R 3252
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande desires to seek certain regional
State Highway Account (SHA) funds made available to the San Luis Obispo Council of
Governments (SLOCOG) through the Surface Transportation Program (STP) of the
reauthorization of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA);
WHEREAS, SLOCOG requires all project requests be approved by the governing board
by November 1,1997; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande is requesting $952,800 in
regional SHA funds be programmed for the projects adopted by the City Council on
September 23,1997, and as described in the attached funding applications; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby presents its commitment
to budgeting local funds in the future towards the preparation of certain Project Study
Reports (PSRs).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande
does hereby request $952,800 in regional SHA funds be programmed for use by the City
of Arroyo Grande for projects of regional significance as further described in the attached
funding applications..
On motion of Council Member Runels , seconded by Council Member Fuller
and on the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Members Runels, Fuller, Lady, Tolley, and Mayor Dougall
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of September 1997.
Resolution No. 3252
'M - ---(
NJktJL. ti~
I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo,
State of California, do hereby certify that the following Resolution NO.3 2 5 2is a true, full
and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said
Council of the23rd day of September 1997.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 26th day of
September 1997.
t7~a, ,QzwW
Surface Transportation Program Funding Application
Program Years 98/99 - 02/03
City of Arroyo Grande
Contact Person:
John L. Wallace, Public Works Director
City of Arroyo Grande
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
(805) 473-5440
Project Name:
EI Campo Road/Route 101 Project Study Report (PSR)
. D. Project Description:
Preparation of a Caltrans-approved Project Study Report which will allow for the programming of
Federal/State funds to construct an interchange on Route 101 near EI Campo Road.
E. Type of Funding Requested (check one):
----X- Regional SHAlSTP
Urban (local) SHAlSTP
F. Project Funding Summary - Fill in the project totals. (Note: see Attachment A for funding limits and
Amount Requested: S 75.000
Total Project Cost $ 150.000
. ... Project Schedlileahd Funding Summary (numbers i~thousands)
Request (3)
Project Category
Previously Programmed (1)
Sub Total
Source Amount
Environmental Analysis
Preliminary Engineering
$ 75.0
Right of Way
Construction Engineering
$ 75.0
Total Project Cost $150.0
1. Previously Programmed = aU non-local funds that have been previously programmed on this project (eg.TCI, USHA, Prop 116, etc) if applical)te.
2. Local Commitment = all local funds that have ~n committed for this project (eg.LTF, General Fund, etc).
3. Request = Regional or Urban SHA funding that is being requested as part of this application.
SHA/STP Applications
Pc.c~: of 4
G. Milestones - Fill out the milestone section below (assuming the project is funded within :te =y
98/99 to 02103 period): .
Fiscal Year:
Start .
Oate'. .
. . . Estimated
.--. Completion ca.
1. Preparation of a Caltrans-approved Project Study
Report (PSR)
H. Project Scoping Documentation - List and attach releve-: Droiect scooina docurre-:e:ion.
(Note: A Project Scoping Document is required for all significer: projects; a Project Stuey :: eoort
(PSR) meeting Caltrans requirements is required for all major c;;ghway Projects, per Stele _ewi:
The City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, San bis Obispo Council of Gove,...-e,~ts.
Caltrans District 5, Arroyo Linda Crossroads representatives. and members of the p": .: are
currently working together on a scoping study for an interchange or; ,::;oute 101 near EI Carr;o.: =oad.
The purpose of the scoping study is to identify conceptual geometric designs and their:.::enrial
impacts and constraints (e.g., environmental, drainage, geologica!). There is a meeting sc-e::uied
for October 3, 1997, with the above personnel to discuss the corceptual designs and to ider,:/ any
"fatal flaws" that could present a problem for the next step in the process, the preparation of a =SR.
I. Project Map - Attach vicinity map and project map which dee"Y depicts project limits a7: :Lner
relevant project information:
Project Map attached.
J. Priority - Designate if more than one application has been subrr,itted: No. 1
K. Threshold Requirements - Describe how the project meets the :hreshold requirements Iis:e: :e:ow
(See Application Guidelines):
1. For STP funds, describe consistency with section 133 of :STEA (see attachment =
2. For SHA funds, describe consistency with Article XIX of :i:e State Constftution:
This project is for the research and planning of a D~D';O street and highway e-: :ne
administrative costs necessarily incurred in the foregoi(,g Durposes.
3. Describe this project's consistency with Local adopted .cians:
Arroyo Grande Circulation Element (1988), Section II: '7-e .~tilitv of the freewav <U.S 'J1>
svstem depends on proper Iinkane to the rest of t!-e:'roulation svstem."; See:: - ;v,
Regarding Route 227: "The possibilities suaaested in the oes: have been (1) conneo::-,vith
EI Campo at Hiahwav 101.....".
SHA/STP Applications
Page 3 of 4
Arroyo Grande Circulation Element (1988), Goal C, Policy A: "The plannine. alienment and
improvement of the street network will reflect the proposed land use pattern of the General
4. Describe this project's consistency with the Regional Transportation Plan:
SLOCOG 1994 Regional Transportation Plan, Chapter 10, SH-13 (LT): "At a location to be
determined south of the Citv of Arrovo Grande includine the Traffic Wav interchanee. UP to
EI Campo Road. construct full interchanee to connect the possible future realienment of
Route 227 or new EastlWest Road.".
SLOCOG 1994 Regional Transportation Plan, Chapter 5, OBJ2, 2b: "Give a high Prioritv to
fundine appropriate improvements to existine streets, roads and State Hiehwavs facilities to
reduce or rnitieate hieh accident locations or seements with hieh coneestion."; OBJ2, 2d:
"Assure that Proiect Studv Reports IPSR's) are prepared for all State or locallv funded
hiehwav improvement proiects to identify proiect puroose. limits. alternatives. scope. costs
deliverv schedules and fundine arraneements."; OBJ3, 3c: "Assist local iurisdictions in
securine maximum local. reeional. state and federal infrastructure improvements throueh all
appropriate means.".
5. Ust expected date of local government board approval (must be approved by December 3,
September 23, 1997, and/or October 14, 1997.
