Minutes 1982-09-21 ! 206 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 The City Council met in regular session with MayoD',Bmith presiding. Upon roll' call, Council Members Lawrence E. Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher, Mark'M. Millis, and Karl A. Hogan reported present.' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member Gallagher led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Reverend Rick Comstock, First Assembly of God Church, Arroyo Grande, delivered the 'invo'cation. u APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion 'of Council Member Gallagher,'seconded by Council Member Vandeveer, and unanimously voted, the minutescof August 24, 1982 werej. approved as presented and the minutes of August 31, .1982 were approved' as amended. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, Demand Warrants #18305 through #18379 'and #P428 through #P436 in the amount of' $402,486.71 and Payroll Warrants #23133 through #23245 in the amount of $74,149.51 were approved and ordered paid. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Seigfried C. Baden, 1385 Brighton, 'spoke regarding the high cost of property taxes and the present lack of growth in the City. Anthony Azevedo spoke regarding the cost of living and the quality of water in the City. Tom'Higdon, 183 Fairview, spoke regarding the recent newspaper poll and spoke in support of Mr. Millis. Bill McCann, 575 Crown Hill, stated that,Mr. Millis should not be asked to resign. Ella Honeycutt, 560 Oakhill Road, stated that the City Council should represent the peop}e~ Jim McGillis, 136 Bridge Street, explained'the questions asked in .the poll and its results. Bob Carr, 836 Olive, stated that dealing with the issues is acceptable, but that personalities'should not be involved. Thorn Head, 344 Santa Fe, stated that Council should overcome their differences and provide support. Tom Bonds, 517 Launa Lane, stated that all members of Council should work together. Dan Dirkes, 267 E. Cherry, suggested that all differences be put aside. Mr. Millis read a statement and stated that the poll was created by pro-development interests. .Margarita Johnson,and Al Santinello spoke regarding the recent termination of employment of Bill Sheldon. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member vandeveer, it was unanimously voted to approve the consent agenda items with the recommended courses of action.' A-I. Receipt of Departmental Monthly Report for Month of August, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-3. Receipt of Parks and Recreation Director's ~epor~, Re. Pa~ks and Recreation,Commission Meeting of September 8, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. U~ '. . ! , ! A-2. Receipt of Minutes. of Parking an9 Traffic Commission for Meeting of August 16, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-4. Receipt of Planning Commission's Answered Agenda for September 7, 1982. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-5. Receipt of Letter of Thanks from Five Cities Meals on Wheels for Funds Granted by the City for Current Fiscal Year. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-6. Reciept of Letter of Thanks from Hotline, Inc. for Funds Granted by City for Their Current Budget Year. RECOMMEND REVIEW ANDZFILE. " I i , r , : I I ~ I , I .1 l 207 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO G~DE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER'14, 1982 PAGE TWO- A-7. Receipt of "Chief Plant Operator's, Monthly' Report' for August i 1982, on: Operation of South San"-:Luis Obispo County Sanitation District I s Operation, Plus Others. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. 'A-8. Recieptof,Letter of Thanks from,South County Senior-Citizens for Financial Help and Support Given by City of Arroyo Grande. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE. A-9. Letter of Appreciation and Thanks from' Don Benninghoven, Executive: Director of League of 'California Citiesi'Re. Joint Letter of Thanks by - Seven Mayors of 'Cities within,San Luis. Obispo County to League, Staff for Their Outstanding Efforts; RECOMMEND REVIEW AND .FlLE. -, A-10, Receipt of Legislative Bulletin No. '31., from League of ..California Cities and, Others. RECOMMEND 'REVIEW.. APPLI8ABLE' ACTION; IF ANY. AND. FILE. '" A-ll. Receipt of Letter of Information, Re. Sonic Cable TV's Cable System within City of Arroyo Grande and Notification of Forthcoming Request for Rate Increase. RECOMMEND REVIEW AND FILE AND ADVISEMENT, RE: COUNCIL'S ATTENDANCE ON TOUR OF'SONIC'S OPERATIONAL FACILITY. A-12. Notification of Public Hearings to be Set for TuesdaYi September 28, 1982 at 8: 00 P.M. on the following 'matters: ita) PUblic'Hearing" Re. Rezoning Case No. 82-166,'Zone Change from . "RA-B3" Residential Agricultural ,District. (40,000 sq. ft., minimum bldg.osite) to' ,'~RA-B2'" (20,000 sq. ..ft. minimum bldg. .site) , 345 Tally Ho Road. "Miress.nail AIJtjadi. (b)' Public Hearing, Re. Proposed Amendment. to' Ordinance No. 153-C.S. Indicating ,No Further'Division'o~'Property,in Tract No. 600, ,35, acres Lying Between Branch..Mill, Road ,and the Arroyo'Grande Creek, Easterly of Tract No. 256, Greenwood Manor. (c) Public Hearing, Re. Increase in Refuse Rates. RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DATE, OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1982 TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS. PUBLIC HEARING RE:' ABANDONMENT OF WATER AND SEWER EASEMENTS OF RIGHTS OF WAY ON roT 5 OF OAK PARK ACRES', TRACT'604, OAK PARK BOULEVARD ,AT JAMES WAY Public Works Director Karp explained that it is proposed to ~andon two public easements which were dedicated for the purpose of utility installations through 'Parcel C" and'D- of Lot 5 of Oak, Park Acres. Since Lot 5 has been reduced considerably'and the configuration of the lot has been changed due to the proposed motel construction on Lot 4 of Oak Park Acres, the easements' are'no'longer-of,value'to the, City. .The hearing having been properly noticed and published, Mayor Smith opened, it for public comment. There being none, the hearing was closed. Public Works Director Karp read the title of the resolution. On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member'Gallagher, it,was unanimoulsy voted to'dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION ,NO. 1664 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ,GRANDK:ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT , OF A PORTION OF', A SEWER LINE EASEMENT. AND, "A PORTION OF A WATER' LINE EASEMENT ON OAK '- PARK BOULEVARD, SOUTH, OF, JAMES WAY" IN THE CITY OF ARROYO' GRANDE,,' (STREETS' AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 8323,"ET SEQ.)' " On motion' of Council Member-Vanqeveer, seconded by Counci~ Member Gallagher, and on the ,following' roll call vote; ,to-wit: 208 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTlli~BER"14, 1982 PAGE THREE AYES: NOES: " ABSENT: Council Members Vandeveer, Gallagher I Millis -, Hogan, Mayor Smith None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of September, 1982. PUBLIC HEARING RE: AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO EFFECT CHANGE FROM "RA-B3", RESIDENTIAL. .AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT, TO R 1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT;" FOR AREA DESCRIBED AS EAST SITE.OF 400 BLOCK OF STAGECOACH ROAD, AND OAK HILL ROAD (JOE ZOGATA) UI Acting Administrator Clark stated that the.applicant was "unable to be present tonight and has requested that the hearing be continued..' There w~s discussi?n as to the appropriate date to continue the hearing. On motion ofCCouncil Member Hogan, seconded by Council~Member Vandeveer, it was passed to continue the hearing to the next meeting of September 28, 1982. Council Member Gallagher dissented. NOMINATION BY MAYOR SMITH OF PERSON FOR APPOINTMENT .TO SOUTH COUNTY' HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Mayor Smith stated that she has no appointment at this time. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY,' SECTIONS 9-4.1001 AND 9-4.1013, RELATIVE TO APPROVAL OF DEvELOPMENT PLANS AND SIZE OF PARCEL IN THE PI.ANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT Acting Administrator Clark explained that this ordinance amends the zoning ordinance pertaining to specific approval of development plans and the size of parcels in the planned development zoning districts. Council Member Millis noted that Section 9-4.10i3(fJ" should.be changed"to include Council approval. Mayor Smith questioned if changes to the ordinance may be made at the second reading. Attorney Shipsey advised that cierical.changes may be made at this stage and stated that' this change would. be acceptable. He read the title of the ordinance~" On motion of Councii.Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan; it was unanimously votedCt() dispense with further reading of the ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 277 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4, SECTIONS .1001 AND .1013, OF THE "MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO " "DEVELOPMENT PLANS IN THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING On motion of Council Member Millis, seconded by Council Member Gallagher," and on the folloWing roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 'Council Members Vandeveer, Gallagher, 'Millis, Hogan,' Mayor Smith None None J the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 14th day of September, 1982. REVIEW' AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE CONTRACT FOR LOAN FUNDS UNDER THE CALIFORNIA SAFE DRINKING WATER BOND LAW OF 1976, $746,650, AND AUTHORIZING PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO ACT RE: DISBURSEMENTS AND PAYMENT.':MATTERS THEREON Acting Administrator Clark stated that Councii approved execution of this contract for loan funds under the California Safe Drinking Water Bond Law of 1976 at the study session of August 31, 1982 and"a resolution is required to be adopted to permit the City to enter into this contract. Council Member Vandeveer questioned if this resolution will bind the City to a particular dollar amount. Public Works Director Karp explained that the resolution will not commit a certain amount and at this s~age only authorizes the signing of the contract by the Mayor and himself to "act regarding disbursements and payments. He read the title of the resoluti6n~. On"rnotion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. ;r I r , \\ \ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 20'9 1 i i i SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 r PAGE FOUR RESOLUTION.NO..1665, .A. RESOLUTION.OF THE.CITY..COUNCIL.OF.THE .CITY.... OF.-ARROYO. GRANDE . AUTHORIZ ING. THE SIGNING OF . ,THE..CONTRACT FOR .FUNDS UNDER THE CALIFORNIA '.SAFE DRINKING WATER BOND LAW OF 1976 AND DESIGNATING.PERSON TO SIGN. REQUESTS ,FOR DISBURSEMENTS AND PARTIAL PAY ESTI!~TES .On..motion..of Council Member. Hogan, ..seconded .by . Council .Member Gallagher, .and on the foilowing. rolLcall. vote, to wit: .',.' " '. AYES:.. .NOES: ...ABSENT: .Council.Members "'.None _.. . _ ~._ _ None. Vandeveer, . Gallagher, ..Millis, Hogan, Mayor':Smith . ~ "i ~. thesforegoing Resolution,.was : passed.. and adopted this '.14th. day.. oLSeptember, .1982. "f'--'- DISCUSSION BYCOUNCIL.RE:REPRESENTATION. OF. CITY AT UPCOMING . LEAGUE. OF.... CALIFORNIA CITIES .84TH .ANNUAL ..CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 17, 18, 19.. AND .20, _1982, AT SAN:.:OIEGO, PLUS DESIGNATION OF VOTING .DELEGATE Acting. Administrator Clark.explained that if any.Council Member wishes.to attend.this conference, Staff will.make.the.arrangements. Also, the selection of a voting delegate is needed for the conference.. Council Member Vandeveer and Mayor Smith indicated that they would like to attend. On motion of Council Member, Millis, ..seconded by Council',Member Hog.an, it: was unanimously voted to. select Mayor Smith .as.the voting delegate 'and. Council Member Vandeveer as the alternate. ..PROGRESS/STATUS REPORTS OF ~.PENDING...ITEMS OF BUSINESS,. FOR COUNCIL'S. REVIEW/ACTION -~Eucalyptus. Trees Along. The ..Pike... ..Acting Administrator.. Clark.. ..... stated that Staff .has. contacted Mr. Fogostein, owner. of. the trees, .to..see.." if trimming. of the.trees would be..permitted. Mr. Fogostein has.had..the. trees checked by Mr. Robert Hunter .of Greenvale Tree.. Company.,. who . recommends that the trees be left as they areo.. If topped, the second stage growth of the trees would be much weaker.. Staff has. requested a letter from Mr. Fogostein to this effect and of Mr. Hunter. The letter will be forthcoming. Staff has also. contacted three treecservice .companies .to submit proposals of trimming the branches which hang over the street. The proposals will be presented at a later meeting. --Update of Land Use Element. . Planning. Director Hays reported that he has been working on updating the Land Use Element, particularly with regard to.t~e agricultural.designation and -the agricultural_zoning. An item for discussion on the agenda tonight-is to,amend..the agricultural zonipg-portion to include five acre minimum parcels in the Zoning Ordinance. A follow up action wilL be amending the Land Use. Element itself, to. designate certain areas which are zoned agricultural to reflect the:'parcel size. A public hearing is scheduled for the Planning Commission. --Tri-Cities Councils and Administrators Productivity Committee. 