Minutes 1994-06-28 318 ~ MlNU'l'ES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1994 f CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA I The city council of the City of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M. I with Mayor Matthew Peter Gallagher, III, presiding. I I 1. AND 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Gallagher led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and " " the Rev. Randy Ouimette, Chaplin for the Arroyo Grande Fire ; Department, and Minister of st. Johns Lutheran Church, Grover .. Beach, delivered the invocation. i I 3. ROLL CALL :, I Present with Mayor Gallagher were Council Members Drew Brandy, Bernard Burke, and Michael Lady. Council Member James Souza is ;'j . absent. Staff Members present were Kurt Latipow, Director of Fire and Building Kurt Latipow, Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler, and Assistant city Attorney Tim Carmel. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS. None. ;.~. 5. PRESENTATION OF EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION AWARDS AND CERTIFICATES OX 'N' COMMENDATION TO CITY EMPLOYEES DOUGLAS BARMAN . JOHN SOARES AND ;~~ " SHIRLEY PAYNE. r On behalf of the city Council, Mayor Gallagher and Council ',. Member Brandy presented Suggestion Awards and certificates of Commendation to city Employees Douglas Barman, John Soares and ; Shirley Payne. Mayor Gallagher thanked the emp10yee~ for their efforts, which will result in long term savings to the city. 6. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Burke/Brandy, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Consent Agenda Items 6. a. through 6. h., with the recommended courses of action. Mayor Gallagher referred to '~,: consent Agenda Item 6.h., and asked why the requirement for a bond is included in the bid. Mr. Carmel stated that the Request for Proposal included the bond requirement. He said he would come back at the next meeting with more information. 6.a. June 2, 1994, city council Budget Study Session Minutes. " Approved. 6.b. June 6, 1994, city council Budget Study Session Minutes. ! . Approved. 6.c. June 13, .1994 , city council Budget Study Session Minutes. I I Approved. I ~ I 1 1 I I , . 319 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 28, 1994 6.d. June 14, 1994, city council Minutes. Approved. 6.e. Letter of Resignation from Henry Jewett, Senior Advisory Commission Member. Accepted with regrets. 6.f. Architectural review Case No. 87-392, Amendment # 2 , 337 Mesquite Lane; Applied for by Chuck and Marian Fiorentino. Approved. 6.g. 1994-95 San Luis Obispo Council of Governments' Joint Powers Agreement Annual Ratification. Mayor authorized to sign. 6.h. Award of Bid; Street Sweeping Contract. Awarded to low , bidder. i I "- 7. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Burke/Lady, and the motion passed unanimously to approve Cash Disbursements in the amount of $872,510.15, as listed in the June 22, 1994, Staff Report of Finance Director, David Bacon. 8.a PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF AN APPLICATION FOR AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ACTIVITY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. Planning Director Liberto-Blanck briefly reviewed the grant application, stating that for sometime now the city and business community have been meeting_to identify programs which could help stimulate and improve the local economy. As part of this program, the Economic Development Committee feels that attracting new businesses is probably one of the more important things that the city could do to create new jobs and reduce the vacancy rate in the city. However, before the City can attract new businesses, there must be an understanding of what the city's opportunities are; we cannot merely just zone property for commercial/industrial if there are none that want to come to the city. To help identify businesses that could come to the City, we looked at preparing an Economic opportunity Analysis, which would be prepared to identify businesses, identify the city's opportunities, and actually put together a program. However, to do this does cost money, so we are looking at one way to reduce the cost. One way to do this is to apply for an Economic Development Grant. Staff has put together an application packet which is before the council this evening. The Economic Opportunity Analysis will include things such as identifying the business climate analysis to assess the community characteristics relevant to the business 2 320 , CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNB 28, 1994 development and growth; Market analyses to determine the sales potential and market gaps for various business cluster; examination of potential sites to support development projects, establish project priorities for City action, and implementation planning for the high priority future projects for other grant funds we could go after. As part of this grant, however, we do have to have matching funds, which would be $5,100, that has already been identified in the budget. In response to Mayor Gallagher's question regarding the time frame, Ms. Liberto-Blanck stated that the City should know by August or September whether or not we are successful in receiving the grant. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Gallagher declared the hearing open. Tim Quiggle, 358 Corbett Canyon Road, stated he worked on the Economic Development Committee, Chamber of Commerce, with Carlene Bedwell, Ms. Liberto-Blanck, Bob switzer and Council Member Brandy. He stated that a lot of time was spent focusing the direction of this grant to make it the shortest route from where we are today to the completed project. He stated there has been a lot of input from a lot of different people. This grant would be the first in a series of grants, and once the product that this grant is funding is completed, it will give us information to continue with a project and to apply for other grants to develop the infrastructure in other grants that are available. Hearing no further comments from the floor, Mayor Gallagher closed the public hearing. Mayor Gallagher complimented the Planning Director Liberto- Blanck for the work that was done through her office, the Chamber, and the Economic Development task force in putting this package together. He stated he feels that the assessment of the team of a grant application for a market analysis to determine what . 1S necessary for the community is the right way to go. Council Member Lady stated he feels this is a step in the right direction, and it is encouraging to see everybody working together. Council Member Burke stated this is one grant he . in favor of, however, he 1S cautioned that grants requiring "up front" :rronies need to be looked at very carefully. Council Member Brandy stated he feels this particular grant is a step in the right direction. Mayor Gallagher stated his feelings that the focus of the grant application and the focus of the Economic Development Task force has been to create 3 . 321 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 28, 1994 strategies and move in a direction to enhance our revenue stream and, basically, to offset the utility tax. We are trying to do whatever we can that would enhance our economic viability within our own community so that we can positively influence our revenue flow and move away from using a direct tax basis of the constituents in our community. After further discussion, the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 3036 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDING AND THE EXECUTION OF A GRANT FROM THE PLANNING/ TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ALLOCATION OF THE STATE CDBG PROGRAM On motion of Council Member Brandy, seconded by Council Member Lady, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Brandy, Burke, Lady and Mayor Gallagher NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Souza the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28th day of June 1994. 9. a. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TEEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE It was moved by Burke/Lady, and the motion passed unanimously to dispense with the full reading of the Ordinance. There being no comments, the following action was taken: ORDINANCE NO. 464 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 10, CHAPTER 6 REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TEEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE On motion by Council Member Brandy, seconded by Council Member Burke, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Brandy, Burke, Lady and Mayor Gallagher NOES: None ABSENT; Council Member Souza the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 28th day of June, 1994. 4 322 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 28,1994 9.b. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Y.M.C.A. John Keisler, Director of Parks and Recreation, stated he is pleased to be recommending to the city Council that the enclosed Memorandum of Understanding be approved by the Council, noting that this is the first step in providing the Y.M.C.A. with the five acre parcel of land to construct a facility within the community. He pointed out that this will go to the Board of Supervisors wherein , they will be introduced to the project and we will get some feedbabk from them also. Assistant city Attorney Tim Carmel advised that the County has to continue and finish their lot line adjustment before this actually reaches the Board of Supervisors, and there really is not a clear time line as to how long that will take. Mayor Gallagher asked that the city Administrator be directed to follow up on that time line. Mike Mogenson, 211 Mariposa circle, Arroyo Grande, General Director of the Y.M.C.A., discussed the various phases of the project. He stated they project that a capital campaign would be starting in June of 1995, and envision this will take about a year, .