Agenda Packet 2005-09-27 _. _._--~..,-- CITY OF City Council Agenda Tony Ferrara Mayor Steven Adams City Manager Joe Costello Mayor Pro Tem ~I?LIFOR~.t Timothy J. Carmel City Attorney Jim Dickens Council Member Kelly Wetmore City Clerk Jim Guthrie Council Member Ed Arnold Council Member ". ~ - AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 7:00 P.M. Arroyo Grande City Council Chambers 215 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: COUNCIURDA 3. FLAG SALUTE: ARROYO GRANDE LIONS CLUB 4. INVOCATION: PASTOR ROBERT UNDERWOOD FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, ARROYO GRANDE 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: 5.a. Recoanition of John Keen. Former Plannina Commission Member 5.b. Mayor's Commendation. Jordan Hasay. Gold Medal Winner at Junior OlymDics 6. AGENDA REVIEW: 6.a. Move that all resolutions and ordinances presented tonight be read in title only and all further readings be waived. AGENDA SUMMARY - SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 2 7. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions on matters not scheduled on this agenda. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. In response to your comments, the Mayor or presiding Council Member may: . Direct City staff to assist or coordinate with you. .. A Council Member may state a desire to meet with you. . It may be the desire of the Council to place your issue or matter on a future Council agenda. Please adhere to the following procedures when addressing the Council: . Comments should be limited to 3 minutes or less. . Your comments should be directed to the Council as a whole and not directed to individual Council members. . Slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any Council Member or member of the audience shall not be permitted. 8. CONSENT AGENDA: The following routine items listed below are scheduled for consideration as a group. The recommendations for each item are noted. Any member of the public who wishes to comment on any Consent Agenda item may do so at this time. Any Council Member may request that any item be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda to permit discussion or change the recommended course of action. The City Council may approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda on one motion. B.a. Cash Disbursement Ratification (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Ratify the listings of cash disbursements for the period September 1 - September 15, 2005. B.b. Consideration of Statement of Investment Deoosits (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Receive and file the report of current investment deposits as of August 31, 2005. B.c. Consideration of a Temoorarv Increase in. Mileaae Reimbursement Rate for Emolovees and Volunteers [COUNCIL/RDA] (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Establish .4B5!t per mile as the employeetvolunteer mileage reimbursement rate from September through December 2005. B.d. Consideration of Adootion of Resolution Acceotina the Imorovements Constructed as Part of the Poolar Drainaae Basin Exoansion (SPAGNOLO) . Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution accepting the improvements constructed as part of the Poplar Drainage Basin Expansion. B.e. Consideration to Aoorove an Aoolication bv Martin de Leon to Drill a Reolacement Irriaation Well (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: Approve an application for Martin de Leon to drill a replacement irrigation well. AGENDA SUMMARY - SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 3 8. CONSENT AGENDA: (continued) 8.f. Consideration of Aooroval of Plans and Soecifications for the Camino MercadolWest Branch Street Traffic Sianal Proiect. PW 2005-05 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve the plans and specifications for the .Camino MercadolWest Branch Street Traffic Signal Project, PW 2005-05; 2) Find that the project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15301 (e); and 3) Direct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Exemption. 8.g. Consideration of an Award of Contract to' Lee Wilson Electric Comoanv. Inc.. for Construction of the East Grand Avenue/Halcvon Road Traffic Sianal Uoarade Proiect. PW 2005-01 (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Award a contract for the construction of the East Grand Avenue/Halcyon Road Traffic Signal Upgrade Project, PW 2005-01 to Lee Wilson Electric Company, Inc. in the amount of $189,400.00; 2) Authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency of $18,940.00 for use only if needed for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project; and 3) Transfer $50,000.00 from the Traffic Signalization Fund and $47,500.00 from the Transportation Facilities Fund. 8.h. Consideration of Aooroval of an Aareement with Todd Enaineers to Preoare a Groundwater Studv (SPAGNOLO) Recommended Action: 1) Approve an agreement with Todd Engineers to prepare a groundwater study in the amount of $21,020; and 2) Appropriate $21,020 from the Water Fund. 8.1. Consideration of Award of Contract with Maximus for State Mandated Cost Services (KRAETSCH) Recommended Action: Authorize the Financial Services Director to execute an agreement with Maximus to provide state mandated cost services. 8.j. Consideration of Council Aooointment to the Plannina Commission (ADAMS) Recommended Action: Approve the recommendation of Council Member Ed Arnold to appoint Caren Ray to the Planning Commission. 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 9.a. Consideration of a Prooosed Ordinance Amendina Portions of Title 16 of the Arrovo Grande Municioal Code (Develooment Code Amendment 05-0061. Revisina Land Use Reaulations and Aooroval Processes to Ensure Consistencv with the Arrovo Grande General Plan (STRONG) Recommended Action: The Planning Commission recommends the City Council introduce an Ordinance considering text amendments to Title 16 of the City of Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to ensure consistency with the General Plan. AGENDA SUMMARY - SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 4 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) 9.b. Consideration of a Prooosed Ordinance Amendina Chaoter 12.16 of Title 12 of the Arrovo Grande Municioal Code Relatina to the Communitv Tree Proaram (HERNANDEZ) Recommended Action: The Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council introduce an Ordinance amending Chapter 12.16 of Title 12 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Relating to the Community Tree Program. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: None. 11. NEW BUSINESS: 11.a. Consideration of Adootion of an Interim Uraencv Ordinance Susoendina Acceotance or Processina of Aoolicationsfor Develooment of anv Portion of Prooertv Immediatelv Adiacent to Arrovo Grande Creek. Tallv Ho Creek. Meadow Creek. or Creek Tributaries within the City of Arrovo Grande (STRONG) Recommended Action: Adopt an Interim Urgency Ordinance and direct staff to immediately prepare a study considering all foreseeable ramifications of allowing development of properties on or immediately adjacent to creeks within the City of Arroyo Grande. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: This item gives the Mayor and Council Members the opportunity to present reports to the other members regarding committees, commissions, boards, or special projects on which they may be participating. (a) MAYOR TONY FERRARA: (1) San Luis Obispo Council of Governments/San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLOCOG/SLORTA) (2) South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (SSLOCSD) (3) Other (b) MAYOR PRO TEM JOE COSTELLO: (1) Zone 3 Water Advisory Board (2) Air Pollution Control District (APCD) (3) Fire Oversight Committee (4) Other (c) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM DICKENS: (1) South County Area Transit (SCAT) (2) South County Youth Coalition (3) Other AGENDA SUMMARY - SEPTEMBER 27,2005 PAGE 5 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: (continued) (d) COUNCIL MEMBER JIM GUTHRIE: (1) Economic Vitality Corporation (EVC) (2) Other (e) COUNCIL MEMBER ED ARNOLD: (1) Integrated Waste Management Authority Board (IWMA) . (2) California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (CJPIA) (3) County Water Resources Advisory Committee (WRAC) (4) Other 13. CITY COUNCIL MEMBER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the Mayor and/or a Council Member who would like to receive feedback, direct staff to prepare information, and/or request a formal agenda report be prepared and the item placed on a future agenda. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 14. CITY MANAGER ITEMS: The following item(s) are placed on the agenda by the City Manager in order to receive feedback and/or request direction from the Council. No formal action can be taken. a) None. 15. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Council. 16. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the City Manager. 17. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the City Council. The Brown Act restricts the Council from taking formal action on matters not published on the agenda. 18. ADJOURNMENT +++++++++ AGENDA SUMMARY - SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 6 All staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the Administrative Services Department and are available for public inspection and reproduction at cost. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, contact the Administrative Services Department at 805-4 73~5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. +++++++++ Note: This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. www.arrovoarande.ora --.---.- 5.8. OF . ,~ 11 .. 1" ~)~CALlFORNIA &If II~- ~~ . ~i:i~~ . Certificate of Appreciation . Presented to . John.Keen For service to the City of Arroyo Grande as a member of the' Planning Commission from July 1998 to August 2005 Dated this 21h day of September, 2005 Tony Ferrara, Mayor 5.b. OF '~CALIFORNIA Ij._~~ Mayor's Commendation . . Presented to. . . , Jordan Hasay In recognition of Your Gold Medal Award at the USTAF Junior Olympics in Indianapolis. Dated this 21" day of September, 2005 Tony Ferrara, Mayor 8.a. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOROF FINANCIAL SERVICES ~ BY: FRANCES R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ~ SUBJECT: CASH DISBURSEMENT RA TIFICA TION DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council ratify the attached listing of cash disbursements for the period September 1 through September 15, 2005. FUNDING: There is a $1,360,619.87 fiscal impact. All payments are within the existing bUdget. DISCUSSION: The attached listing represents the cash disbursements required of normal and usual operations. It is requested that the City Council approve these payments. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staffs recommendation; . Do not approve staffs recommendation; . Provide direction to staff. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Cash Disbursement Listing Attachment 2 - September 2,2005, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 3 - September 2, 2005, Payroll Checks & Benefit Register Attachment 4 - September 9, 2005, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 5 - September 16, 2005, Accounts Payable Check Register Attachment 6 - September 16, 2005, Payroll Checks & Benefit Register ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CASH DISBURSEMENTS 9M tk Petti4d '" s~ I 7~ S~ 15. 2005 ,...-.. ~~. - ~ -- ~~. ~ ._-.~.",~ .. ~-~ ~- ~ September 27, 2005 Presented are the cash disbursements issued by the Department of Financial Services for the period September 1 to September 15, 2005. Shown are cash disbursements by week of occurrence and type of payment. WEEK A TIACHMEN;I'T AMOUN;I" September 3, 2005 Accounts Payable O<s 122779-122893 2 $ 360,544.78 Payroll Checks & Benefit Checks 3 405,718.05 j', j', $ 766,262.83 September 10, 2005 Accounts Payable O<s 122894-122%4 4 $ 64,442.32 $ 64,44232 September 17, 2005 Accol.Ults Payable Cks 122965-123090 5 137,418.28 Payroll Checks and Benefits Checks 6 392,496.44 $ 529,914.72 THREE-WEEK lUfAL $ 1,360,619.87 U:\MSWORD\CITY COUNCIL FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE INDEX FOR BUDGET DEPARTMENTS EDEN COMPUTER SYSTEM GENERAL FUND 10101 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS City Government (Fund 010) Park Development Fee Fund (Fund 213) 4001 - City Council 4550 - Park Development Fee 4002 - Administrative Services Traffic Signal Fund (Fund 222) 4003 - City Attorney 4501 - Traffic Fund 4101 - City Manager Transportation Fund (Fund 225) 4102 _ Printing/Duplicating 4553 - Public Transit System 4120 - Financial Services Construction Tax Fund (Fund 230) 4121 - Taxes/ Insurance/ Bonds 4556 - Construction Tax 4130 - Community Development Police Grant Funds 4131 - Community Building (CDBG) 4201 - Law Enforcement Equip. (Fd 272) 4140 - Management Information System 4202 - State AB3229 Cops Grant (Fd271) 4145 - Non Departmental 4203 - Federal Universal Hiring (Fd 274) Public Safety /Fund 010) 4208 - Federal Local Law Enforcmt (FD 279) 4201 - Police Redevelopment Agency ( Fund 284) 4211 - Fire 4103 - Redevelopment Administration 4212 - Building & Safety ENTERPRISE FUNDS Public Works /Fund 010) Sewer Fund (Fund 612) 4301 - Public Works-Admin & Engineering 4610 - Sewer Maintenance 4303 - Street/Bridge Maintenance Water Fund (Fund 640) 4304 - Street Lighting 4710 - Water Administratio.n 4305 - Automotive Shop 4711 - Water Production Parks & Recreation (Fund 010) 4712 - Water Distribution 4420 - Parks Lopez Administration (Fund 641) 4421 - Recreation 4750 - Lopez Administration 4422 - General Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS IFund 3501 4423 - Pre-School Program 5501-5599 - Park Projects 4424 - Recreation-Special Programs 5601-5699 - Streets Projects 4425 - Children in Motion 5701-5799 - Drainage Projects 4426 - Five Cities Youth Basketball 5801~5899 - Water/Sewer/Street Projects 4430 - Soto Sport Complex 5901-5999 - Water Projects 4213 - Government Buildings 4460 - Parkway Maintenance U:\MSWORD\ CITY COUNCIL FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT FORMS\ CASH DISBURSEMENT SCHED wEXCEL WKS.doc ... ~ 00 00 00 0 0 N N COCO 0 00 ... c: "' '" 00 00 "'! 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N N II) - - 0 " - - '0 0 0 ~ <X> m 0 _N " "'- u .c co <X> m ._ co '" u 0 0 0 :E:!:: c " '" '" '" '" ~ N N N um III ~ ~ ~ > 0 , I ATTACHMENT~ s-( '1 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEPARTMENTAL LABOR DISTRIBUTION , PAY PERIOD 08/26/05 - 09/08/05 ' 09/16/05 FUND 010 356,813.46 Salaries Full time 184,971,67 FUND 220 11,832,87 Salaries Part-Time - PPT 17,712,85 FUND 284 - Salaries Part-Time - TPT 8,046,97 FUND 612 6,108,24 Salaries OverTime 16,121,07 FUND 640 17,741.87 Salaries Standby 397,15 392,496.44 Holiday Pay 14,280,55 Sick Pay 4,133,79 Annual Leave Buyback - Vacation Buyback - Sick Leave Buyback - Vacation Pay 13,093,19 Comp Pay 3,245.48 Annual Leave Pay 3,509,74 PERS Retirement 66,919,16 Social Security 18,343,25 PARS Retirement 328,51 ,. ,. ; 'State Disability Ins, 1,109:57 ,. Deferred Compensation 750,00 Health Insurance 31,699.45 Dental Insurance 4,251,66 Vision Insurance 966,00 Life Insurance 735,52 Long Term Disability 1,070,86 Uniform Allowance - Car Allowance 500,00 Council Expense - Employee Assistance 235,00 Boot Allowance - Motor Pay 75,00 - 392,496,44 I I I ---- ---- 8.b. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL R FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES K BY: FRANCES, R. HEAD, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISO~ SUBJECT: STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT DEPOSITS DATE: SEPTEMBER 27. 2005 , Attached please find a report listing the currenUnvestment deposits of the City of Arroyo ,. Grande, as of August 31, 2005, as required by Government Code Section 53646 (b), __ _____n_ --- - CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT ,4~ 0I,4~ 31. 2005 ..~, .~ ,~~. ..~,_... ,=,~,~ -- September 27, 2005 This report presents the City's investments as of August 31, 2005, It includes all investments managed by the City, the investment institution, type of investment, maturity date, and rate of interest, As of August 31, 2005, the investment portfolio was in compliance with all State laws and the City's investment policy, Current Investments: The City is currently investing all short-term excess cash in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) administered by the State Treasurer, This is a very high quality investment in terms of safety, liquidity, and yield. The City may readily . . tr~nsfer the LAIF funds to the City's checking account when funds are needed. At this time, the City does not hold any other investments, The following is a comparison of investments based on book values as of August 31, 2005, compared with the prior month and the prior year. LAIFINVESTMENTi'ii' ""Cl:JRRENTi',:" .'PRIORMONtB: PRIORiYEA:R . .',"., ... . ,......;.." ..., "., ..";.,."..",,, ., ..., Date: August, 2005 July, 2005 August, 2004 Amount: $ 11,515,999 $ 12,500,000 $ 11,700,000 Interest Rate: 3.18% 3.08% 1.67% B.c. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS I FROM: ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES IkK SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A TEMPORARY INCREASE IN MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATE FOR EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS I I DATE: SEPTEMBER 27,2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council/Agency establish 48,5!t per mile as the employee/volunteer mileage reimbursement rate for the months of September through December of 2005, FUNDING: A minor fiscal impact will occur by increasing the reimbursement rate from 40,5!t to 48,5!t per mile, Sufficient funding is currently budgeted in respective Department accounts for the increase, DISCUSSION: The City's Administrative Policy No, A-011, Mileage Reimbursement for Private Vehicles, states that authorized expenses shall be reimbursed at the per-mile reimbursement rate established by the City Council. Staff is proposing that the Council/Board establish the mileage rate at 48,5!t per mile for the months of September through December of 2005, Mileage is currently being reimbursed at 40,5!t per mile in accordance with City Council action of June 28, 2005, The City has historically based the reimbursement rate upon the rate set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), The IRS normally updates the mileage rates once a year. On September 9, 2005 the IRS increased the rate from 40,5!t to 48,5!t in recognition of recent increases in gasoline prices, It is not known at this time if the new rate will continue past the month of December, Staff will bring this item back to the Council in December once the reimbursement rate for January through June of 2006 has been established, B.d. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER pIfI SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF THE POPLAR DRAINAGE BASIN EXPANSION DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the improvements constructed as part of the Poplar Drainage Basin Expansion, FUNDING: There is no immediate fiscal impact. Maintenance of these facilities will be funded from Public Works maintenance funds in future years, DISCUSSION: On March 5, 2002, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Parcel Map 00-007 located at the southeast corner of Courtland Street and East Grand Avenue. As a condition of the final map, the applicant was required to expand the existing Poplar Drainage Basin, The drainage basin expansion was identified in the Drainage Master Plan adopted November 9, 1999, Expanding the basin allows better utilization of future project sites in the basin's tributary area by substantially reducing the need for private on-site basins. The improvements consisted of the following: :>- Constructing a storm drain line from East Grand Avenue for a future connection of the existing basin at the Town & Country Shopping Center; :>- New outlet structure for the existing storm drainage line from Poplar Street; :>- Landscaping improvements around the top of the basin and along Courtland Street; and :>- New Perimeter fencing to secure the basin, The required improvements have been completed in accordance with the approved plans and it is recommended that the Council accept the improvements for maintenance and operation. -----.-.-- --~._._._----.._-- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF THE POPLAR DRAINAGE BASIN EXPANSION SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Adopt the attached resolution accepting the improvements as constructed for the Poplar Drainage Basin Expansion; . Do not adopt the attached resolution accepting the improvements as constructed; . Modify staff's recommendation as appropriate and approve; . Provide direction to staff. S:\PUBLlC WORKS ENGINEERING SHARED ITEMS\Development Projects\Conditional Use Permits\YEAR 2000\CUP 00-019 1400 EF MOORE CO (Longs)\Poplar Basin Expansion\COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE\Staff Report - Accept Improvements - Poplar Basin Expansion.doc -- _ ---.-...--- - ---- -~--- - ~---_.._-- - -----_.._._~.- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ACCEPTING THE IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF THE POPLAR DRAINAGE BASIN EXPANSION WHEREAS, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Parcel Map 00-007 on March 5, 2002; WHEREAS, the developer was conditioned to construct all improvements associated with the Poplar Drainage Basin Expansion; and, WHEREAS, the developer has constructed the improvements as required; and, WHEREAS, the improvements have been inspected and it has been determined that the improvements are substantially complete in accordance with the approved plans, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande does hereby accept the improvements as constructed for the Poplar Drainage Basin Expansion. On motion of Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote. to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this day of 2005, 8.e. MEMORANDUM I , TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEERk : SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AN APPLICATION BY MARTIN DE LEON TO DRILL REPLACEMENT IRRIGATION WELL DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 RECOMMENDTION: It is recommended the City Council approve an application by Martin de Leon to drill replacement irrigation well, FUNDING: There are no funding impacts associated with this project. DISCUSSION: The City was notified that an application was submitted to the County of San Luis Obispo Health Department to drill a replacement well for irrigation purposes within the City limits, Mr. de Leon submitted an application for a replacement well to irrigate approximately 11 acres of his property on Coach Road, The existing well. which served the property for many years, and was in declining production and no longer provided the quantity of water necessary to irrigate the property, The well was destroyed in August in accordance with County Health Department standards. Currently, Mr. de Leon is pumping from Arroyo Grande creek to irrigate his property, The City's Municipal Code includes a provision to address the construction, repair, modification and destruction of wells within the City limits. Any person wishing to, construct a well must obtain a permit issued by the County Health Department. However, before a permit can be issued, the application must be approved by the City Council. Approval may be granted if the Council determines the well will not deplete nor contaminate the City water supply and service from the City's water system is neither practical nor feasible, It is anticipated that the replacement well will not deplete or contaminate the City water supply. Water for applied irrigation is a separate component of the safe yield of the groundwater basin and does not affect the City's groundwater entitlement. The proposed well is also far enough from the City's well field at Elm Street park so as not to pose any impact from potential contaminants. The property is connected to the City's 10" water main for domestic use, however, a connection to the City water system for ________ ------------.------------------ - -------------- --- ------ - -- ____no. _____.__ ___~_._~___ CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AN APPLICATION BY MARTIN DE LEON TO DRILL A REPLACEMENT IRRIGATION WELL SEPTEMBER 27,2005 PAGE 2 irrigation of 11 acres of farmland would require a separate connection, A connection large enough to supply an irrigation system could cost between $30,000 and $40,000 in connection fees, The City currently does not serve any agricultural land with potable water for irrigation purposes, Irrigation is a separate component of the safe yield of the groundwater basin and supplying the irrigation system with domestic water would count against the amount of applied irrigation and water for the urban users; This would further reduce the amount of water for urban uses, The City's current water supply analysis also does not account for this connection, which would use an estimated 11 to 33 acre-feet per year depending on the specific crop and irrigation method, It is recommended the Council approve the application requested by Mr. de Leon to drill a replacement irrigation well. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: Approve staff's recommendation; - Do not approve staff's recommendation; Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendation; or Provide direction to staff, Attachments: 1, Well permit application 2, Well destruction letter 3, Plot plan - - -- -~-_.,-_.__.--_.~.._--_._-_._._....- Attachment 1 APPLICATION FOR REPLACEMENT WELL PERMIT LOCATION: 200 Coach Road, Arroyo Grande APN 07-581-02 APN 07-721-10 APN 07 721-11 This property is bordered by East Cherry Lane, on the south, Coach Road, on the east and the Arroyo Grande Creek. Proposed location of the well is on APN 07-721-10, Drainage is to the southwest. Abandoned well was'located northwest of the intersection of East Cherry Lane and Coach Road, COMPANY: Central Coast Drilling License No. 735315 225 N, Main Templeton, Ca, WELL: Depth of well estimated to be 150 feet or less, USAGE: Water is for irrigation of approximately 11 acres of truck crops. , Martin de Leon 200 Coach Road Arroyo Grande, Ca, 489-8132 . CITY OF ,AflROYO GRANDE SfP . ,~ 2005 CORPORATE Y/-\RD L '-'- -----..--..- . -..---...- .._~~--_.- - . -- _.._.._-_."-~--_..._-_._,_._-,..._._---- -~ --~_.-...- . Attachment 2 . .~_......j Il iicrJl -. . County of San Luis Obispo · Public Health Department Environmental Health Services 2156 Sierra Way. P.O, Box J489 San Luis Obispo, Calffornia 93406 (805) 781-5544 . FAX (805) 781-4211 Gregory Thomas, M.D., M.P.H, County Health Officer Public Health DIrector CurtIs A, Batsoll, R.E.li.5, August 13, 2004 DIrector Martin DeLeon ; 200 Coach Rd. !; Arroyo Grande CA 93420 :,.. ,. '.. ~:.>. ~; , RE: 'PERMIT#2004-D-030 ! APN 001-581-002 , ;\ !~ " , This Department has reviewed the destrt.ction procedures performed on the well ( located at Section 23, Township 32S, Range 13E, by Coast Drilling, The well was r' destroyed in accordance with standards. .. . \.'J i\ r j , Thank you for your cooperation. i (l, ( RICHARD J. L1CHTENF , R.E.H.S., M.P.H. I Supervising Environmental Health Specialist. ,. c: Assessor's Office co: Well Driller -.-- -... -.'---- ,. _,.o.,~ - __n --- -.~- - ... .". Attachment 3 ---'- , / FF/, , . B @ , 0 ~is a SUBDIVISION . <( ~; I 0 .. tr:r~ l -~ .0;'.".." ... ,.... ,}i.\, '(llOJ ,. (370) CD N4604S'C /.". ./ 448.35 ," @ '. 1(' ~ A-~f:J.u:R-l\ . " ~ f'r<.>p:>S <<. \ 'lQ. MH .. *'.,..: ~ . ::> : .u\~~:~~' N 0,/__________ DIV/SON . .-. .., J ~22.3.{ _ ~ ~ _ -:.. . .,. -- --- , -- -- FR; -.----- '7 ~ N 111.11.< " ~ 0) '" ; ~ i ~ 8~ewer- ~ ~ . . MCA.l~ ... " !! .. . .. " ~ ~ :r ~.. ~ ~~l-L~ ., u. ;: ....1>""'-l1)0.,) '1;;1) <to &\ ... 0 N ..' r u. ~".\," .~. . 'N"-ll>.,., ~"'. - - - H - ~ - '-'~ - -' . --- 1.8.2~36'~_~ .~..-.. ~ . ,,7.~ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ . .... s'... 6045' W.. . .,... ,. ;~SLbCK& ASSESSOR . ,...'.. NOTE '",.,., . MSERS SHO,WN . .. 'R~cjY6GRANDI 0 @ LOTNJ./. IN ,CIRCLES CITY OF.A ' ., 8.f. MEMORANDUM TO:" CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER If/' SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CAMINO MERCADO / WEST BRANCH TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECT, PW 2005-05 DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1, approve the plans and specifications for the Camino Mercado / West Branch Traffic Signal Project. PW 2005-05; 2, find that the project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303(d); and, 3, direct the Director of Administrative Services to file a Notice of Exemption, FUNDING: The FY 2005/06 Capital Improvement Program identifies the Camino Mercado / West Branch Traffic Signal Project. The anticipated construction cost is $175,000,00 and will be funded from the Traffic Signal Impact Fee Fund, DISCUSSION: The intersection of Camino Mercado, West Branch Street, and US 101, NB off-ramps has been identified as an intersection that operates at LOS "D" during the weekday peak afternoon conditions and on the weekends at noon as an all way stop control. These conditions warrant a traffic signal at this intersection, To improve the level of service the following three development projects received the same condition of i approval to design the signal and obtain an encroachment permit from Caltrans: . CUP 99-013 - Branch Professional Office Buildings, . CUP 02-009 - Parable Book Store, . Tract 2616 - Camino Mercado Senior Condominiums, ---- CITY COUNCIL. CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE CAMINO MERCADOIWEST BRANCH TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION PROJECT, PW 2005-05 SEPTEMBER 27,2005 PAGE 2 Since Tract 2616 was the first development to proceed through the development review process, the developer hired a consultant to perform the design of the new traffic signal. The consultant has completed the design and received approval from Caltrans, Staff has integrated the approved design information into the City's standard contract documents to enable solicitation of bids, The City will perform the bidding, contract award and contract administration of the project. The completed traffic signal assembly will be maintained by Caltrans in accordance with the City's Master Signal Agreement. The City will pay for the electrical cost. The project scope of work includes the installation of new conduit, conductors, poles and signal arms, controller and traffic heads to provide a complete and operable traffic signal in accordance with Caltrans requirements, A right-turn lane will also be constructed on southbound West Branch within the available right-of-way to provide additional vehicle capacity to US 101 North, The contract time for this project is specified at 145 calendar days, The construction is expected to begin in December 2005 and completed by April 2006, Staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303(d), AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendations; . Do not approve staff's recommendations; . MO,dify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff, Attachments: 1, Project Schedule 2, Notice of Exemption ATTACHMENT No, 1 ~(J/~f1~ Project Schedule For Camino Mercado / West Branch Traffic Signal Installation Project No, PW 2005-05 (350-5652-700 I) Authorization to Solicit Bids (City Council Meeting) ..,....,......,....,.........,........,.... September 27,2005 1 sl Notice to Bidders,................,......,....,..............,.,.....,....,......................,......,.. September 30,2005 2nd Notice to Bidders....,....",....,........,....,..,....,....",..",......,....",.."".,.,............,........October 7,2005 Pre-Bid Conference / Job Walk (Wednesday, 2:00 pm) ........ '...... ,....,....,........,.......... , October 11, 2005 Bid Opening (Tuesday, 4:00 p,m, City Council Chambers) ..........,......,....,:..,....,........,....,October 18, 2005 Authorization to Award Contract (City Council Meeting)............................,............November 9,2005 Notice to Proceed,..,....,....,...."..,....,....,....,..",..",......,....,..,....",..,"......,........",.... December 5, 2005 Contract Completion (140 calendar days)..................,....,....,....,....,............................,.., April 25, 2006 I Last printed 9/2012005 9:00 AM ----- ATTACHMENT NO, 2 Notice of Exemption To: Office of Planning and Research From: (Public Agency) City of Arroyo Grande 1440 Tenth Street, Room 121 P,O. Box 550 Sacramento, CA 95814 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 I!I County Clerk County of San Luis Obispo County Government Center San Luis Obispo. CA 93408 Project Title: Camino Mercado / West Branch Traffic SienalInstallation. PW 2005-05 Project Location - Specific: Camino Mercado / West Branch Intersection Project Location - City: Arrovo Grande Project Location - County: San Luis ObisDO Description of Project: Installation of Traffic Siflnal Name of Public Agency Approving Project: City of Arrovo Grande - Public Works DeDartment Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Mike Linn. P.E. Exempt Status: (check one) o Ministerial (Section 12080(b)(I); 15268); o Declared Emergency (See, 21080(b)(3); I 5269(a)); o Emergency Project (See, 21080(b)(4); 1 5269(b)(c)); ~ Categorical Exemption. State type and section number: Section 15303 (d! o Statutory Exemptions. State code number: Reasons Why Project Is Exempt: Pro;ect involves the installation of a traffic sienal and hardwar at an existinfl intersection. Lead Agency Contact Person: Mike Linn. P .E. Area CodelTelephone/Extension: (805) 473-5444 If filed by Applicant: 1. Attach a certified document of exemption finding. 2, Has a Notice of Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? I!I Yes ONo Signature: Date: Title: Public Works Director I!I Signed by Lead Agency o Date received for filing at OPR: 0 Signed by Applicant I ----..- - 8.g. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER $" SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO LEE WILSON ELECTRIC COMPANY INC., FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE EAST GRAND AVENUE / HALCYON TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE PROJECT, PW 2005-01 DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1, award a contract for the construction of the East Grand Avenue / Halcyon Traffic Signal Upgrade Project. PW 2005-01 to Lee Wilson Electric Company. Inc, in the amount of $189,400,00; 2, authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the contingency of $18.940,00 for use only if needed for unanticipated costs during the construction phase of the project (total construction costs = $189,400,00 + $18,940,00 = $208,340,00); and, 3, transfer $50,000,00 from the Traffic Signalization Fund and $47,500,00 from the Transportation Facilities Fund, FUNDING: The FY 2005/06 Capital Improvement Program includes a $166,382,00 for the total cost of the project, allocated from the Traffic Signalization Fund, This includes projected expenditures for design, contract administration, construction and testing, Following receipt of the construction bid, the estimate for the total cost of the project has been adjusted to $263,882,00, This is $97,500,00 more than the $166,382,00 currently allocated to the project in the Capital Improvement Program, An additional appropriation of $50,000 from the Traffic Signalization Fund and $47,500.00 from the Transportation Facilities Fund is requested to fund the difference between the adjusted total cost projection and the current Capital Improvement Program budget for the project. The Traffic Signalization Fund has a balance of $666,554.40 as of August 31. 2005, Upon the appropriation. this would leave a fund balance of $616,554.40, . The Transportation Facilities Fund has a balance of $2,315,624,62 as of August 31, 2005, Upon the appropriation, this would leave a fund balance of $2,241,124,62,j - CONSIDERATION OF AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO LEE WILSON ELECTRIC, COMPANY, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE EAST GRAND AVENUE / HALCYON TRAFFIC SIGNAL UPGRADE PROJECT, PW 2005-01 SEPTEMBER 27,2005 PAGE 2 DISCUSSION: On August 9,2005, the City Council directed staff to solicit bids for the East Grand Avenue/ Halcyon Traffic Signal Upgrade Project. . On September 13, 2005, one bid was received for the project from Lee Wilson Electric Company. Inc, as follows: Base Bid - Signal Upgrade, ADA Ramps, $223.000.00 Str~et Name Signs, Old Ranch Rd, Street Light Alternate No, 1 - Video Detection System $32.900.00 Alternate No, 2 - Loop Detectors $15,200,00 Since the original budget projection of $142,930,00 forthe construction contract would be exceeded, staff recommends that Alternate Nos, 1 and 2 not be included at this time in the contract award, Similarly, staff recommends deleting a bid item for the relocation of a streetlight on Old Ranch Road in the amount of $12.700,00. The relocation of the street light at Old Ranch Road was requested during the construction of Reservoir No, 1 by the residents of the surrounding neighborhood and thus has no impact on the East Grand Avenue / Halcyon Traffic Signal Upgrade Project. The deletion of the alternates and the bid item will not impact the intent and/or quality of the project scope of work, These work items can be performed as separate projects in the future as funding becomes available, The above noted adjustments reduce the construction bid to $189,400,00, The bid documentation has been verified and found to be in compliance with the contract specifications, Staff recommends awarding a construction contract to Lee Wilson Electric Company, Inc. for the adjusted amount of $189,400,00, The project scope of work includes the replacement of antiquated signal poles and mast arms, installation of a battery back-up system and the replacement of the controller equipment. In keeping with City policy. the scope of work also includes upgrading the existing ADA ramps at the intersection for compliance with the current code requirements, The contract time for this project is specified at 145 calendar days, Work is expected to begin in October 2005 and be completed by April 2006, AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve staff's recommendations; . Do not approve staff's recommendations; . Modify as appropriate and approve staff's recommendations; or . Provide direction to staff, , Attachment: 1, Bid Opening Log Sheet - . _ d ----_._-- -.--------- -~----- - I '. ---.--------- ---. -- - -. , I Attachment 1 BID OPENING LOG SHEET CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SID OPENING: September 13,2005 E. Grand Avenue/Halcyon Road Signal Engineer's Estimate $185,000 BIDDER'S NAME, CITY TOTAL AL T #1 ALT #2 Lee Wilson Electric $223,000 $32,900 $15,200 Arroyo Grande, CA , I , / I c: Director of Public Works "/ City Manager -,._- ---,-- _.u.__ ---- . "- ~ _..-~-_...- ~-_._-~_.__._-- - -- -. -.. --- ._- -. 8.h~ MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DON SPAGNOLO, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER t/J6 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH TODD ENGINEERS TO PREPARE A GROUNDWATER STUDY I'. I DATE: SEPTEMBER 27,2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council: 1, Approve an agreement with Todd Engineers to prepare a groundwater study in the amount of $21 ,020; and, 2, Appropriate $21,020 from the Water Fund, FUNDING: Funding for the study in the amount of $21,020 will be from the City's Water Fund, The Water Fund balance is $1,525,575 as of June 30, 2005, Appropriating $21,020 would leave a balance of $1,504,555, DISCUSSION: On November 23, 2004, the Council considered the water supply recommendations and directed staff to cooperate with the other participants of the Arroyo Grande Groundwater Basin Management Agreement to solicit proposals for a groundwater study, On April 29, 2005, eight requests for proposals were distributed to consultants specializing in groundwater studies, On June 1, 2005, proposals were received from Todd Engineers and Fugro West Inc. The proposals were analyzed and a scope of services. was negotiated with Todd Engineers to perform the study, The services include a review of the present safe yield analysis, analysis of the agriculture conversion provision of the management agreement, development of water balance analysis and preparation of a safe yield report, The total cost to prepare the study is $69,950, The cost will be shared with the cities of Grover Beach, Pismo Beach and the Oceano Community Services District. The City of Arroyo Grande will be responsible for 30,05 percent of the cost, which is $21,020, The cost is being shared based on the amount of groundwater each agency is entitled to pump in accordance with the Groundwater Basin Management Agreement. -_._--~------,--~- -----_.- .---,---.- -- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH TODD ENGINEERS TO PREPARE A GROUNDWATER STUDY SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 2 The initial work is scheduled to begin at the end of September with the entire study being completed by the end of March 2006, It is recommended that the Council approve the agreement with Todd Engineers to prepare the groundwater study in the amount of $21.020, ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: - Approve staff's recommendations 'to enter into an agreement for a groundwater study; Modify the scope of services and enter into an agreement for a groundwater study; Provide direction to staff, Attachment: -Agreement Between the Northern Cities and Todd Engineers. for Professional Services ----- -- ._~ ---~ Attachment AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NORTHERN CITIES AND' TODD ENGINEERS, FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ day of,---- by and between the NORTHERN CITIES, (specifically, the City of Arroyo Grande, the City of Grover Beach, the City of Pismo Beach, and the Oceano Community Services District.) hereinafter referred to as "CITY". and TODD ENGINEERS, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT," RECITALS WHEREAS. Government Code Section 37103 authorizes CITY to engage specially trained and experienced persons or firms for special services and advice in financial, economic, accounting, engineering, legal, or administrative matters; and WHEREAS, CITY requires the services of CONSULTANT by providing special services and advice of a type authorized by Section 37103; and WHEREAS, CONSULTANT is specially trained and possesses sp~cial skills, education, experience, and competency to perform the services and provide the advice needed; and WHEREAS, the CITY has chosen CONSULTANT to perform the needed work, AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein. CITY and CONSULTANT agree as follow: 1. Services To Be Provided Bv CONSULTANT (a) CONSULTANT shall act in a professional capacity to assist CITY,' CONSULTANT's work shall conform to applicable statutes, laws, regulations, and professional standards for such work, (b) CONSULTANT shall perform professional services as described in the Scope of Services, which is attached as Exhibit "A", (c) Extra work beyond that described in the Scope of Services is not authorized without the express written approval of CITY, CONSULTANT shall (REVISED JUNE 10, 2005) Page 1 OF 7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - --.. - -- ._-----~. -------....-.-- -~ --------- - ,---_._-.-- -.------.---.-.--..-..--. - request and receive written approval prior to performing any extra work. Any work beyond that reflected in the approved Scope of Services shall not be compensated by CITY unless prior written approval was provided under this paragraph. 2. Assistance Bv CITY Subject to other provisions of this Agreement, the CITY shall provide the CONSULTANT with copies of any specifications, maps, drawings, records, or other documentation which are required by the CONSULTANT in order to perform the services specified herein. CITY shall provide all further reasonably necessary information to CONSUL T ANT upon CONSULTANT's request. 3. Term Of Aqreement (a) This Agreement shall take effect on the date first written above, and unless terminated earlier pursuant to subsection (c) below, shall be in effect until the services described in Exhibit "A" are completed. (b) Time is of the essence with regard to the performance of the CONSULTANT's duties under this Agreement. (c) Either party may terminate this Agreement by tendering written notice to the other party thirty days before the effective date of termination. In such event, or upon request of the CITY, CONSULTANT shall assemble all CITY documents in the CONSULTANT's possession and put them in order for proper filing and closing, and deliver said documents to CITY. In the event of termination, CONSULTANT shall be paid for work performed to the termination date. CITY shall make the final determination as to the portion of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. 4. Compensation (a)~: CITY shall pay CONSULTANT a fee not to exceed $69,950 for all services and other expenses provided or incurred in performing the Scope of Services in Exhibit "An. In no event shall CITY be liable for paying more than $69,950 for CONSUL T ANT's services rendered and expenses incurred per this Agreement. (b) Expenses: CITY shall not reimburse CONSULTANT for any expenses incurred by CONSULTANT in rendering services under this Agreement except as expressly provided for in Exhibit "A". (REVISED JUNE 10, 2005) Page 2 OF 7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT ------ -------------- --------- (c) Schedule for Pavments: (i) CONSULTANT shall bill CITY for services rendered under this Agreement. Billing shall be made monthly, commencing thirty days after this Agreement prior to the 15th of the succeeding month. Consultant shall bill each of the Northern Cities a percentage of the invoice as follows: . Pismo Beach 17.50 % . Grover Beach 29.95 % . Arroyo Grande 30.05% . Oceano CSD 22.50% (ii) CITY shall pay fees and applicable expenses due under this Agreementwithin thirty days of receiving such bills from CONSULTANT, unless contested. Payment of any fee or reimbursement shall not constitute a waiver by the CITY of any breach of any part of this Agreement. 5. Indemnification CONSULTANT shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY and its officers, elected and appointed officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney fees arising out of the performance of the services described herein, or the failure to perform such services, caused in whole or in part by any act or omission of the consultant, any subconsultant, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of-them may be liable, except where caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY. 6. Insurance Requirements Without limiting CONSULTANT's responsibility to defend and indemnify CITY, it is agreed that CONSULTANT shall maintain in full force and effect, at all times during the performance of this Agreement, the following policy or policies I, of insurance covering its operations: (a) Comprehensive General Liability, including contractual liability, business automobile liability, broad form property damage, and products and completed operations, all of which shall include coverage for both bodily injury and property damage, with a combined single limit of one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. CONSULTANT's comprehensive general liability insurance policy shall contain language substantially similar to the following clauses: (REVISED JUNE 10, 2005) Page 3 OF 7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT J (1) nThe City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, employees and agents are named as additional insureds as respects operations of the named insured performed under contract with the City .n (2) nit is agreed that any insurance maintained by the City shall apply in excess of, and not contribute with insurance provided by this policy.n (b) Workers' Compensation coverage shall be at statutory limits. (c) Errors and Omissions Liability in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000). City need not be named as an additional insured on professional errors and omissions insurance policies. All insurance policies required by this section shall not be canceled, limited or non-renewed without first giving 30 days written notice to the CITY. Additionally, the policy shall specifically contain language substantially similar to the following clause: This insurance shall not be canceled until after thirty days written notice has been given to the City. Certificates of insurance evidencing the coverages required by the clauses set forth above shall be filed with CITY prior to the effective date of this Agreement. This is a condition precedent to the formation of any obligation by CITY to compensate CONSULTANT under this agreement. 7. Ownership Of paper and electronic Documents All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, reports, and specifications as herein required are the property of the CITY, whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. In the event this Agreement is terminated, and at the end of the term of this Agreement, all such plans, studies, sketches, drawings, electronic documentation, reports, and specifications shall be delivered immediately to the CITY. CONSULTANT may retain one copy of each document for CONSULTANT'S records, but shall have no proprietary rights to them. CITY agrees to indemnify CONSULTANT against any damages caused by the unauthorized re-use of said documents. 8. Status Of The CONSULTANT The CONSULTANT shall perform the services provided for herein using CONSULTANT's own methods and practices as an independent contractor and in pursuit of CONSULTANT's independent calling. CONSULTANT is not an (REVISED JUNE 10. 2005) Page 40F7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT employee of the CITY, nor shall any employees of CONSULTANT be considered employees of the CITY, for any purpose. CONSULTANT shall be under the direction and control of CITY staff only as to the results to be accomplished. 9. AssiQnment And SubcontractinQ (a) CONSULTANT is being retained due to its special qualifications to perform services as described in Exhibit "An. Therefore, CONSULTANT shall not assign this Agreement, any part thereof, or any compensation due thereunder. (b) CONSULTANT shall be fully responsible to the CITYfor any acts and omissions of CONSULTANT's subcontractors, including persons either directly or indirectly employed by subcontractors, in the event CONSULTANT subcontracts any of the work to be performed under this Agreement. CONSULTANT's responsibility under this paragraph shall be identical to CONSULTANT's liability for acts and omissions of CONSULTANT and employees of the CONSULTANT. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any contractual relationship between CITY and any subcontractor of CONSULTANT, but CONSULTANT shall bind every subcontractor and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this Agreement applicable to CONSULTANT's work, unless such change, omission, or addition is approved in advance in writing by the City. All subcontractors are subject to the prior written review and approval of the City. (c) All terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 10. Notices All notices shall be in writing and given either by personal service or delivery by the United States Postal Service, or its successor, postage prepaid to the specifically named person(s) or the holder(s) of a designated position. Notices shall become effective insofar as service is concerned on the date of personal service and five days following postmark from the United States Postal Service. Notices/communications between the parties to this Agreement may be sent to the following addresses: CITY: CITY OF PISMO BEACH 760 Mattie Road Pismo Beach, CA 93449 CITY OF GROVER BEACH 154 S. 8th Street Grover Beach, CA 93483 (REVISED JUNE 10, 2005) Page 5 OF 7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 214 e. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 1655 Front Street Oceano, CA 93475 CONSULTANT: TODD ENGINEERS 2200 Powell Street, Suite 225 Emeryville, CA 94608-1809 11. Disputes If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of this Agreement or compensation for work performed under this Agreement, the parties hereby agree to make good faith and reasonable attempts to settle the dispute through subsequent agreement between CONSULTANT principal and CITY. In the event that a dispute continues, the CONSULTANT is required to continue performing under this Agreement pending resolution of the dispute. Nothing in this procedure shall prohibit the parties from seeking remedies available to them at law after they have made a good faith and reasonable attempt to resolve the dispute pursuant to the provisions of this section. In the event of litigation arising out of the performance of the obligations of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneysD fees and other litigation expenses. 12. AQreement Contains All UnderstandinQs (a) This document (including all exhibits referred to above and attached hereto) represents the entire and integrated Agreement between CITY and CONSULTANT and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or . agreements, either written or oral. This document may be amended only by written instrument, signed by both CITY and CONSULTANT. The body of this . Agreement shall supersede any discrepancy that may exist with respect to any attached exhibits or documents incorporated by reference. (b) No oral agreement or representation by any officer, agent, or employee of either party made during or after the execution of this Agreement shall become a part of this Agreement except to the extent such oral agreement or representation is expressly reflected in this written Agreement or a written amendment to this Agreement. [signatures begin on next page] (REVISED JUNE 10, 2005) Page 60F7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT . --- . - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. CONSULTANT By: CITY OF PISMO BEACH By: CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Dave Fleishman, City Attorney' CITY OF GROVER BEACH By: By: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE By: By: OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT By: By. (REVISED JUNE 10, 2005) Page 70F7 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Exhibit A Gentlemen's Agreement Safe Yield Analysis Scope of Services The Gentlemen's Agreement among the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach and Pismo Beach and the Oceano Community Services District (Northern Cities) states the safe yield of the Arroyo Grande groundwater basin is 9,500 acre-feet per year, while the . 2002 Department of Water Resources study indicates a dependable yield between 4,000 and 5,600 acre-feet per year. The following is a scope of services to provide an up-to-date and independent analysis of the safe yield ofthe groundwater basin. Task 1. Initiate Project and Update Databases ~ This task will initiate the safe yield analysis by establishing lines of communication and by updating the available databases. Task 1.1 Kickoff Meeting and Project Management. This subtask provides coordination with the Northern Cities to acquire needed information and guidance. Coordination with the Northern Cities will occur through the Technical Committee that represents the Northern Cities. The confidentiality of the analysis and draft work products will be maintained. This task also includes project management, including regular communication with the Teclmical Committee and provision of brief monthly progress reports. A Kickoff Meeting of consultant staff and Northern Cities' staff will be organized by the project manager to review scope and schedule, identify needed information, and confirm mutual responsibilities. . Task 1.2 Update Databases. This subtask involves acquisition of additional data to support the safe yield analysis and to update and expand databases. We will provide a list of needed references and data and provide it to the Northern Cities prior to the kickoff meeting. We will also acquire water well drillers reports from DWR. We anticipate that we will be able to retrieve hard copy information at the kickoff meeting or through same- . day visits to Northern Cities' offices. Existing databases for the Northern Cities include the following: . Climate: monthly precipitation for over 50 years; we will also add evapotranspiration data from the San Luis Obispo CJl\.1IS station . Lopez Reservoir: lake elevation, releases, and usage by municipal customer . Groundwater production: monthly pumping for each of the Northern Cities going back as far as 1960 (Arroyo Grande) and total annual pumping back to 1954 . Groundwater level data: based on the County-wide database, which can be supplemented with Northern Cities' data Proposal 1 Todd Engineers - -- -----~ - --- . Stream flow: daily gage data from 1939 on Arroyo Grande Creek . Water quality: based on the DHS database, which can be supplemented with Northern Cities' data . GIS: topographic features, soils, land use, well locations, groundwater basin and selected jurisdictional boundaries. At the end of the task, the databases will be updated and available to the Northern Cities upon request. Data will be available electronically in spreadsheet, database, and GIS formats. We anticipate early provision of climatic data and pumping data in support of the Cities' independent preparation of their Urban Water Management Plans (UWMPs). DELIVERABLES: Kickoff Meeting, Updated Databases Task 2. Review Safe Yield Analyses This task will provide a review of previous safe yield (water balance) analyses, including . their respective study areas, time periods, data sets, methodologies and assumptions, so all can understand how and why the published safe yield values differ. This task also will provide the recommended methodology for this safe yield analysis. Task 2.1 Review Safe Yield Analyses. This task will involve a detailed examination of previous water balances including the study area, study period, data, methodologies, assumptions, and findings. We will also refer to relevant work in the Nipomo Area, such as the recent Nipomo Mesa Groundwater Resource Capacity Study (Papadopulos, March 2004). This analysis also includes a detailed review of the amount and quality of data that contributed to the yield estimates. We will identifY changing or sensitive elements of the water balance, such as urban and agricultural pumping, recharge from Arroyo Grande Creek, and subsurface inflow from Nipomo Mesa. Based on this review, we will propose a methodology for our independent analysis. Task 2.2 Technical Memorandum and Progress Meeting. The Teclmical Memorandum will provide a summary of the previous safe yield studies and discussion of the differences in the analyses. The memorandum also will provide a recommended methodology for an up-to-date safe yield analysis, including preliminary methodology, study period, and study area. The study period overall will be based on available data and representative oflong-term climatic conditions. It will include wet and dry conditions, including single-year and multi-year droughts. The study period will also represent current operating conditions for the basin, insofar as possible given recent changes in the operation of Lopez Reservoir. This task includes a Progress Meeting with the Northern Cities to discuss the previous safe yield analyses (including the reasons for different yields) and the recommended approach for an updated, independent analysis. DELIVERABLES: Technical Memorandum, Progress Meeting Proposal 2 Todd Engineers - Task 3. Analyze Agricultural Conversion Arroyo Grande and GroverSeach have previously estimated the change in water demand for land that has been converted from agriculture to urban use within their City limits. This task will provide an independent review of these estimates. Task 3.1 Analyze Methodology. We assume that the two cities will provide the relevant data and details of their methodologies. We anticipate that the data will include water demand by land use (both agricultural and urban water demand rates) and land use areas converted from agriculture to urban. We will review the methodologies and document water demands, land conversion areas, and the timing of the conversion. We will evaluate consistency of the analyses with the Groundwater Management Agreement. Task 3.2 Prepare Technical Memorandum. A brief technical memorandum will include discussion of previous analyses, provide documentation of the data, and evaluate compliance with the Groundwater Management Agreement; recommended refinements to the methodologies and estimates also will be provided, as appropriate. DELIVERABLE: Technical Memorandum Task 4. Conduct Water Balance Analysis For this study, a complete inventory of water balance components will be conducted and evaluated independently. These will be combined in the water balance equation; inflows - outflows = change in storage. Change in storage will be assessed independently from water level data in the basin and compared to the result of the water balance equation. Any residual of the equation represents the net error that results from data gaps, estimates, and assumptions; accordingly, this allows for consideration of uncertainty. Task 4.1 Evaluate Inflows. The inflow evaluation will include recharge from precipitation, percolation of stream flow, return flows from agricultural and municipal use of water, and subsurface inflows, including those along Arroyo Grande and Los Berros creeks, from bedrock, and from Nipomo Mesa. Evaluation ofrecharge from precipitation will use a spreadsheet method to account for rainfall, soil, land use, and .runoff conditions. Evaluation of stream flow percolation will account for stream flow amounts passing the upstream gage station (e.g., Arroyo Grande Creek at Arroyo Grande) and documented seepage rates above the 22nd Street Bridge. Return flows will be based on irrigated areas and irrigation efficiency values for both landscape irrigation and agricultural irrigation, recognizing that efficiency has changed through time. Subsurface inflow will be based on application of the Darcy equation to selected transects across the basin boundary. The impact of changing Lopez reservoir operations on downstream recharge will be considered. This task includes independent analysis of recharge from retention basins and involves review of analyses performed by Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach and consideration of the fate of the retention basin recharge and the benefit to the groundwater basin. Proposal 3 Todd Engineers Task 4.2 Evaluate Outflows. Outflow is predominantly through groundwater pumping and consumption. While municipal pumping is measured, agricultural pumping will be estimated through analysis ofland use patterns and water application rates, accounting for change in land use and irrigation patterns through time. Subsurface outflow to the ocean will be based on application of the Darcy equation to selected transects across the shoreline. This task also will include estimation of evapotranspiration from riparian corridors and lakes. Task 4.3 Assess Change in Storage. Water level data will be evaluated over the Study Period for an independent estimate of the change in storage. The analysis will include evaluation of aquifer storage coefficients and preparation and analysis of water level hydrographs and water table contour maps. The changes in water levels over time will also be correlated back to the independent assessment of inflows and outflows to ensure that the basin's response appears consistent with changes in hydrologic stresses. Task 5. Prepare Safe Yield Analysis Report The safe yield analysis will be documented in draft and final reports. The Tasks I and 3 Technical Memoranda will be incorporated into the text of the report and, if helpful, attached to the report as appendices. This report will summarize data and methodologies, identify estimates and assumptions, and discuss the concept of safe yield so that everyone will understand the usefulness and limitations of the safe yield numbers. 