Minutes 1982-05-11 '- 138 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 11, 1982 The City 'Council met in a 'regular adjourned 'meeting with Mayor Smith,' presiding; Upon.roll call, COUnc'H Members"Lawrence 'E. Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher, MarkM.'Millls, and Karl A. Hogan reported present. GENERAL PLAN AND RESOURCES -WiTHIN THE CITY OF 'ARROYO GRANDE - - Administrator Sheldon stated that, at Council's direction, he has received estimates from consultants as to the cost of preparing a Housing Element for the City. He stated that, dependirig upon the involvement of the firm, the average 'amount for a city this size is approximately $15,000. Planning Director Hays' stated that the' requirement U.11,. to adopt a Houslng Element was first mandated in,1974, with an,update required in 1979-80. Administrator Sheldon stated that the last deadline granted by the State was January 1981. Mr. Hays reported that many other cities in the state are in our situation, but we are showing good faith. He added that many of the original guidelines for preparing a Housing Element have been- drastically chariged. Couricil 'Member-Gallagher suggested that thetltn,e cities, combine a-Housing, Element.' He also suggested obtaining personnel from the County. Planning Director Hays stated that there are inconsistencies between the General Plan text and map which need to be corrected. He stated that Council needs to focus on the issues which they feel are the greatest local concern. He suggested that one issue might be'the preservation of the agricultural lands. Mayor Smith questioned if the other elements of the General Plan would require consulting 'services. Mil. Hays stated that the()other elements could be addressed by Staff, but it would take some time. There was discussion regarding a Drainage Elernen~ and the requirements it would contain. Administrator Sheldon suggested that a decision on the method of preparing the Housing Element and other ,,'ele~ents of .,the General Plan be continued for;--.approximately six weeks so that Council may _turn their attention to the adoption of the 1982-83 Budget. Council concurred. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the study session at 7:30 P.M. 73'thA<J~ MAYOR A~",6~Ml.iit! DEPUTY Y CLERK u I l :- .--- .--.- I' ;1 , , 139 ,I I CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, MAY "Ii . I 11, ,,1982 ; , ., CALIFORNIA i , . The City Council met in regular. session with Mayor Smith presiding. uJon rdl'l call, Council Members Lawrence E. Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher, Mark ,1M. Millis, arid Karl A..Hog:an reported.. present. i "r PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE , - Council, Member, Millis led'.the Pledge of Al.legiance -to .our Flag. Thereafter,' Council Member Vandeveer delivered the .invocation.. . I. I r APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by ~ouncil Gallagher, the minutes of April 27, 1982 were approved as amended. Mer1ilier " , 'I APPROVAL OF WARRANTS . On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Millis, Demand Warrants .#17346 through.#17421 in.the. amount and Payroll Warrants #22241 through.#22324 in the amount'of were approved and ordered paid. Council MeIDber .of .$90 ,679l37. , $77 ,289.22'1 1! 'i I ORAL.COMMUNICATIONS I ., . Jim.'McGLHis, 136. Bridge Street,. .commended the. Council.for .their" leadership regarding the recent requirements. of. .the..Water Quality Control. Board. 'I APPROVAL. OF. CONSENT. AGENDA ITEMS Council Member Vandeveer requested that , for discussion. Council Member Hogan requested O~ motion of Council Member Gallagher,. seconded it was unanimously.voted.to approve. the Consent r~commended. .courses of action, except. i terns #3, ! . . . ii I. B.,3. Receipt of Quarterly Report for 1; 2 and 3{.:,1982 of San' Luis County Air Pollution Control District. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. Council'Member.Hogan.stated he objects to the requirements of this. and in general there are' too. many regulations. .. . ..'