6. Describe total time frame for project completion (If funds are expected to be expended
beyond 24 months of scheduled start explain):
Initiate Request for Proposals (RFPs):
Caltrans approval of PSR:
July 1998
December 1998
7. Identify the project's functional classification (if applicable) and if the project is on the
designated Federal Aid System:
Caltrans has designated Route 101 as a principal arterial and Route 101 is on the designated
Federal Aid System.
L. Priority Criteria - For Reeional Proiects OnlY. address the following priority criteria (See Attachment
A; additional supporting material is encouraged):
1. Describe how the project addresses a safety/security problem (15 Pis):
According to the 1994 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Route 101 has the highest
existing and projected peak hour traffic volume in the county through the Five Cities and Avila
segments. The more congested Route 101 becomes and the more the areas continue to
grow on each side of Route 101, the more dangerous it becomes for vehicles trying to enter
from and exit to EI Campo Road. The Project Study Report will identify feasible alternatives
that will improve safety for vehicle access within the area.
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2. Describe the demonstrated need for the project (15 Pis):
The existing configuration of Route 101 at EI Campo Road is an at-grade intersection. Route
101 is a freeway facility for most of its length through California. Therefore, drivers traveling
on Route 101 do not expect at-grade vehicle crossings, especially through urban areas. In
addition, Caltrans continues to eliminate traffic signals and at-grade crossings on Route 101,
so the likelihood of signalizing this intersection is next to impossible. These issues clearly
identify a need for the evaluation of altemative vehicle access in the area.
3. Describe how the project addresses a multimodal need (15 Pts):
The Project Study Report will study access improvements on Route 101 near EI Campo
Road. Any access improvement will be an enhancement for transit to service the growing
residential and commercial developments in this area. Access improvements identified in
the Project Study Report may also improve bicyclelpedestrian access across Route 101
connecting proposed commercial and residential uses.
4. Describe how the project mitigates a congestion/air quality problem (15 Pts):
Vehicles are currently forced to sit idle as they wait for a break in traffic to enter Route 101
from EI Campo Road. The longer a vehicle is running, idle time included, the more
emissions it produces. In addition, improved access would enhance the area for transit
service andlor bicycles and pedestrians. The Project Study Report will identify access
improvements which will keep traffic moving, instead of sitting idle, and will allow for
enhanced alternative transportation facilities.
5. Describe the cost effectiveness of the project (15 Pis):
The best time to prepare a Project Study Report is before development occurs. The cost to
design and build major improvements, such as an interchange, is a lot less expensive when
properly planned with development, as opposed to when the area is at build-out. As this
area continues to grow, the need for improved access will only increase. It is most cost
effective to plan for improvements now rather than when major right-of-way acquisition will
be required.
6. Describe how the project will provide an equitable distribution of funding (15 Pts):
Route 101 in the main artery for San Luis Obispo County, accommodating both commuter
and tourist traffic. Any safety andlor capacity improvement to Route 101 would benefit the
entire County of San Luis Obispo.
7. Describe what local funding contribution is being provided (Describe and differentiate
between in-kind services, staff time commitments, and local funding contributions):
Proposed funding:
Utility Users Tax
Regional SHA funds
As part of the local funding contribution, the City of Arroyo Grande will provide contract
administration services.
. jep:232. 9798( 19)1shatracklsha-appl. gra
Surface Transportation Program Funding Application
Program Years 98/99 - 02/03
City of Arroyo Grande
Contact Person:
John L. Wallace, Public Works Director
City of Arroyo Grande
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
(805) 473-5440
Project Name:
Brisco Road/Halcyon Road/Route 101 Project Study Report ,?SR)
D. Project Description:
Preparation of a Caltrans-approved Project Study Report which will allow for the crcgramming of
Federal/State funds to improve the interchange on Route 101 at Brisco and Halefon ",-oads.
E. Type of Funding Requested (check one):
.-L Regional SHNSTP
Urban (local) SHNSTP
F. Project Funding Summary - Fill in the projecltolals. (Note: see Attachment A for fur,cir,g limits and
Amount Requested: $ 75 000
Total Project Cost S 150.000
Project Schedule and ,Funding Summary (numbers In thousands)
. ...., -., . -... -
. .. ...._... - ..___m_._._ ..
Project Category
Previously Programmed (1)
~~:_~t (3)
Sub Total
Source Amount
'-'}~'Amount .
Environmental Analysis
RSHA I;.-so
Preliminary Engineering
Construction Engineering
Right of Way
Total Project Cost 5150.0
1. Previously Programmed := all non-local funds that have been previously programmed on this project (eg.TCI. USHA, Prop 116, etc) if applic;;;.~;e
2. Local Commitment = all local funds that have been committed for this project (eg.LTF. General Fund, etc).
3. ~equest = Regional or Urban SHA funding that is being requested as part of this application.
SHA/STP Applications
Pa!1;e 2 of 4
G. Milestones - Fill out the milestone section below (assuming the project is funded within the FY
98/99 to 02/03 period):
.,..:.-....,..: ,",'.''''':",.''
.'.....'..,'.'..- ..-..--,
. . .' Estimated .'
"-;Con,pleti~6 ,Dat~..-::::::
1. Preparation of a Caltrans-approved Project Study
Report (PSR)
H. Project Scoping Documentation - List -and attach relevant oroiect scooina documentation.
(Note: A Project Scoping Document is required for all significant projects; a Project Study Report
(PSR) meeting Caltrans requirements is required for all major Highway Projects, per State Law):
The City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo Council of Governments,
Caltrans District 5, Central Coast Town Center representatives, and members of the public are
currently working together on a scoping study for improvements to the interchange on Route 101
at Brisco and Halcyon Roads. The purpose of the scoping study is to identify conceptual geometric
designs and their potential impacts and constraints. There is a meeting scheduled for October 3,
1997, with the above personnel to discuss the conceptual designs and to identify feasible
alternatives for inclusion in the next step in the process, the preparation of a PSR.
I. Project Map - Attach vicinitv mao and oroiect mao which clearly depicts project limits and other
relevant project information:
Project Map attached.