5.1 Draft Report and Meeting. An administrative draft report will be submitted in ten copies for Technical CommitteelNorthern Cities review. Following the review, a meeting will be organized by the project manager with the Technical Committee and its invited attendees to discuss the analysis and comments and possible revisions. This meeting will include a question and answer discussion and also provide a forum for consideration of how the analysis might be used in effective management ofthe groundwater basin. 5.2 Final Report. The final report will incorporate the comments ofthe Technical Committee and will be delivered in ten bound copies plus an electronic copy in .pdf format to facilitate use and distribution by the Northern Cities. 5.3 Presentations. This task will involve preparation and presentation of a suitably illustrated summary ofthe Safe Yield Analysis to the respective city councils of Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, and Grover Beach and the Oceano Community Services District Board of Directors. For the purposes of costing, it is assumed that a single presentation would be presented four times: once to each Northern City at regularly scheduled meetings. DELIVERABLES: Draft and Final Safe Yield Analysis Report, Draft Report Meeting, and Final Report Presentations Proposal 4 Todd Engineers - ---- .-~- . Schedule The need to expedite the Safe Yield Analysis is recognized in the schedule, which extends for about seven months from notice to proceed. Completion of the Analysis within this time frame depends on rapid provision of data by the Northern Cities, timely scheduling of meetings, and expeditious review of deliverables. For the purposes of planning, the project is assumed to start on or about September 15 2005 with simultaneous initiation of Tasks 1,2, and 3. The first milestone is the Task 1 Kickoff Meeting, to be held within about two weeks of notice to proceed, assuming availability of the Technical Committee. The first deliverable is the Task 3 Technical Memorandum (summarizing the Agricultural Conversion Analysis) at about six weeks (late October). This will be followed by the Task 2 Technical Memorandum (addressing previous safe yield studies) in late November and the Task 2 Progress Meeting near the beginning of December. The Task 4 Water Balance Analysis commences as Task 2 is completed and overlaps Task 5 Reporting. The Draft Report submittal is indicated for the end of February. Two weeks is assumed between submittal of the draft report for Technical Committee review and the meeting to discuss the draft report. The Final Report will be submitted two weeks after the meeting near the end of March, with the Final Presentations anticipated in early April. Budget Estimated costs for the Safe Yield Analysis are provided on the following spreadsheet and summarized below. The total budget of $69,950 will not be exceeded without written authorization. Invoices will be submitted monthly on a time-and-expenses basis. The allocation for each Northern City will be indicated on the invoice and copied to each agency. Task I. Initiate Project, Update Databases $12,124 Task 2. Review Safe Yield Analyses $10,783 Task 3. Analyze Agricultural Conversion $3,242 Task 4. Conduct Water Balance Analysis $20,376 Task 5. Prepare Safe Yield Analysis Report $23,425 Total $69,950 Proposal 5 Todd Engineers -~ - ~ .--. ----- -~ 0:: m e: a. 2'" <( .l!l _'I:: - -- -- ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - - ~- e: mo -. -- -- -- -- -- -11)-- -c-a.~~ -- -- - m .- <D <D LLo:: 0:: ~ <( a. ::2; Ol - ::2; - -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- ~~~t______~ .,,0 mo. ~<D 00:: (lJ w LL N - -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- - ~ - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- ---- -- --- ID Z g <C. 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MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ANGELA KRAETSCH, DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES M FROM: SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF AWARD OF CONTRACT WITH MAXIMUS FOR STATE MANDATED COST SERVICES DATE: SEPT 27, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council authorize the Financial Services Director to execute an agreement with Maximus to provide State mandated cost recovery services. FUNDING: Funding of $5,200 for mandated cost recovery has been included in the current 2005-06 budget. DISCUS.SION: When the State' of California mandates certain actions and procedures of local government agencies, it is required to reimburse for costs incurred by the local agencies to comply with these mandates. Due to the importance, amount of time, and expertise required in the state mandated cost claiming process, the City contracts out for this service. Commencing in fiscal year 2002-03, the State began deferring mandated cost claims. In the current State budget the obligation to repay past deferred mandate payments, which is approximately $130,000 for the City of Arroyo Grande, was extended from five years to fifteen years. However, the 2005-06 State budget did fund some mandate claims for the current year. The City recently received $20,000 in state mandate claim reimbursements for the 2004-05 Fiscal Year. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was distributed to qualified firms. Two companies responded to the City's proposal, Maximus and AK & Company. Staff is recommending that the City enter into a contract with Maximus due to the extensive experience this company has in State Mandated Cost Claim services. Additionally, Maximus has provided these services for the city since 1997. Price was not a factor in this recommendation due to that fact that both firms quoted the same fixed fee amount. CITY COUNCIL AGREEMENT FOR STATE MANDATED COST SERVICES SEPT 27, 2005 PAGE 2 ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: - Authorize the Financial Services Director to execute the agreement; - Do not authorize the Financial Services Director to executed the agreement; - Modify staff recommendation and authorize; - Provide direction to staff. Attachment(s): 1. Agreement for Consultant Services 2. Request for Proposal for State Mandated Cost Claiming Services 3. Proposal from Maximus ) ATTACHMENT 1 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, is made and effective as of October 1, 2005, between MAXIMUS ("Consultant"), and the CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, a Municipal Corporation ("City"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on October 1, 2005 and shall remain and continue in effect until October 1, 2006, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES Consultant shall perform the tasks described and comply with all terms and provisions set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. PERFORMANCE Consultant shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of his/her ability, experience and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Consultant shall employ, at a minimum generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Consultant hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. AGREEMENT ADMINISTRATION City's Financial Services Director. shall represent City in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. Maximus's Project Manager shall represent Consultant in all matters pertaining to the administration of this Agreement. 5. PAYMENT The City agrees to pay the Consultant in accordance with the payment rates and terms set forth in Exhibit "B", 'attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 6. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE' (a) The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Consultant at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. Page 1 of 15 ~~~ ----- . .~-_..,--_.~----...,' /:, <' -. , . i- I' ! I . '.. J -, "'-, . performance under Jhis Agreement, or. the . conduct~of the - services under this Agreement; I I At ail times observe and comply with, and cause all of its employees to I (c) observe and comply with all ofcsaid laws" ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above; , ,... . \ I (d) Immediately report to the. City's Contract Manager in writing' any i . discrepancy or inconsistency it discovers in said Jaws, ord.inances, regulations, orders, and decrees mentioned above ill relation to any plans, drawings, specifications, or I provisions of this Agreement. . ~ - i ,. I (e) i The City, and its officers, agents and employees, shal.1 not be liable at law , . or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this Section. I 10. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS (a) Consultant shall maintain' complete and accl,lrate records. with respect to . . \; i sales, costs, expenses, receipts, and other such information required by City that relate i to the performance of services under' this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain I I adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of I , I services. All such records shall be maintained in' accordance with generally accepted. I I accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant. shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records; shall give City the right to examine and audit said ,. books and records; shall permit City to make trariscriptstherefrom as necessary; and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents,proceeding~, and'activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years afle~ receipt of final payment. . .. (b) Upon completion of, or in the. event of termination or suspension of this, Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files, surveys, notes, and other documents .preparedin the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused, or otherwise disRosed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. With respect to computer files, Consultant shall make available to the City, at the Consultant's office and upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring, and printing computer files. 11. INDEMNIFICATION '. (a) Indemnification for Professional Liabilitv. When the. law establishes a professional standard of care for Consultant's Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law,Consultant shall indemnify, protect; defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents (nlndemnified Parties") from and against any and , Page 30f 15, - all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees and costs to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Consultant, its officers. agents, employees or subContractors (or any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the perf.ormance of professional services under this agreement. (b) Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liabilitv. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and any and all of its employees, officials and agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, . losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including attorneys fees and costs, court costs, interest, defense costs, and expert witness fees), where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant or by any individual .or entity for which Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subContractors of Consultant. (c) General Indemnification Provisions. Consultant agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth here in this section from each and every subContractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Consultant in the performance of this agreement. In the event Consultant fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required here, Consultant agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this section. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth here is binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Consultant and shall survive the termination of this agreement or this section. 12. INSURANCE Consultant shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 13. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT (a) Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent Consultant. The personnel perf.orming the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, or agents shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees, or agents, except asset f.orth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officers, employees, or agents of the City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. Page 4 of 15 (b) No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 14. UNDUE INFLUENCE Consultant declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure was or is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of the City of Arroyo Grande in connection with the award, terms or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or' employee of the City of Arroyo Grande will receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from Consultant, or from any officer, employee or agent of Consultant, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. Violation of this Section shall be a material breach of this Agreement entitling the City to any and all remedies at law or in equity. 15. NO BENEFIT TO ARISE TO LOCAL EMPLOYEES No member, officer, or employee of City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or responsibilities with respect to the project during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the project performed under this Agreement. 16. RELEASE OF INFORMATION/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST (a) All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's prior written authorization. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, or subContractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories, or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. (b) Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, or subContractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions, or other discovery request, court order, or subpoena from any person or party regarding this Agreement and the work performed thereunder or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no Page 5 of 15 -'-'7_ _._ obligation, to represent Consultant and/or be present at any deposition, hearing, or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide the . opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 17. NOTICES Any notice which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, which provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by notice: To City: City of Arroyo Grande Angela Kraetsch 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 To Consultant: Maximus 4320 Auburn Boullevard, Suite 2000 Sacramento, CA 95841 18. ASSIGNMENT The Consultant shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, without the prior written consent of the City. 19. GOVERNING LAW The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the superior or federal district court with jurisdiction over the City of Arroyo Grande. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, Jepresentations, and statements, or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into Page 6 of 15 '-- ------ -----~----- ----~ -- ---~. ! i I I . I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused' this Agreement to be " I , executed the day and year first above written. . I CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONSULTANT , I I By: By: , Tony Ferrara, Mayor Its: . Attest . (Title) , j:, . .i Kelly Wetmore, City Clerk ~i I Approved As To Form: I ., Timothy J. Carmel,. City Attorney I I I I I I i I I I I I :I Page 8 of15.. ! 'I ;! EXHIBIT A . , . SCOPEOF WORK " ,. The contracted firm shall prepare and ,file actual cost claims and estimated .' . ,cost claims based' on the State Controller's claiming instructions. Prepare and file I '. :; all new or first-time claims based onJheState Controller's claiming instructions. .' . Maintain communication and proviqe regular status information to the City staff. Assist the City with reviews or audits for claims that were prepared and submitted by the State Mandated Cost Claiming Agency. . " , I , , ',' (: , ,: Page 9 of 15 . "~::: ,! EXHIBIT B .:l PAYMENT SCHEDULE j <- .' . , - Maximus will prepare and file all eligible annual .fiscal year 2004-2005 actual cost reimbursement claims and all eligible estimated 2005-2006 reimbursement claims for a fixed f~e of five thousand two hundred dollars ($5,200). " 'f I " , -., . \; i jl ! ~i I: /.; " Page 10 of 15 \ I I I EXHIBrr!C. I [ .. . INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ;,. i . Prior to the beginning. of and throughout the duration of .the Work, Consultant will I i maintain insurance in conformance with ttie requirements. set forth below. Consultant I will use existing coverage to comply' with these requirements. If that existing coverage . ,. does not meet the requirements sElt forth here, _ Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing cOverpge to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage .and policy limits;set forth in this section constitute the minimum' , amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the > limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a' given loss, , will be available to City. I i' i , I Gonsultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: I. I " i" 1~ CcimmercialGeneralLiability Insuran~eusing Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy from CG 00.01 orthe exact equivalent. Defense costs must be _ paid in addition to limits. There shall be, no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured' against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than '. $1,000,0.0.0 per occurrence. , " \ Business Auto Coverage on ISO Busi,nessAuto Coverage from CA0001 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits, are subject to review, but in no. I event to be less than $1,000,000 per accident. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this i requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described aboye. If Consultant or Consultant's employeesw~luse personal autos _ in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability,. . 1- coverage for each such person. I Workers Compensation on a statecapproved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability'limits no less than' $1,000,000 per accident or I disease. i . Excess . or Umbrella' Liability. Insurance (Over' Primary) if used to meet limit I I req'uirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as' specified for the underlying ". coverages. Any such coverage-provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include a I I . drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self- I" I insured retention for liability not covered by primary but. covered by the umbrella. i I Coverage shall be provided on a npay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in I :-i addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain _a provision obligating insurer at the time I I" insured's liability is determined, not requiring' actual payment by the insured first. There I I shall be no' cross liability exclusion- precluding coverage for claims or. suits by one I insured against another. Coverage shall bEl applicable to City for injury to employees of . i I I I Paget1 of 15 . I \ ; - -- ; ; Consultant, subContractors or others .involved in the Work; The scope of 'coverage : provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required' i herein.' ' . Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically. designated to protect against acts, errors or , omissions of the Consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the i policy musfspecifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit " shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay b. " , on behalf of' the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. : Insurance procured pursuant to these iequirementsshall be'written by insurer that are : admitted carriers in the state California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and '; a minimum finandal size VII. ,I General conditions pertaining to provision of. insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to thefoilowing with respect to insurance provided by :: Consultant: 1. Consultant ~grees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 199f.Consultant also agrees to require all Consultants, and subContractors to ! do likewise. , 2..' No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement ! shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of :;, subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agreesto waive subrogation rights against City ': regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all Consultants and subContractors to do likewise. ,:' 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Consultant and available or applicable to. this agreement are intended to 'apply to, the full extent of the policies. . , Nothing contained in this Agre'einent orany other agreement relating to the City or its , operations limits the application of such insurance Coverage. . . 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting .endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. . , 5. ,No liability policy shall contain 'any provision or definition that would serve ". to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the il']sured or of any Consultant or subcontractor. . , . Page 12 of 15 If - -------~~-------_..-- ,- . -----------..---.-- 'I :; 6. All coverage types'and limits required are subject to approvi:lI~ modification I I . _ . " :: and additional requirements by the City"as the need arises. Consultant shall not make I ' any reductions in scope 9f coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction I of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. i' 7. Proof of tompliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of i certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional L' '. , . " -, I ,. ' insured endorsement to Consultant's generalliClbility policy; shall be delivered to City at I .:. or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is i I riot delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage .is provided, City. has the right, but not the duty" to obtain any , I insurance it deems necessary to protect .its interests under this or any other agreement I , and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall\be charged to and promptly I' :,paid byConsultantor deducted from sums due Consultant"at City option. I. i 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to I City of any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify ! , '. such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure 9f the insurer. to i mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party. will ; "endeavor" (as. opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the . I I I' certificate. .' .. '.' . " . I 9. "tis acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance I I. coverage required to be provided by' Consultant or any subContractor, is intended to i apply first an<;t on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or " . self insurance available to City. 10. Consultant. agrees to ensure that subContractors, and any other party ! \ involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in. the project by Consultant, ~- provide the same minimum insurance. coverage required' of Consultant. Consultant . agrees to monitor and review all' such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provide5l in conformity with the requirements of this I . seCtion.. Consultant <agrees that upon '.request, 'all agreements with subContractors and I I " others engaged in the project will be submitted to City forreview. -', ~ , , i i 11. Consultant agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions I " or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein arid further agrees that it I will not allow any Consultant, subContractor, Architect, Engineer or other'entity. or . I... i!. person in any way involved in.the performance of,!,/ork on the project contemplated by I ", thisl\lgreement to self-insure its ob.ligationsto City; If Consultant's existing coverage 1'" includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self-insured retention , I must be declared to the City. At the time the City shall review options with the i i Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured , , , ; . retention, substitution of other coverag~. or other solutions. I , I I, /.' I i': '; I 'i , , Page 13 of15 I I I ! '; "- i ;: , " I I " . 12." The City re~~rVes'the right at any time during the term of the contract to I f change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety ! (90) days adva!lce written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial i additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increase benefit to City. i 13: For purposes of applying insurancecoverage,orily, this Agreement will be I I. . deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps I , that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or'towards performance of this Agreement. I I 14. Consultant acknowledges and ,agrees that any actual or alleged failure on I i' the part of City to inform Consultant of non-eompliancewith any insurance requirements t in no way imposes any'additional obligations. on City nor does it waive any rights. , hereunder in this or any other regard. I , " . ' I 15. Consultant will r~new the required coverage annually as long as City, or I its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this , I agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or I terminated for any . reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective' until City . . -. executes a written statementto that effect. i I 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement, have been renewed or replaced with other , policies providing at least the same cover~ge. Proof that such coverage has been , I . "ordered shall be submitted.' prior' to e~piration. A coverage binder or letter from , ,Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance . ii and/or additional. insured endorsement as required in these specifications applic,able to ,. the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration i of the coverages. .' . i 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit i the obligations of Consultant under thisagreemel1t. Consultant expressly agrees not to i use any statutory immunity.. defenses under such laws. with respect to City, its ; . employees, officials and agents. . . 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this I section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as I a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a I '. i: . given coverage feature is.for purposes ofclai"ification only as it pert~insto a given issue, " and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive. ! , I 19, ' These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct ' . I , from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be I interpreted as such. I i I I I Page 14 of 15 I , i I ATTACHMENT 2 . . .. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ;.- . REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL STATE MANDATED COST CLAIMING SERVICES' I. PROPOSAL INTENT 0 The City of Arroyo Grande intends to contract for State MandateeI' Cost Claiming Service. II. BACKGROUND The City of Arroyo 'Grande is a full-service city, which currently comprises 5:45 square miles and serves. 16;582 residEmts., It is located on'the Central Coast of .Californiamidway between Los, Angeles and San Francisco. .' ., The City provides a full range of services, including police and fire protection; the construction and maintenance of highways, streets, and other infrastructure; and recreational 'activities and , .- , cultural events. Certain sanitation sel:Vices are provided through the Water and Sewer Funds, which function as a Public Works Department of the City. III. . SCOPE OF WORK The contracted .finn shall prepare 'and file actual cost claims and estimated cost claims based on the State Controller's claiming instructions. Prepare and fil'i! all new or first-time claims based on the State Controller's claiming instructions,' Maintain communication and provide regular status 'information to the City staff. Assist the City with reviews or audits for claims that were prepared and submitted by the State Mandated Cost Claiming Agency. . ; IV. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND CONTENT \ '-- ' \ Firms desiring to respond shall make their proposals brief and concise, yet with sufficient detail to allow for a thorough evaluation. Each proposal shall include as a minimum the follOWing infonnatlon in this format: A., . Introduction Present an' introduction to the proposal describing the finn's understanding of the desired work. . .. .. B. Qualifications Include a brief description of the firm's background, experience with similar projects,' and resumes of key personnel proposed to work on the project. C. Work Plan Provide a brief description of the. work plan proposed to carry out the tasks set forth in Section III - 'Scope of Work. I'roposal shall Include the proposed services provided by the firm, general approach and philosophy. / D. Costs. . Submit a' cost proposal, which includes a list of personnel proposed, proposed' role of each personnel in carrying out the tasks set forth in Section IIi - Scope of Work, and hourly - - '." -, - .), . --- --- _._.--~-- - --~-------~.__. l i , I , . I rates ' for those personnel. Cost proposals shall include all costs to the Agency, including any overhead, travel, etc. E. References . , List former clients for whom .similaror comparable.services have been performed. Include t~e mime, mailing address, .and ~elephone number of the appropriate contact person. , ! V. SELECTION PROCESS i A review committee will make recommendation to the City Council/Redevelopment Agency Board , I of Directors for award of the contract. An oral interview by the' panel may ,be requested. .ProposalswiII be evaluated and rated based upon the following criteria: I , , r A. Relative experience and qualifications I B. Technical merits of the proposal I C. ! ,Ability of proposed approach to meet the needs of the City , ,. I D. . Cost Effectiveness I VI. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE PropoSals Due .. . . . September 2,2005 Interviews (if requested) '. . . . September 14 - September 16,2005 Select Contractor . .. . September 19, 2005 . Finalize Contract . " . . September 23, 2005 City Councii Consideration , . September 27, 2005 Effective Date of Contract 00.. . October 1, 2005 VII. SUBMITTAL A. submitatotal of 4 copies to:' Angela Pillow Director of Finance P.O. Box 550 214 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 B. Show the following information on the outside of the package: . Firm's name and addresS . State. Mandated Cost Claiming Proposal C. The proposal must be received at the above address by the closing date' and time. Firms mailing or shipping their proposals must ailow sufficient delivery time to ensure timely receipt of their proposals by the time specified. Late proposals will not be accepted. . , . D. Closing~ate: All proposals must be received by Friday. SeDtember 2. 2005 at 5:00 D.m. E. ~. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals for any or no reason. F. For more information, please contact Angela Pillow at 805-473-5432. 2 . . , ._~--- --~-"~---" ._- -- ---- -------~ ~ - ~ '--'~ ---- - -.---------.--- -------------- ---~- ~ VIII.' LIABILITY INSURANCE Prior to the beginning of and throughout' the duration of the Wor~ Contractor will maintain insurance in. conformance with the requirements set forth be/ow.' Contractor will use' existing' coverage to comply with. these requirements. If' that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Contractor agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing. , . .. cdveragetO do:so. Contractoracknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set . forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, wilibe available to City. Contractor shall provide thelol/owingtypes and amounts of insuran.r:,e: A. Commercial General Liability Insurance' using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy from q; 00 01 Or the exact equivalent; Defense costs.must be paid in addition to limits.. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in 1]0 event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. . \ B. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage from CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less than $l,OOO,OOOpei'. accident. If Contractor owns no vehicles, this requirement' may be , satisfied by a non-owned auto endors~ment to the general liability policy described above. If Contractor or Contractor's employeeS will' use personal autos in any way on this project, Contractor shall provide evidence ofpersanal auto liability coverage for each such person. C. . Workers Compel)sation on a state-approved policy form providing. statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or . . disease. D. Excess or .Umbrella ,Liability Insurance (Over Primary), If used to meet limit requirements, '. - .-' j shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverages. Any such coverage provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include a drop down provision providingpriniary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self-insured retention for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf" basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain a provision obligating insurer at the time insured's Uability is determined, not requiring actual payment by the insured first. There shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of Contractor, subcontractors or others involved in the Work:The scope of coverage provided'is subject to approval of City follOWing receipt -\ of proof of insurance as required herein. E. . Professional Liability or.Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written ona policy form coverage specifically designated to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor and . "cOvered Professional Services" as designated in .the poUcy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in' the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of' the insured and must include a provision establishing the Insurer's duty to defend. The policy ) . retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date 'of this agreement. . - 3 ,. I I F. ; Insurance procured ,pursuant to these. requirE!me,ntS shall be written by insurer that are admitted carriers in the state Califomia and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and a . minimum financial size VII. ". , " G. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance cover~ge by Contractor. Contractor and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Contractor: . . . 1- 1. Contractor agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party "general liability . coverage required herein' to include as additional insureds, City, its officials , employees .and agents; using standard' ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an I edition prior to 1992:. Contractor also agrees to require all Contractors, and." " subcontract6rs.to dq likewise. i 2.. No liability. insuranCe coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall I . prohibit Contractor, or Contractor's employees" or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss.. Contractor agrees to waive subrogation rights against I City regardless of the' applicability of any insurance proceeds; and to require all ! Contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. , ~ 3. "All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or, applicable to this agreemel]t are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or "any other agreement relating to the City or its operations,limits the application of such insurance coverage. . 4. ,None of the coverages required herein will be inoompliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has. not beenfi..st submitted to City and approved of in writil]g. , . . 5. No Iiabilityqiolicy shall contain any provision or definition. that would serve to I eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims; including any exclusion for ,bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any COntractor or subcontractor. 6. AU Coverage. types and. limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Contractor shall not make" any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's' prior l written consent. " 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certifiCates of . . . in~urance. evidencing' all of tlie coverages required and an: additional insured ~ndorsement to Contractor's general liability policy, shall be delivered.to City at or " prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the even,t such. insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Contractor or deducted from sums due COntractor, at City option. ' " 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide. 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Contractor. agrees to .require its insurer to modify ; such certificates to delete any exculPatory wording stating that failure of the .insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any . . 4 --------- ! party 'wiU"endeavor" (as opposea to - being' required) to comply w'ith the I I requirements of the certificate. , 9. It is acknowledged by the parties ofthis agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by. Contractor or any'subcontractors, is intended to apply 'first,and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or , self insuranCe 'available to City. , I i . . I 10. Contractor agrees to ensure that' subcontractors, and any other party involved with I the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Contractor, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Contractor. Contractor agrees I to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such cOverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. I i Contractor agrees. that upon request, all agreements -with subco!'tractors and i others engag~ in the project will be submittedto City for review. , 11. Contractor agrees not to Self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that It will not allow any Contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project i contemplated by this. agreement to self-insure its obligations to City., If.Contractor's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or I self-insured retention must be declared to the City. At the time the City shall j review options with the Contractor, which may include reduction or elimination of , the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or. other solutions. 12. The City reserves the rig~t at any time d\lring,the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Contractor ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost.to the Contractor, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increase benefit to City. '.' {. 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Contractor acknowledges arid. agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part . of City.to inform Contractor. of non-compliance with any insurance requirements in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Contractor wiu renew the. required coverage annually - as long as City, or its employees or agents' face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether, or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this 'obligation is not effective until Cit;y executes a written statementto that effect. ./ . ( . . . 16. . Contractor shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other . policies. providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such, coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter .from Contractor's insurance agel]t to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications 5 .-- '- .--.--.---.-----------.- --,- - -.-.-------------"-. ~----------~-----------~--- ------~ -~----- \ applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. . . The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Contractor unde'r this agreement; Contractor expressly agrees not to use any statiitory immunity deferises. under' such laws wit~ respect to. City, its . employees, officials and agents. . Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are , .18. not intended as limitations on coverage, limits. or other. requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy, Specific reference to a given coverage feature is, for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a . given ,Issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all- .' inclusive. , 19. These insurance requirements are interided to be separate and distinct from any other provision'in this. agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such: . 20. The requirements in this,Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision Conflicts ,with or impairs the provisions of this Section. . 21. Contractor agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Contractor for the cost' of additional insurance coverage required' by this agreemel'1t. 'Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City.to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. . 22. Contractor agrees to proVide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Contractor arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. , 6 ATTACHMENT 3 ~'- " MAXIMUS - Oty of Arroyo Grande " I I , '.A PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE . COMPREHENSIVE STATE MANDA TED COST CLAIMING' I SERVICES ! ! i , ; i r I I I : , , , I ~ , ! \ \. i This proposal contains proprietary information. PleaSe contact MAXlMUS before releasing any part of the proposal. ; @ Copyright 2005 MAXlMUS. Inc. , All Rights Reserved. I \ I: , I I I '. ! ; ~ MAXIMUS~ i HELPING GOVERNMENT SERVE THE PEOPLE' J August 9,2005 Ms. Angela Pillow Director of Finance . City of Arroyo Grande P.O. Box 550 214 E. Branch Street . Arroyo Grande, CA 93421 Subject: State Mandated Cost Claiming Proposal Dear Ms; Pillow: , MAXIMUS is pleased to submit this requestfor proposal 'to: continue providing the City , of Arroyo Grande with the most comprehensive state~mandated cost claiming services i: possible in the 2005"06 fiscal year. We propose to prepare ,and file all annual and new I or first-time state mandated cost reimbursement claims for which claiming instructions i I are issued in the fiscal year. . / I , , ! We have read through the specific requirements as listed in the request for proposal ! [ and are confident that our services and the resources available meet or exceed the , . City's expectations. As you are aware, our former employee, Ms. Anita Worlow, has left MAXIMUS and is soliciting her former client list for SB 90 services. We value the City of Arroyo Grande as a client and are prepared to match, Ms. Worlow 'sprice as a competitive bid. MAXIMUS will provide the resources necessary to provide the City with the most defensible claims possible. Our commitment to local govemment dates back to 1979 when we pioneered the provision of SB 90 cost claim preparation. . We are the only firm that is involved with every step of the mandate process and we keep our clients ,at the , forefront. No other firm can approach the breadth and depth of servtces in the state . mandate cost area.. This includes the identification and development of new test claims, preparation and filing of reimbursement claims, assistance with the desk review and field audit process, and when necessary the preparation and defense of incorrect cost reduction claims. We welcome the opportunity to continue our relationship with the City. 4320AUBURN BOULEVARD I SUrrE2000 I SACRAMENTO,CA 95841 1916.485.81021916.485.0111 FAX I WWW.MAXIMUS.COM --------.---...- ------.--...-.------ ...--.-- ._.----~-,-----.,_.-._,,--._,----- u ~. .. ./ You are a highly valued client and if you have any questions concerning this proposal or our services,' please contact either Nicole Koehler or me in our Sacramento office at (916) 485~8102. We want to thank you for allowing us to serve the City of Arroyo Grande and look forward to continuing our relationship. Sincerely, ..'2~=~_..~C~<~~:=____.... Allan P. Burdick Vice President . Enclosure ',\ '. " I , MAXIMUS I ~. .. ".~-' MAXIMUS i TABLE OF CONTENTS I ! i ; i I i \ i Statement of Qualification .....................'........................... 1 i I , )'()ur.~IlV\LIS lreClfTl .......:.............................................. 21 , , J\f.>f.>r()acJ1 ane! ,^,()rl< J>lan...................................,.~............ jr i I I i i i Scof.>e ()f Services ;..........~.....:. ......................................... 9 i i I i " j ? ,. J>rofessional Fees. ................ ....... ....... ....... .......... ............. 10 I I "- 'City Referral List, ...................................,~......,................. 11 I I I I ." ~. q--. MAXIMUS i i Sr A TEMENTOrQUALIFICAllON I , , , , MAXIMUS is the dominant provider of state' .mandated cost I , I reimbursement service~ to local government in California. There.is no I firm with greater experience in state mandates thanMAXIMUS. " I ( I Founded in 1975, MAXIMUS is one of the nation's leading providers of management and consulting services to state and local governments. The S6 90 Practice was created in 1979 to assist California local agencies in maximizing their opportunities for reimbursement'for various state mandated local programs. Some of the advantages that MAXIMUS provides to its clients include: A National Firm and Nationwide Leader in Serving. Government: We are, unquestionably, a large firm. We provide virtually seamless consulting.1services covering many' . disciplines and have the ability to draw upon a formidable poolohubject matter experts and ! resources throughout the company as circumstanceswarrant.'Despite'oursize, .the firm' has i never forgotten its roots or the values of professionalism, .individualized;serviceand integrity, , which have been the backbone of our success. I ! I An important MAXIMUS advantage is the firm's longevity and commitment to local government. Consulting firms and accountancy practices come and go; MAXIMUS has consistently grown its i , . financial consulting services to cities and counties over the years. The City of Arroyo Grande i can count on MAXIMUS now, and in the future. i i A Dedicated 58 90 Practice and State Mandate Experience: MAXlMUS offers ! the City of Arroyo Grande the resources and stability of a large national firm along with a , dedicated California practice specializing in a full range of S6 90 services. The S6 90 practice i has three professionally staffed offices conveniently located in Irvine, Pasadena, and Sacramento I , to help serve our clients needs. This combination guarantees the City will receive the highest f I .~ level of consuiting expertise and support possible. i i .' . MAXIMUShas assisted local agencies in the state mandated cost area since 1979. We I I pioneered the provision of S6 90 cost claim preparation and related services to California local government. MAXIMUS is the onlv firm that is involved with every step of the mandate . . . process. Our team of mandate reimbursement consultants has served over 300 cities and special districts, a vast majority of California's 58 counties and nearly 300 school districts. - J I 'I i \ / ) ~. -- . ' ~,..." " ." . .Noother.California firm approaches the breadth and depth.of services in the state mandated. cost . area. This includes the identification anddevelopmenl'of new testclaims, preparation and filing of i reimbursement claims, assistance with the .desk. reviewand'field ,auditprocess, and when necessary the preparation and defense of incorrect cost reduction claims. , i .{ t National Cost Accounting and Indirect Cost Experts::MAXIMUSis recognized , I ) nationally as the leader in govemmental indirect'cost. consulting. When .the:State Controller I originally developed. the A-87 Indirect Cost Rate Proposal (ICRP) Jormatand:requirements, our I firm was the only company asked to assist in the process., Itis.,criticaUo:havea,firm that , I possesses the expertise and knowledge necessary to prepare accurate and defensible ICRP's. . Statewide. Relationships & State Liaison: MAXIMUS maintains strong ties and , , ' . . relationships with a variety of State agencies and local govemment associations. We maintain an open and communicative relationship with the State:Controller's Office, ,Commission on State Mandates, Department of Finance and other departments involved;with state: mandated cost issues: Both state and local representatives callMAXIMUS staff .first when,there is a need for assistance inlhe state mandate area. This unparalleled relationship with. State. experts provides i us with a better understanding of the programs. and. 'eligible'activities:,tO .be claimed for I reimbursement. This enhances ourability to increase the revenue' recovery for the City of Arroyo, I i Grande.' , I ! S8 90 Service: The CalifomiaCities SB 90 Servicewas:createdby.MAXIMUSto provide I. I , I state mandated cost information and workshops to cities. The SB 90 Service places an emphasis ! ! on assisting cities in filing test claims for unfunded state mandated programs to the Commission I on State Mandates. The. Service is endorsed by the League of Califomia Cities and the Califomia , , I State Association of Counties..' MAXIMUS maintains the.SB 90 Service website, which contains information on claim payments, mandate legislation, test claims, and interpretations of key r decisions which affect the state mandated cost area. These services are available to our clients, I which translates into a higher local awareness and a greater understanding of the process. I I Test Claim & Legal Expertise: MAXIMUS employs two legal attomeys to assist our , clients in filing test claims"provide a legal interpretation of the law, and assisting,in desk reviews , , I and field audits. Our attomeys are involved with the majority of the local govemment test claims I , that are prepared. In addttiqn,our attomeys ,participate in the preparation or review of i i Parameters and Guidelines, which are the basis of the Stale Controller's claimingiristructions. I I Project Experience and Longevity: MAXIMUS team members assigned to assist the ! i , City are all highly experienced and trained in preparing and supporting SB 90 cost claims. It is :.., i. important for the City to know that it has the availability of all the resources and expertise [, possible, and the.firm ,it works with has demonstrated its commitment to the mandated cost I claiming area. \ " \ 2 (- I --,- , " ~. -" i' ! r.~-' MAXIMUS YouRMAXIMUS TEAM The breadth arid depth of your MAXIMUS SB 90 team. provides the City i with the most qlialified and experienced consultantsavailablEdo ensure I the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of all work. I , 1 The SB 90 practice of MAXIMUS has servedlocalgovemmentinCalifomiacforover25years. , i We became the dominant state mandateiJ cost. consulting firm in Califomia by working closely with local govemment and various state agencies involved in the mandate program. Our team of extremely organized, exceptionally trained, and highly responsive consultants work hard to ensure the accuracy, completeness, appropriateness, and timeliness of our work. '. . , The ProjectManager respOnsible for completing 'andcoordinl!ting alLpossibluervicesis Marcia Bender. Ms. Bender, however, is only one member,.ofthe'team assisting the'City. She is supported by our the Project Director, Steve Oppenheim;. Vice President" Allan Burdick, two ;' attomeys dedicated to state mandate issues, several highly,. experienced cost accounting I specialists; and a large team of other mandate . personnel:' The' Jollowingc'organization chart I provides anoveiview of the MAXIMUS team to prepareand'provide all :relatecl'services you I may need: . i I I I i I , >,".-. ';-'''-'-'>:''C',',-,- I Proiect Manaa'ementy. SDecial Advisor " . ;. _: \:{j,::::;'.::~:',::::i+A~i Allan Burdick SteveOpperih,eiii]'(i Project Dlt:ecta(it');> Vice President .' '" -',,- ""'-<'::~:'i: Marcia Bender.}";,, project.Manage,'#!;',! I ' ,:: -:':r~\4;; r:,l.',::;;;:-*;r~;::i,fS!'~:;~ir!;;!~~~i I I i r i ,_,__".' :"--'-';'__!.-"'-'-"'!-:~"<T"_::."-"~:'--<:-,-".'-"",_",h,<,,~, , ' ~. . ." -"'.'." --; :::,;."; . Leaal Assistance . Clalmma"iii,a.c,i: tr~lndirecfCost'!.:'\f.!~: " '~ ~_- -. - ,.- '/<:'}(,1,;:}:::2!. ~r~A:t87,jSDicialistSijiJ Asslstance,"k.;f'i.! Pam Stone \,,' ;,j;o.~j'iL}j~i~~i~J~'~~;:'~l~}1: '"';iF''''J!''l!l'l;l\'~\''~~. ~"~~ti~! w,~. JUllan~ G~~~ :iSB90iCorisi1tiiiiitS,~j rI"f,"d'E".. . ~t, 'm,'tSfJn ~il;~gi~~~i;~fJ ", ltljif'.' . "'n' IM'e . "..' ',-- !~II' . .,' . r ' . 'fW;.;.,.. _"?"" -_ ._'" _', I i I i I , , 3 , I' I "_U__", .,. .. .-~-' MAXIMUS . The roles and responsibilities associated with the various' project staff positiens. are discussed below. Project Management Team: . The MAXIMUS.team'includes' Mr.'.A1lan Burdick, Vice i President, Mr. Steve Oppenheim, a, Senior Manager!n our Sacramento. effice, and Marcia , I . Bender, a very experienced and highly trained state mandated cost consultant. Marcia Bender will I serve as the City of Arroyo. Grande's Project Manager. The roles of each are described below. , , , , I . Special Advisor I Vice President: Allan Burdick Mr. Burdick has ever 30 . , years of experience providing professienal services; consulting and .advocacy to I California local gevemment agencies. He has been assOciated' with the current I California's state mandated test claim and claim preparation process since it was initially I designed in 1978. . . , Mr. Burdick's experience cevers all phases ef the state. mandate' reimbursement process including the preparation of test claims, incorrect reduction'claims,:and,reimbursement I claims. He currently serves as the staff directorfortheCalifemia'Stateassociation of I Counties (CSAC) and League of California: Cities. (LCC) :Advisory:Committee en State Mandates. He also. was the principle architect of.the'CSAC SB90.Service and has been I the Directer ef the California Cities SB 90 SerVice for overlen years. i i Mr. Burdick has assisted in crafting several successful pieces of mandate referm I ! i legislation that has improved the mandate reimbursement process and/er provided fer ; i additional funding for local government agencies. I i Mr. Burdick has the ultimate respensibility for the project and fer ensuring that the necessary resources are made available to the project team. He will provide guidance to the Project Directer and Project Manager to help ensure the success of the project i . Project Director: Steve Oppenheim Mr.. Oppenheim has the primary i i responsibility for the MAXIMUS team effert. His responsibility is to ensure that the I corporate standards for quality and customer satisfaction are achieved. , I , . Mr. Oppenheim has been with MAXIMUS fer ever 11 years. He has provided comprehensive SB 90 services formore than 100 City and County agencies. In addition to assisting lecal agencies maximize their SB 90 reimbursement; he is also responsible fer staff training and development Mr. Oppenheim is an annual presenter at the SB 90. Service werkshops and provides assistance to the service membership. Mr. Oppenheim will be available to assist the Project Manager if the need should arise. 4' ... ." n~'" . Project Manager/Lead -Consultant: -.Marcia Bender The__ City, of Arroyo Grande's ProjecfManager, oversees the daily work of the project team and ,ensures that project implementation oCcurs oil' schedule 'and. 'in: accordance 'with all, project requirements. The Project Manager has direct- responsibility for - coordinating the . collection of all applicable data from the City. . , Ms. Bender has worked in, the state mandated cost area for. the .pastfifleen . years .. assisting cities, counties and: special districts :with'. maximum : recovery.. .' She ,currently - serves asa Manager in our state 'mandate.costpractice. ..Her'experience includes the full range of state mandated cOst services. These projects include determining the state mandated activities and costs associated 'with them, the preparation of claims to obtain reimbursement, and the identification and calculation of all eligible direct and indirect . , costs. Ms. Sender has the responsibility for regular'client communication/conducting. on-site interviews, preparation of all claims, and conducting the final review. of the .claims. i I Legal Staff: I The legal staff is available to assistthe'ProjectManager.:in.providinga legal , I '. interpretation of claiming issues and, if necessary, ,defending the' claims dUring;desk'reviews or ! i field audits. The two dedicated attorneys are Ms. Pamela Stone,' Chief LegalCounsel:for our SB i .90 practice, and Ms. Juliana Gmur, a SeniorMandatedCostPrograrnattomey: i i I Ms. Pamela Stone: Ms. Stone has extensive experience filing and pursuing lest claims before , i the Commission on state Mandates on behalf of various MAXIMUS clients. She has served as I the lead attorney on state. mandated cost litigation, which she has argued before the, California Supreme Court. MS,Juliana Grnur: Ms. Gmur has over 12 years legal experience with the last 3 years specializing in the state mandate arena. She received the 2004 Litigation' Award from the I California County Counsels Association for her work on amicus briefs hi support of local I government in ,two recent cases before the California Supreme Court. i ; I Claiming Assistance Staff: To assist the project manager we have a number of i experienced state mandated cost consultants. Many of these consultants have specialties in the ! various mandated programs or functional areas and can be called on should a complex or unique ,. issues arise concerning the City's claims. ' In addition, MAXIMUS consultants are supported by a group of experienced administrative persons to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all materials. 