~I and depending on how things progress, we could start construction ~. in the fall of 1996. I Mayor Gallagher stated that when a sign was first placed on t1 the site; questions were raised as to what is being projected there, and there were some concerns expressed. He asked if we were wqrking in concert with the residents in the Royal Oaks area so that they have some idea of what is happening? Mr. Mogenson stated ; since the sign went up and because of the miscommunication . concerning the sign, we have been really low key awaiting tonight's actIon. Any complaints' that come in to John Keisler will be forwarded to theY.M.C.A. and the Advisory Committee, and those complaints will be handled on a one on one basis. Mayor Gallagher stated he feels there is a need to get the residents involved as soon as possible so they are fully informed about what is going on with the project. Pete Dougall, 1241 Farroll Avenue, Chairman of the Five cities Y.M.C.A. Board, stated Mr. Keisler has provided him with the names of the most concerned residents in the area, and he has been in touch with them and has assured them they will on board throughout the entire project. Tim Carmel advised that there is a clerical error in the first . / 5 , //' ~/ " ,-' . 323 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 28, 1994 reci tal, Page 1 Paragraph A. The correction should read: "The ci ty has indicated a willingness to provide l~ml_i.the tI~it.~!~J for the Y.M.C.A. ....". Mr. Carmel further pointed out that when the agreement comes back, an indemnity clause is going to be included on Page 4 on the very top before Paragraph 3; it would be an additional Paragraph 2.(f). which will read "The Y.M.C.A. agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all damage arising from the Y.M.C.A.'s use of the facility". It was moved by Burke/Lady and the motion passed unanimously to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the ci ty of Arroyo Grande and the Five cities Y.M.C.A., as modified by staff. 10.a. STREET CLOSURE REOUESTS; I.~~~ - Chief Latipow, Director of Building and Fire, referred to the memo prepared by Commander William C. Andrews, dated June 22, 1994, and his memo dated June 27, 1994 regarding modification of the proposed parade route. Commander Andrews reviewed his memorandum, noting that if the request is approved, it will necessitate a minimum of two additional officers on overtime pay for four hours each, resulting in a cost of $308.00 to the city. Anthony Azevedo, 1352 Huasna Road, representing the I.D.E.S. Council, said they have no objections to the route modification. In response to Mayor Gallagher's question regarding the cost of additional officers for the parade, Mr. Azevedo said they are a non-profit organization and rely totally on donations and they would appreciate it if they could split the cost with the city. Council Member Lady said it is encouraging to see these events take place. He stated he is sympathetic about the costs, and perhaps in the years to corne, they could allow for these costs. Council Member Burke stated he is in favor of the modified street closure request as proposed by the Fire Chief, however he feels that the additional expense incurred by the city should be paid by the organization. Council Member Brandy stated he concurs with Council Member Burke on the issue of cost for the officers. Council Member Lady noted that the City does not charge for police services for events such as the Arroyo Grande Car Show and Harvest Festival activities, stating there are events in the City where city services are provided without reimbursement and, therefore, he is in favor of taking Mr. Azevedo up on his offer to split the cost. Mayor Gallagher spoke regarding the various events, traditions 6 324 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 28, 1994 and carrying on family ties, stating it is like investing in the community to the tune of $154.00, which is not an extraordinary amount. He said he believes the City shares some responsibility in makin9 sure that these positive events occur in the community, and he would be in support the request in sharing the costs. He suggested that perhaps next year the I.D.E.S. Council could forecast this expense and provide for it in their budget. Council Member Burke moved to approve the modified street, closure request with the condition that the additional expense incurred by the Police Department be paid by the I.D.E.S. Council. The motion failed for lack of a second. It was moved by Lady/Brandy, and motion passed with one "no" vote to accept the proposal with the modification of the parade route outlined by the Fire Chief, and that the additional expense for City services be shared by the City and the LO.E.S. Council on a 50/50 basis, and with the understanding that the I.D.E.S. make an effort to cover these extra costs next year. 10.b.AND c. MAYOR'S INTENTION TO REAPPOINT MEMBE-~AND NEW MEMB~R APPOINTMENTS OF MEMBERS TO VARIOUS COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS It was moved by Burke/Lady, and motion unanimously passed, to accept the reappointments and new appointments as follows: * John Keen, Planning Commission (New term expires ~Tune 30, 1997) . ".. Patricia Sanger, Parks & Recreation Commission (New term expires June 30, 1997) * Gary Borda, Traffic commission (New term expires June 30, 1997) * Cleo Silva, Traffic Commission (New term expires June 30, 1997) * Katherine Silva, Senior Advisory Commission (New term Expires June 30, 1997) * Louis Delaney, Senior Advisory Commission (New term expires June 30, 1997) * Anne Waiters, Downtown Parking Advisory Board (New term expires June 30, 1997) * Marlin Harper, Downtown Parking Advisory Board (New term expires June 30, 1997) * Mark Clark, Downtown Parking Advisory Board (New term expires June 30, a997) 7 . 