J. Priority - Designate if more than one application has been submitted: No. 2
K. Threshold Requirements - Describe how the project meets the threshold requirements listed below
(See Application Guidelines):
1. For STP funds, describe consistency with section 133 of ISTEA (see attachment B):
2. For SHA funds, describe consistency with Article XIX of the State Constitution:
This project is for the research and planning of public streets and highways and the
administrative costs necessarily incurred in the foregoing purposes.
3. Describe this project's consistency with Local adopted plans;
Arroyo Grande Circulation Element (1988), Section II: 'The utilitv of the freewav <U.S. 101>
svstem deoends on orooer linkaae to the rest of the circulation svstem."; Section IV:
Identifies Brisco RoadlRoute 101 as an issue of concern and the need to widen the
SHAjSTP Applications
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Arroyo Grande Circulation Element (1988), Goal C, Policy A: "The plannina alianment and
improvement of the street network will reflect the prooosed land use pattern of the General
4. Describe this project's consistency with the Regional Transportation Plan:
SLOCOG 1994 Regional Transportation Plan, Chapter 10, SH-36: "Imorove southbound
ramps. at Halcvon Road. includina: lenathenina. flarina the end of the off-ramp to
accommodate additional lanes and sianalize intersection."; SH-37: "Exoand and imorove
Brisco Road undercrossin9 to five lanes and relocate ramos.".
SLOCOG 1994 Regional Transportation Plan, Chapter 5, OBJ2, 2b: "Give a hioh priority to
fundina aoorooriate imorovements to existina streets, roads and State Hiahwavs facilities to
reduce or mitiaate hiah accident locations or seoments with hiah conaestion."; OBJ2, 2d:
"Assure that Proiect Studv Reports !PSR's) are prepared for all State or locallv funded
hiahwav imorovement proiects to identify oroiect ourpose. limits. alternatives scooe. costs.
deliverv schedules and fundina arranaements."; OBJ3, 3c: "Assist local iurisdictions in
securina maximum local. reaional. state and federal infrastructure imorovements throuah all
appropriate means.".
5. Ust expected date of local government board approval (must be approved by December 3,
September 23, 1997, andlor October 14, 1997.
6. Describe total time frame for project completion (If funds are expected to be expended
beyond 24 months of scheduled start explain):
Initiate Request for Proposals (RFPs):
Caltrans approval of PSR:
July 1998
December 1998
7. Identify the project's functional classification (if applicable) and if the project is on the
designated Federal Aid System:
Caltranshas designated Route 101 as a principal arterial and Route 101 is on the designated
Federal Aid System. The City's Circulation Element identifies Brisco Road as a Minor Arterial
L. Priority Criteria - For Reaional Proiects Onlv. address the following priority criteria (See Attachment
A; additional supporting material is encouraged):
1. Describe how the project addresses a safety/security problem (15 Pts):
According to the 1994 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Route 101 has the highest
existing and projected peak hour traffic volume in the county through the Five Cities and Avila
segments. The existing interchange configuration of Route 101 at Brisco Road and Halcyon
Road is substandard. The more congested Route 101 becomes, the more dangerous it
becomes for vehicles using the existing interchange, especially when traffic is already
backing up onto Route 101 at the Halcyon Road off-ramp. The Project Study Report will
identify feasible improvements that will improve safety for vehicles using this interchange.
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2. Describe the demonstrated need for the project (15 Pts):
The existing Route 101 interchange at Brisco Road and Halcyon Road already exceeds
acceptable capacity. When vehides exiting a freeway back up onto the freeway, there is no
question regarding the need for improvement. This issue alone cleariy identifies a need for
the evaluation of interchange improvements in the area. ..
3. Describe how the project addresses a multimodal need (15 Pts):
The Project Study Report will study interchange improvements on Route 101 at Brisco and
Halcyon Roads. Any interchange improvements will be an enhancement for transit to service
the growing residential and commercial developments in this area. Interchange
improvements identified in the Project Study Report may also improve bicyclelpedestrian
access across Route 101 connecting commercial and residential uses.
4. Describe how the project mitigates a congestion/air quality problem (15 Pts):
An improved interchange would enhance the area for transit service andlor bicycles and
pedestrians. The Project Study Report will identify interchange improvements which will
keep traffic moving, instead of sitting idle and producing excess emissions (e.g., Halcyon
Road off-ramp), and will allow for enhanced altemative transportation facilities.
5. Describe the cost effectiveness of the project (15 Pts):
The best time to prepare a Project Study Report is before development occurs. However,
the Brisco RoadlHalcyon Road interchange was constructed after much of the adjacent
development was already in place. As the Arroyo Grande, Oceano and Nipomo areas
continue to grow, the need for interchange improvements will only increase. There is no
more cost effective time to identify interchange improvements than the present. Delaying
improvements to the interchange can only result in an increase in costs as more
development occurs and major right-of-way acquisition may be required.
6. Describe how the project will provide an equitable distribution of funding (15 Pts):
Route 101 in the main artery for San Luis Obispo County, accommodating both commuter
and tourist traffic. Any safetyandlor capacity improvement to Route 101 would benefit the
entire County of San Luis Obispo. In addition, Halcyon Road is a major route for vehicles
from Arroyo Grande, Oceano and the Nipomo Mesa wanting to access Route 101.
7. Describe what local funding contribution is being provided (Describe and differentiate
between in-kind services, staff time commitments, and local funding contributions):
Proposed funding:
Utility Users Tax
Regional SHA funds
$ 75,000
$ 75.000
As part of the local funding contribution, the City of Arroyo Grande will provide contract
administration services.
jep:232.9798( 19)1shatracklsha-appl.brt
Surface Transportation Program Funding Application
Program Years 98/99 - 02103
City of Arroyo Grande
Contact Person:
John L. Wallace, Public Works Director
City of Arroyo Grande
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
(805) 473-5440
Project Name:
Grand Avenue Reconstruction Project, Elm Street to Halcyon Road
D. Project Description:
Reconstruct existing paving, spot repair of curb, gutter and sidewalk, and cross gutters.
Dry conduit system for future underground utilities.
Replace existing 6" and 8" water main with 12". Replace all services, most meters and boxes and
install new fire hydrants.
Replace existing 6" and 8" sewer main with 8". Replace or install laterals to all lots.
