Minutes 1982-04-13 120 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 13, 1982 The City Council met in regular session' roll call, Council Members BlAnn Smith, Lawrence E. Vandeveer reported present. with Mayor Pope presiding. Upon ~a~l A. Hogan, Mark M. Millis and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to our.Flag. Thereafter, Reverend John w~ Germaine,. Visitation Reverend, Arroyo Grande, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion.of Council Member Vandeveer,' seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes of March 23, 1982 as presented. u APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Smith, Demand Warrants. #17160. through #17241 and #P0351 through #P0369 in the amount ,of $.183,517.39 and Payroll Warrants #22025 through #22126 in the amount of $53,739.76 were approved and ordered paid. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS .', . Mayor Pope noted that item #11 states the adjourned meeting to be held April, 20, 1982 will be at 7:00 P.M. which is error and should be listed as 6:00 P.M. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimo~sly voted. to approve the Consent Agenda Items with the recommended courses of action and the amendment to item #11. A-I. Receipt of Departmental Monthly Report for March, 1962. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-2. Receipt of Planning Commission's Answered Agenda for Meeting of April 6, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-3. Receipt of Monthly Report by Chief Plant Operator, Plus Others, for March, 1982, of South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-4. Request for Mayor Pope to Proclaim Victims Rights Week from April 18-24, 1982, in City of Arroyo Grande. RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. A-5. Receipt of Quarterly Report by Finance Director, Re. Local Sales and Use Tax Revenue Received by City of Arroyo Grande for Period of January 1, 1982, to March 31, 1982. RECOMMEND .REVIEW AND FILE. A-6. Receipt of Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes for Meeting of March 22, 1982. ,RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-7. Receipt of SCAT Ridership Report for the Month of February, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. ,j A-8. Receipt of Letter of Resignation from David Loomis as Member of the Downtown Parking Advisory Board, Effective March 16, 1982. RECOMMEND RECEIVE WITH REGRET AND FURTHER RECOMMEND LETTER OF THANKS AND CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION BE PRESENTED TO DAVID LOOMIS FOR HIS SERVICE TO THIS BOARD (SINCE 12/8/70). A-9. Brief Report by Finance Director. Re. Results of Administrative Hearing Re. Proposed Uses of 1982-83 Revenue Sharing Funds, Held Monday, March 29, 1982. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AT THIS TIME - SUCH MATTER WILL BE DISCUSSED DURING BUDGET STUDY SESSIONS. r r I f21 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO'GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 13, 1982 PAGE TWO A-IO. Proposed Date for Joint Meeting of City Council and Parks and Re~reation Commission, Wednesday" May 12, 1982, at 6:00 P.M. RECOMMEND COUNCIL'S AP,PROVAL/CONFIRMATION THEREOF;.' OR SET 'AND'CONFIRM OTHER SUITABLE DATE; 'i A-I!. 'Notification ONLY, of' Council Reorganization Meeting. on TUesday, April' 20, 19,82"; 6:00 P.M. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. A_12. 'Receipt 'of Legislative ,Bulletins Nos, 13 and 14, from League of California Cities, and Others. RECOMMEND REVIEW, APPLICABLE, ACTION, IF ANY; AND pILE. A-l3.' Request 'for'Mayor Pope to Proclaim Fair Housing Month 'During Apr~l, 1982. RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. A-14. Presentation of Proclamation' to Ban ,Nuclear Weapons. 'RECOMMEND ~YOR SO,' PROCLAIM" ~ cl A-IS. Presentation' of' Proclamation for Great California Resource Rally, April 20-26, '1982. ,RECOMMEND MAYOR ,SO PROCLAIM. }- A~16.'Presentation of 'Proclamation 'for National Public Works' Week for'ithe Period of May, 23.,.29, 1982. RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. r' A~17. Reql!esLby Public Works Director for 'Council'Acceptance of Project and Approval of' Progres's Payment Request No, 1 for Fencing Installation at: South Eom, St:reet ponding Basin in 'Amount of '$5,394.28, Payable to' Town ,:and" Country Fencing, as well as payment of Final Retention after Proper Document Recordings. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND APPROVAL AS OUTLINED BY PUBLIC WORKS ',DIRECTOR. " A-18. Council's Acceptance and Approval of Planning Commission's Appro~al of Lot Spli't Case No. 82'-375, :'Parcel A of ,Parcel Map' AG ,81'-108',' West' Branch " 'Street. (K-Mart Corporation). 'RECOMMEND REVIEW AND APPROVAL. " A-19. Council's Acceptance of Planning Commission's Approval of, Lot Split Case No. 82-374 (Lot Line Adjustment), Property Generally Located South of Oak Park Boulevard and James Way Center Intersection on the East Side - Oak Park Acres. (Lee Webb/John Rosenlof_James Way Center). RECOMMEND REVIEW AND APPROVAL. FURTHER DISCUSSION RE: OFFICIAL APPOINTMENT OF MR. C'. C. 'SAUERS AS COMMISSIONER ON THE PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION FOR THE TERM OF APRIL 13, 1982, TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 1984_' Per Mayor Pope I s -recommendation", ,-it- was the consensus of Council that Mr. C. C. Sauers be appointed as Commissioner on the Parking and Traffic Conunission~ FURTHER UPDATE, RE: DRAINAGE PROBLEM IN SUNSET DRIVE AREA" OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (SPECIFICALLY FAIR OAKS STORM DRAIN, GRAND AVENUE TO MAPLE STREET Public 'Works Director:Karp stated that the construction ,plans'and' specifications for the project have been completed and legal descriptions and plot- plans for proposed easements between' Grand" Avenue ~nd Sunset Drive and Sunset Drive and Walnut Street have been completed. An appraisal teport to provide valuations of' ,the' easements' across ',the property owned' by foiir ' itidividual owners have been ,completed,;I" 'A 'preliminary draft--of a' right ',of' way'agreement between the "owner of:the'parcels between 'Grand-Avenue and Sunset Drive ha's been" completed and ,reviewed by the ,City Attorney: ,He 'commented regarding the letter from Mr. R; H., Tarvin and his proposal to perform:the acquisition efforts: reqUired for $3S"'per"hour 'and the:>:.letter from"r Mr. Glen D. 'Hunt and his proposal to provide "appraisal updating for the estimated fee of $600-900. ";r :,1' 0-'1'. 122 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 13, 1982 PAGE THREE Mr. Karp recommended Council "authorize the following: 1." Hiring of R. H. Tarvin as" right of way "negotiator" for the referenced" project. 2. Hire Glen D. Hunt. to revise valuations in the appraisal "report for the referenced project. 3. Reallocate funds budgeted for construction of a portion of "the project to be used for right of way acquisition. Mayor Pope questioned how much""funds are left for this "project. ML Karp" stated that $2,900 is left in the drainage fund. Council Member" "Vandeveer stated he would like to see a definite amount specified for Mr. Tarvin's fee rather than $35 per hour; Mr. Karp estimated approximately $5,000 for Mr. Tarvin's total fee and pointed out that"the reservoir project was conducted.,in .this manner, without setting a limit. Mr. Tooker, Sunset Drive, requested information as to the length of time this "project will require. Mayor Pope answered "that it has a high priority. Mr. Karp stated he estimates the total cost of the project will be approximately one-half million. There was discussion regarding setting atop end" fee for the negotiator. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer; seconded by Council "Member Hogan, it ~as unanimously voted .to accept Mr. Karp"s three recommendations as previously stated. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION TO HONOR ROBERT NEWDOLL, RETIRING OF GROVER CITY Attorney Shipsey read the t&tle of the resolution. Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Smith, voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. MAYOR OF CITY On motion of it was unanimously RESOLUTION NO. 1530 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING ROBERT H. "BOB" NEWDOLL FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE CITY OF GROVER CITY On motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and "on the following roll "c~ll vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Smith, Hogan, Millis, Vandeveer, Mayor Pope None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 13th" day of April, 1982. REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL'S ACCEPTANCE OF TRUNK LINE SEWER EASEMENT IN OAK PARK ACRES Public Works Director Karp stated that during the "rough grading for the K-Mart site the engineer for the developers of the site designed a sewer line relocation' wi'thin the green belt".. At that time it was agreed that prior to building construction on the site, the developers would