Minutes 1995-01-24 , . . 401 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1995 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor A. K. "Pete" Dougall presiding. 1. AND 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Boy Scout Troop 489 (Ira Hughes, Troop Leader) led the I Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. The Rev. Jared Hoover of First Assembly of God Church delivered the invocation. I 3. ROLL CALL . .~ Present with Mayor Dougall were Council Members Drew Brandy, Michael Fuller, Michael Lady and James Souza. Staff members present were Interim City Manager Rick TerBorch, Assistant City Attorney Tim Carmel, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Finance Director David Bacon and Director of Building and Fire Kurt Latipow. Mayor Dougall presented a letter of appreciation for conducting the Flag Salute ceremony to Boy Scout Troop 489. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS JEFF WEG, field representative for state Senator Jack O'Connell, said the Senator is opening a new district office at 1260 Chorro, San Luis Obispo. He said the public is invited to the open house on February 17, 1995. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Mayor Dougall presented a plaque of appreciation to former City Council Member Bernard Burke for his service on the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments board. Mayor Dougall said Mr. Burke also served on the Solid Water Task Force. 6. CONSENT AGEND~ It was moved by Brandy/Fuller, and the motion passed to approve Consent Agenda Items 6.a. through 6.d., with the recommended courses of action. All Council Members voted aye, except Council Member Lady, who abstained on Item 6.b. only. 6.a. Proclamation, Five cities Family YMCA "Fun-Raising Month," February, 1995. The proclamation was accepted by Debbie Quaglino, YMCA Program Director, who invited the public to view plans for the new YMCA at a tri-Chamber of Commerce "mixer" from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. on February 1, 1995, at the South County Regional Center. 1 402 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 1995 6.b. January 10, 1995, city Council Minutes. Approved with Council Member Lady abstaining. 6.c. Planning commission Recommendation Regarding the San Luis Obispo County Master Plan to reduce Drug and Alcohol Abuse. The Council reaffirmed the City's commitment to alcohol non-abuse and a drug-free community but voted not to pass any new ordinances. 6.d. community Development Block Grant Agreement for Services with Peoples' Self-Help Housing Corporation to Perform General Administrative Service. Interim City Manager and City Clerk authorized to sign the agreement. I 7. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Lady/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Cash Disbursements in the amount of -' $227,348.87, as listed in the January 18, 1995, staff report of Finance Director Bacon. B.A. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT CASE NO. 94-520: RODEO DRIVE BETW~EN WEST BRANCH STREET AND MERCEDES LANE: APNs 007-011-046 AND 007-011-040: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT BETWEEN THE SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER PROPERTY AND LOT C OF TRACT 1390: APPLICANT: COUNTY OF SAN LU~S OBISPO. Mr. TerBorch said the Council conducted the second reading of the ordinance to rezone a portion of this site at the last Council meeting. He said the resolution presented at this meeting allows adjustment of the lot line. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. JIM MC GILLIS, representing the County of San Luis Obispo, said the county approved of the resolution and he would be glad to answer questions. When no one further came forward to speak, the Mayor closed the hearing to the floor. It was moved by Souza/Lady (5-0-0, Souza, Lady, Brandy, Fuller and Dougall voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 3065 Approving Lot Line Adjustment Case No. 94-520, Located on Rodeo Drive, Applied for by the County of San Luis Obispo. 9.A.UPDATE ON GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES: FINANCE DIRECTOR Mr. Bacon said there are three areas that impact the General 2 - . 403 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 1995 Fund operating reserves for the city... revenue activities, expenditure activities and transfers of dollars between funds. He referred to his January 16, 1995, staff report, Update on General Fund Revenues and Expenditures. He said at six months into the year revenues may appear to be a little short because there are revenue collection timing issues. He said some franchise taxes do not arrive until April and Utility Users taxes are always in arrears, causing revenue to appear short. He said some expenditures, like the premium on city liability insurance, is paid early in the year. He said early subsidy transfers will be offset by the end of the fiscal year. He referred to his early ! projections as of December 31, 1994, and said Budgeted Ending ! (June 30, 1995) Reserves are $167,749.00, while Early Projected ! Reserves (June 30, 1995) are projected