Minutes 1995-07-25 . : MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1995 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor A. K. "Pete" Dougall presiding. 1. AND 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Nolan Hughes and members of Boy Scout Troop 489 led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Pastor Ken Lockwood delivered the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL ) Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro Tern James Souza U and Council Members Drew Brandy, Michael Fuller and Michael Lady. Staff members present were city Manager Bob Hunt, city Attorney Roger Lyon, Parks and Recreation Director John K~isler, Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck and Current Planner Scott Spierling. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a. Mayor Dougall presented a letter of appreciation on behalf of himself and members of the City council to members of Boy Scout Troop 489 for leading the Flag Salute and color presentation. b. Mayor Dougall read a Proclamation proclaiming the month of July as "Parks and Recreation Month". Parks and Recreation Director Keisler accepted the Proclamation. Mr. Keisler introduced staff members Brenda Barrow, Parks and Recreation Department Supervisor, and Traci Cravath, the "Children in Motion" Program Coordinator. Ms. Barrow introduced Danielle and Dominique Gonzales, participants in the "Children in Motion" Program at Margaret Harloe School. The children, in turn, presented a hand-made banner to Mayor Dougall and the Council. 6. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Brandy/Lady, and the motion passed unanimously, to approve Consent Agenda Items 5.a through 5.g, including 5.c as amended, with the recommended courses of action, with the exception of 6.c. 6.a July 11, 1995, city Council Minutes. Approved. 1 L/ J . .' CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 25, 1995 6.b Second Quarter, 1995, Departmental Monthly Reports. Received and Filed. 6.d. Request for Interpretation; Oak Park Foursquare Church; 900 Oak Park Boulevard. continuance to August 22, 1995 Council Meeting as requested by the applicant. 6.e. Tract 2160; Final Approval; 305 Alder Street; Hunstad. Approved and Accepted. 6.f. Request for Qualifications - Curbside Collection for Recycling Program. Authorized distribution. 6.g. Register of Checks. Approved. 6.C. REOUEST FOR PERMISSION TO CLOSE A CITY S'J,'REET FOR A aLOCK PARTY: PACIFIC COAST RAILWAY PLACE, NORTH OF ALLEN STREET: SATURDAY. AUGUST 5. 1995: 1:00 TO 4:00 P.M. Council Member Brandy stated his feeling that neighborhoods getting together like this for block parties is great and he would like to see more of these: it helps demonstrate the hospitality that Arroyo Grande has to offer. It was moved by Brandy/Lady (5-0-0, Brandy, Lady, Souza, Fuller and Dougall voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 3085 authorizing the temporary closure of Pacific Coast Railway Place, North of Allen Street, for a Block Party. 7.a. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IN THREE CATEGORIES: (1) ZONING ISSUE: (2) CONDITIONS RELATED TO FEES FOR DRAINAGE, FIRE DEPARTMENT. TRAFFIC, SIGNAL. TRAFFIC IMPACT AND WATER NEUTRALIZATION. Al{D (3) GENERAL TEXT CLARIFICATIONS: VESTING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 95-524 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 95-537: 1650 GRAND AVENUE: THE VONS COMPANIES. INC (APPLICANT REQUESTS CONTINUANCE TO COUNCIL MEETING OF AUGUST 8. 1995) Mayor Dougall announced this matter had been recommended for continuance to the August 8, 1995 meeting, and asked if any present in the audience tonight had any comments. Don Keff, Arroyo Grande, stated he feels that fees being imposed are normal and Vons request for reduction in the fees doesn't appear to be a good start for the Vons Corporation and, in his opinion, it shouldn't be given any special consideration. Hearing no further comments, it was moved by Souza/Brandy, and unanimously carried, to continue this matter to the city Council Meeting of August 8, 1995. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 25, 1995 7.B. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL TO R~VISE THE APPROVED PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM AND VARIANCE TO INCREASE THE AREA OF ~HE FACE OF TilE POLE SIGN FROM 86 SQUARE FEET TO 290 SOUARE FEET: AMENDED PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM CASE NO. 94-114A. AND AMENDED VARIANCE CASE NO. 94-186: 525 TRAFFIC WAY: REYNOLDS RITCHIE Planner Scott Spierling reviewed the staff report and presented some background information on this project and the 76 Union station that was formerly located on this site. He stated at its meeting of June 6, 1995 the Planning commission heard arguments in support of, and against, the proposed revisions for a larger sign. The majority of the Planning commission felt the larger sign was consistent with signs approved for other service \ U stations and would