Minutes 1995-09-26 , , 37 MINUTES " CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REGULAR MEETING OF TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 p.m., with Mayor A. K. "Pete" Dougall presiding. 1. AND 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION The Arroyo Grande Fire Department Explorer Post, Howard Ferguson, Post Advisor, led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. James Wickstrom, Berean Bible Church, delivered the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL Present with Mayor Dougall were Mayor Pro Tern James Souza and Council Members Drew Brandy, Michael Fuller, and Michael Lady. Staff members present were City Manager Robert L. Hunt, City Attorney Roger Lyon, city Clerk Nancy Davis, Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Finance Director David Bacon, Chief of Police Rick TerBorch, Director of Building and Fire Kurt Latipow, Director of Public Works John Wallace, and Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS STEVE MCGRATH, RALCCO Recycling, told the Council RALCCO had received an award for its Used oil Recycling program. 5. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a." Letter of Appreciation - Flag Presentation Mayor Dougall presented a letter of appreciation to Explorer Scouts Caleb Ferguson, Nolan Hughes, and Corey Lintner. - b. Presentation of Plaques of Appreciation to steve Kephart, former Parks and Recreation Commissioner; Greg Parks, former Parks and Recreation Commissioner, and Christine Phillips, former Architectural Advisory Committee member. Mayor Dougall presented plaques to Mr. Parks and Ms. Phillips. Mr. Kephart was unable to attend the meeting. c. Presentation of certificates of Commendation and Monetary Awards to city Employees Shirley Payne, Nancy Brown, and Laraine Kashima. Mayor Dougall presented a $25 Cash Award and Certificate to Ms. Kashima. Ms. Payne and Ms. Brown were unable to attend the meeting. 6. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Brandy/Lady (5-0-0, Brandy, Lady, Souza, Fuller and Dougall voting aye) to approve Consent Agenda items 6.a. through 6.g., with the recommended courses of action. 1 38 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ,-' SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 6.a. September 5, 1995, City Council Budget Study Session Minutes. Approved. 6.b. September 7, 1995, city Council Budget Study Session [ Minutes. Approved. 6.c. Progress Payment No. 2 for Replacement of Water and Sewer Improvements in Mason, Poole, and Whiteley Streets and Related Pavement Rehabilitation; Project No. 60-70-95~01. 6.d. Nomination of Neal Royer to Fill a Vacancy on the Area Agency on Aging Board of Directors. Approved. 6.e. Appointment to the citizens' !ransportation Advisory Committee; Theo Coleman; Representative from Arroyo Grande. Approved. 6.f. Adoption of Resolution No. 3093 Supporting the League of California cities' Resolution on Sales Tax Redistribution to Increase the Amount Received by cities to Two Percent (2%). Approved. 6.g. Register of Checks. Approved. 7 . A. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSAL TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A l80-ACRE SPHERE' OF INFLUENCE AMENDMENT AND RESOLUTION TO LAFCO FOR A SPHERE OF INFLUENCE AMENDMENT: CASE NO. SI 0101.01: SOUTHEAST OF HIGHWAY 101. AND CITY LIMITS. ADJACENT TO EL CAMPO ROAD: APPLICANT: CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE It was moved by Souza/Fuller, and the motion passed unanimously to continue the agenda item to October 10, 1995. 7.B. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSAL TO ENTER INTO AN ENERGY SERVICE CONTRACT WITH HONEYWELL. INC.. FOR ENERGY SERVICES AND EOUIPMENT FOR CITY FACILITIES: CITYWIDE: APPLICANT: HONEVWF.T.T.. INC. Mr. Latipow referred to his September 26, 1995, staff report and recommended that Council authorize implementation of the proposed comprehensive energy conservation program. He pointed out that Honeywell will guarantee the City will save $524,480 over 'a period of 10 years. He said if the City fails to meet the savings projections, Honeywell will make up the difference. l There were Council questions of staff, and after being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Dougall declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, Mayor Dougall closed the hearing to the floor. , 2 ; I . . 39 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 ,- It was moved by Fuller/Lady (5-0-0, Fuller, Lady, Souza, Brandy, and Dougall) to approve Resolution No. 3094 Approving certain Energy Conservation Measures Authorizing the Execution of Agreements, Signatories and Making Other Determinations in Connection Therewith. 