5 ,I ~. ~. ~<""-. .MAXIMUS . Indi rect.Cost - A.87 Specialists: The State has raised a series of new questions related to the , , . eligibility and claiming of indirect costs. It is more important than ever lo-havethe expertise of senior, , ! A-87 indirect cost specialists to support SB 90 consultants: The MAXIMUS SB90,team includes two ! extremely experience and qualified consultants, Mr. Manfred Endres and Ms. Anita White. Mr. Endres , . has been involved in preparing A-87 indirect cost programs for over.18 years and Ms; White has very ; i similar experience, including negotiating issues on beha~ of the State and local governments with the I I Federal A-87 managers responsible for advising the State of California on how to interpret A-87 i questions. . i I i ! , , I i ! ! I , , I \ , i i I i I I , I i I I. i I [ 6' i ~. -' ",--' MAXIMUS ApPROACH &. WORI{ PLAN MAXIMUS understands local government issues .andpractices. We listen to our clients' needs and special circumstances. This.:personal approach, combined with our : state-wide - experience; helps our consultants fully maximize the City's reimbursement potential; . In this section, we present our proposed approach and work plan for. the preparation of your City's state mandated reimbursement claims and all other related work. Each of the key tasks is described below. Comprehensive Mutual Planning Process:.0ur highly trained consultants will work with . the City of Arroyo Grande's designated staff to develop a customized project plan to complete the annual claims, new or first-time claims and, where applicable, any late or amended claims. We will work with the City to update our mutually agreed' upon. plan: as :new,claiming'opportunities arise. Our planning process defines the schedules,.methodology,time frames, and required information .needed to support the claims, as well as. the-assigned: roles and. responsibilities of all participants. Our goal in the design of lI1e project planisto.minimize the time required of the City of Arroyo Grande staff and to ensure that the documentation supporting the claims is complete. On-going Coordination and Communication: MAXIMUS will maintain on-going communication with appropriate City staff. We encourage regular communication between all parties to ensure a clear understanding of all future and current claiming opportunities. Our consultants are easily accessible and quick to respond to all forms of communication. No question or concern is too small. Direct and Indirect Program Data Collection: MAXIMUS consultants will meet with the appropriate department representatives and gather all required program data for each state mandated. program. MAXIMUS will also identify the administrative and support personnel that should be included ineach departmenfs indirect cost rate proposal. Financial Data Collection: Your MAXIMUS Project Manager will work closely with your City's financial staff to obtain the necessary financial data to support all claims: This supporting documentation includes annual budgets, departmental expenditure reports, salary reports, cost allocation plans (when available), and ~lVice invoices. . ( Claims Preparation for City Review and Approval:MAxlMUS will prepare the eligible reimbursement claims once the necessary data is obtained from the City. Each claim will include: ;.. Completed State Controller's claim forms. 7 - ... .. ",-", MAXIMUS i , ~ Indirect cost rate proposal (ICRP). ~ Documentation supporting the claim and the ICRP. , i Completed claims will be provided to the City's SB 90 Coordinator for .review,approval and I ,signature. ,. , I i , I Claim Filing and Verification: Signed claims. will be.. hand delivered to ,the State i ! Controlle~s Office by MAXIMUS along with a Declaration of :Service. When' received, a receipt, ! signed by a representative of the State Controlle~sOfficeiwill:beJorwarded to ,the City. of Arroyo Grande. MAXIMUS will provide the City copies of all filed claims, which includes ICRP's and other attachments required by the State. On-Going Management Support: After the claims .are filed, MAXIMUS will continue to: ~ Communicate with. the 'SB 90 Coordinator to . recommend' possible .,project plan improvements or modifications that would bene.fit the City. ~ Provide periodic status update on claims filed,State.payments,'new.testclaims and i other related information. I i . MAXIMUS will work with the City'sSB 90 Coordinator and . participating' department staff to i I improve the claiming process and the defensibility of the City's claims. I i Assistance With Desk Review and Audit Support: MAXIMUS will work closely with i . . ' , I the City of Arroyo Grande to provide a reSponse to the Stale Controller whenever the State Controller ! has an issue with one of the mandate reimbursement claims MAXIMUS has prepared on behalf of the City. MAXIMUS has extensive experience working with the State Controlle~s Office that will yield the most re,asonable and equitable methods for resolving disputes. Provide Management and Cost Reports: Since the State has deferredthEl payment of most Claims', for the last three years, it is, more important than ever to maintain detailed claim information. MAXIMUS' has implemented a database' system to provide the City with I information on its claim amounts and State payments. I i I l i I I i , i i , I , 8 (. ! ( i ... -' MAXIMUS $COPEOF SERVICES MAXlMUS is committed to providing our clients with the most up-to- . date state mandate information. available. MAXIMUS proposes to prepare and file all ofthe.CityoLArroyoGrande's :eligible state .. mandated cost reimbursement claims for which claiming' instructions ,are' issued iIi, the. 2005-06 fiscal year. This includes all' annual, new or first'timeclaims,i'and Janyclaims, that-require amendment. A list of the annual and possible new or first time claims is attached in Appendix A of this proposal. Under the tenns of this proposal, MAXIMUS is responsible for the following items: . Prepare and file the 2004-05 actual cost claims and the 2005-06 estimated .costclaims . based on the State Controller's claiming instructions. .. Prepare and file all new or first-time. claims based on:the'State. Controller's claiming , instructions thatare released during FY2005'2006. i , I .. . Maintain communication and provide regular.projectstatusinfonnation to the City's S8 I I , 90.coordinator throughout the contract period. , I i t . Provide the necessary data collection tools to capture data for all new claims that are ~ approved by the Commission on State Mandates during the contract period. i . Serve as the liaison with the State Controller's Office and the Commission .on State Mandates in responding to statewide cost estimate requests and other inquiries related to the City's state mandate cost programs or claims. . Assist the City with all desk reviews or field audits for claims that were prepared and i submittep by MAXIMUS, If requested, we will also provide general advice to the City ! on any state mandated cOst program issues that may arise during the tenn of the' I contract; t. I . \ i . I It is' imperative that the City of Arroyo Grande do everything possible to have the highest quality I , arid most defensible claims prepared with by a team of experts. We believe that MAXIMUS and. the experienced ~taff assigned to this project will fully meet the above. listed objectives. Summary: Our work plan and scope of work statement contained in this proposal provides the City of Arroyo Grande with a comprehensive and efficient approach to complete the City's state , ,. -- \ - . maDdated reimbursement claims. We understand that there may be more than one approach to accomplishing the various activities. We expect to work closely with the City's S8 90 Coordinator to ensure there is an open line of communication in this important program. 9 J ... ~. ~,--. MAXIMUS I PROFESSIONAL FEES , This section outlines our fee structure- offered.to the Cityof-Arroyo'-_Grande: Payment arrangements;are described in our attached Professional Services-Agreement~ Should-the -City -of Arroyo Grande prefer. modification of this fee structure; wecwould-bepleased todiscuss:changes . to accommodate the City's preference. . MAXIMUS can'also:comply with the 'insurance needs . _ addressed in the request for proposal. I In light of recent legislative changes that will affect the City of Arroyo Grande's estimated 2005/06 - fiscal year claims, MAXIMUS is adjusting our proposed fee to the following: fiXED FEE We propose to prepare and ,file all eligible:_annmilxfiscal';.year.:2004-2005.actual cost i ; reimbursement claims and all eligible estimated:2005'2006 reimbursement.claims.for a .' ._ fixed fee . of five thousand. two - hundred fifty.:dollai'S,($5,250.00)".. .Jhis:includes all , i ..' professional fees' and expenses. This fee _ will:be,billed: in _fouLequal;installments: i September' 2005, December 2005, March 2006, and June 2006. i i , ! I MAXIMUS,is very flexible in negotiating its project costs and payment:provisions:-.' If for any I reason, the City should prefer to negotiate adifferent:arrangement.than,whatds.:incJuded in this i section, we would be pleased to consider any reasonable alternative. . I i ! I i t , I I I I , , ! I I I -, I , I JO ~. 0" f -r'. MAXIMUS i CITY REFERRAL LIST i MAXIMUS is in a competitive market and is not in the practice of releasing its list of clients. i I However, we tiave.identified a select group of clients who may be contracted as reference. ! ! , i. City of Garden Grove ! " . Ms. Monica Neely, Administrative Analyst - Controller's Office I ! 11222 Acacia Parkway i Garden Grove, CA 92840 I (714) 741-5087 . i City of Modesto Ms Gail Adams-Bailey, Administrative Analyst. i 1010Tenth Street, Suite 5200 I Modesto, CA 95354 I (209) 577-5378 i ! i ! . City of Huntington Beach I . .Mr. Arnold Ross, Senior Accountant 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5238 , i , ~ - I ! I ! i I , i i J/ i , ! -- -- - - - --- . -' - I.j. i i MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF COUNCIL APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: SEPTMBER 27, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Council approve the recommendation of Council Member Ed Arnold to appoint Caren Ray to the Planning Commission. FUNDING: There is no fiscal impact. RECOMMENDATION: On January 14, 1997, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 481 C.S. amending the composition of applicable Commissions and Boards from seven to five members and adopted Resolution No. 3192 establishing Council policy as it relates to the appointment procedure to various Commissions and Boards. The Ordinance states that the Mayor and each respective member of the Council shall appoint a representative to the various Commissions and Boards subject to the approval by a majority of the Council. All Commission and Board members serve at the pleasure of the Council. Council Member Ed Arnold's appointment to the Planning Commission, John Keen, submitted his resignation August 30, 2005. Council Member Arnold is recommending the Council approve the appointment of Caren Ray to the Planning Commission, replacing Mr. Keen. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Approve the recommended appointment; . Do not approve the recommended appointment; . Provide direction to staff. I Attachment: I 1. Application form: Caren Ray '....--. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE /' RESERVOIR OF CITIZENS TO SERVE Planning Commission f~EGE:V[D Parks and Recreation Commission cn~-.y c;:" rF;/{OYC C ~ Years Lived in ArrOy~ ~rande f)5' Traffic Commission. Senior Advisory Commission 05 SEP 23 p,ri 10: ~ 6 Registered Vo~ Arroyo Grande Architectural Review Committee . Yes No. _ Downtown Parking Advisory Board (must own business in the Village area) - Historical Resources Committee _ Special Boards/Committees (varies) NAME Co..'fex\ RtMf HOME 2'15 Mi\\el'" W00..J PHONE 4-13-3258 ADDRESS . PRESENT EMPLOYER -se\+: POSITION BUSINESS ADDRESS 2105 Miller- W4 PHONE 4-/3 - 3258 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School ~ ~d..e.. t-hs . Colle!:le LA.c.L.A. ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION 'aA.) \-\'i-s"tt> ~ ) TeacVi'n3 CredefTti ~L COMMUNITYANDCIVICINTERESTSPrA- Dc.ea..rwieuJ 61em)' AVBD} COI'Y)lY)(Aniiy -rhe~r . ttlsror-k<'t.\- J2e.s-tz:..n::mCV\/pyeserYo-..-n oV\ G::Lu..cCL-tiOr, ~ - I ) The City Council would like to have the names ofthree(3) Arroyo Grande References: NAME ADDRESS 1. Ed Arnold ?/5' 54 uestr'la.n 7 Ab- 2. Ste\Je, ~i \tm I 66q. 12/1 6. 6nLnd I A6- ; 3. Mot'\ie.. Cool 167'"1 el CA.YY'Ji no R..e ~I ) N:r ) ARE YOU WilliNG TO SERVE ON THE COMMISSION/COMMITTEE/BOARD MEETING TIMES SHOWN BELOW: Planning Commission, First and Third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 PM Yes'~o_ Parks and Recreation Commission, Second Wednesday of each month, 6:30 PM Yes_No_ Traffic Commission, the day (Monday) before the third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM Yes _No_ Senior Advisory Commission, First Wednesday of each month, 3:00 PM Yes_No_ Architectural Review Committee First Monday of each month, 3:15 PM Yes_No_ Downtown Parking Advisory Board - Meets as rieeded Yes_No_ Historical Resource ommi ee - Quarterly meetings anticipated Yes_No_ Special Boards/Co m tt aries) Yes _No_ Signature Date ~ z.o D5 The Arroyo Grande CIty Council req sts In~ alion about your interest (and education. if applicable). In serving on a commission or . committee. apecffically your commen a . views relative to the role and responsibilities of the - Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Traffic Commission. Senior Advisory Commission, Architectural Review Committee, Historical Resources Committee, or a Special Board/Committee. Please note such Information on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your Interesl THIS FORM IS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD IF APPOINTED. COMPLETION OF A STATE CONFLICT OF INTEREST FORM IS REQUIRED i 3/2005 -. 9... CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2005, the Arroyo Grande City Council will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET to consider the following: ~ 1. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16 (DEVELOPMENT CODE) OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE. An Ordinance considering minor text amendments to Title 16 for clarification purposes and to ensure consistency with provisions of the 2001 General Plan. Amendments are proposed in Chapters 16.04 (Introductory Provisions and Definitions), 16.08 (Administration), 16.12 (Development Review Process), 16.16 (Land Use Permits and Approvals), 16.20 (Land Divisions), 16.36 (Commercial Districts), 16.48 (General Develgpment Standards), and 16.52 (Specific Use Standards). 2. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12.16 OF TITLE 12 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM. An Ordinance amending Chapter 12.16 to update provisions and processes relating to tree maintenance, removal, .and replacement on public and private property within the City of Arroyo Grande. , The Council may also discuss other hearings or business items before or after , the item listed above. If you challenge the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. Information relating to these items is available by contacting Arroyo Grande City Hall at 473-5414. The Council meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20. ~ Jl;@v- Kelly Wetmore h City Clerk City of Arroyo Grande Publish n, 1/8 page ad, The Tribune, Friday, September 16, 2005 , MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ~ 'tOB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: TERESA MCCLISH, ASSOCIATE PLANNE~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 05-006 i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE, REVISING LAND USE REGULATIONS AND APPROVAL PROCESSES TO ENSURE CONSISTANCY WITH THE ARROYO GRANDE GENERAL PLAN DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 . RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Council introduce an Ordinance amending the Development Code, revising land use regulations and approval processes to ensure internal consistency as well as consistency with the Arroyo Grande General Plan. FUNDING: No fiscal impact. DISCUSSION: Backqround The proposed clean-up ordinance is intended to revise portions of Title 16 (the Development Code) to correct text errors, make clarifications and to ensure internal consistency as well as consistency with the 2001 General Plan. Additionally, a comprehensive update to the Development Code is ongoing. Districts that were recently revised include all of the commercial and mixed use districts in the City. The final phase of the update process is scheduled for preliminary hearings before the Planning Commission in October and November and includes an update to sections of the code pertaining to residential districts. Exhibit "A" to the attached proposed ordinance includes text amendments to correct errors and make clarifications of regulations set forth in the Development Code. Please refer to the indicated section of the Development Code for context of proposed change. Below is a summary table explaining the text revisions. CITY COUNCIL DCA 05-006 SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 Page 2 of 4 > ',CodesectioI'lJ,I"T opic ,. . :'~!:: Ch~rgemade' ,.<~;: Type of'f . .' '., lQI .,., ...."., ;,::, :'" ,..,.,. chan e',,', 1 16.04 Definition of fast Deleted redundant definitions; Correction Definitions food restaurants amended "fast food" and "drive and and drive through retail" definitions to be clarification through facilities internally consistent with use of terms in other sections, to define more accurately with intent of regulations and City Council direction; and included "General Retail - Restricted" definition. No revisions are made regarding districts in which use is allowed 2 16.08.060 Planning Review of applications for clarification Administration commission Architectural review is required "if and review necessary" in consideration of Enforcement current practice and requirements under 16.16.210.B 3 16.12.020 Pre-application Clarification of processing pre- clarification applications in consideration of current practice and intent of section . 16.16.180 (Planned Unit Development) in which Pre- applications are reauired 4 16.12.030 Application Renumbering and grammar correction submittal 5 16.12.060 Fees Correction of how the Community correction Development Department charges fees - specifying one fee for concurrent applications 6 16.12.090 Effective date of Clarification of effective date of Substantive decision decision for minor use permits in clarification relation to appeal period and reporting on the planning commission aClenda 7 16.12.155 Notice of Modification and clarification of clarification Administrative reporting administrative decisions to Decision the planning commission and the effective date of such decisions 8 16.16 Land use Renumbered to group minor use clarification permits and permit applications approvals 9 16.16.080 MUP plot plan Clarification for internal consistency Clarification review regarding reference to MUP in other chapters and reference to other S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\DCA \05.006 Amending portions Title16\CC Sf 092705.doc CITY COUNCIL DCA 05-006 SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 Page 3 of 4 Codesectioli TppiC):!I:;IH! ...... ".J ~; ..Qhang~rri~de'.';' "': TYP~;l?f . ..i'i': '., . . ;::;;. ,~;.. ;,ctiahge , ...... "i1,;\[I" }:, .' ni" i;'.'....... n./..'i; " , amended sections 10 16.16.090 MUP temporary Correction of text error and inclusion Correction use permit regulations to address other and temporary uses substantive clarification 11 16.16.100 MUP minor Reference to new amended section Clarification exceptions 12 16.16.110 MUP viewshed Removal of pre-noticing requirement Substantive review in place prior to current reporting clarification procedure and making consistent noticing and reporting of MUPs 13 16.16.120 MUP large day Removal of pre-noticing requirement Substantive care in place prior to current reporting clarification procedure and making consistent noticing and reporting of MUP 14 16.16.130 MUP Correction of omitted section for Correction architectural submittal and review requirements and review and clarification of MUP reportinq clarification 15 16.20.140 Lot Line Correction consistent with state law Correction Adjustments and other code section for PC approval - no public hearinQ required 16 16.20.160 Certificate of Correction consistent with other Correction Compliance code section for PC approval - no public hearinq required . 17 16.36.020 Commercial and Correction for internal consistency of Correction Mixed Use reference to General Plan; inclusion and Zoning districts of additional reference to Design substantive Guidelines and Standards; building clarification size standard may be modified by (OMU CUP in the OMU building size standard) 18 16.36.030 Commercial and Correction on table 16.36.030(A) Correction - MU districts legend; added reference to other and code sections for some categories; clarification removal of drive through fast food restaurant due to redundancy; and correction to allow "multi-family residential in a mixed use project" for the HMU district consistent with City Council motion of approval of ordinance 557 on October 12, 2004. 19 16.48.070 Fences Add "18 inch" rule for fence height Clarification 20 16.48.110 Nonconforming ChanQe variance requirement to Substantive S:\COMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENT\PROJECTS\DCA \05-006 Amending portions Titlel6\CC Sf 092705.doc CITY COUNCIL DCA 05-006 SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 Page 4 of 4 Code section Topic ChangEl',made ;.". ;.. :;;;~:;' ,-. c., 'i%;,l':' ,3 uses CUP provision and inclusion of maximum 5-yr time limit to remove non-conforming uses that are not remedied throu h the CUP rocess 21 16.52.030 Adult Correction of reference to previous Correction businesses zonin districts 22 16.52.150 Second CUP may be required for review of Substantive residential deviations of standards (instead of a clarification dwellin s MUP -errors that are typos, formatting or font type are not recorded in this table but may have , been made to the document. , , Public Comment I On August 26, 2005, and September 16, 2005 the proposal was noticed with display ads in the Tribune. Environmental Determination Staff has reviewed this project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines and the City of Arroyo Grande Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA. Based on the review, staff has determined that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt per Section 15311 of the CEQA Guidelines. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for City Council consideration: A. Introduce the ordinance; B. Modify and introduce the ordinance; C. Do not introduce the ordinance; D. Provide direction to staff. S:ICOMMUNITY _DEVELOPMENTlPROJECTSIDCAI05-o06 Amending portions Titlel61CC Sf 092705.doc ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 16 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 05-006), REVISING LAND USE REGULATIONS AND APPROVAL PROCESSES TO ENSURE CONSISTANCY WITH THE ARROYO GRANDE GENERAL PLAN I WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the updated General Plan which became effective November 10, 2001 and requires a comprehensive review and necessary revisions to the i Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and Zoning Map for consistency, in accordance with Government Code Section 65860; and I WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 6, 2005 and recommended approval of the proposed amendments to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code for the purposes of General Plan consistency and implementation of its goals and policies; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered Development Code Amendment 05-006 at a . duly noticed public hearing on September 27, 2005, in accordance with the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code, at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information and public testimony presented at the public hearings, Planning Commission recommendations, staff reports, and all other information and documents that are part of the public record; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following circumstances exist I A. The proposed revisions to Title 16 are required to ensure consistency with the I objectives, policies and implementation measures of the General Plan, particularly the land use element, and is therefore desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. B. The proposed change in zone and revisions to Title 16 will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. C. The proposed change of zones and revisions to Title 16 satisfy the intent of chapters 16.04, 16.08, 16.12, 16.16, 16.20, 16.36, 16.48, and 16.52 the Municipal Code and provide for internal consistency; D. The proposed change of zones and revisions to Title 16 are within the scope of the Program EIR prepared for the 2001 General Plan Update, and the potential environmental impacts of the proposed amendment are less than significant. ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, as follows: SECTION 1: The above recitals and findings are true and correct. SECTION 2: Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Sections set forth hereinbelow are hereby amended as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: a. Amend Sections: 16.04.070, 16.08.060, 16.12.030, 16.12.060, 16.12.090, 16.16.080, 16.16.100, 16.16.120, 16.16.130, 16.16.190, 16.16.210, 16.20.140, 16.20.160, 16.36.020, Table 16.36.030(A), 16.48.070, 16.48.110, 16.52.030, 16.52.150; b. Add Section: 16.12.155 c. Renumber section headings Chapter 16.16 .~, SECTION 3: All references in the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code to "planning director" shall be changed to "community development director". SECTION 4: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, i paragraph, sentence, or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, I subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. I , SECTION 5: Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the Director of Administrative Services shall file a Notice of Determination. SECTION 6: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council Members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the Director of Administrative Services/City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 7: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: \ i I TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT "A" 16.04.070 Definitions "Drive thFOY!jt-l facility" moans a facility, inslYding a restaurant, wt-list-l, by its design, allO'....s 13001310 to rocoivo !joods and/or sorvises while reFRainin!j in their automobiles. "Drive-through sales retail or servicesn means a facility where food or other products may be purchased, or where motorists may obtain services without leaving their vehicles. Examples of drive-through sales facilities include fast-food restaurants and drive-through coffee, dairy product, photo stores, pharmacies, etc. Examples of drive- through service facilities include drive-through bank teller windows, dry cleaners, etc., but do not include automated teller machines (ATMs), gas stations or other vehicles services, which are separately defined. "Dri'lo thru r-estaUFantn means placo of Businoss which sells fooa f3r<lducts or beverages ana which: (1) aoli'/ors such food pFOduGts or beverages to sustomers outside of the bYilaing in which thoy aro pHl'Iided by FRoans of a service window, smmter, or similar FRothoa or de'/ico; or (2) aolivors such fooa f3r-eaYGts or beverages to custOFRElFS within a building whish is assigned in Sysh a FRannor that a FRajority of the customers will mmOVEl Sysh feoa pr-oduGts or BO\'OFages fr-om the Bblilain!j for consumption either on tho premises or in tho immodiato vicinity. "Fast food restaurantn mean an establishment whose orincioal business is one that offers quick food service primarilv for take out. which is accomplished through a limited menu of items already prepared and held for service, and that is characterized bv hiah automobile accessibilitv. self service. short stavs bv customers, and havina late or lona hours of operation (e.a. open 6:00am to 11 :OOpm or outside of those hours). ef pr-eparea, friod, or griddlea €lbliskly, or hoatoa in a ao\'ico such as a micr-owa'le ovon. OraoFS aro gonerally not takon at the custeFRor's table, and foea is !ilenor.ally served in aisf30sable wrapf3iR!j or sontainers. "General Retail - Restricted" means anv retail store whose principal merchandise is restricted to customers aaed eighteen (18) vears or older. not includina "adult businesses". Examples of restricted aeneral retail include head shops and tobacco stores. 16.08.060 Planning commission review. A. The planning commission will review and approve the following: 15. Architectural review if necessary; 16.12.020 Pre-application review. Where requested by the applicant, or required by this title, a preapplication consultation may be held with the staff advisory committee, architectural advisory committee, plannina commission and/or citv council to obtain preliminarv comments regarding a 1 development project. A fee is charged for pre-application review and completion of a conceptual plan and pre-application form is required. The applicant should submit as much detailed information about the project as available. (Prior code ~ 9-02.020) 6.12.030 Application submittal. C. [NOTE TO CODIFIER: section needs to be renumbered] Determination of Completeness. No application shall be processed pursuant to this title prior to the determination by the community development director that the application is complete. 7. If the community development director fails to make a determination as to completeness of an application or resubmitted application within the time period specified by state law, the application shall be automatically deemed complete and I3rosess processed pursuant to the provisions of this title. 16.12.060 Fees. The city council shall, by resolution, establish and, from time to time, amend by resolution a schedule of fees and penalties for permits, licenses, appeals, amendments, and approvals required or permitted by this title to reimburse the city for all costs incurred as the result of its administration of the provisions of this title. If more than one aoplication is beinq orocessed concurrently for a oroiect. the aoolication fee shall be equal to the amount of the hiqhest fee of the aoolications beinq requested. Unless specifically exeml3tml !:ly tt-le sity sel,lRsil, each application shall be subject to tho applicablo roes o':en if two or more applicatioRs ar-e !:leiR€! I3F<lSOsse€l GOncurrently. (Prior code ~ 9-02.060) 16.12.090 Effective date of decision. A decision that is subject to appeal shall not become effective for ten (10) consecutive calendar days following the action by the appropriate decision-making body in order to allow time for the filing of an appeal. For minor use oermits reported to the planninq commission per section 16.12.155, the effective date of decision is ten (10) consecutive calendar days followinq the action by the communitv development director or the dav after the decision is reported to the olanninq commission whichever is qreater. (Prior code ~ 9-02.090) 16.12.155 - Notice of Administrative Decision - Minor Use Permits A Notice of Administrative Decision for minor use permits, includinq any approvals, denials or referrals bv the communitv development director. shall be reported on the planninq commission aqenda. A public hearinq is not required unless an administrative decision is appealed or called UP for review bv the planninq commission throuqh a maiority vote. The Planninq Commission must specify the issues to be reviewed at the meetinq at which the notice of administrative decision is presented to it. The Planninq Commission shall hear and determine a decision that is called UP for review in the same manner as an appeal per Section 16.12.150. 