Minutes 1994-05-24 290 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1994 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Matthew Peter Gallagher, III, presiding. 1. AND 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Gallagher led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Ken Lockwood of Seventh-day Adventist Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Gallagher and Council Members Drew Brandy, Bernard Burke, Michael Lady and James Souza. Staff Members present were city Manager Chris Christiansen, city Attorney Roger Lyon, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Finance Director David Bacon and Director of Building and Fire Kurt Latipow. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Burke/Lady, and the motion passed to approve Consent Agenda Items 5.a. through 5.c., with the recommended courses of action. All Council Members voted aye on the motion except Council Member Burke, who was absent from the May 10, 1994, Council meeting and abstained on Item 5.b. only. 5.a. April 26, 1994, city Council Minutes. Approved. 5.b. May 10, 1994, city Council Minutes. Approved. 5.c. Approval of Parcel Map AG 92-097; 1101 Huasna Road; Bob Bowen. Approved. 6. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Souza/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Cash Disbursements in the amount of $695,390.18, as listed in the May 18, 1994, Staff Report of Finance Director Bacon. 7.A. PUBLIC HEARING - VARIANCE CASE NO. 94-183: SIGN PROGRAM FOR FURNITURE STORE AND A VARIANCE TO EXCEED THE NUMBER OF SIGNS ALLOWED: 1450 WEST BRANCH STREET: LEVITZ FURNITURE CORP. Ms. Liberto-Blanck referred to her May 24, 1994, Staff Report and said the Planning Commission had recommended that the 1 291 I I I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 24, 1994 Council adopt the resolutions approving the variance and the planned sign program with the findings and conditions of approval contained in the resolutions. She referred to a May 16, 1994, letter from Kirby K. Gordon supporting approval of the variance. After questions from the Council and after being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly pUblished and all legal requirements met, Mayor Gallagher declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. U WILLIAM J. O'MALLEY, Group Operations Manager for the Southern California/Nevada Region, Levitz Furniture, and ROBERT F. LEVEL of Don Cox Signs, Inc. appeared before the Council. Mr. O'Malley said the store opening had been very successful and they were pleased to be a part of the Arroyo Grande business community. He thanked the City Planning Department for its cooperation and help in getting the store open. Mayor Gallagher said the City is pleased to have the store in Arroyo Grande. Council Member Lady said he was happy to have the national chain store here and hoped it sent a message that Arroyo Grande is business friendly. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Gallagher closed the hearing to the floor. It was moved by Souza/Burke (5-0-0, Souza, Burke, Lady, Brandy and Gallagher voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 3030 Granting Variance Case No. 94-183, Applied for by Levitz Furniture Corporation, at 1450 West Branch Street. It was moved by Burke/Lady (5-0-0, Burke, Lady, Brandy, Souza and Gallagher voting aye) to approve Resolution No. 3031 Approving Planned Sign Program Case No. 94-113, Applied for by Levitz Furniture Corporation, at 1450 West Branch Street. 8.A. SEWER MAIN CONNECTION AGREEMENT: TRACT 1724 (CASA TIERRA): REPRESENTATIVE: BYRON GRANT Mr. Christiansen said some months ago, the Council requested that the staff review the request of the developers of Casa Tierra regarding a sewer connection agreement, since the area is located in the County of San Luis Obispo. He recommended that the Council approve the request, with the stipulation that the developers pay all costs, including attorney's fees before the Mayor signs the Sewer Main Connection Agreement. Mayor Gallagher explained that Grover Beach is interested in joining the South County Sanitation District Board and the County 2 '29'2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 24, 1994 is interested in leaving the Board, if the people it represents can be serviced by another entity. He said with this agreement the need for sewer service will be accommodated and there will not be a septic system next to the creek. He said the questions and answers in the Planning Director's Staff Report were primarily questions raised by former council Member Gene Moots. Council Member Burke said his concerns were answered, and Council Member Lady said he had studied this issue and felt comfortable with it. Mayor Gallagher opened the hearing to the floor. TERRY ORTON of Westland Engineering said he had tried to answer all the Council's technical questions. He said all calculations had been turned in to the Acting city Engineer John Wallace, who reviewed them. He said a television scan of the sewer line was done, the city wanted to bring one area up to grade and the developers agreed to pay their share of that. He said the developers have agreed to pay the legal and connection costs, and the Planning Director was making a list. He said the maintenance of the sewer lines to City standards will be paid for by a home owners' association. In answer to Council Member Burke, he said the developers were in complete agreement to 13 points in the connection agreement. Mayor Gallagher closed the hearing to the floor. After further discussion, it was moved by Burke/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to authorize the Mayor to sign the Sewer Main Connection Agreement, after legal and engineering fees are paid to the City. MAYOR GALLAGHER REOUESTED THAT THE COUNCIL SKIP TO AGENDA ITEM 9.B. INASMUCH AS BILL SENNA. CHAIRMAN OF THE OCEANO COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS: LARRY GEIST. GEnERAL MANAGER OF THE OCSD, AND OCEANO FIRE CHIEF AL DEPEW WERE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. AND THE COUNCIL AGREED. 