to be $317,749.00. l Revenues above estimate are $150,000. "- Council Member Souza asked about the subsidy to recreation, and Mr. Bacon said revenue collections eliminated any subsidy at the end of the last budget year and hopefully will do so again. Council Member Souza asked about the gas tax subsidy transfers, and Mr. Bacon said only 17 percent has been transferred because there is underspending. Mr. TerBorch said the staff would be coming back to the Council on some street maintenance issues. Council Member Lady asked if Mr. Bacon felt confident with the Reserve figure of $317,749, and Mr. Bacon said yes, that he had been conservative. Council Member Fuller said he was excited to see that revenues are on the increase, but it is because of the revenue from the utility Users Tax. He said the City should look for additional revenues and eventually do away with the tax. Mayor Dougall thanked Mr. Bacon for the report and said it looked like a favorable prognostication of what is happening. lO.A. STATUS REPORT: SWINGING BRIDGE Mr. TerBorch referred to the January 19, 1995, status report of Interim Director of Public Works John Wallace: the San Luis Council of Governments Regional Priorities for Caltrans 1995 Allocation Plan, and January 13 and 20, 1995, reports of Structural Engineer Fred H. Schott & Associates. Mr. TerBorch said after inspections and evaluation by the engineers, it was found that a full and complete replacement of the bridge will be necessary. He said the big issue is going to be how it is paid for. He said the city has submitted to the 3 '404 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 1995 Federal Emergency Management Administration the best estimate on the dollar damage done to the bridge as a result of the storm...approximately $102,000. He said there is a Transportation Enhancement Activities grant of approximately $67,700 pending through Caltrans for refurbishing the bridge. He said, however, the grant would have to go through historical review on the state level and that would take several months. He said if the city goes forward with work on the bridge before the historical review, it would not get the grant monies. He said the best hope is getting monies from FEMA. Mr. TerBorch said the good news is the schedule for repairing the bridge. He said it would take until February 20, 1995, to complete the design work. He said staff would return to Council on February 14, 1995, listing the alternatives aod I requesting authorization to seek bids to replace the bridge. He --:..) said advertising would be done for three weeks, with bid opening on March 9 and Council approval of the award on March 14, 1995. He said construction could start by April 1, and completion approximately May 15, 1995, in time for the Strawberry Festival. The Interim City Manager said there may be other options such as private donations. He said the City does have $250,000 available in contingency reserves. He said the question is how much the City will get back to return to the reserve fund. Council Members asked questions and made comments about the TEA grant, FEMA disaster relief monies and assistance from State and Federal legislators and private corporations. Mayor Dougall said this is a number one priority for the City. JOHN CLARK, 224 McKinley, said the Village Merchants Association is very concerned about this matter. He said the merchants have indicated that if the Strawberry Festival is effective, some monies can be donated to repair of the bridge. He suggested the "carrot and stick" approach to bridge repair. He said the contractor should be offered $500 for every day under 45 days construction time (early completion), and subtract $500 for every day over the 45 days construction time (late completion). 10.B. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRANT Ms. Liberto-Blanck referred to her January 24, 1995, staff report and said the city had applied for and received a $30,000 Economic Development grant to be used to work on a business climate analysis, market analysis, site analysis, identify future projects, prioritize potential projects, develop an 4 j . . 405 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 1995 implementation plan, and prepare a final report. Council Member Souza asked if one of the proposals received was from the firm that helped write the grant, and Ms. Liberto- Blanck said yes. Council Member Brandy suggested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Carleen Bedwell, who assisted the city in obtaining the grant monies. other Council Members agreed. It was moved by Souza/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously to authorize the Interim city Manager to return to , the Council with a recommendation on the Economic Development I , Grant proposal. I L 10.C. REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMITTEES 1. South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. Mayor Dougall said the district is completing of the shellfish monitoring program, and findings have shown that the district is not contaminating waters at the outfall. He said an agreement is being formulated with U.S. Dryers for a six-month test whereby solids will be dried and sold for soil amendment. He said Grover Beach will be annexed into the district and Council Member Lowell Forister will be appointed to sit on the board. He said Supervisor Ruth Brackett will be retiring from the board and the County will become a de minimis territory. 