not be unnecessarily obtrusive to neighboring properties. Mr. Spierling pointed out the Unocal station that previously occupied this site had a pole sign that was 12 feet in diameter with an area of 230 square feet. He stated that the Planning commissioners who were not in favor of the larger sign felt it would not significantly benefit the applicant, but could create objectionable light and glare for neighboring properties. He advised that this proposal to amend the size of the pole sign has been appealed to the city Council by neighboring property owners and residents. The appellants stated that the larger size of the sign would provide no advertising benefit to the applicant but would create view and night light problems for the neighbors. Mr. spierling stated, after opening the public hearing, the city Council had two options: 1) Deny the appeal by adopting the resolution included in the agenda packets; or 2) Uphold the appeal by denying the Amended Planned sign Program and Variance. In answer to Council Member Fuller's question relating to the first pole sign, Planner Spierling advised the sign was constructed in 1966 and removed in 1994. After being assured that the hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open. Paris Johnson, 525 Traffic Way, Space #35, advised that the 76 sign, which was there for about 25 years, was a pale orange color; and the Mobile sign is bright white and directly faces the mobile home park. Reynolds Ritchie, 571 So. Traffic Way, stated the size of the sign now is obtrusive to the residents of the area because it is lit all night and produces an excessive amount 3 \ j . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 25, 1995 of light in the surrounding homes and the mobile home park; and if the size of the sign is increased, it will be even more bothersome. He commented that when he and Mrs. Ritchie are in their living room or dining room at night they have to pull the shades because of the sign glaring in their faces. Mr. Ritchie further stated that the sign in its present size, or if enlarged, could not be seen from the freeway going north or coming south. Faye Ritchie, 571 So. Traffic Way, stated if this larger sign is allowed, she feels it will be setting a precedent and other businesses will be wanting larger signs also. The city should keep the signs at the maximum size they are now and not grant variances for a larger size. Khatchik Achadjian, 525 So. Traffic Way, applicant, spoke in favor of the Planned Sign Program and Variance. Mr. Achadjian presented a group of pictures to the Council taken from different locations in the area of the Mobil station. Melvin Johnson, Vagabond Mobile Home Park, 535 Traffic Way, stated he had attended the Planning Commission meeting when this project was reviewed, and he was concerned about the untraditional approach to the gas station. One of his suggestions was that maybe the sign would be a little less intrusive if it was placed on the north side of the lot instead of the south side. He suggested raising the wall so the headlights from the cars would not spray into the park. Mr. Johnson stated he was surprised as to how bright this project is at night. He said he counted 25 high-intensity lights all around the area, and the signs themselves give a lot of light. Mayor Dougall advised that this hearing was dealing primarily with the sign. Carl Backham, 139 E. Cherry Avenue, stated the Mobile sign that currently exists is very visible from his front yard, and he is not in favor of seeing the size of the sign increased and adding additional illumination to the neighborhood. He said he was happy to see Mr. Achadjian in the neighborhood; his only complaint was the brightness of the sign and the fact it is on all night. Mr. Achadjian commented that the lights located around the station was a requirement of the Police Department. Marlene Johnson, 535 Traffic Way, stated she is happy that Mr. Achadjian is there and he has made a nice improvement, but there is a problem with the sign and it is very bright. She suggested a sign at the off-ramp would be helpful. 4 ; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 25, 1995 Hearing no further comments for or against the proposed sign plan and variance, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing closed. Council Member Brandy stated he would like to see the area at night since he has not seen the station in the evening hours. Mayor Pro Tern Souza agreed, stating he would like to look at the sign from Cherry and from Mr. Ritchie's house; and he would be in favor of continuing the matter to the next meeting. After further discussion among the Council, it was moved by Brandy/Lady, and the motion passed unanimously, to continue this item to the meeting of August 8, 1995. J At 9:05 P.M. the Council Recessed for five minutes. 