Replace storm drain inlets. Replace existing CMP drainage culvert.
Traffic control.
E. Type of Funding Requested (check one):
---2L- Regional SHAlSTP
Urban (local) SHNSTP
F. Project Funding Summary - Fill in the project totals. (Note: see Attachment A for funding limits and
Amount Requested: $ 500.000
Total Project Cost $ 1.977.000
Project Category Previous~ Programmed (l)il'I!lj;lil!IIII;III~;;!nii;;i Request (3)
$ 500.0
$ 500.0
Source Amount Year
Planning/Seoping $
Environmental Analysis $
Preliminary Engineering $
Construction Engineering $
Construction $
Right of Way $
Other $
Sub Total $
$ 1,477.0
Total Project Cost
1. Previously Programmed:::: all non.local funds that have been previously programmed on this project (eg.TCI. U5HA. Prop 116, sic) if applicable.
2. Local Commitment = all local funds thai have been committed fOf' this project (eg.L TF, General Fund, ate).
3. Request = Regional or Urban SHA funding that is being requested as part of this application.
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G. Milestones - Fill out the milestone section below (assuming the project is funded within the FY
98/99 to 02/03 period):
...... . .
1. Design & Survey
2. Contract Bidding
3. Contract Administration
4. Construction
H. Project Scoping Documentation - List and attach relevant Droiect scoDina documentation.
(Note: A Project Scoping Document is required for all significant projects: a Project Study Report
(PSR) meeting Caltrans requirements is required for all major Highway Projects, per State Law):
Reconstruction projects are not usually identified through project scoping documents, they are
identified through local tracking and management systems then included in an annual budget.
Attached is documentation submitted previously to SLOCOG on the Highway Performance
Maintenance Program (HPMS) which identifies the dire need for reconstruction on this stretch of
Grand Avenue.
I. Project Map c Attach vicinity maD and Droiect maD which clearly depicts project limits and other
relevant project infonmation:
Project Map attached.
J. Priority - Designate if more than one application has been submitted: No. 3
K. Threshold Requirements - Describe how the project meets the threshold requirements listed below
(See Application Guidelines):
1. For STP funds, describe consistency with section 133 of ISTEA (see attachment B):
2. For SHA funds, describe consistency with Article XIX of the State Constitution:
This project is for the planning and construction of improvements and maintenance of a
public street and the administrative costs necessarily incurred in the foregoing purposes.
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3. Describe this projecfs consistency with Local adopted plans:
Arroyo Grande Circulation Element, Goal A, Policy B: "Maintain roadwavs and traffic signals
in aood condition."
4. Describe this project's consistency with the Regional Transportation Plan:
SLOCOG 1994 Regional Transportation Plan, Chapter 5, OBJ2, 2b: "Give a hiah orioritv to
fundina aporopriate improvements to existina streets, roads and State Highways facilitiesjQ
reduce or mitiaate high accident locations or seaments with hiah conaestion."
SLOCOG 1994 Regional Transportation Plan, Chapter 5,OBJ#, 3c: "Assist local iurisdictions
in securina maximum local, reaional, state and federal fundina for infrastructure imorove-
ments throuah all aoorooriate means.
5. Ust expected date of local government board approval (must be approved by December 3,
September 23, 1997, and/or October 14, 1997.
6. Describe total time frame for project completion (If funds are expected to be expended
beyond 24 months of scheduled start explain):
Begin Design:
End Construction:
January 1999
December 1999
7. Identify the project's functional classification (if applicable) and if the project is on the
designated Federal Aid System:
The City's Circulation Element classifies Grand Avenue as a Major Arterial.
Caltrans Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) classifies Grand Avenue as a
Minor Arterial (16). Grand Avenue is on the designated Federal Aid System.
L. Priority Criteria - For Reaional Proiects Onlv. address the following priority criteria (See Attachment
A; additional supporting material is encouraged):
1. Describe how the project addresses a safety/security problem (15 Pfs):
The pavement on Grand Avenue between Elm Street and Halcyon Road is in very poor
condition. Vehicles using Grand Avenue slow down sporadically when the pavement
becomes extremely poor or maneuver to the left or right to avoid potholes, etc. This type of
driver behavior can become extremely dangerous, especially on such a high volume road.
2. Describe the demonstrated need for the project (15 Pts):
The pavement on Grand Avenue between Elm Street and Halcyon Road is in very poor
condition. The pavement is extremely deteriorated and passible only at reduced speeds with
considerable ride discomfort. Cracking and other defects affect over 75% of the roadway
surface. Extensive need of reconstruction is evident.
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3. Describe how the project addresses a multimodal need (15 Pts):
Grand Avenue is the main arterial used by both the local (SCAT) and regional (CCAT) buses.
'Any roadway used for these purposes should be maintained in the best condition possible
to ensure a safe, efficient facility for the service.
4. Describe how the project mitigates a congestion/air quality problem (15 Pis):
The slowing down and speeding up of vehicles produces much more emissions than vehicles
traveling at constant speeds. The reconstruction of Grand Avenue will provide a smooth,
even surface and vehicles will no longer need to slow down or weave as stated under Item
NO.1 above.
5. Describe the cost effectiveness of the project (15 Pis):
The City's approach to the Grand Avenue, Elm Street to Halcyon Road, reconstruction
project is to perform all the necessary improvements (e.g., water, sewer, drainage and
pavement) at one time. This technique has proven to be extremely cost effective to a City
as there is only one cost for items such as traffic control and contract administration. In
addition, the pavement does not have to be reconstructed if the water and sewer services
are performed at a later time.
6. Describe how the project will provide an equitable distribution of funding (15 Pis):
Grand Avenue directly services the Cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach, and the
communities of Oceano and the NipomolArroyo Grande Mesa. The City of Arroyo Grande
will contribute all of the underground services funds and half the roadway funds in order to
service the entire Five Cities area.
