Minutes 1996-07-23 I . .""". MINUTES SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1996 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA [ SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor A. K. -Pete- Dougall and Council Members Drew Brandy, Michael Lady, and Michael Fuller; City Manager Robert L. Hunt, and Assistant City Attorney Timothy J. Carmel met at 6:45 p.m. to discuss the following: 1. CLOSED SESSION (a) Public Employee Performance Evaluation pursuant to Government Code Section 54957: Title: City Manager 2. ADJOURNMENT: The Closed Session was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. to the Regular Council Meeting, July 23, 1996, 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MeETING 1. CALL TO ORDER The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met in regular session at 7:30 p.m.. with Mayor Dougall presiding. He said no reportable action was taken on Item 1.a, in the Closed Session. . '. 2. AND 3 FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION, The Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag was led by Connie O'Henlan, Five Cities Director, Sylvia Dodd; Margaret and Glenn Martin, and John Quinn, all of the Five Cities Family YMCA. The Rev. Randal L. Ouimette of 51. John's Lutheran Church, Grover Beach, delivered the invocation, 4. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Dougall were Council Members Brandy, Fuller, and lady. Mayor l Pro Tem James Souza was absent. Staff members present were City Manager Hunt, Assistant City Attorney Carmel; City Clerk Nancy Davis; Public Works Director John Wallace; Chief of Police Rick TerBorch; Finance Director David Bacon; Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler; Police Officer Kevin McBride, and Canine Police Dog Tzar. 1 . -, -'"" CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 1996 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: (a) Mayor Dougall presented the Five Cities Family YMCA with a letter of appreciation for leading the Flag Salute. (b) Mayor Dougall announced the Arroyo Grande Police K-9 Unit received Bronze Medals in the California Police Olympics. 6. AGENDA REVIEW None. 6.A. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES READ IN TITLE ONL V It was moved by Lady/Brandy and the motion passed unanimously that all resolutions and ordinances presented at the meeting be read in title only and all further reading be waived. 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. 8. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: No one came forward to speak. 9. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Brandy/Fuller and passed (4-0-1, Brandy, Fuller, Lady, and Dougall voting aye, Souza absent) to approve Consent Agenda Items 9.a, through 9.d. and 9.1. through 9.L, with the recommended courses of action. 9.a. Register of Checks/Demands. Approved. i 9.b. Renewal of Lease Agreement for Reservoir No.2; Mobile Com., Inc. Approved. 9.c. Approval of Parcel Map AGAL 94-142; 163 South Elm Street; (Peoples' Self-Help Housing). Approved. 9.d. Convert COBG to Note and Convey to Oak Forest Associates Limited Partnership and Amend Cawelti Court Promissory Note. The City Manager was authorized to sign the notes. 9.t. Approval of a Contract with FIRMA to Review Design Guidelines for the Rancho ; Grande Subdivision. Approved. , , 9.g. Rejection of Claim Against City; Betty L. Smith. The claim was rejected. 2 ! ~-.. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUL Y 23, 1996 9.h. Acceptance of Improvements for Tract 2189; Robles Road (Vlck Pace Construction, Inc.). The improvements were accepted. 9.i. Approval of Lease with YMCA. Approved. r After questions by Council Member lady about Item 9.e. Authorization to Seek Proposals for Classification and Compensation Study, it was moved by Lady/Brandy and the motion passed unanimously to approve the item and authorize staff to seek proposals for a study. 10.A. SECOND READING - ORDINANCE NO. 478 C.s.: GENCOM City Manager Hunt said Ordinance No. 478 C.S. approving a Planned Development Rezone for the GenCom project was introduced at a City Council meeting on July 9th for first reading without modification. It was moved by Fuller/Brandy and the motion passed (3-1-1, Fuller, Brandy, and Dougall voting aye, Lady voting no, and Souza absent) to adopt Ordinance No. 478 C.S. Approving a Planned Development Rezone, Case No, 96-001, to Amend Portions of the Official City Zoning Map F.rom General Commercial to Planned Development (PO) as Shown in Exhibit · A. · 10.B. RECEIPT Of REDEVELOPMENT FEASIBlLrTY STUDY AND POS$IBLE FORMATION OF A flEDEVELOPMENT AGENCY City Manager Hunt recommended the City Council receive and file the Redevelopment Feasibility Study prepared by Urban Futures, Inc., and provide direction to staff whether to proceed with the formation of a redevelopment agency. He said the cost of form ing a redevelopment agency and adopting a Redevelopment Plan Is approximately $125,000, which would be the responsibility of the City's Redevelopment Agency. He said the funding would require a loan agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the City, using the Sewer Facility Fund (Fund 34) that has an estimated ending fund balance (June 1997) of approximately $1.7 million. Jon Huffman of Urban Futures, Inc. spoke to the Council and said his finn was hired to do a community education program and feasibility study on the possible formation of a redevelopment agency for the City. He showed slides of the proposed .Survey r Area- and said a significant case could be made that there is economic and physical blight as defined under California Redevelopment law. i \ '.- Heather Jensen, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, said a Redevelopment Agency would be one of the few ways to revitalize the business community. 3 ,- -,_..