. .. .. - i . .items #9. and #13 be withdrawn the withdrawal of itemh3. by. Council. Member Millis, . Agenda Items. with the 'I. r #9,. ancl... #13._ !! ill r - , -I B~9. Notification of Total Population for Arroyo.Grande ~s.of January;, 1, 1982, to be Certified at Count of 12,080, by Department of Finance of State of California, Plus Other. Info. Pertaining ,to. Population and Housing in Sari Luis Obispo County .by said Finance Department. (Prior. Certified .Count'!.for Arroyo Grande - 11,628). Council Member'Vandeveer--stated he. wished to.! state f':'r information that .the data shows. the City grew. to 12,080. last year or at a irate.of 3.68%.. .:The City annexed Brisco Island .whichhas.' 263 persons':" This figures into the,'data. We .were. providing those. persons with..the same'! . r~sources they are receiving today;~water and. other services. This.did not iAcrease our resources. _ The .City_ actually grew..by 182 people or l.l%,.'fwhich is the lowest. in the County. 'f _ ,I- ., B~.13. Receipt of Monthly Report. by Chief Plant.Operator"Plus .Others, for " April; 1982, .of. South San. Luis. Obispo County .Sanitation .District. .RECOMMEND ro;:VIEW. AND FILE. Council.Member vande.veer noted that Mr. .Millis had :;i~'c::,..2' p~eviously. reported this is. the first. time. in many. months that we have:! not .exceeded our usage of ,the Plant; .the..report indicates 132%....Council Member Millis .stated 'that .we..are still. figuring. on the .basis of.. '2.. 5 .million gi.llons per day... ..Public. Works .Director- Karp..said .at present we have a. permit to , .' . I' expand the plant in phases. The. first phase. is to 2.7 MGDoand with additional work which will be going. to. bid soon to .3.0 MGD.. When the..plant is. 'i e;:'pandedto 3.0 MGD, the'.LO contractual allowable capacity'granted:'toi.Grover City by the District will fully restored. 'i 140 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 11, 1982 PAGE TWO B-1. Presentation of Copy of Mayor Smith's Confirmed Appoin,tments of Council Members and Staff to Serve on Various Commission. FOR INFO 'ONLY. B-2. Receipt of League 16 and 17, Plus Others. of California Cities' Legislative Bulletins Nos. RECOMMEND REVIEW, APPLICABLE ACTION, IF ANY, AND FILE. B-4. Receipt of Letter from Ed Larrew Asking Financial Assistance for Special Olympics. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE, UNLESS COUNCIL ADVISES OTHERWISE. , ': J B-5. Receipt of Departmental Monthly Report for April, 1982. REVIEW AND FILE. RECOMMEND B-6/ Receipt of Planning Commission's Answered Agenda for Meeting of May 4, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. B-7. 'Receipt of ,Request from Area Agency on Aging for Mayor to Proclaim the Month of May, 1982, as "OLDER AMERICANS' MONTH." RECOMMEND MAYOR SO PROCLAIM. B-8. Receipt,of Statistical/Finance Report by Animal Regulation Department of 90unty of San Luis Obispo~ Specific 'to 'Arroyo Grande,' for Period of July 1, 1981 through March 31, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. B-lO. Request by Lighthouse Christian School for Fee Exempt License to Sell Fresh Cherries in the City of Arroyo Grande from May 14 through June 6, 1982. RECOMMEND COUNCIL APPROVE SUCH REQUEST. B-ll. Request by Public Works Director for Council Acceptance of Deep Domestic Water Well, 'Phase One Construction, and Approval of Progress Payment No. 2 to Maggiora Bros. Drilling, Inc., in Amount of $79,497.00 and Release of Retention, A.G. Project No, 60-80-3. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND COUNCIL'S APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE. B-12.'Receipt of Progress Payment Request No.8, Re.' Construction of 2-Million Gallon Reservoir by San Luis Tank Piping Construction 'Co. IIhe;'" in Amount of $2l,7l2.50--So Approved by Public Works, Director. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND COUNCIL'S APPROVAL FOR 'PAYMENT AS NOTED. - - EURTHER REPORT AND UPDATE OF REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION'BY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF STANDARDS PERTAINING TO PRIVATE COMMUNITY WATER WELL SYSTEMS Administrator Sheldon st~ted that this item was continued so that Staff could develop standards for community water well systems. He recommended the proposed standards be adopted. He referred to a memo from Public Works Director Karp, dated June 4, 1981, in which his position was that the City not permit community well 'systems: Mr. Sheldon stated he also recommends this. On December 15, 1981, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a,proposed amendment to provide for community water,well systems, and U, . the Commissio~ unapimou~ly recommended denial of such a prop~sal. At ~~at" hearing there w~re reservations expressed by the'Pl~nnirig Director and ~he Public Works Director on this subject. On,January 12, 1982, the Council introduced for first ~eading the ordinance authoFizing _community water well syst~ms. O~January 26, 1982, the ordinance was adopted. Mr. Sheldon stated he has ~iscussed this matter with Staff in anticipation of the. discussion o~ ~he standards for the community water ~ell systems, an~ it is sti~l the feeling of Staff that the community water well system is probably not the best cours'e of :"ction for the City to take;' but if the City is 'to take such a step, then' it sh~uld be done with a well-establishe~ set of staridards which are proposed. ~ r '.' .. ___ ___ - _____.,'__.."____ _---"to' ii ii 141 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, :i' I MAY 11,11982 PAGE THI!EE " ;i Council Member Gallagher stated he is concerned that persons may transport ttie water. Public Works Director Karp stated that although the transP9rt of water is not deemed correct by the surrounding property owners, there is , , no l<'!w prohibiting this. '. Council. Member Gallagher stated. that .there .should be provisions stating that the well will serve only that parcel, as th~ water source could be destroyed. Mr, 'Karp stated that this.is why the. Council adopted the 'Use pe~it pro'cedure, to .determine .whatthe property owner.iiproposes. Council' Member Vandeveer pointed out that the ordinance says the well must ser~e only that property.' He,requested further data and also requested a ., continuance, of this item to. allow' further ,study.,,, Council Member Hogan]stated he disagrees with the requirements of the proposed standards of two,wells. P.)blic Works Director Karp stated ,that. the' standards .have combined. thei:.state arid county requirements of private water wells. Mayor Smith stated that although this is not a public hearing, she would open discussion to the audienc~. Mr. Kirkpatrick, Printz Road, stated that it is his opinion that a per~on . . ' Ii couldn't develop thelr property lf they. must follow the proposed standards " and he is opposed to the' requirement of two wells. . .Jim Garing, consultant , . -. . 'i for the standards, stated that all the.wells .in the area may be drawing from the same aquifer; and a geologist. would be. required.. to determine :1 that it is adequate. 'He st~ted.the'reason for the requirement of two ~ells is in case one should go out. "Council MembeLGallagher stated that i([ two properties are using the same aquifer, they'may have to drill the [ well deeper. He.added that. water for that development should come from that , ' . - II property and not be transported to .other"areas. Mr. Garing stated that this !! requirement can be included in the standards. Bob Chapman, 403 S. Halcyon, stated he has purchased .property in"the. area and. wishes to drill a. w~li. He requested a decision so that he may proceed. Mayor Smith. stated she has no , objection to the standards but wishes to keep the City out,oflawsuits,i and she is not in favor of community well systems. She stated she agrees with Staff's recommendations. Counci.l . Member Vandeveer stated ,the proposed:: standards are too stringent and he feels the City should adopt the County's regufations. C<;mncilMember ,Gallagher stated he has no objection to the.community w~ter well systems, however, his only concern- is that water not-be transport~d. Council Member Millis stated he is not. .ih ,favor. of . the community. well :i sys-ems and.has voted against,them in the past. .CouncilMember Gallagher questioned if ,a well.should ,fail', is. the City o15ilgated .to' provide wat~r. I . 