Minutes 1994-05-10 286' MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF 'fnE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1994 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Matthew Peter Gallagher, III, presiding. 1. & 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Gallagher led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Ehrhardt Lang of First united Methodist Church delivered the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL Council Members present in addition to Mayor Gallagher were Drew Brandy, Michael Lady and James Souza. Staff Members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, city Attorney Roger Lyon, city Clerk Nancy Davis and Finance Director David Bacon. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FRED FLANN ELL of 550 Via Vaquero said Council guidance is needed on two items before the City staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission, ( 1 ) the proposed Rancho Grande Park and ( 2 ) the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. He showed overhead projector slides of various surveys and polls that he said demonstrated that activities being planned and built in the City's parks are not what the citizens want. He said there are too many ball fields. He presented written information on the subject to the Council. 5. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Souza/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Consent Agenda Items 5.a. through 5. g. , with the recommended courses of action. 5.a. Proclamation, "Peace Officers' Memorial Day," May 18, 1994. Mayor Gallagher presented the proclamation to Police Commander Bill Andrews. 5.b. Proclamation, "Strawberry Industry Appreciation Month," May, 1994. Mayor Gallagher presented the proclamation to John Clark of the village Improvement Association and Tom Ikeda, a strawberry grower. Mr. Ikeda presented a box of fresh strawberries to the Mayor, who gave them to the audience and staff. S.c. Proclamation, "Poppy Days," May 16-21, 1994. Mayor Gallagher said the proclamation would be mailed to "Poppy Days" officials. 1 . 287 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 5.d. April 14, 1994, special City Council Minutes. Approved. 5.e. May 4, 1994, Senior Advisory Commission Minutes. Information. 5.f. April, 1994, Investment report. Information. 5.g. Arroyo Grande population Change; 15,146 as January 1, 1994. Information. 6. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Brandy/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Cash Disbursements in the amount of $340,714.62, as listed on the May 5, 1994, Staff Report of the Finance Director. 7.A. UPDATE REPORT ON 1993-94 GEN~RAL FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES: FINANCE DIRECTOR Mr. Bacon referred to his Staff Report of May 6, 1994, and said projections to June 30, 1994, continued to look promising and staff anticipated the budget reaching above zero. He said staff was still underspending its budgets by three percent, and there was a net gain in revenues above budget. The Finance Director said the summary projection at April 30, 1994, showed a projected net gain on June 30, 1994, of $178,000.00. He said without the utility Users Tax the city would have had a $300,000.00 deficit. B.A. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS EOUIPMENT: POLICE AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS It was moved by Brandy/Souza (4-0-1, Brandy, Souza, Lady and Gallagher voting aye, Burke absent) to approve Resolution No. 302B Declaring Surplus Property. B.B. 1994-95 APPROPRIATION LIMIT Mr. Christiansen referred to the May 4, 1994, Staff Report of the Finance Director, and said the Appropriation Limit for 1994-1995 is $7,927,062.00. It was moved by Brandy/Souza (4-0-1, Brandy, Souza, Lady and Gallagher voting aye, Burke absent) to approve Resolution No. 3029 Adopting a Tax Proceeds Expenditure Appropriation Limit for Fiscal Year 1994-1995. 2 2'8 8' CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 B.C. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH AN INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY FOR THE CITIES AND COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. AND MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND PAYMENT OF LANDFILL TIPPING FEE SURCHARGES TO SUPPORT THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY; AS REOUESTED BY THE SLOCOG GOVERNING BOARD Mr. Christiansen said before the Council were two agreements concerning the Integrated Waste Management Authority, one a memorandum of agreement and the other a joint powers agreement. He reminded the Council that there was a study session on the matter and a member of the Council of Governments staff was present to answer questions and outline the program. He said the matter had been studied for five years, and that Assembly Bill 939 mandated recycling and diversion of garbage. He said Council Member Burke, delegate to the Waste Management Board, had recommended that the MOA and JPA be adopted as the best method of implementing the mandates of AB 939. He said Arroyo Grande is too small to financially grapple with AB 939. STEVE DEVENCENZI of the COG answered Council questions regarding the money to operate the JPA corning from tipping fees, which is a $3.00 per ton surcharge on the rates paid at the landfill. Mayor Gallagher stressed the importance of the educational source reduction aspects. Council Member Lady discussed the City standing on its own rather than joining with other cities. It was moved by Brandy/Lady, and the motion passed unanimously to authorize the Mayor's signing of the Joint Powers Agreement to Establish an Integrated Waste Management Authority for the cities and County of San Luis Obispo, California. - It was moved by Brandy/Lady, and the motion passed unanimously' to authorize the Mayor's signing of the Memorandum of Agreement Among the County of San Luis Obispo and the cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, EI Paso De Robles, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo for the Establishment and Payment of Landfill Tipping Fee Surcharges to Support the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority. 8.D. INTENTION TO APPOINT COUNCIL MEMBER MIKE LADY TO THE INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY rIWMA) BOARD. DUE TO THIS APPOINTMENT. MAYOR GALLAGHER WILL REPLACE COUNCIL MEMBER LADY AS A MEMBER ON THE POLICE JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (JPA) BOARD Mayor Gallagher appointed Council Member Lady to the Integrated Waste Management Authority. Mayor Gallagher said he would be taking Council Member Lady's place on the Police Joint 3 ~ . 289 ~ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 Powers Authority Board. Council Members approved of both appointments. 9. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 11. CLOSED SESSION It was moved by Brandy/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn at 8:12 P.M. to a Closed Session concerning Pending Litigation: Government Code section 54956.9 (a), Mack vs. city of Arroyo Grande. 12. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8:30 P.M. and, on the unanimously apprQved motion of Souza/Brandy, immediately adjourned the meeting. -( , MAYOR ATTEST: ~ a. ~ NANCY A. VIS, CITY CLERK 4 -