'Mayor Smith stated that this committee was proposed by'Council Member. Gallagher to be composed of mayors and administrators of the three cities to explore cost-saving..methods. Acting Administrator Clark reported on the responses from the various entities -and _ the. m~9ori ty- .felt that th-ere is:.:ample2.conununication b~tween each cities.various~departments. ... ,.-Rate Structure for. South County... Sanitary. Service.. Acting '.Administrator Clark reported that this item .will be placed...on. the next.agenda.: ... . --Oak Hill Road. a~a :Draim3.ge..of Wells Property. ...Attorney,Shipsey reported' that thesematter~ will be .discussed .during closed session. '" --South County. Water' Association..', Acting..AdministratoLClark reported that he has.been in communication ~ith._Supervisor__Howard .Mankins..and he.<will be scheduling a meeting of,.this association. ,- - ..- .~ 210 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA " '.. SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 PAGE FIVE COUNCIL DISCUSSION RE: LETTER FROM REUBEN KVIDT, GENERAL PARTNER OF OAK PARK ACRES, RE: WATER STORAGE FACILITIES TO SERVE TRACT 824, LOT 11, TRACT 604, OAK PARK ACRES Public Works Director Ka:rp stated that Mr., Kvidt is requesting assistance from the City as to the assessment district to consist of West Branch Street, James Way, N. Halcyon, re~ervoir, pump station, an~ the appropriate transmissions. After discussion, it was the cons~~sus of Council to authorize Mr. Karp to begin the necessary procedures for this assessment., REQUEST BY MRS. A. STURTEVANT FOR RELIEF FROM PUBLIC SEWER HOOKUP REQUIREMENT Public Works Director Ka:rp stated that,Mrs, Sturtevant resides at 251 Spruce Street and the residence is not connected to City water or U sewercservice. He was notified by the County Welfare Department that there may be a health or safety hazard at' this address: He reported that the premises was inspected by the Building Inspector and he indicated that he did not encounter any problems or conditions which he would consider hazardous to the public. He recommended that Council make a finding that 'there appear~ to be no he~lth hazard to the public as ~ result of'Mrs: ' Sturtevant's daily existence at 251 Spruce Street; and that Mrs. Sturtevant be granted a waiver from existing City ordinance requiring hookup to the public sewer until such time as a public nuisance or health hazard becomes evident or until such time as the property is developed. On motion of Counctl Member Hogan, sec~nd~d by 9ou~~il Member M~llis, it was 'unanimously voted to grant the waiver' to Mrs. A: Sturtevant at 251 Spruce with the finding as stated by Mr, Ka:rp. PROPOSED ANNUAL RESOLUTION AuTHORIZING CITY TO PURCHASE VEHICLE TIRES' ON BLANKET ORDER THROUGH DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA DURING FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 , Acting Administrator Clark explained that ,the proposed resolution authorizes the City to establish a blanket order through the State of California for purchas'e of tires for the City during the current fiscal year. Attorney Shipsey read the title of tile resolution. On motion of Counci~ Member Gallagher, seconded by 'Council Member V~ndeveer, it was unanimously voted to dispense with further reading of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. -1666 A RESOLutION OF THE CITY COUNCIL-OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE'OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE VEHICLE TIRES On motion 9f Council Member V~ndev~er, seconded by Council Member Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Va~~eveer, .Gall~gh~r, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of September, 1982. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS RE: PARK AND RIDE'LOT FACILITY ON EL CAMINO REAL, OPPOSITE SAMBO'S RESTAURANT' Public Works Director Ka:rpstated that the State of California is , attempting to establish park and ride facilities adjacent"to main corridors betwee~ large population con~en~~ati~ns. Two such sites ~~~ under consideration for the- Arroyo Grande area Ileal:' .U.S. 101. Those facilities are adjacent ~o the oak.p~rk.Bou~evard int~rchange and the Brisco Road interchange at El Camino'Real. The State and/or the Council of Governemtns will probably negotiate with K-Mart'for use of parking near Oak Park Boulevard. The proposed site on El Camino Real near Brisco Road lies witllin the public right of way and is already improved with pavement and striping. Cal Trans Staff has requested that ten of the parking places on El Camino Real be designated as park and ride spaces. Notification of this concept was sent to the Managers of Sambos Restuarant and no re~ponse was received. The Parking and Traffic Commission recommends that the City Council execute the agreement. On motion of Council Member Hogan, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to approve the Park and Ride Lot Facility on El Camino Real and authorize execution of the agreement. J ~ - 'J . ,& \ " " " , I I " i , , I r : \ ! i n j " > ,'..; 211 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 PAGE SIX REQUEST TO 'DECLARE MISCELLANEOUS CITY PROPERTY AS 'SURPLUS' Acting Administrator,Clark referred, to the submitted list of surplus it~ms provided lliy;the:opoHce, fire,'andparkil departID~nts. , Restated he has c~ntacted Golden'West 'Auctioneers 'of Templetcm' and' they"are h,?ldiJ).g , . - . . ". - - .. .: ~ . .. 'an auction 'on October 24 at Camp San Luis.~ He recommended that th~ City 'p~rtiCipatein this ~cheduled aucti':'n. "~'GoidenWest Aucti,?neers ~harges'i5%, of the total sales' for their' services' and they"wiil handie the advertising. The City will ilhare in the advertising costs with otheF participating: ' agencies a - There' 'was - discussion. regardin(~t the procedure for" advertising p'rocedure of the"auction. ",On~mo!:ion,of ,Counc1,1 Member Millis, seconded ,by Council MeInber V~d~veeJ; I i ~ was un~iIl'!o~sly. .voted' .t~ accept the reccmmen~ation of Mr. Clark and retain Golden West Auctioneers to hold the'City auction on' October, 24, 1982. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS RE;QtiITCLAIM'bEED~bF UNRECORDED WATER LINE EASEMENT AT 1470 NEWPORT AVENUE , " Public,works Director,Karp ~tated,that Mr, and'Mrs. Ball~gh, 1470 Newport, have presented him with "a title report whis::h refers to' an,' encumbrance on their property~' 'The' nature of this cloud to their 't~tle is' the presence of information fhat there 'exists an unrecorded easemenf conveyed to the City of Arroyo Grande,ac!.os~ the Ballagh property for, water line purposes., It appears that the City once mainj:ained a small" diameter water line,in the vicinity of 1470 Newport Avenue, prior to the impravement'Jof:-.~the~-'area. C'.;:He:,~re.c.~~~ded :that Council aut;:hori?e e~~cution ~ and recording of the qui tcla;i.m deed to, Loren E ~ Ballagh', and ,thereby relinquish all Ci ty cl~iin to a wat,er line easement 'at thfs address. On "motion of Council Member,Mill:i,s, seconded'by Council'Member'Vandeveer, it ~as ~~animously voted to auth~~ize the:exe~ution and r~cording_of the qU:Ltclaim deed:,to:Loren" E: Ilallagh.: ' . -.,' REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY 'DIRECTOR 'OF PUBLIC WORKS RE: AGREEMENTS FOR SHARING COST OF UTILITIES AND' MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ARROYO' GRANDE WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA; REQUIRES RESOLUTION:., ' , , 'Public Works Director Karp stated that the State of California'is revising its agree~ent for'spiitting c':'~ts shared by both the City, and the State in operation of safety lighting, signal operation, and other 'highway , maintenance costs. Since this agreement has not been revised since before the Branch Street,reconst';uction, it is. appropriate that the city and the State update their.:agreement ',to reflect not, only present day costs, but asbuilt conditions since that major reconstruction~ He recommended adoption of the resolution which is ,to be used for agree~ent approval. Attorney Shipsey read the title' oiCthe resolution.' On motion of Council M~er-Vandeve~r, secon?ed'-bY~Councii.Me~er 'Hogan, it 'wa~ unanimously vo.ted :':0 dispense"with further reading of 'the re'solution:, ' RESOLUTION NO. 1667. 'A ~SOLUTi6N qF ~HE. CIT! COUNCIL OF THE CITY, OF ARROYO GRANI?E APPROVING THE AGREE/1ENT WITH THE'DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION,,,STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE SHARING ,OF COST OF uTILITIES AND, THE MAINTENANCE OF HIGHwAYS IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE On motion of Council Member Vandeveer, seconded by Council Member Hogan, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Vandeveer, Gallagher, Millis, Hogan, Mayor Smith None:.:: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 14th day of September, 1982. 