'I ,Public Works Director Karp .stated' that there is no ,legal requirement, but a:i future Council may c~nsider ita mo~al. requirement to _provide water .11 . Council Member Vandeveer moved to approve the.proposed standards with the. d~letion of the requirement, of .the second well and was seconded.by Cou~cil :! - - - - II Member .Hogan.. A roll call vote was taken: , ",- -,-- ii ~! AY,ES: Council NqES: Council ABSENT: . None. .Members Vandeveer,. Mil.lis., and Member~Gallagher, Mayor Smith :1 !, Hogan 'I " :1 RESOLUTION NO. 1539 of Council unanimo6.s1y ., 1~ i -.i "Attorney Shipsey read the.title. of the resolution. .Onmotion Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council.Member.Gallagher, .it was voted to dispense with further reading.of. the resolution. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING " THE RULES, REGULATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS WITH RESPECT TO STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND 'MONITORING OF S!~, PRIVATELY OWNED WATER SYSTEMS FOR'RESIDENTIAL-SUBURBAN DEVELOPMENT IN. THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE C' ~ ,-. On motion of Council.Member Vandevee~1 seconded by_Council M~er. Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: 142 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 11, 1982 PAGE FOUR AYES: NOES: ABSENT: - Council Members 'MayoriS~ith;~o:'(s None Vandevee.r, Gallagher, Millis ,-::':'Hogan:.~.c. ..-j -( the foregoing_ Resolution was passed and adopted this 11th day of-May, -1982. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO.- 221 C.S. AMENDING EXHIBIT A THEREOF;- SPECIFICALLY TO MODIFY THE PROPOSED CIRCULATION SYSTEM AND LOCATIONS OF THE HOUSING UNITS; KNOLLWOOD DEVELOPMENT i PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHEAST OF U. S. HIGHWAY 101 AND_ SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance.- On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. u ORDINANCE NO. 266 C.S. -AN ORDINANCE OF THE2CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - AMENDING ORDINANCE-NO. 221 C.S. WHICH AMENDS A PORTION OF THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED- TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4, ::.OF THE !iUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE On motion of Council Member-Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: - . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members~Vand~veer,~Gaililagher, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None None the foregqing Ordinance was pas.sed and adopted th:i$ 11th day of _May-, 1982-. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE TO RESCIND ORDINANCE NO. - 263 C..S. AFFECTING SIEGFRIED BADEN'S PROPERTY LOCATED AT-1385 BRIGHTON Attorney Shipsey read the title of- the ordinance. On motion -of Council Member Gallagher, s~cond~d by Council ~ember Millis, i~ was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the ordinance. Council Member Hogan read a letter from-Mr. Baden stating that his constitutional rights have-been. violated and protesting Council's action. .Council Member Vandeveer stated that the property is two acres in size. and is behind the Lucky Market Shopping Center, which is a busy area. He referred to some of the Objections to the rezoning which were brought up at -the public hearing by-citizens. He.stated that the property was zoned commercial and R-3 when Mr. Baden bought the property. He stated that Council ha; taken away the property rights of the owner and that the General Plan should have been changed. He urged Council to search their conscience and not take away the property owner's rights. Council Member Hogan questioned Attorney Shipsey as to the chances of a court suit. Attorney Shipsey advised that under- the law the City must either repeal the ordinance or place the measure on a ballot for election. 