2. South County Area Transit (SCAT). No meeting was held. 3. Council of Governments (COG). Council Member Lady said there was an orientation meeting and a meeting to discuss San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority and regional priorities for Caltrans and SLOCOG, bike lanes and the Swinging Bridge. Mayor Dougall asked if Arroyo Grande has made a request for relief concerning unmet needs in the senior subsidy taxi program. Council Member Lady said citizens and the Senior Advisory Committee had testified before the COG. 4. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) Board. Council Member Fuller said Supervisor Brackett was elected president and Grover Beach Mayor Gene Gates was elected vice president. He said a candidate for new program manager will be presented to the board March 18, 1995. He said the cities of Paso Robles and Atascadero are still being encouraged to participate on the board. He said the board will soon be implementing AB 939. Council Member Fuller posted on the wall and discussed the new IWMA work program. He said it is necessary to develop a priority list, with the educational process coming first. He said 5 - 406 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 1995 concerns were discussed about creating facilities with no markets for recycled products. He said the goal is to reduce the waste at the landfill by 50 percent. Council Member Lady asked if there was any discussion of litigation if Atascadero and Paso Robles do not participate on the board and continue to retain tipping fees. Council Member Fuller said yes, there is potential for that. 5. and 6. Zone 3 Water Resources Advisory Committee and County Water Resources Advisory Committee. council Member Brandy said Lopez Lake is at 47 percent full. He said Lopez Lake and campground did well in November and December because of the good weather then. He said water meters two inches and larger were checked and it was found that Arroyo Grande is being overcharged by eight percent, and there may be reimbursements. He said the sanitary water survey data was collected and is being analyzed. He referred to the seismic testing of Lopez Dam and said there would be a report in late February, 1995. He said there is a concern about Arroyo Grande Creek water rights and the Board of supervisors is hiring an attorney to investigate the matter. Council Member Brandy said he objected to $110,000 being budgeted for cloud seeding in the County budget of 1995-1996. He said the consensus of the board is negative on cloud seeding. He said it may be possible for Arroyo Grande to get a rental fee on the State Water Project's use of the City's pipeline. He said the quality of the water being backflushed into the creek is being addressed. 7. Long-Range Plan Uptlate Committee. Council Member Souza said Marty Inouye of Omni Means met with the committee and distributed the second working paper on the Short Range Improvements for East Branch Street. Council Member'Souza said the paper included alternatives for improving circulation in the Village. He said the next step is a joint meeting with the Planning commission and Traffic Commission, and the matter will go to the Council in March, 1995. 8. Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee. council Member Souza showed the Council a portfolio put together by the EDC that will be of interest to anyone locating a business in the city. He said any Council Members or city department heads that would like to add information can do so. He said the portfolio is being used in the recruitment of a new City Manager. He asked that the Council seat on the committee be filled, and appointment be made at the February 14, 1995, meeting. 9. Coordinated Agriculture Support Program (CASP). Council Member Souza said a consultant is putting together an executive ! summary. 6 I \ . . 407 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 24, 1995 10. Air Pollution Control Board. No Report. 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 12. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Souza asked when the Council would give the Planning commission direction on the "Elder Plan" for the proposed Rancho Grande Park. Mr. TerBorch said he would put the matter on the Council's February 14, 1995, agenda. l Council Member Lady praised the promotional brochure produced by the Economic Development Committee, and Mayor Dougall agreed that it was a job well done. '-- 13. CLOSED SESSION It was moved by Lady/Fuller, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the Council meeting at 8:48 P.M. to a Closed Session on the following: (a) Conference with Legal Counsel: Anticipated Litigation; Government Code section 54956.9(b); Significant Exposure to Litigation Involving One (1) Potential Case. ATTEST: ,. ! ,