Minutes 1994-02-08 '. . , , " MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1994 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The city Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M. , with Mayor Matthew Peter Gallagher, III, presiding. 1. & 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Gallagher led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Phil Coleman of Oak Park Foursquare Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Gallagher and Council Members Drew ! i Brandy, Bernard Burke, Gene Moots and James Souza. Staff Members I present were Acting city Manager Rick TerBorch, city Attorney J Roger Lyon, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Planning Director Doreen '..-' Liberto-Blanck and Finance Director David Bacon. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. PETER MILLER, attorney for ottse, Inc. , and general representative for the Rancho Grande project, and MIKE DURKEE, also representing the project, requested that the Council move forward with approval of the final map for Tract 1994. Mr. Miller said conditions of approval have been completed and site improvements finished, except for the James Way basin. He said he had been unable to communicate with city staff, except through the special counsel. He said he would like the tract approval to be on the next city Council agenda. Mr. Durkee said ottse has rights and responsibilities through the Development Agreement and the Subdivision Map Act. Mr. TerBorch said the City is attempting to resolve as soon as possible the many issues and legal complexities connected with the project. b. SUSAN CARR, 312 Gularte Road, said she objected to sonic Cable Television "Spice" channel. She said the channel had been cancelled for the time being, but she wanted to know where the City will stand on pornographic programming when Sonic's contract with the City is negotiated in the near future. Mayor Gallagher asked Ms. Carr to meet with the Acting city Manager on the matter. 5. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Burke/Moots, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Consent Agenda Items 5.a., 5.b., 5.c. and 5.e., with the modification to the 5.a. city Council Minutes and 1 ._' . 221 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 the recommended courses of action. 5.a. January 25, 1994, City Council Minutes. Approved. Modification was made on Page 4, Paragraph 2, Line 8 by changing $700,000 to $200,000. S.b. Annual General City Audit, Ending June 30, 1993. Information. S.c. January, 1994, Investment Report. Information. S.e. Hiring of John L. Wallace and Associates as Interim Public Works City Engineer. Approved. It was moved by Souza/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Consent Agenda Item 5.d., with the recommended course of action. S.d. Long Range Planning Committee's Update on Traffic Issues. Information. STEVE DEVENCENZI of the Council of Governments clarified some of the funding issues for the City Council members. He referred to the February 8, 1994, Staff Report by the Planning Director. He said on Page 1, Last Paragraph, Line 4, "Urban SHA funds" should read "Urban STP/SHA funds." He said he wanted to make clear to the Council that monies for the Long Range Study are to be allocated from the regional SHA funds and are not coming from the City's General Fund. Council Member Brandy stressed the importance of completing the Circulation Element update to meet State requirements. Mayor Gallagher asked what the Route 101 Corridor Alternative Analysis would include, and Mr. Devencenzi said it would be an analysis of San Luis Obispo to El Campo Road looking for alternatives to widening the road. 6. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Burke/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Cash Disbursements in the amount of $721,727.90, as listed on the February 2, 1994, Staff Report of the Finance Director. 7.A. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING - UPDATE OF TRAFfIC FEE PROGRAM INCLUDINGr BUT NOT LIMITED TO. MODIFICATION OF METHOD OF CALCULATING TRAFFIC FEE: CITYWIDE The Planning Director said if the Council decides to have 2 .22.2 ' CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 the second reading and adoption of the ordinance updating the Traffic Fee program, the Public Hearing should be continued to March 22, 1994, when the ordinance would be in effect and the resolution setting the fees could be passed. She said the resolution would become effective 60 days after its adoption. Council Member Brandy asked if the Council would have information provided by Staff when it is deciding whether or not to adjust fees. The City Attorney said Staff would be providing information and recommendations. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Gallagher declared the Public Hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, Mayor Gallagher closed the hearing to the floor. - Council Member Burke said the Council recognized the need to update the traffic fees because of adverse economic impacts on new business. He complimented Staff, the Planning Commission and the Traffic Commission for their work on the update. It was moved by Burke/Moots (5-0-0, Burke, Moots Brandy, Souza and Gallagher voting aye), to adopt Ordinance No. 461 C.S. Establishing Transportation Facilities Development Impact Fees for All New Development Within the City of Arroyo Grande. Mayor Gallagher said the Public Hearing would be continued to the City council meeting of March 22, 1994. 7.B. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSAL FOR THE FOLLOWING: (1) SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ELEMENT (SRRE); (2) HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE ELEMENT (HHWE); (3 ) DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ( EIR) ; (4) JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (JPA); CITYWIDE: APPLICANT: SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (LEAD AGENCY); CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (RESPONSIBLE AGENCY). Mr. TerBorch said there is a large volume of documents to review on this matter and recommended opening the Public Hearing and either continuing it to the February 22, 1994, meeting or setting the date for a special meeting on the matter. council Members discussed the two alternatives. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Gallagher declared the Public Hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. Mr. Devencenzi said the Council would probably want to at 3 223 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 least discuss the JPA at the next council meeting so that its input can be taken back to the SLOCOG's March 2, 1994, meeting. He said the other matters could be postponed, if necessary. He answered other Council questions. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Gallagher closed the Public Hearing to the floor. The Council discussed inviting the Planning Commission to the meeting to give input. It also talked about taking up all the documents at one time since they are inter-related. Mayor Gallagher recommended a special meeting before February 22, 1994, but Mr. TerBorch said there was not enough time to read all the documents and hold a meeting before that time. The Planning Director said by state law there must be two public hearings. Council Members asked to receive the documents connected with this item as soon as possible. It was moved by Burke/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to continued the item to the regularly scheduled Council meeting of February 22, 1994. Mr. Devencenzi said he would be more than happy to meet with Council Members to explain any of the four items. a.A. REPORT BY FINANCE DIRECTOR REGARDING SIX-MONTH REPORT ON REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES (AS REOUESTED BY CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 25. 1994) Mr. Bacon referred to his January 12, 1994, six-month (July - December) report of revenues and expenditures in the General Fund of the City of Arroyo Grande. He explained the status of the four accounts into which the General Fund revenues are being received, (1 ) Current Secured property tax , (2) Sales Tax, ( 3 ) Utility Users Tax and (4) Motor Vehicle License Fees. He said current secured property tax was on target, while the sales taxes and motor vehicle license fees both were low. He said nearly all of the utility Users Taxes will be recovered in the second half of the fiscal year. He said expenditures were about $60,000 under budget, but efforts to under-spend further by 10 percent of budget had not been successful and Staff may achieve only 2 and 1/2 percent. The Finance Director said since he wrote his report on January 12, 1994, he has determined that underspending and the utility users tax may eliminate the deficit the city began the fiscal year with. Mayor Gallagher said the City has been working diligently to 4 .224 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 get out of a precarious financial situation. He said the City would have been in dire straits without the utility Users Tax. Mr. Bacon said the city would have been over $400,000 in debt. Council Member Souza said the 10 percent cut still may be necessary, and requested monthly reports on the city's financial status until the end of the fiscal year. Mr. TerBorch said he had heard that the State did not intend to make any further cuts to the cities. He said City equipment is starting to break down after several years of no replacements, and that is why it has been difficult to reach the 10 percent goal of cuts in equipment and services. Mayor Gallagher invited the public to speak on this issue, and no one came forward. - 9.A. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT: RAY BURNELL AND TIM OUIGGLE RAY BURNELL reported to the council on the progress of the Economic Development Committee. He said an economic task force made up of City and Chamber of Commerce representatives united behind a common vision of a balanced community that preserves the city's unique historical character while creating a self- sufficient and dynamic economic environment. He said the task force formed the Economic Development Committee made up of 19 community leaders from government, education, health care, banking, agriculture and other major sectors. He said there is a five-point strategy consisting of an economic assessment, finding ways to help business expand and remain in business, attracting new business, enhancing the incentives to do business in Arroyo Grande, and educating the community that responsible economic development is important. He listed accomplishments of the committee, as follows: 1. A two hour luncheon program on Customer Service was organized and conducted. 2. A survey was conducted of residents of the city on economic vitality issues. 3. A data base of commercial vacancies in Arroyo Grande was created to be used as an aid in leasing space. 4. City Accomplishments - Reduced business license fees; clarified use-permit requirements; reduced traffic mitigation fees; preliminary discussions with county, Caltrans and Council of Governments to improve Brisco Road interchange at Highway 101; 5 . 225 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 exploring alternate routes for Highway 227 around the village, and budget advisory committee comprised of local business and community leaders to work with the city in making recommendations to balance the budget. 5. New commercial enterprises for 1994 - ARCO AM/PM Mini Mart at Grand and Bennett, new Vons store at Grand and Courtland and new car wash at Grand and Elm. 6. The City and the Chamber have had discussions with a party (who wishes to remain anonymous) about developing the 44 acre parcel around Festival Cinemas. TIM QUIGGLE discussed the current Economic Development projects of the committee, as follows: 1. Economic Assessment - Forming quarterly reports based upon sales tax, business licenses, school district data, property assessment data, housing sales and workforce survey data. 2. Existing Business Retention & Expansion - Visiting existing businesses by the Mayor and other EDC representatives to discuss their needs and plans, updating vacancy survey data and having a data base at the Chamber of Commerce and city Hall, city beautification projects such as improving City entrances, and coordinating efforts with other local business organizations such as Oak Park Plaza (K-Mart), the Village Improvement Association and Arroyo Town and Country Square (Payless/Lucky Center). Mr. 3. New Business Attraction - formulating strategy to attract new businesses, identifying preferred commercial enterprises to attract business, preparing information packets for new business relocation inquiries and prospecting for new businesses at local festivals. 4. Community Improvements - Exploring revenue enhancement options to aid economic development, studying expanding sphere of influence and organizing a City Budget Advisory Committee. Mr. Quiggle said the EDC representatives met with a representative of the State to discuss block grants for the City. He said the City should put into the budget funds to match grants and hire a consultant to write the grants. 5. Community Education and Involvement - Issuing press releases on EDC progress and future direction, providing updates to community leaders through presentations to governmental bodies and service groups and utilizing electronic media to publicize EDC's progress. 6 ','2 2 6 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 9.B. POLICY RELATED TO TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES The Planning Director referred to her February 8, 1994, Staff Report on policies related to Traffic Impact Fees. She said the Council had instructed staff to return with a recommended policy for projects approved under the existing traffic mitigation program. She listed the staff's recommendation on each policy. The Council then reached consensus, as follows: 1. projects approved under the existing traffic mitigation program, and applicants have finaled their project (i.e., recorded a map, pulled a building permit) - Staff recommended that the applicants should pay the traffic impact mitigation fees agreed to when their project was approved. Council Members agreed. ~ 2. projects that were approved under the traffic impact mitigation program, and applicants have not finaled their project, thus they have not paid the traffic impact mitigation fee - Staff recommended that the applicants have the option of submitting an amended application that would require review of their mitigation measures. Each project would be reviewed on a case by case basis. Council Member Souza recommended that the fee be waived, but the other Council Members agreed with staff. \ 3. projects that were approved under the existing program, applicants have not finaled their map but include the amended mitigation measure - staff recommended that since this is a mitigation measure, it would be handled administratively, and the applicant would pay the new traffic fee. Council Members agreed that this is not a policy issue and would be handled administratively. 