9 . C. USE OF COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR THE YMCA'S YOUTH AND GOVERNMENT PROGRAM, AND WAIVER OF FEES: COUNCIL DIRECTION On request of Connie M. O'Henley, YMCA Program Director, this item was removed from the agenda. 9 . E. REOUEST OF CITY OF GROVER BEACH TO CONDUCT A STUDY TO EXPLORE THE ALTERNATIVES TO THE CURRENT SYSTEM OF DELIVERING PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES. IN CONJUNCTION WITH ARROYO GRANDE: COUNCIL DIRECTION Mr. Keisler referred to his staff report of September 26, 1995, and recommended that the Council authorize staff to attend any meetings scheduled by the City of Grover Beach regarding the formation of a Joint Powers Agreement to enhance recreation services. Council Members asked questions and expressed concerns about the amount of time and City funds staff would be spending on this matter, in light of failed past efforts toward consolidation of services. They requested that staff report regularly to Council on the amount of time being expended on this matter. 9.F. ADULT BUSINESS ORDINANCE City Attorney Lyon referred to his September 26, 1995 staff report and recommended that the Council direct the Planning staff to work with the city Attorney's Office in the coordination of public workshops with members of the community, community groups and organizations and subsequently to prepare amendments to the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code pertaining to the location and regulation of adult-oriented businesses. \ council Members said they felt sure the citizens of Arroyo GraAde would approve regulation of adult-oriented businesses in the City. They directed staff to proceed as expeditiously as possible on an ordinance. Mr. Lyon said an emergency ordinance could not be adopted by the Council and the matter may have to be I reviewed by the Planning commission before coming back to the Council. I I l 8.A. FISCAL YEAR 1995-1996 PRELIMINARY ANNUAL BUDGET "" The City Council discussed each depar~~ent's budget and reached consensus on the following: 1. postponing hiring of police officers and a planner until 3 40 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES " SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 January 1, 1996, thus saving $74,000 in the 1995-96 budget year. 2. Lease-purchasing all appropriate equipment, saving $50,000. [ 3. Not purchasing a pick-up truck for the Parks Department and saving $12,000. 4. Removal of all proposed computer equipment from the budget (saving $15,250) until an inventory of City computer equipment is completed. Review computer purchases after January 1, 1996. Combine equipment maintenance contracts. Use $5,000 of the Contingency Reserves Fund for emergency purchase of computers. 5. Deleting $1,000 from the city Attorney's Trayel and Training Account and $20,000 from Contractual Services Account. 6. Delete up to $5,000 from the Community Promotion budget. 7. Reduce the premium costs in the Taxes/Insurance/Bonds Activity of the budget by $18,000. 8 . Reduce Planning Department Office Expense account by $1,000. 9. Reduce Planning Department Contractual account by $5,000. 10. Delete $700 from the Police Department Machinery and Equipment account. 11. Use Fire Impact Fees of $30,500 for capital equipment and expansion. . 12. Reduce the Building and Safety Travel and Training account by $800. 13. Combine the proposed PUblic Works, Fire, Parks and Building and safety Small Tool accounts, and reduce the total by $3,700. 14. Reduce Government Buildings proposed budget by $10,000. 15. Remove $40,000 from the Public Works Department Fuel Tanks account, leaving $10,000 in a sinking fund. l 16. Remove $110,000 designated for a park in Rancho Grande and a roller hockey court from the Park Development Capital Projects Activity in the budget~ Footnote the Park Development Fund with the following: "*Set aside $110,000 for a park on the east side of U.S. 101 and a roller hockey court." Council Members voted on whether or not to resurface the tennis courts for $11,000. Mayor Dougall and Council Members Brandy, Souza and Lady voted yes, 4 41 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES " SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 Council Member Fuller voted no. 17. Delete the $4,000 for contractual services from the Recreation Administration of the Parks and Recreation budget. 18. Reduce by $1,500 the Recreation Administration Special Department Supplies account. 