2 Chapter 16.16 LAND USE PERMITS AND APPROVALS 16.16.010 Purpose and intent. 16.16.020 General plan amendment. 16.16.030 Specific plan adoption and amendments. 16.16.040 Amendments to zoning districts and other provisions. 16.16.050 Conditional use permits. 16.16.1ll0 16.16.060 Planned unit development permits. 16.16.119 16.16.070 Variances. 16.16.069 16.16.080 Minor use oermits--Plot plan review. 16.16.199 16.16.090 Minor use permits--Temporary uses. 16.16.12016.16.100 Minor use permit--Minor exceptions. 16.16.13916.16.110 Minor use permit--Viewshed review. 16.16.19916.16.120 Minor use permit--Large family/adult day care. 16.16.21916.16.130 Minor use permit--Architectural review. 16.16.97916.16.140 Surface mining permit. 16.16.9ll9 16.16.150 Development agreements. 16.16.99916.16.160 Home occupation permits. 16.16.149 16.16.170 Administrative sign permit. 16.16.159 16.16.180 Administrative sign program. 16.16.16916.16.190 Planned sign program. 16.16.17916.16.200 Mural permit. 16.16.29916.16.210 Business license clearance. 16.16.220 Revocation of permits, licenses or approvals. 16.16.230 Reports on conformity with the general plan or an adopted specific plan. 16.16.06016.16.080 Minor Use Permit - Plot plan review. A. When a minor use permit is required by this title to authorize a project proposal, its approval certifies that the land use or development will satisfy all applicable provisions of this title. Minor use permit - plot plan review approval is required when a development or use of land is listed in a particular zoning district as an allowable use 3 subiect to approval of a minor use permit (MUPl or aM the requirements listed in Section 16.16.050(B) are met. Minor use permit - plot plan review approval enables issuance of a building permit under Title 15 of this code or the establishment of a land use that does not require a building permit but is still subject to the standards of this title. B. Authority. Except for concurrent applications as provided for in Section 16.12.070, the community development director is authorized to approve minor use permits, subject to the appeal provisions of Section 16.12.150. Minor use permits will be reported to the planning commission on a consent agenda for the purposes of providing , public notice accordinq to section 16.12.155. A public tleariR€l is Ret roquirod unless al3l3Saled. In addition to instances where the provisions of this title specifically require minor use permit review, applications that meet any of the following criteria shall also require minor use permit review - plot plan review: 1. Second residential units that deviate from the requirements listed in 16.52.150.C However. certain deviations mav require conditional use permit review as determined bv the community development director. (Eleviations from l3arkiR€l standar<lsJoquire GYl2 appr-oval); 2. Projects, includinq demolitions. in the historical character overlay district (D-2.4) consistent with 16.16.060(C)(2) of this section and 16.36.030(B)(b); C. Submittal and Review Requirements: 1. Minor use permit - plot plan review applications shall contain the following: 2. Minor use permit - plot plan review in the historic character overlay district. 5. After receipt of a completed application, the community development director may approve a minor use permit- plot plan review application, when the proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of this title. The community development director shall prepare a written decision that shall contain the findings of fact upon which such decision is based. Copies of the decision shall be provided to the applicant, planRiR€l commission, public works, and building and fire departments, and reported to the planninq commission in accordance with Section 16.12.155. D. Required Findings. Minor use permit - plot plan review may be approved only if all the following findings of fact can be made in an affirmative manner: F. Conditions of Approval. In approving a minor use permit - plot plan review, the community development director may impose reasonable conditions to ensure compliance with this title. (Ord. 544 ~ 3, Exh. B (part), 2003: prior code ~ 9-03.060) 16.16.10016.16.090 Minor use permits--Temporary uses. C. Permitted Temporary Uses. An application for a temporary use permit shall be required for the following activities and shall be subject to conditions established in this section and any other additional conditions as may be prescribed by the plaRRiR€l Elir-ester community development director. 8. Temporarv permits for storaqe containers at residential construction sites subiect to a maximum size of 200 square feet: all applicable property development standards in accordance with the district in which it is to be located: and a posted bond in accordance with Section 16.68.090. 4 9. Carts. The purpose of requlations pertaininq to carts in this section is to provide standards for outdoor sales of food and beveraqes or merchandise to promote small businesses, provide outdoor facilities within the confines of private courtyards, patios, plazas. interior qardens. etc.. and to complement the retail environment. Notwithstandinq any other provisions of the City of Arrovo Grande Municipal Code, the ooeration of freestandinq, non-motorized vendinq carts for the ourpose of sellinq food and beveraqes, or merchandise, the followinq restrictions shall applv: a. Each cart shall be aooroved individuallv as to location, size. desiqn and aesthetic characteristics includinq siqns. bv Minor Use permit - temporarv uses and subsequently reviewed every two (2) yearS; b. Each approval shall include business license clearance in accordance with Section 16.16.200. c. Each cart shall be fullv portable. d. No cart, portion of a cart, nor seatinq shall be located within the public riqht-of- way. e. Each cart shall be allowed two (2) oortable tables and a maximum or four (4) chairs for the customer use. The table and chairs shall be removed from their outdoor location at the close of business. 3. 10. Other similar temporary uses includinq off oremise portable siqns of 6 Sq. ft. or less. olaced on private property for three davs or less oer quarter on an annual permit basis. I 16.16.12016.16.100 Minor use permit--Minor exceptions. C. Submittal and Review Requirements. 3. Notice of the decision shall be mailed to the applicant and to property owners of parcels within three hundred (300) feet of the property for which a minor exception has been requested and reported in accordance with Section 16.12.155. The notice shall indicate the appeal provisions of Section 16.12.150. Copies of the decision shall also be provided to the planning commission, public works and building and fire departments. 16.16.13Q 16.16.110 Minor use permit--Viewshed review. D. Submittal and Review Requirements. 3. Notification ReEjuiremeRt. a. The commllRity develepmeRt directer shall mail te preperty owner-s '...,ithiR throe hundred (300) feet of the project a Relies of intent to eORstruct an additioR or structure that iRcludoc the project doscriptioR and 10eatioR and applieant's Rame. The Roliee will inolude a ctatomont indioatin!ij that adjaoent pFGl30rty O'.vners may submit oomments and conoerns rogar<ling the pFGjest, in writin!ij, dllring a ten (10) day rovie..... period; aAd that if no adverso conoems are r-9oeived, the eemmunity development director may approve the minor use l3ermit for viewshed review. The eommllnity developmeRt diroctor shall alse keep tho I3lanRing oommissien iRformed of sllBmitted applioatioRs for minor use f)ermitt for Vio'NshaEJ FO'lio\aJ&. ~ Prior to approving or denying an application, the community development director may solicit the recommendations and comments of other public agencies, city departments, and interested groups, including the architectural review committee. 5 4. Upon acceptance of a minor use permit f-viewshed review application, the community development director shall review the request for compliance with the provisions of this I title. The community development director may, after tl:1e r-evie'.... fleried referenoed in subdivisions (J)(a) ef this subsection, approve the viewshed review request only if all of the findings of fact set forth in subsection (E) of this seotion can be made in an affirmative manner. ne seFRFRunity devolopment director shall notify the applioant in writinli ef tho deoision. Notice of the decision shall be mailed to the applicant and to property owners of parcels within three hundred (300) feet of the property for which a viewshed review has been requested and reported in aocordanoe with Seotion 16.12.155. The notice shall indicate the appeal provisions of Section 16.12.150. Copies of the decision shall also be provided to the planning oomFRission, public works and building and fire departments. 5. If, after considering the available information, the community development director is unable to reach the findings of faot set forth above, the application shall be referred to the architectural review oommittee for a recommendation. If findings still cannot be made in an affirmative manner, the project shall be scheduled for a public hearing before the planning commission at their next available meeting. Notice of the public hearing shall be given in accordance with Section 16.12.160 of this title; however, only property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the project need be notified. The applicant shall submit an additional fee established by resolution to cover the cost of publishing and mailing the notice and additional copies of exhibits. In approving an application for a viewshed review permit, the planning commission shall make the findings of fact outlined above. 6. Tho planning oommission shall be informed of all miner \,ISO flOrFRits for viewsl:1ed r-eviews approved by the sOFRR'l\,lnity develoflR'lent direstor andt-lew any objeotions wore resolved. 1-. 2.... The decision of the community development director or planning commission shall be filod with tt-le sity slerk, provided to the public works department, and building and fire department. 16.16.190 16.16.120 Minor use permit--Large family/adult day care. C. Submittal and Review Requirements. 1. An application for a minor use permit faf- large family ef/adult day cares shall be filed with the community development director and shall be accompanied by the following: a. Completed planning application form and required fee and attachments (see also Section 16.12.030); b. Five copies of a plot plan drawn to a standard engineer's scale (approval necessary for use of scale smaller than 1 :30, i.e., 1 :40 or 1 :50) and with a north arrow showing: i. Location, exterior boundaries, and dimensions of the entire property that is the subject of the application, and location and dimensions of all buildings and structures on the property, ii. Location and dimensions of passenger loading/unloading areas, iii. Location and dimensions of existing or proposed on-site parking facilities, iv. Location, height, materials and colors of all existing and proposed walls, v. Location and description of any outdoor play areas; 2. Upon acceptance of a minor use permit application -..fef-a large family {9F-adult day 6 , I care, the community development director shall review the request for compliance with ; the provisions of this title, in particular, Section 16.52.120. i 3. ~Jot loss than tOA (10) days prior to the dato on which the dOGisic.m will ee made on I tt-le applicCltion, tt-le Gemml,lAity seveloflmeAt sireGtor st-lall €live Aotice of the proposed I use by mail to all pr<Jperty O'lmers within a tt-lroo hl,lndred (300) root radius ef tt-le flFOjeGt. , 4, The community development director shall make a written decision and shall clearly I state any conditions of approval or reasons for denial and applicable appeal provisions of the title. Notice of the decision shall be mailed to the applicant and to property owners of parcels within three hundred (300) feet of the property for which a minor use permit- larQe family daycare/adult daycare has been requested and reported in accordance with Section 16.12.155. The notice shall indicate the appeal provisions of Section 16.12.150. d I Copies of the decision shall also be provided to the public works and buildinQ and fire departments. 16.16.21016.16.130 Minor use permit--Architectural review. D. Submittal and Review Requirements. 1. An application for a minor use permit for larQe family -architectural review shall be filed with the community development director and shall be accompanied by the followinQ in addition to the requirements listed in section 16.16.080.C: a. Buildinq elevations showinQ: i. All sides of all buildinQs: ii. Dimensioned maximum heiqht of buildinQ from averaQe finish Qrade at buildinQ: iii. Location and size of siQns: iv. Materials and colors of all exterior surfaces and features: and v. Exterior mechanical equipment and proposals for screeninQ, includinQ electrical and qas connections. electrical transformers. solar panels, meter boxes, and irriqation backflow devices: b. The communitv development director. architectural review committee. planninQ commission or city council may request the followinQ additional items: i. A detailed plantinq plan showinQ specific plan species. sizes, and locations instead of the more Qeneralized landscapinQ plan described in Section 16.16.080. ii. A siqn application: iii. Materials and sample board containinQ colors and textures of exterior materials securelv mounted on a poster board: iv. Project model: v. Perspective renderinQ: vi. Other material if requested bv the approvina bodv. 2. Upon acceptance of a minor use permit--architectural review application. the communitv development director shall review the request for compliance with the provisions of this title. The communitv development director may approve the application only if all of the findinQs of fact set forth in subsection (E) of this section can be made in an affirmative manner. A notice of the decision shall be reproted to the planninq commission in accordance with Section 16.12.155. Q. LFindings. The planning commission, city council, or community development 7 director, where authorized, may approve a minor use permit -- architectural review only if all of the following findings of fact can be made in an affirmative manner: 1. The proposal is consistent with the architectural guidelines of the city, or guidelines prepared for the area in which the project is located; 2. The proposal is consistent with the text and maps of the Arroyo Grande general plan and this title; 3. The proposal will not be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the proposed project; 4. The general appearance of the proposal is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood; 5. The proposal is not detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the city; I 6. The proposal will not impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood. (Ord. 54493, Exh. B (part), 2003: prior code 9 9-03.190) 16.20.140 Lot line adjustments. A. Applicability. Any affected property owner desiring a lot line adjustment between twe or mom four or fewer existing adioinina parcels, where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel, and where the number of parcels remains the same or is reduced and improves an existing situation, shall file an application for a lot line adjustment with the plunning community develooment department. I 3. Following a review of the application community development and oublic works aR€I public hearing pursuuntto SeGtioA 16.12.160 of tl:1is title, the planning commission shall adopt a resolution stating their decision and containing the findings of fact upon which such decision is based. Such decision is subject to the appeal provisions of Section 16.12.150 of this title. 4. Following approval, all parties of interest in the subject parcels shall sign a certificate of lot line adjustment that eliminates the old lot lines and that contains a legal description and illustration or drawing of the adjusted parcels. This certificate shall be recorded with the county recorder. 16.20.160 Certificate of compliance. B. Authority and Processing. Upon receipt of a completed application, the community development planning director and public works director shall review the matter and shall then submit the application to the staff advisory committee at one of its regular meetings for its report and recommendations. Following a review of the application aR€I public heming pllFSl,IaAt to Section 16.12.1 eQ ef tl:1is title, the planning commission shall adopt a resolution stating their decision. Such decision is subject to the appeal provisions of Section 16.12.150. Chapter 16.36 Commercial and Mixed Use Zoning Districts 16.36.020 A. Industrial Mixed Use (IMU) District. The primary purpose of the IMU district is to provide a sound and diversified economic base and employment opportunities for the 8 citizens of Arroyo Grande. It is the further intent of this chapter to accomplish this via the establishment of a specific, well-defined pattern of industrial activities which is compatible with residential, commercial, institutional, and other uses within the community; has good access to the regional transportation system; accommodates the personal needs of workers and business visitors; and which meets the service needs of. local businesses. The IMU district implements and is consistent with the Mixed Use land use cateqorv of the qeneral plan. In addition to the above, it is the further intent of the IMU district to: 1. Reserve appropriately located areas for industrial use~ and protect these areas from intrusion by swollings aRE! ather inharmonious uses; 2. Protect residential, commercial and nuisance-free non-hazardous industrial uses from i noise, odor, dust, smoke, truck traffic and other objectionable influences and from fire, I explosion, radiation and other hazards incidental to certain heavy industrial uses; 3. Minimize traffic congestion and to avoid the overloading of utilities by restricting the construction of buildings of excessive size in relation to the amount of land around them. Refer to Table 16.36.020(A) for minimum site development standards and Table 16.36.030(A) for allowable uses. D. Village Mixed Use (VMU) District. The primary purpose of the VMU district is to provide for a mixture of commercial, office and residential uses compatible with surrounding residential districts, in small-scale pedestrian-oriented developments. Regulations for the VMU district combined with the historic character overlay district promote and preserve older architectural styles, and encourage a harmonious intermingling of other structures. This district encourages use of existing residential buildings for non-residential uses. Typical uses may include single and multiple family residential, specialty retail sales, professional offices, personal services and neighborhood markets. The VMU district imolements and is consistent with the villaqe core land use desiqnation of the qeneral olan. Refer to Table 16.36.020(D) for minimum site development standards and Table 16.36.030(A) for allowable uses. 1. Maximum Density Mixed Use 15 dwelling units per gross acre. . Proiects 2. Minimum Lot Size 5,000 souare feet. 3. Minimum Lot Width 40 feet. 4. Front Yard Setback 0-- 15 feet. 5. Rear Yard Setback o - 15 feet. If project is mixed use and/or abuts a residential district then 10 feet renuired. 6. Side Yard Setback o feet unless a project is mixed use and/or abuts a residential district, then 5 feet is required for single story structures and 110 feet is reauired, on one side, for a multiple stories. 7. Street Side Yard Setback 0--15feet. 8. Building Size Limits Maximum height is 30 feet or three stories. whichever is less; a maximum of 36 feet is allowable through the MUP process. Maximum Buildina Size is 10,000 sauare feet. 9. Site Coverage Floor Area Ratio Maximum coverage of site is 100%. Maximum Floor Area Ratio is 1; See Oesinn Guidelines and Standards for Historic Oistricts. 10. Sile Desion See Desian Guidelines and Standards for Historic Districts. 11. Off-Street Parking and Loading See Parking VMU and HCO combining district in Section 16.56.020(Cl~ 12. Signs See Chapter 16.60 and Design Guidelines and Standards for Historic Districts. 9 H. Office Mixed Use (OMU) District. The primary purpose of the office mixed use (OMU) district is to provide areas for the establishment of corporate, administrative, and medical offices and facilities, commercial services that are required to support majef businesses, medical development and multi-family housing. Retail facilities and support business are encouraged to serve nearby office and residential uses. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, professional and medical offices, business-related retail and service functions, restaurants (no drive-through retail wiAElews), health clubs, financial institutions, medical and health care facilities and multi-family housing. The OMU district implements and is consistent with the Office Professional/Medical-Hospital and Mixed Use land use desiqnations of the qeneral olan. Refer to Table 16.36.020(H) for minimum site development standards and Table 16.36.030(A) for allowable uses. Requirements of this section supercede corresponding requirements within the Planned Development 1.1 and Planned Development 1.2 districts. Table 16.36.020(H) Office Mixed Use (OMU) Minimum Site Development Standards 1. Maximum Density Mixed Use 20 dwelling units/acre (based on gross project area) Proiects 2. Maximum Density Multi-family 15 dwelling units/acre Housina 3. Minimum Density * 75% of maximum density (measured on residential portion horizontal mixed use oroiect area or 50% of project area, whichever is less) 4. Minimum Lot Size 10,000 snuare feet Inross\; 20 000 sauare feet for residential oroiects 5. Minimum Lot Width 100 feet 6. Front Yard Setback o -- 10 feet Exceptions may include entrance courtyards and areas for outdoor dining determined through discretianary review. 10 feet is reauired for nroiects frontinn a street oooosite a residential district. 7. Rear Yard Setback o - 15 feet. Parkina encoura ed. 8. Side Yard Setback o -- 5 feet. I 9. Street Side Yard Setback o -- 15 feet. Exceptions may include areas for outdoor dining, or I architectural/landscape features determined through discretionary action. 10. Building Size Limits Maximum height for mixed residential/commercial use is 35 feet or three stories whichever is less. Also see Section 16.48.030(B)(5) and (6). Maximum building size is 50,000 square feet; a areater size mav be allowed throuah the CUP Drocess. See OMU-D-2.20. Three-story building components allowed only with substantial transitional space and/or lower story elements adjacent to residential districts or uses. 11. Site Coverage and Floor Area Maximum coverage of site is 70%. Maximum Floor Area Ratio is 1 Ratio 12. Site Design and Signs See OMU-D-2.20. Please note General Plan Policies LU5-11. For mixed use projects, refer to Section 16.48.065. Additional sinn standards also in Chaoter 16.60. 13. Off-Street Parkino and Loadina Section 16.56.020. . NOTE: Densities do not include density bonus. See Chapter 16.80 Table 16.36.030(A) Uses Permitted Within Mixed Use and Commercial Districts 10 , I I IMU - Industrial Mixed Use District lEI Camino) FOMU - Fair Oaks Mixed Use District TMU = Hiahwav Mixed Use District HMU= HiahwavMixed Use District VCD = VillaQe Core Downtown District OMU -Office Mixed Use District . VMU - Villaae Mixed Use District RC - Reaional Commercial District GMU - Gateway Mixed Use District HCO - Historic Character Overlay District iDesinn Overlav District 2.4) , P - Permitted Use MUP = Minor Use Permit : CUP = Conditional Use Permit (NOTE: Planned PED = Not permitted in pedestrian oriented Unit Development (PUD) may be required for storefront locations on ground floor facing E. mixed use subdivisions) Grand Avenue or EastlWest Branch Street NP = Not Permitted D. RETAIL TRADE Lal'ld Use IMU TMU V99 VMU GMUi, ',!FOMU HMU OMU ';RC Specific'Use">" '. ".,'ii"" :l,' ,;-,;".., D- "i), iD2.2():, . Standards and . ..... ";." . , :.,,-;, 2.11 otherreferel'lce ..tCO HCO " '!' . i'O-2.4 D' ".:::>' . . . " 2:4 '. ,.' !!!~~~j!!lf,2I!gli !iI!! Q!,le !,,~ Q.!m t:!1'l I!IB Q96 QI4fl t:!!I $'ervice'fi D. Retail trade Adult Business CUP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP Subject to Section Retail 16.52.030 for location parameters and , development , standards i Drive- NP CUP NP NP NP NP CUP CUP NP 16.52.090 through LU74 retail General Retail NP MUP P P P P MUP MUP P Section 8.38 (5,000 sf or less) . P -Subiect to business license clearance General Retail NP CUP MUP CUP MUP MUP MUP MUP P Section (5001 sf - 19,999 8.38 sf) P- Subiect to . business license clearance General Retail NP CUP NP NP MUP MUP MUP NP CUP Note: maximum (20,000 sf - building size per 102,500 sf) district, section 16.52.220 and section 8.38 General Retail - CUP NP NP NP NP NP CUP NP NP Subiect to Section Restricted 16.52.030 for location oarameters and develoDment I standards Outdoor retail MUP MUP MUP MUP /lII> CUP MUP j\JB CUP 16.52.220 I sales and CUP activities , Restaurant, /lII> CUP /lII> /lII> /lII> /lII> CUP /lII> /lII> 16.52.090 dri,.e tllreugll, W14 fast wed . F. Residential uses Multi-family NP NP MUPI MUP CUPI CUPI /lII> CUP NP housing in a PED PED PED CUP mixed use Droiect 11 l I -- I 16.48.070 Fences, walls and hedges. Unless otherwise provided in the applicable zoning district, the following standards shall apply to fences, walls and hedges. In addition to the regulations set forth in this section, all fences, walls or hedges shall be constructed and maintained so that they do not constitute a hazard to traffic, persons or property. Where a retainino wall or other vertical element is less than 18 inches from a parallel fence or wall. the heioht of the fence shall include the retainino wall or the vertical element. 16.48.110 Nonconforming uses, structures and lots. 3. Modification or Expansion of Nonconforming Uses. a. Except for servise stations that dispense gasoline, '....hich are existing legal. nonconforming uses er use made nonconforming by adoption of this title, a A nonconforming use shall not be enlarged or extended in such a way as to occupy any part of the structure or site, or any other structure of site that it did not occupy at the time it became a nonconforming use, or in such a way as to displace any conforming use occupying a structure or site, except as permitted in this section, unless a '/aFiaAse conditional use permit request is reviewed and approved by the planning commission, pursuant to Section 10.10.110 16.16.050 of this title and a term of amortization or abatement is approved. Service stations that disl'leAse !'jaseliAe, w"'ish are existing logal nonconforming uses or uses made noncoAfermiAg by adoption of this titlo, may apply fer a conditional use permit, pUFsuaAt te Sestien 10.10.050, to allow enlar.gement or eXl'lansion of the facility. 16.52.030 Regulation of adult businesses. C. Location of Adult Businesses. 1. All adult businesses or similar uses includino Adult Business, Personal services Restricted and General Retail - restricted as defined in this Title, section shall be located in accordance with table 16.36.030.A.. "Permit Reouired Per District" and this section. tAe gener31 semmer-Gial (GC) and highway commer.<Jial (He) eistrists eAly. 16.52.150 Second Residential Dwellings 12. Conditional Use Permit or Minor Use Permit. Any proposed deviation from these standards shall be processed through a conditional use permit or minor use permit application as determined bv the Communitv Development Director. i 12 i 9.b. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING On TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2005, the Arroyo Grande City Council will conduct a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 E. BRANCH STREET to consider the following: 1. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16 (DEVELOPMENT CODE) OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE. An Ordinance considering minor text amendments to Title 16 for clarification purposes and to ensure consistency with provisions of the 2001 General Plan. Amendments are proposed in Chapters 16.04 (Introductory Provisions and Definitions), 16.08 (Administration), 16.12 (Development Review Process), 16.16 (Land Use Permits and Approvals), 16.20 (Land Divisions), 16.36 (Commercial Districts), 16.48 (General Development Standards), and 16.52 (Specific Use Standards). ~ 2. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12.16 OF TITLE 12 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM. An Ordinance amending Chapter 12.16 to update provisions and processes relating to tree maintenance, removal, and replacement on public and private property within the City of Arroyo Grande. i The Council may also discuss other hearings or business items before or after the item listed above. If you challenge the proposed action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. Failure of any person to receive the notice shall not constitute grounds for any court to invalidate the action of the legislative body for which the notice was given. Information relating to these items is available by contacting Arroyo Grande City Hall at 473-5414. The Council meeting will be televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20. ~ LitjU1UfLk Kelly Wetmore City Clerk City of Arroyo rande c<fo Publish n, 1/8 page ad, The Tribune, Friday, September 16,2005 MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DANIEL C. HERNANDEZ, DIRECTOR OF PARKS, RECREATION ~ AND FACILITIES SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12.16 OF TITLE 12 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM) DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: The Parks and Recreation Commission recommends the Council introduce an Ordinance Amending Chapter 12.16 of Title 12 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code Relating to the Community Tree Program. FUNDING: The recommended changes in this Ordinance are not anticipated to impact the General Fund. DISCUSSION: Backqround The Parks and Recreation Commission held two hearings to discuss possible revisions to the Community Tree Ordinance beginning in June of 2005. At the meeting of August 10, 2005, the Commission recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Ordinance revisions by a 4-0 vote. The Community Tree Program (Title 12.16) addresses various issues related to trees in Commercial, Multi-Family, as well as Industrial zones. Additionally, it also addresses City Landmark trees and general tree issues related to property development. Currently, there are no regulations related to areas zoned Single Family with the exception of those addressing Landmark Trees and no codified standards regarding pruning of trees. City staff has reviewed and analyzed tree ordinances from the cities of San Luis Obispo, Lompoc, Monterey, Carmel and Pacific Grove. Jurisdictions were selected based upon their geographic proximity or reputation for tree preservation. Based on this analysis, two primary areas for change to the City's Ordinance were identified, which include: 1) establishing pruning standards and regulations; and 2) establishing regulations regarding tree removals on private property zoned residential. Additionally, staff has compiled a survey of agencies that require the issuance of a tree removal permit for property zoned residential, which includes the cities of Oakdale, Burlingame, Calistoga, Elk Grove, San Marino, Sunnyvale and Pacific Grove. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 2 Planting, maintenance and preservation of the urban forest has been established as a high priority by the City. In 2002, staff developed a comprehensive plan to expand and /: improve the City's urban forestry program. A number of the strategies of the plan have already been implemented, which include the following: . An inventory of City trees has been prepared. . Maintenance responsibilities for trees on private property installed by the City have been clarified. , . The City's list of appropriate trees has been revised. I . City policy addressing the assessment, removal and replacement of City-owned trees by City staff has been developed. . An updated and complete inventory of City Landmark Trees is underway. Additional strategies that still need to be accomplished include the following: . Development of an automated tree management system, including the tree inventory integrated with the City's GIS system. . Develop a schedule of ongoing tree maintenance. . Revision of the City's tree ordinance regarding maintenance, removal and replacement of both City and privately owned trees. . A public education program regarding the City's tree policies and programs. . Development of new tree planting programs. "- The proposed Ordinance has been revised to reflect policy changes implemented regarding City tree maintenance, removal, and replacement. Staff is now proceeding with analysis and recommendations regarding trees on private property. Tree Pruninq Standards In staff's research, the Cities of Lompoc and San Luis Obispo have addressed pruning standards by utilizing standards provided in the International Society of Arboriculture Western Chapters ("ISAWC"). Neither City provides additional standards or regulations. The City of Monterey has codified specific standards regarding "excessive pruning", while the City of Carmel has an informational handout to supplement codified standards which also derive their standards from the ISAWC. Additionally, the Cities of Monterey and Lompoc have specifically addressed topping of trees in addition to standards defined in the ISAWC. Topping of trees is the severe cutting back of limbs to stubs larger than three inches in diameter within the tree crown to such a degree so as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the tree. Furthermore, excessive pruning of more than one third of a tree's canopy has been found to be injurious to trees. -- ----------- CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 3 It is recommended that the City of Arroyo Grande adopt pruning standards as established by the ISAWC as well as incorporate additional regulations regarding the "topping" of trees and "excessive pruning" of trees; all set forth in the proposed Ordinance. Criteria for Approvinq Permits for Tree Removals on Commercial, Mixed Use and Multi-Familv Properties Currently, the criteria for removal of trees on Commercial and Multi-Family properties involve a number of factors. These include the general health of the trees, location related to the site, if the tree poses a safety concern and potential, as well as existing damage due to roots or crown cover. When evaluating damage to private property, damage to sewer lines, utility lines, foundations, private driveways, retaining walls and curb, gutter and sidewalks are reviewed. In some instances, removing a portion of the damaged area affected and performing root pruning can solve the problem. When such techniques are not feasible or if there is going to be significant recurring damage, staff may approve the removal of such a tree as long as the property owner replants a tree on the property. Therefore, staff attempts to apply a higher standard for removal of City trees than on private property. Staff believes that some of the measures the City may take to save a tree may not be reasonable to require of a private property owner given that the tree does not have the same level of public benefit as a City tree on public property. For example, if it is determined that the owner can save a tree by root pruning and reasonable repairs to the adjacent surface area, the permit will be denied. However, if it is determined that the tree has or will likely damage a structure in the near future, such as a wall or building, the permit will be approved. In addition, if the potential for damage is expected, but will not exist in the near future, it does not constitute grounds for removal. Since subjectivity is involved in this interpretation of the criteria for permit approvals, staff would appreciate City Council feedback to confirm that staff's implementation of the criteria is consistent with City Council direction. Tree Removals on Sinqle-Familv Residential Properties Staff researched regulations regarding tree removals on private property in single-family residential areas. The majority of cities appear not to regulate private property trees in single-family residential zones. However, there are a number of jurisdictions that do require removal permits for either oak trees or all trees greater than a specified size. It is recommended that revisions to the City's tree ordinance include requirements for a permit to remove Oak trees greater than 6" in diameter in single-family residential areas. Oak trees are a beloved native species that take many years to mature. They increase property values and most property owners would not propose to remove one if not necessary. Therefore, staff believes the regulation will not require a substantial increase in enforcement. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 4 i Comments from individuals at the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting in August ! included adding more trees to the protected list for Single Family Residential areas. I Staff does not recommend regulating other tree species, which would result in of issues. First, it would result in protecting a number of non-native species, some that may be undesirable or can be replaced and grown to maturity in a reasonable amount of time. Second, despite education efforts, staff believes a number of residents would violate the Ordinance simply because they were unaware of the permit requirements. This would create unnecessary enforcement actions and put the City at odds with otherwise law- abiding citizens. Third, it would create an increased permitting workload that the City could not accommodate with existing staff. Street Tree PlantinQ and Beautification ProQram A future goal staff has established is to develop a program to work with residents to add street trees throughout the community, which may involve planting on both public and private property. Staff is developing recommendations at this time to propose new street trees on the perimeter of the Nelson Green. Future expansion of the program will depend on the ability to allocate necessary funding for both planting and maintenance. Staff does not want to fully establish such a program until all necessary resources are available to provide the appropriate ongoing maintenance. The City Council did begin to appropriate some additional funding in this year's budget. Assessment, Removal and Replacement of Citv-owned Trees The City's policies and practices regarding the assessment, removal and replacement of City-owned trees on public property, when necessary for repair of City infrastructure and sidewalks, have recently been revised. When sidewalk and infrastructure repairs are necessary, trees are now preserved unless they are determined to be potentially hazardous as a result of necessary root pruning. Staff tends to err on the side of saving the tree when there is a question whether or not it is feasible. The determination that a tree will cause the need for further repairs in the future is no longer a justification for tree removal unless the repairs are determined to be a frequent and ongoing problem. Since this policy was implemented two years ago, the City has repaired sidewalk, curb and gutter areas involving approximately 125 street trees. Of those, all trees were preserved except for 20. On the main City streets including Traffic Way, Branch Street, Grand Avenue and Halcyon, only six (6) trees have been removed that were not diseased, dead or destroyed by automobile accidents. The only other technique found that other jurisdictions use to avoid tree removal in these circumstances is to slope the sidewalks to minimize root removal. However, the slope cannot be greater than 2% without conflicting with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations. It is possible to utilize this technique in some circumstances; however, staff would normally not recommend it because any future lift to the sidewalk may place the surface in violation of ADA. There is also some advantage to replacing trees periodically in these circumstances to avoid the need to replace a large number of street trees at one time when the full sidewalk on a street is reconstructed. CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 PAGE 5 Appeals The Commission recommends to the City Council that appeals for removal requests be submitted in writing by the applicant to the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director to be placed on the next monthly agenda of the Parks and Recreation Commission, which also serves as the Tree Sub-Committee. Action of the Parks and Recreation Commission would be final unless appealed to or by the City Council. There was public input from members of the Architectural Review Committee and Planning Commission requesting that they have review related to issuance of tree removal permits. Neither the Parks and Recreation Commission or the Director support this idea since it would create a situation where multiple government advisory bodies would have oversight and could create a more cumbersome process for residents. Also, in our review of over 12 City ordinances from throughout California, all agencies have only one advisory body responsible for tree related issues. In our community, that is the Parks and Recreation Commission. Issues or concerns during the planning stages of projects related to trees can be addressed by improving communication between various commissions. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are provided for the Council's consideration: . Accept recommendations of the Commission and recommend for adoption; . Provide alternatives for consideration; or . Do not accept recommendations. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Survey of Permit Requirements Attachment 2 - Letter from Bill Weitkamp Attachment 3 - Letter from C. Alcantar ORDINANCE NO. - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 12.16 OF TITLE 12 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE COMMUNITY TREE PROGRAM WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the city, the public, and the environment to have a comprehensive community tree program that promotes the preservation, the maintenance, and regeneration of all trees; and WHEREAS, on August 10, 2005, the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed and considered the information presented and recommends approval of the proposed amendments to the Community Tree Program; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2005, the City Council reviewed and considered the information and public testimony at a duly noticed public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, TI;IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 12.16.010 of Chapter 12.16 of Title 12 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 12.16.010 Purpose. It is in the best interest of the city, the public, and the environment to establish a comprehensive community tree program that promotes: A. The preservation, the maintenance, and regeneration of all trees; B. A beautiful and aesthetically pleasing community; C. Trees or groves of unique or historical value and wildlife habitat; D. Educational programs that address the importance of trees in the environment and their role in purifying the air, providing shade, controlling erosion, and maintaining the rural, small town atmosphere. E. Improved communication between the Parks and Recreation Commission. Architectural Review Committee and Plan nino Commission reoardino tree related issues and concerns. Further, in order to implement the goals and objectives of the parks and recreation elemerit of the City of Arroyo Grande's general plan, and to mitigate the loss of open space and vegetation caused by new development in the city, the city council has determined that a development impact fee (or the implementation of a tree planting plan in lieu thereof) is needed in order to finance the planting of trees and to pay for the development's fair share of the implementation of these improvements. This chapter establishes policies, regulations and specifications necessary to govern installation, maintenance and preservation of trees to accomplish the above stated purpose. ----- - -- - ORDINANCE NO. - / PAGE 2 SECTION 2. Section 12.16.020 of Chapter 12.16 of Title 12 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 12.16.020 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: "Certified arborist" shall be one of the persons who has completed the requirements of, and who appears on the approved list of the International Society of Arboriculture, Western ChapteL This list shall be available for review in the community development department. "City" means the city of Arroyo Grande. "City council" means the city council of the city of Arroyo Grande. "Conditioned tree" means any tree that is to be preserved and protected from removal, destruction or loss as a requirement of a permit issued by a permit-granting authority. "Development" means any project involving the issuance of permit for construction or reconstruction, other than interior remodeling, but not a permit to operate. "Director" means the city parks, recreation and facilities director or his or her duly appointed agent. "Dripline" means an imaginary vertical line running from the outermost branches or portions of the tree crown to the ground. "Excessive Prunina" shall mean removina in excess of one third (33.3 percent) or areater of the functionina leaf, stem. or root area of a tree. Prunina in excess of 33.3 percent is iniurious to the tree and is prohibited unless written approval is aranted bv the Parks, Recreation and Facilities Director or his appointed representative prior to initiatina the work. Toppina and lion's tailina shall be considered unacceptable prunina practices for trees. "Landmark tree" or "landmark grove" means existing tree(s) on public or private. property that has been found to be a notable horticultural specimen, or is of significant aesthetic, cultural or historical value, and is designated as such by resolution of the city . council, upon recommendation of the planning commission or parks and recreation commission of the city. Landmark trees may include street trees. "Maintenance" means pruning, spraying, fertilizing, staking, irrigating, treating for disease or injury, and other similar acts that promote the life, growth, health or beauty of trees or shrubs. "Owner" means an individual, firm, association, corporation, partnership, persona and lessees, trustees, receivers, agents, servants and employees of any such person(s). "Parks and recreation commission" means the parks and recreation commission . of the city of Arroyo Grande. "Parks and recreation tree subcommittee" means a subcommittee consisting of three members of the parks' and recreation commission, as appointed by the chairperson of the parks and recreation commission. The Tree Sub-Committee (Parks and Recreation Commission) is responsible for hearina all appeals related to issuance of tree removal permits for recommendations to the Citv Council. "Permit-granting authority" means that appropriate individual or body designated by municipal code or state law to have the legal authority to issue the permit for which application was made. "Planting easement" means an easement adjacent to public right-of-way obtained for the purpose of planting and maintaining street trees. ----- ORDINANCE NO. _. PAGE 3 "Planning commission~' means the planning commission of the city of Arroyo Grande. ' "Public places" means all properties owned by the city and public easements. "Public streets" means all city public right-of-ways, including all public easements. "Street trees" means any tree in any street, park, public place, or public easement. "Subdivision" means any subdivision of property, including minor subdivisions. "Toppinq" shall mean the severe cuttinq back of limbs to stubs larqer than three inches in diameter within the trees crown to such a deqree so as to remove the normal canopv and disfiqure the tree. "Tree removal" means the destruction or displacement of a tree or shrub by cutting, bulldozing, mechanical, chemical or other method, which results in a physical transportation of the tree from its site and/or death of the tree. "Tree well" means an unsurfaced area provided within a paved or concrete sidewalk for the planting of a tree. "Tree" means any woody plant with a trunk diameter of four inches or more when measured four feet about grade, or multi-trunk woody plant with main branches that total four inches or more when measured four feet, six inches above grade. For the purpose of this chapter, all Quercus (Oak) species are declared to be trees at two inches or more in diameter at grade. "Tree coordinator" means the city employee who is responsible for the city landmark tree program, memorial tree planting, Arbor Day activities, education programs, issuing of tree removal permits, and coordination with citizens regarding tree matters. "Undeveloped property" means property. that has been zoned to allow development, but which has not yet been developed. SECTION 3. Section 12.16.030 of Chapter 12.16 of Title 12 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 12.16.030 Street tree requirements. A. A street tree shall be planted at the time of construction by every property owner, except for subdivisions, spaced no farther than fifty (50) feet apart along the street frontage of any building constructed. Interior remodeling permits and activity shall be exempt from street tree planting requirements. The director shall specify specific locations along the frontage of the constructed building for street trees and shrubs on public streets and tree planting easemenfs, and the species of tree shall be selected by the director from the master street tree list on file with the parks, recreation and facilities department. Street trees shall be of a fifteen (15) gallon-container size (or greater) and comply with the standards set forth by the American Society of Nurserymen. B. For property within commercial or industrial zoned districts in the city, the property owners, upon construction, shall provide tree planting wells within any paved or concrete sidewalk. Street trees shall be planted within these wells as outlined in subsection A of this section, with the addition of installing deep root barriers. C. A fee, consistent with that established by the city council for subdivision maps shall be imposed by the director, if the property owner requests that the city plant the required tree(s) on his or her behalf. ORDINANCE NO. - PAGE 4 D. All existing and ,proposed street trees shall be identified by the applicant on all construction and building plans and maps presented to the city. E. No existing street tree shall be removed or replaced without written authorization of the director or the tree coordinator. F. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to properly maintain all street tree-planting areas upon his or her property, including any adjacent easement, regardless of whether such property is developed. Such maintenance shall include irrigation and keeping such strips free from weeds or any obstructions deemed contrary to public safety and in conformance with the plan approved by the director for the property involved. G. The director shall, at city expense, inspect and, when necessary, remove and/or replace street trees. H. The director may '~cause the roots of young trees in the process of development to be cut to prevent future sidewalk lifting. Roots on older trees that have lifted sidewalks may be cut. Overhead limbs may be pruned or cut back to compensate for the loss of root area. I. The director may cause the removal of overhead limbs from any street .tree, regardless of the location of such street tree, if, in the director's opinion, such removal is necessary in the interest of public safety. J. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to relieve the owner and occupant of any private property from the duty to keep his or her private property, sidewalks and planting strip in front of such private property in a sage condition and so as not to be hazardous to public travel. K. Whenever a property owner desires to have a street tree removed, he or she shall apply to the director for a permit for such removal. The director may approve or deny such request. If the director finds tAe tr-ee is in good condition anE! tRe permit is granted solely for the convonionco of tRe al'll'llieants, tho full cost of sueR reR"loval and replacemont shall be borno by tho al'll'lliGant. L. Any street tree damaged or destroyed by an individual shall be replaced through payment by the person or persons causing such loss to the city. The amount of such payment shall be the replacement value of the tree, as determined by the director, but in no event shall it be less that one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per tree and shall be in addition to any criminal fine or penalty for municipal code violation. Any act intentionally damaging or destroying a street tree shall constitute a misdemeanor violation of this chapter. SECTION 4. Section 12.16.070 of Chapter 12.16 of Title 12 of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 12.16.070 - Tree removal in multiple family residential, mixed use or commercial zones. A. No person(s) shall allow or cause the removal of any tree(s) on property used or zoned multiple family, mixed use or commercial without first obtaining a tree removal permit from the director or tree coordinator. Furthermore. no Oak Trees (Quercus Aqrifolia) or street trees qreater than 2" in diameter when measured 4'6" from the base planted in the riqht of wav mav be removed in Sinqle Familv residential zoned areas without first obtaininq a tree removal permit. The permit is available at no charge. B. Tree removal in the above locations without a permit shall constitute a misdemeanor violation of this chapter, and in addition, removed trees shall be replaced through payment by person or persons causing such loss to the city. The amount of ORDINANCE NO. - PAGE 5 such payment shall be the replacement value of the tree as determined by the director, but in no event shall it be less than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per tree; and it shall be in addition to any criminal fine or penalty for municipal code violation. C. The )ntended decision of the director or tree coordinator for issuing or refusing a tree removal permit shall be based upon reasonable standards, including: 1. The condition of the tree regarding its general health, location to utilities or structures, or status as a public nuisance; 2. The necessity of the requested action to allow construction of improvements or otherwise allow economic or other reasonable enjoyment of property; 3. The topography of the land and the effect of the tree removal on erosion and water retention; 4. The number, species, size and location of existing trees in the area and the effect of the tree, removal on scenic beauty, historic values, and the general welfare of the city; 5. Good forestry practices in general. D. Standards for the Pruninq of Trees on Private Property 1. The City Council mav adopt bv resolution standards for the pruninq of trees on private property, with which all licensed tree companies doinq business in the Citv shall complv. All pruninq shall complv with the standards established bv the International Society of Arboriculture. 2. Failure to complv to with these standards as determined bv the City Council shall constitute a misdemeanor violation of this chapter and may result in the suspension of the tree company's business license. if applicable, as follows: First offense. suspension of the business license for a period not exceedinq 90 davs. and for a second offense or anv subsequent offenses, bv suspension of the business license for a period not exceedinq one year. :;....- -- -- -- ., - - . --- "" ,',. , 0; " .- .-il'('~~':_ .::_.::' ..':;aL!:..~ E. Tomiiri-q Prohibited. - - . Intent. To insure healthv. structurallv stable, aestheticallv pleasinq trees and mitiqate public liabilitv. 1. Toppinq shall mean the severe cuttinq back of limbs to stubs larqer than three inches in diameter within the trees crown to such a deqree so as to remove the I normal canopy and disfiqure the tree. It shall be unlawful to top or stub trees. 2. Utilitv line clearinq shall be accomplished bv the drop crotch method of pruninq and shall include side branches. 3. All pruninq of public trees shall be in accordance with current pruninq specifications of the Citv Parks Division F. Appeals. Appeals reqardinq denial of tree removal permits are to be submitted in writinq to the Park and Recreation Commission a minimum of 7 business davs before their scheduled meetinqs. Actions of the Parks and Recreation Commission are final unless appealed to the CitvCouncil. fh G. Exceptions. A tree removal permit is not required for the following: 1. Trees in hazardous condition that represent an immediate danger to health or property as determined by the City; 2. Christmas tree lots; 3. Fruit trees; 4. Owners of firewood harvesting lots need not obtain a removal permit, if the species of trees harvested are eucalyptus or pines. ORDINANCE NO. - PAGE 6 SECTION 2: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordiriance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase be declared unlawful. SECTION 3: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the Ordinance, the summary with the names of those City Council members voting for and against the Ordinance shall be published again, and the City Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted Ordinance. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its passage. On motion of Council Member, seconded by Council Member , and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this day of , 2005. ORDINANCE NO. - PAGE 7 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY --- I A TT ACHMENT 1 I >- t:: Ol Q) _ Q) __ C g- _ 5::5 0 ~ l- Q)~ .- "'C ...... co c.. .!:; ~ c c Q.) - Q.) = 3: Q) Q) ro II; a. ..c co- (f)...... ...... Q) ...... ~~.~ ~c 0)-00 CJ) - c C:':J ro._ +-' . 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'" '" E Ei c "Ec>'NEro Q) co 0 -'-'- " ro .~ .0 Q) C co co c ctl Q) Q)(1)---- " " C::::C:5<(o:Oen I.... EO co ,co co ~ E "rof- f- ~>()() ro " c ro 'iii " ~ " E ro c ~ '" e. ro ro ::> () 0- C/) ) ~ -- i . . 1;1 ATTACHMENT 2 I July 27, 2005 I !.:::-.... I J Chairperson City of Arroyo Grande Planning Commission 214 E. Branch St. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 R~: Tree Ordinance I have b.ycome alarmed by statements from proponents of revisions to the Arroyo Grande I i tree ordmance. Many of these statements display short-sightedness and a poor , understanding of proper tree management. Passing regulations to bolster the ego of activists and politicians will not necessarily I I benefit the Arroyo Grande environment. It may have just the opposite effect by I conflicting with and destroying the beautiful natural grass and woodland habitat that I existed for many centuries. There seems to be a myth that the city is short of trees and everything should be done to preserve and increase the number of trees. For most properties and the vast majority of acreage in the city, nothing could be further from the truth. One has to look no further than the early-day photos on the walls of the city council chambers tosee how little tree cover there was then compared to now. People love to plant trees. As soon as white people settled the West they planted trees around their homes, a very visible tradition that continues today. This often leads to a tree management problem but it does not lead to a dearth of trees. . For 32 years I have had the mixed pleasure ofwatc~n~nl,y_~eigh~orh()od<J1l!1l:g(:ft"~m mostly agricultural land to developed Yz-acte homesites. It has also changed from a grassland with scattered oaks to.!1 much more wooded area of native and illtroduced trees. And day by day my view of the native oak woodlands across the canyon is reduced. For the sake of privacy and expediency, most of us will plant anything that grows fast and tall. The consequences develop later and often get passed on to neighb<;>rs and future home buyers. Redwoods, Monterey pines, eucalyptus and cypress trees are some ofth~ favorite nonnative species planted. But the same consequences can result from native species like oak. I The key to happy consequences is matching the number and species of tree to each site and then properly maintaining the trees. To emphaSize the planting and preservation of trees without considering future tree management needs may lead to undesirable consequences such as obstructed utility lines, spoiled views, dangerous overhanging branches, too littl~ sunlight, uprooting by wind, competition with other plants, expensive trimming or removal, cracked sidewalks and driveways, fire hazards, insects, diseases and drought or excessive moisture problems. .