4. Since the Resolution establishes the fee, and will not become effective for 60 days after adoption, staff recommended that the new fee apply to all new and pending projects. Council Members agreed. 9.C. REOUEST TO CONNECT TO CITY'S SEWER LINE: TRACT 1724: CASA TIERRA INVESTMENTS: BYijON GRANT (PROPERTY LOCATED ADJACENT TO CITY LIMITS ON LO~ BERROS ROAD) Mayor Gallagher read the February 8, 1994, Staff Report of the Planning Director who covered the issues of whether or not the Local Agency Formation Commission would have to approve an agreement between the city and the home owners~ and the impact on the makeup of the South San Luis Obispo county Sanitation District board of directors if Tract 1724 was allowed to connect to the city's sewer main. Ms. Liberto-Blanck wrote in her report 7 . 227 . . . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 that Grover Beach had applied to be a member of the board and, if it is annexed into the district, the result would be that Arroyo Grande would go from a 1/3 vote to a 1/5 vote. She wrote that if properties located within the County such as Tract 1724 can use the City sewer lines, County representation on the board may ultimately be eliminated through the de-annexation of the County from the SSLOCSD, and Arroyo Grande would maintain its 1/3 vote. RUTH BRACKETT, Fourth District Supervisor and representative on the SSLOCSD, spoke to the Council and said the proposal to I allow connection of the tract to the City's sewer line would be one way to solve the district board representation ratio and ! allow Grover Beach to become a member of the district. She said if Arroyo Grande would allow connection to its sewer lines of - home owners in unincorporated areas, the County would have less of a reason to have representation on the district board. BYRON GRANT of High Mountain Road, developer of Tract 1724, asked the City Attorney if the agreement with the City would have to go before LAFCO. Mr. Lyon said because the tract is within the SSLOCSD boundaries it would not be necessary. Mayor Gallagher said at the last board meeting Executive Director Paul Hood said LAFCO should at least have a cursory review the agreement. Council Member Moots expressed concerns about the city's sewer line capacity, and Mayor Gallagher said the city is using less than 50 percent of its contract capacity. Council Member Moots asked about capacity when other tracts want to connect. Mr. Grant said his tract is the only one within the County's urban reserve line and the district boundaries. Mr. TerBorch said all the concerns and questions will be answered for the Council if it directs Staff to do so. There were other questions about maintenance of the sewer lines; construction to city standards; review of the project by the interim Public Works Director and funding for the review; where the fees would come from; how the connection would affect the homes on Tiger Tail and Mesa Drives; setting a precedent for future connections to City sewer lines, and how much capacity would come from the 23 homes in Tract 1724. Council Member Brandy asked Supervisor Brackett if the County would be willing to give up a vote on the district board, and she said yes, if developers like Mr. Grant would be allowed to get service. She said then she would represent on the board only agricultural interests, and the district could enter into agreements with them for future service. 8 ... 2;2 B CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 Council Member Brandy recommended that Staff be directed to work with Mr. Grant based on finding out all the information asked for, answering all the questions of the Council Members and establishing appropriate fees. Other Council Members agreed. 9.0. SETTING DATE AND TIME FQR A JOINT MEETING WITH GROVER BEACH CITY COUNCIL REGARDING POLICE CONSOLIDATION Mr. TerBorch requested that the Council set dates for public hearings and presentation of proposals to consolidate Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach Police Departments. Council Members chose the dates of March 23 and 31, 1994. The South County Regional Center and the Grover Beach Community Center will be locations for the meetings that will begin at 7:30 P.M. Mr. TerBorch said the Councils will be making decisions on the consolidation in April, 1994. -' 10. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The Acting city Manager said the material from the representatives of Rancho Grande would be available in the Council's mail boxes. 11. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Gallagher referred to recommendations made by city auditors and asked if the City had complied with them. Mr. TerBorch replied that the City had complied in part, and implementing other recommendations is in progress. 12. CLOSED SESSION None 13. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Burke/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 P.M. YOR ATTEST: '11~ a. ~ NANCY A DAVIS, CITY CLERK 9