provide appropriate sewer and drainage easements. The .description of the easement has been chedked by Staff is is presently being revised by K-Mart's Engineer for signature by Oak" Park Acres. He recommended that Council accept on behalf of the public the trunk line sewer easement dedicated by Oak Park Acres." On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded byCCouncil Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted to accept Mr. Karp's recommendation and accept on behalf of the public the trunk line sewer easement dedicated by Oak Park Acres. J u I I I L ~ n 123 'j'," -- CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL l~:, 1982 PAGE FOUR REQUEST 'BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL- TO' CALL FOR 'BIDS"iFOR STREET PAVEMENT OVERLAY ONVARIOUS STREETS' it 'I Publie'Works'DirectorKarp stated,that Staff'is 'currently'preparing pi!ans' -and specifications to provide for overlay of various City -street~ at the following locations: Barnett and ,El Camino Real to the Cemeteri; F~ir Oaks between Valley and the Arroyo Grande Creek; Crown Hill between P~ulding'school and State Highway 227; Bennett Street'between Halcyon ~oad and Mid State Bank;, Linda Drive between Mid State Bank and Brisco Road;' - - -I and Park' Way. Staff has scheduled' to open:',bids for this project as we~l as the remaining curb ,and gutter' of ,the' assessment ,district on'May 4, ~982, for award in the first meeting in May, 1982. He requested that Council authorize a call for bids 'to provide pavement overlay on the above stated streets,' project. number 90~82-2. On"motion of " Council Member Vandeveer, seconded 'by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted'to accept the - . jl nicommendation" of the' Public Works Director and 'authorize the call for "bids. ! ." J, _".:t ADOPT'~RESOLUTION LIMITING PARKING AT AREA KNOWN ,AS' 145 S. HALCYON ROAD:: 'Public Works Director Karp stated that ,this resolution is the ir result ofa recommendation' of the'Parking and'~raffic Commission meeting held March 22', :1982'.-- Attorney Shipsey read the title' of the resolutiori., On: motion of Council Member Vandeveer-,~ seconded:-by"Council'Member' Hogari, I i' it was unanimously voted to dispense with', further reading of the resolution. " :i 11 :i T ., RESOLUTION NO. 1531 A RESOLUTION'OF THE'CITY COUNCIL OF THE 'CITY' OF ARROYO GRANDE'ESTABLISHING A LIMITED'PARKING - ii : ZONE,ON A PORTION'OFS0UTH HALCYON: ROAD TO 'PROHIBIT PARKING,ON:WEEKDAYS BETWEEN 8:00 A~M.'AND 5:30 P.M; 11 w. '-- On motion of' Council~ Member Hogan" seconded--,by Council Member':: Smith, and on the following roll":call. vote, to wit: ' ii, AYES: NOES:-- ABSENT: ' Council None None .Members Smith, Hogan, Millis," Vandeveer,- Mayor;lpope !i the foregoing Resolution ,was 'passed" and, adopted this 13th: day- of April~' '1982. 11 ADOPT RESOLUTION PROHIBITING PARKING WESTERLY ,SIDE OF TRAFFIC WAY FROM:! STATION WAY (FIRE STATION) 'TO ARROYO 'GRANDE CREEK BRIDGE -:I- Public Works Director'"Karp stated this resolution is requested bi the Parking and Traffic Cormnission as a result of their meeting of 'li March 22, ,1982','--He stated,that"the prohibitive parking is requested :: because, of-.the-possibility of parked cars .causing' an obstruc'tion as"_fi;-e' trucks leave the' ,fire" station;" Mayor Pope" questioned if the' suJiject:' 11':' property:owner has been' notified,': 'Mr. Karp stated he'was not. ,After :i" discussion, and.on motion~of-:Council Member Millis,.. seconded by~Councii M~mber Vandevee~,. it was_ unanimously voted to' continue .this item'. until!lthe property owner'is notified 6f',the proposed' parking" restrictions. :: ,I ",1' " REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY ,PARKS, DIRECTOR'RE: STREET'TREE WELLS 'LOCATED ON HALCYON ROAD, GRAND AVENUEAND'ELM' STREET '~'," 'ii' :1 'Recreation,Director,Keisler'reported that'the California Conservation Corps wi 1-1 , furnish': the , labor to brick':in all of the City, trees along :1 Halcyon',Avenue,--Grand"Avenue; 'andiElm--Street. , The work could beg'in' APfil 26 and the oilly compensation requested 'is one tank of gas per week 'and that the City provide all materials. There are 230 tree wells which need tb be filled in and the cost for materials would be $2,250 for bricks and:: . II $460 for redwood headers, a total of $2,710. He recommended that money be bJdgeted for:this project at this time due to the availability of the ii Conservation Corps. Finance Director Bacon stated that the financing , -, 124 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 13, 1982 PAGE FIVE of this project could come from Revenue Sh~ringFunds. On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was un'animously'voted:to authorize the expenditure of$2,7l0 for materials as stated'by'Mr. Keisler and that the funds will be paid from unspecified Revenue Sharing Funds; NOMINATION BY. MAYOR POPE RE: APPOINTMENT TO DOWNTOWN PARKING ADVISORY BOARD TO FILL UNEXPIRED'TERM OF DAVID LOOMIS (TERM ENDS 6/30/82) Mayor Pope -requested that this 'item'be continued to the next meeting to allow ,the' new mayor to make'the'appointment. 