'Mayor Smith stated that the referendum process is the people's right and that Mr. Baden can still develop0his0property. J ORDINANCE NO. 267 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REPEALING ARROYO GRANDE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 263 C.S. AFTER CONSIDERATION OF A REFERENDUM PETITION PROTESTING ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: r r 4'3 1 " CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY, :Ll,:1982, PAGE FIVE :i " :i ;! Council Council None Members Gallagher, Millis, ,Mayor ,Smith 'Members'iVaiideveer and Hogan AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing Ordinance !; ~ -- -. ...' ~ ~ , ~ -,- , , ' ,was, pass"d, ap.d adopted ,):his 11th day, Of May, 1982. , , 'I - ...... ,.' SUMMARY OF, BID RESULTS RE:,STREET OVERLAY PROJECT WITHIN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AS PRESENTED BY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND AWARDING OF BID Public Works Director Karp stated that the bids for the project were opened at City Hall on Tuesday, May 4" 1982, at 2:00 P.M. Seven bids" were ~ecei 'led and pri'~es rang';d from a' low bid by 'M. J ~ Herm:reck of N'ipomo, in the amount of $71,900. On ~';tion of C::'unc'il:Memb';r Millis,~econded by C';,ql'!cil Member "GaLl,aghe>:" ,it was" unap.i!"p,usly, voted 1::0, award the, bid for, street overlays on various City 'Streets 'to,M.,.J: Hermreck in the, amount of $71,900. 'S-'~):~\~ ~ , " REPORT BY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS, RE: SUMMARY AND BID RESULTS FOR::CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS; PROJECT NO., 90-B2-1, AND AWARDING, OF BID "! ' , "Public Woil<s Director Ka,rp .stated ,tha,t, ~ids were opened for ,t~is pr()ject,at City,Hall on May 4, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. Five bids were, received; ,. ',' . - . - . .. .... .. ". -... ~.' . - - - - '~ but only four had been completed appropriately. The bids ranged froffiea , l';w bid by R. C. Hayes c;f $9:798:50 to a high of '$i6';910. 'He recommended' the bid be awarded, to R., C. Hayes. On, motion of,Council Member Vandev~er, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, it was unanimously voted to award , .4 the bid f~r curb and, gutte" improvements ,:to R. C., Hayes ill t,he amount of $Q,798.50. , .... .. - REQUEST/RECOMMENDATION BY DIRECTOR OF'PUBLIC WORKS, FOR ADOPTION OF,RESOLUTION STIPULATING INTENT TO ABANDON A PORTION OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY ON EL " . CAMINO REAL, AT/NEAR BENNETT AVENUE 'c, ,Public Works Director, Karp stated that theaba:ndonm';nt has been :1 M - . - ... ,. ." 9 requested by the adjoining propert~,owner, The,property, to ,be abandoned lies behind the sidewalk constructed, on that frontage. He stated the :! legal descriptio"; co";tained in the ~e;'-oiuHori ha~ been checked. . The :i resolution isca nece~sarY pre:r=eq~i;'-iie 't::', 'aba.{d::'nme";t"o'f, S1.ll:Pl~~tight:t of w,,;y on El Camino Real. ,lIe recommended'its adoption. ,Atto,r.neY,Shipsey![, , read the title of ,x he resolution. On motion of, Council Member Vandeveer, . . - .-. - - - .. ,-' - -". ,_. . ~I s"conded by Council, M"mbe'r ~allagher"" it .was ,unanimously voted to dispense w:i!th fur,ther reading .of the, re.solution., I , .. RESOLUTION NO. 1538 !:.' "r >. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY - . . - ..~ OF ARROYO GRANDE SETTING FORTH ITS' INTENTION TO VACATE AND ABANDON A PORTION OF EL ,CAMINO REAL, ,IN t:.HE, CITy.oF ARROYO GRlUpE, AND FIX,Iti.G TIME, AND PLACE FOR HEARING'AS PROVIDED BY GOVERNMENT COI?E SEC,TION50430; ET SEQ. ' "1 -Hogan, . _'.... k"' _ -'j On m9,tion' of ,Co,uncil ,MenU>"'" G"ll"gher~, ,secollded by C01.lncilMen:ilier and on the following roll call ,vote, '1::o.wit:, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the, fO,regoing R"solutioh was passed ,and adopted this ,11th day:cof May, p8i. 144 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 11, 1982 PAGE SIX. REQUEST BY PARKS AND RECREATION. DIRECTOR. FOR COUNCIL'S. AUTHORIZATION TO RETAIN ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES REi. IMPROVEMENTS AT SOTO SPORTS. COMPLEX AND STROTHER PARK Recreation Director Keisler stated that the City has received two grants.under.the Roberti Z,'Berg Act to make improvements to the Soto ;;ports Complex and Strother Community Park. In order to proceed with the development of these projects, it is ne~essary to deyelop -architect~ral plans which are required as a part of the grant program. Proposals have been solicited from architects and Staff requests ,the fqllowing actions:. 