7. Describe what local funding contribution'is being provided (Describe and differentiate
between in-kind services, staff time commitments, and local funding contributions):
Proposed funding:
Utility Users Tax
Water Fund
Sewer Fund
Drainage Fund
Regional SHA funds
$ 379,500
$ 616,000
$ 402,500
$ 79,000
$ 500 000
As part of the local funding contribution, the City of Arroyo Grande will provide in-house
services to include design & survey, contract administration and on-site inspection.
jep:232. 979B( 19)1shatracklsha-appl.gra
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Surface Transportation Program Funding Application
Program Years 98/99 - 02/03
City of Arroyo Grande
Contact Person:
John L. Wallace. Public Works Director
City of Arroyo Grande
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande. CA 93421
(805) 473-:40
Project Name:
Grand Avenue Corridor Study
D. Project Description:
A study of Grand Avenue in the City:f Arroyo Grande from R:L,e 101 to Oak Park BCL'e',ard to
update the 1983 (+/-) Grand Avenue Sredy. Grand Avenue curre,,:y displays signs of unac:e:,able
levels of service, which will only get werse with time. The study ','.;illook at on-street paro<.:r.;. lane
striping and traffic signalization. Tre study shall address Tt.-::;re traffic conditions as.',eil as
recommended improvements.
E. Type of Funding Requested (check :ne):
~ Regional SHNSTP
Urban (I0ce:1 SHA/STP
F. Project Funding Summary - Fill in the :roject totals. (Note: see .~::achment A for funding ':r~s and
Amount Requested: $ 40.000
Total Project Cos, S 60.000
...... (i;h;;ii:jl~i:!!::!!tl~~;~~llli~l~ Furil~~~I~iIl.~t~;rj'lll
~.;-:.:.:.:.:.:.:...... .
Project Category
Previously Programmed ; ~.
$ .--
1;~IWi; .'
Req"es: ;
Source Arr.o_'1:
Source Amount y=.
RSHA $ 20.0 S7=-:
Environmental Analysis
Preliminary Engineering
Construction Engineering
Right otWay
Sub Total
$ 20.0
Total Project Cost 50:_:
1. Previously Programmed = all non.local funds that have been previously :r~mmed on this ~ (eg.TC1. L:E:-.~. =-:0 116, etC! i"applk:able.
2. Local Commitment = aU local funds thai have been committed for this :::?..;r.: 'eg.LTF, C-enetiiIl Fund. ete).
3. Request = Regional or Urban SHA funding thai is being requested as pG"": :: 7lis appliCGric:n..
SHA/STP Applications
Pap;e 2 of 4
G. Milestones - Fill out the milestone section below (assuming the project is funded within the FY
98/99 to 02/03 period):
.. . .....
1. Contract Bidding
2. Contract Administration
3. Corridor Study
Note: The project schedule above reffects a schedule possible if funding is approved in November 1997.
However, the project schedule can be adjusted if necessary due to funding availability.
H. Project Scoping Documentation - List and attach relevant DroJect scoDine documentation.
(Note: A Project Scoping Document is required for all significant projects; a Project Study Report
(PSR) meeting Caltrans requirements is required for all major Highway Projects, per State Law):
This project will act as a project scoping document to various future improvements on Grand
Avenue, such as the Grand Avenue, Bm Street to Halcyon Road, reconstruction project.
I. Project Map - Attach vicinity maD and Droiect maD which clearly depicts project limits and other
relevant project infonnation:
Project Map attached.
J. Priority - Designate if more than one application has been submitted: No. 4
K. Threshold Requirements - Describe how the project meets' the threshold requirements listed below
(See Application Guidelines):
1. For STP funds, describe consistency with section 133 of ISTEA (see attachment B):
2. For SHA funds, describe consistency with Article XIX of the State Constitution:
This project is for the research and planning for the operation of a public street (and their
related public facilities for nonmotorized traffic), and the administrative costs necessarily
incurred in the foregoing purposes.
SHA/STP Applications
Pa~e 3 of 4
3. Describe this project's consistency with Local adopted plans:
Arroyo Grande Circulation Element, 1988: "The policies and plan proposals of the circulation
element should: ... Promote the efficient transport of aoods and the safe and effective
movement of all seaments of the population: Make efficient use of existina transportation
facilities......". Grand Avenue is also listed as an issue of concern under Section IV. Issues.
Section V, Goal A, Policy A: "Monitor the operation and performance of the street svstem.";
Goal A, Policy B, Program 1: "Develop a orioritv svstem for phvsical improvements based on
demonstrated needs accordind to the collected data on phvsical conditions. traffic volumes
and safety reports."; Policy C: "Improve traffic capacities of streets."; Policy D: "Improve
traffic safetv."; Policy D: "Provide for truck .emeraencv vehicle and resort traffic.".
4. Describe this project's consistency with the Regional Transportation Plan:
SLOCOG 1994 Regional Transportation Plan, Chapter 5, OBJ1: "Determine existina and
proiected roadwav capacitv deficiencies throuah the vear 2013 for all State Highways and
maior reaional routes interconnectina communities. and determine their potential for beina
addressed throuah other measures. with capacity expansion as a last reoort."
5. . Ust expected date of local govemment board approval (must be approved by December 3,
September 23, 1997, andlor October 14, 1997.
6. Describe total time frame for project completion (If funds are expected to be expended
beyond 24 months of scheduled start explain):
Begin Design:
End Construction:
November 1997
March 1998
7. Identify the project's functiorial classification (if applicable) and if the project is on the
designated Federal Aid System:
The City's Circulation Element classifies Grand Avenue as a Major Arterial.
Caltrans Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) classifies Grand Avenue as a
Minor Arterial (16). Grand Avenue is on the designated Federal Aid System.
L. Priority Criteria - For Reoional Proiects Onlv address the following priority criteria (See Attachment
A; additional supporting material is encouraged):
1. Describe how the project addresses a safety/security problem (15 Pis):
Grand Avenue carries a high volume of traffic and intersections along Grand Avenue are
frequent sites of accidents. This project will identify the causes of these accidents and
recommendations for improvement. Current safety problems may also be related to present
on-street parking conditions and numerous ingress/egress points.
SHA/STP Applications
Page 4 of 4
2. Describe the demonstrated need for the project (15 Pts):
Grand Avenue services the Cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach, and the communities
of Oceano and the Nipomo/Arroyo Grande Mesa. As these areas continue to grow and
tourism increases, current problems being experienced on Grand Avenue (e.g., congestion,
accidents) will also increase. Current problems along Grand Avenue need to be identified
now so that future projects can be constructed and/or implemented in accordance with an
overall goal.