7.C. PUBLIC HEARING - SENIOR AND FAMILY AFFORDABLE HOUSING: REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORTS FOR THE 1993 SENIOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING AND THE 1994 FAMILY RENTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS FUNDED BY STATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS: AND POTENTIAL ACTIVITIES FOR 1996 CDBG APPLICATION: CITYWIDE: PEOPLES' SELF-HELP HOUSING CORPORATION Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck reviewed the staff report dated July 25, 1995, pointing out that the city is required to submit an "Annual Grantee Performance Report," which is used to assess the degree to which the grantee has completed the various activities. She said staff asked the Council for its input on the two affordable housing projects, and this is a public hearing to solicit proposals for the 1996 grant period. She advised that over the past four years, the city of Arroyo Grande has applied for and received more than $1.5 million in community Development Block Grants. She briefly reviewed the four projects receiving money. She stated staff is recommending the Council consider a future economic development grant application for either a Marketing Strategy Study or an Infrastructure study. This would be a follow-up to the Business opportunities study currently being prepared. She said if the Council wishes, staff could send a proposal to consultants for preparation of the grant application and preparation of the study if grant funding is received. The City's contribution would be approximately $5,100 for a $30,000 study. She pointed out that the next grant cycle is September, 1995, but it would be difficult to complete the requirements for a grant application in such a short time frame. The first grant cycle in 1996 is January, which would be a more reasonable time period to complete the requirements for an application. After being assured that the public hearing had been duly 5 j CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 25, 1995 published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open. Mark Wilson, Programs Manager, Peoples' Self Help Housing, reviewed the two projects currently ongoing in Arroyo Grande on Elm Street. Ground will be broken on a senior-affordable 28-unit apartment project, hopefully within the next 30 days, with a projected completion date of March, 1996. The other project at 163 Elm Street will be a 20-unit mUlti-family apartment complex. He stated anticipated ground breaking on this project probably will be around June of 1996. Hearing no further comments from the audience, Mayor Dougall closed the public hearing. Mayor Dougall stated he attended the dedication of the Santa Maria complex, which was a very nice project. Council Member Lady stated his feeling that these projects certainly are filling a need in our community, he would like to see them progress, and commended Peoples' Self Help Housing for its efforts. Mayor Pro Tern Souza stated he is pleased that the City can support this effort; it is a "plus" for Arroyo Grande, which is moving in the right direction. Council Member Brandy said the Council is always happy to work with Peoples' Self-Help Housing and he is looking forward to seeing the projects. He stated that by all means the city should apply for the grant money. He stated he is a little bit more concerned about the infrastructure than marketing right now. It was his opinion that the City should apply for the grant for the infrastructure. Council Member Fuller stated he is a little more partial to the marketing strategy study to attract businesses. Mayor Pro Tern Souza advised that at the Economic Development Committee meeting a presentation was given by the organization doing the planning and technical assistance program with that $30,000 grant; and it sees other possible areas the City should look into as far as economic development, marketing, attraction of businesses, etc. Council Member Lady said it is critically important that the city take measures to look at business opportunities in order to maintain the tax base and job base. Mayor Dougall said before the City moves forward on an 6 , . COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 25, 1995 application for another economic development grant, the matter should go back to the Economic Development Committee for recommendations. Mr. Hunt said staff had sufficient direction on where the Council wished to go on this item. 8.A. FY 1995-96 CITY BUDGET: SELECTION OF ALTERNATE DATE FOR THE SECOND BUDGET STUDY SESSION Mr. Hunt referred to his memorandum concerning the city budget and said there were some scheduling conflicts on the dates already chosen. J Council Members said they wanted time to comprehensively review the budget before the budget meetings. After discussion, the dates of September 5 and 7, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. were chosen. 8.B. MAYOR'S INTENTION TO APPOINT/REAPPOINT MEMBERS TO VARIOUS COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS: (TERMS EXPIRING JUNE 30. 