325 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 28, 1994 * Norm stevens, Mobile Home Rent Review Board (New term expires .June 30, 1997) * Melvin Johnson, Mobile Home Rent Review Board (New term expires June 30, 1997) * Pamela Ianneo, Parks and Recreation commission (Term expires June 30, 1997) 10.d. RESOLUTION ADOPTING 'rHE 1994-95 PROPOSED BUDGE'r Mayor Gallagher stated it appears there will be some carry over from the end of this year as a result of cost savings, and we still have yet to identify what the implications are to what the state fiscal impacts will be for the adjustment of their budgets, so its Council's intention to revisit the budget the first of tile year to evaluate what the fiscal impacts have been. He commended , staff for their work in preparing the budget, and commended the ~ Department Heads for an admirable job in preparing their cases and the justification for their needs. Council Member Brandy stated that because Council Member Souza is not here tonight, and because of the unpredictability of the state, he would like to see Councilman Souza's idea incorporated that each department strive to save at least 10%. RESOLUTION NO. 3037 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, ADOPTING THE 1994-1995 PROPOSED BUDGET, AS AMENDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL On motion by Council Member Burke, seconded by Council Hember Brandy, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Brandy, Burke, Lady and Mayor Gallagher NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Souza the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 28th day of June 1994. lO.e. REPORTS FROM V~IOUS COMMITTEES 1. South San Luis Obispo county Sanitation District. Mayor Gallagher said the District has been dealing with the budget and it is on the agenda for the upcoming meeting for adoption. Also the District is continuing work with Regional Water Quality Control for off shore shelf monitoring. 2. South County Area Transit. 8 326 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 28, 1994 Council Member Burke stated there was no meeting last month 3 . Council of Governments. Council Member Burke stated an election of officers was held. One of the important things that carne up at the meeting was the question of the call boxes on Highway 101. He requested some direction from the Council about their feelings on the subject. Mayor Gallagher pointed out that this issue was addressed last year and was turned down. He stated that not only is the cost an issue, but that the technology is changing so rapidly, we would be investing in a system that is already arcane. 4. Integrated Waste Management Authority. council Member Lady stated this organization has not convened since his appointment and, therefore, he has nothing to report. .:. - 5. Zone 3 Water Advisory Committee. council Member Brandy referenced the proposed drought contingency plan submitted to the state by the Flood Control District about a year ago, which was rejected. A new plan is being formulated, which will be basically the same as before, but reworded to show a stage rationing program over a five to seven year period of time. This new plan will be reviewed at our next meeting in July. 6, county Water Advisory Board. Council Member Brandy said that the Technical committee is meeting on new regulations for water treatment, and new regulations are forthcoming for the treatment of surface water with primary emphasis on increased monitoring responsibilities and costs. 7. Long Range Plan Update Committee. council Member Souza, Council's representative to the Long Range Plan Update Committee, is absent. 8. Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee. council Member Souza, Council's representative to the Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Committee, is absent. 9. Coordinated Agriculture Support Program. council Member Souza, Council's representativta to the Coordinated Agriculture support program, is absent. 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None ,12. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None 9 ,. . . 327 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES -JUNE 28, 1994 13. ADJOURNMENT. On motion by Council Member Burke, seconded by Council Member Lady, motion carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M. to 10:00 A.M. Saturday, July 9, 1994, for a joint field trip with the Planning Commission to the FredericL' property. 1lJ -r -------.--" -..- MJ\YOH ATTEST: 1 0