'Council concurred. u REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY PARKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL..APPROVAL'TO PURCHASE TREES'AND OTHER RELATED'MATERIALS FOR TIERRA,DE ORO PARKaN AMOUNT OF $1,500 ~ A BUDGETED ITEM FOR,198l~82 Recreation Director Keisler stated that the Five Cities'Jaycees have committed man-power to build a pathway and plant trees at the Tierra De Oro Park project. He requested authorization for $747.30 to purchase trees and '$753.00 worth .of redwood one-by-six for'pathway construction, for a total of $1',500. On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Smith, it was unanimously voted to authorize the expenditure of $1,500 for trees and redwood to develop Tierra De Oro Park. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT CASE NO. 81-351, PARCEL MAP AG 80~74, TOM PRYOR, ETAL, EAST CHERRY AVENUE Public Works Director Karp stated that the subject map is a lot line adjustment which corrects an existing problem on parcel two where older structures encroached on parcel one. The..map was originally approved by the Planning Commission on April 7, 1981, but has not expired due to extension in time stipulated by the Map Act because of the Sanitation district sewer hookup moritorium., The lot is located on the northerly frontage of East Cherry Avenue, west 'of ' Pacific Coast Railway Place. No street improvements have been required as they were constructed with the original parcel map for parcels,one, three, four, and five. Mr. Karp recommended that Council find that parcel map AG'80-74 be found consistent with the General Plan ,and zoning and approve the map. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by'Council Member Hogan, it was unanimously voted , to find'that parcermap AG 80-74 is consistent with the General Plan arid zoning and, approve the map. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING ON APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION RE: CASE NO. 82-373, 'MARTIN POOLE AND THOM HEAD, MINOR SUBDIVISION TO CREATE TWO PARCELS,'LOCATED OFF FLORA ROAD AND BRANCH MILL'ROAD Planning Director Hays stated that this public hearing was continued at the';request,"of~the applicants to allow them 'to contact an attorney to determine if thi~ 'is,a legal application and the question'regarding the' meaning of the,A-D zoning with the 'D' override and if they could apply for a lot split in this case. A letter was received from Attorney Margaret Stone in which she states it is a legal application.' Attorney Shipsey stated that he agrees it is a legal application.' Mr; Hays stated the applicants, are requesting the optional design standards. One parcel is 9.99 acres and the other is 1.63 acres, for'a total of 11.62 acres. The applicants wish to lea~~e parcel one as .3 single economically farmable unit if they can create"a smaller parcel, parcel two, for a' future homesite. Their idea is to leave'the best land intact as a'single parcel 'which cannot be further divided under, the present zoning. The hearing hav~ng been properly published and noticed, Mayor Pope opened it for public comment. u I I l ~' n 125 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA APRIL 13, 1982 " PAGE SIx: THOM HEAD, 344 Santa Fe, Pismo Beach, stated they..originally requestediian equal split of the property, which was not approved as the Council at that time felt the property._should remain agicultural. They are now reques~ing_ td keep a large piece of the property in agriculture, but want the ii density allowed under the_ zoning. _BILL MCCANN,-575_ Crown. Hill, stated_': he is interested in the property _and explained his .theories of the_ _ building site. He stated he feels a split of the property would take away access to Branch _Mil,l Road. He _referred.._to the CounciL minutes of, March 18 a~d 22, 1977 regarding this p:roperty. _He stated that -the int~nt of the ordinance is to make five parcels of the property and -not a five acre minimum. .MARTIN POOLE,. 