3. Describe how the project addresses a multimodal need (15 Pts):
Grand Avenue is the main arterial used by both the local (SCAT) and regional (CCA T) buses.
This project will help maintain Grand Avenue in such a manner as to ensure a'safe, efficient
facility for the service.
4. Describe how the project mitigates a congestion/airqua/ity problem (15 Pts):
Currently, vehicles traveling along the Grand.Avenue corridor are slowing down and
speeding up due to pavement conditions, or stopping and starting at each traffic signal due
to a non-coordinated signal phasing system. This type of vehicle movement produces much
more emissions than vehicles traveling at constant speeds. This project will identify ways
to move vehicles in a more even flow.
5. Describe the cost effectiveness of the project (15 Pts):
This project will present an overall plan for the Grand A venue corridor. These types of plans
have proven to be cost effective, especially in the development of improvement projects.
Improvement projects constructed or implemented in accordance with a plan, are rarely
required to be reconstructed due to piece meal changes in needs and/or goals.
6. Describe how the project will provide an equitable distribution of funding (15 Pts):
Grand Avenue directly services the Cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach, and the
communities of Oceano and the Nipomo/Arroyo Grande Mesa. This project will not only
provide a plan for the City of Arroyo Grande, but the entire Five Cities area.
7. Describe what local funding contribution is being provided (Describe. and differentiate
between in-kind services, staff time commitments, and local funding contributions):
The City of Arroyo Grande will act as project manager for the study, coordinating with
SLOCOG, County and other Cities' staff. Arroyo Grande staff will prepare a request for
proposal, coordinate consultant selection, and provide overall project management of the
jep:232. 9798( 19)1shatracklsha-appl. gr2
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Surface Transportation Program Funding Application
Program Years 98/99 - 02103
City of Arroyo Grande
Contact Person:
John L. Wallace, Public Works Director
City of Arroyo Grande
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
(805) 473-5440
Project Name:
Bikeway Project One, Paulding Middle School Bike Lanes
D. Project Description:
Phase One -
Huasna Road: Class II bicycle lanes from eastem City limits to East Branch
Myrtle Street, Garden Street, Allen Street and Traffic Way to Fair Oaks
Avenue: Class III bicycle path
Stanley Avenue: Class I bicycle path from Huasna Road to Myrtle Street
Phase Two -
Phase Three -
E. Type of Funding Requested (check one):
---2L- Regional SHAlSTP
Urban (Iocaij SHAlSTP
F. Project Funding Summary - Fill in the project totals. (Note: see Attachment A for funding limits and
Amount Requested: $ 126.300.
Total Project Cost $ 363 006
Project Category Previously Programmed (1) ~f~:~~I{fiaitll.:.I{lf;ttl:i~; Request (3)
Source Amount Year iliii_ll~ :~fi*l~_tli ~l{~I~~~::~~::I[:l: Source Amount
Planning/Seeping $
Environmental Analysis $
Preliminary Engineering $ 20.8 97/98
Construction Engineering $ 26.0 97/98
Construction $ 176.0 97/98
Right of Way $
Other $
Sub Total $ 222.8
$126.3" 97/98
$ 126.3
$ 13.9
Total Project Cost
1. ?reviously Programmed = all non-local funds that have been previously programmed on this project (eg.TCI, USHA. Prop 116, ete) if applicable.
2. Local Commitment = all local funds that have been committed for this projed (eg.l TF. General Fund. ete).
3. Request = Regional or Urban SHA funding that is being requested as part of this application.
. Regional SHA Funds requested = $80,800 for Phase I and $45,500 for Phases II and III.
SHA/STP Applications
Page 2.of 4
'Funding Note: Phase 1- Huasna Road at Clarence Avenue is prop.osed to be widened at an estimated cost of $160,000. The
safest widening alternative consists of a sidewalk. a bicycle lane and some new roadway section. The
proportionate share of the cost for the new roadway section is estimated to be $80, BOO. As only the widening
costs directly related to the bicycle lane and the sidewalk are eligible for Proposition 116 funding, the Cirl is
requesting that the roadway's portion of $80,800 be funded with Regional SHA funds. If Phase I is
supplemented with Regional SHA funds, $80,800 of Proposition 116 funds whould roll over to Phases II and 11/.
Phase 1/- Stanley Avenue to Fair Oaks Avenue, Class 11/ bicycle path estimated cost; $6,300
Phase 11/ - Stanley Avenue, Class I bicycle path over Arroyo Grande Creek estimated cost (excluding right-of-
way); $120,000
ProDosed Fundino
Phase I ," Budget;
$317,506 ($222,760 Prop. 116; $13,946 LTF-Bikeways; $80,800 Regional SHA)
$236,706 ($141,960 Prop. 116; $13.946 LTF- Bikeways; $80,800 Regional SHA)
- Rof/over $80, 800 of Prop. 116 funds to Phases /I and /II.
$80,800 (Prop. 116)
$126,300 (Prop. 116; $45,500 Regional SHA)
- Shorlfaf/ of $45,500
Phases /I and 11/: Budget;
G. Milestanes- Fill aut the milestane sectien belew (assuming the preject is funded within the FY 98;99
ta 02/03 periad):
1. Project Seoping I Concept Design I Right~f:-Way
\I~ji@j;d .
2. Design & Survey
3. Contract Bidding
4. Contract Administration
5. Construction
H. praject Scaping Dacumentatian - List and attach relevant ereiect scopine' documentatien.
(Nate: A Preject Seeping Decument is required fer all significant prejects; a Project Study Rep.ort
(PSR) meeting Caltrans requirements is required fer all majer Highway Prejects, per State Law):
This project has already been through the seeping process during the Prepesitien 116 funding cycle
and subsequent SLOCOG menitering.
I. Preject Map - Attach vicinilv map and oreiect map which clearly depicts project limits and ather
relevant project infermatien:
Project Map attached.