212 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE , CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 PAGE SEVEN REVIEW/DISCUSSION BY CITY,COUNCIL RE: MATTER OF POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF CITY EMPWYEES AND POSSIBLE' FIRST' READING OF.ORDINANCE PERTAINING THERETO Attorney Shipsey'.stated that the provisions of the Government Code. regulate political activities of public employees and it has come to his attention that our Municipal Code does not conform. Council Member Gallagher questioned the need to adopt any regulations when.the City..is already regulated by the Government Code. There was discussion as. to the proposed-wording and the amended sections.' It was the consensus of Council that.Mr. Shipsey investigate the need for adopting the regulations and.return ~o Council. u REQUEST FROM VILLAGE OF ARROYO GRANDE MERCHANTS-ASSOCIATION FOR COUNCIL'S CONSIDERATION RE: POSSIBILITY OF PROVIDING.PUBLICRESTROOM.FACILITY.IN VILLAGE AREA Acting Administrator Clark referred to the letter received from the Merchants Association explaining the need for public'restrooms in. the Village area. Council Member Gallagher suggested that a joint meeting o be held with,the Merchants Association. Council-Member Vandeveer agreed ;, that there is a problem with the lack of public restroom facilities. It was the consensus of Councillthat a .letter be sent to. the Merchants Association requesting a joint meeting in.October. REPORT/RECOMMENDATION BY PLANNING DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION.AND POSSIBLE FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 9-4.808Ja) MIN. YDS. REQUIRED, "R-G" RESIDENTIAL GARDEN. APARTMENT DISTRICT Planning Director Hay~ stated that the proposed ordinance change will eliminate the confusion as to which .side of a structure is to be considered the side~?nd rear yard. With this.proposal, no matter which way a structure is placed on the lot, there will still be ten feet between the back of the building and the property line. He added that the Planning Commission has expressed some concern regarding the small rear yards of some of the new condominium projects on narrow lots. The Planning Commission recommends thisuamendment to the Zoning. Ordinance. Attorney Shipsey read the title of the ordinance. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by:Council- Member Millis, it was passed to..dispense with further reading of the ordinance,.~~.to.i'constitute the first reading. Council Member.Hogan dissented. L ,~ , I, I I I, I I r ,_/, ! n -.--' 213 ._\ I CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 PAGE EIGHT COMPLAINT BY. EUNICE AND RALPH COOK, RE: MATTER. OF SOIL. EROSION AND WATER DRAINAGE INVOLVING.THEIR PROPERTY AT 170 FAIRVIEW DRIVE Public Works Director Karp sta~ted. tl:1at a memoGwas ~prepared and. .' submitted confidentiallycto'Acting Administrator Clark answeringcthe request by the Cooks in their letters of August 10 and August 30, 1982. He? recommended. tllat"this matter be ,!,:mtinu.ed to the next meeting, prior to' which the City~C~u~cil will rece~ve .the memo,dated September 1, }982, He also recommended, that the matter,be 8ubmi tted .to' the. Ci ty' s insurance company for appropriate ac~ion. It was the consensus of Council t? accept Mr._K~rp's recomme~~~tion.. REQUEST .BY PLANNING DIRECTOR FOR COUNCIL DIRECTION" RE: CONTROL/REGULATION. OF TEMPORARY POLITICAL SIGNS .WITHIN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, Planning Director. Hays stated that he has received calls regarding the placement of large political signs at various locations in the City. Attorney Shipsey stated th?t the Municipa~ Code 90es not speak.to political signs. Mr. Hays requested directign from,Coun"il in. this matte~r.. After discussion, it was the consensus ~f ~o~cil that Mr. Hay~_investigate other sign ordinances which deal with'political signs and return to Council with furthe~'information. REQUEST BY LARRY RAMEY OF ALCOHOL ANONYMOUS FOR COUNCIL'S CONSIDERATION, . RE: RENTAL OF CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS TO ALCOHOL ANONYMOUS FOR MEETING PLACE ~ Acting Administrator Clark readtl1", letter from Mr. .Ramey request~ng authorization ,to rent .the.Council Chambers from 8:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. .every day of the week except Tuesdays and.possible noon meetings. Mr'. dRa';ey proposed t~ rent'the Chambers for a fee of $300 per month ilnd . pay a share of the utilities.: Mr. Ramey, Newsome Springs Road, stated that the. organization is iIl neea of a meeting place. .and the Council Chambers is, a .good location.