Minutes 1981-09-29 SP r - ---' F 57 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 29, 1981 The City Council met. in a2special adjourned.session-with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon r911 call, C~uncil Members BlAnn Smith, Ka!l A. Hoga~" Mark M. Millis, and Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported present.- STUDY SESSION RE: WATER AND SEWER RESOURCES STUDY FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Mayor Pope explained that the purpose of the -study- session is to discuss water and sewer resources for the City and to hold a closed session regarding a workmen1s compensation claim by a City employee. He introduced Mr. Clint Milne, Deputy County Engineer, -and stated that he had-invited Mr. -Milne to give a presentation-to Council regarding- present water resources within the County. -Mr. Milne displayed.a map. of the County which designated the various sources of water. He explained the Arroyo Grande portion of the groundwater basin and gave a brief history of each source of water available in the County. Mr. Milne stated that the groundwater basins- are full and are being replenished as they -are used. Matt Gallagher, -'Lonnie Wells, Jim McGillis, and Ella Honeycutt asked ~uestions of Mr. Milne. WATER - Administrator Sheldon stated that the submitted report includ~s a breakdown of water used per unit in the past and a- projection of water:that will be used in the-future.- Council-Member Millis questioned how the figu~es were gathered. Planning Director Hays explained that, studies-were conducted by previous staff members as to the number of remainingunbuilt dwelling units- in the City and -the number of - -- building permits issued since that time were subtracted to arrive at the present figure. SEWER - Planning Director Hays stated that the most recent figures available were used in the study and were presented in order showing capacity and demands on the capacity. It is estimated that -over -a five year period that permits were issued for an average of 182 dwelling units per year. After discussion, Administrator Sheldon stated that staff is requesting direction regarding 'the 'day~to day issuance of-permits and the direction Council wishes -the City to go in -regards --to growth;, There was discussion regarding possible _monitoring of the number of permits issued and at what points in time Staff should report to Council. Mayor Pope requested that this item be placed on the next agenda to allow Council to review the study. CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned to c],osed sessionat 9:05 P.-M. and readjourned- at 9:24 P.M. Mayor Pope stated that Council has awarded a workmen's compensation claim to a city~emp~oyee. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted.to 'adjourn at 9:25 P.M.- A=",' 1~1Z~dfM) ~L '---. , :J( -7~Je~: -. - -1fAYOR '. ';1/ -. .