Minutes 1982-08-24 I" r , , r,' , ~, I 201 } CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 24, 1982 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Smitii""presiding. Upon roll call; Council' Members Lawrence E: Vandeveer, Matt'Gallagher, Mark M. Millis, and Karl A; Hogan reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGiANCE, ' Council Member Millis led the Pledge 6i'Allegiance tO,our Flag: Pastor Mike Deming of the Seventh Day Adventist Church; Arroyo Grande, California, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member G~llagher, it was ,unanirnou~iy, voted to approve the minutes of August 10, 1982. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, Demand Warrants '#18093 through #18304 and #P418 through #P427 in the amount of $391,690.67-- and Payroll 'Warrants #23037 thr,?ugi,' #23132 in the amount of $73,495.97 were'app'roved'and ordered paid. :-\ PRESENTATIONS Mayor Smith stated she wished to remove item #5"from the Consent Agenda regarding Beach Cities Little League Day. Council "concurred. Mayor Smith presented certificates to each member of the Little League 'team and read' the proclamation proclaiming AuiJ'ist' 25, '1982" a's' "Beach Cities' Little League Day" . APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ' . . On mo~~on of council,Me~b~r.Vandeveer!.secorided~~y'c?uncil Member Gallagher, it' was unanimously voted to approve the Consent 'Agenda Items with the reconunended courses of action, minus item- #5,. ~ ,". A-I. ,Receipt of ,Statistical/Finance Report by Animal'Regulation Department of County of San" Luis' obispo, Specific "to Arroyo Grande, ~for 4th "Quarter, 1981-82. RECOMMEND RECEIVE AND FILE. A~2. Receipt of Report by San Distr~ct'for Second Quarter of Lui,,! Obispo, CountY,Air,:Pollution Control 1982: 'RECOMMEND'RECEIVE AND FILE. . , - ~ A-3. Receipt' ~f Parks - and" Recreatiori"Directo~1 s 'Report, oRe. 'Parks and" Recreati6n'Commission Meeting of'August,12, 1982~ RECOMMENO'REVIEW'ANo'FILE. , -- '., - - A~4~ Receipt of Legislative'Bull~tin'No.' 29 fr?ID_League of ~alif?rnia Cities, arid Others. RECOMMEND REVIEW;'APPLICABLE AC?,ION, ,IF ANY, AND FILE~ NOMINATION BY MAYOR SMITH RE: PERSON FOR APPOINTMENT TO SOUTH COUNTY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION , ' Mayor Smith stated that" she has not, received' any 'applications for this Commission' and has no-appoi~tffien~ 'at this t~me: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING'ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY,'SECTIONS 9-4.1001 AND'9-4.1013, RELATIVE TO APPROVAL' OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND SIZE OF PARCEL IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING " DISTRICT , Administrator Sheldon 'stated'that'this"is 'the second reading'of' an ordinance to amend the 'zoning o"rdinance', pertinent to - approval of development plans and'size of parcels in the'planned deveiopment district. 'Attorney' Shipsey read~the title ~f 'the ordinance:' On motion'~f Council Member Vandev~er, sec<?~ded by Coull:~il '.Membe~ Hogan_; it w~s unanimously voted t? dispense with further reading of the -ordinance. Council Member-Millis questioned wording in the 'ordinance a~,it pertains' to approvais'by'the, Planning'Commission and'suggested that this be amended to include the c~ty Council.. After di'scuss-{on, - Council'" Member Vande~~er ~rnoved"to continue the' second reading of the ordinance until the return of Planning Director Hays. Council Member Hogan seconded the motion and all voted in favor~ 202 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 24, 1982 PAGE TWO SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE.AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 1, SECTION .02 OF MUNICIPAL CODE - SPECIFIC TO ATTENDANCE BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AT PARKS AND RECREATION-COMMISSION MEETINGS Administrator Sheldon stated that this is the second reading of the ordinance to amend conditions specific.to City Council members attendance at the Parks and Recreation Commission meetings. Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. On mbtion of Council Member Gall~gher, -seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further-reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 276 C.S. u AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TITLE 10,_ CHAPTER 1, SECTION .02 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ATTENDANCE OF COUNCIL MEMBERS AT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETINGS On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and on the following roll call vote; to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 24th day of August, 1982. PROGRESS/STATUS REPORTS OF PENDING ITEMS OF BUSINESS FOR COUNCIL'S REVIEW/ACTION ;.c~:':T; Eucalyptus Trees Along The Pike Update of Land Use Element Tri-Cities Councils and Administrators Productivity Committee- Rate Structure for South County Sanitary Service Oak Hill Road Drainage of Wells Property Administrator Sheldon stated that there is nothing to report on these items. REPORT BY COUNCIL MEMBER MILLIS ON ZONE THREE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 1982- Council Member Millis stated that the-Committee discussed- a special district to take over both the Lopez recreational and the facilities of the treatment plant. The Committee_voted 6.to 1 to request that the Board of Supervisors provide a sum up to-$5,OOO to hire an-independent consultant to look into the feasibility of proceeding with a special district taking over the facilities. He stated that notification-will be made of. when this item - . will be before the Board of Supervisors. He requested that Mr. Karp, as alternate, attend the meeting if he is unable to do so. REQUEST BY PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL TO CALL FOR BIDS ON RESTROOM FACILITY AT STROTHER PARK AND PICNIC AREA DEVELOPMENT Parks and Recreation Director Keisler stated that Staff_ is requesting that Council approve to call for bids for the Strother Park restroom facility and picnic area. The bid package includes the restroom facility, sidewalks, picnic area 'concrete slabs, walls, planters, fixtures for-wat~r and electric and three barbeques. The package includes alternate~.for a speaker area and the multi-purpose court. The budget for this project is $72,000 and -is funded by, the -Roberti-Z'.Berg Grant of $39,000 and the 1980 Park Bond Act of $20,000 and City park,]development fees of $13,000. The construction documents have been reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission and they recorrunend approval. Mr. Rick Mason, .of Ruiz., Mason, and Orefice architects, answered questions of Council as to the construction and landscaping of the facilities. On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, it was unanimously voted to approve the call for bids ~or the restroom facility and picnic.area at Strother-Park.