~. Coimcil.Members Gallagher and ,\logan spoke'in support of the Alcohol Anonymous organization. There was discussion regarding the possibility of a .';onfiict with a city commiss:io;';meet:ing: It was.. the consensus of Council that an agreement should be.prepared,stipulating times and dates and directed Staff to prepare such an agreement and return to Council. WRITTEN. COMMUNICATIONS Acting Administrator Clark.read a letter.from the Human~R~lations Commission requesting that the Mayor proclaim September 23, 1982 as Civil Rights Day.. He also read a letter from Leo Webb of [Jon Lee.Realty.requesting K-Mart be required to place a mansard roof around the building. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ,Council Member Hogan commented regarding his recent statement that he would request Mr. Millis' resig;';atlon. Co~ncil Member Millis ,read a written statement regarding this request. CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned,to a closed session at 11:00 P.M. and returned at 12:01 A.M., Mayor Smith announced that it is Council's decision to direct the 'City Attorney to 'pursue"'the appeal process with regard to the Wells matter and that the Public Works Director is directed to initiate work on the drainage of the Wells property. On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to so direct Staff... ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconded by Council Member Millis, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 12:03 A.M. --t3'a,w~ MAYOR A~"', r?~~~ DEPUTY CLERK . J 214 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 21, 1982 The City Council met in a special meeting with Mayor Smith presiding. roll call, Council Members Lawrence E. Vandeveer, Matt Gallagher, Mark Millis; and Karl A. Hogan reported present. Upon M. CLOSED SESSION RE: PERSONNEL The' City Council adjourned toe' closed session at 6:30 P.M. and returned at 7.:15 P.M. .Mayor Smith stated that ahsagre",ment:,has ".,' been reached with the members of the Arroyo Grande Police Association. Afb3'rc:se.veral weeks of negotiations, the finai agreement was based upon an average of wages, benefits and cost of living increases of other police agencies in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Count~es. Additionally, the City Council had to consider the problems created by inflation and the indicators that affect City revenues. She gave the following.summary of the agreement: ~ Overtime -.Police.Department. employees will receive time and one~half (l~) for all overtime worked in excess of eight (8) hours in'one shift or.in excess of forty (40) hours in one week. Vacation Schedule - The vacation schedule will provide two (2) weeks vacation after one (1) year of service, three (3) weeks after five (5) years, and four (4) weeks after fifteen (15) years of service. Lieutenant's Salary -.A 2~% salary range adjustment was.approved to bring the range in' line with other positions within the department. Adjustment resulted from additional positions being added to the present day schedule throughout the years. Cost of Living ~ The City Council has agreed to grant a 6.5%.cost of living increase ,for P91ice department employees. Several factors were considered. in reaching~this decision. These included inflation and wages, benefits and cost of living in~rea~es granted other police agencies in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties. Social Security - Presently, the...Ci ty pays the employee' s share of social security as part of his/her benefit package. In this agreement, the employee will be reimbursed 6.7% for social security and ~ill be .responsible for paying his individual share of social security. This agreement will.be retroactive to July 1, 1982 and will be effective until June 30, 1983. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Council Member Millis, se~onded by Mayor~Smith, it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 7:28 P.M. '=,", &r~ffdO " PUTY CLERK '-i3'~'~ MAYOR u ',.. " I