Minutes 1982-12-15
DECEMBER 15, 1982
The City Council met in an adjourned session with Mayor Smith presiding.
Council Members Karl A. Hogan and Matt Gallagher weDe~present. Council
Members Mark M. Milli~and Lawrence E. Vandeveer were absent. The meeting
was called to order at 3:30 P.M.
Mayor Smith stated that, for the record, Council will meet at'the area
known as Oak Hill Road or Lemon Lane for the purpose of meeting with the
various property owners. Upon Council's return atd4': 50 P.M. and after
discussion, Mr. Richard Lemon stated that he would permit a redrafting U,l:..' ~
of the' easements for the Pecks and the Hone~cutts without conditions and .
execute these deeds for ingress and egress in exchange for the City' ~
release of the performance bond guaranteeing paving of the Lemon driveway
from Pearwood Avenue, andJ.lffting the notice bo record a notice of" violation
of the subdivision process.
On motion of Council Member Gallagher, seconced by Council Member Hogan,
it was unanimously'voted that upon receipt of the deed, the Council will
authorize the City Attorney to release the Notice of Violation of Intention
and the Performance Bond.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 P.M.
ATTEST: (lpdJlll-;;~
*amended 12-28-82. Council Member Millis was present.