9.B. FEASIBILITY STUDY TO SHARE F~RE DEPARTMENT SERVICES: ARROYO GRANDE AND OCE~NO FIRE DEPARTMENTS Mr. Christiansen said staff had requested that the Council approve a feasibility study of consolidation of the Arroyo Grande and Oceano Fire Departments similar to the one being done for Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach Police Departments. He said the thrust of the study would be just like the Police study. Council Member Burke asked if the consolidation of the fire 3 . 293 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 24, 1994 departments would require a joint powers agreement, and Mr. Christiansen said yes. He said the County would not have to i approve it. Mayor Gallagher opened the agenda item to the floor. Mr. Senna said this is an opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach Police Departments' endeavors to try to save money and enhance services. He said Arroyo Grande and the OCSD already have a mutual aid agreement and joint training exercises. He said Oceano has a 30-member volunteer department. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Gallagher , closed the discussion to the floor. ~ Council Member Burke objected to the proposed fire department consolidation. He said the Council is made up of all new members with about 18 months experience on the job, trying to change the whole structure of city government. He said the Council should wait and see the outcome of the police merger. He said Council should direct staff to stop spending time on matters other than those affecting Arroyo Grande, their primary responsibility. He moved that any further efforts on the part of staff toward any consolidation with any other entity or jurisdiction be immediately discontinued until approved and directed by city Council. Council Member Lady questioned Chief Latipow about the part of the City's Long Range Plan that states that a second fire station is needed. Chief Latipow said the second station would be in the vicinity of the south side of Elm Street. Mayor Gallagher asked if services were to be shared with Oceano, would volunteers respond to stations nearest to their homes. Chief Latipow said if the fire department were to develop an efficient model it would generate some time-response overlays and assign personnel based on their geographic locations. Council Member Souza asked what would be the largest area of cost saving in a consolidation like this one. Chief Latipow said the City would save in the short range $800 thousand to $1 million in the cost of construction of a second fire station. He said in the mid or long range time periods the savings would be in administrative support and capitalization on reserve equipment. He said the volunteers are already responding to both communities. He said this would not be primarily a cost-savings plan but would stabilize the financial situation and enhance fire 4 I i I L '294 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 24, 1994 services to the citizens. He said there are several models of consolidated departments to look at. Mayor Gallagher asked if there would be any diminishment of services to Arroyo Grande, and Chief Latipow said no. He said on the issue of training, it had been standardized as much as possible but there is a duplication of the two training programs. Council Member Brandy asked if another full-time position would be required. Chief Latipow said the call volume in Arroyo Grande is taking its toll on the volunteers, fire chief and administrative services. He said the study would show if the new department could run with the same number of people it has now. He said the study would be done by staff using the Arroyo Grande Department's 10-year plan as a foundation. Council Member Burke said he could see no possible benefit to the city. He said the City has a good .fire department now, and the study would be a waste of time. Mayor Gallagher said the Council has a responsibility to its constituents to provide the highest level of service in the most cost effective manner as possible. He said if the Council can find a way to share services with another entity and forestall a second fire station to a distant time, it has that responsibility. He said he did not sense interest in the community to consolidate the cities. Council Member Souza said he did not know where resources would come from to build a new fire station. He said the Council needs to look at ways to improve the level of service. Council Member Lady said the City needs at least to have a feasibility study on the matter. Council Member Brandy agreed with the Mayor and Council Members Souza and Lady. He said the Council can look at the completed study and decide if the consolidation is in the best interests of Arroyo Grande. Council Member Burke said often feasibility studies turn out the way the majority wants them, in line with the objectives of the people who are making the study. He said he did not suggest that an outside consultant do the study. After further comments, it was moved by Brandy/Lady to enter into a feasibility study on the consolidation of fire services between the Arroyo Grande and Oceano Fire Departments, with the 5 I I . 