Minutes 1981-08-11 r r 35 ,- - CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 11, 1981 The City Council met in -reguliu"'sessiim' witn Mayor' Pope - pn;siding'. Upon roll call, coun'cil.'MernberEr\'~" Ann .~ltn~ Kari, A. Hog:an~ Mark M<;' Millis.'- and Lawrence E~.' Vanaeveer- -rePl?rted present.--- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Millis led the Pledge TherEfafte'r~ Council MeiTtbe-r- Hogan ~delivered the of Allegiance Invocati'on. to our Flag; APPROVAL OF-MINUTES On matron of COuTIc.il Member'Vaildeveer, seconded" 'by Counci-t Member Hogan, it" was unanimously voted to ~appiove the" minutes.- of- July '23~ ~nd "28, and August 6, 1981 as presented. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Council Member Smith ,requested' discussion of_item #2 and that' it be wi tharaWn - from 'tile ' consent' agenda. Ori- motion - of COlincHMember Vandeveer,- se<?onded by Courieil MEmmer Mil.l~-~:' it" was un~nimously voted .-to approv~ the..~consent agenda "items" minus ltem #?--- A-2. Receipt of Answered Agenda' from- Plaiming Coffimission's Meeting of - August '4;' 1981:-- RECOMMENoREVIEw' ANn FILE.' 'Couhcil Membe,; siri1 to!" aske,!' questfcm's or.pta~!1iri~i Di:iec~o! Hays re<j~rdin9- c~-r.t-a.in iteIns~ ~n -the, ~. Commis's'ion' 5 agenda. On- rriotion- of Council Member Smith,'- seconded -bY-- Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to approve item #2- with the recommended course of action. A-I. Receipt of Departmental-Monthly Report for Month of July, 1981. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-3. Rec-eipt' of' Letter- .fr6In "Mfssie .:i?fres Hobson, Public Affairs Dire"6tor of KSBY-TV,'with detailed infomation'on "HOW'TO'CALL AT KSBY':'TV". RECOMMEND REVIEW AND REFERENCE FILE'-' A-4. Receipt of Bimonthly'Report, MaY-/June,'198Y, of -Air' Pollution Control District of County of San Luis Obispo;" RECOMMEND REvIEW AND FILE. A-5. Receipt-of SCAT's' Ridership' Report-for Month-bf June, 1981; RECOMMEND REVIEW ANn FILE. --,' - , , --, ~- UPDATE AND FURTHER DISCUSSION RE: SEWER TREATMENT PLANT-CAPACITY- Administrator Sheldon reported that at the August 5, 1981 meeting of the South San Luis Obispo' County" Sanitation-District'; Councii Member Millis made a motion to rescind the moratorium; per Council direction, and the motion died for lack of a second. The City of Grover City representatives_~ttended ~he meet~~g ~nd expressed concern_~~ thr~e maj?r areas. in relation to the liftlng-6f" the morltorium." -He discussed the ordinance proposed by the" Sanitati6n Dis'trict- reFating" to "se"rvice charges and 'connectr6il charge'""s for the Dis'trict~"":--He- proposed five --r alternatives'to'the'fees proposed in the Sanita~ion'Distrlct ordinance:' Council Member Millis stated that Council should airect the City delegate to either support the ordinance proposed or return to the next meeting with alternatives. Council Member Hogan stated-that the hookup flee proposed in the District's ordinance of $4,143 is unrealistic. Council Member Vandeveer stated he is opposed to the ordinance: Mayor Pope agreed. Roger Fuller, McKinley Street, proposed that Mayor-- Pope-- return as the Ci ty IS representati ve-" to the" District Board ~ Eliz.3beth Jackson ( 208 Fairview, stated that this issue should go to a vote of the'people. cReuben Kvidt, 1035 Acdrn, discussed the terms of the contract with the Sanitation District. Ron - Bennett., Jim McGillis~, - Lonnie" Wells ,-- Herb Phillips, ~ Marie"- Cattoir, Paul Haddocks, and Christine '- Phillip-s 'spoke to - the issue." 36 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 11, 1981 PAGE TWO It was the ~onsensus of Council not- to support the ordinance fee of $4,143. On-motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member- Hogan, it was unanimously voted to. oppose the. ordinance-as pre~ented. Council Members Hogan and Vandeveer requested that Mayor Pope assume his position on the Board of the Sanitation District. Mayor -Pope thanked Council-Member Millis- for his service as delegate-and stated that he will assume his position, on:.the Board. There' was discussion regarding proposed methods of payment for the expansion of the sewer plant. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted-to direct Administrator Sheldon and Public-Works Director Karp to develop a propos~d ordinance for collection of fees, based on' concept only, of the ordinance presented. u FURTHER DISCUSSION RE: OlIDINANCE TO EFFECT PREZONING TO "P-D" OF AREA IDENTIFIED AS STEM ANNEXATION, FARROLL AVENUE, WEST OF CITY LIMITS Administrator Sheldon read a letter from Evelyn Tallman-and' a letter from the Coastal San Luis-Resource Conservation District opposing the prezoning. Council Member, Millis proposed that the phrase be added to the ordinance "Development plans as required by the P-D zone for this property shall be approved by Ordinance." Planning Director -Hays stated that any applications for this property will be by the Use Permit procedure. Council Member Millis moved to amend the ordinance to. include the above requirement and was seconded.by Council Member Smith. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: Council Members Smith and Millis NOES: Council Members Hogan .and Vandeveer, Mayor ,Pope ABSENT: None City_AttorneyShipsey read the title of the. ordinance. On motion of Council Member Vand~veer, seconded by Council Member Hogan., it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of" the ordinance. Council Member Millis. requested information regarding environmental treatment for the project and cited a cou~t case in which -the City Council must make an environmental determination a There was discussion regarding the submitted enyironmental -form. Council Member" Vandeveer moved" to grant a negative declaration for the project per the Form_B3 submitted and reviewed by Council. The motion was seconded by Council Member Hogan. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: Council-Members Hogan and Vandeveer,_ Mayor Pope NOES: Council Members Smith and Millis ABSENT: None- Council Member Millis stated approval of this rezoning is a blank-check. Mayor Pope- stated that the owners must specify what type of development is proposed when the application is made. Council-Member-Vandeveer agreed. Council Member Smith stated she is opposed to the P-D zoning as it should be designated as A, Agriculture. ORDINANCE NO. 251C.S. J AN ORDINANCE- OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PREZONING CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY ADJOINING THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PURSUANT-TO MUNICIPAL CODE SECT~ON 9-4.3209 KNOWN AS THE STEM ANNEXATION .On motion of Cou~cil Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on the fo;Llowing r.oll call vote, ",to wit::. ,ri l n , j 37 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 11, 1981 PAGE THREE AYES: , NOES: ABSENT,: Council Members~Hog~n Council"Members ,Smith 'None Mayor Pope Vandeveer, Mi,11is u, and and , '^[ " r ; passed apd adopted this 11th day of August, 1981. the foregoing Ordinance was - ! CONTINUANCE OF APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION OF ,CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE' Mayor'Pope nominated Mr. Harold R; 'Benhardt to serve'on the Planning ~<?mrni~sion~ '+ Counci'l Member: .smith. .stated she .would..not._vote no to Mr. Benhardt's'appointment, however, she felt that the^previous commissioners. should have bee~ reappointed a . On-motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Membe,r Hogan, it was unanimously voted to appoint Mr. Harold R.Benhardt to serve on the Planning Commission. " ' :,. CONTINUANCE OF PUBLIC WORKS'DIRECTOR'S REQUEST FOR COUNCIL,APPROVAL OF TRACT 945, ASH AND SPRUCE, STREETS,- SOTO ,PARK TERRACE--(VELAND) Public Works Director Karp stated, that, the subject tract is located on the northwest corner of the Ash and Spruce Streets intersection and is a one lot subdivis.ion .which will contain~_?ix- air space-condominiums units. Easements have been required, for._sewer main installation as .well . -, - . T _.' . as street trees. The map was approved by the Planning Commission in October, 1980. He recommended'approval subject to the ,following, conditions: . , I ' 1. Accept on behalf of the public the easements for sewer, and street trees. I 2. Find that the required"improvements are necessary prerequisites to the orderly development',of the community. ' 3. Find that the' development, .is, consistent ,with the present zoning, R-G. 4. Find that. ,the ,development-is consistent with the, existing Land Use" Elem.entof, the GeneraL Plan; "medium, high density, residential. 5. ,. -..- '-', -,- i- Authorize the Mayor to.execute bn agreement ';'ithMr. Veland. _ ~", ' behalf of xhe public ,the, improvement , , On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was passed to approve ,Tract 945 subject to ,the conditions,stated.by Mr. Karp.' 'Coii'ncil'Member'Srnith dis~ented; __ . ___,. __ ..1 __,_ _u...-.: .. , " REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL, OF, PARCEL"MAP,AG 81,.108, ,LOT SPLIT ,CASE NO.,,, 81-362, ARROYO GRANDE 'INVESTMENT CO.I"K~MART,,::__ .., " Public,Works Director Karp_stated that,thessUbject, lot split is on the northerly' frontage of West, Branch, Street" just, east ,of, Oak,.' , n. j " ' Park Boulevard., ,It .is a resubdivision, of Lot ,1' created by "then Oak Park Acres Development and will create three parcels to"conform. with ,previously, approved architectural review, cases ,ifor"K-Mart. He ,recommended approval subject to the fo11o';'ing conditions:~ .,' . - . I " 1. Find, that ,the lot split is consistent with the zoning and specific plan for Oak Park Acres; I . .--" 2. Accept anyeas'ements .offered to Ithe public as shown on ,the map subject to-.completion of. rE:'!_quir~ents. : -._ ~..... M 3. Find that ,the ,improvements required with. future~development .is, stipulated, by Ordinance' No.. 140 C.S.. and the Architectural. Review, Committee are necessary, prerequisites"to .the orderly development ,of the community. n^ , ..- 38 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 11, 1981 PAGE FOUR 4. Approve Parcel Map No. 81-108. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to approve the lot split and parcel map no. 81-108 subject to th~ conditions stated by Mr. Karp. COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND,ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OPPOSING INCREASE IN PRISONER CAPACITY AT PRISON FACILITY OF CALIFORNIA , CORRECTIONAL SYSTEM AT SAN LUIS OBISPO City Attorney Shipsey read the resolution'in its ent'irety. RESOLUTION NO. 1491 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OPPOSING THE INCREASE IN PRISONER CAPACITY AT THE PRISON FACILITY OF THE CALIFORNIA CORRECTIONAL SYSTEM AT SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on the following roll call vote,'to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandevee~,Mayor Pope None None- the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 11th day of August, 1981. RECOMMENDATION BY MAYOR POPE FOR COUNCIL TO REAFFIRM PHILOSOPHY OF CREATION OF AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Administrator Sheldon stated'that at the July'B, 1981 meeting' of the Mayors of the Cities in the County, a motion was introduced and carried to recommend that each city in 'the courity reaffirm their philosophy on the creation of the 'San Luis Obispo County Council of Governments. On motion of ~ounci~ ~ember V~nd~veer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it 'was unanimously 'voted to adopt a minute' order reaffirming the duties and philosophy on the ,creation of the San Luis Obispo County Council of Goverriments. REQUEST' FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF APPLICATION FOR PRIVATE 'WATER WELL F'ROM H.E. BEEN AT LOT 1 OF GREENWOOD TRACT, OFF FLORA ROAD Public Works Director Karp stated the property is five acres in size and fronts on an exf.s'ting water main- on Flora Road. The tract was subdivided without main extensions to'lots four, and five, on the grounds that those two lots would be permitted at some futu!e date to apply for water wells. Mr. Been stated' that the well will' be used f?r agriculture purposes only as it,'is financially unfeasible :to use, City water. On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to grant .t~e request f~! _th€ private' water well and that it be used only for agricultural purposes. u PROPOSED CHANGES TO EXISTING COUNCIL POLICY AND CITY' CODE, I.E., LOCATION OF MEETINGS AND COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION TO LEAVE THE STATE' Administrator Sheldon stated that at t~~July 2B, 19B1 meeting Mayor Pope requested that Staff review these tw6:areas of existing city policy and/or city code. City Attorney Shipsey has reviewed the policy of requesting permission to leave the state and has found that there is no wri~~~n provision 6~'this subject. M~:' Sheldon-~resented'a . propo~ed ordin~ce ame~ding the munici~al code' relating to the loca~ion of Council meetings. Mr. Shipsey read the title of the ordinance to constitute the first reading. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. I ~ 'I I I I, I, I , r ~ 39 CITY'COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 11, '1981 PAGE FIVE RECEIPT. OF REQUEST' BY CITY OF 'VALLEJO FOR CITIES ',TO~ ADOPT' A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF~THE EFFORTS OF~CLAYTON'MOORE;:'THE LONE-RANGER, TO'RE(];AIN . ~..,., HIS RIGHT TO WEAR THE TRADITIONAL LONE RANGER MASK ~. Administrator Sheldon read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan-;-'it 'was unanimously voted-to' dispense with fti~ther 'readihg-af-the resolution. ". - r .~ RESOLUTION NO. 1492 A' RESOLUTION OF" THE CITY~"COUNCI'L OF' THE CITY OF' ARROYO, GRANDE SUPPORTING'THE LONE RANGER IN..~: HIS EFFORT 'TO' REGAIN HIS RIGHT TO WEAR THE TRADITIONAL MASK~ .~, -' .......... ....., ..,.... ",'., ...... . Oil motion of Council....Member Vandeveer,- seconded by- Council- Member' . Hogan, arid on the following roll call'vote, to wit: AYES: NOES:'~ . ABSENT:~~ Council "None None Members Smith I, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer I Ma~o.r P01?8 .. ~Mn _" ...."...-- the foregoing Resolution~ was. passed and,,'adopted' this. 11th' day' of August" '.-1981. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On 'motion of: Council Member Vandeveer~ seconded by Council Member Hogan, ai1d~unaniIllouslS" carriedJDemimd' Warrants"#15676' through #15753 in' the amount.. of $122~958:52 and' Payroll" Warrants #29365.through #20471 in the' amount of $65,522.68'were approved' and. ordered paid. .1. __ CLOSED SESSION Council atlOiT5 P.M: adjourned to a closed session at 9:55 P.M. and returned .,.. -, _.- --r' ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Pope requested 'from Staff a time table on various curb ' '.. and gutter construction throughout the City; an update on the water well; and' that the parking' lot.. at the Community .Building be cleaned, Council Member Hogan requested Mayor-Pope to exercise every avenue' to. lift the' sewer'moritorium. Marie Cattoir and Ella Honeycutt'spake'regarding the sewer"moritorium. Chuch "Tempus ,commended Counci-l for their-dedication to the City.~" ADJOURNMENT . ," . ,....... ..' : "On' motion of' Councir Member' Hogan; ~ seconded' by' Counci~l Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 10:30 P:M. . ~ ATTEST: r1~~~ .. DEP~11,ITY_ CL_E~ '---.. - _.. -,h' ,:. . . --' --.- -",~-