1995) Mayor Dougall made the following appointments and reappointments to city commissions and committees: Planning commission - william Tappan, William Deviny and Sandy Lubin. Parks and Recreation Commission - Stan Ikeda and Robert Brown. Traffic Commission - Michael McAustin, Tony Lagna and Val McClure. Senior Advisory Commission - Doris Troll, Lynn Titus and Marie Burt. Architectural Advisory Committee - Fabbian Detweiler. Teen Advisory Committee - Pat Cusack. 9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS a. South San Luis Obispo county Sanitation District - Mayor Dougall said the shellfish-monitoring program and the budget are almost completed, and the district has a site for dumping its bio-solids. b. Joint Meeting with City Councils of San Luis Obispo county - Mayor Dougall said for the first time in history there will be a joint meeting of the seven city Councils in the county at the Morro Bay recreational facility on September 27, 1995. c. Long-Range Plan Update Committee - Mayor Pro Tem Souza said a 7 fJ . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 25, 1995 draft of the long-range plan has been distributed to department heads and Council Members. He said the July 26, 1995, meeting was cancelled and continued to August. d. Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee - Mayor Pro Tern Souza said the group met recently and discussed short-term goals, including (1) updating the commercial vacancy survey database, (2) holding a follow-up meeting to discuss the response to the business license survey, (3) planning a city/Chamber workday to improve the area at Highway 101 overpass/Traffic WaY/Br~nch Street w~ere Caltrans has paved the road, and (4) approv1ng a new des1gn for the committee letterhead. e. Coordinated Agriculture Support Program (CASP) - No Report. f. No Report. g. and h. Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee and county Water Resources Advisory Committee - Council Member Brandy said Lopez Dam is 92 percent full~ water is being let out and inflows are keeping even. He said there has been some concerns about pismo State Beach because of the creek flow, but the releases would continue. He said there will be reports in the near future on the apparent over-charging for water to the city. with regard to the State~s study of the seismic safety of Lopez Dam, he said the report will be out by the end of the year. He said water rights in Arroyo Grande Creek are being investigated, and there is discussion of having a continuous release of water from the darn and how that would benefit the downstream entities. i. South County Area Transit (SCAT) - Council Member Lady said the SCAT met in June and went out for bid on the transportation contract. He said the next meeting will be July 31, 1995. j . council of Governments (COG) and San Luis Obispo County Regional Transportation Agency (SLORTA) - Council Member Lady said at the SLORTA meeting, routes, costs per ridership and the summer youth bus program were discussed. with regard to the COG meeting, he said members heard a presentation on the AMTRAK San Diegan extension through San Luis obispo County, and discussed a North County feasibility study. He said in Closed Session the Executive Director was reviewed and a merit raise and consideration of 2.2 percent were put in place. He said new officers will be Supervisor Bud Laurent, president, and Mayor Gene Gates, vice president. He said STIP projects will take longer to complete because of State cutbacks. He referred to a June 12, 1995 letter to Mayor Dougall concerning the SLOCOG "supervote." He said he approved the proposal to revise the 8 . . , . . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 25, 1995 "supervote" and require seven (instead of eight) affirmative votes. k. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) Board - Council Member Fuller said the board met and a representative from the City of Atascadero was present. He said the authority has entered into contracts, and the first one was an educational program for schools. He said a public hearing was held on a preliminary draft on the siting element. 1. Air Pollution Control Board - No Report. I 10. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS J None. 11. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Lady noted that a barbecue was held this day for city employees thanking them for their contributions during the past floods. He said it was well-received and attended. Mayor Dougall said it was not about 46 inches of rain but about 52 weeks of dedication by internal and external city staff. 12. CLOSED SESSION Council Members adjourned at 10:00 p.m. to a Closed Session on the following: (a) Conference with Labor Negotiator: Gov. Code section 54957.6 Agency Negotiator: Rick TerBorch, Police Chief Represented Units: Service Employees' Interna- tional Union (SEIU) Local 817; and Arroyo Grande Police Officers' Association (AGPOA) 13. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened and immediately adjourned at 10:56 p.m. No action was taken on the Closed Session item. ATTEST: a.~ 9 U