1) for That.Ruiz,Mason Orefice"Architects, be r~tained to develop the improvements at Strother Park in,th~ amount of $4,550. the plans u 2) That Elder and Elder, Ltd. ,be retained to perform the work at the Sbto Sports Complex in the' amount' of $1, 700~' . Mr. Keisleprstated that these ag;re~~ents arep~rsonal service agreements and do not require formal bid, but staff has proceeded through the proposal method to.attempt.to insure the.best price for the work to be accomplished. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was u~animously voted to author~~e t~e re~entation of architectu~al services included in the two actions ,as stated by Mr. Keisler. REQUEST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL/AUTHORIZATION TO. PURCHASE UNIT OF EQUIPMENT FOR.PRINTING DEPARTMENT. Administrator Sheldon stated that the current printing equipment used by the City is old and sometimes inefficient. Mr. Leland Shankland, our printer, has located a good quality used Itek platemaker camera ,which is available at a good price. The advantage to purchasing this piece of equipment is that it will forestall our need for some time in purchasing a new press. Its basic operation will allow the use of our old press by improving the quality of the material placed int~ 'the press. The purchase. of this piece of equipment was not budgeted in. the current budget, but this piece of equipment may not be available ~fter' the' adoption of the 1982-83 budget. He .stated that it is eS.timated that. this department will end this fiscal year, with a surplus of close to $8,000 and, therefore, he recommends purchase of the equipmept. Council Membe~ Vandeveer_qu~stioned the options of purchasing other types of equipment. Mr. Shankland stated that, although the equipment is used, it is. his. opinion that the. plate making is of the best quality. Council Member Millis commended Mr. Shankland for the high quality of printing by his department. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to authorize the purchase of the Ibek platemaker camera in the amount of $2,950, plus shipping cost and tax. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Administrator Sheldon commented regarding the letter received from the residents on The Pike requesting, action on the eucalyptus trees. He U"i stated that the City can take no action as the trees are on private property. Council Member Gallagher suggested that.there mu~t be alternatives that can be presented to the residents. ,He requested that Staff. look at the liability, and other options open to the citizens. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Gallagher questioned why Mr. Vandeveer had voted in favor of the peripheral canal at the SLO County Water Resources Advisory Commission when no direction from Council had been given__ Counci~ Member Vandeveer stated that it is only an advisory committee and he gave reasons why he is in favor of the canal. ~ n ,'~ 145 CITY: COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA MAY 11, :'1982 PAGE SEVEN " Mayor Smith 'stated' that she has asked the Planning Director ti,- post 'on~; the bulletin' board'in the Coimcil Chambers developments approved' by' t:h~ Pl'anning Commission for'Council'and public review'" ',She sugge'sted'tha1:]fa joint"meeting with 'the 'Plannii1i( Comniission be' held on Tuesday', May 18; ,!1982. It was - the consensus 'of' Counci-l- to' discuss'. this i"tem- .at 'th-e' adj ourned m~eting on May 12, '1982. ADJOURNMENT , On motion of Council Member'Gallagher; seconded by Council' Member' Mi'llis, it was unanimously-voted to'adjourn"at 9:20 P.M. 'to a joint meeting' with the Parks and Recreation Commission'on'May 12', 1982 at 5:30' P.M" i', 'I jj\'i~~~~" MAYOR" :r ,~~~ -:1 ATTEST: '..