19. The Council directed staff to prepare for mid-year review cost analyses of the Soto Sports Complex, the Pre-School, and the Children-in-Motion program., The Council also asked for a breakdown on how much participation there is in these programs by residents of nearby cities. THE COUNCIL RECESSED FROM 10 TO 10:15 P.M. The Council discussed the various Policy Items (Proposed items not in the Preliminary Annual Budget for 1995-96). They reached the following consensus. 1. Approved the City Clerk hiring of a part-time (contract) employee to assist in preparing a records-retention program ($7,900). 2. Approved the Fire Department Sleeper Program ($32,850). 3. Approved the Fire Department Volunteer Retention/Incentive Program ($10,000). The City Manager said decreases made in the General Fund budget totalled $215,680, which would allow a Utility Users Tax loweri~g to 3.8 percent. The utility Users Tax was the next subject of Council discussion. Council reached consensus on the following: 1. Establishment of a de-escalation clause in the ordinance whereby the utility Users Tax would (a) each fiscal year automatically decrease by one-tenth of one percent (.1%) for each increase of eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) in City utility users tax revenue over utility users tax revenue for the prior fiscal year, and (b) decrease by 0.1 percent each'subsequent fiscal year for every increase of $18,000 in actual revenues less actual expenditures over the same for the prior fiscal year. 2. Develop a procedure, common to the procedure used for hardship exemptions, wherein a citizen would request an exemption from the Utility Users Tax for the lesser of the tax paid on his or her residence or his or her business. 5 42 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES " SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 JOHN KEEN, 298 North Elm Street, told the Council that allowing an exemption for business owners who also live the City is unfair competition. BILL TAPPAN, 1525 Chilton, agreed with Mr. Keen. [ Council Members discussed the property owned by the City on the Nipomo Mesa used by the Brush Poppers and directed staff to return to the Council with a report on the ramifications of selling the property. After further Council discussion, it was moved by Souza/Brandy (5-0-0, Souza, Brandy, Fuller, Lady and Dougall voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 3095 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1995-96 Annual Budget (including $215,680 in General Fund reductions) and Making Appropriations for the Amount Budgeted. 9. D. REOUEST TO PURCHASE BUDGETED, ITEMS: POLICE CARS It was moved by Brandy/Fuller, and the motion passed unanimously to approve the purchase of two 1995 Ford Crown Victoria vehicles from Downey Ford at a total cost, including tax, of $41,419.95. 9.A. FEE WAIVER POLICY: COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION Mr. Keisler referred to his September 26, 1995 staff report and recommended that Council provide direction on the proposed policy for the reduction or waiver of fees for use of City facilities and special events. Council Members discussed and approved the motion of Souza/Dougall to adopt the proposed policy, but directed staff to make a six-month report on how the program is working. Mayor Dougall and Council Members Souza and Lady voted aye, and Council Members Brandy and Fuller voted no. 9.B. WAIVER OF FEES FOR THE USE OF THE COMMUNITY CENTER: ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL VOLUNTEER AUXIL;IARY It was moved by Lady/Souza to direct staff to apply the newly- adopted Fee Waiver Policy to the request for waiver of fees for the use of the Community Center by the Arroyo Grande Community Hospital Volunteer Auxiliary. Mayor Dougall and Council Members Lady and Souza voted aye and Council Members Fuller and Brandy voted no. 10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS l It was moved by Lady/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to continue the City Council Reports to October, 1995. 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 6 ~ 43 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES " SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 12. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Nuclear Waste Information Committee's Request for Action Council deferred any action until San Luis Obispo Council of Governments has an opportunity to consider the issue. 13. CLOSED SESSION None. 14. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Souza/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11:42 p.m. to the San Luis Obispo County City Council' Special Joint Meeting on Wednesday, September 27, 1995 at .7:00 p.m. in Morro Bay Community Center, 1001 Kennedy Way, Morro Bay. A. K. ATTEST: i1~ Cl. ~ NANCY A. AVIS, CITY CLERK 7