide Drainage Master Plan and request proposals to identify related financing alternatives. ~.~, 1 11. F. STATE HIGHWAY ACCOUNT FUNDING ~T,T .oCATIONS: JAMF,S WAY f ! STREET STORM DAMAGE RESTORATION/BIKEWAY PROJECT 12 < { The Public Works Director said staff is basically looking at the James Way Restoration project, where the sidewalk fell into more than 800 feet of roadway. He said staff proposes to fund the repair with state Highway Account or Federal Highway Administration-Emergency Relief Fund monies. He said the other project being look at is the Bikeway Project No. 2, which includes expanding Fair Oaks to a four-lane road and providing drainage facilities. He said the bikeway will go down Valley Road and the roadway would be restriped and expanded to provide a bike lane. He said funding would be from the state Highway Account. It was moved by Brandy/Souza and the motion passed unanimously to approve staff recommendations, as follows: 1. Find that the reallocation of state Highway Account funds for the James Way Restoration Project and the Bikeway Project #2 (Valley Road, Fair Oaks Ave.) is consistent with the City Council's December 14, 1993, Resolution No. 3016; 2. find that the proposed alternative transportation improvements are of local and regional significance and that these projects implement a range of alternative transportation measures; 3. approve the submittal of the Cooperative Agreements and letter to San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, which will authorize reallocation of a total of $267,462 of Urban state Highway Account funds for the proposed projects; 4. find that the subject projects are categorically exempt as Class 1 projects (Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines); 5. approve the final plans and specifications for the Bikeway #2 and James Way Reconstruction projects, and 6. authorize staff, upon the completion of the fund transfers, to t advertise the Bikeway Project #2 and James Way reconstruction projects for bidding. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS It was moved by Lady/Souza and the motion passed unanimously not 8 ,. IJJ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 23, 1996 to hear city Council Reports because of the lateness of the hour. 13. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (a) Mayor Dougall said the city had received two applications for the Mobile Home Rent Review Board. 14. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Dougall said May 4, 1996 is the March of Dimes Walk and that he had committed the council to its usual donation. 15. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Fuller/Lady and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 p.m. to the All-city Councils Meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 25, 1996 .at the Embassy suites Hotel, 333 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo. 9 ~----