__.._~--- ........, 175 CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUL Y 23, 1996 It was moved by Lady/Fuller and the motion passed unanimously to proceed with the formation of a Redevelopment Agency, which would include the fonnation of that Agency and developing the contracts for those services, and direct staff to bring back for Council consideration whether or not to move forward with either the loan or a grant from the City's Sewer Fund, It was moved by LadylBrandy and the motion passed unanimously to accept the Redevelopment Feasibility Study prepared by Urban Futures, Inc. 11 A. APPROVAL TO RECEIVE FEDERAL LOCAL LAW ENEORCEM~NT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS Police Chief TerBorch said the 1996 Federal Omnibus Appropriation Act created a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program that allocates funds to local law enforcement agencies to supplement their existing budgets. He said the City has been allocated $22,947 and matching funds of $2,550 would be required. He recommended the money be spent on a Volunteer Patrol Program, Traffic Enforcement Enhancement, Automated Records Storage, and Master File Server, Computer System. It was moved by Brandy/Fuller and the motion passed unanimously to authorize staff to receive approximately $22,947 from the Federal local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program, 11.8. DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE A~Q AL TEflNATE FOR LEAGUE OF CALIFQRNIA crrl~s ANNUAL CONl:EtlEt:lCE Mr. Hunt said it is recommended the City Council appoint a voting delegate and alternate(s) for the League of California Cities Annual Conference scheduled for October 13th through 15th in Anaheim. Mayor Dougall and Mayor Pro Tern Souza were selected by the Council for delegate and alternate respectively, 11.C. ESTABLISHMENT OF RENTER DEPOSIT FOR UTILITY BJLL (AS 17701 Finance Director Bacon said Assembly Bill 1770 shifted authority away from maintaining utility accounts exclusively in the names of owners of residences, requiring cities to also establish utility billing accounts in the names of renters. He recommended Council approval of $180 as the !nitial required security deposit from renters who establish consolidated utility blmng accounts with the City. Council Members discussed the matter and Council Member Brandy and Mayor Dougall felt the $180 security deposit was too high. 4 ----~ 1-76' ~-.. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUL Y 23, 1996 Judy Tappan, who was asked by Mayor Dougall to comment on the deposit, said the $180 was a lot to ask of renters, It was moved by Lady/Fuller to set the security deposit at $180, letting it be known [ that the tenant and landlord have the option of working out something between the two of them to pay the deposit, and in six months the Council readdressing the issue. The motion failed on a tie vote (2-2-1, Lady and Fuller voting aye, Brandy and Dougall voting no, and Souza absent), It was moved by Brandy/Dougall to set $100 as the initial required security deposit and the motion failed on a tie vote (2-2-1, Brandy and Dougall voting aye, Lady and Fuller voting no, and Souza absent). It was moved by Lady/Fuller to set a $180 deposit but readdress the amount of the deposit in six months. The motion passed (Lady, Fuller, and DougaU voting aye, Brandy voting no, and Souza absent). 11. D. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES: ARROYO GRAND~ POLICE OfFICERS' ASSOCIATION MYSTERY DINNER BENEFIT: USE OF CITY PROPERTY Parks and Recreation Director Keisler said the Police Officers' Association had completed the Waiver or Deduction in Fees Request Form and scored the required five points. He said proceeds from the Mystery Dinner will be used to support the Santa Cop Program, Cops and Kids Day, City recreation-sponsored events, and individual youth sport teams. It was moved by Brandy/Lady and the motion passed unanimously to waive the rental fee of $250 for use of the Woman's Club and Community Center by the Police Officers' Association, 11.E. APPROVAL OF EMPLOYEE CONTRAct Assistant City Attorney Carmel said the current Employment Agreement with the City Manager calls for a performance evaluation to occur, with consideration of salarylbenefit revision. no later than June, 1996. He said after conducting the performance evaluation and based on the mutual agreement of the Council and employee, the terms and conditions of the Employment Agreement have been revised l to reflect that consideration of a change to salarylbenefits shall occur in December, 1996. Mayor Dougall said it was the City Manager's decision to request a deferral of consideration of salarylbenefit revision until December, 1996. 5 -----.--- . 177 ~. ----- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 23, 1996 It was moved by Lady/Fuller and the motion passed unanimously to approve the City Manager's Employment Agreement arid a one-time $1,200 payment for outstanding performance. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORtS (a)(3) Mayor Dougall said Arroyo Grande will host the meeting of the Mayors of the seven cities in the County on July 24, 1996. (0)(1 )(2) Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee and County Water Resources Advisory Committee - Council Member Brandy reported that Lopez Dam's seismic condition, the results of the recent water studies, and the City's drinking water all are acceptable. He said some repair work may be needed on the downstream side of the dam. (d)(1) South County Area Transit - Council Member Lady said at the SCAT board meeting on July 17th staff was directed to propose to member agencies that the subsidized taxicab service for senior citizens and disabled residents be administered by SCAT instead of the individual agencies. He said the City's FY 1996-97 Budget includes $8,400 (Fund 25) for subsidizing taxicab service for seniors and the disabled. He said there would be no increase in cost if SCAT assumed respOnsibility for the subsidized taxi service. There was Council consensus to approve the proposal. Council Member Lady listed other activities of the SCAT board including a new budget and reserve policy, which would bring back to the City of Arroyo Grande approximately $105,000 in Local Transportation Funds. (e)(1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board - Council Member Fuller reported there is a 50 percent diversion (from the landfill) goal and Arroyo Grande is at only 28 percent. He said household hazardous waste facilities and the settlement of a dispute with the City of Paso Robles also was discussed. (e)(2) Air Pollution Control Board - Council Member Fuller said a final budget was adopted by the board and revisions were made to the fee structure. 13. COU,.,CIL COMMUNICATIONS None. 14. STAFF CQMMUNICATlONS None. 15. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Brandyllady and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the 6 1-78' - ~-- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUL Y 23, 1996 meeting at 9:11 p,m. to Thursday, July 25, 1996, 6:30 p.m. for a 8Great Streets. Presentatlo . r , ATTEST: NANCY A, I '.;~ 7