227 Le Point, .indicated on- the map the smaller-Ii , '. ". . . 'I proposed p~rcel and sta~ed_~t is ,unsuit~le for farming. He stated the edsement is large enough; the legality of the application has already been d~s~ussed; .and referred'. to the petition containing 50 signatures of pefsons ha'ving no objection to the split. H. E. BEEN, 1620 So. Elm, stated he':owns the adjoining property and stated he _is not opposed to the lot split. :1 RONNIE YOUNG, 424 Greenwood, and MIKE THOMPSON, 543-E. Branch,- spoke in I .' II favor of the application. BILL MCCANN, 575 Crown Hill, stated he is concerned regarding the optional design standards proposed,_and_feels the future ~.99 acre parcel could be split again and ruin the intent of people concerned with preserving farmland. There being no further comments, the hearing was closed. .. _ .. ;i AdIninistrator. Sheldon pointed out -that. Staff had_not prepared the disp;!-ayed map of the property. Council Member Smith asked questions of the applicants. C~uncil Member Millis questioned if there is any procedure to guarante~ no fU:rther splits_ of the property. Public Works-Director Karp stated-that under cur~t?nt ordinances; it" woulq.. require 'the submission. of a map ,and:] Council , . . I action.. _Council Meii1ber Millis _ expressed concern at farm equipment. travelling d6wn Flora Road. There was discussion re-garding the land use density 'i a}lowed. Planning Director Hays stated that there is an inconsistency; between the General Plan and zoning. Some properties zoned Agricultur$ have the five acre minimum, but some allow low density, such as the su~ject pt,'operty.Mayor Pope stated that the legality questions regarding the!! . . Ii statements in the General Plan have been addressed. Attorney Shipsey advised that the General Plan designates this property as Low. Density so Council must make the finding that it is consistent with the Land Use Element 6f _ the General Plan. Mayor Pope pointed out that 'Flora Road is used by f~rm equipment by other farmers. Council Member Millis stated that the it~ should be continued for further study. Council Member Millis moved that the item be continued for clarification from staff regarding the wording of the:! General Plan and so that Council Members may view the site and was seconded by]! C~uncil Member Smith. Council Members Smith and Millis voted in favor!' of the motion with Council Members Hogan and Vandeveer and Mayor Pope dissenting. Council Member Vandeveer moved to of Case No. 82-373 sUbject to the as follows: overrule the Planning Commission's denial conditions of the Minor Subdivision Committee i! 1. Design for drainage ditch. crossing along existing access easement prior to recordation of final map. 2. That the City conceptually approve, subject to application and receipt of required permits, service to the parcel map by individual water,.i. wells and septic tanks on each parcel. 3, No improvements to be required on Branch Mill Road or Flora Road. 4. If City services are requested, appropriate main extensions will b~ required prior. to granting of services. 126 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE " CALIFORNIA APRIL 13, 1982 PAGE SEVEN 5. Paved driveways ~ith appropriate drainage control will be required with building construction on each lot. 6. Applicant to provtde mylar ,copy of,f~nal map to ,the City. 7. Drainage easement shall be shown on recorded' map between parcel,2, and the City propertyadjacent,to the,Arroyo,'Grande creek. 8. That the appii~ation be found,consistent witn the General Plan and zoning of the City of,Arroyo,Grande. ..~, '. 9. Find that the Optional Design Standards are, applicable since Parcell will be retained' as', a single parce'l" for agricultural purposes., The motion was seconded by Council MeIDberHogan. A.roll call vote was taken: AYES: Council Members 'Hogan and Vandeveer, Mayor Pope NOES: Council MerUber Millis ABSENT: None , ABSTAIN: Council Member 'Smith PRESENTATION OF AWARDS BY DEMOLAY A'"represEmtatrive of the Order of Demolay presented awards:;to Council Member Hogan and Mayor pope for their participation in the 'dunk, tank' booth:~uring H~rvest festivai activities.- ADJOURNMENT , , On motion of Council Member Hogan~', seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it w~s unanimously voted'to adjourn at,9:00 P.M. to April 20,,1982 at'6:00 P,M. for the purpose of Council Reorganization. ATTEST,: ~/dzM , PUTY TY CLERK , , -~,~~ MA}:'OR": ,.""'i. ~: /, u u