J. Prierity - Designate if mere than .one applicatien has been submitted:No. S
:SHA/STP Applications
Page 3 of4
K. Threshold Requirements - Describe how the project meets the threshold requirements listed below
(See Application Guidelines):
1. For STP funds, describe consistency with section 133 of IS TEA (see attachment B):
2. For SHA funds, describe consistency with Article XIX of the State Constitution:
This project is for the research, planning, construction and improvement of a public street
and their related public facilities for nonmotorized traffic (bicycles), including the payment for
property taken, and the administrative costs necessarily incurred in the foregoing purposes.
3. Describe this project's consis~ency with Local adopted plans: .
Arroyo Grande Circulation Element, Section III, Alternative Travel Modes: "The most
important effort that could be undertaken to enhance bicycle travel would be improved
maintenance and uparadina of existina roads that are used reaularlv bv biCYclists."; "The first
Prioritv for bike routes is conneCtions to schools public and private."; "Prioritv One routes are:
...Huasna Road to serve Pauldina Middle School.....
Arroyo Grande Circulation Element, Section V, Goal B, Policy A: "Provide for adeauate and
safe alternative access to schools, parks and shopping areas within the Citv."; Policy C:
"Provide and maintain adeauate shoulders of Citv streets where biCYcle traffic is heaw and
there are safetv concerns".
4. Describe this project's consistency with the Regional Transportation Plan:
SLOCOG 1994 Regional Transportation Plan, Chapter 6, OBJ1: "Create a reaional bikewav
svstem to provide for efficient and safe transportation for bicycle commuters."; OBJ 1, 1 a:
"Promote development of a coordinated and connected reaional bikewav svstem with
emphasis on linkina aaps on the reaional SYStem where bikewavs do not exist."; OBJ1, 1c:
"Pursue all available fundina alternatives for the use or acauisition of riaht-of-wavs and
easement to be used for bikewavs..; OBJ2: 'Provide safe travel for both the commuter and
the recreational rider"; OBJ6: "Provide fundina to local iurisdictions for bicvcle facilitv
improvements and proarams" .
5. Ust expected date of local govemment board approval (must be approved by December 3,
1997): '
September 23,1997, andJorOctober 14,1997.
6. Describe total time frame for project completion (If funds are expected to be expended
beyond 24 months of scheduled start explain):
Begin Scoping I Preliminary Design I Right-of-Way issues:
End Construction:
June 1997
July 1998
7. Identify the project's functional classification (if applicable) and if the project is on the
designated Federal Aid System:
The City's Circulation Element classifies Huasna Road as a Major Arterial.
SHA/STP Applications
Page 4 of4
L. Priority Criteria - For Reaional Proiects Onlv. address the following priority criteria (See Attachment
A; additional supporting material is encouraged):
1. Describe how the project addresses a safety/security problem (15 Pts):
There are no bicycle or adequate sidewalk facilities on Huasna Road between East Branch
Street and the eastem City limits. In addition, there is no direct connection to Paulding
Middle School for students living south of Arroyo Grande Creek. This project would provide
bicycle lanes and routes, and a portion of sidewalk on Huasna Road to provide for safe
bicycle and pedestrian travel.
2. Describe the demonstrated need for the project (15 Pts):
Huasna Road is the only road that connects the City and County residents living east of East
Branch Street to Paulding Middle School. Students living in this area who bicycle to school
have no other routes available to them. Arroyo Grande, Oceano and Grover Beach students
living south of Arroyo Grande Creek have no direct connection to Pualding Middle School and
are forced to use East Branch Street which has no bicycle facilities.
3. Describe how the project addresses a multimodal need (15 Pts):
This project will provide safer facilities for at least three modes of transportation: bicycles,
pedestrians and vehicles.
4. Describe how the project mitigates a congestion/air quality problem (15 Pts):
Bicycle and pedestrian modes of travel produce no emissions. If adequate facilities are
provided, parents may be more apt to allow their children to bicycle and walk to school
instead of dropping them off by vehicle. This would lower existing vehicle emissions.
5. Describe the cost effectiveness of the project (15 Pts):
The City's approach to the Bicycle Project One project is to perform all the necessary
improvements (e.g., bicycle laneslpath, sidewalk, roadway widening) at one time. This
technique is extremely cost effective as there is only one cost for items such as design,
traffic control and contract administration.
6. Describe how the project will provide an equitable distribution of funding (15 Pts):
Paulding Middle School services students from the Cities of Arroyo Grande and Grover
Beach, Oceano and the County of San Luis Obispo. Any improvements for access to the
school will be a benefit to the entire Five Cities region.
7. Describe what local funding contribution is being provided (Describe and differentiate
between in-kind services, staff time commitments, and local funding contributions):
$ 13,946
$126 300
As part of the local funding contribution, the City of Arroyo Grande will provide in-house
services to include design & survey, contract administration and on-site inspection.
Proposition 116 (programmed)
L TF - Bikeways (programmed)
Regional SHA funds (proposed)
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Surface Transportation Program Funding Application
Program Years 98/99 - 02/03
City of Arroyo Grande
John L. Wallace, Public Works Director
City of Arroyo Grande
P.O. Box 550
Arroyo Grande,CA 93421
Contact Person:
Project Name:
Branch Mill Road Bicycle Lanes
D. Project Description:
(805) 473-5440
Class II bicyde lanes on each side of Branch Mill Road from East Cherry Avenue to east City limits.
E. Type of Funding Requested (check one):
-L Regional SHAlSTP
Urban (local) SHAlSTP
F. Project Funding Summary - Fill in the project totals. (Note: see Attachment A for funding limits and
Amount Requested: $ 136.500
Total Project Cost $ 136.500
Illlllllli'lllllllll~il.r.~lea.>. ..':u.II~.lllql.I~..I~.I.111!'.11;111I~liI'.lil
...............--_........---...._-..--...-..................... ........................_-.---............-,....-..-............................................................ .. .....
Project Category
Previously Programmed (1)
Source Amount
$ 0.0
Environmental Analysis
Preliminary Engineering
Construction Engineering
Right of Way
Sub Total
Total Project Cost
1. Previously Programmed = all non-locaJ funds that have been previously programmed on this project (eg.TCI, USHA, Prop 116, etc) if applicable.