- o r r 203' CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 24, 1982 PAGE THREE PUBLIC HEARING RE: ABANDONMENT OF PORTION OF SEWER LINE EASEMENT NORTHERLY OF WEST BRANCH STREET AND EAsTERLY OF OAK PARK BOULEVARD AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF'WEST BRANCH'STREET'INTHE'CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE , 'Administrator Sheldon stated'that 'resolutions"were' adopted at the last"meeting calling 'for- theseabandonmen'ts and'setting'this date as the public hearing. 'The abandonment is for an unused sewer line easement ':' located across the westerly side of the K~Mart property and a'portion' of West Branch Street. The area has been posted and the 'abandonment advertised as required by, 'law. Public Works Director Karp explained that these abandonments are in onnection with a lot spli~ as a resubdivision of Parcel A of. Parcel Map AG' 81'-108, previously known as'lot l'of Tract 604 of Oak Park Acres. ,Mayor Smith'opened the public hearing 'for comments with'regard to the abandonment of a'portion:of'WestcBranchcStreet';' There being'none, the'hearing was closed. 'Attorney'Shipsey read the' title' of the resolution;' On motion of Council~Memner-Vandeveer~ ,seconded by 'Council Member-Gallagher, it was imanimously~voted'to dispense'with further'reading"of the' resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 1662 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF WEST BRANCH STREET, IN THE CITY ~OF ARROYO GRANDE:; (STREETS AND 'HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 8323, ET '.sEQ~) , , ' -, 'On motion of Council 'Member' Vandeveer , seconded' by'Council Member Gallagher, and 'on the' following 'roll call'vote; to wit: ' , AYES:' Council Members Vandeveer', Gallagher,-Millis, Hogan', "Mayor Smith NOES: 'None ABSENT: : "None the'foregoing'Resolutionwas passed'and,adopted this 24th day of August; 1982. -.' ~ - .-, Mayor Smith opened the public hearing for comments regarding the abandonment of the sewer line easement on West Branch Street. There being none, the'hearing'was closed. Attorney Shipsey'read the title'of the resolution. On 'motion of 'Council MembecGallagher,'seconded by 'Council Member Vandeveer, it "was' unanimously voted'to' dispense with" further -reading of the' resolution. .'RESOLUTION NO. '1663'-' , A 'RESOLUTION' OF THE,'CITY' COUNCIL OF-THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT OF' A PORTION OF A SEWER LINE EASEMENT NORTHERLY OF WEST BRANCH STREET AND EASTERLY OF OAK PARK BOULEVARD' (STREETS 'AND' HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION '8323, ET SEQ.) On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by~Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: 'ABSENT : Council Members Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None 'None " the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of 'August, 1982. ',.' , 204 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 24, 1982 PAGE FOUR REPORT BY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ON 'RECEIPT OF APPROVAL OF ,LOAN FUNDS UNDER CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINKING WATER BOND' LAW OF 1976 IN AMOUNT OF $746,650" Administrator Sheldon stated that,Staff is recommending that Council hold a study session because of the large amount of information that needs to be transmitted on this item. It was the consensus of Council to'hbld a study session on August 31, 1982 at 6:30 P.M. REPORT/RECOMl'1ENDATION BY~DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS RE: GRAND OF EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES WITHIN THE K-MART SHOPPING CENTER , Public Works' Director Karp stated that the referenced deed grants access to the City over Parcels Band C of Parcel Map AG 81-108. These parcels are ',those adjacent to the K-Mart side where the'shop buildings are now under construction. With acceptance of this grant deed, the'City will have adequate easements to maintain their facilities ,throughout the shopping center. He recommended that' Council accept on 'behalf of the public the partnership grant deed for utility purposes. On motion,:of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, it was unanimously voted to accept on behalf of the public the easement for utility purposes. J i il ORAL COMMUNICATIONS .. Council Member Gallagher stated that it has come to his attention that Fire Chief Marsalek assisted a local family by ,responding by supplying oxygen but more particularly the moral support he provided. He stated he wished to commend Fire Chief Marsalek. Council Member Vandeveer requested that Oral Communications remain open until after the Closed Session. Attorney Shipsey advised that Council vote on this matter. Council Member Vandeveer.~oved to continue the item ,of Oral Communications until after the Closed Session and was seconded by Council Member Hogan. The motion was defeated with Council Members Gallagher and Millis and Mayor Smith dissenting. Hugh Pope, 723 Bennett, stated that the Press has been neglecting the coverage of Case #50322 of the Superior Court. He urged citizens to',look into this matter as it is costing the taxpayers., .. CWSED SESSION'. , 'Council adjourned to closed session at 8:20 P.M. and returned at 9:20 P.M. Mayor Smith stated that Council has voted to terminate the employment of Bill Sheldon as City Administrator of the City of Arroyo 'Grande, effective immediately. The Council voted to give Mr. Sheldon 60 days severance plus benefits. The Council has also voted to appoint Chief Clark as Acting Administrator. She stated that there will be advertisement for a new city administrator and it is anticipated that the process will take approximately 90 to 125 days. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Gallagher, 'seconded by Council Member Millis, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. to a study session on August 31, 1982 at 6:30 P.M. ~,~~ D ATTEST: MAYOR