\ l , ." The main problem with big brother tree ordinances that are used by gove=ents to inicromanage private land is that the trees often become liabilities instead of assets. Who wants to plant trees and let them grow to a size that will require a permit to perform common sense management practices? What if the' city forbids you from thinning out a stand of oaks that you planted voluntarily on your property? Homeowners can imagine many more undesirable scenarios of nitpicky regulations being enforced by an overzealous city agency. Yes, trees on private property need to be managed properly. But taxpayers already pay for agencies to provide them with education on this subject and many privately-funded sources of information also exist. The UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardener's Program, Cal Poly, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the San Luis Obispo County Native Tree Committee, arborists and nurseries are a few of the many sources of information. The City should work with these and other agencies and businesses in an . ongoing educational program if it wants to improve tree management practices. Far more can be accomplished at less cost if the City spends its limited funds as an educational . advocate for good tree management rather than as a purveyor of permits and fines. The City of Arroyo Grande held well-attended educational workshops on tree management in cooperation with other agencies and industry representatives during the 1980s and early 90s under the leadership of parks and recreation director John Keisler. Why not renew this program? Sincerely, dllI~ Bill Weitkamp 251 James Way Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Phone 489-5107 Cc: Tony Ferrara Steve Adams V1)anielHemandez Times Press Recorder . - --- -- I -- I I ,I 'I ATTACHMENT 3 I, l , ,I ;1 Dear Parks and Recreation Co=ission ----P , \ While we all love trees and would of course preserve an; living healthy tree, I feel that you are not opening your eyes to enco~pass the whole issue of why a tree would need removed or replaced. When trees at a place of business !i push up the side walks and asphalt that property owner and its' patrons are at increased risk for injury and law suit sho.uld so~~one trip or slip and sus~ an ~jury. This is especially true at a place where hll!ldicap and hospice . I' patients VISit regularly. What about infestation that can spread to wooden buildings and other plant and animal life? I' Should the city be held accountable because they approved the landscape initially? Should they bear the cost I' because they allowed a tree to be planted where futuristically it would cause surrounding property damage? , , , ! Pruning the roots of a large top heavy tree has proven to weaken the stability to stand during high winds and rain in this area. Why is the city concerned with a property owner removing a tree as long as they plant another? This seems I to be in alignment with the one to one policy you mention. If a property owner is going to replace cement and asphalt for the safety of people and then replant trees for the environment it seems the City should be ecstatic. You should be saying what a conscientious caring property owner; I What a modelcitizen to bear the cost of all of this for the safety of people. IS NOT THE SAFETY OF PEOPLE I MOST IMPORTANT? I Property owners spend quite enough money repairing and maintaining property with out having to argue and pay the city additional mouies to cut a limb from a tree or replace one. Trees are expensive enough, not to mention the I water, care and up keep. It does not seem as though your statement that the City is trying to balance the existing needs of the property owners I by trying to impose additional charges or enforce criminal charges for them maintaining their property. E4pecially co=ercial property owners who initially had no say in the type of trees or plants that were placed on the property. Why would you not take time to put in place some type of ordinance that would scrutinize the type of foliage builders are putting in? Builders are said yes yes, yes to, without analyzing the types of trees, plants and shrubs they plant. All of our skills could be better ntilized by researching and approving ahead of time the trees and plants I that are planted initially with new construction both residential and co=ercial. Ifbuilders were made to get , specific approval from the city as to what they were going to plant and we looked at the long-term impact of these I trees and plants this could prevent property damage. This will save the property owners from bearing the cost of a project not thought out for the long term. I suggest that this type of thinking should be included in any new or I amended Co=nnity Tree Ordinance. Who in the city asked the builders, who placed trees, if they are appropriate for this area, climate and location? Who in the city asked if trees would become too large for parkways and push up the cement or road? This type of ! , forethought will save the city and property owners of Arroyo Grande thousands of dollars and pounds ofheadaches. , i I encourage the City-to take on a proactive look and take measures to avoid having to charge its citizens and I property owners by just thinking ahead and looking to the future impact of trees and shrubbery that are initially. I planted. In the mean time do not waste time frustrating and punishing property owners who are trying to reconcile and i resolve real life problems that they did not cause. Sincerely, C. Alcantar I Resident fourteen years. I I f~~ ~ P t{~f~_~ - --- --~- --- ----~--- - . --.....-- 11.8. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL ( . FROM: .&~OB STRONG, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY: TERESA MCCLISH, ASSOCIATE PLANNE~ SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF AN INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUSPENDING ACCEPTANCE OR PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ANY PORTION OF PROPERTY IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO ARROYO GRANDE CREEK, TALLY HO CREEK, MEADOW CREEK OR CREEK TRIBUTARIES WITHIN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (STAFF NO. 05-(07) DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt an Interim Urgency Ordinance and direct staff to immediately prepare a study considering all foreseeable ramifications of allowing development of properties on or immediately adjacent to creeks within the City of Arroyo Grande. . FUNDING: No impact other than staff commitment to immediate studies. DISCUSSION: On July 12, 2005 the City Council of Arroyo Grande, by consensus, directed staff to evaluate t.he City's regulations, practices and procedures related to development in close proximity to creeks and adjacent riparian habitat and wetlands, as well as the related implementation of 2001 General Plan policies in the Agriculture, Conservation and Open Space Element. The 2001 General Plan and its integrated program FEIR included major new Agricultural, Open Space and Conservation Element policies (of which the City has recently implemented many concerning agriculture). There are six policy objectives related to conservation and open space, each with several supporting policies and implementing directions (Exhibit UAII). Although the City has some limited requirements for certain discretionary projects specified in Title 16 (Section 16.64.070.R) relating to the dedication of easements for sensitive areas, including 25 feet from top of creek bank, there are inconsistencies with updated General Plan policies, particularly concerning those related to safeguarding important environmental and sensitive biological resources, preventing sedimentation, erosion and alteration of streambanks, and pursuing possibilities for recreation and trail dedication for the benefit of CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 Page 2 of 2 the public welfare. Therefore, as a result of issues identified in the course of evaluating i recent project construction and applications, it was deemed important to address the intent of these policies and clarify specific application prior to any future development proposals. Additionally, as the City approaches buidout and as land values increase, development or redevelopment of infill properties will continue at a rapid rate. Many of the remaining vacant properties contain sensitive resources, such as creeks or creek banks with critical habitat for plants and animals. In order to prevent development of such properties while studies are underway, the State Planning and Zoning Law, Government Code Section 65858, provides for certain "urgency measures" including interim zoning ordinances effective for 45 days and, after notice and hearing, capable of a 10 (plus) month initial extension with one possible subsequent extension for an additional year, each subject to a supermajority four-fifths vote requirement for adoption. Interim urgency ordinance adoption and extension must contain a finding that there is a "current and immediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare and that the approval of additional subdivisions, use permits, variances, building permits or any other applicable entitlement for use which is required in order to comply with a zoning , ordinance would result in that threat to public health, safety and welfare" (Government i Code Section 65858c). The City continues to receive many applications for development of properties that include portions of the creek or areas within 25 feet of top of creek bank or edge of riparian vegitation, and staff believes the probable receipt of such applications during necessary studies, General Plan or the Development Code amendment process can be determined to be an immediate and current threat to the public health, safety and welfare, if such urgency measures and findings are adopted by a 4/5 vote of the City Council. AL TERNA TIVES: The following alternatives are provided for Council consideration: . Adopt an Interim Urgency Ordinance suspending acceptance or processing of development applications for properties on or adjacent to creeks within the City of Arroyo Grande and direct staff to immediately prepare a study con~idering all foreseeable ramifications of allowing the development on or adjacent to creeks; . Take no action; . Provide direction to staff. ,- I , Attachment: Exhibit "A" - portions of the Agriculture, Open Space and Conservation Element of 2001 General Plan pertaining to Conservation and Open Space. S:\COMMUNITY _DEYELOPMEN1\PROJECTS\STAFF\05-007 Hurricane Katrina\CC urg ord Sf 092705.doc INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. AN INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUSPENDING ACCEPTANCE OR PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ANY PORTION OF PROPERTY IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO ARROYO GRANDE CREEK, TALLY HO CREEK, MEADOW CREEK OR CREEK TRIBUTARIES WITHIN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the environmental sensitivity and the need for City policy to reflect and contribute to environmental protection and preservation of the Arroyo Grande Creek, Tally Ho Creek, Meadow Creek and associated tributaries; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is in the best interest of the public to maintain protection of its riparian resources in order to maintain an equilibrium between the natural feature of, and manmade alterations to, the City's creek and riparian environment, and in order to preserve the scenic beauty of these important natural resources and the recreational, aesthetic and economic benefits they provide; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the necessity for creek buffers that contribute to i streambank stabilization, allow for vegetative cover and reduction of water temperature, , offer a setback distance for intensive uses, provide a source of food, nesting cover, and shelter for wildlife, intercept pollutants and manage other environmental concerns, and increase environmental sustainability; and WHEREAS, amongst these other environmental factors, the City Council. is aware that portions of these creeks are known to provide critical habitat for flora and fauna protected under the Endangered Species Act; and' . WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the updated General Plan which became effective November 10, 2001 and requires a comprehensive review and necessary revisions to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code and Zoning Map for consistency, in accordance with Government Code Section 65860; and WHEREAS, the 2001 General Plan include a Agricultural, Conservation and Open Space Element which include the following principals: . Resources that are irretrievable and/or irreplaceable need to be protected and preserved. . Individuals and the community have a responsibility to future generations as well as to wildlife to preserve and protect finite natural resources. . Resource lands contribute to overall public health, safety and welfare beyond provision of basic necessities such as food, fiber and livelihood. . Land Use and urban development shall be managed and limited to that which can be sustained by the available resources and serviced by the circulation and other infrastructure systems; and , INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 2 ; WHEREAS, Conservation and Open Space objective "C/OS2" of the Agricultural, , Conservation and Open Space Element in the 2001 General Plan, is to "Safeguard important environmental and sensitive biological resources contributing to healthy, functioning ecosystem"; and WHEREAS, On July 12, 2005 the City Council of Arroyo Grande, by consensus, directed staff to evaluate the City's regulations, practices and procedures related to creek setback requirements and the implementation of related 2001 General Plan policies in the Agriculture, Conservation and Open Space Element; and WHEREAS, the City has identified concerns and impacts directly related to development adjacent to creeks that are not adequately or consistently addressed through the City's policies and regulations including erosion, alteration of creek banks, riparian habitat protection, rapid sedimentation, recreation and trail dedication, enforcement of provisions of dedicated creek easements, measurement of top of creek bank, non-conforming structures on creek banks and feasibility of development on non-conforming and/or antiquated lots that include creeks and riparian habitat; and WHEREAS, the City believes the City's environment is an integral and essential aspect of the City's economic viability and overall well being; and WHEREAS, there are inconsistencies between the City's 2001 General Plan Land Use Map that designates all creeks and areas surrounding creeks within the limits of the City of Arroyo Grande as Conservation/Open Space and the City's Zoning map that zones areas of Arroyo Grande Creek and Tally Ho Creek and often adjacent deeded Pacific Coast Railroad properties as Public Facilities; and. WHEREAS, the City Council, Planning Commission, other boards and committees and City staff have had to address these inconsistencies which have made the development review and approval process confusing, time-consuming, inefficient and potentially detrimental to the health safety and general welfare of the community; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes these aforementioned concerns and inconsistencies related to development adjacent to creeks and riparian habitat may have a permanent long lasting negative affect on the health and welfare of its environment and potentiaily its economic viability; and I : WHEREAS, this ordinance is an urgency ordinance for the protection of the public health, safety, economy and welfare of the citizens of the City of Arroyo Grande that shall become effective immediately upon its approval by the affirmative votes of at least four members of the City Council. The City Council deems that it is critically necessary to protect habitat along creek corridors from encroachment of development that may contribute to the aforementioned issues. The City Council seeks to ensure that development occurs in a logical and orderly. fashion within the City, and to study the effects of setbacks, buffers and other provisions that will implement the policies of the 2001 General Plan. Consequently, the City Council seeks to avoid permitting development in areas adjacent to creeks that may contribute to cumulative ecological, recreational and land use impacts and determine INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 3 possible mitigation measures or other procedures and protections to minimize the impacts of development in these areas; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to promptly study and re-evaluate the designation of areas adjacent to creeks within the limits of the City of Arroyo Grande consistent with the 2001 General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: For the foregoing reasons which are incorporated herein, pursuant to the authority vested in the City Council by California Government Code Section 65858, this' urgency ordinance shall create a moratorium on acceptance and processing of building or grading permits or land use applications which seek to improve or develop property within twenty-five (25) feet of the top of a creek bank or edge of riparian vegetation, whichever is greater, abutting Arroyo Grande Creek, including its tributaries, (Tally Ho Creek, Spring Creek, Newsome Springs Creek and Los Berros Creek), or Meadow Creek, including its tributaries, within the City of Arroyo Grande in order to study the current and immediate threat of such development to the public health, safety and welfare. SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be in effect for 45 days after its adoption, provided thaUhe ordinance effectiveness may be further extended after public hearing in accordance with Govemment Code Section 65858. SECTION 3: Within fifteen (15) days after its passage, this ordinance shall be published once, together with the names of the Council members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. On motion by Council Member , seconded by Council Member , and by the following roll call vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this day of INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. PAGE 4 TONY FERRARA, MAYOR ATTEST: KELLY WETMORE, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: STEVEN ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIMOTHY J. CARMEL, CITY ATTORNEY EXHIBIT A to urban residents more than farmers or ranche'__~m...__ ____..-_.__.. services include fire protection, park and recreation service d neighborhood street lighting. Ag5-5 Minimize trespassing into agricultural areas, t gh signage, access restrictions, fines and other available means Ag5-6 Establish a grievance or arbitr on committee to mediate land use disputes between farmers and adjoini non-farm residents. all include minimum development standards: Ag6-1 Ag zoning assifications shall prescribe minimum parcel sizes of 20-acres for cu Itivat , irrigated and/or prime agricultural land, and 40 acres for non-cultivated, no . rigated and/or non-prime agricultural lands. Ag Zoning classifications shall allow 1 dwelling unit per 10 acres and accessory structures provided all buildings comply with Ag 3-10.4, Ag 3-10.5 and Ag 3-11. / ,,- CONSERVATION and OPEN SPACE OBJECTIVES and POLICIES C/OSl Protect visually accessible scenic resources. C/OS1-1 Identify and protect scenic resources and view sheds associated with them C/OSH.1 For purposes of this policy, a 'scenic resource' may refer to agricultural land, open spaces, hillsides, ridgelines, canyons, valleys, landmark trees, woodlands, wetlands, streambeds and banks, as well as aspects of the built environment that are of a historic nature, 6f unique to the City, or contribute to the rural, small town character of the City. C;OS1-1.2 For purposes of this policy, a 'view shed' refers to locations from which a scenic resource is visible. Such locations may be privately owned but generally accessible to the public. Public vantage points, such as travel paths (roadways, trails) or public facilities (schools, parks, etc) are especially important view sheds to maintain. C;OS1-1.3 Establish designated scenic corridors along public roads and highways that have unique or outstanding scenic attributes, such as views of prominent hills, mountains or canyons; views of stands of trees or wildflowers; views of the Pacific Ocean or streams. C;OS1-1.4 Locate structures, roads and grading on portions of a site so as to minimize visual impact. Locate developments below prominent ridge lines and hilltops such that they are not silhouetted against the sky. C/OS1-1.5 Use natural landforms and vegetation to screen development. C;OS1-1.6 Minimize signs, especially freestanding signs. Secure removal of non- conforming signs within scenic corridors as part of discretionary development projects. AMENDED MARCH 23, 2004 Age/os - 11 C/OS 1-1.7 Prohibit off-premise advertising signs in all Agriculture, Conservation/Open Space, and Residential designated areas of the City and planning area. C/OSl-2 Identify unique landforms and designate them as Conservation/Open Space (C/OS) to require or encourage their protection, conservation a nd/ or preservation. C/OS2 Safeguard important environmental and sensitive biological resources contributing to healthy, functioning ecosystem. C/OS2-1 Designate all streams and riparian corridors as Conservation/Open Space (C/OS). C/OS2-1.1 'Streams' and 'riparian corridors' shall include buffer area corresponding at least to natural vegetation and/or creek bank. C/OS2-1.2 Preserve stream and riparian corridors in their natural state except that periodiC flood control maintenance consistent with State and Federal permits shall be allowed. C/OS2-1.3 Where feasible, maintain a grading and building setback of 25 feet from the top of stream bank. Locate buildings and structures outside the setback. Except in urban areas where existing development exists to the contrary, prevent removal of riparian vegetation within 25 feet of the top of stream bank. C/OS2-1.4 Creekside trails may be designed within stream and riparian corridors and building setback providing design and grading are consistent with State and Federal permits and are sensitive to natural vegetation and include landscape mitigation. C/OS2-2 Identify unique or sensitive habitat areas and designate them Conservation/Open Space (C/OS) overlay. C/OS2-2.1 Designate wetlands as Conservation/Open Space. C/OS2-3 Identify and designate Conservation/Open Space (C/OS) other public or private properties containing scenic resources or public vistas of scenic importance. C/OS2-4 Identify and protect wildlife corridors that link habitat areas as Conservation/Open Space (C/OS). C/OS2-4.1 Encourage agricultural landowners and managers of Conservation/Open Space to adopt range and farmland management practices that will not interfere with the movement of wildlife through their properties. C/OS2-4.2 Public or private developments that require discretionary permit or propose a land division, shall avoid disturbance of significant wildlife corridors, and/or wetlands identified by City or County environmental i studies. AMENDED MARCH 23, 2004 Age/OS - 12 '- C/OS2-4.3 When evaluating discretionary proposals as part of the CEQA process, require mitigation measures that would re-establish damaged or disturbed corridors and provide for long-term viability. C/OS3 Plan for a well-maintained system of footpaths and non-vehicular trails that provide access to areas of non-urban environment. i C/OS3-1 In Residential Rural and Suburban County areas and developments in the , unincorporated portions of the planning area, and in all urban land use developments adjoining pOSSible trail alignments within the City, provide for equestrian, hiking and biking trails, particularly those providing access to schools, parks and community facility activity areas. C/OS3-2 Access trails shall not conflict with Agriculture use or significantly disturb environmentally sensitive resources. C/OS4 Preserve historic and cultural resources of public interest that reflect the legacy of earlier human settlement. C/OS4,1 Identify historic and cultural resources that should be protected as C/OS combining designations. C/OS4-2 Avoid disturbance of archaeological and culturally sensitive sites. C/OS4- 3 Encourage acquisition of significant designated C/OS sites by public agencies, historical or conservation organizations for preservation and restoration where feasible, or require private conservation by adaptive reuse if not. C/OS4-4 Protect the character of significant historical features and settings by C/OS designation. Maintain a listing of historic and cultural resources. ClOSS Conservation/Open Space classification shall include minimum development standards: C/OSS-1 C/OS zoning classifications shall prescribe minimum parcel sizes of 5 acres, 10 acres or 20 acres (e. . +g. C/OS5) as determined appropriate by the City based on existing parcel size or sensitivity to development. C/OS5-2 C/OS zoning classifications shall allow 1 dwelling unit per parcel provided all buildings and related grading and infrastructure complies with Ag3-10.4 and Ag3-10.5 related to conservation of natural resources. C/OS6 The City of Arroyo Grande shall manage land use and limit its urban development potential to that which can be sustained by the available water resources and serviced by circulation and other infrastructure. i C/OS6-1 Water resources currently available include 1200 acre-feet annually' of r groundwater extraction from Arroyo Grande Basin, 2290-acre feet annual I entitlement from Lopez Lake and 100 acre feet per year from the Pismo formation. The 3590 ac. ft/year minimum supply during drought conditions is AMENDED MARCH 23, 2004 Age/OS - 13 estimated as capable of supporting a City of 20,000 residents (at 160 gpd per capita average consumption). C/OS6-1.1 The City shall consider more efficient water utilization and conservation measures in subsequent Water Management Master Plan amendments to reduce average annual per capita consumption including the Best Management Practices already identified. The City will monitor water use by type and density of land use including agriculture, residential, office and commercial. The City will reflect any changes to regional water resources available to the City by periodic amendment to the City's Water Master Plan. C/OS6-2 Residential Rural and ReSidential Suburban uses in the unincorporated Arroyo Grande Fringe Area utilize individual wells and septic systems located in the Arroyo Grande Creek watershed which cumulatively impact water quantity and quality available for agriculture and urban uses. Implementation Measures Ag/C/OS.1 Designate all deed-restricted open space, identified as part of a Planned Development entitlement or Specific Plan, as Permanent Open Space (P/OS). Ag/C/OS.2 Re-designate all open space, which becomes deed-restricted through voluntary. dedication or in conjunction with development activities, as Permanent Open Space. Ag/C/OS.3 Maintain an inventory of P/OS and C/OS designated open space, along with specific restrictions. Ag/C/OS.4 Encourage private landowners to voluntarily protect and maintain open space resources on their properties. i A9/C/OS.S Encourage and support efforts to protect lands containing open space resources by state and federal agencies, the County, special districts, and non-profit and conservation organizations. Ag/C/OS.6 Encourage application of Williamson Act programs and Conservation/Open Space easements to all eligible private properties. Ag/C/OS.7 Coordinate efforts to acquire significant conservation and Permanent Open Space lands with other publiC agencies and conservation organizations. Ag/C/OS.8 Actively seek available grants and aid programs from state and federal agencies and private foundations to fund acquisition and maintenance of Open Space and Agriculture lands. Ag/C/OS.9 Actively seek contributions of land, development rights, easements, and money from individuals and corporations, both for preservation of open space and recreation land in general and for acquisition of specific priority properties. Consider using San Luis Obispo Parks, Open Space and Trails' Foundation as a vehicle for donations and gifts. I AMENDED MARCH 23, 2004 Age/OS -14 i I Ag/C/OS.l0 Encourage the use of cluster land divisions and cluster development that will locate development on the least environmentally sensitive portions of properties where the balance of land is preserved in Permanent Open Space. Ag/C/OS.ll Where a landowner proposes a land division, the proposed parcels shall maintain or enhance the long-term protection of Open Space. I I , AgjC/OS.12 Park sites and recreation areas shall protect scenic and environmentally , sensitive resources, and shall not conflict with Agriculture uses. AgjC/OS.13 Develop a Strategic Action Plan for Agriculture and Open Space preservation (prioritize locations, identify actions, responsible entities, funding, timing, and performance monitoring). I Ag/CjOS.14 Consider an impact mitigation fee program as adjunct to, or in lieu of, direct dedication of off-site Agriculture or conservation easement. Ag/C/OS.15 Establish a fund for the purchase of Permanent or Conservation/Open Space easements and investigate all available revenue sources for funding, including: , a. grantsjloans from State or Federal agencies; b. grants/loans from private foundations/organizations; c. citywide tax or participation in countywide tax; and, e. mitigation fees I AgjC/OS.16 Assist in developing a public education and outreach program relative to conservation easements (personal advantages) and permitted uses and activities on easement areas. , AgjC/OS.17 Collaborate with the County, SLOCOG andjor adjacent jurisdictions (e.g., Cities of Pismo Beach, Grover Beach and Oceano CSD) to develop a "model agricultural conservation easement" document to be used as the basis for negotiation with individual property owners. Ag/C/OS.18 Establish a program that provides the City with a low cost option or contractual arrangements with agricultural landowners to acquire "right of first refusal" with regard to acquisition when the owner becomes interested in selling a property. AgjC/OS.19 Establish or contract with' an existing Land Trust to administer ownership of . Ag parcels and manage agricultural activities. AgjCjOS.20 The City should initiate a program for riparian corridor acquisition, wetland, restoration and storm Water Pollution Prevention programs. Ag/C/OS.21 Support the establishment of a local funding mechanism, as identified by City Council, which allocates funds toward the voluntary purchase of agricultural, . conservation, and open space easements. AMENDED MARCH 23, 2004 Age/OS - 15