295 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 24, 1994 I staffs of the two departments conducting the study. On a roll I call vote, Council Members Brandy, Lady, Souza and Mayor Gallagher voted aye and Council Member Burke voted no. The motion passed. 9.A. SUBMISSION OF THE PROPOSED 1994-1995 CITY BUDGET, AND SETTING OF BUDGET STUDY SESSION DATES BY CITY COUNCIL Council Members decided to hold the first budget session at 5:00 P.M. Thursday, June 2, 1994, in City Council Chambers, 215 East Branch Street. l 9.C. REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMITTEES 1. South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Mayor Gallagher said the district was meeting with the State Regional Water Quality Board to get permission to change the coliform bacteria standard inasmuch as the sanitation plant is operating so well. He also said the district is beginning its budget evaluation cycle. I 2. South County Area Transit (SCAT) I Council Member Burke said the board approved submitting an application for a grant to purchase a bus to be used for shuttle purposes up and down Grand Avenue. He said at the San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority meeting, it was suggested that the Grand Avenue bus also travel to pismo Beach motels. 3. Council of Governments Council Member Burke said the COG discussed representation on the Air Pollution Control Board. He said the city probably will be asked to appoint a Council Member to be on that committee. 4. Solid Waste Task Force Committee No report. 5. Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee and 6. County Water Advisory Board Council Member Brandy reported on the 1993-94 Surplus Water and Beginning of the Year Report. He said there will be 1,801 acre feet of surplus water will be made available to all Zone 3 contractors. He said the city's share of the surplus water will be 910 acre feet and, with the regular entitlement of 2,290 acre I feet, the City will be allowed to take up to 3,200 acre feet of water. He said this is more than the City used last year. He I said Lopez Lake is 52 percent full and was only 49 percent last year. He said the survey of the watershed conditions and identification of possible contaminates was getting underway. He referred to the Lopez Dam remedial work, and said the study is I 6 I i I ! ~ '29"6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 24, 1994 proceeding, the State had approved the study methodology and it will take about a year to do. He said there was a meeting in Santa Barbara concerning underground storage of surplus water. He said it is hoped that the State will share information it learns in a ground water study it is doing. 7. Long-Range Plan Update Committee Council Member Souza said Mike Multari and Karl Mohr discussed the cost benefit analysis of development. He said a new computer program could help the City learn about profit and loss for community development. He said Tim Quiggle gave an update on the Economic Development Committee, and Ms. Liberto- Blanck reviewed water sources for the city. 8. Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee Council Member Souza said the committee heard Bob Switzer of the State Economic Development Department. He said Mr. Switzer gave information on grants, redevelopment -agencies, etc. that could enhance economic development in Arroyo Grande. He said there are Community Development Block Grants that can be used for economic development. He said the city will be investing from $1,000 to $2,000 to hire a consultant to prepare an initial application for a grant of $30,000. He said that money would be used to prioritize and prepare a strategy for the five commercial and industrial development sites in the city. He said those sites are (1) Grand Avenue corridor revitalization, (2) Traffic Way/Highway 101, (3) Rancho Grande commercial site, (4) El Campo/Highway 101 (Frederick property) and (5) the Brisco/El Camino industrial area. He said if the City gets the $30,000 grant, Council would have to authorize $5,000 in matching funds and go out to bid for a consultant to do the study. 9. Coordinated Agriculture Support Program No Report. 10. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 11. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS BOB TEETERS of 692 via Vaquero asked for a copy of the proposed 1994/1995 City budget, and Mr. Christiansen said it would be available at the City Hall the next day. 12. CLOSED SESSION It was moved by Lady/Souza, and the motion passed unanimously to adjourn at 8:48 P.M. to a Closed Session on the following items: 7 I I . . . . 297 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 24, 1994 (a) Conference with Labor Negotiator: Government Code Section 54957.6 Agency Negotiator: Chris Christiansen, City Manager Employee Organizations: Service Employees International Union and Arroyo Grande Police Officers Association. (b) pending Litigation: Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Clara Hauser v. City of Arroyo Grande Mr. Christiansen said the above item has been removed from the agenda. (c) Public Employee Complaint: Government Code Section 54957 City Attorney Lyon said no action was taken by the Council on the above items. approved ATTEST: ! 8 '--