2. local Commitment = all local funds that have been commined for this project (eg.L TF. General Fund. etc).
3. Request = Regional or Urban SHA funding that is being requested as part of this application.
. . ..... ..... .,;-,';,;.~:;,,:,....:
............... -.
Request (3)
$ 9.8
$ 4.8
$ 9.8
$. 14.6
$ 97.5
$ 136.5
SHA/STP Applications
Page 2 of4
G. Milestones- Fill out the milestone section below (assuming the project is funded within the FY 98/99
to 02/03 period):
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. . .
1. Project Seoping / Concept Design / Right-of-Way
2. Design & Survey
3. Contract Bidding
4. Contract Administration
5. Construction
H. Project Scoping Documentation - List and attach relevant Droiect scoDina documentation.
(Note: A Project Scoping Document is required for all significant projects; a Project Study Report
(PSR) meeting Caltrans requirements,is required for all major Highway Projects, per State Law):
This project proposes project scoping and conceptual design as the first phase of the project. This
will allow for any fatal flaws to be identified at the beginning of the project before proceeding into final
design and construction.
I. Project Map - Attach vicinitv maD and Droiect map which clearly depicts project limits and other
relevant project information:
Project Map attached.
J. Priority - Designate if more than one application has been submitted: No. 6
K. Threshold Requirements - Describe how the project meets the threshold requirements listed below
(See Application Guidelines):
1. For STP funds, describe consistency with section 133 of ISTEA (see attachment B):
2. For SHA funds, describe consistency with Article XIX of the State Constitution:
This project is for the research, 'planning, construction and improvement of a public street's
related public facilities for nonmotorized traffic (bicycles), including the payment for property
taken, and the administrative costs necessarily incurred in the foregoing purposes.
SHA/5TP Applications
Page 3 of 4
3. Describe this project's consistency with Local adopted plans:
Arroyo Grande Circulation Element (1988), Section III, Altemative Travel Modes: "The most
imoortant effort that could be undertaken to enhance biCYcle travel would be imoroved
maintenance and uoaradina of existina roads that are used reoulam bv bicvclists."; "The first
priority for bike routes is connections to schools, public and private."; "Prioritv three routes
are: ...Branch Mill Road...".
Arroyo Grande Circulation Element (1988), Section V, Goal :J. Policy A: "Provide for
adeauate and safe altemative access to schools. Darks and shocDina areas within the Citv.":
Policy C: "Provide and maintain adeauate shoulders of City stree:s where biCYcle traffic is
heavy and there are safety concems.".
4. Describe this project's consistency with the Regional Transporr=don Plan:
SLOCOG 1994 Regional Transportation Plan, Chapter 6, OBJ 1: .Create a reaianal bikewav
svstem to orovide far efficient and safe transoortation for biC'/c:e commuters."; OBJ 1, 1 a:
"Promote develooment of a coordinated and connected recienal bikeway system with
emohasis on Iinkina aaos on the reaional system where bikewavsdo not exist."; OBJ1, 1c:
"Pursue all available fundina altematives for the use or acauis~ion of riaht-of-wavs and
easement to be used for bikewavs.": OBJ2: "Provide safe travel fer both the commuter and
the recreational rider."; OBJ6: "Provide fundina to local iuristic:ions for biC'Vcle facilitv
imorovements and oroarams."
5. Ust expected date of local govemment board approval (must be =p.oroved by December 3.
September 23, 1997, andlor Oclober 14, 1997.
6. Oescribe total time frame for project completion (If funds arEi expected to be expended
beyond 24 months of scheduled start explain):
Begin Scoping I Preliminary Design I Right-of-Way issues:
End Construction:
August 1998
June 1999
7. Identify the project's functional classification (if applicable) =r;d if the project is on the
designated Federal Aid System: .
The City's Circulation Element classifies Branch Mill Road as a ~lIector Street..
L. Priority Criteria - For Reaional Proiects OnlY. address the following priority criteria (See Attachment
A; additional supporting material is encouraged):
1. Describe how the project addresses a safety/security problem 115 Pis):
There are no bicycle facilities on Branch Mill Road between Eas; Cherry Avenue and the
eastern City limits. However, Branch Mill Road is still being used by both commuter and
recreational bicyclists who are forced to share the travel lanes with vehicles. This project will
construct Class II bicycle lanes to provide a safe facility for both cicyclists and vehicles.
SHA/STP Applications
Page 4 of 4
2. Describe the demonstrated need for the project (15 Pfs):
Branch Mill Road is the main road that connects the County residents living east of the City
and south of Arroyo Grande Creek to the City of Arroyo Grande and the rest of the Five Cities
area. There are currently no biCycle facilities available to these residents and to recreational
users who prefer to use bicycling as their mode of transportation.
3. Describe how the project addresses a multimodal need (15 Pfs):
This project will provide safer facilities for at least two modes of transportation: bicycles and
4. Describe how the project mitigates a congestion/air quality problem (15 Pfs):
Bicycle travel produces no emissions. In addition, if adequate facilities are provided,
residents and recreational users may be more apt to take a bicycle ride into the Village or out
into the countryside instead of going for a car ride. This would lower the amount of vehicle
emissions currently being experienced.
5. Describe the cost effectiveness of the project (15 Pfs):
The best time to widen any facility is before adjacent development occurs. The cost to
design and build improvements; such as bicycle lanes, is a lot less expensive when properly
planned with development, as opposed to when the area is at build-out. As this area
continues to grow, the need for safe bicycle access will only increase. It is most cost
effective to provide improvements now rather than when right-of-way acquisition may be
6. Describe how the project will provide an equitable distribution of funding (15 Pfs):
Branch Mill Road services both the residents of the City of Arroyo Grande and the County
of San Luis Obispo. Any bicycle improvement that provides safe travel to and from the
CitylFive Cities area will be a benefit to the entire east Arroyo Grande/Huasna area.
7. Describe what local funding contribution is being provided (Describe and differentiate
between in-kind services, staff time commitments, and local funding contributions):
Regional SHA funds (proposed)
The City of Arroyo Grande will provide scoping, design, survey, contract administration and
on-site inspection services.
jep:232.9798( 19)1shatracklsha-appl. bi2